DoD - Pt 1 - Ch 7b: A Devil of a time, encore

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#10 of Dawn of Dusk

Dawn of Dusk - Part 1: Tavern Wench - Chapter 7b: A Devil of a time, encore

© 2009 - 2019 Nameless

The devil asked my father, "Do you need your tavern wench at the moment?" He looked at us and grinned, "No, Myra will manage. Just bring her back for lunch. Have fun you two." "I intend to." My master grabbed my arms and lifted me onto his lap. I felt a strange twitch from the phantom cock in my tailhole. His paws squeezed my rump and then he lifted me again and set me down on my feet. When he did, the phantom cock slid out of me and I whimpered in distress at the sudden emptiness. "Arms behind your back." I obeyed. I felt the collar and the cuffs around my wrists and ankles change. The burning heat they gave off dissipated and they grew heavier. And then heavier still as chains grew between them. The wrist-cuffs were connected by a very short chain, just one link or two, and connected to the collar by a chain that was rather short so I had to hold my paws in the middle of my back. Another chain connected them to the center of the short chain that connected my feet. "Wait here, my pet, and don't talk." He turned me so that I faced towards the center of the room and walked over to my father to pay for the room. They talked for a few minutes before he returned to me. Meanwhile it felt as if just about every eye in the room was on me. Suddenly my helpless nudity aroused and embarrassed me.

He looked at me and suddenly he held a leash that was connected to my collar. He tugged at it and then set out. I followed him out of the taproom, struggling to keep up since I could only take short steps as the chain between the ankle cuffs was barely more than a foot long. Outside he turned to me, touched the lily pendant that hung between my breasts and asked, "So, where do you usually pray?" "In the temple on Linden square, Master." At his questioning look I described the way there. He considered me for a moment and then set out. We had barely walked a block when a pair of town guards stopped us. I knew them well, like most of the guards in this part of the city they often ate or drank at our inn. "Excuse me Sir, but the girl is a citizen. You can't just take her." I realized that they would not know about our arrangement and probably thought my master had actually captured or enslaved me. I asked respectfully, "May I speak, Master?" He looked at me and nodded, "You may." "Thank you, Master. It's alright, Harry, we are only playing. I agreed to be his pet until tomorrow." "Really, Daisy?" "Yes." "He didn't put a spell on you?" "No. Apart from the one that any male who's really good in bed can put on me." When he still looked dubious I offered, "Master, would you agree that they follow us to the temple and see us greet the Mother?" He considered it for a moment and agreed quickly. He obviously wanted to resolve this without causing a big disturbance. Harry, the older of the two agreed as well and we continued walking. If Mother Lillith, or her statue at the temple, let both of us greet her, then things had to be alright between the two of us. She would not welcome him if he had forced me into slavery or mistreated me. Of course there was the possibility that my captor was to be a very powerful mage. But someone who could resist the blessings of a temple was way above a normal town guard's pay grade. A few minutes later we reached the temple. We entered through one of the side doors and I waited while my master removed his clothes. Then he removed the chains that connected the collar and the cuffs, but left the collar and the cuffs on me. He led me to the statue of Mother Lillith which guarded the entrance to the temple proper while the two town guards watched from the changing room. When we reached the statue he gestured for me to go first. I kissed Her flower and luxuriated for a few moments in the taste and scents of my lovers, past and present. She welcomed me and let me kiss her belly and breasts. I stepped aside to let my master greet his ultimate grandmother (assuming what he had told us about his bloodline had been true). Mother Dahlia was talking to Hyacinth, a mixed blood canine who lived not far from our inn and was in the early stages of her first pregnancy. The priestess noticed me, excused herself and approached. My master kissed Mother Lillith's flower and then her belly. I and surely Mother Dahlia could feel her welcome him. She looked at us with interest and then her eyes widened and she bowed, "My Lord, welcome in this humble temple." He returned the bow, "It is always a pleasure to be in Her presence." The two guards watched the interchange, bowed to Her statue (or perhaps to Her priestess) and left. Mother Dahlia raised an eyebrow at that. "Can we talk in private?" "Of course. Follow me." She led us to one of the side rooms and closed the door behind us. My master explained, "They had some doubt that my little Daisy was with me on her own will and wanted to see if our Mother would welcome us." "She did. So I take it that you have agreed to this, Daisy?" I looked at my master and he nodded to indicate that I should answer. "Yes, Mother Dahlia. I agreed to be his pet for a day." "I see. On your own will and without pressure?" "Well, there was a little pressure at first. My master was not happy that our best room was already taken and I offered to warm the bed in the second best room as compensation. He agreed on the condition that I become his pet for a day. Today he offered to stay one more day if I agreed to serve him until tomorrow noon and I agreed to this, without pressure. Well, apart from lust and the needs of my body, that is." I smiled up at my master. Suddenly his form shimmered and he assumed his true form, or at least the one he had worn yesterday. Around his neck he wore a pendant with Domm's symbol. Dahlia looked a little surprises, but not all that much, she had obviously felt something about my master earlier. She bowed again and asked, "So I take it you serve Domm." "Yes. But I do not just serve him. He is my great-grandfather. Well, add a few more 'greats', but yes, I am from his line." "Then why come here? We do have a temple of Domm in the city." "I don't need to visit His temple to be close to him. Well, mainly I wanted to find out where my delicious little pet learned to please a male so well. And I like to pay my respects to my great-grandmother when I get the chance." "I see. How can I serve you?" "To be honest I do not require any special aid from you. I just came here to pray to Mother Lillith with Daisy." "Will you respect Her rules while you are here?" "Of course. I may serve Domm, but like any of her brood, I love my great-grandmother. I would never disrespect her, especially not in a place blessed by her." He turned to me, gave me a grin that almost turned my knees to water and asked, "Daisy, will you consent to pray to Mother Lillith with me?" I squealed, "Yes!" Then I added with a little more decorum, "Yes, Master, I would love to pray to Mother Lillith with you." "Then I will gladly bless your union." (In such a context 'union' refers to the act of prayer and mating, not to marriage) We both knelt and Mother Dahlia put a paw on each of our heads and spoke a short benediction. I sighed with pleasure as I felt Her love envelop me. When she was done she asked, "Will you pray here in private?" "No, I like to be as close to the altar as possible when I pray." We stood up and my master shimmered back into his feline form. "I trust that you will keep silent about my true identity." "Of course, my Lord." "Then you have my thanks, priestess." He bowed and he gestured for me to lead the way. I unbarred and opened the door and led them back into the main room.

Mother Dahlia rejoined Hyacinth to continue their discussion while I led my master to the mattress directly in front of the Statue of Mother Lillith. Not the one at the entrance, obviously, but the one next to the altar. We both bowed to her, he deeper than I and then he gestured for me to lie down. My master lay down next to me and put a paw on my crotch. While he touched my burning lips of my flower gently to fan the flames higher, we recited the short ritual prayer to ask Mother Lillith to watch our prayer and to inspire us. He climbed on top of me, keeping most of his weight on his elbows. I put my arms around his neck and we kissed and licked each other. His male pole poked my belly gently and I could feel it grow quickly. When he was big enough, he entered me. I wrapped my legs around his and we began to make love. He was good, fantastic even. And yet something was missing, like a well cooked meal that is spiced just a tad to little. A bit more salt or a little pepper and it would have been perfect. In this case I missed the extra excitement the mastery over me or pain he could inflict would bring. He brought our union to a perfect finish, we came together and voiced our pleasure loudly. We had two more shared orgasms and then he slowed his rutting and pulled out. He licked the fur around my flower and on my thighs clean and then let me return the favor. We stood up, bowed to Mother Lillith, said our goodbyes to the priestess and left the temple. I waited while my master put on his clothes. He waited until we were outside the temple before he took hold of the leash. Suddenly I was his pet, plaything and slave once more.

