Spring in My Step: Chapter 23

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#23 of Spring in My Step

Special thanks again to RoxyHana for bringing my characters to life! Collen and his lover Nyanni. Collen, terrified of what he has become can always look to Nyanni for comfort.

Check out RoxyHana's work at:https://roxyhana.sofurry.com/https://www.patreon.com/roxyhana

I ran over to the couch and hopped up to be with her. I rushed to her side and put my paws around her. I then buried my face into her neck and nuzzled her as intimately as I could. She took a deep breath and put her arms around me too. I lifted my head away from her just long enough to look at our beautiful sleeping child next to us. My rustling about didn't seem to bother her as she slept.

"Just sleep honey..." Nyanni whispered. She must of known what I had just been through. With a few words she made me feel at ease. She was the only one in the last few months to make me feel content, and I was tired after all. She must have been tired herself though, having just hiked all the way here with our child on her back. Her eyes were getting heavy and I could tell she was barely staying awake.

I twitched my ears in a fit of anxiety. Was Katy going to come down to grab me? Force me back to Erin? But I didn't hear any footsteps from down the hallway. For once I guess she was going to let me be. It gave me a feeling of relief. I FINALLY get to sleep with Nyanni. In all this time we had never been able to sleep together. And not just to have sex, just to be with each other, no pressure, no drama.

Nyanni was quickly falling asleep, but I couldn't resist just petting her. Silly I know, but her fur was so smooth and soft. She was warm and nestling close to her was so blissful. Nyanni was either completely out of it or aware and consenting. This terrible genetic altering Katy had done, was making me aroused again. I could feel the sensation of her fur on my shaft. I was so tempted to be intimate with her. I managed to overcome my feelings long enough to think to myself, "I can't let my lust ruin her chance to get a good night's sleep."

I was getting so frustrated with myself. How could I be so insensitive? I dragged my ears down over my face and pulled hard, enough to intentionally bring myself pain. The agony was enough to keep me from getting a hard on, but through the anguish I let slip a bit of a growl.

Nyanni softly opened her eyes, "Collen? Are you OK?"

"Yes dear, just go back to sleep, I'll be OK" I said, still tugging on my ears. She must have thought I was crazy, but there had to be a way to compose myself.

As I was tugging on my ears with my eyes tightly shut, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I quickly opened my eyes and looked, Katy and Erin were coming down with a set of somber faces. Erin had changed out of her bunny onesie and into something more her age, but Katy was only wearing her shirt and panties.

"Guys, wake up." Katy said while Erin turned on the lights on the ceiling fan in the living room.

"What do you want now?" I asked coldly.

"Me and Erin were talking after you scurried off, its probably best if we just leave here right now." Katy said with a more serious tone than she normally uses. She didn't need to explain though, I fell silent, and Nyanni only barely had her eyes open. She probably didn't hear what Katy had said.

Looking up at Katy I replied, "Agreed, the further we get from the burrow the better."

"Good, then its settled, Erin? Wanna go grab your stuff? And maybe bring the bunny pajamas with you? Haha!" Katy blurted out, I guess she couldn't stay serious for a full 60 seconds after all. Erin walked back up the stairs with a grin on her face. She clearly wasn't ashamed to wear them, even for Katy.

I hopped down the couch and hopped over to katy, "Maybe you should grab some food for us. And did ya'll decide where we are going to go?"

Katy squatted down to my level, seemingly intentionally pointing her nethers in my direction with her knees parted, "Fine, I'll grab the food. And no, we don't really know where exactly at the moment, but anywhere is safer than here."

"Fair enough..." I said.

Katy got back up and walked to the kitchen and started opening cabinets looking for something we could eat on the go. She looked through the fridge and took out every vegetable they had. Katy was still a rabbit after all it appeared. The cabbage she pulled out looked fresh, and kind of made my mouth water. It was odd though; I don't recall liking cabbage as a human... my favorite food was... was... Well it certainly wasn't cabbage. Or lettuce, or tomatoes... my mouth started to water again.

I hopped over to Katy in the kitchen and tried to get a sniff of the tomatoes she had pulled out as they dangled in a think bag next to her knee.

"Collen! Wait until we get in the car!" Katy said sternly in a whisper.

I backed down and hopped out of the kitchen with my tummy grumbling. I hopped back over to the couch where Nyanni was still laying down, her eyes barely open. It had been a long day for all of us and Nyanni was ready for it to be over.

"Well, I guess the big people say we should leave. To be honest, I'm anxious to get out of here too." I said.

Nyanni yawned, "Ya, I guess so..."

