The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 10

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#197 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 10

"Cut the silence you guys will you?" Cynder's feminine voice boomed "I'm the talking tail here and you're stiffer than me!"

But the group had no intention to break free from the chains of quietness, a battle of stares was on the way, a fight about finding your ground and exploiting the weaknesses of your opponent. A special type of brainstorm that you could easily read as an incidental observer.

What was strange though is that she couldn't understand a thing.

She kept looking at her mate, focusing intently on his wrinkled snout and burning eyes, eyes so alive and expressive and yet she simply couldn't tell what was going on inside his head. Whether he was angry or constipated.

"Something's off" she said, while the revelation should be troubling her voice carried the letters in its normal, carefree tone

She didn't care.

It was enough to drive Spyro from his stupor, whether angry, manipulated or even focused on something else, it was always the well-being of his loved ones that mattered the most.

If she would be capable of it she would be proud of him.

"What is it?" the question came bluntly, almost cold even, which was surprising to hear considering the fact that Creep, the one Spyro despises, is wearing her scales

He should be panicking.

"Two things are off now that I think about it. First, I have never felt so carefree in my life, I feel so light, like a hatchling in its youth. I want to laugh, be snarky and all that the good ol' Cyn usually was"

"Emotions" Creep rasped with her voice, well almost, he really made her sound like a drunk with vocal cords eaten out by alcohol

All things considered the playful approach to every situation was a welcoming change.

"Unrealistic. Confusing. New, unavailable in primal form"

Flare dropped his butt on the ground in what seemed to be the first stage of depression.

"I will never get used to seeing you like this. It's different than with a normal Beast, but..." he shook his head, the burning mane dimming with each turn of the snout" can't be good. This is wrong, not nice"

"I just don't know how" she finished, feeling as if she would be floating on a raft in open sea with no one else around to hear her "Guess all of Sparx' comparisons that put me right next to a retarded grublin weren't that far from the truth"

"If you can joke then you're fine" Spyro spun around from her, his body strangely convulsing on the way as if a part of him wanted to stay but eventually gave under the pressure "Let's not waste any more time" he bent down, stretching out his body

They lingered here long enough, there is no reason to stay here longer.

People around him are worthless.

People around him are important.

Yet the more time they spend on fixing their problems, the main issue ahead gains on more strength.

"This brings us to the second odd thing" she reminded her mate who was uninterested in her words as he promised

"This entire mission is odd, wait in the line" Spyro hissed in irritation

"You are the odd thing Spyro"

He snorted, throwing his sight behind the shoulder in tired annoyance.

"Really Cynder? You are a talking ball with a freak wearing your flesh and you call me odd?"

"You are not acting like the dragon I know, you silenced your golden heart Spyro, or something did it for you. Plus, look down, your paws are black"

With a roll of his eyes he looked down, what he saw made him jump back as If a trap would sprung right in front of his eyes. When he landed she noticed that the weight that seemed to squeeze his body let go, allowing his joints more freedom, for the first time during this totally crazy moment she saw Spyro for who he truly was..

She didn't have to see to know that his heart she thought she was missing began to pump blood once again.

"What is this?" he raised his leg, turning it around and examining it with an expression of someone who would be a witness to decay of his own body

Even if he was truly worried, the magic painting his scales seemed to be in a worse condition, slowly fading away from sight, letting out purple to shine again.

"Manipulator" Creep rasped, eyeing the scared purple dragon with his lifeless eyes "We are one. Influence felt by all"

Iris snorted in disdain.

"Yeah, bugs dream about putting me alongside them" she tilted her eyes up, letting out a deep breath, followed soon by an arrogant shake of the head

"Listen up princess, you're lucky that I don't feel a thing and can actually talk instead of puking when I see you" the ball of magic Cynder was currently pulsed lively within the confines of the tail tip, if there would be an expert in magical language one could say that she was giggling

"There is something wrong with you too. You're awfully talkative, something that all of us would appreciate if it changed"

The ice dragoness didn't even bother to reply to the speculations, focusing solely on Creep.

