The Sun Will Never Know

Story by SnubbyNotSorry on SoFurry

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(Imported from my FA)

Final word count : 2851

There it is ! It took me forever to finally upload this, and it had taken me even longer to write it in the first place. I am quite happy with how it turned out, however.

Miraya does not keep to only one lover, but Sabriel is one of her favourite paramours, and this is my first time writing about their relationship (Prelude does not count in my eyes), and it was a lot of fun... I am so weak for wholesome couple interactions, sexual or not (I'll write some SFW of them one day !).

As you can see, Miraya is quite mischievous, but not with any ill intent, she just enjoys subduing some people... especially when she knows they like it.

This is also a good example of what a commission from me can look like ! Check out my profile if you're interested, and thanks again for reading ^^

The day was only starting among the dunes, and already the sun had begun its daily reign of scorch over the isolated village. But it was nothing the townspeople could not work with, and seeing by the enthusiasm they put into their early day chores, one would almost believe the heat was not there to begin with. Difficult life conditions breed resourcefulness, and the desert village was a fine exhibit of this quality. Simple but effective ways to alleviate the weather's ills had been found, such as an architecture that cast shadows over the most frequented pathways throughout the day. An advantageous system that Liam put to good use that morning.

The jerboa dashed through the streets, skillfully weaving between passers-by, not without earning a few unkind comments from them. Bursting with energy provided by his early adulthood, the young man was just a blur compared to the reasonable pace of those he dodged, no doubt avoiding them too narrowly to their taste. He enjoyed a carefree satisfaction, taking unlikely shortcuts, leaping across stone roofs, all the while keeping his jogging itinerary in the shadows, so the sun's stare would not tire his powerful legs. Liam's mission did not require him to cross the city at such speed, but he enjoyed sprinting ; the air against his light fur, unable to hold him back ; the rhythm of his paws, tapping against the ground with every step he took ; the dizzying feeling rushing to his head, born from the adrenaline released into his bloodstream to keep his velocity up, as well as his intense breathing. The latter point came at a price however, and once his run brought him to his destination, he weakly knocked against the door, folded in half for oxygen, a palm against the nearest wall to help his shaking legs in supporting his weight.

The door opened, and although Liam had knocked for it to do so, it had happened a little too soon for him. Still winding, he forced himself to stand up straight, and could not help but jump back some when he looked into the doorframe.

-- Woah ! Oh, sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to be the one opening, miss Miraya.

The python was peeking her head past the door, watching the young man fidget confusedly in his embarrassment.

-- Oh, do not worry about it dear, warmly spoke Miraya. We should worry about you instead, you look absolutely exhausted. I will get you a glass of water.

Liam nodded and stood there, and to his surprise, so did Miraya, her head still in the doorway. Did she not say she would get him a glass of water ? By the way she patiently stared down at him, he understood it was his turn to add to the conversation, and quickly babbled a sentence when he realised he was the one making this awkward.

-- R-right ! Uuh, anyway, I was sent by the observatory to get Sabriel. I think they need him for something, but he'll know better than I do. Is he in ?

With his question, the jerboa attempted a look inside, but the little of the room that was not hidden behind the snake's neck seemed very dark. Did he wake Miraya up ?

A large coil stopped Liam's scouting, bringing itself into view with a glass of water. The rodent took it and murmured his gratitude as he brought the much needed beverage to his lips, now understanding why Miraya did not have to go back inside to fetch him a refreshment. It was an impressive proof of coordination, which left Liam a little bemused, although he was surprised she did not use her tail for the task. Would that not have been more practical ? He could not really imagine what being a snake would be like. He really liked his legs.

-- I am afraid Sabriel is already out for some errand, apologised Miraya. I do not know when he will be able to free himself, but I will ask him to join you when he is not tied up in his affairs, if that is all right ?

-- Sure, that would be great ! Just tell him I was the one who came to get him. If that's it for you, I'll be on my way now.

-- In this case, I wish you a good day, Liam, nodded Miraya. Oh, and thank you very much for the effort you made to get here, it is greatly appreciated.

The young man waved and walked away, and hearing the door shut behind him, he felt a touch of pride swell in his chest. The giant snake was unlike any guest in this village, and was admired by many for the many qualities they found in her, with of course her divine nature which made her visits a veritable honour to the townsfolk. Just having seen her, and better yet, having been thank and complimented by her, face to face... It was a very pleasing surprise to Liam, by far worth the energy he put into his morning run. It was now time to make his way back, this time maybe even faster ; there was some bragging to friends to be had.