Erin came back down the stairs with a suitcase full to the brim of clothes (and whatever else she was into I suppose). She wasn't wearing the bunny pajamas like Katy wanted thank god, because that would be embarrassing for all of us, but she was still dressed in pajamas like she was about to go to Wal-Mart. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Katy finished stuffing all the food she could find in left over plastic bags, and Erin rolled her suitcase into the living room by the front door.

"I'll bring the car around the front porch." Erin said in a hurry. She fumbled her keys out of her pockets. As she opened the door, I could see that the rain had died down a bit, it was barely a drizzle. She awkwardly took her suitcase with her and dragged it out of the door instead of rolling it. It appeared as though the door was kicking her ass as her small frame was jostled about between the weight of the door and her suitcase.

Katy picked up the food she had and placed it by the door where Erin's suitcase once stood. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get my clothes. Be right back!" She said excitedly.

It continues to amaze me how upbeat she can be at times like this. The moment she told us we had to leave she was somber and serious, but now she was giddy again and I had no clue why. I started to wonder if she too wanted to escape the burrow this whole time and the drama surrounding Nyanni and me was simple a way out.

I heard the car pull up close to the house. Katy came back down stairs, picked up the bags and opened the door and held it open with her foot. She held it to let me a Nyanni and our baby out. I reached up the couch to grab Su-hi. I figured Nyanni was far too exhausted. Su-hi was much heavier than I thought but I was able to shift her sleeping dead weight to my back, using her arms like backpack straps. The sudden exertion made my stomach hurt. I figured I was using muscles I hadn't used in a while and just had a cramp.

Katy was impatiently holding the door open for me, "Collen? Come on we need to go!"

"OK OK! Ouuchhh.." I cried out. My cramp was getting worse the closer I hopped to the door but I just powered through it.

"Are you OK Collen?" Nyanni casually inquired.

"Ahh.. ya I'll be fine." I told her. I just wanted to get to the car. We finally made our way out of the door. The door slammed behind us as Katy let go of it suddenly. She walked past us with her superior stride, barely missing us with the bags she was carrying. Erin rushed out of the car to open the passenger side doors for us as the light rain continued.

We all climbed into the car with a sense of urgency to keep the inside of the car from getting too wet. The rocky driveway kept us from tracking in too much mud inside. I let Nyanni hop in first while I struggled to climb up the floorboard. After seeing me struggle for a bit Katy reached over me, tossed the supplies into the roadside seat in the back and helped me in. I laid Su-hi down on the back seat of the car behind the driver's seat. She must have been so tired that she didn't even flinch.

Erin turned back to look at us and noticed that Su-Hi was laying there uncovered, "Oh I'll be right back!" She said and rushed back inside the house. A split second later she rushed back and jumped back in the driver's seat, "Here! It's the blanket from the couch!" Erin tossed it to us. It was huge compared to us and completely covered me.

Katy having just sat down in the passenger seat chuckled, "You have everything under control Collen? Ha ha!"

I paused for a moment. I really wasn't in the mood for a sarcastic comment at that moment, but put it out of my mind and just wrestled the blanket onto Su-Hi. There was so much extra blanket, I stretched it over Nyanni too. Katy and Erin buckled their seat belts upfront with two distinct sets of clicks. Erin started the car and we headed down the driveway.

The rain was still coming down lightly, and flashes of lightning could be seen in the distance. Either the worst of the storm had past or yet to come. Booms and cracks could be heard even over the sound of the engine and wipers as they sloshed the water off the windshield. Just a few bumps and rumbles down the driveway and we were at the road. Erin diligently looked both ways and turned right down the road. She drove with confidence even in this bad weather, which made me feel better. I never felt too comfortable being a passenger in a car. I preferred to drive and would usually insist on driving when my friends and I got together.

"What's going to happen to the other rabbits in the house?" I asked. I didn't recall their names.

'They'll be fine." Erin said, slightly turning her head back without letting her eyes off the road as if to merely mentally point my way.

"There's no sense in dragging them into all of this." Katy interjected.

"Collen, where do you live?" Erin inquired. Katy looked at her confused.

"I uh...I live..." I mumbled just as Katy interrupted me.

"You think we should go to his place? There could be people!" Katy said coldly.

"Well, maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Collen?" Erin insisted.

"I'm not really... sure. Where are we again?" I couldn't seem to remember where I lived. I know me and Nyanni drove to the ranch when I was still human. And the drive wasn't that long so we must be in the same town. It was perplexing to say the least.

"Ugh.. useless... haha" Katy said sarcastically. It seemed she didn't want to go to my place anyway. I wasn't sure why though. Maybe she thought I lived in a crowded neighborhood and we'd be spotted.