"Hey, freak"

The possessed body of Cynder didn't react, either ignoring her or being too stupid to understand simple words. She was leaning towards the second option, both though pissed her off just the same though.

They were lucky that Mother was with her, she always calmed her, it saved their skins from being torn to shreds.

Mom lowered her head, she craned her neck upwards, focusing her hearing to perfectly gather up the incoming words. The idea Mother proposed made her snort in mischievous amusement.

The real Cynder that was free of all the worries of the world noticed Iris' strange behavior with ease, immediately putting two and two together. Iris was seeing things, it was already clear as day that she has mental issues, whatever has a hold on this city plans on exploiting it further.

"Wanna know a secret about life?" Iris mumbled, unable to hold herself back she allowed a giggle to slip in between the words "Something magical happens if you throw yourself off a cliff, just wait for the bot-" unable to hold it any longer she burst out with laughter

The noise made Flare perk up, body flaring up with hot flames.

Iris laughed.

It would be a surprising thing for sure if she could feel truly any emotions, while the sound of Iris' voice was quite pleasant to listen to, the tone of her accented sound coloring the laughter in melodic notes, there was no denying that this display of joy is unnatural.

There was too little joy left in the real Iris, not even the tiniest hint of a smile was capable of pushing through.

If that would not be enough, the fact that Spyro and Iris herself didn't bother to react in any way to this unexpected turn of events was troubling enough. Flare seemed to be the only one who was truly affected by it.

A good sign probably in all of this mess.

She didn't really care for Iris, not when she was in her body and neither when she was nothing more than a dark blob, especially when she was a dark blob. Still leaving her like that would be dangerous, it was better to somehow shake her off from the stupor rather than leave her like that.

Neither of the options truly minimized the risk of the little bitch turning against them eventually.

Still, the times where she walked with her horns up her ass were better, at least then she would announce in her worth crap arrogance the moment of attack.

The proud slut.

It was kinda funny though, she dreamt about Iris' guts adorning some tree, yet cruel fate always found an accurate explanation that made Iris a little, llllllitlle more useful as the pain in the ass she is.

Isn't it ironic?

Don't you think?

"You laugh Iris. It makes you look sweet despite the ugliness of your soul"


She was quite sure that if she would be in control of her hips calling Iris sweet or telling her any other compliment would never pass through her throat.

It worked though.

The blue dragoness froze, feathers on her wings stood on end, the mouth that was parted not so long ago shut with an audible clamp, so strong in fact that it sounded like she smashed her teeth. The tail that swung so lively to her joyful humor dropped on the ground with a numb thud.

She didn't yell, she didn't spin around, she didn't do anything one would expect her to do when someone sounds smarter than her. No, instead, she touched her mouth, trailing the lips with her claws, making round after round like a cart trapped on a track that formed an endless loop.

For the first time since she met Iris she noticed the wrinkles of aggression disappearing from the blue snout, wrinkles that she never saw before, always believing that the expression of a vengeful spirit was Iris' natural mask.

For the first time since she met the dragoness, she looked like someone that actually can be liked.

The expression that appeared on her snout was pleasant, sympathetic, of someone you would feel comfortable around, despite the royal stature Iris displayed so often. It was an expression of someone who is aware of his beauty, yet at the same time is making sure that you won't be intimidated too much by it.

A welcoming expression.

She never really bothered to care about Iris' physical attributes, the sensuality of her body always escaped her, probably obscured by the general disdain she felt towards the ice dragoness.

Yet she had to admit that with the wrinkles out of the way Iris was striking, beyond any doubt the most beautiful girl that walked this earth, she had no idea that so much beauty can hide in the face. Body is body, but there is truth to the words that you fall in love with what's inside.

And the soul that hid behind Iris' eyes was as pristine as her feathers.

The eyes.

Just look at those eyes.

So big.

So wide.

So shiny.

So full of focus.

And so full of terror.

"The person you talk to is not real" Cynder continued, logic demanded to press onwards and she listened, she doubted that she would be capable of being this straightforward if she could feel a thing

The white claws stopped moving they however didn't leave the lips, pressing against the soft structure as the blue snout with huge, white eyes began to rise. The white orbs silently scanned the surroundings, claws that pressed against the lips increased their pressure steadily with each move of the pupils.

