Battle Master, Ch 6

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#26 of The Sorrani Chronicles, Formerly "Slave Trade"

Wow... it's been an entire year since I last provided readers here a sneak peek of "Battle Master", book two of the Soraani Series.

Last month I posted this for my Patreons as a great sneak peek but I'm uploading it here now for everyone else; my patrons will have a chance to see Chapter 7 a week from today!

Baedyn finally leaves Izlegaol with his brother and Ian, bound for... well... he doesn't really know for sure.

Battle Master

Chapter 6

Baedyn and Ian were left with Loric's room again that night and, despite having slept over twenty four hours the prior day, the frail Wolf had absolutely no trouble going right back to sleep once his meeting with Possig had concluded. The newly appointed Lord of Stone had held his council for nearly an hour after dinner, during which time the young Ram had spoken about almost anything and everything Baedyn could have considered as even semi-important as it related to Izlegaol. It actually made him feel even better about the new Lord.

When they finally parted it had been on better than good terms; Possig had expressed an interested in providing for Baedyn once the Wolf's tasks were complete. He promised to leave a proper room available for him if ever he were looking for a formal appointment as a Sorran for a Lord; the Ram promised that he would not accept any other. It was a touching sentiment, and also a little humorous as the poor teen continued to occasionally slip up and call him by his brother's name, but he couldn't fault Possig; the deception had been in place for the young Ram's entire life.

Once morning arrived, Baedyn rose early, slowly moving every part of his body beneath the blanket as he felt for the awareness of his form and any frailness to his limbs. Ian, who lay beside him, watched calmly and attentively, occasionally pointing out that the Wolf seemed to be doing much better. On the fourth such reassurance, Baedyn finally sat up, glancing to his Saglahasan before noting "And we both know that you have had plenty to do with it... or was there some OTHER reason you were so eager to bed me yesterday evening?"

The Wolf meant it as a joke, but Ian sat up, red eyes gazing at him intently and with meaning. No, the Sarvestinian let him know, they had been apart too long and their union, aside from the deception involving his brother and the Veil, was purely for close and eager physical connection. Ian insisted that he had been forthcoming and open with no hidden agenda, and would never--

Baedyn managed to will the large lizard man to cease his mental projection with the mental equivalent of holding a finger up to silence him; the Wolf was pleased to realize that his ability to communicate with Ian in his own way was returning. Ian likewise noted that he knew it would be the case, and, at that point, the Wolf sighed, realizing that he still wasn't QUITE there. Taking in a breath, he returned to speaking aloud. "I did not mean anything by it, Ian... just that we both know why it is I'm recovering so well."

It was no secret to anyone familiar with Servestinians to know that the lizards had amazing powers of regeneration. Not only were permanent injuries rare among their kind, but, despite their brutal and sometimes savage ways of life, few ever obtained so much as a scar unless it were ritualistically inflicted with purpose. Moreover, having spent long enough with Ian, Baedyn had learned that a small degree of this restorative constitution could be transferred to another via body fluids.

Ian had licked his wounds before to help them heal faster; he had exchanged blood with both brothers before in an oath which caused the Wolves' cuts to close almost immediately; the sexual healing Baedyn found himself having undergone, however had been a first. Ian pointed out that he was not aware such a thing would take place, but he was pleased to know that Baedyn felt better for it. The Sarvestinian was part way into providing the impression that he was more than willing to help Baedyn with more contributions to his recovery when the Wolf indicated silence as he raised his ears. "Did you hear that?"

Ian glanced around the room and his nostrils flared, great lungfuls of breath pulling into them as he tested the air. He reminded Baedyn that Sarvestinians had poor hearing but, he also noted that he didn't smell anything amiss. The Lizard slid out of bed, moving toward the door as he flexed and relaxed his talons. He inquired silently if Baedyn thought that there was some kind of danger.

In addition to the frailness of his body on the road to recovery, the Wolf also realized that he had no more traces of a headache; the faintest hint of a barely tangible buzz in the back of his mind was the only artifact of his magical exertion earlier in the week. Seizing the opportunity, he quickly cast out along the cords of fate, taking in the weave close to him. In the matter of a few seconds he was able to conclude his business. "It's Willis, one of my brother's men."