Cloaked in the darkness of the room, Miraya secretly watched the jerboa jovially hop away, letting the curtain fall back in place once he had disappeared between the sandy buildings.

-- What a s~sweet young man, really. Admittedly hasty, but with the will to serve, truly this boy is a precious soul.

-- This was Liam, right ? Oh Mira, b-by the stars... You have -you could at least have stopped while he, hrm, while he was at the door...

-- Hmm~ ?

This low vocalisation from the serpent voiced her surprise and curiosity, neither of which were genuine. She took a second to grin to herself before turning back to the agitated voice coming from the darkest corner of the room. Miraya had not expected a visit, not so early in the day, but she was pleased with how well she had adapted to the disturbance, even taking advantage of it.

-- Ha... "Be able to free himself", "tied up in his affairs"... I-I can't believe you had the audacity -ooh~

Oh yes. Miraya was very, very pleased with her audacity. And judging by his tense sighs, it seemed to work wonders on Sabriel.

The fennec let his head fall forward, at least as much as his body allowed him to, shoulders stuck to the back of his chair. His eyes were closed, resisting the temptation to watch how the python was handling him, and he tried to divert his senses towards something else, any kind of distraction... He rested his chin on his chest and inhaled somewhat shakily, before exhaling heavily. Just a second after, his own warm breath washed over his lower parts, and all his efforts were blown away, awareness returning to every inch of his body : his wrists, held together behind the chair by the snake's coils, circled over his clenched fists ; his calves, bound to the chair's legs by heavy loops of the snake weighing his paws down, their girth placed to leave his legs slightly open ; and of course, last but not least, the serpent's tantalising tail, wrapped in a spiral around his erection, gently rubbing at it as it slid up and down the length of it, up and down, spread across the whole of it before piling just above the knot, again and again... Watching it, his head fell back, and he moaned despite his best attempt to resist.

Sabriel felt the weight of Miraya's head land on his shoulder just before her voice sang next to him :

-- Aaaah, right, this is where we left off. Sorry, I too can get caught up, you s~s~see... I hope I did not miss anything in my absence.

He could only watch as the serpent casually slid her head in front of him, smugly observing his reactions from the corner of her eye, tongue escaping her smirk to smell the heated air. He was still rather baffled by how she had continued to masturbate him even with a guest at her door, innocently holding a conversation and punctuating it of double entendre, the lies for the visitor and their secret meaning to taunt Sabriel. Seeing the teal lady relish her position of power, not bothered in the slightest by lying to friends just to keep it... Sometimes the fennec wondered how he could love such a cunning creature. How he could be so crazily enamoured of her deceiving ways.

-- Hrm, don't worry Mira, I didn't go anywhere while you were away, he accusingly joked. I have been p-perfectly still, of my fre-ee will, for the last...

But Sabriel stopped there, and his eyes began searching the darkness of the room. He soon came to the realisation he was expecting : the clocks he kept scattered throughout his house had been moved outside of his field of vision, and with the daylight so dim after penetrating the curtains, he had no way of telling for how long he had been sitting in Miraya's erotic trap, mercilessly teased by her silky clutch. And he realised it all made sense, and it was always like that, the serpent was always a step ahead of him, her clandestine schemes hidden in plain sight, each time foretelling the imminence of her ambushes. Surely, if the fennec knew how to spot the snake's preparations, he would be able to guess whenever she was about to strike. But maybe he did not want to see, after all. Maybe he wanted to fall blindly into her traps, to be subdued by the loving predator before he had any opportunity to resist. Maybe, despite his struggle, he did not mind sitting the morning down with her at all. Miraya must have simulated his train of thoughts, as she would, because she asked :

-- Well, Sabriel ? How long do you think you have been sitting here for ?

She giggled, and added mockingly, still retaining an affectionate grin :

-- It is not like you to lose track of time, after all~

The words hit true, catching him in the middle of his reverie. The fennec could not find anything to answer to this, and he knew it was not because he was too distracted by the python's tail stimulating him, but because she was right. After all, when one's life is dedicated to the study of time, you would expect them to be able to keep track of its elusive flow without having to rely on some archaic apparatus. Sabriel usually held up to that expectation, known, inter alia, for his natural punctuality. This morning was different from that, and he had no idea for how long the python had been active on his erogenous area. There was no denying it, it was only in his most intimate moments with Miraya that Sabriel ever was so flustered that he lost grasp on the qualities of his very foundation. With her, everything was a lot harder to focus on, but a whole easier to figure out. She would sometime take a lot of his time, like she did today, but he guiltily agreed to neglecting his other responsibilities to spend this time with her, not regarding of the trouble he could get himself in for it. It was not what was right for his work, he knew it, but it was what was right for them, above everything.