The lips gave in under the stress, stealing streams of blood from them.

"I never learn" her voice was like a thirsty hiss of an vampire

"Whatever is happening with you guys has to do with this darkness around Warfang. It smells like fear magic, more advanced and subtle, but fear magic nevertheless"

"Wait a moment" she made a pause, having a strange impulse that she should do something now, but she just couldn't find the motivation for it "How do I know this? And why you Flare seem to be taking it better than the rest of us?"

"What do you mean?" Flare cocked his head, yet his eyes never left Iris, staring at her like she would be a magical painting

"Fear doesn't influence you so much"

"The Beast is talking with me I think, it means it takes control" he looked at her sadly "It means I'm becoming you Cynder"

And here came the time to be on the receiver end of the gloomy, straightforward truths. When the Beast takes control of Flare nothing remains of the nice, naïve boy.

Maybe switching bodies wasn't such a smart idea after all.

"Not the same" Creep grumbled, making the tail at the end flick upwards, his head creaked in that direction, observing the now resting extension of his body

It did something to him when it moved

What was it?

Jump again beast.

The tail remained in place.

"This guy looks like he's smelling his own farts" Iris commented with a full accented, soft voice, her head remained focused on the floor, however the claws that pierced her lips were no longer there, resting where they belonged

The consequence of their presence remained though, two holes pumped blood from the mouth lively, dragging crimson trails down the blue snout. Drops trickled on the earth like lazy raindrops from bent leaves.

Flare's tail made a happy bounce, neck craning excitedly forward, breath slowing down and heart speeding up. Whenever Iris dropped that rough exterior of hers it made him feel all strangely fuzzy, like there would be worms twirling inside his belly.

Not worms.


This was pleasant.

So much that he just couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"Yeah Creep, it's a tail, you can move it" Cynder explained calmly "Sometimes though it moves on its own, most of the times being more treacherous than a starving dragon. Little shit.

As to prove her point the weather sneezed, throwing a rather strong, whizzing gust at all of them.

Creep jumped back, landing roughly, thrusting the claws deep into the earth. Lll

"Something attacked me"

"It was only the wind" Spyro explained, now when he felt that his head was lighter all of a sudden he just couldn't force himself to look at his mate and her black like tar eyes

"This is wind?" he stretched out his black paw clenching it over open space, again and again as if trying to catch the most smallest of flies

"Perfect" Iris snorted, the wrinkles of anger began to once more cripple her snout "How is this guy any help if he will masturbate over every damn flower?"

Creep ignored the comment, too enthralled in trying to catch whatever he was looking for, black eyes reflecting the grass below.

"The wasn't bad. Wind is pleasant?"

The world yawned once more, the gust more stronger than the one before it, nature clearly sending them signals. It was hard to tell though if it was trying to rush them or smack them into focus. Whatever the case may be Creep was caught by surprise nevertheless.

The gale forced him to bent on his legs, the graceful body of Cynder allowing him to reach the desired defensive posture fluently. He blinked, opening his mouth widely, clearly a defensive reaction. He was ready to spit dark flames, it was too late to stop him, or explain that there was no danger.

All Creep did though was to hack as if he choked on small stones.

The brows on the black snout rose as high as they could. The mouth remained hanging open, drool began to sip through the spaces between the teeth and drip down the lips.

Spyro groaned, something just cracked within him, part of him regretted that Cynder managed to shake off the stupor he was in, he at least wasn't bothered by the sight of Creep so much. The dragoness in front of him carried all the sensual traits he fell in love with, it was still his mate there, tactful and sweet.

Yet this thing deprives her of all that grace, making her drool all over herself, place the paws so chaotically that they seem as if they are about to snap like matches, basically ripping all the feminine grace off of that black body.

Making her look like an addict looking for another shot of the narcotic instead the dexterous warrior she was.

He didn't look, but he felt his paws turning black again, this time though the force ruling over Warfang had nothing to do with it.