Ian's tail stretched out and one of the jutting scales that made up his crocodile-like tail crests hooked his loincloth off of the dresser; he curled it around so he could grab it and put it on before opening the door. Willis stood on the other side, seemingly unsurprised that he had no need to knock. The Ocelot spoke in perfect Tenverian and said simply "Lord Baedyn, your presence is requested. Lord Bane wishes to depart Izlegaol at the top of the hour and he requested that I give you one half hour notice."

Baedyn nodded. "Thank you. Please let him know that Ian and I will be ready. Where did he say we are supposed to meet him?"

Willis glanced to the Sarvestianian and then the Wolf. "Ian may wait at the round-about in front of the keep, but Lord Bane would like you to meet with him and the Lord of Stone in the great hall."


Once he'd received Baedyn's answer, the Ocelot about faced and headed off down the hall, leaving the two alone. Ian continued watching the feline leave but his projection was still clear enough: the Sarvestinian was eager to be on his way and didn't mind waiting outside while the three noblemen did whatever they had to do.

Baedyn stood, moving to embrace Ian from the side. "I'm not exactly sure what happened to you and Talvin while I was in service to Izlegaol, but I can only imagine how long a story it'll be explaining why Talvin and I are Lords now."

Ian let out a faint rumble of joy at the Wolf's proximity and the sound made Baedyn giddy, dizzy, and a little weak in the knees. He quickly pushed the fog from his mind even as the Sarvestinan apologized. Returning to the bedside, Baedyn indicated that it was nothing that needed an apology and, with that, he began donning the clothing that sat folded neatly on the nightstand; it wasn't the same set that he'd worn the prior day, which meant that it had been delivered.

Remaining by the door, Ian expressed knowledge that one of the Lord of Stone's servants dropped it off in the late evening after Baedyn had gone to bed. In the Sarvestinian's mind, the lordling probably wanted Baedyn to have a fresh set of clothing that didn't have the old Lord of Stone's stench on it. The impression wasn't an exact translation but Ian and his people often attributed very strong emotions to scent, thus equating Loris' to a 'stench'.

Setting that discussion aside, Ian pushed the talk in a slightly different direction, wondering if the talk he had with the new Lord of Stone the prior night was a good one. Finishing dressing himself, Baedyn looked back to his companion. "It was friendly, yes. I really didn't know what to expect but it went about as well as I could have imagined. He wants me to come back when we are done with whatever Talvin has planned."

Ian's pupils widened just a little, and he stepped closer to Baedyn before lowering his head and murmuring "Bane."

Despite the name being spoken aloud by the Sarvestinian, it didn't have the same effect on him as the earlier rumble; proper names usually didn't. Even so, the fact that it was a pseudonym for his brother was enough to make Baedyn pause; apparently whatever was important enough for the name to be used in public, it was also a point of contention that Baedyn should start getting used to using it in private too. The Wolf wasn't sure whether the reasoning was his own thoughts or Ian further expressing the importance.

Pushing the thought from his mind, Baedyn turned toward the door, patting his companion on the forearm. "Either way, it was a long discussion, and I hope Possig is better for it."

The slight raise of one of Ian's eye ridges was accompanied by a mental query that made Baedyn freeze in his tracks. He felt his hackles raise ever-so-faintly and his tail stuck straight out as he admitted "No... I couldn't bring myself to tell him about his father's Sorra."

Ian followed him out into the hall, offering what reassurances he could; Sorras, after all, were the purview of the Sorrani but no Fate Speaker had control over the fate of another through a Sorra. What happened to Loric Pyazzo wasn't Baedyn's fault. It wasn't anything that Baedyn didn't already think himself but it was still good to hear it from another. The Wolf almost smiled at that. "Not that I 'heard' it, exactly."

The Sarvestinian wasn't capable of smiling in the traditional sense, but Baedyn got the impression that Ian would have.

* * * * * *

Baedyn knew where the Grand Hall was from memory but he couldn't recall the last time he had actually been received within it. The room itself was nearly twice as long as it was wide with high vaulted ceilings held up by enormous columns. A lengthy path of deep green carpet was laid out from the large double doors to a platform upon which was sat a massive stone throne. Baedyn had often imagined that Loris Pyazo enjoyed looming over visitors and he could easily imagine the old Ram reveling in the feel of power but, when the Wolf entered, he saw that the throne sat vacant; a small oak table had been set up at the base of the steps and seated at it were Possig, Meik, and Talvin or, he reminded himself: Bane.

