Mare-y More

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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An old trade with Mosesj written in July 2019

Avinete sighed, leaning forward on the counter as she looked out her store's display windows to the mostly empty outside. Today had been slow, with few even passing the outside of her shop in the mall. There'd only been a couple customers that had actually came in, and they had been kind and courteous, well behaved and definitely knowing what they wanted. It was nice to have such kindly customers, but it certainly wasn't conducive to the mischievous mare's real reason for operating the store: to alter and adjust those who caught her eye or peeved her off into forms more fitting for the myriad of outfits she stocked. A thin stick of a man into a chubby dragoness, a sleek swimmer into an otter lass, a stuffy, inconsiderate businessman into a maternal, milk cow with a couple of calves showing against her new dress...why the opportunities for fun were there if only they came in! If only...

Avinete sighed again as someone else passed by her store without a second look. She supposed she could always chase them down and change them, but that seemed to go against the whole point of the store. She was supposed to draw people in. Chasing after them was saved for her off-time. Although really, it was more like she attracted them even then...

Off-time. The mare glanced to her clock and still saw she had an hour before she could close down the shop. She was about to let out another hefty sigh, before she blinked and shook her head. She laughed and nickered. What had she been thinking? She was Avinete. She owned this store. She could close down early, get dressed and head out to town. Wasn't there a festival going on too? Some sort of summer fling? So what was she doing here?

It was time for some change.


Not too much later, Avinete was out and about in town and dressed to her best--at least according to the weather. It was a little hot, so she went with a low cut purple top combined with a push-up up showed off a tantalizing glimpse of her bosom and slim stomach and dark jeans that hugged her hips and rear just right and left her tail unhindered to swat away thankfully non-existent flies. It was nice out all things considered--it was hot, she was hot, and there were plenty of people around. It turned out her memory has served her right and there was a festival going on, one of those city wide events that celebrated something vague and served as an excuse for every vendor, whether of food, trinkets, or clothing to come out to sell their wares even if they didn't quite match the event's theme. Avinete wasn't here for any of that--though she might have to pick up a pair of cute beach shoes for the summer season--no, she was here for some fun, fun with people, fun with others, and she didn't have a preference whether that fun was transformative or not--just as long as it was with someone else.

So, the well dressed mare walked down the city's streets taking in the sights, sounds, and the people--but mostly the people. Over the hubbub of the crowded streets, she heard a few whistles directed at her and noticed more than a few stares, but she wasn't interested in just any guy--or gal--tonight. Rather, she was looking for someone different. What that difference meant, she didn't know and yet the mare's intuition told her she would know when she saw him or her.

Then she saw him. He was a normal enough looking guy, a young man dressed in some band shirt and shorts, but it was his lack of looks that drew her in, or really his lack of looking at her. In fact, he was almost seemingly not looking at her on purpose, his attention focused on haggling with a nearby corn dog vendor. Avinete smirked and sidled up to him, purposefully swaying her hips more than normal and still he gave no indication that he recognized Avinete's existence.

"Hey there," Avinete said huskily and still the man looked more concerned with the prices of soft drinks at the stand. Avinete raised an eyebrow and then placed a hand on his shoulder. Finally, he turned, gave her a quick glance, and afterwards returned to quizzically examining the options available. Avinete blinked, then brought her long face towards his ear.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Avinete."

"Mmhmm," the man grunted.

"You're kind of cute," she said.



"Listen," the man said, turning his head and pushing her hand away. "I'm not interested. Look you're..." His eyes ran over her and still maintained their disinterest. "Pretty but I'm not interested in being your boyfriend."

"My boyfriend?" Avinete laughed, an idea sparking in her mind. "What about my girlfriend then?"

"What?" The man said, looking less confused than he had when he had looked at the sodas.

"Yes, yes," Avinete said, nodding to herself before grabbing one of his arms. "A mare! That's what you'll be, and we'll have so much fun!"

"What?" The man repeated as Avinete dragged him away from the stand. He struggled, but his strength could not match Avinete's enthusiasm.

"What's your name?" Avinete asked, still dragging the man towards a less crowded spot of town, a small park with a single tree.

"Wait!" The man asked, his free hand outstretched towards the fading stand. "My corn dogs! My coke! Let me go!"

