Man's Best Friend

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#12 of Breeding

2483 words

A Husky and his pet, also a husky, find that when life keeps trying to drag him down, his best friend was by his side the whole time.

Contains: Bestiality, breeding

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Van pampered his dog incredibly well. Sophie lived in the lap of luxury, a beautifully kept husky who loved her husky owner. Some people thought it rather odd for an anthro to keep a feral as a pet, let alone one that matched their breed, but Van didn't much care about those people. Dogs were man's best friend, and when that man was a dog as well, it only doubled up on how amazing a friendship it really could be.

He cared for her deeply, brushing her coat, taking her for walks... Sophie was his pride and joy and constant companion. She'd comforted him when he was feeling down, raising his spirits after hard days at work, or licking his tears away when a relationship broke down. She always knew how to make him feel better, bringing him toys and sitting on his lap when he was in need of a friend, and he always appreciated that from her.

He tried to do the same, but it was hard to tell how much of an effect a person could have on their pet. Still, he did everything for her that he could. He special made her food, he bathed and washed her in the tub with warm water. He kept her brushed and groomed and made sure she was feeling loved at all times, even calling a special line at the house while he was at work to make sure she didn't feel too lonely. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

Which is why, the last time she'd been showing signs of heat, he decided to try to get her bred. He found someone who was willing to do it for a few of the puppies, his purebred husky at the ready to mate with her. Van brought her to the place, feeling weird about the whole thing, but knowing she'd been seeming a little lonely and down... maybe puppies would do it for her. But as he watched the husky approach his sweet, lovely Sophie, he found himself growling under his breath, muttering about that other lucky dog.

It wasn't so lucky, though, as Sophie hadn't cared. Despite her dripping, needy, swollen spade and the way she panted, whining needily as she looked at her owner, she rebuffed the male's every advance. After nearly an hour, she finally snarled, finally giving him the message to back off. The cat that owned the other husky tisked. "Geez, your bitch is too crazy. I'm calling it off."

Van bit back his first response, wanting to snap at the guy for calling his dog a bitch, but... it was technically accurate, and he knew it would just get him an odd look. He thanked the cat for his time, then loaded her back into the car, taking her home to ride out her heat. She spent the rest of it whining, almost howling that she wasn't getting filled, looking at him with pleading eyes filled with lusty from the hormones running through her, until, finally, it had ended.

It was a good thing, too, because Van had been having issues going around his house. Sophie's heats filled the entire place with a scent that kept him hard beyond belief. The scent didn't drive him wild, the difference between a feral and an anthro too great for that, but it still activated that ancient part of his brain that needed to breed. He'd spent a lot of day in the bathroom, knotting his own hand while she scratched at the door and whined.

That had been about six months ago, and Van hadn't been thinking about it, absorbed with work and his newest girlfriend, who had lasted a whole month before walking out, leaving him in a small state of depression. He sighed, petting Sophie gently as she licked the tears from his face. "Baby girl, you're the only one who really gets me. I don't think I'm ever going to find the one." He sighed, then felt her licking a bit more actively around his muzzle, making him chuckle. "There there, it's okay. I'll be alright."

It was then that he smelled the scent on the air, seeing her spade starting to drip a little. He twisted his muzzle in a slight frown. "Guess I should look for another stud for you, huh? Only so many days until you're receptive." He nuzzled her gently as she kept licking at him, but thought nothing of it apart from putting some towels down in her bed in his room.

The next week he spent calling around, trying to get a stud for her on short notice. He wasn't getting much luck with any of his calls after work, and meanwhile her body grew more heated, her smell getting stronger, her pussy swelling and dripping needily as she grew receptive. She got closer and closer to him, nudging him as he fed her, licking him and sitting in his lap, while he just sighed, wishing he could do more to help his baby girl. "I'm sorry Sophie, I just can't find you a proper stud. Looks like another heat you'll have to suffer through." He went to bed that Friday night tired and annoyed, wishing there was anything he could do.

Saturday morning was the one day a week Van slept in. He had weekends off, but by Sunday he always had chores and things to do. Saturday there was nothing but a walk, dog time, and pets, and he could just lay in bed with Sophie in hers and relax, letting his mind wander. This morning it was wandering to Sophie, with all kinds of thoughts entering his head about huskies mating her, her swelling with pups... Seeing her laying there with a basket full of little huskies. He smiled, nuzzling into his pillow while his cock throbbed, needing some attention.

He started awake when someone started giving it. Well, not someone, but close enough, as Sophie's tongue lapped and pulled along its length from sheath to tip. She stood on his bed, having pulled the covers away, lapping at his balls and whining eagerly. Van jumped, then whined himself, the strange feelings startling him awake, but he didn't immediately stop it. He knew he should. After all, this was bestiality, even if they WERE both huskies, but... her tongue felt so good. He let out a small, lusty purr, watching her lick at him. "You're that needy, huh baby girl? W-well stop. I'll, hah, get you a stud."

He gasped a little at the pleasure he was feeling, his cock throbbing, but as he started to sit up, she put her paws on his belly to stop him, growling softly at him as she did. He laughed, trying again. "Very funny, girl, but you can't-" She stopped him again, growling louder, before she swirled her tongue around his shaft, bobbing down on it. Inch after inch disappeared into her muzzle, her eyes full of lust as they looked at him, but also full of more...

He watched, stunned, and moaned deeply, the feeling incredible. Her mouth was hot and wet, and she panted over his cock, washing it in warmth, before she suckled back, something he had no idea a dog would know to do. He moaned, squirming a little, but she pinned him down, slowly moving her head up and down on his shaft, sucking his cock like a pro. His eyes went wide, watching her do so, and he just shuddered. "Sophie, you can't really want this, can you?" She looked at him again, and he could see that she did.