."I can't take it any longer!" he roared, tiny flames wafted from his nostrils, he narrowed his burning eyes on Creep who visibly shrunk under his stare

"Switch back or I'll make you! I can't look how you treat Cynder's body! You are not welcome there you monster! You are there to serve your purpose, you fail to respect the chance you were given!" he clenched his claws around the earth, it froze under his touch

"You don't belong here! You are not alive! You disgust me! You don't respect Cynder, just look what you are doing to her! No! This ends here and now, if you fail to serve then you are useless!"

He stormed forward, each step cracking the earth in the form of his paw, the moment it raised from the press tendrils of dark smoke sizzled in all directions.

"I did not know! Surprised!" Creep howled, dropping on the ground and covering himself with the black wings, trembling all over "Sugar strong! Very strong! Need help to protect! Did not plan it!"

"Spyro stop!" Cynder screamed at him from inside the magical ball

Words of both went unheard by him, he stopped right near the shaking body, the tips of his claws brushing against the quaking black scales. He towered above the trembling form of the black dragoness who protected herself from him like a hatchling does in its youth.

The darkness on his paws brushed against the shoulders.

The black scale grazed over his claw tips again and again, recoiling back but eventually dragged to the same point by the uncontrollable quaking.

The body felt like Cynder, it belonged to her.

And she was shaking in terror before him.

No! No! No!

This is not Cynder, this is Creep! He's wearing her like a mask!

Then why the body below feels exactly like her?

He stepped back, slamming a paw against his head which started to pulse with lively pain all of a sudden.

This was insane!

It wasn't Cynder but at the same time it was her. It was Creep who was afraid of him, but it was Cynder who shook in horror.

His head felt like it was about to explode, darkness faded from parts of his scales, yet still remained quite strongly on one of his fores. The painted in black leg wanted to kick, the other, the purple one, wanted to step back and so in the end he remained in place, legs quaking in an unresolved dilemma.

Heart began to burn, he felt its strain as it pulled on the reins of control and ordered him to remain in place despite the fight between two legs. It demanded that he keeps looking at the trembling body below, see Cynder and not Cynder at the same time. Reminding him of his promise to never hurt his mate, reminding him that he agreed to sell her out to an otherworldly being.


Who needed a dark veil hanging over a city to lose his mind?

He felt as if he was going insane already without it.

"Creep is as new to this as me" Cynder explained, her carefree voice was really calming "I've felt a tug when he tried to use magic, I think he cannot do anything without me. We switched places, I'm the magic and he's the body, don't blame him that he's surprised. Life is not so simple"

"Sugar is correct!" Creep's nearly feminine voice trembled

Spyro gulped, eyes widening in fear, the sound making him to step back in guilt. He knew that this was Creep who was whining. Yet considering that he wore the flesh of his mate and had a feminine voice at the brink of tears, it was just too much to take for his sensitive heart. He really didn't like when girls cried, it always made him feel miserable.

"Not prepared, magic, power, not one not anymore, not without Sugar. Strange. Weird" the shaking wings pressed tighter against the quivering body "Scary"

"I don't get it" Flare scratched his chin "This is not how the Beast acts. Beast...but no Beast?" he cocked his head

"Whatever" Iris rolled her eyes "Take this thing or leave it alone, don't give a shit" she reached towards her snout, tips of claws shaking right in front of the right eyeball, fighting back the urge to pluck it out

Between the spaces she could see the flashy silhouette of her mother.

She was smiling invitingly.

What a fucking fake.

"Move your ass Goldie. Let's get inside, fuck this thing up that messes with our heads and leave, you owe me" she smashed her paw onto the ground, spikes of ice pushed from underneath it "And quick"

Flare sighed sadly.

The cold Iris had returned, perhaps not entirely, but still the popular aspects of her typical personality were pushing through and even though she was his friend and he liked that side of her nevertheless, it made him feel bad, because he knew what it meant.

The wonderful sight of Iris that made him feel like he was melting had burst.

It was great while it lasted though.