"Where do you have a market?" "We have two markets in Savan, the smaller one is not far from here and the big fish market is down by the harbor, Master." "Let's try the closer one first. Hands behind your back and turn around." I did as he told me. My master grabbed my wrists and forced them up, until they were almost level with my breasts. New chains grew and connected my wrists together and to the collar. At his command I turned around to face him again. "Hmmm, if you are going to lead the way then you need a better leash. Turn to me." I turned around to face my master. He held his paws in front of my face, they glowed for a moment and then he held something halfway between a gag and a bridle bit: a large shaft shaped like a male organ with a crossbar and straps to tie it around my muzzle. At the ends of the crossbar were two rings. I opened my mouth obediently and when my master did not move I leaned forward a little. At his nod I took the thing into my mouth. While it had seemed to be made of metal, once I had the cock in my mouth it felt and tasted just like the real thing, like my master's shaft had when I licked it clean just a minute ago. He wrapped the straps around my muzzle and the back of my head to hold the whole thing in place. His paw dropped to my breasts and his fingers pinched my right nipple gently. "Hold still, this will hurt a little." A moment later my right nipple exploded in pain and I gasped and groaned. The pain dissipated quickly and when I looked down I saw that the base of my nipple had been pierced and was now adorned with a silver ring. I glared at my master. He grinned at me and then assured me, "Don't worry, my pet, I will take the ring out again and once it is gone, your flesh will mend. Unless you would prefer to leave the rings in, of course." He let me think about if for a moment and then he touched my left nipple. A moment of excruciating burning pain and then it was also adorned by a silver ring. For a moment it seemed as if my master was done and I breathed a sigh of relief. But then his grin turned decidedly evil, he held up a paw and warned, "Just three more and then we are done." He let me wonder and worry where he would put the rings for a few moments and then his right paw reached down and gently pinched my lower lips on the right side. I screwed my eyes shut and bit down hard on the gag. A gurgling sound escaped my throat at the pain, worse than before. A moment later my left side followed. And then I had a little more time to worry before I found out where he wanted the last ring. His fingers slipped deep into me and pinched the sensitive nub at my center. The pain was the worst yet and I barely managed not to scream. Thankfully the pain was over in moments. My master waited until I opened my eyes again. He grinned down at me and petted my head, "Good girl." Then he reached down and tugged gently on the rings. My eyes widened and I began to pant. The gentle tugs felt crazy arousing. "Do you like that, my pet?" I nodded eagerly. He played with me for a few minutes until I was close to a climax. I could feel my juices run down the insides of my thighs. But he did not let me come but stopped just before I could. He let me cool down a little and then produced two long leashes. He threaded one through the ring on the left side of the gag, the left nipple, the left lower lip and tied it to the ring at my center. The second leash followed, on my right side. He considered me for a moment and then his right paw glowed for a moment. He asked, "Will you wear this? People will be less likely to accost us if you do. Well?" It was a small silver pendant with Lirriel's symbol, a loop of bramble with the long thorns piercing it. I thought about it for a bit before I nodded. While I did not normally follow Lirriel, I kind of did at the moment. And he was right, if I wore it few people would wonder what we were doing. While Her followers usually plied their craft in private, it was not unknown for a master to make them serve in public. He connected the pendant to the ring through my right nipple and then produced three more pendants like it, hanging them on the other three visible rings. At a gesture from my master I turned around and gasped. The pendants tugged deliciously on my nipples and lower lips with every motion. He grabbed the two leashes and commanded, "To the market! Lead the way!"

I turned in the direction of the market. Suddenly I realized that quite a few people were watching me with interest and began to blush furiously. As I walked my master played with me. He used the leashes as reins to make me walk this way or that or forced me to stop for a moment. He could even tug at the rings individually, not just all of those affixed to one of the leashes. He used that mercilessly to turn me on more and more and to embarrass me. We did not quite draw a crowd, but just about everyone on the street watched us and especially me. My face heated up more and more. Not just my face, my breasts turned pink and my nipples stood out clearly. I caused quite a few minor accidents as people watched me rather than where they were going. We reached the market after a short while and my embarrassment only worsened. At this time of day the market was very busy. We wandered slowly from stall to stall. My master stopped at almost every one, looked at the wares and sometimes bought something. He especially liked to sample the foodstuffs and always gave me a little tidbit as well. He put a piece of sausage on the palm of his paw and made me eat it as if I was a feral pet or livestock. And then it got a lot more humiliating. One of the vendors asked about me and my master made me turn around to show off my body. He even allowed the vendor to touch me, thankfully only my face, ears and tail. When I glared at him, he just grinned at me. I could tell that he enjoyed my embarrassment enormously. My master whispered, "Play along, my pet." And from then on it got worse and worse. From then on he even encouraged the people he chatted with to touch me. At first only my face, tail and shoulders, then my breasts, belly, rump and finally even allowed them to play with the rings in my cunt. The embarrassment and humiliation did not lessen but getting touched so intimately in public turned me on like crazy and the lust that brought made it a little easier to bear. I was finally allowed to rest a bit. Well, kind of. My master sat down on the edge of the fountain in the center of the market square. He pointed at his crotch and opened the flap of his trousers. I knelt before I realized that I still had the bit in my mouth and could not lick or suck him. But he just touched it and suddenly it turned into a ring gag. I took him into my mouth and began to lick and suck him eagerly. It took quite long before I could finally get him off. As I worked on his pole, my master played with the leashes and tugged on the rings to keep my arousal going, just below where I could get off. He filled my mouth with the first load and then pushed my head back to distribute the rest all over my face and chest. I swallowed his seed and then I licked him clean. "Stand up." He touched the gag and it returned to its earlier configuration to fill my mouth once more. I squealed in surprise when he grabbed me and put me over his knees. His fingers touched my tailhole and one of them slipped between my legs to tug on the leashes and then he asked, "Do you want to be spanked, my pet?" I nodded, spread my legs wider and wiggled my ass. When I turned my head a little I realized that quite a few people were watching us with interest and began to blush furiously. My master whispered, "Keep your mouth open." I quickly realized that he had put some kind of spell on me, while I could close my mouth, I had to concentrate, whenever I did not, it opened on its own. Not that I really tried, but I was sure of this. And then he laid into me. His paw connected with my right ass cheek and I squealed in pain. Another blow, this one on the left side, another squeak. And then one of his fingers slipped between my legs and dipped into my wet slit for a moment, and a loud moan escaped from my open lips. The spanking continued in this manner, hard, painful slaps were interspersed with delightful, exciting and arousing touches and each was accompanied by loud noises from my muzzle. And the longer it went on the more the pain and pleasure became mixed up. Soon I could hardly tell if a slap on my rear brought pain or a finger in my wet slit brought pleasure, or if it was the other way around. And even though I was almost in my own world, caught between the pain and pleasure, I could feel the eyes of the spectators on me. And their number was growing, our game was drawing a lot of spectators. At every short break in the delicious torture I became intensely aware of every eye watching me, my eyes were drawn to every face that looked in my direction. While there was no taboo (and certainly no law) against such public displays, it was certainly a little unusual. Especially in summer it was not unusual for couples to enjoy each other's company in public, but that was more a thing for the park and the evening, not the center of the market square in mid-morning. Almost from the beginning I was certain that my master would make me climax and that I would do so in a way that every one who watched us would be able to tell that my body was at his mercy completely. The though embarrassed me no end but also excited me. The embarrassment did not lessen as I got closer, but the excitement grew. In the end my master brought me off with a hard slap on my ass and I chittered and squeaked in pleasure. A moment later his other paw pulled hard on the leashes, so hard that for a moment I thought he would rip out the sensitive nub at my center. I screamed, in pain and from a second, even more massive climax. It was so intense that I saw stars. I'm not quite sure if I passed out or not. He let me rest for a minute or two and then helped me stand up. My legs felt as soft as a sponge, but with his paw holding my left arm I managed to stay upright. He bowed to the audience and my body moved with him. Suddenly one of the spectators pulled out a small coin and threw it at my master. He snatched it out of the air, looked at it and then slipped it into my slit. Somehow it stayed there. Logically as slimy as I felt down there it should have dropped out right away. That seemed to amuse the spectators and they threw more coins at us. He caught every one and slipped them into me one by one. By the time they finally tired of the game, or their purses were empty, I felt so full and heavy down there as if I was with child. My master thanked them profusely and then the show was over. Or at least that part. He went back to visit the rest of the market stalls to sample the wares. As before he fed me tidbits every now and then and often allowed the people he talked with to touch me. The constant embarrassment and the fingers touching my most sensitive spots kept the fire in my loins hot. About half a bell before noon we left the market and I 'led' him back to our inn. Getting there took a while as he continued to steer me this way or that.