The captive dared looking down, able to roughly make out, amidst the darkness, the snake's body tangled around his ankles, and of course the teal spiral sliding along the pink of his member. In this game the two lovers played, she was a queen and him just a pawn, easily overpowered and bent to her will, somewhat of a scary thought considering the nature of snakes. But there was not a trace of worry in him, for he knew Miraya's kindness and felt protected by her hold rather than threatened. With a strong bond of trust between them, this domination became... Reassuring, comforting, the reptile's deadly hug turning into a mellow promise. Sabriel looked up to enjoy his love's precious face, finding an amused smile pointed at him ; he realised that, in the daze his mind was in, he had been stammering his romantic thoughts out loud. Before he could stutter some explanation, Miraya sent her neck looping around his muzzle, silencing him before herself speaking :

-- Sssshh... That is quite enough words, do you not think ? Unless you wish to speak the one sentence I want to hear, of course.

The coil slid off Sabriel's muzzle, revealing a placid grin. He looked directly into the python's eyes, and opened his lips. He knew exactly what to say, and together, they uttered the magical words as one :

-- I love you.

And just like that, as if they had cast a spell on each other, their lips went to press together, smoothly transitioning into a passionate kiss. Both closed their eyes to better focus on the sensations of it, feeling the touch move between their mouths. There was a ballet of their tongues, continuously chasing the other to press against it, shortly exposed to the cold air each time they pulled away to breath in, just for a short instant before they dived into the intoxicating contact again, lips lightly smacking together. Sabriel felt the twin heads of the python's tongue explore his inner cheeks, sometimes even tickling the ridges of his throat. The serpent's neck wrapped behind his head, tilting him to the side while her own went the other way, exploring the kiss from new angles, the experience renewed with every second. With the tail still steadily working on his erection, the fennec's arousal was increasing rapidly, and he soon discovered that although most of his body was forced to stay still, his hips were allowed to buck slightly, a freedom he took great advantage of.

-- M-Mira, he gasped between two kisses after forcefully pulling his head away, I'm not...

-- I know, she interrupted, her own words cut off each time she pulled him back into the kiss. I can feel your pulse shift... Please, do not hold yourself back, honey. Do not stand in love's way.

The kiss deprived Sabriel of the air his excitement needed to be compensated with, making the whole experience all the more dizzying. He felt completely overwhelmed by the reptile, a strange mix of him being forced to serve her whims, and her working her hardest for his utmost pleasure. With his body aching to shake in excitement, it had never been so tangible how much the snake was restricting his movements, and just as he thought he was getting dangerously close to an orgasm, the coil at the bottom of his member slid down to massage his knot, delivering the coup de grace. Sabriel opened his eyes, and looked at his mistress, the moon of his nights. She was right, he should not stand in love's way ; just a few moments before, he was afraid of staining the room, but not anymore. He had more important things to care about, namely a very important someone.

His knees attempted to press together as his release began, shooting high in the air. His back arched, so well that the chair would have fallen over, had coils not grabbed the two front legs of it. The tail did not stop rubbing, instead tightening upward with each of the streaks of white cutting through the darkness of the room, as if pushing it outward to the very last drop. The serpentine lips pulled away from the mammal's shortly after, leaving him the breathing room he needed so much. The string of saliva hanging between them was broken by the lingering forked tongue when it crawled back into the snake's mouth.

The consecutive streams began losing in intensity, eventually coming to a stop together. Miraya's tail left then, moving to caress the panting man between his large ears, which she began playfully nibbling on. Sabriel was so quiet now, the numbness of bliss leaving him passive on his seat. His shackles let go of him, but it was not long before he felt a rising tide at his feet, which he knew from experience to be an omen of snakeskin encompassing him whole. To further suggest this scenario, a soothing voice breathed in his ear :

-- You had an exhausting morning, my love. It would be more reasonable to go back to bed before anything else.

This too, Sabriel thought, must have been planned from the get-go, a conclusion quite advantageous for the serpent -and as a result of her caring ways, for himself as well. He shook his head weakly, not fighting the muscles pinning his legs together. Words did not come out of his mouth as he opened it, so he fell back to what was the easiest to say, three genuine words of immense meaning :

-- I love you.