It was his sibling who called to him. "Ah-- Baedyn. Thank you for joining us with such short notice."

Glancing around at all the eyes on him, the Wolf speed-walked to the table and remained standing by the only empty seat. "Um... thank you. I had thought we would be leaving soon and had no idea that a--"

Bane interrupted him readily. "We couldn't ignore the hospitality of the Lord of Stone... he invited us to join him for a brief meal."

The Ferret, who was sitting across from what was apparently Baedyn's appointed seat glanced up at him, then back down at his food, mumbling something before stuffing his muzzle to keep himself quiet. Although Baedyn wasn't completely certain what was said, he was left with the impression that the young lordling didn't really want to be there and was objecting to the time wasted in courtly company. If the Wolf was honest to himself, even without having anything specifically planned, he couldn't argue against the teen's point.

Possig, on the other hand, was much more official than he'd been the prior night. "Please join us, Baedyn... I wanted you to be present so I could make it official with the notary."

The Wolf took a seat, glancing to the left where his brother sat opposite the young Ram; Bane just smiled and tipped his nose toward their host. Baedyn looked back the new Lord of Stone. "Make what official, your grace?"

Possig motioned to the goblet that sat in front of Baedun and a servant moved and quickly filled it with a yellowish juice; it smelled sweet and tangy. The Ram spoke with a clarity that seemed to lack the previous night. "Your freedom, Baedyn. I know I said I wouldn't bar you leaving, but it isn't a sealed agreement until it is recorded for the Great Records."

Baedyn sat still as a a gray furred Mouse woman approached the table, an enormous tome balanced on her shoulder. Possig stood, and stepped away, grabbing his plate before gesturing to his vacated seat; the woman accepted the spot without word and set the huge book down with an audible thump that the Wolf could feel through the table. She opened the leather bound volume stating simply "When was the deed entering the grantor into indentured servitude first recorded, please?"

The Lord of Stone looked to Baedyn and offered a calm smile before declaring "Seventeen years and one day past."

The Mouse moved quickly, the pages flying by in a blur. Eventually she came to a stop and pulled a feathered quill out from behind one of her enormous ears. "I have the recordings for that day here, my Lord... but I see no listing for a Baedyn Vune."

Possig froze in place, visibly disquieted by the statement. Bane, however, was very quick to interject. "Baedyn? I'm so very sorry, my lady, but you may have mis-heard. The indentured servant's name you're seeking is Talvin. Talvin Vune."

The Ram shot a glance at the two Wolves, reaching up to stick a finger beneath his collar and pull it from his neck as he cleared his throat. The Mouse looked his direction and he quickly removed the digit before stating "Correct. The name is Talvin. T-A-L-V--"

She interjected before he could finish. "I have it here. Talvin Vune, recorded on the date so identified. It appears that the terms of the indentured servitude have not yet expired. For what shall I list the reason for the early completion of services rendered?"

Possig looked to Baedyn warmly and, with a smile, stated "The contract-holder's right to offset. He provided additional services beyond the arrangement and they have paid for the remainder of his servitude."

The statement made Baedyn smile in return and, for a moment, the Lord of Stone held his gaze in what he took to be a silent 'thank you', but their wordless exchange was interrupted when the Mouse woman slid the book over to the Wolf, pushing his place setting out of the way. "Sign here please, Mr. Vune."

Baedyn accepted the quill and carefully signed his (brother's) name next to where he'd signed it seventeen years prior; it felt like a lifetime. The Mouse pulled the book back, blew softly on the ink, and then took the quill back from him before offering it to Possig. "Lord of Stone, your signature is also required."

The Ram accepted it then looked down at the book. "I... was not the original name on this contract..."

The Mouse sighed, looking bored with the whole affair. "You are the Lord of Stone; as this contract was assigned to the station, you need only sign your title, though if this bothers you then you are welcome to then sign your given name, followed by the words 'in succession'."

Offering a slightly sheepish smile (apropos, Baedyn thought considering the young Lord was a Ram), Possig signed his name with what the Wolf considered to be a suitable courtly flourish. The Lord of Stone then looked to the notary. "Is that everything?"

Accepting the quill back from the Ram, the Mouse leaned down to gently blow the ink dry. She stood up, returning the writing instrument to the place behind her ear. "It is, your Grace. Will either party need a receipt from the completion of the contract?"

