Relax, It's only a game

Story by Wolfyscleric on SoFurry

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A story I have been working on for a while. I am new to the site and it makes me happy that I can share my stories in hopes that it attracts many readers. Hopefully I dont attract any predators. Im pretty naive when dangers near. As for the story it will have a little of everything. I am full of surprises and I am also new to the vore scene and new to the different types of vore. I will use my stories to explore them even further. :) I am going to post Chapters as they come.



Chapter 1

A Censored Meet

"RING RING BUZZ BUZZ" I raised my arm to slap the clock as it kept buzzing. Took me a few tries of slamming my paw down on the night stand until I eventually found the button to turn if off. I slid my hand back under the blanket, trying to catch another five minuets with the sand mans magic. The bed was warm and cozy and the heater had already kicked in so I was in a blanket fort of coziness when the radio started blasting country music. With the combination of shock and fear I sprung out of bed nearly landing on the floor. Luckily, my leg was wrapped around the blanket so it kind of broke my fall. Still groggy and tired,I tried to open one eye to find the off button on the clock when I catch a glimpse at the time. It was already Eight Thirty. In a panic I got off the floor and ran to my closet. How did I sleep through all my alarms. I had specifically remembered setting it for six thirty. It was my first day in college and I had already missed an hour of class. No use in hurrying now, might as well take my time. I'll definitely not miss my second class. With an hour and a half before my next class I decide to take my time in getting ready. Yes it was my first day in college and also my first day waking up in a dorm instead of my room. The sounds of other students walking around could be heard through my window. I walk over to my closet and spend a good ten minuets picking out an outfit. My dorm was small but comfy. There was my bed on the wall to the left, and over on the right side was my pantry cabinet, my T.V and PlayStation 4. As much as I wanted to hop on and kill some zombies on call of duty, I really needed to make an effort to keep myself focused. I figured out an outfit and grabbed my phone and my shower bag. Looks like another cold day better make sure I dress warm. I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked a few times. Even though I didn't have a roommate, I still shared my bathroom with a neighbor on the other side. After knocking a few times to make sure I didn't walk in and see a naked guy, I opened the door and walked in. Pretty spacious bathroom. It had a big shower, one toilet and two sinks. Seeing as the one sink was taken up by the neighbors hygienic products I took the one near the shower. I placed my shower bag down and grabbed my Head and Shoulders and my apple scented body wash. Being a bit of a Germaphobe I turned the hot water on and let it run in the shower for a few minuets. Since it had been used already and I did not have any shower slippers I was a bit reluctant to go in bare footed. After letting the hot water run a while I decided that it was probably safe to go in. I held my phone in one hand and went onto my playlist on YouTube. Playing music and taking a hot shower was very relaxing. The only problem I had was the shower curtain was see through. Forgetting that I had not locked the other entrance to my neighbors I quickly dismissed any and all temptations to pleasure myself. Maybe tonight once I am done with classes. It had been a while since I had spent time on myself and being a virgin still I had no experience in that department. Hell I still didn't know if I was into guys or girls yet. To me it was all just an impartial trial that I figured eventually would work itself out. I was letting the hot water run on my head and I could feel it trailing down my back. I raised my arm a bit and let the water trail down my arm and through my fingers as if I was water bending water. As I let myself get carried away I all of a sudden hear a door slam shut. I wait to see if anything happens but then things go silent. All I can hear is the shower running. Just as I sigh in relief the door to my neighbors dorm opens and in comes a fox crying. I quickly grab my towel and cover myself. We both instantly lock eyes and then there is the awkward silence. "Oh I probably should have knocked sniffle sniffle." he then averted his eyes and walked backwards to his dorm. A bit in shock I decide its time for me to get out anyways. I turn off the shower and with my towel wrapped up tight around me I sorta crab walked back to my dorm in embarrassment. I could not believe I locked eyes with him while naked. I did not know what his feeling was in my stomach. It made no sense. I was embarrassed but also turned on by it as well. These feelings were all too new for me, and of course it would have to happen on my first day. I got dressed up grabbed my back pack and proceeded to walk out of my room to the lobby when suddenly I run into my neighbor. He was sitting in the lobby with a deck of cards that I had never seen. He looked up at me and quietly says "sorry." I could tell he was really embarrassed as well so I try to smile at him to show it was OK. "Hey no biggie" I had that same feeling in my stomach again and I quickly turned around and walked out the door to the courtyard. Oh boy my first day and I'm already starting it off weird. As I walk to my next class I grab on to the straps of my back pack and mutter to myself. "What else can go wrong today"