Despite the man's protests, no one seemed to notice, as no one ever did when Avinete was at work. Perhaps that was the problem with her shop, she mused, before shaking her head and refocusing her attention on the man. She let him go and so he stood under the tree, arms crossed and with a surly expression on his face.

"What's the meaning of this?" He snarled.

Avinete sighed, then smiled, giving the man her most patient smile. After all, the best part was coming up.

"I already told you," she said. "You're going to be my marefriend." She frowned. "No, no, let's just stick with girlfriend who also happens to be a mare. Purely platonic. Well...actually can't promise that. Point is, we're going to have so much fun!"

"But I'm a man!"

"I know!" Avinete said with a roll of her eyes. "A boring, uninterested man. That's why I'm turning you into a mare. Is that enough of an explanation? Third time's the charm?"

The man stared at her blankly.

"Well, whatever," Avinete snorted, her smile reborn. "You're charmed already, already under my spell, whether you know it or not. And the first thing that must go? Those clothes!"

Avinete waved her hand and an unseen force tore away the man's clothes, depositing them atop the tree and leaving the man naked and blushing. He covered up his crotch before looking up red-faced at the mare.

"Stop this!" he demanded.

"Oh, but we've only just begun!" Avinete laughed. "And where shall we really start?" She looked the man over. "That skin!"

"My skin?" The man asked, looking down at himself.

"Yes! So frail and pale!" Avinete crowed. "Let's give it a nice gloss!"

The man opened his mouth to speak, but all he let out was a surprised "eep" as dark brown hairs started to sprout from his skin, mostly notably on his hands. He lifted his hands away to stare at them in mute shock, while Avinete snuck a quick look at the man's loins.

"Well, well," she said. "You won't be missing much when we're through with you."

The man squeaked indignantly, covering his crotch again with hands mostly lined with a hide of soft, smooth dark brown hairs, his fingers slighter and more delicate...and were his nails darker and harder? He let out another gasp when he saw the hairs spreading up his arms, his skin and normal hair subsumed under the glossier hide while what muscle he had dwindled, leaving his arms softer and slender. He raised one hand to pull at the encroaching hide, before blinking and noticing much the same was happening to his legs and chest and...he blinked again and brushed a hand against a cheek, finding a patch there as well.

"You're much too skinny though, dear," Avinete mused. "And so flat? Where are your curves?"

The mare shook her head and waved a hand. The man grunted and winced as he felt like what were two very strong hands pulling on his hips. He looked down and groaned as his hips widened, pulling apart with a snap. He shuddered and felt the oddest sensation of his genitals...wilting? He looked down and caught a glimpse of a crotch covered in the soft hide while his manhood was noticeably smaller. Before he could protest, there was that pull again and his hips were even wider than his shoulders now.

"Now that's a childbearing pair!" Avinete exclaimed. "Now let's work on those curves!"

The changing man suddenly froze as those same invisible hands from before gripped his sides. They pressed in now, and the man let out his breath as his sides pressed in while the fur crept over his stomach, shaving off fat in favor of a smooth, finely white furred stomach. In addition, his nipples pinched and swelled somewhat larger and surely more sensitive, sticking out from the fine hide. Lastly, there was a wrenching sensation as his diminished genitals drew up against his crotch, a sensation only made worse as he rubbed thickening thighs together. He looked up to Avinete, if only to look away from what was happening.

"Why the long face?" Avinete asked. "It suits you well, my dear!"

Again the man opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get out a word, his jaws ached and suddenly stretched, taking his nose along with it. The man stumbled forward, slender hands raising to touch at his elongating face even as the fur spread over slimming shoulders and to his thickening neck. He grit teeth that were becoming flatter and larger, no longer fit for grinding meat. Abruptly he whinnied, the sound so surprisingly loud and jarring that he brought his hands to ears that wiggled and slid up his changing cranium. He blinked in absolute confusion as his ears continued their climb, stretching longer and thinner and taking on a triangular shape and white haired hide before taking their place near the top of the sides of his head. They flicked back and his nostrils flared to reflect his confusion before the man realized he had much larger nostrils to flare. His eyes watered at the sight, his irises shifting from blue to brown and his lashes growing out longer and thinner, highlighting his growing femininity. His jaw abruptly ended its aching and he went cross eyed. He snorted when he saw that stretched out from his face was his face, a long, flat equine muzzle graced with glossy brown hide and ending in a white nostrils and white fur around his jaw. His ears flicked back in alarm.