"Well then where do you think we should go Katy?" Erin asked with her tone carrying some attitude.

"Well, maybe we should go..." as katy was talking, my stomach cramps got worse. A spell of nausea set in and I puked in the floorboard. My gaging woke up Nyanni and startled Erin causing her to swerve a bit in the road.

"Oh my god Collen are you alright?!" Nyanni shouted.

"I'll...ugh... I don't know... It feels like my entire chest is caving in..." it took everything I had to hold back the pain to speak. Every breath I took was like a knife stabbing me in the sternum.

Katy turned on the dome lights and looked back at me to see if I was OK. Once I could finally see, I looked down at the ground. It wasn't just vomit, but blood too. Dark red chunks of it. Just looking at it made me dizzy. Katy looked at me, then to the floorboard where I was staring.

"Erin stop the car!!" Katy demanded.

Erin brought the car to an abrupt halt on the side of the road. The engine kept humming as the wipers occasionally tossed the rain off to the side of the car.

"Collen, How are you feeling?!" Katy asked, in a tone more resembling a doctor that I had ever heard. This told me she was worried, which in turn started to make me scared. Katy's has always been a kind of a free spirit. I truly didn't know if she had an ounce of seriousness in her, but now it made itself known, even more so than in the house.

"My chest hurts.... Like s stabbing...ahhh...pain.." I moaned.

Her eyes were wide open and alert. I could see Nyanni reading these non-verbal ques from Katy and me and getting worried herself. Shock poured over her, but she kept silent so as not to interrupt Katy.

Katy reached back towards me from the front seat; her arms being warped awkwardly. She put her fingers on my neck to check my pulse and turned her eyes to the clock on the dash of the car. All the while I was feeling even worse. I tried to stay still for Katy's sake, but the nausea and the cramps kept getting worse. My composure faltered a bit as I nearly collapsed into Katy's hand as she tried to read my blood pressure.

Katy let go gently and nudged me back into my seat, "His heart rate is a bit high, about 330 bpm. There may be some internal bleeding."

"Oh my god... what do we do? Take him to a vet!?" Erin cried out.

Dr. Katy, with her cooler head, froze to think for a moment. All eyes were on her at this point, even mine. Katy may have briefly thought of taking me back to her lab, but would of a sooner died than take me back there.

After her moment to think had passed, she broke the silence, "There may be somewhere we can take him that would be best suited for his possible condition. That is if I'm correct in what I think it is..."

"What's the matter with him?" Nyanni asked trying to remain calm so not upset Katy.

"There may be a, rejection condition. It may be possible that the treatment I gave him didn't convert all his cells as it should have. If there was even the smallest amount of leftover human cells then his organs and immune system will be fighting it out." The doctor reported, though her voice hesitated a bit when she said 'rejection' which made me less confident in her assessment. There was, however, no one else I could think of in the world more suited to figure out what was wrong with me than her.

"So where are going then?" Erin inquired. She seemed eager to get back on the road and off a dangerous shoulder in the rain.

"umm... Berkley... The University of Berkley...That's where we need to go!" Katy demanded.

Erin looked at Katy like she just won the lottery. Her jaw dropped and her arms, held straight out with her hands on the steering wheel, slumped down with her elbows on her lap.

"California? Are you fucking serious?" Erin asked sincerely.

"There is someone there with whom I've been corresponding with that has the lab, the knowledge, and the integrity to help us as well as keep it a secret..." Katy said shamefully. Just by reading her face, I think she was admitting that she needed help in developing this curse..err...procedure for me. It took a bit of wind out of her sails to admit it.

"Go then...lets fucking...go..." I mumbled. Ego or no ego, shame of no shame, I just wanted to get to the fucking place. I didn't have the inclination to care at this point.

Erin pulled out her phone to plot a course from Georgia, all the way to California. Katy reached back to me again and gently picked me up and took me to the front seat with her. I moaned a bit and squirmed, but once I was finally on her lap, I tried to find a comfortable position to ease the cramps with my head hanging down in case I had to puke again.

"Erin, we'll need to find a vet first... I'll have to put him under for this trip. The more he's awake, the higher his heart rate, then the more internal bleeding he'll have.

Erin just nodded her head, found a vet clinic nearby and drove off the shoulder and back on the road. Katy held me close to her and pet me as though I were a cat. I could feel her hand shaking as she passed from my ears to my back. Her concern was bleeding over to me. I closed my eyes and turned my head away from hers. My eyes were starting to water and the lump in my throat grew. I didn't want to die, and if Katy was scared then I was terrified. The prospect of being put under for the trip was even worse. What if I didn't wake up? California is on the other side of the country; how could I live that long with this condition?