When we reached the inn he released my arms from their chains (but he left the cuffs) and modified the bridle so that I could talk and connected the ends of the leashes to the collar. He finally let me expel the coins from my womb. While the coins were small ones, taken together it was a considerable sum. I was a bit surprised that he told me to keep it and I put the coins in the box where I stored my tips. He told my father to keep his table free and went up to his room. I ate a quick lunch and then I helped my Myra getting things ready and served the first guests. As expected most of the guests enjoyed my company and especially liked to touch me. Some even plucked at the strings. All this kept me hot enough that I had to concentrate hard not to drop dishes or make other such mistakes. Myra glared at me every time our eyes met. Eventually I met her in the corridor to the kitchen where I could confront her in privacy and asked why she was so angry with me. "I had to get up so early and I've been working hard all morning. I had hardly any chance to sit down. All so you can play with your boy-toy. I'm just a human but even I can smell what you were doing all morning." So she was cranky because she had to work a bit more than usual. I smiled at her, "Yes, I have been playing. Or, rather, he has been playing with me. Sure, I had some fun, but half the city has seen everything my body has to offer by now, some even got to feel me up and my ass hurts so much I am glad I don't have to sit down." I tugged at the strings and directed her gaze to my glowing flower. "So, Myra, want to trade?" She stared at me and then blushed furiously. She shook her head and hurried away and did not speak of the matter again. The demon, my master, returned after a while. I served him his lunch. By the time he was finished the big rush was over and my father gave him permission to play with me until dinnertime. He tied up my arms behind my back again. And then I had to kneel and suck him off in full view of the whole inn. I got to drink some of his delicious seed, but most of it ended up on my face or in my headfur. Then I licked him clean. He put me over his knee and spanked me and touched me between the legs. He took his time but brought me off eventually. My squeals of pain and pleasure could easily be heard out in the street, some of them probably from several blocks away. By the time he was finished it had grown noticeably darker as all the windows were blocked with people watching us from the street. Quite a few had entered the taproom to get a better view. My father looked happy at the extra business this had brought. My master put me back on my feet and told me to drink a little and to use the facilities. I hurried to obey and a few minutes later I stood in front of my master again. He got up, touched the bridle and turned it back into the usual form. Then he grabbed the reins and steered me out of the taproom.

Once we were outside my master told me to lead him to the big market. As he had before he played with me while we walked, steering me this way or that as if I was a horse. I choose to take a slight detour through the park. A few couples used the park to entertain each other, but at this time of the day they generally only kissed. At least those in full view, I think that at least one couple hidden in the bushes did much more intimate things. "A park? That gives me a few ideas..." I shivered at the tone in his voice, both from fear and lust. He steered me onto the lawn and stopped me underneath one of the big trees. My master asked, "Want to play a little, my pet?" I nodded and realized that I could speak, so I added, "Always, Master." "Good." He untied my paws and removed the bridle and the leashes but let the rings be. He produced two short ropes and two pegs. I had to stand with my legs spread very far and he hammered the pegs into the ground and tied them to the cuffs on my ankles. Then he produced a long rope which he tied to the cuffs on my wrists. He threw the end of the rope over a sturdy branch directly above me and pulled me up until I had to stand on tiptoes and tied the rope off. I struggled against the bonds a little, but they did not budge in the least. My body was so tense that the only parts I could move at all were my fingers, head and tail. I hung facing towards the dense little forest between the lawn and the city wall. I heard people and looked around. It should not have surprised me that we were beginning to draw a crowd. My master squeezed my buttocks and then he walked around me to stand in front of me. He felt up my breasts and tugged at the rings lightly. I gasped at the pain and pleasure that brought. He put his left paw on my flower and slipped one of his fingers into me a little. "Want me to touch you?" I moaned as much as I spoke the answer, "Yesss!!" "Good. Keep your tail up." He grinned at me and produced a leather item. I could not tell what it was at first, but found out quickly. It was a blindfold the he slipped over my eyes. I shivered as I became suddenly aware of my total helplessness. "Want to watch as I play with my pretty toy?" "Yes, Sir." "Look as much as you like. Just stay out of my way. And don't touch her until I tell you to." Suddenly I could feel the eyes on me and began to blush furiously. My embarrassment got a lot worse yet when I made sense of that last part and realized that my master would eventually allow them to touch me. For several minutes he just touched me and showed off my body's responses to the slowly increasing crowd of visitors. He even let a few of them taste my juices by letting them lick his sticky fingers. I was blindfolded, but somehow I could tell exactly what even the smallest noise they made meant, or at least I imagined that I did. And somehow everything they did embarrassed and aroused me. And then my master began with the sweet torture. He whipped me, I'm not quite sure with what, but I think it was just a piece of sturdy rope. The slaps did not hurt so much as stung, but he concentrated on my most sensitive parts, my breasts, ass and thighs and especially the cleft between my wide spread legs. To be honest, it was less a torture as a rather painful way of arousing me. The stinging slaps hurt, and they heated not just my skin, but also the flesh underneath and lit a fire deep in my belly. My total helplessness only made the experience that much more intense. And while I could hear the spectators and the comments my master gave as he played with me, I could hardly ever anticipate where he would hit me next. And, I suspect, those times I got a hint where the next blow would land, it was only because my master wanted me to know that. And I could never keep my mouth closed, each and every slap brought forth a yip, squeal or a moan of pain and pleasure. The longer the torture lasted the louder my wordless exclamations became. And the more aroused and confused I became. Suddenly my master hit my rump from behind really hard. For a moment time seemed to stand almost still and I could feel the rope wrap wrap around my hips from behind and then the rope approached my center. My master had of course calculated the blow perfectly and the end of the rope hit the sensitive nub. Pain ripped through me and I screamed. A moment later the pain was followed by a massive climax and the scream of pain turned into a howl of ecstasy. The climax ended almost as suddenly as it had began. And then I hung there, totally spent for the moment. My master thanked the audience and told them that those who wanted would be allowed to touch me, provided they gave a a little tip. He asked that they touch me gently and to slip the tip into my coin slot. Quite a few of the spectators did, both males and females. My embarrassment returned quickly and I blushed furiously the whole time. The comments on how hot my skin was and how wet I was down there and how well trained my cunt muscles must be not to let the coins slip out certainly did not help. And I still could not keep my mouth closed and gave a wordless but clearly audible thanks for each coin that was slipped into me. And then the show was over. My master asked the spectators to give us a little privacy. When they had left he removed the blindfolds and I blinked several times at the sudden bright light. He untied my legs and then my arms. I would have collapsed without his support, but he held me and gently lowered me to the ground and then lay down next to me. "So, did you have fun, my pet?" "I'm not sure. I mean, that was really intense. Painful and humiliating but also exciting. And I did have a wonderful climax. I still feel tingly all over" "Would you agree to do something like that again?" "I'm not sure." I considered the question and added, "A charming fellow could probably talk me into it, though." "I see. Come here." He turned me on my side so I faced him and put his arms around me. And then he kissed me. I responded in kind and we smooched and groped each other for a while. I was a little sorry when he broke the kiss and declared, "Time to get going again." He stood up and helped me up. We grinned at each other.

