Striking out

Story by kleet on SoFurry

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A poor rat just doesn't know how to court a girl at a bar. Or how to handle jealousy and rage.

A commission for :anon:

Zech's patience was running thin. He sat at the bar, sulking and fuming as he drank his bottle of beer, keeping his eyes fixed on his woman. Well, not his woman. Not yet, anyway.

The evening had started so promising for the rat, about two hours ago. Trish, a rather striking woman in a very alluring dress, had been waiting at the bar when he walked into the club. After the usual "mind if I sit here? Do you come here often?", and a couple of rounds of drinks for the lady, he knew he would be in her pants later. She seemed interested, if a little quiet. Yes, she was everything he was looking for. Good figure, pleasant voice, laughing at his jokes in a shy way - not too loud. The perfect girl for him.

... until he went to the bathroom. He came back to find her half-finished drink in front of an empty seat. The barman wasn't any help (cats never were, not to Zech) so he walked around the club in a huff, trying to find his date. And then he found her, not far from the bar but hiding in a booth with some other guy. Some other rat. Some deadbeat, no doubt, trying to steal his action for tonight.

But Zech wasn't drunk enough to cause a scene. No, don't want to get kicked out of his hunting grounds. Gotta keep the bouncer on his side. So he sat at the bar, ordered another, and just stared at them. With every gulp, his anger grew. The way she laughed at this other guy's words. The way she clutched his arm. The was her head was resting on his shoulder. And her hands... under the table. And his smirk. That fucking smile on his face. Zech turned away, realising he was gripping the bottle so hard his paw hurt.

"Deep breaths, Zech. This ain't the time or the place. Deep. Breaths."

He turned back around, just in time to see them stand up and head to the door. Trish wrapping her arms around this guy's big biceps. Zech couldn't let them walk away. Couldn't let this jerk take his girl home. No, that wasn't going to happen today. He pulled out his wallet, quickly settled his tab, then ran towards the door.

"Hey asshole!"

Trish shook at the loud shout, coming from the top of the alley she was walking down. Aaron, her date for the night, stopped and turned. She looked at the figure walking towards them. Another rat.

"Oh shit, it's that jerk from the bar. Aaron... let's just go"

"Hey! Asshole! What're you doing with MY girl on your arm?!"

Aaron placed himself in front of Trish, blocking her from the rat approaching them.

"Trish", Aaron said, keeping his voice low but not looking at his date, "you know this guy? He seems to know you"

"He's just some creep that was trying to hook up at the bar. He doesn't know me. Please, Aaron, let's just go?"

"Hey buddy, she said she wasn't with anyone else. No need to shout"

"Oh, I'll shout if I wanna. Fucking cock-blocking punk"

"Listen, buddy, let's just talk about this"

"Fuck that! Get lost or you'll regret it, 'buddy'"

Zech was now face to face with the slightly larger rat. With the guy that stole his action for the night. Aaron slowly brought his hands up, trying to keep some distance between them. But Zech wasn't there to talk. He feigned a punch, then stepped into range and grabbed Aaron just below the hips. He pulled up, and drove his own weight into his rival's chest. Soon, Aaron was sprawled on the ground with a very angry Zech on top of him. The wind was knocked out of Aaron's lungs from the impact, and then punches started raining down on his head.

Everything was a haze to Zech. His hands hurt for some reason. A dull ache. Distracting, nothing more. And the body beneath him was struggling. And someone was yelling. High-pitched voice. Grating on his ears. But he just kept punching.

Then hands grabbed his wrists, so he started head-butting. And then the rat started trying to roll to the side. Glass bottles nearby caught Zech's eye. And then one was in his hand. And then it was broken and dripping with gore. He pushed it back into Aaron's neck, and stood up.

"That's what you get" he said, short on breath. "Fucker... taking my girl..."

Colour seemed to return to the world. He was standing over a rat - his eyes open and glazed, body twitching. A dying rat - no, a dead rat. And beside the dead rat some woman was crying. A woman he knew.

"Trish... what're... you're here"

He walked closer. And watched her pull away. No, that wasn't right.



Oh... she was shouting at him. That wasn't good. Gotta shut her up.

Zech stepped forward, his hands going for Trish's face, trying to hold her mouth closed. It didn't work, she was too fast. All he got was a sharp bite on his fingers.

"Fuck! Trish, what the hell'd you do that for?!"


"Shut! Up!"

His hands were on her throat. But she stopped yelling. He pushed her backwards, putting her off-balance, and going to the ground with her. Then he was on top of her, one hand releasing her neck to fish out his cock and hike up her dress.

"It's alright Trish. I'm here. You'll like it. Okay?"

She just choked and struggled some more. But he knew she wanted it. She was flirting with him all night!

Soon, his dick was inside her. God, she felt good! A few thrusts and she was already loosening up and getting wet.

"Yeah... that's it. Just enjoy it. Oh, you feel so good, Trish"

In less than a minute, Zech was spent. His dick slowly going limp inside Trish's body as he lay on top of her. His mind cleared as he heard her crying.

"Trish, what's wrong?"

"He's dead... he's fucking dead... why? Why'd you fucking kill him? He didn't even fight you!"

Zech looked over at the ass-hole - Aaron, that's his name. Well, looked at the body bleeding out in a dirty ally. And at the way Trish couldn't take her eyes off that bastard. She was crying? For him?

"But... you're my girl, Trish. Why else would you flirt with me like that, and let me buy you drinks? What was all that for? You tryin' to play game with me?!"

"You fucking psycho, I was NOT flirting with you! You're just some creep who can't fucking tell! Now get. Off. Me!"

She was struggling again, almost pushing Zech down into the dirt. But that wasn't right.

"Hey - HEY! Stop fucking struggling!"

"Fucking psycho! Get off me! GET OFF! HEL-"

Zech didn't know what happened. One second, she was trying to shout. The next, he had her head in his hands and was pressing her into the pavement. Then lifting her up, and slamming again. Something popped, he could feel between his hands. She was quiet now, at least.

And then she moaned again. Like when he was inside her... but it changed. Became louder.

So he did what he had to do. He knelt on her chest, took a firm hold of the back of her head - which felt strangely warm and wet - and pulled. And pulled again, until the vertebrae couldn't take it.

Zech looked into the eyes of his now dead girlfriend, and stood up. Her head flopped back to the ground, but it was looking away from the ass-hole that tried to steal her. That's how it should be.

Huh... her thighs were bloody too. And Aaron had a bottle sticking out of his neck. He hefted the large male up, dragged him over to Trish, and let his body fall on top of her. Then took her hand and lay it over the broken bottle.

"There. See what that ass-hole tried to do Trish? Tried to rape you. But you're a real fighter. Struggled to the end. Isn't that right? Shame he took you from me."

Zech took a few minutes to calm his breathing and brush the dirt off himself. His cock swelled a bit inside his pants. He wandered back to the bar, eager to find another fine rat to take home with him.