"Get up" Spyro snapped, turning his head away from the lying body of his mate, unable to hold her in his gaze as he barked out the order, feeling both anger and shame at the same time

Iris was right, it was time to move, the longer they stay out here the worse it becomes to mentally cope with all of this and the worst thing was that he didn't mean the power that was ruling Warfang now.

It was all a mess, they will have to figure everything as they go, it was better than thinking about it all, otherwise there was a high chance that all of them would go insane.

He focused on the city, taking a deep breath, his chest puffing out from the amount of accumulated air which perfectly depicted the scale of pressure he felt right now.

It was now or never.

The city full of mysterious, dangerous force, or the unnatural company of his possessed mate that sizzles the sane neurons in his brain.

Decisions. Decisions.


"Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk to you again" Danox sang, when with one flap of wings he dropped gracefully onto the ground, placing his paws so tenderly as if it would be a next of sleeping birds he didn't want to disturb

The wings folded on the black back, before however the blades on the thumps cut through the air as if they would be slicing through flesh. With pressure and necessary roughness, instead of blood though, the air was painted with black gore as if there would be an invisible creature bleeding from the inflicted wound.

Some of the black drops fell onto the ground, they sizzled into the stone as if they would be acid.

"Because a vision slowly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping"

He grinned, swiping with his paw randomly, the big leg snatching a nearby passerby, a little mole, that despite his unexpected lift kept on walking forwards, oblivious to everything around him.

The smile grew wider at the sight of the trotting mole in his grasp, his short legs kept wiggling in the air as he walked an invisible road. He leaned in closer, taking a deep whiff of the held creature, big nostrils inhaling the scent so strongly that his nose managed to pull out the goggles the mole was wearing on his head.

The rodent not feeling the snapping leather smacking against his head.

"And the vision that was planted in my brain"

Black eyes turned towards the held creature, watching it walking, watching the stretching tongues of black smoke pouring from the pores of the mole, pulled like threads from a ripped apart shirt. The ominous tongues grew and grew, until they twirled slightly above the walking mole's head for a few seconds until they eventually bent and lunged towards the extended black leg, sinking into the black scales.

"Still remains"

He placed the mole back onto the ground, releasing the citizen who immediately continued walking in the previously calculated direction like nothing ever happened. Like a toy that was set into motion by turning the cork mounted on its back.

He closed his eyes, seeing the mechanical ears he imagined turning as the mole walked, click after click with each taken step.

He sighed deeply.

A clang.

The cork stopped turning, reaching its limit.

He opened up his eyes, purple veins appearing on the edges.

A thud followed soon after.

With a smile he looked behind, seeing the recently walking mole lying snout first on the ground, stiff as a pole as if he would freeze suddenly.

He felt rather cold truth be told.

He shrugged.

Oh well.

A little feeding time always warmed him up.

He started walking along the road, it was entirely for him, a show of respect a fully crowded city decided to offer him, like carpet made of finest of furs for the most honorable kings.

The most used servants always knew how to appraise their masters.

With a buffet naturally.

The cattle of this city was walking alongside the road, one row of people moving in one direction on one side of the road, another occupied the opposite side, trotting down a path contrary to the first group.

Lesser creatures, like the moles and cheetahs, plenty of them, here and there mixed with a dragon among their ranks. Both wings stretched out to the sides blades on them tilting in the direction of the rows of people.

He titled his head back as he continued forward, the tips on his blades turning black. The spikes lazily moved through the air, their forms brushing against the people, barely touching them, yet it was still enough to draw the same black cuts like in the air before as if their souls would be sucked by the spikes on the thumbs.

One line after the other was drawn from the nearest citizen, painting the air around him in total blackness, his tongue rolled out of his mouth eventually and after a few more steps he finally stopped.

The tendrils of black smoke twirled above the ground like irritated waves of an ocean.

The black wings clapped against the scaly back.

In this moment the entire ominous mist moved, trail after trail of black smoke thrusting into his body. Legs started to shake, wings fluttered and shivers ran all over his body, a drop of saliva fell down from the hanging, long tongue and splashed on the road, a tiny dot of spittle splattering against a clawed toe.