"You..." he began, stopping when he heard how he sounded. It was him and also not him--there was a bit of whinny to his speech, but more pressing was how high his pitch was. He brought his hands to his longer neck and felt it. It was soft, but something felt missing, something important...

Abruptly he felt that wrenching sensation again at his crotch. His hands flew down to grasp at his diminishing genitals, the changing man clutching at very little indeed. His shaft was so small and his testicles seemed to have begun to draw into a new orifice entirely. He whinnied and went pigeon toed, stepping out with feet that went clop. He froze and then looked down at his feet just in time to see their hardened surface rounding out into proper hooves, indents in their shape forming quickly and painless as his heels abruptly lifted and caused him to stumble forward. Unused to his new hooves, he fell onto his hands and knees, his brown haired rear speckled with white raised in the air.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Avinete chided, walking around him. "Much too flat back there, dear. And where's the tail?"

The man looked over his shoulder just in time to see Avinete bring a hand down to slap his naked rear. Though there was little pain, the man shook then froze as he felt his rear wobble. He nickered and strained his gaze to see his rear swelling out, rounder and plumper and much more pleasing to the eye . Avinete brought her hand down again and the man closed his eyes in anticipation, but the sensation was different this time. Something was pulling at the base of his spine just as what little remained of his manhood in to a developing slit. He looked back and gasped when he saw a handful of coarse white hairs. She smiled and tugged and the man saw that there was more hair than what she held, and it wasn't just hair but his hair. No, his tail, an appendage Avinete was still tugging out of him, a new limb that he could feel and scarcely move since it was caught in her grip.

"One more pull, dear," she murmured, giving it one last tug before letting go. The tail fell, so many brushed white hairs draping over but not completely covering the altered man's rounded ass. He took a deep breath and sat back onto his pillowy rear, shifting around until he was comfortable while Avinete walked to his front. He looked up at her, ears laid back as she crouched down.

"No need to be so worried," she said. "We're just going to make you a mare."

Immediately the new horse's eyes went to his crotch. He whinnied in shock at what he saw. His crotch was nearly smooth now, covered in that brown fine fur with thicker white hairs near his genitals, his balls so small and his shaft wasn't much better off. He whimpered when Avinete brought a hand close to what little remained of his masculinity.

"W-wait," he stuttered, his voice even higher and more melodic than before. "Don't--"

But it was too late. Avinete pressed on his shaft and that seemed to do the trick. The new horse groaned as his shaft shriveled further into nothing more than a shrunken nub while his testicles drew up and out of sight into his tunneling birth canal. She shivered as her womanhood formed, feminine lips forming into the shape of a proper mare's pussy as her cock turned clit nestled its way to the top of her new sex. Her womanhood winked and the new mare shivered as Avinete ran her hands over her sensitive sex. The mare moaned and Avinete drew away, smiling.

"There you go, girl!" Avinete said. "But your still missing the two best parts of the mare. Know what those are in order, dear?"

The mare didn't respond, still staring in shock at her winking pussy.

"The mane!" Avinete exclaimed. "And your breasts!"

The mare looked up at Avinete, her hands instinctively reaching up to her chest, but she found only her nipples, her larger, more swollen nipples. She looked down and whinnied as she saw the softer, fatty flesh beneath them start to rise, coalescing into two small globes. She was still fairly flat, but Avinete wasn't going to let them stop there.

"How big would you like it?" Avinete asked. "And not your hair--your breasts. Your mane is up to me. That should be bouncy, right?"

The mare stared at Avinete.

"Yes, nice and big and bouncy," Avinete murmured. "And your breasts, dear?"

"Um..." the mare said. "I..."

"Out with it!" Avinete said. "No need to be embarrassed, dear, we're both girls here..."

She winked and the new mare couldn't deny what she said, for between her legs was womanhood and that pressure on her chest of her slowly burgeoning breasts was increasing. She was a girl and yet...

"Well, fine," Avinete huffed. "No decision means it's my decision. Why not nice and big and bouncy for both? Yes, that will work well!"