He tied my wrists together behind my back and connected them to the collar with a short chain so I had to hold them at about chest height. He put the two leashes back in, but did not use the bridle and told me follow him. As we walked in the direction of the big market, he tugged at the rings occasionally. We spent more than a bell walking around the market. My master chatted with the merchants and bought something every now and then. He gave me tidbits sometimes, making me eat them from his palm as if I was a pet. He kept me hot, both my face and the fire in my loins by encouraging people to touch me and even pinch my nipples or tug hard at the rings, a few times even at the one through the little nub. I glared at him a few times. Afterwards he would kiss me. Then he slipped a finger into my wet slit to get me really excited before he asked me if I wanted to stop playing. As much as a part of me wanted to, I just could not bring myself to tell him to stop. Of course he always asked when I was really horny and desperate for another touch. A minute later I would curse myself for my weakness, but I kept playing. I was a bit surprised when we left by the main road. I expected him to turn off towards our inn, but we just kept on walking and eventually I realized that we were not going back to the inn. I wondered if I should ask, but before I could, my master tugged at the leashes and the rings in my flower and I forgot about it for a moment. He turned to me, touched my lips to indicate that I should not speak and gave me an infuriating grin that told me that he didn't want me to know where we were headed. I bowed my head and he ruffled my headfur and then we continued walking. Just before we reached the main town square he began to tug at the leashes more frequently to get me hot. By the time we walked past the city hall I was close to cumming, my legs felt wobbly and I made almost constant squeaky noises. Everyone who looked at me could clearly see what state I was in. The soldiers standing guard in front of the hall stared at me so hard you could probably have marched a brass band past them and they would not have noticed. Just past the city hall we turned into a side road and stopped in front of a town house. A very fine house, from the colors hanging above the door it belonged to a noble. My master knocked on the door and suddenly I got really, really aware of how I looked. But he held the leash in an iron grip and did not allow me to hide. A liveried servant opened the door and stared at us. For a moment I thought he would just slam the door in my master's face, but then he must have seen something that made him reconsider. He bowed and asked, "Yes, Sir, what can I do for you?" "Is your master, Squire Pantos, in?" "Yes, Sir." "Please tell him that I would like to have a word with him. He knows me as 'Falchion'." "I will tell him, please come." We waited in the entrance hall where a guard watched us. After a minute the servant returned and asked us to follow him. We went up the stairs and to a saloon where the master of the house was eating cakes with his wife. "Falchion, is that really you?" "Yes." He made a little gesture with his right paw. I only noticed because I happened to be looking at it at that moment. Our host seemed to recognize the gesture and the skeptic look on his face turned into a wide grin. "Come, sit with us." They embraced and then my master embraced and kissed our host's wife. He sat down in one of the armchairs facing the two and made me kneel at his side. The master of the house commanded, "Luc bring a us another bottle of wine and water for his companion." The servant, from his fine dress most likely the butler, answered, "Yes, Sir." and left. My master obviously knew them and within moments they chatted like old friends. The master of the house was a human. I think he had a bit of a mixed heritage, something about his face made me think that one of his more distant ancestors had been a fur, though I could not tell what kind. I judged him to be in his forties. His wife, Rose, was clearly a mixed breed, most likely cat and human. She was quite beautiful and a good deal younger than her husband, about thirty as best as I could tell. She asked, "And who is this lovely little lady?" Suddenly I realized that she was looking at me with at least as much interest as her husband did. And I noticed that I was kneeling with my legs spread wide and began to blush furiously. "You may speak, my pet." "My name is Daisy, Mistress." "A pretty name for a pretty flower. You follow Lirriel, I take it." My master answered, "Actually she follows Lillith. And quite well. But she graciously agreed follow Lirriel for the day and to be my pet while I stay at her inn. She's a lot of fun to play with." "I can imagine." Rose grinned at me, showing off her sharp teeth, "I remember that you always liked to break in the new fillies." At that moment the servant, Luc, returned with a bottle of wine, a jug of water and plates for us. Sir Pantos told him to just put them on the table and to leave. When the servant had left, he locked the door. Moments later my master's form shimmered and he returned to his true, demonic form. The wife cut off slices of bread and filled a glass and served them to my master. She cut off another slice of cake and cut it up into little pieces and filled the bowl with water. She put the plate and the bowl on the floor in front of me. Our host toasted, "To Father Lucifer and Mother Lillith. Cheers." The three drank wine from their glasses. My master gave me a look that told me I should join in and so I bent forward and lapped up a little water from the bowl. Eating like an animal in front of these people was quite humiliating, but the cake was good. And from the way they looked at me I was certain that they were quite used to having someone as their plaything. While they ate and drank they talked about general affairs. The big one was the rumor that Tukis planned to invade us next year. My master shed a little more light on that, but I got the impression that he was not telling us everything. As he told it, while the Tukans were trying to keep things hidden, the signs that they were preparing for war were clear enough for someone who knew where to look.

They finished the cake and our host asked, "Rose, would you please entertain our lovely little flower for a while?" "Of course, my dear husband." She leaned over and kissed him. It was a rather brief kiss but I could still tell that they loved each other. She got up and extended her paw to me, "Come with me, pet." I looked at my master and he nodded and commanded, "Entertain her, Daisy." "Yes, Master. Mistress." I stood up and Rose took the leashes. She unlocked the door and led me out of the room. Behind us the door was closed and locked. She led me upstairs and into their bedroom. She closed the door behind us, sat down on the bed and patted the bed beside her. So I sat down next to her. Rose looked at me for a long moment, "Now, before we do anything else, I just want to be sure that you won't gossip about what happens in this house and especially in this room." "I understand, Mistress. I won't say a thing, except in a confession." "Good." "I can't promise not to talk if you do hurt me, though. My parents would ask." "I promise that I have no intention to hurt you. If I hurt you accidentally I will do my best to make up for it. I might play a little rough, though." "I guess I do follow Lirriel today, so I won't mind too much." Rose smiled at me warmly and asked, "So, Daisy, I heard that you follow Lillith?" "Yes, Mistress, with all my heart and soul." "Do you follow Lespia as well?" "Sometimes." Her smile became warmer still, "How about today?" I stared at her, unsure what to do. Grasping at straws, I asked, "What about your husband?" "Do you think he does not know how you were meant to 'entertain' me? Or your master?" I thought about it for a moment and shook my head. "That is not an issue, our vows allow me to have fun with females as long as my husband knows about it and agrees to it. Well?" I thought about a bit and remembered that my master had told me to 'entertain' her. I was a little miffed at him for deciding something like this for me. But I had to admit that I was not really opposed to the idea and it was well within what he could ask of me while I was his pet. Besides, Rose did interest me and she reminded me a little of Mistress Thistle. And now that I sat on their bed, I could smell her and her husband's scents. The scents were faint, the room had been aired, but I could tell that they had mated in the bed not long ago, definitely today. And somehow I could tell from the scents that Lillith had been pleased with their prayers. My resistance crumbled and I returned her smile, "Yes, Mistress, it would please me to pray to Lespia with you." She did not say anything but put a paw around my neck and kissed me. Her tongue slipped into my mouth a little, but it remained a relatively chaste kiss. Still, I could tell that she was a good kisser. Maybe not quite as good as Mistress Thistle, but definitely good. Mistress Rose pushed me away gently and pointed at the floor in front of her. I got what she wanted and knelt there, facing her. She made me lean back and lifted my nose a little and commanded, "Stick out your tongue, close your eyes and don't move." Then she stood up. Her crotch was now only a few inches away from my nose and I could smell her arousal. A moment later the scent got a lot stronger when she opened the clasp on her dress and let it slide down her legs. The faint male notes in her scent must have been from her husband had mated with her not long ago. She moved closer until my nose touched her damp slit. And then she proceeded to rub her sex all over my face and used my extended tongue to pleasure herself. She had the typical feline scent and taste, though it was less distinct than on Mistress Thistle. It was a strange experience, having a female use my face and tongue to pleasure herself. Maybe even mark me as hers. It embarrassed me more than a little, but I had to admit that the experience was not really unpleasant. And her scent and taste were certainly not unpleasant. She enjoyed the whole thing a lot, I could smell and taste her rising excitement. I was both relieved and disappointed when she stopped. I heard her sit down on the bed. There were some noises I could not make much sense of and then my mistress ruffled my sticky headfur and said, "That was fun. Your turn, open your eyes and show me what your tongue can do." I opened my eyes. She sat at the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide. She had taken off her blouse as well and now wore only a necklace. She was even more beautiful without the expensive clothes she had worn. Her skin was covered by thin fur. It was white on most of her body apart from a few beige splotches. Her gaping flower was in the center of one of those beige spots. And she was quite well endowed. "Yes, Mistress." I leaned forward and began to lick the wet fur around her slit, the pink lips and then the soft flesh inside. She petted me and scratched my ears and held my gaze while I lapped at her lap. Looking up at her while my tongue licked her sex and lapped up her juices embarrassed and excited me. I teased her for a bit, but even so it did not take long for her to get really aroused. And I wanted to feel her come. I thrust my tongue deeper into her sex. It did not take long before she came. My mistress might be half human, but her screech of pleasure was pure cat. She almost squirted her nectar into my face. I kept licking her, alternating between lapping up her tasty juices and licking at the sensitive places deep inside her to get her to produce more. I gave her several more climaxes before she finally pushed my head away. After a moment she released my head and I licked her clean while she lay on her back. She was clearly exhausted, at least for the moment, and she was panting hard. I licked the fur around her wet slit while I waited for her to recover. After a few minutes she sat up and grinned down at me, "Not bad my little pet." and ruffled my headfur.