Possig nodded. "Yes please. Generate one for the both of us and send them here; I will maintain Talvin's copy until he can return to retrieve it."

Baedyn bowed to the Ram. "Thank you, your Grace."

Bane clapped his paws in front of himself once with a smile. "There. Now that all of that business is concluded, perhaps we may finish our repast."

Nobody said another word until the Notary left, at which point Possig slumped down in his chair, hand raising to rub the side of his face, thumb on his temple and index finger behind one of his horns. "It is going to be a very interesting next few weeks..."

Bane was still all smiles. "Fear not, your Lordship, for you will have the aid of Lord Dejaron here to assist you as surely as you assist him."

The Ferret looked up from his food for the first time since the Notary's arrival. "He will?"

Baedyn took his own plate back and began to eat, keeping his muzzle full so he couldn't be expected to take part in the discussion; Bane was doing enough talking for everyone. "Of course, my friend... The Lord of Stone is kindly allowing you to stay as his guest and will be assisting you with obtaining contact and contract with the Amalgam... surely you would rather make yourself useful in small ways rather than owing a favor, would you not?"

It was a very convincing argument in Baedyn's mind, especially since he knew Lords didn't like owing favors. Apparently it also struck Meik the same way. "I suppose there's nothing wrong with... contributing."

Bane was still all smiles, reaching over to give the Ferret a light slap on the back. "There's a good lad... besides, I cannot think of a better way to learn about managing your own holdings than to let you shadow the Lord of Stone as he becomes familiar with his own."

Baedyn didn't miss the way that both of the Lordlings blanched at the prospect; Possig, he knew, had no idea of how to run things and, he could certainly imagine, Meik was likely in a similar position. Judging from the wink his brother shot him, the Wolf was inclined to believe that Bane knew that as well. What game was he playing?

Breakfast lasted only a few more minutes as Bane finished up a long-winded farewell, making a point to note that they truly needed to depart, doing well to forestall any further discussion about what the two noblemen would do in his absence. Baedyn got caught up in the whirlwind of talking as well, ultimately stepping out after his brother with the other Wolf's arm draped around his shoulder and leading him away.

Only after the doors to the great hall closed behind them did Baedyn finally speak up. "What was that about, precisely?"

Bane smiled, responding only "Securing our position here in Izlegaol."

It made no sense to Baedyn. "How, exactly?"

His brother led him out of the keep and toward the round-about path that encircled the garden in front of the manor home as he explained. "The Lord of Stone is an important ally to have and concluding our business here in a positive way is a good thing. As for his new assistant, Lord Dejaron is a pivotal component to activities in Pross, so having them each keep an eye on the other is of great help for all of us."

Slowly disengaging from Bane, Baedyn asked "All of us? How?"

Smiling, his sibling descended the five white marble steps to the cobble stone path where two very nice carriages awaited. "They get to learn together while you and Ian and I are not required to babysit. It's a winning proposition for all of us."

Following Bane to the lead carriage, Baedyn looked around. "Speaking of Ian... where is he? I thought he was going to wait for us at the--"

No sooner had he posted the question aloud than he received the understanding that Ian was waiting for him inside the transport. Realizing that Baedyn received the information, Bane smiled. "Sarvestinians create suspicion and distrust. Besides, best not to show all the cards in our hand to every random observer."

Baedyn had no idea when his little brother had become so concerned with every little detail but he credited the many years they spent apart as a catalyst for Talvin becoming so obsessed with staying alive; he really did seem to think of everything. He climbed up into the passenger compartment of the carriage with his brother's assistance and, as he situated himself on a padded bench opposite Ian, Baedyn, for the first time that morning, finally began to feel at ease. His Saglahasan was pleased to realize that-- and the Wolf realized that he was broadcasting his thoughts... again.

Pushing that thought from his mind, Baedyn glanced out the window, which was covered with a light curtain that was almost translucent, giving him a basic impression of the figures moving around outside. He saw his brother and with him was the Ocelot and the Tiger. They exchanged a few words before the Wolf and Ocelot headed off toward the other carriage and the Tiger climbed up and onto the single step to open the door and face Baedyn. Even with his broken concept of Tenvierian, Choel managed to express the next step. "We go now."