The noise was followed by a rumbling sound similar to dropping logs, the people that received their magical cuts as first fell down the soonest as if someone would cut off their legs with an axe. The rows of people dropped like domino, pushing one after the other onto the ground.

The rest who weren't touched by his appetite kept on walking, uncaring and oblivious to the fate of their neighbors and friends, stepping onto their lifeless bodies and continuing forward unhesitatingly, using the fallen bodies like a bridge.

He opened up his eyes, for a moment they were completely white, only after a blink they returned to their original color.

Why he needed pain again?

Feeding satisfied all the needs.

Oh Darkness, Darkness, force of the future with so little experience, did you really think that some little tricks could influence someone like me? Someone that is a whole class above you? Something special and never seen before?

A true projection of Balance?

That never falters or falls?

Oh Darkness, Darkness. It's exactly how they say.

Ill weed grows the fastest and last the longest.

Simple groveling won't make you learn life. It takes a lot more than that, a lot, lot more.

One city?

What is one city in the whole spectrum that is life? Do you really plan on learning by pulling the strings?

This is not the way.

You need the strings to beat you and this is something you failed to realize.

Oh Darkness, Darkness, this is why you lack the majesty of the being that I am.

I will be coming for you and you cannot stop me.

But first, maybe another bite?

He swiped with his paw, this time though his move lacked the grace of his previous attempt and the sharp claws connected with the flesh of two nearby moles, blood and guts splattered on the people behind them who despite the gore splashing on their faces continued on.

One of the cheetahs walked in a perfect straight line like the rest, despite the fact that parts of a liver glued themselves to his eyeballs.

Together with the seams of blood poured dark streams of magic that immediately and hungrily was sucked by his flesh.

He shivered all over, one of his eyes though widened in fear, flashing in three different colors, black, white and purple.





Names, not the names, not with meaning.

This is waste.

Names are only names, must remain only names, random, useless play of letters.

Addiction is a trick.

"I SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING!" Danox roared at the top of his powerful lungs, gaping maw spitting saliva everywhere, the blare was so loud that it tore off a big chunk of stone from the nearby building

It was sent down flying, crushing people underneath it.

More dark tendrils pushed from the corpses dancing in the air like snakes called from their baskets.

"NO!" he snarled, swiping with his tail over the dark smokes, the strike dispersing the several first few, like nothing, like the waste they are

The tail moved onwards, touching some of the rest, they were sweet, tasted wonderful, but he planned on cutting them off.

The smokes vanished entirely.

He wanted to cry.

The tail connected with the last few black towers of smoke, cutting them only in half.

These ones tasted even better.

Throwing them away would be bad.

Now THAT is a WASTE.

After all when you're on a diet it never hurts to make a day where you don't follow rules, everyone needs a break.

Rigor is unhealthy.

It is allowed, yes, especially when nobody is watching.

"Come to me" he mumbled seductively, the dark tentacles didn't need more encouragement, thrusting into his flesh like needles

It felt magical.

But it didn't last long enough.

He thrust his paw to the side, opened palm gathered up a nearby mole, the draconic paw covering the creature almost entirely. His leg moved quick, in a matter of seconds smashing the rodent against the nearby wall, very hard, echo of snapping bones rumbled throughout the street when the mole was immediately turned into a bloody pulp.

Crimson splatter filled his palm, the creature he held no longer felt like a living being but like a wet sponge that just got squeezed. Together with blood and bits of flesh, more dark essence spilled from between his toes, crushed bone didn't even managed to fall on the ground yet and the dark trail was already absorbed.

Quickly and swiftly.

Another shiver ravaged his body, an intense one.

An overdose.


Something better.

A craving for something more.

Oh yes, the icing on the cake.

He moved his paw away from the wall which showed clear evidence that something crushed into it, displaying its state by cracked bricks and bloody splotch.

The paw landed on his strained neck, he moved it down his scales, trembling under the soft and warm touch he applied to his flesh, bloody paw leaving a gory trail along the throat, a smashed, small leg squeezed through the claws and dangled from the scales, glued to massacred, bloody entrails which would immediately draw the attention of bloodthirsty ravens if they were any allowed inside.