A few minutes later Erin pulled into a veterinary clinic. The parking lot was empty since the place was closed this late at night. Erin shifted the car in park and killed the engine and headlights. She looked at Katy as if the clinic being closed was her fault. Katy stared back, "Well, in we go."

"How its closed? It looks like they don't open until tomorrow at 9." Erin said matter of factly.

"Ha ha, well, now is the best time to get drugs!" Katy said as she opened the car door. She got up and gently placed me down on the seat. Erin nervously got out of the car keeping her eye on Katy to see her next move. The rain was fairly light, and I could faintly hear Katy and Erin as they walked to the main entrance.

"Lizz used to take me to these places so I could get supplies. Veterinary clinics are usually unguarded and don't operate 24/7 like hospitals do." She said, pulling an object from her pocket. "I've had to get pretty good at picking locks to get what I need."

Katy shimmied a torsion rod into the lock hole and then using her pick, started jostling the locking pins out of place. She wasn't lying about her experience. She had the lock picked in no time flat. She told something to Erin that I couldn't hear or understand, and then Erin walked back to the car. She closed the door on my side first then walked to the drivers side, sat down and closed the door. Katy then made her way into the building without looking back.

I turned to Erin, "Is she going to be alright?"

"Ya, she said that if they have security cameras, then I could be identified, but since she clearly isn't human, they would be hesitant to call the police over a jumbo sized rabbit." She replied. "So, I get to wait here with you till she's out. How are you feeling though? Do you think you can make it to California?"

"My stomach and chest hurt. It's not super terrible, I guess. I honesty have no clue. Katy seems worried so I'm worried." I said faintly. I lied a bit to Erin, I could barely withstand the pain enough to speak normally.

"I'm worried too, I haven't seen Katy this worried before. Even when she turned Collen into a rabbit she didn't seem too concerned if he lived or died!" Nyanni shouted from the backseat. "But now, you can hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes."

Erin looked down at me with concern. I believe Erin was taking everything Katy had said up until that point at face value. She reached over and took me into her arms, "Here, I'll keep you warm until Katy gets back."

I was inclined to protest but the pressure she was putting on my stomach seemed to make it feel batter, and without the car running it was getting a bit cool.

"Nyanni are you warm back there?" I asked.

"We're fine my love! The blanket is keeping us warm." She said. My heart fluttered a bit. She hadn't used the phrase 'my love' before. It felt nice to be loved instead of used. I turned her direction, not to say anything in particular, but just to feel her warmth from a far.

We waited in the car for another few minutes in silence. Katy came casually strolling out of the clinic with two bags of supplies she had stolen. She walked confidently to the car, "Erin pop the trunk for me will ya?"

"Uhh ya sure..." Erin stammered. She reached down and pulled the level to open the trunk. Katy plopped the two bags inside and hung back there for a minute or so. I could hear the sound of her rustling around until she slammed the trunk closed and walked to her door. She got the car with a quickness, and without even asking my permission she reached over to me and stabbed me with a needle.

"Oww! What was that? You could warn me first next time!" I whined.

"That was an anti-inflammatory, and this one..." She said as she abruptly poked me again, "Is to stabilize your heart rate."

"Fucking oww!" I cried again. "Are these needles for rabbits or horses?"

"Relax Collen, be a man! And one more for the road!"

"Wait, what's this one? I demanded.

"Good night!" The demented doctor said. Her attitude sure had changed from before she went into the clinic. Perhaps she was happy to get all the drugs she had needed to keep me stable, which re-assured me a little bit. The last shot worked fast. By the time Katy grabbed me and took me to her lap I was already drowsy. Erin started pulled out of the parking lot of the clinic and driving down the road. The bumps in the road were soothing in a way. The shots she gave me alleviated the chest pain and the road itself put me to sleep.

The heat was bearing down from a relentless sun. Not a tree in sight for miles and miles. The hood of the car was open with steam billowing out.' Where had everyone gone?!' I thought. There was no sign of Erin, Katy, Nyanni, or the baby. All the supplies were taken out of the car. The only thing left was me: hungry, dehydrated, and burning up sitting in the convection oven that used to be a perfectly good car.

I hopped out hoping the open air and breeze would feel cooler, but it was a poor trade off. Where the tin can of a car was baking me, the shade it provided protected me from the direct sunlight. Even though outside had a breeze, it felt even hotter! Like a blow dryer with sand.

"Katy!?" I shouted, randomly at the horizon. I turned around, "Nyanni!? Erin!?"

