Chapter 4 Lion and the Lab

Story by Kanya-Walsh on SoFurry

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Here is the fourth of what is now 29 and counting chapters.

There's more, Kanya thought withanother mewl. She waited, tensed,for something else tohappen, and she felt it almost immediately. The latex began to nudge against the entrance of her sex.Again, she movedher hands betweenher legs, tryingto grab at the intrusive rubber, but she was unableto grab anything with her handsbound the latexformed a shellover her sex, preventing the lioness from even feelingher attempts.

There was a small clickas the speakers activated, the wolf's voicesounding again. "Now,this one is a littlemore uncomfortable thanthe previous oneso hang in there!"

More uncomfortable? What can be more uncomfortable than a giantballoon in my bladder?! She couldstill feel the intrusion thereevery time she moved, her urethra blockedand ?lled tightly.Kanya's thoughts were interrupted again as the nudging at her entrance continued, growing more insistentevery second. She squirmed around on the ?oor, then arched her back as it thrust intoher tunnel. Anothermu?ed mewl soundedin the quiet of theroom as the rubber invadedher sex, forciblyspreading her walls wide.

The lioness triedfruitlessly to removeit, feeling thelatex penetrate her deeper and deeper. It wasn't very thick, at least not yet, but it was unwelcoming all the same. She clenched her muscles, trying to force it out but that did nothingat all. If anything, the latex moved morequickly, ?lling her faster. Kanya groaned a moment later, ?oppingback to the ?oor as the ?ow slowed for a moment.The ?rm lengthinside her was impossible to ignore but it wasn'tso uncomfortable, certainly not as much as the wolf'swarning had led her to believe. This isn't sobad, she thoughtto herself, letti ng out a small sigh of relief.

She had thoughtit too soon. There was a small ripple throughthe spire of latex within her, as though it was acknowledging something. Then it began to grow, expanding outwardsat a snail'space. Kanya wasn'tsure that she wasn't imagining it at ?rst, but she was sure aftera minute that it de?nitely was getti ng bigger insideher. The lioness madea strangled squeakof a noise as it suddenly swelledmuch larger, forcing her virgin wallsopen before resumingthe slowerexpansion.

This was quicklygrowing uncomfortable for the lioness.She was not used to there being anything inside her down there,never mind something like this.The latex had originally been quite thin, but it was getting larger by the moment.Her pussy was beginning to reach the limit of comfortableness, straining around the increasing thickness. Di?erent parts of the length inside her were increasing at di?erent speeds,resulting in a kind of lumpy shaft.One of these bulbs in particular was just inside her entrance.

Kanya had nowhere near enough experience with other species to know that this was simulating a knot but she knewfull well she didn't like it. That partin particular grewquickly, stretching her out. The lineof discomfort was quickly passed,and the lionessmewled unhappily, on her side with her hands clamped betweenher thighs. The latex swelledagain, and she criedout more strongly; this was beginning to almost-hurt now. Her sex was stu?ed full,being

pushed to its limitshere. Her musclesached more powerfully, squeezing spasmodically aroundthe rubber in motions thatsent shots of almost-pain throughher body.

Still the latexenlarged itself with her until at last the lionesscould take no more. She felt like she was goingto split in half alreadybut the shaftinside her folds?nally expanded a littletoo far, sending a bolt of pain throughher. The lioness jerked and cried out, blinkingback tears and the growthof the rubber slowed to a crawl.She lay still,panting heavily thenit began to shrink, more quickly than it had grown. With a groan of relief, she waited for it to pull out of her aching sexcompletely but thatdidn't happen. It shrankconsiderably but remainedlarge enoughthat she couldn'tignore it. The tip poked deep inside her body and the bulb just insideher remained there,uncomfortable and pressingin on her thoughts.

Kanya might have thought that she wouldbe in for a slight reprieve when something jabbed against something inside her, at the end of her sex with the tip of the latex length was. She squealed and curled up into a ball, rubbingher ?sts againsther lower belly now. The latex prodded her cervix again,drawing another squealfrom the lionessbefore the rubberset itself ?rmly againstthe little opening.A cramp ran through the lioness'sbody, then another as hersuit began to worm its way even deeperinto her.

The sensation was alien and most unwelcome to Kanya and she beganto wordlessly beg thewolf for help,looking pleadingly towardsthe mirror on one side of the room. No help cameand the latexcontinued to force her cervix open for it. This occurred more slowly thanany of the other processesso far, but it only drew it out for Kanya who remained curledup on the ?oor for the entire thing.

Then it ?nallystilled inside her again, she groaned in relief.Now she wasn'tnaive enoughto think it was over, but she didn't think it could be worse than that. Every movement,no matter how small, sent another pang through her lower belly and she found herself breathing heavily. Therewas another ripplethrough the latex,sand she groaned, partly because it sent anotherspasm of pain through her cervix.

The rubber beganto move again,this time pushingpast the entrance to her wombin waves.Each one sent another spasm as her cervix was forced open wider again but Kanya soonbecame concerned. A mass of latex was slowly growinginside her body as it ?owed intoher womb.She could feel it beneathher stomach whenshe rubbed at it: a hard mass.

The mass grewlarger and larger, quitequickly now anddrew more squealsfrom the lioness. Her bellywas slowly but surely growinglarger, as if there was a litter of kittens growing inside her. Her hands were forced furtherand further from her body as the bulb inside her grew larger still. Again, it crossed into discomfort early on as her body was forcedto accommodate the rapidly expanding mass much morequickly than was natural.

As it had before,the latex only stopped whenKanya ?nally criedout in pain.Her belly

was bulging from the insideand the lionesslooked heavily pregnant beforeit also beganto shrink. She pantedin relief, feeling her body shrinkback as the latex beganto ?ow out of her cervix again.That made Kanya wince, but she was happy that it was leaving her womb at least.

She expected it but herstomach still fellwhen the latexremained in her womb, giving her the appearance of someone midwaythrough a pregnancy. She got cautiously to her knees. The lioness groaned, feelingunbelievably stu?ed. Her bladder,sex, womb, everything was ?lled to the limit with the latex and her lower body felt like a mass of aches of various intensities. She couldn't forget any of it, every slight movement reminding the lioness of the massesinside her.

"Excellent!" the wolfsaid suddenly overthe speakers. "Youdid really wellthere, and nice results as well. You'll have a lot of extra tests with results like that! One or two more things,and then we'll be done!"

Kanya howled at that.No more!I want to go home! She felt like sobbing in frustrationand fear. What morecould be doneto here? Theanswer to thatcame in theform of a gentlenudge to her tailhole.