"Hello Darkness my old friend" his mouth stretched into a loving smile, the pressed against his neck leg bounced to the purr that rumbled inside his throat, even saliva itself on the tips of his fangs danced to the rhythm, the glued leg swung like an earring, its gory chain shimmering under the sunlight

Oh yes, Darkness was always a friend, it always supported Hunger.

Speaking of Hunger.

He gracefully spun around, like a snake swiveling into an attack lunge, yet he remained in place, coal eyes gazed upon rows and rows of people.


His tail kept on swinging, undecided, knowing that it should strike yet not certain if it would be worthwhile.

What is such Cattle for Hunger and him? Even if he would devour all of them it would not be enough to sate himself. Snacks work for a short time and he has a great appetite and a great appetite deserves only the most nutritious of dishes.

The loop was incoming, a trap, unending torment, worse than death.

"I've been there already" Danox mumbled, his voice shaking, entire body straightening, dead end, this is a dead end


He cocked his head at the echoing sound, sound of promise, which came from within himself and rumbled all around, seeping through every pore in flesh and crack in stone.

More to satisfy the Hunger?


He sniffed, deeply, intensely, so rough that blood began to trickle from his nostrils.

Where? I don't feel anything? Where is the satisfaction? What is the satisfaction?

A lie.


A delusion.

A trap.


The voice howled, forcing his head back and nostrils to flare open like that of a pig. Eyes widened immediately, tail stood up at end, every muscle flexed.

What is this?






He inhaled deeply once more, the trails of blood trickling down the nose sucked back, thrust down the throat.

The smell was intoxicating, special, familiar, essence powerful, similar, all that he sought, all that he needed.

All he was made of.

Puzzle to a puzzle.

Drop to a drop.

Tear to a tear.

Breath to a breath.

He inhaled deeply once more, in bliss tilting his entire body back to the point he had to raise on his hind paws alone to avoid toppling down. He remained on two legs for a while, licking his mouth over and over again, smearing the drying blood all over his chest, groping scale and poking flesh underneath.



This is life.

Moments later his front legs returned back onto the ground, connecting with it with an audible smack, claws drumming against the road. A predatory grin stretched slowly along his mouth to the dynamic rhythm he composed.

The scent was intoxicating.

So familiar.

So filling.

So overdue.

Danox spun around, swiftly and gracefully like a talented dancer every muscle working in perfect harmony with each other, a spin seemingly rough devoid of any strain, quick and precise. Black eyes gazed down the road he flew above, looking back from where he arrived.

People left the rows, scattering across the city, continuing with their daily lives.

Black smoke began wafting from the corners of his stretched into a grin mouth, eyes shimmering white, wings slowly fanning open. From underneath his paws dark fire began to blaze, growing quickly until it reached the half of each paw, devouring them, turning them into a black mist.

Moments later his entire body began to shimmer with ominous magic, small tendrils of blackness swirled all around, creating an aura around him, wiggling like tentacles of some hungry monster.

Shadows skittered across the surrounding walls, one after the other in quick succession as if an army of some predatory beasts would be sprinting along the street.

Sensing the same scent.

The same Hunger.

The same blood.

"My Sire" Danox whispered seductively, his voice echoed in the air even after the flames that grew from underneath his paws devoured him

Danox disappeared.

A small bloody leg was the only thing that was left behind.

The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Warfang what happened to you? Spyro looked around the streets, arriving just nearby the main marketplace, usually crowded with all sorts of people, today though the streets were empty, completely empty. Devoid of life. A thriving,...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 9

Chapter 9 "Remember that I have warned you Sire" Danox intoned, his voice unusually full of energy Spyro turned around, his muscles flexed to the brim, stretching out the scales they his under way past their natural, healthy limit. "What do you want...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The city, it sprawled before them, every known street, every house and any other building, it was all here, surrounding them like always, like usually. Like normally. Warfang was like Hunter always remembered. Brownstone buildings with...

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