This seemed entirely improbable. The car was parked about 5 meters off the road in the sand and dirt, yet, there were no footprints or tire tracks. It was as if the car had been here for ages. I again looked at the horizon. The entire region was covered with sage bushes and... and... cactuses? They weren't there a moment ago when I shouted for Katy and the others.

I looked to the road to see if there were any cars coming, maybe I could flag one down for help? I hopped towards the road and stopped abruptly. 'Wait wait wait wait... I can't hitchhike as a rabbit, I'm just road kill to them...' I thought to myself looking down at my paws. I quickly hopped back towards the cars.

I got back to the car, but the setting had gotten surreal, the cactuses had somehow moved closer to the car. Instead of being just a few meters away from the car, they were now right up on it, with their needles flashing brilliantly in the sun. My heart started racing and I backed away slowly. I'm not normally one to cry but when faced with what seemed to be either magic or alien activity or some other phenomena, I started to break down. I wanted Erin or Katy back. Back to pick me up and take me anywhere else.

Keeping my eyes on the cactus so they wouldn't move any closer to me, I kept backing up away form the car. As I backed up further, I noticed I have moved into a shadow. I turned around and looked up, "What's this doing out here!? Its plump as hell! Should be delicious!" A hard-looking man blurted out. He was accompanied by another chunkier guy with a leather pup hat soaked and stained with sweat.

The fatter guy snickered but didn't say a word. His eyes communicated all there was to know about him. A hunger for rabbit, and a general unconcern for humanity.

"Wait wait STOP! I'm human! I can talk and I'm a human!" I Shouted as the lead man picked me up by my ears, which had never ceased being painful no matter how many times it had been done.

"Its about dinner time anyway, lets get back to the shop and cook this fucker. Ha ha! By god this is the easiest meal I ever had!" The hard man declared. He turned around, whipping me against his faded and filthy denim jeans. His button up shirt was as smelly as a gym bag and holier than church water. His accomplice merely continued to snicker to himself.

He tossed me into a cage that he just so happened to have in the back seat of his truck. Him and his friend got into the truck, and after a few attempts to get the truck started he peeled out flinging dirt and rocks out the back.

Not but 10 seconds later we were somehow at their house...err.. shop, or tin shed.. whatever they wanted to call it. I was yanked out of the cage with no time to fight back. The man lazily carried me into the shop with my hind legs dragging the ground while I tried to reach for my ears to ease the pain. Once inside I saw several other cages. Some had snakes, others field mice. There were two other cages with jack rabbits in them, notable by their longer and stronger hind legs. I was tossed into an empty cage nearby them. My hats off to them for keeping their animals organized I guess.

Once I composed myself, I turned around in the cage and looked to the left at the rabbits in the cages next to me. One rabbit had a tired, hopeless look; its head down and paws limp. The other looked at me in terror, its eyes wide and tall, paws firmly grasping the cage. It felt as though he wanted me to answer for the crimes of these humans, but how could he know I was...

Before there was a chance to say 'Hi', the hard man pulled his cage open and yanked him out by the paws, "Please wait!! I don't want to die!! God please!! Someone help!!" He cried in desperation. My heart sank as I watched him carried towards large pot of boiling water. The rabbit looked back at me, expecting my help but I could do nothing. I frantically gestured that I too was trapped in a cage and could do nothing. I wanted to speak out to him and apologize, but a lump in my throat prevented me from speaking out.

I watched in horror, my eyes tearing up and my arms shaking violently. The fatter guy was sitting in a lawn chair next to the pot, his eyes barely open looking tired and wore out from the walk from the truck. Neither seemed to notice or care for the screaming from the rabbit. Without hesitation, the man tossed the rabbit in the pot, preceded by a last brief cry for help by the rabbit.

With the rabbit submerged in the boiling vessel, the man quickly reached down for a pair what looked like industrial sized tongs. He reached into vat with them and pulled out the rabbit. Still alive the rabbit's cries were significantly muffled, his fur now nearly gone and dripping from his body. The man then put the rabbit into an adjacent tub of ice-cold water that seemingly appeared out of now where. After that the man quickly tossed the rabbit back into, he boiling water. Its fur at this point was completely gone and the man took its now lifeless body and laid him onto a table nearby the pot and haphazardly dropped the tongs to the floor.

I could barely see much detail through my tear-soaked eyes. My mouth sat open and my arms were still shaking. The man looked over to me, his eyes fixed on mine. It felt as though he could see my soul, my true nature. Surely if he glimpsed my soul, he would know I was really human!? He walked over to me and moved with a purpose. I couldn't muster the strength to scream as the terror overwhelmed me. He opened the cage door and still, no strength to try to run away. He easily reached towards me and grabbed my ears again and pulled me out of the cage without a fight.