Then she stood up and commanded, "My turn. Get on the bed." "Yes, Mistress." I got up and crawled on the bed. At her direction I lay on my back and scooted back until my shoulders hit the headboard. My upper body was propped up by a pillow. "Are you a squealer?" "Yes, Mistress. I have been known to wake up half the neighborhood when I have fun." "I see." My mistress walked to one of the dressers and got something from a cupboard. It was a gag. A small leather ball with several strings. When she held it in front of my muzzle I opened my mouth obediently. She pushed it into my mouth and tied the strings around the back of my head and my muzzle. Her grin got wider and wider. And more than a little scary, she had the sharp teeth of a cat. "Now I get to eat you. Tasty rodent flesh. Yummy!" While I was pretty sure that she had no plans to actually bite and eat my flesh, her sharp teeth and the look in her eyes did scare me a little. She lay down between my legs, put her paws on my knees and pushed my legs apart as far as they could go. I almost squirted piss into her face when she bit down on the sensitive petals of my flower. The sharp teeth hurt a little, but they did not break the skin. Her eyes had been on my face and I could tell that she enjoyed the fright she had given me. But then she stopped biting and started licking and soon I forgot about the scare she had given me. Her tongue was almost as rough as Mistress Thistle's had been and hurt a little when applied forcefully to the most sensitive spots, but mostly the friction felt good. And Mistress Rose did know how to use her tongue. She did not tease me much, but went right for my center and it did not take long before the first muffled squeals of my pleasure filled the room. I'm not sure if I had one long or three short orgasms. It was good, but rather short and she stopped rather abruptly. One moment her wonderful tongue was deep inside me, the next she was kneeling above me and looked down at me, grinning at the pleading look in my eyes. She lay down next to me on her right side and touched me. Her fingers and claws kneaded and poked my breasts and loins. She asked, "Did you have fun, my pet?" I nodded. "You will remain silent about today, won't you?" I nodded. "Do you understand what is at stake here?" I nodded again. She looked at me questioningly for a long moment and then removed the gag. "I understand that it could be embarrassing for you and your husband if some of your peers learned about our games." "Yes, it could, if word got to the wrong person. If I find out that you spread gossip about us..." "I understand. I have no desire or reason to tattle, Mistress. You have been nice to me and it would be an offense against Lillith to hurt you for it." "I guess it would be." "Also, I know perfectly well that it is not a good idea for a commoner to embarrass a noble." "There is that. Speaking from experience?" "I ran afoul of the baron's bastard a few months ago." "Three months ago? I heard something about a tavern wench that he hurt badly for spilling wine on him. That was you?" "Yes, Mistress." "Was it as bad as they say?" "Yes. It was the most pain I've ever been in. If his man had not taken me to the temple of Belial to be healed afterwards, it would have taken weeks to heal and I probably would have been scarred for life." "I am glad that you came out alright, at least. You are such a pretty little thing, it would have been a shame to ruin that." She reached down between my legs and petted my tail. After a minute she looked at my face again, "I love the fluffy tail. It's a shame there are so few of your kind in this city." "As far as I know, I'm the only one. I did meet a few travelers, but they all just passed through here." "Interesting. So how did you end up here?" "My parents are from Ranas..." [The back story is already told in chapter 1, so I won't repeat it again.] When I was finished with my story we looked at each other. Mistress Rose poked my nose with a claw gently and declared, "I like you, girl." She stared into my eyes for a long moment and began to grin. She asked, "You are probably wondering about my name, aren't you?" "Yes, Mistress." Rose, while a perfectly normal name among the followers of the infernals is most commonly used by the followers of Andariel. I had to admit that I had been a little curious about it. "If you want I will tell you about it. But the story is for your ears and yours alone." "I understand, Mistress. I swear by Lillith's womb not to speak about what you tell me." "Good."

Yes, my mother followed Andariel and sold her body for money and so did I before I married my husband. She lived in Ilam. [From what I had heard from travelers Ilam was a town in Baneh, close to the border with Tellaris and several days travel eastwards of Savan.] My mother was a pure human and worked in one of the brothels in Ilam. During one of the wars with Tukis, troops from further south were stationed there for several weeks. A young officer, a cat, got very friendly with my mother to the point that she spent practically every night with him. I can't be completely sure that he was my sire, but from what my mother told me she was with only two other cats during the time when I was conceived, and that only once. And my fur pattern matched the young officer's closely, while the two other cats looked completely different. So, I do most likely have noble blood in my veins, even if I am no more than a bastard. Then his unit moved north to fight the Tukans and my mother never heard from him again. We never knew if he had been killed in the fighting or simply had no interest in further contact with my mother. I met my husband in much the same manner. Six years after the Tukans had conquered Tellaris they tried to invade Baneh again. My husband, while not a soldier as such, is a specialist in logistics and was in Ilam to help planning for the expected siege. He hired me for a night. He liked me and hired me again and then I became his constant companion. As you may have heard, the Tukans lay siege to Ilam for almost three months. Their failure to take Ilam decided the war and they had to retreat with heavy losses. A week or so before the end of the siege I found out that I was with child. And when Peter asked me to marry him, I agreed, of course. His family wasn't happy with this, they had wanted their son to marry someone from a noble family or at least a respectable and rich one, but they agreed eventually. We were wed about two months later. By now Lillith has blessed us five times, three boys and two girls and by now most of his family has accepted me.

While she had told her story, her fingers had been busy exploring my body and teasing me. Not to the point that I had trouble following her story but enough to keep me quite aroused. I could tell that she enjoyed the fact that I was tied up and helpless to stop her. Not that I would have tried to, had I been able. "So, Daisy, would you be willing to play with me and Peter sometimes?" "With both of you? But you are married." "Yes. But since you do follow Lillith you must know that our vows can allow us to have others join us for fun. I am allowed to have fun with females without my husband and he is allowed to have fun with males, though he rarely does that. And we can have fun with anyone so long as both of us are present and agree to it. Well?" "I see. Would I be following Lillith, Andariel or Lirriel?" "Most likely all three, but mostly Lillith. We do like to play and sometimes we play rough, but we do not want to hurt you or cause you too much pain. We might want to show you off, but most likely only to a small group of friends, not in public. We will make it worth your while, but any money you get will not be the important thing, just a tip for us to show our appreciation. I can, and do sometimes, hire followers of Andariel but that is not what I want from you." "Why?" "Because there is a difference between having fun with a follower of Andariel or a follower of Lillith. If you come and play with us, I want it to be because you like to do it and want to have fun with us. And I or we will make sure that you do have fun." "I might like that, Mistress. But I do have my duties in the inn. I can usually arrange to take some time off if I know about it a few days in advance." "I understand. Even so, if we invite you, then it will be an invitation and not a summon. I won't be angry if you decline." "Thank you, Mistress." I thought about it for a bit. Her husband was a little old, but certainly not too old, I had been with males much older than him. Rose obviously enjoyed their partnership, and while she might still follow Andariel to an extend and be willing to compromise on her fun in bed for the wealth and prestige the marriage brought her, I did not think that she had to, compromise her pleasure much, that is. And I had to admit, once I thought about him in that way, her husband did interest me. While I had no illusions that sleeping with them would make me a close friend or anything, knowing nobles who thought well of me could certainly not hurt. I smiled up at my mistress and said, "Yes, Mistress, then I agree. I would be interested to pray to Lillith with you and your husband." "Thank you." She kissed my cheek and poked a finger deep into my flower. She bent down and began to nuzzle my neck and breasts while her fingers intensified her assault on my center. It did not take long before I was panting and moaning. She took me almost to the edge of a climax, but did not let me go over the edge. After a few minutes she slowed down and then stopped. She grinned down at me, "Not yet, my tasty little pet." Then my mistress got up on her knees and positioned her wet sex directly above my muzzle. She did not say anything but just looked at me expectantly. I pretended not to get what she wanted, but only for a few moments. Then I thrust my head forward and began to lap at the wet skin around her waiting flower. I teased her only for a short time before I thrust my tongue deeper into her. She had already been very aroused when I started and it did not take long before she screeched in ecstasy and almost drowned me with her juices. I lapped up most of them, but quite a lot dripped down and soaked the fur on my muzzle and chest. I got her off twice before she stopped me and pushed my head away. I cleaned the fur around her sex for a bit while Rose got her breathing under control. She lay down next to me once more, this time on my right side. My mistress grinned at me and then put a paw on my head and kissed me full on the mouth. I could feel her purring. She broke the kiss and regarded me with her sparkling eyes and declared, "Nice." After a few moments she picked up the gag and held it in front of my muzzle. I opened my mouth obediently, even eagerly, after all I hoped that she wanted to gag me for a good reason. But she didn't put the straps around my head but just left it in my mouth. She touched my nose with a claw and warned, "Don't lose it, pet. And look at me." I nodded and made an affirmative noise. My mistress looked into my eyes while her hand moved from my muzzle to my neck, caressed it and then moved further south. She kneaded my breasts gently and pinched my nipples before moving on. She scratched the fur on my belly and then circled around my flower, caressing and scratching the fur but not touching the bare skin. And then the soft pads on her fingers finally brushed over the hot and wet petals of my flower. I didn't even realize that I had lifted my hips to meet them until her eyes lit up and her grin widened. Her eyes mocked me and for a moment I felt intensely embarrassed by my body's helpless reaction to her ministrations. Suddenly I became aware of the gag I held in my mouth and for a moment I felt like a pet dog that had just fetched a stick. My sudden humiliation only pleased her even more. But then the grin became warmer and softer and I realized that she honestly delighted in her control of my body and my reactions to her touch. The eyes seemed to say, "You are a real delight, my pet." rather (or at least more) than, "Slut!" Her fingers continued to tease me and her head dipped lower without releasing my eyes. She licked my neck and my breasts and nipped at my nipples. Suddenly a finger slipped deep into me and I squeaked in surprise and the gag almost slipped out of my mouth. My mistress raised her head again to grin down at me while her fingers began to play with me in earnest. Every now and then she raised her paw to taste my juices or to smear them on my lips or nose. Having to concentrate to keep the gag in my mouth made me extremely self-conscious of the way my mistress played my body like an instrument. It humiliated and aroused me how well she could control my body. And play she did. It did not take long before I came to the edge of a climax. She kept me at the edge for an endless moment before she let it slip out of my grasp. Her twinkling eyes enjoyed my helplessness. She let me cool down a little and then brought me to the edge a second time only to let me fall short once again. The third time she pretended to stop teasing me again, only to suddenly bring me off by poking a claw at the sensitive nub at my center. My muffled squeaks filled the room and I had to struggle to bite down on the gag. After the first peak she assaulted me with everything she had. I could not tell if I had one enormous climax or a series of short ones. Towards the end she let me come down a little but gave me two further climaxes with sudden intense attacks on my most sensitive spots. And then she finally let me cool down. Or forced me to cool down, has she asked, I would have begged for her to continue.