She snapped her fingers and immediately the new mare felt what remained of her original hair on her head, of which there was plenty, itch. She shivered as she felt it mostly grown out but also move around, seeding just above her forehead to down her lengthened neck. Then her mane really grew out in earnest, soft, thin, and nearly fluffy white hairs sprouting out all along her head to form a mane bigger and more boisterous than Avinete's own, one that flowed nearly all the way down her back and fluffily bounced with her every motion. The mare reached up one hand to feel it and was calmed by how silky and soft it was, as if she regularly conditioned her mane, as if she was normally a mare with flair, as if it was just a part of her that brought as much attention as her butt or bosom.

And what was wrong with that? The mare shook her head, her bosom abruptly heaving as the growth of her breasts abruptly accelerated, nipples and areola thickening to match the growth. Both hands were on chest again, her fingers pressed desperately against the encroaching swelling flesh, her larger nipples peeking through. Though their efforts were valiant, the mare could only watch helplessly as they failed to contain her breasts' rapid expansion, though it was starting to feel good, her fingers on the sensitive flesh feeling so good that she couldn't just pull them away.

"Enjoying yourself?" Avinete asked with a wide grin.

The mare snorted, pulling her hands away and placing them on her widened hips. Still, she watched as her breasts swelled larger and larger. They had already overwhelmed her fingers previously and still they kept growing, their weight and heft something the new mare certainly felt. Just as they reached a size just beyond handfuls, her breasts ceased growing with a sudden jiggle and bounce. She brought her hands back up to steady them and had to use her arms to barely cover up her new chest, squishing them so that she shivered from the sensation.

"Why are you hiding them?" Avinete said. "Don't you like them? They're so nice and big and bouncy, just like your mane!"

"I..." the mare murmured.

"Go on, dear," Avinete purred.

"They're nice," the mare continued. "But...but..."

"But what?"

The mare blinked and shook her head. Avinete watched as the new horse woman stood, arms still crossed over her breasts as she looked over herself, tail sweeping back and forth behind her as she took in her equine humanoid form with its mostly brown haired hide, her hooved feet, her lustrous white man, her swiveling ears, but most of all her curves, her hips, her peach shaped rear, and her swollen breasts that even now threatened to spill out over her arms to hang large and free. Lastly, she stared at her slightly slick sex, a little heated from her excitement, before she nickered and stared across to Avinete.

"You..." she whinnied. "You turned me into a mare."

"So I did, dear," Avinete giggled. "Are you ready to have fun now, girlfriend? You're going to get so many looks!"

The mare blinked and froze, finally seeming to remember that there were others around. It didn't matter that they didn't notice her or Avinete, but that hardly mattered. She was naked and in public! She lowered one hand to cover her sex while the other arm did its best to hide her large breasts.

"Oh, right!" Avinete said, clapping her hands. "You need some clothes. Any preferences, dear?"

"Change me back...?" The mare mumbled.

"Back to what?" Avinete asked.

"A man?"

"But you're a mare!" Avinete laughed. "Oh, and I never did catch your name, sweetie. Or a style."

The mare blinked and Avinete giggled. Try as she might, the white maned mare couldn't quite recall a name other than it should be a man's name. She knew she must have one, but anything about her that hadn't happened before being dragged to the tree was beyond her. Her mind could only focus on the past few minutes as if that was all that mattered and yet--

"Ok, I'll choose!" Avinete exclaimed. "My choice is a good choice. I do know best, after all."

The new mare nodded. That did seem true, even if she wasn't sure why. It felt...familiar. If Avinete knew best, what could go wrong? At the same time, why was she naked then?

This would begin to be rectified a moment later as the mare's clothes from before fell from the tree and flitted towards her form, reconfiguring on the way. First on the new mare was a push-up bra that nudged her and surprised her long enough to position itself snugly around her breasts, her nipples showing through the fabric. She whinnied when she saw how they almost made her bosom more exposed. She didn't want to draw attention to that!

...or did she? What was wrong with showing off the girls? They were one of her assets. One of many and yet--

The mare almost jumped when she felt something brush against her leg. She looked down to see a pair of silk pink panties floating near her hooves. She hesitated. Were those meant for her? Did she wear such girly lingerie? Well...she was a girl, wasn't she? Isn't that why she had a quivering, wanton womanhood between her legs? No, she was a man. A man that was a mare? That didn't quite make sense.