"Not much meat on these babies for two of us, especially you, fat ass!" He said, the bigger guy simply grunted in affirmation.

He carried me closer to the boiling pot. My breaths shortened, and my legs kicked helplessly. I couldn't shout no matter how much I tried. He raised his hand that was gripping my ears and I could see the pot, the brown fur from the other rabbit still being tossed around inside the pot by the bubbling and gurgling water. I could feel the heat from the water and the steam was starting to burn my feet. I tucked my feet in as close as I could to my torso to avoid the pot to the very last milli-second.

"COLLEN, WAKE UP!!" My god he's burning up..." A familiar voice echoed. The pot, and the man, and the horror faded to black, and thin sliver of light came into view.

With a few taps on my cheek I opened my eyes wider, and the blurry image of Katy came into view. I was looking up at her laying in her lap in the car. I rushed to hug her as tightly as I could, "God its so hot..." I said with my eyes starting to water.

"Yes, you are running a fever, but we're here now, we need to hurry and get you inside." Katy said nervously. She looked up and out of the windshield. It was broad daylight outside, not a cloud in the sky. I suppose Katy had been keeping up the pain medicine. Aside from the fever I felt little discomfort.

"Its light outside, how are we going to get in there? I asked. Erin, me, and Nyanni and the baby wouldn't have any issues getting in as Erin could simply pose us as her pets. But Katy, we could get found out simply sitting in the car.

The college campus Katy had directed us to was bustling with students on their way to class. Most people passing by alone, others in cliques.

"We'll just have to wait for the classes to start and for most for the people to be gone. Then, we'll just go for it." Katy instructed.

"Why not just wait till dark or something?" I asked.

"We really can't wait that long. You have a fever and that isn't a good sign. I need my colleague to see you, as well as access to her lab equipment." Katy said while her eyes scanned the campus for an opening in the crowds.

The crowds were full of students moving to their next class, carrying books, backpacks and papers with them. Katy must have been hoping for a break in the crowds when the next class started. Her ears were low, drooped behind her back, her eyes still fixed on the campus grounds.

The mass of people eventually started to thin out as the classes started. I looked at the clock on the dashboard, it was 11:00am. I thought to myself, '_How lame is that? They have class during lunch?'_There were a few students eating lunch at a picnic table between us and the sciences building.

"Erin, did you bring a hat of any kind?" Katy asked, keeping her eyes locked outside.

"uhh.. Ya I have a beanie in my bag. But its not that cold outside." Erin said confused.

"Its just to hide my ears, now is the time to go!" Katy demanded.

Erin rushed to dig through her bag to find the beanie. "What do you need us to do?" Nyanni asked from the back, feeling completely forgotten.

"Erin will have to take you with us, you'd die left in a car. Erin, take everything out of your bag while you're at it, and put them in." The doctor instructed. Erin's bag wasn't very big, however.

"I think her bag is a bit small don..." I started to say until katy cut me off.

"We don't have time just get in her bag will you!?" She yelled back while still trying to keep her voice down while maintaining a harsh demanding tone.

"Sheesh OK fine.." I yielded. Erin finished taking everything out of her bag and she reclined her seat back.

"Come on Nyanni, ladies first." Erin said. She reached back to grab Nyanni and help with the baby. Nyanni sat at the bottom of the back and Erin placed our child in with her. For just them two it looked rather comfortable. Nyanni wrapped her arms around Su-Hi and stroked her head to put her at ease. There was very little room left for me unless I just sat on top of Nyanni and the baby.

"How about I just carry Collen?" Erin said, looking in the bag, coming to the same conclusion I did.

"Fine just carry him, but we need to go while the crowds are gone." Katy capitulated.

Erin zipped up her backpack, and gently took it around her back. She opened the door and reached back to pick me up. Once Katy saw that Erin was ready to go, she got out herself, seemingly to minimize the time spent out in the open. Katy put on the beanie to cover her ears. The puff ball on the top and pink and white strips looked cute on her despite the serious face she wore.

We all together stormed off towards the health sciences building. Katy kept her head down as far as she could while still trying to see where she was going. Her arms didn't swing naturally which kind of made it look obvious she was trying to be sneaky. Erin, despite having a height advantage on Katy, was just trying to keep up with her.

We were just about to the front door to the building when a group of guys walked swung the door open, talking loudly to each other without looking where they were going. Katy, caught by surprise by the group of athletic looking guys pumped right into the most outspoken male.