Mistress Rose grinned down at me, her bright green eyes sparkled mockingly, while my desperate panting slowly returned to normal, enjoying my helpless reactions to her assault on my senses. At first it was a real struggle not to spit out the gag as I fought to get enough air into my lungs. When I finally had myself under control and could breathe normally again she suddenly commanded, "Open." and removed the gag. Just when it didn't cause me problems with breathing any more. She laughed at the angry look I gave her, licked my nose and then kissed me full on the mouth. Her scratchy tongue pushed deep into my mouth and the kiss went on and on until I was starting to have trouble breathing again. She finally broke the kiss and leaned back. We regarded each other, both of us breathing hard. Her eyes still sparkled, but now they with gentle affection rather. After a minute she kissed my nose and declared, "I like you, girl. You are a lot of fun to play with." I wasn't entirely sure just how she meant that, but agreeing with her seemed called for, "Thank you, Mistress. I enjoy your company as well." She laughed, "'Company' I like that expression." Her smile widened and even though it showed off her needle-sharp teeth if managed to radiate warmth. "Tell you what, if you ever get into trouble, call on me and I will do what I can to help you. Or your family." For a moment I just stared at her, surprised by the offer. I thought about it for a moment and while I hoped that I would never actually need to call upon her, assistance from a noble could be invaluable for a lowly commoner like me. Especially should I ever get into trouble with the law, a simply word from her (or her husband) might make the difference between a serious sentence and a slap on the wrist. "Thank you, Mistress. That is a very generous offer." She smiled at me. Somehow, without moving a muscle in her face, she managed to take the smile from radiating warm affection to more than a little sinister. "Maybe not quite as generous as it might seem. While I follow Lillith as more than Andariel these days, I am going to charge a price for my help." "I don't know if I could pay, I am not rich, Mistress." "I know that, girl. From what I understand, even if you saved up all your earnings for a month, it wouldn't amount to more than pocket-change for me." "Most likely." "So I am not going to ask for money, but for a favor." Here her smile became a really sinister grin, "The more useful my help, the bigger the favor." I swallowed hard and asked, "What kind of favor would you ask for." "Nothing too bad. Maybe that you follow Lirriel a 'little' further when we play with you or that you 'entertain' guests at one of our parties, that kind of thing. Since it would be payment, you will likely not enjoy everything that you have to do, but knowing you, you'll end up having at least some fun doing it." I thought about that for a long moment, "I thank you for the offer, Mistress, but I hope you won't take it the wrong way if I say that I pray that I will never have to take you up on it." "I understand, Daisy. While I would enjoy calling in a favor from you, I agree that you probably should not bother me with frivolous requests. Well, the offer stands if you ever need my help." Before I could answer, she kissed me again. We smooched and groped each other, well, Rose groped me, since I was still tied up, until a small bell tinkled. After another minute or so she stopped the licking and kissing, obviously a little reluctantly and told me that the bell meant that her husband was done with his private business and that we should rejoin them.

Mistress Rose got up, watched me struggle to my feet, took the leashes and led me downstairs. I was pleased and a little surprised when I noticed how she watched me carefully when I descended the steep stairs, ready to catch me, should I stumble, since I wouldn't be able to catch myself as my paws were still tied up. We entered the saloon and Mistress Rose finally released the leashes. She sat down in a chair next to her husband while I knelt next to my Master's seat once more. After a moment he bent down, put a hand on my thighs and gently but firmly forced me to spread my legs wide. Then he poked a finger into my wet slit and sniffed and licked the now quite slimy finger, "You had fun, my pet, didn't you." Somehow the whole thing embarrassed my a lot and I blushed furiously, but I had to admit, "Yes, Master." "Did you enjoy yourself, my dear?" "Yes. Yes I did. Daisy may accept an invitation to play with us sometime in the future. If you agree, of course, husband of mine." Her husband's eyes turned to me and examined my nude body carefully, causing me to blush even harder. One look at his eyes was enough to tell me that he desired me. "Yes, I think I would like to invite her to play with us." I became certain that it would not be long before the invitation came. For that matter, I was certain that he would take me here and now if my master offered my services. I looked up and met my master's eyes and I suddenly knew that he thought the same thing. The hand that had gently caressed my headfur moved to scratch my ears, then my neck and then moved down to fondle my breasts. His touch excited me and I became more aroused by the moment. In just a few moments I was panting hard and could feel the juices begin to flow from my center, I could even feel a drop of them run down my left thigh. All the while our hosts' gazes bored into me. When my master stopped after what had seemed an eternity, but could not have been more than a minute or two, I was close to a climax. Very obviously so and everybody in the room knew it. A tiny change in his eyes told me that he wouldn't let his host use me and for the life of me I could not decide if I was relieved or disappointed by that. They exchanged a few more pleasantries and then we took our leave. Rose and her husband gave me a kiss as goodbye, I could taste the promise to see (and more than see) each other soon again, even if the kisses were as chaste as they could have been.