The more he looked at her, feeling her tongue swirling over his tapered tip, feeling his cock throb, his body relax, and pre drool from him and onto her tongue, the more he realized the intelligence in her eyes. He'd always known she was a smart dog, but... she loved him. Properly, truly loved him, she just didn't have the ability to say it, or the ability to fight her instincts. He groaned, shuddering at the realization, as his hands went to her heat, petting her gently and grabbing her ears.

While she bobbed, his hands gently guiding her, teasing the back of her throat with his cock, then pushing further, he moaned in a loving, confused sound. She'd always been there for him... after every girlfriend, been on his lap, kissed away his tears, shared his pain, lifted his joy... As he watched her please him, his cock bouncing, a knot slowly forming at his base, he realized he loved her too. More than anything, he loved his dog, and she loved him.

Still holding him down with her paws, she looked him in the eyes, then pressed fully down on his shaft, taking in every last bit of it with a pop as it pushed past her muzzle, knotting his tip deep inside her throat. She let out a lusty growl, vibrating his shaft from tip to knot, still suckling and licking all the while while he squirmed on the bed. These weren't the motions of a lusty dog in heat... they were the motions of a loving mate, and he was going to treat her as such.

He caressed her cheek, looking her in the eyes. "I'm about to cum, baby girl. You want me to fill you up?" She nodded, panting happily, and he grabbed her cheek, thrusting a few times into her mouth, prodding the warm, sensitive flesh of her throat, before he howled out, cumming hard for his dog. Pulse after pulse of thick, rich, virile cum flooded her throat, backing up into her mouth, then spilling out, even a pulse spurting from her nose and connecting her muzzle to his stomach. He groaned at the sight, seeing her tail wagging away behind her, smelling the arousal in the air... She wanted more, and so did he.

He waited patiently, petting her head lovingly, until finally his knot was small enough that she could sit back, licking at the cum that had stuck to her face. He looked her in the eyes, then motioned for her to come up further. She crawled over his body, licking along his chest, before she licked over his face. He stopped her, kissing her deeply, his tongue pushing into her mouth and even tasting his own cum on her. She didn't really know how to kiss, her tongue awkward against his, but she held it eagerly, her tail speeding up to show she was on board.

Her heated spade hovered over his tip, pressing back every so often as they kissed, meeting his throbbing cock as it bounced and pressed against it. He groaned, then purred as he pulled free. "Baby girl, I need you to lie down for me... I'm going to stud you properly, alright?" She seemed to understand, laying down on her stomach, but he slowly turned her over, placing her on her back, legs spread wide, her needy, swollen pussy on display. He shuddered, looking at it, smelling the scent that did come from it. This was a point of no return, he knew. There were tales of people who bred with their animals... anthros born in feral bodies, ferals in anthro bodies... it could be a Pandora's Box being unleashed...

And he didn't care. He dove between her legs, his tongue sliding over the fortune cookie there, then slipping insider, her incredibly tight muscles clamping while she howled and yowled in pure pleasure. She writhed, looking at him and panting, her eyes shining with love and lust, and his did so in return as he caressed her fur, licking her deep and gently testing her depths with his tongue. It wasn't going to compare at all in a moment, but he wanted to taste her, to experience every bit of her... "Alright baby girl. Be a good girl and I'll give you your treat."

He slowly slid up her body, pinning the dog down on her back, while it panted happily, its tail wagging hard against the bed. It only stopped when his cock poked against her pussy, his muzzle right in front of hers. She licked his, then pushed forward into a more proper kiss... That was all he needed. He slowly pressed forward, his throbbing tip spreading those heat-swollen lips, the dog whining in pure need. Her paws clamped onto his shoulders, her legs hooking onto his, while inch after inch of his cock slowly claimed his prize pet, spreading her wide and filling her with exactly what she needed.

He stopped at the tip of his knot, feeling her body clenching, pulsing, wanting, no, needing him to keep going. She licked him again, wondering why he had stopped, his tapered tip right against her cervix, his knot mashed against her clit. He smirked, then kissed her all over. "You ready for your bone?" He slowly slid free, making her tongue loll out, her pants coming hard and fast while he slid back to the tip, then pressed in, letting instinct run its course.

His thrusts started deep and slow, spreading his pup wide and claiming her fully, before they slowly sped up, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her close as he rut into her body. She whined and panted, growling and yelping in delight as she was finally claimed by her owner, truly made to be his. Her body was fertile and receptive, her heat blazing through her, but her love outshining it beyond all measure, burning with his.

They may not have shared a common language, but love was the only language they needed as both feral and anthro gave way fully to instinct, tails wagging, bodies slamming together in a symphony of pants and howls. He growled, biting down on her neck, making her howl out in delight as he slammed his knot home, pushing his tip past her cervix while he tied entirely with her. He tugged against her entrance, his knot fully in place, and panted. "Here it comes. Here come your pups!"

He howled with her as they both came, her pussy spasming and clenching around him, coating his cock and milking his knot, while every single drop of his seed rushed straight past her barrier, flooding her fertile eggs and coating them completely. Never had the puppy felt so full, her howls slowly getting slower, competing with satisfied groans of an overfilled dog. Meanwhile he panted into her neck, nuzzling her, while she licked all along his face and neck.

Slowly he looked into her eyes, love shining between them as he stayed tied with her, laying on the bed and holding her close. Sophie had definitely moved past being man's best friend with him. As life took root inside her, he knew their friendship had gone to the next, and most wonderful, level.