"Oh..uh.. sorry, excuse me..." Katy stuttered, trying to get by. The guy she accidentally pushed fell silent and turned around to try and catch her as she was walking past.

"Sorry didn't see you there!" He said, as he tried to reach for her quickly as though to stop her from falling. "Hey wait a second!" He tried to tap her shoulder, seeing now that she hadn't lost her balance. "I just want to apologize!"

Katy looked back, perhaps out of habit or reflex then quickly caught herself and turned back around to head further into the building away from the group.

The guy, looked as though he saw a ghost, "Dudes, did you see that? Was she wearing a mask?"

Another guy responded, "I don't know man, lets just get out of here and get some lunch. Don't know why you're always tryina' chase some tail dude."

The other guys started to continue out of the front door leaving the guy who pushed Katy standing silent in the doorway. The man who had told him to leave walked by me and Erin, "Hey nice bunny...ha ha!" He said arrogantly like he owned the place and patted me on the head forcefully. I tried to keep silent even though the sudden the pat on the head made me previously drug-muffled pain rear its ugly head with a sharp stabbing sensation to my chest.

Once the doorway was clear Erin quickly passed through to catch up to Katy. Katy was already rounding the corner to the left and heading up the stairs, "Katy wait up!" Erin cried out, struggling to catch up while carrying Nyanni, the baby, and me.

Erin jogged up the stairs as fast as she could keeping Katy just barely in view. Katy was in a bit of a hurry to prevent anymore close encounters with people. Once on the second floor, we saw Katy looking at a sign on the wall with the listing of room numbers. I could hear her mumble to herself, "223...223...223... ah! This way!" She said as she dashed off again. Erin barely had a chance to catch her breath before Katy tried to lose us again.

"Ok here we are!" Katy said triumphantly. Barely winded at all. Erin finally caught up to her and bent over to drop me to the floor and stayed bent over breathing heavily. The sign at room 223 said 'Dr. K. Fletchner, Professor of Genetics.' Katy looked at Erin, "Can you knock?"

Erin, looking bewildered, "Why me? Doesn't she know you?"

Katy, ostensibly blushing under all that fur, "Well, she doesn't know about me yet..."

"Know what?" Erin asked.

"That I'm, a four-foot-tall talking rabbit..."

Erin, stunned by this revelation eventually shut her jowl and looked mildly upset. She looked at Katy with a touch of scorn as she knocked on the door. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*

"Is she even here?" Erin asked Katy. Katy meanwhile, cowardly moved off to the side of the door frame so as not to be seen right away when the REAL doctor opened the door. A mere few seconds flew by and the metallic jiggling of the handle made all three of us jump.

The door swung open and Dr. Fletchner looked at Erin with a glow in her eyes, willing to help any student that dropped by. She was an older woman who looked be in her mid forties. She had shoulder length dark blue hair that one could tell she brushed often but it still managed to frizz out. She looked at Erin and asked, "Hi! Can I help you? I don't recognize you from any of my classes."

"um..I uhh.. I'm here with..." Erin stammered uncontrollably. She was only here to drive the car, not talk to geneticists.

Katy finally gained the courage to interrupt Erin before she embarrassed herself, "I'm Dr. Katy..."

Dr. Fletchner looked over towards Katy, her eyes popped open as wide as they could go. Her mouth dropped momentarily before shifting into a broad smile. "Oh my god! Are you? You're really? Oh my god!!" She could barely contain her excitement. Fletchner quickly reached forward to grab Katy by the hand and pulled her into her office. She then guided myself and Erin inside as well then took a look down the hallway to make sure no one saw anything.

"I can't believe it... Did you?... Did you turn yourself...into a rabbit? How did you account for the tissue rejection..." Fletcher immediately started with the questions, but Katy stopped her.

"I didn't turn myself into a rabbit, I've always been a rabbit. I turned him into a rabbit." Katy said, pointing down at me. At this point Dr. Fletchner was really confused. She sat down in her chair behind her desk in astonishment. The walls adorned with her many achievements both academically and Athletically. Her desk screamed knowledge and compassion with all sorts of knick-knacks in the shape of hearts and precious moments figurines. Most seemed to portray rabbits but others where of children playing.

Fletchner looked down at me, still shocked, "This one used to be human? Oh my god..."

"I'm still human by the way..." I said.

Fletchner gasped loudly, nearly enough to alert everyone in the building, "Oh my god..." She reached down to pick me up, but her grip put a lot of pressure on my chest which was now killing me.