Baedyn couldn't help but try to get some understanding of the plan. "Where is it we're going? Bane didn't say and I'd like to at least--"

Choel, whose face scrunched up in dismay at what was probably too many words too fast, simply held up a paw. "We go now. We go to Vensii."

That was some information, but the Wolf really wanted something more. He kept his question simple. "Where in Vensii?"

The Tiger responded directly. "Avredell. Then Arveras. After that..." he finished the thought with a shrug, then closed the door.

Baedyn let himself lean against the padded backrest as he sighed. Although he had closed his eyes he knew he was being watched by Ian; he sent a simple thought that he was glad to at least have some direction. He sensed Ian's joy in the Wolf's sense of contentment, and then added to the thought that Talvin had a large list of plans that would make life better for everyone. The sense of 'everyone' provided by the Sarvestinian had a much broader scope than just the immediate circle of Wolves and Lizard.

That thought made Baedyn open his eyes. "What ARE his plans anyway?"

The round-about answer projected to Baedyn made the Wolf worry just a little. Ian began to present each step in painstaking detail, letting him know that the first order of business would be to join Bane's loyalists where they were bivouacked outside Izlegaol. From there the group would travel northward to Vensii where they would meet with other like-minded supporters before gathering up some important figureheads and then make the trip back to Pross.

Baedyn stopped the Sarvestinian there, speaking aloud once again. "What's so important about Pross? Isn't it going through some kind of turmoil?"

Ian nodded, leaving it at that rather than sending any further details. As a few seconds of silence passed between them, the Lizard finally added that he was pleased how well Baedyn was recovering.

The Wolf felt his ears redden just a little. "I have a long way to go."

Holding a talon out for him, Ian invited Baedyn to share the same bench. It was changing the subject, that much the Wolf knew, but he couldn't resist the invite. Climbing up onto the padded bench to be with his Saglahasan, Baedyn splayed himself out so that he could lay his head in Ian's lap; the Sarvestinian didn't seem to mind in the least, and gazed down at him contentedly with large, diamond shaped pupils. The Lizard hissed softly "I am glad you are here again."

The voice was, as always, mesmerizing, and Baedyn was happy to get lost in the rumbling tone and hissed sibilants; it helped calm him even more. Ian's talons began to gently slide through the fur atop his head. The Lizard let him know that the rallying point to meet up with Talvin's men was an hour distant, meaning Baedyn had plenty of time to relax. The Wolf was happy to take advantage of it, but mentally asked for Ian to continue explaining what he was to expect out of his brother's supporters.

The response his Saglahasan provided was as much explanation as it was showing. The Sarvestinian ways of communication were both much more basic and much more complicated than simple words and, despite having been away from Ian for the better part of twenty years, Baedyn fell right back into comprehension within a minute or two of being drawn into The Veil. It was Ian's presentation for him, and so much more complete than providing a brief breakdown of Talvin's followers.

Baedyn was able to 'see' the small caravan that would await them. Before that moment, the Wolf had no real idea what to expect when his brother said 'allies', but it came into focus thanks to Ian's efforts. While not an entire army, per se, some two dozen obviously combat capable men and two score support staff gave the entire scene an impression of the kinds of camps Baedyn remembered from their childhood: small military outposts hastily constructed along the northern border of Vensii to restrict Sarvestinian access to the south lands. Ian must have picked up on his musings; the Veil slowly faded away and the Sarvestinian's displeasure at the thought was palpable.

Opening his eyes, the Wolf looked up at the sard-colored orbs gazing down at him with a hint of angst. He reached a paw up so he could press it against Ian's scaly cheek. "I didn't know any better back then... besides, if not for those camps, we never would have met."

The Lizard let out a long, protracted sigh. Ultimately he closed his eyes and pushed his head more firmly into Baedyn's palm, acknowledging that any amount of bad was worth the good that the Wolf brothers had brought to him... specifically Ian's Saglahasan. The sentiment warmed Baedyn's heart in thought alone, but even more so when the Sarvestinian let an empathic wave of the emotion flow through their connection. Ian's scaled lips pulled back, going through several motions before he tried to speak the words aloud. "I louh yoo."

His Saglahasan's voice was finally having less of an effect on Baedyn and the Wolf tried very hard not to laugh; he knew full well that Sarvestninians had trouble pronouncing the letter 'v'. Instead, despite his smile, he craned his head up at the neck so he could kiss Ian on the end of his snout. "I love you too."