My demonic Master took the leashes and led me outside. Once outside we walked for only a few yards before he stopped, just before the side road we were on reached the main square. He turned to me and said, "Rose seemed very pleased with your services, so you earned a little reward, my little pet." His fingers touched my thighs and I spread my legs in response. Suddenly I became intensely aware of all the eyes watching us and began to blush. My master touched my thighs, placing one finger on each side. Then he slowly moved the fingers upwards, towards my center, and I could feel my flower open in response. The fingers stopped just before they entered me, I could feel that clearly, yet at the same time a ghostly touch seemed to continue deeper into me. An involuntary little gasp of protest escaped my lips when he removed his fingers. But the feather light touch inside me remained. The fingers returned to the bottom of my thighs and then moved slowly up once more. The ghostly touch inside me became stronger. He repeated this several times until it almost felt as if his enormous cock filled my cunt. By now I was panting and gasping and close to a climax. I could feel my juices run down my thighs. More than a dozen passersby had stopped and were watching the spectacle closely. My master grinned down at me, enjoying my helpless embarrassment. A little tightening of his eyes told me to stay still while he stepped back and then moved around me to stand behind me. Suddenly I felt his fingers touch my thighs from behind and my embarrassment doubled when I realized what he was about to do. The two fingers moved slowly upwards until they touched the rim of my tailhole. As before the ghostly touch continued onward into me from the rear. He repeated this again and again until it felt as if his manhood filled both of my lower orifices, filling them to capacity. By now my knees felt so weak that I could barely stand and I thought that I would climax any moment. I barely noticed when my master took the leashes again and he had to repeat the question before I could make sense of it, "Do you like that, little pet?" Somehow I managed to answer, "Yes, Master.", though for the life I could not tell how I managed to speak intelligibly, I was struggling for breath and struggling to keep the little noises of excitement from becoming too loud. It felt as if the ghostly members inside me kept moving around and touching all the good spots at once. "Good. When you have had enough of my touch, just say so, and it will stop." It took a bit for my addled brain to process that and when I finally did, I realized that I could not ask him to stop, no matter what, as doing so would be akin to rejecting him. I did not trust myself to speak again, but I managed a slightly louder moan that could be taken as assent. He considered me for a long moment before he nodded, turned around and began to walk. I stumbled after him. As soon as I began to walk the two ghostly members inside me redoubled their assault on my senses and did wonderful and terrible things to me. The delicious torture kept me see-sawing on the edge of a climax, sometimes lighting small explosions that ripped through my mind and body but always ended much too quickly. Somehow I managed to stay on my feet. For the life of me I could not tell by which way we returned to our inn. I was barely aware of anything but the wonderful feelings deep in my belly and my increasingly obvious reactions to them. Even though I had little idea where I was, I remained embarrassingly aware of all the eyes on me and the spectators enjoyment (and sometimes disgust) at the spectacle I made. I could even tell that some of them followed us for quite a while. Three, two males and a female followed us all the way to the inn. We stopped just outside the entrance to the tap room. The stimulation the two ghostly members inflicted on me died down a little and I slowly became more aware of my surroundings again.

"I have some business to take care of, my little pet. Return to your duties in the taproom. I will be back for dinner." I was a little disappointed to be left alone, but I answered dutifully, "Yes, Master." "Do you want me to stop touching you?" He moved his hand as if he would feel me up and the members inside me moved, sending a little bolt of lightning up and down my spine. "No, Master. I could never want you to stop touching me." "Good." He looked pleased with my answer, though I was sure that he had never expected me to answer differently. He spoke a few words I could not make out and gestured and the leashes and the bridle dissipated. "You will allow anyone who wants to touch you with his or her hands, but no more." "Yes, Master." "Good. Then off you go." He turned me towards the doorway and send me off with a little slap on the rump. I stumbled forward, distracted by the sudden movement inside me but remained upright.

I stumbled forward, caught myself and managed to walk on more or less normally. My nether regions were still stimulated with every step, but less than before. My father looked at me, a little annoyed at my state but also relieved that I appeared hale, "Hello, Daisy. Are you done playing?" "For now. My Master has other business to attend to and I am to return to my normal duties until then." Since Myra was in I expected not to have to work hard until dinnertime (normally only one of us, usually me, works during the afternoon), but business picked up quickly. The trio that had followed us to the inn came in, found seats where they could watch and waved me over. They must have heard my master's command to allow guests to touch me and I had to move close enough for each to touch me before they finally ordered. One of the males cupped my left breast, the other squeezed my buttocks and the female actually touched my lower lips with her fingers. At first I was quite annoyed and embarrassed, but that changed quickly (at least the annoyance) when I realized that the stimulation and the sense of my master's presence increased whenever someone touched me, the stronger the more intimate the touch was. By the time I returned with their drinks and let them touch me again as I served them, several more guests had entered to enjoy the spectacle I provided and to participate in it. The rest of the afternoon passed quickly and more or less in a haze. Meanwhile Myra had little to do as most patrons insisted that I serve them while the few that were disgusted by my lack of attire and obvious state of arousal either left quickly or insisted that she served them. It was hard and exhausting work and it took all my concentration to get the orders right. I made a few mistakes, but not very many. The stimulation came and went. It kept me hot and bothered, quite obviously so as my tail was always raised high, my nipples poked out of the fur and the fur on my legs glistened with my juices.

When my master finally returned he looked quite different than before. Not just the clothes, but his face and hair. Now he was a nondescript caravan guard or driver. To be honest, I had no idea how I even recognized him. I was just carrying several tankards of ale to a table next to the entrance when he entered. Our eyes met and somehow I knew that it was just him. His eyes widened a little and then he gave me a little wink. And suddenly I knew that he was both surprised and pleased that I had recognized him but that I should keep it a secret. I gave him a minute nod to indicate my understanding before I continued on to serve the drinks. The two ghostly members deep inside me gave me a sudden jolt and a very brief but intense climax. I stumbled a little but caught myself just in time not to spill the ale. The brief spark of anger I felt was quickly overwhelmed by a wave of lust. Had it been up to me, I would have dropped everything to jump his bones right then and there. But I had little time to dwell on this as I had to struggle to keep up with my duties. I could not be sure, but I thought that the members in me increased their assault on my senses a little, now that their owner was around. Or at least he used them more effectively, again and again taking me to the limit of my ability not to drop drinks or dishes. Several times when my paws were free for a moment he took me so close to a climax and just over the edge two times that I only managed to remain upright by grabbing the nearest table. The loud moans I made it clear for everyone in the room just what state I was in. Of course only very few would have any idea why I was so aroused. I did my best not to treat my master any different than the other guests, but I could not keep my eyes from turning his way often. But I doubted that anyone noticed, few of the many eyes that followed me looked at my face. I saw him move around from one table to the next every now and then. He turned up his charm, and I could tell that within minutes practically everyone he chatted with treated him like a long lost friend. And told him things that he (or she) would (and should) never have told a stranger. As the evening neared its end, the members inside me began to flag and the pleasant if very distracting assault on my sense diminished. As the flames in my belly burned down the patrons slowly lost interest in watching me and began to depart. When I looked at my father's face, I could see the conflicting thoughts on the matter. Business had been much better on any normal day, even better than most holidays, and that pleased him. On the other hand, he was still my father and while he did not object to my games he did not like it when I made such a spectacle of myself. Being an acknowledged follower of Lillith counts for much, but even then you can only go so far before people begin to think of you as a slut or worse. At some point my master waved me over. With a start I realized that he had turned back to how he had looked during the day, without, or so it seemed, anybody noticing. I approached him eagerly, bowed and presented my body to him, "Master how may I serve you?" He considered me for a long moment, his eyes seemed to strip me further and further. From the look on his face, he enjoyed what he saw and my face began to heat up, both from lust and embarrassment. Every eye in the room was on us when he finally broke his silence, "Nice. You offered to serve me for a day and so you did and you pleased me well. You were a fun plaything, my little pet. You have my thanks." He gestured and muttered a few words I cold not make out and the collar and cuffs dissipated. Even worse the phantom members that had filled me and tortured me so deliciously dissipated and left me feeling dreadfully empty. His casual dismissal felt like a punch in the belly, "But..." He held up a hand and the protest died before I could speak further, "Your clothes still wait behind the counter, put them on." I answered automatically, "Yes, M,,, Sir.", turned away and stumbled blindly forward. Somehow I managed not to start crying, but my eyes were still full of tears. My father handed me the clothes that had lain there since I had taken them off yesterday and I struggled into them. When I turned to look at my former master he gave me a look that told me that he did not require or want my services, at least for the moment. I sighed, took a deep breath and returned to my duties. Such as they were, now that the fun was over, hardly anyone wanted more drinks, but they just finished up, paid and left quickly. I had to admit that in my current state I was not a lot of fun to be around.