"Something wrong, dear?" Avinete asked. "You don't have to wear them. You could always go bottomless if you're expecting action..."

The mare whinnied, and blushed. She shook her head and she lifted one hoof and then the other, allowing the panties to slip up her legs, past her thick thighs and hips, and snugly fitting over her womanly slit. It felt good for it to be there, right even. Not only should she be covering herself up, but she shivered with excitement at the thought of tearing them off later when she met a guy later tonight and--

The mare yelped as a shirt fell over her head, the mare lifting her arms just at the right time so that it slipped right onto her. She looked down and was excited to see that it was low cut just like Avinete's, allowing her to show off some of that tone belly and her breasts were still pretty prominent. She knew the guys would like it, and some girls too, and that was just--

Wrong? The mare groaned and held her head. She was a manly mare, not...what? Manly mare? She giggled at the thought. She was...she was...

She looked up and saw Avinete. She smiled at the other mare because Avinete was her...friend? Yes. And that meant she was Avinete's girlfriend. A friend who was a girl. Yes, yes, that sounded right. She scoffed. She certainly wasn't Avinete's boyfriend.

"What's going on in there?" Avinete said. "Everything alright, Vivian?"

The, Vivian snorted. She wasn't the mare, or just Avinete's girlfriend, and she certainly wasn't a man! She was Vivian, who, yes, was a mare and also Avinete's girlfriend but those didn't totally define her. She was vivacious, she was confident, and she...was missing her pants.

"Avinete?" She asked. "Where are my--"

"Shorts?" Avinete asked, grinning as she held up a pair of booty shorts. Vivian reached a hand out and almost hesitated to take them. Almost. For half a moment, the thought came that those shorts weren't something she would ever wear them for reasons that made no sense but then she laughed it off and took them anyways. She slipped them on quickly so that they rested snugly on her hips, accentuating her figure and leaving a taste of her plump rump and lavish tail for the boys. She ran a hand through her mane, stomped a hoof, and let out a satisfied snort as she looked over herself. She was curvy and confident, beautiful and busty, thick and toned, truly a mare's mare. Or a man's mare, depending. She snorted and turned to Avinete, grinning.

"Thanks, Avinete!" Vivian whinnied. "That's just what I needed to show off this figure. Mmm..." She smacked her lips. "The boys are in for a treat!"

"That they are!" Avinete agreed. "I'm always here for you, Viv. If you ever find yourself naked under a tree again, you know who to call."

Vivian blushed harshly, but quickly regained her composure. What was there to be embarrassed about? So what if Avinete has seen her naked? It wasn't like she was covering much already as is...

"Are you ready to hit the town, dear?" Avinete asked.

"As always!" Vivian declared, strutting past Avinete with a sway to her hips and a swish of her tail. She turned to see Avinete looking at her. The mare snorted and wiggled her rear and chest, her jiggling beasts catching the attention of a passing bull. "What's going on? Aren't you coming, girlfriend?"

"Sure am," Avinete said, smiling. "'Girlfriend'."

This was going to be fun.


It turned out Vivian ended up having more fun than Avinete. Avinete couldn't blame her. The new mare was vivacious and alluring, seeming to attract the attention and flirt with every guy and sometimes girl in sight. It became hard for Avinete to keep track of her as she whirled from guy to guy while Avinete tried to converse with someone who had spoken to Vivian. By that time, however, she was just another mare even if she wasn't the one that had already allured or annoyed them. Avinete was proud of her new mare friend, but also a little annoyed. It was when she found Vivian in an alley with a bull and a dragon that she figured her friend had already found her path for tonight and that was alright. Avinete was sure they could reconnect some other time. For now...

For now Avinete had to make her own fun and an opportunity had already presented itself. She now stood next to a man that once again seemed oblivious to her presence or any one else's despite all of the hustle and bustle. She smiled as she thought of what to make him. A nerdy mouse girl she would have to teach her ways? A ditzy dolphin lass who might be good for a double date? Or perhaps just a brawny stallion? She didn't have to make the choice now. She could ponder and wait.

She had already found the fun.