I couldn't contain the pain, "Ouuuch!" I said as I squirmed a bit to adjust the most tender part of my chest outside of the pressure of her fingertips.

"Oh sorry sorry!" She said as she placed me down on her desk. "Are you OK? You don't look so good, and you have a fever from what I can tell." Dr. Fletchner asked.

Before I could respond, Katy chimed in, "I believe he is suffering from internal bleeding. He has a fever and his heart rate is accelerated."

"Have you done a chest X-Ray?"

"I lost access to my lab... I was hoping.. we could use yours" Katy said, embarrassed to have to ask for help and defeated since her most prized accomplishment was in such a dire strait.

"Yes... of course..." Dr. Fletchner said looking down at me, no longer with a smile or excitement but with concern. "Going form a human to rabbit...hmmm.. Katy, it might be tissue rejection, and if you would have consulted me then I could have helped you. However, you're not the only one who should be chided. I also... did a little experiment..."

It looked like it was Katy's turn to be surprised, "You turned a human into a rabbit too!?" Katy asked. She looked relieved that perhaps there was a solution to my problem.

"No... I went the other way; I made a rabbit more human like. I couldn't find a candidate willing to undergo the procedure, or at least, I wasn't so bold as to even ask." She said.

"I wasn't exactly wil..." I said before Katy shoved me to tell me to shut up.

Dr. Fletchner looked down to me, but apparently didn't hear what I had said, "Well lets just get down to the lab, its on the first floor next to the vending machines."

"Is there a better way down there? You know, not so public?" Katy asked.

"I'm afraid not, just have to be stealthy. I go out first to make sure the coast is clear" Fletchner said. She picked me up with an equal unconcern about the position of her fingers as last time. She opened the door and looked out. The hallway was empty, so she turned back and nodded her head to move out. Katy and Erin quickly followed suit. The doctor moved with a since of urgency, down the hall, left, then down the switch backed stairs, another left and down the hall.

We came to a door with no window and ominous stickers on the outside warning of radiation and hazardous chemicals. She shifted me to one arm and rustled in her lab coat pocket for her keys. She looked around nervously as she tried to fiddle with the door to get it open. Once she opened it, we all rushed inside, and she closed it quickly behind us.

"Phew OK... Aaron honey! Come on out!" Dr. Fletchner yelled.

Katy took off her hat and her ears stood tall. She must have been scared to see what Fletchner created. What looked like a closet door in the back cracked open and an eye shined through. The door slowly opened wider as a creature slowly exited looking worried about the new strangers.

"Its OK, come on, no ones going to hurt you! They're friends!" Fletchner reassured him. His fur was a light purple, his tail was so long it looked more like a fox tail but even bushier. His ears were standing straight up, but it seemed he wore jewelry. A golden crescent moon earring on the left and a five sided star on the right. There were moons and stars attached to his tail with what looked like small hair clips, undoubtedly to keep his bushy tail in order. He also wore a collar that was barely visible through the tuffs of fur on his neck also brandishing a gold star. He creeped towards us and then rushed behind Fletchner. He was maybe a foot shorter than Katy, coming up to just above Fletchners waist line.

"Hello.." He said quietly.

"What's with the jewelry?" Katy asked skeptically. She looked at him up and down as if to assess Fletchners work and compare it to her own.

"What?! Its cute! He really likes astronomy. Sometimes I have to bring books over for him from the astrophysics department." Fletchner said with a sense of pride.

"Ohhh so you've made him rather intelligent I see." Katy responded, her tone now conveying interest.

"Yes, that was a rather surprising occurrence. But enough about Aaron, we need to get a blood and tissue sample from your bunny." Fletchner said. She at this point hadn't even asked my name. I was starting to think this was just a human version of Katy, an impersonal, logical science machine focused only on the goal of her research.

Katy on the other hand was far more fascinated with Aaron. He was shorter than her but appeared remarkably healthy. The fact that he could read, and college level science books at that was really impressive. Katy's eyes would constantly wander to Aaron even while Dr. Fletchner would try to explain what she was doing to me to Katy.

Dr. Fletchner took two blood samples and placed them in vials. She then took them to a nearby centrifuge on a counter on the other side of the lab. She came back, then grabbed a needle looking device from a drawer in a cabinet nearby. Needless to say, she was frantically racing all over her lab to gather tools she needed to get samples from me.

"This will allow us to get a tissue sample from his chest cavity without the need for surgery." Dr. Fletchner said. "Doctor, could you sterilize the injection site?" She told Katy, but Katy's eyes were still wondering, not just towards Aaron anymore, but at the entire lab, perhaps pondering what she could accomplish with a bigger budget.