After a few minutes the demon waved me over. I hurried over to him, fear, anger and lust warring in my hear. I stopped before him and asked, "Yes, Sir, what can I get you?" Half of me wanted to claw him while the other half wanted to kneel and to beg him to take me back. Once more he considered me for a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity. As he did so, his smile got warmer and warmer and my body responded as the lust I felt for him began to overwhelm whatever else I might have thought about him. He licked his lips and finally spoke, "Daisy, I do not want your services as my pet any more. But I do wish to worship our Mother Lillith tonight. Would you assist me in this, my dear?" My heart that had plummeted during the first sentence suddenly soared and seemed to melt as I took in the second part (along with a few other parts of my body). While a part of me wanted to show at least a modicum of decorum and answer the formal proposal properly, it lost out to the rest of me. My high pitch squealed "Yes!" could probably be heard by half the city and I threw myself into his lap, wrapped my arms around his neck and glued my lips to his. The kiss finally ended when I began to see spots from lack of air. I sat in his lap for several minutes, panting hard and struggling to get enough air into my lungs while his strong arms held me. Then I finally turned to look at my father. He gave me an exasperated look but then began to smile, "Go play, Daisy. Myra and me can handle the rest." "Thank you, father." Before I could say anything more, my lover stood up and lifted me effortlessly. All I could do was to hold on tight while his wonderfully strong arms encircled me. The remaining guests cheered while I was carried away. The whole thing felt so wonderful I thought that my heart must burst with lust and love. He carried me upstairs and into his room. I wondered how he managed to open and close the door while carrying me, but only for a moment. He set me down on the bed and stepped back. He stood with his arms raised at the side and I realized that he was inviting me to undress him. I didn't wait long, but responded to the invitation quickly. I stood up and then knelt in front of him. I opened his belt buckle and then untied the knots that held his breeches closed. If he was bothered by the fact that I worked with my sharp claws so close to his family jewels he showed no sign of it. Even before the flap was opened I could tell that he was beginning to rise to the occasion. I pulled down the breeches and paused for a moment to inhale his delicious scent and to admire the now very obvious bulge barely hidden by his underpants. Then I pulled them down to reveal his maleness. I admired his sizable cock for a few moments. He was hardening but clearly not fully hard yet. Then I moved closer to fill my nose with his intoxicating scent. After a few breaths I opened my mouth a little and extended my tongue. I touched him, just with the tip and took in his male taste. Then I began to tease him, running the tip of my tongue up and down the shaft, from the emerging tip to the sack hanging below the shaft. I could see, feel, smell and taste him hardening further with each stroke. When he was finally as hard as he would get I reluctantly returned to the task of undressing him further. He lifted each foot to let me remove the boot and then the sock. When that was done I gave the tip of his huge cock a last kiss and stood up. My lover squatted so I could pull his shirt over his head. I did that slowly, distracted by the sight of the manhood that seemed bigger than ever, sticking straight out and the marvelous hardness of the muscles I felt as I slowly moved my paws along his chest and then the arms. I finished that task, let the shirt fall to the ground and stepped back to admire his nude body. Mother! He was beautiful! My lower lips almost smacked in anticipation and when he wiggled his hips a little to make that wonderful shaft swing back and forth, I could almost feel it in me. He gave me a few moments to admire his form and then he stepped closer to return the favor and undress me in turn. He caught my eyes and gave me a look that melted my heart and center. His hands worked with dreadful slowness. It seemed to take him forever to unlace my blouse and the anticipation made me more and more impatient, but his look held me motionless. He finished the task, made me wait another endless moment and then finally opened my blouse. He squeezed my rock hard nipples gently, sending a lightning bolt down my spine and then cupped my small breasts. His smile widened while he caressed me. All too soon and not nearly soon enough he moved on, moving his hands along my arms to remove the now superfluous article of clothing. That done, he knelt in front of me. Once more it seemed to take him forever to open the belt that held up my skirt. He finally managed that task and let the skirt slide down my spread legs to the ground. He beheld my flower and took in the scents of my arousal that suddenly seemed to fill the whole room. He kissed my lips and gave each one a slow lick. I hissed in excitement and then disappointment as he took me to the edge of a climax. Then he stood up again and grinned down at me. He held out his hands and I put mine into them. Together we spoke a short prayer to Mother Lillith to ask her to bless our lovemaking and to dedicate it to her. He picked me up effortlessly and deposited me on the waiting bed. I spread my legs as invitation and to give him easy access. He let me wait for another endless moment before he climbed on top of me. His huge shaft slid into me and seemed to fill me completely. And then he proceeded to fuck my brains out.

I lay on my lover's chest, his flagging cock still inside me. I was utterly exhausted after our last bout of lovemaking and barely able to breathe, let alone lift my head. I was not sure what time it was, but we (mostly me) must have kept the neighborhood awake for a bell or two with my chittering screams of ecstasy. At some point my lover had returned to his demonic form, but for the life of me I could not remember when. The faint smell of brimstone that now marred his wonderful male scent failed to bother me. His powerful arms surrounded me. He had let me lead and initiate each of our acts. But at the same time he had never let me forget his male and demonic power, had never let me forget that he was ultimately in control and that e could have done with me as he pleased, had he wanted to. The knowledge of my helplessness against him had always been at the back of my mind, but it had never bothered me. After all, I had enjoyed it when I was his pet and I enjoyed the respect he showed me even more. He rolled over onto his right side suddenly. I ended up lying on my back while my lover lay on his side next to me, close enough that we touched. The sudden emptiness I felt distressed me for a moment before that faded. He turned my head so that I looked directly at him as I was too weak to do even that. He bent down and kissed my face and nose gently. At the same time his free left hand slid down my body, pushed my legs apart a little and fondled me gently. "Mother Lillith blessed us well." I answered weakly, struggling to move my lips, "Yes., that she did." "You were wonderful dear. I am really glad that I found your inn and even more that I decided to stay an extra day. You really are special." Pleasure at his praise suffused my whole body and yet I felt a little tingle of caution, "I bet you say that to all the girls." He thought about that for a long moment while his loving smile bathed me with warmth. Finally he admitted, "I guess I do. In a way each of you is special in her own way. But I really meant it. You were more fun than most. Had you claimed to be a priestess of Lillith, rather than just a follower, the fervor and skill of your prayers would not have given me any reason to doubt your claim. Or Lirriel, when you were my pet." He kissed me again and the warmth in my lover's eyes suffused me and almost made my heart and flower burst with love and lust. The pleading look in my eyes amused and pleased him and he kissed my nose and chided, "Enough, my love. We will make love again before the night is over, but as much as it vexes me, you need to rest. Otherwise your heart might stop during the next peak of pleasure I give you." I sighed, but had to admit that he was right. It took all my strength just to nod in agreement. We looked at each other and gently kissed and licked each other's faces, though I had to wait until he moved into range of my tongue and lips as I had trouble lifting my head.

"I have some small skill at telling the future, would you like me to tell yours?" "Yes, my Lord." "As you wish, but please call me Falchion while we are alone." "Yes, Falchion." He kissed me again and then took my paws to examine the paws. Then he looked deep into my eyes and his grew far as if he was looking deep into my soul. I barely dared to breathe while I waited for my lover to speak again. I shivered with fear when I saw his eyes grow sad. He closed them for a moment and took a deep breath before he finally spoke, "There will be many good things in your life, but the next few years will be full of hardship." "How bad?" "Some of it will be very bad. You will have another year or so before it begins, though. You are wondering if you should take the oath to Mother Lillith?" "Yes." "You should not. If you take the oath before the worst of your hardship is over, you will most likely die." "But I can take the oath later?" He stared into my eyes once more, straining to lift the veil that hid my future before he answered, "Yes, if you survive. You will face many dangers during the hard years ahead of you, and there is a significant chance that you will die, but from what I can see, you will take up Her service in the end." "Can you tell me what 'hardships' I will face." He considered this for a long moment and then shook his head, "I could tell you some of it, but I should not. You will have a better chance to survive them if you do not know what will happen ahead of time." "I see." "Let's sleep now, my love. We can talk and more later. Good night." With that he pulled me close, let me curl up in his arms. I covered both of us with my tail and fell asleep moments later.

I don't remember my dreams clearly, but I know that we spent more time together and did many fun things, some of which were surely not possible in the real world. He woke me with gentle kisses that became more insistent quickly. We made love several times and my chittering cries of joy surely woke up most of the neighborhood. Then we got up reluctantly and said our goodbyes. My demonic lover gave me a small bag of coins as thanks for the wonderful time we had together. And because he claimed that I would need them. When I opened the purse later I found that he had been very generous as most of the coins were silver. I hurried downstairs to clean at least some of the gunk out of my fur before I returned to my duties. After breaking his fast and a few goodbye kisses he finally left. I watched him go, my heart heavy.

I found out soon enough why he thought that I would need the money: The morning sickness began the next day.