Samantha's Tail - Chapter Two: Left to the Wolves (rewrite)

Story by Samantha Vixen on SoFurry

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[Chapter One -]

[Rewrite of Chapter Two, I left some plot holes orginally so... Fix'd. Also for some reaon my spell checker wouldn't run, so the re-written part might have typoes.]

Sam finally had a day to herself. Her mother was out to town to buy groceries and dad was at some important meeting. It had been a year since Marcus went back the the army, and Malcom had enlisted into the navy - leaving Sam all by herself and jobless.

Well, not totally jobless. For the first few months the brilliant idea came to her mind of prostitution. It was legal here in the Lightfire Union, as long as you were over sixteen. A gorgeous vixen like her got a lot of business, but it was a competitive market so she couldn't charge very high. One day a man came to her and offered her a job at a strip bar, Sam gladly accepted.

But today was her day off, and she didn't evven have a boyfriend for once. She simply laid on her couch all day, just in a pair of black cloth panties and matching tank top. She idlely pawed her junk, pondering her life "why do I do this to myself? Why am I such a slut?" in truth she was just talking dirty to herself - she knew the what the real reason was.

Sam had a genetic condition, passed on from her mother call HYD, hyperactive yiff drive. It sounded silly, adn really it was, but she had to live with it. Only foxes could have it, and it's why they earned their sterotype, the condition was rather common. Basicly it made her heat periods unbearable, and her normal life was like a normal heat constantly.

She started to get rougher with herself, sticking two black furred fingers between her folds when she heard a knok at the door. Sam blushed deeply and pulled her paw out of her pants quickly, as if she had been caught. She took the time to lick her fingers clean of the sweet juices. She got up and went ot the door, looking through the peep-hole before opening it.

No-one was there, but a black executive type car was drving away. Sam looked down and saw an evelope, she picked it up and brought it inside, locking the door behind her. "What could this be?" She glanced over the envelope and noticed the LIghtfire Union's seal was stamped on it - this was from the government.

"What now? I haven't done anything wrong lately! Last I checked prositution was still legal in this area..." Sam mumbled as she opened up.

Mar' Samantha Arrow,

You must report to your local council chamber at 10am tomorrow. No further information can be disclosed.



Sam cocked her head at the letter in confusion, turning it about in her paws as if to find more. Just what she expected out of her government - short, simple and too the point. However her goverment had almost total power, it was a kind of Communist or Socialist system, it was great, but you can't fuck with them - she'd have to go. She sighed andd went to bed, mently preparing herself for whatever happens tomorrow...

Sam walked up the stone steps that led to the coucil chamber. She had been here a few times in the past when she got in trouble with the law, once on underage prositiution and again on blackmailing. Neither were successful, thanks to a judge she 'bribed'.

She stood in front of the door, brushing off her suit as she took one more moment ot prepare herself before she stepped into the chamber. It was a large, round room with a semi-circle granite counter on the far side of the room - that's where the cousolers sat. Sam looked over the faces there, a few she noticed.

One of them was the judge that she had bribed before. Another came as a surprise to her, it was the head of all Lightfirean espioange - Helburn. But even he was dwarfed by the next person Sam recognised.

"Mommy!" Sam cried when she spotted her among the counsolers, "What are you doing here?" she whined.

"I told judge Marril here about how you were looking for some excitement, and that you were good at persausion. He thought you could be useful and forwarded it all the way to the top and-"

"And we have a task for you." Helburn rudely interupted, "Relations with the Wolvend Empire have been deteriorating. We need someone to convince their king to improve it, his actions almost denote war."

Sam was so confused and tried to make sense of it all, "What? But why me? Don't you have people who have trained for years for this kind of thing?"

"Yeah, but to be honest none of them are as beautiful as you. You'll easily sway the king. Plues if one of our men was foiled we'd be so heavily connected to him war could insue instantly... With you we could easily claim you're a troubled private citizen."

"I don't want to though! This is way too deep for me! I-"

"Sam, you don't have a choice."

"Yes I do, you can't make me do something like that!"

"We can make you have no more options though." He stood up, "Samantha's previous charges of underage prostitution and blackmail are herby re-opened. As well as lieing in court and bribing a judge. All together these charges are punishable by exile. All who find her guilty?"

All the consolers raised their paws.

"The vote is unianimous, Sam must be out of the Lightfire Union by noon tomorrow." He sat back down, "Now Sam."

Sam couldn't believe this was happening. She put her face in her paws and sobbed queitly, "Why are you doing this to me? This is horrible!"

"Think about it Sam, if you do this your name will be in the history books, single-handedly preventing a war!" He encouraged her before becoming dark again, "You know you don't have a choice now anyway. We won't help you if you go just anywhere, only if you do what we want."

He was right of course, she had no choice in the long run. She finally pushed the emotion from her mind, "Fuck it... I'll do it. On one condition."


"Give one billion dollars to my family."

"Done... Now there's a limo waiting outside for you. The driver will explain what you need to know. There's a change of clothes in there too... Good luck."

Sam turned on her heels and left, she hated the man and never wanted to see her again.

I didn't know stepping into a whole new life...

Sam stepped out of the limo in all her glory. To fit her fake identity as a princess, her government dressed her in new clothes. Her double D bust was contained in a red silk bra, with gold lacing, her only other clothing was a matching loin-cloth. Apparently it was common apparel for royalty in Wolvend, not to mention it showed off all of Sam glorious body. Sam was a little tall for a vixen, around 5' 8" - she was slender but not so much as for her bones to show, healthy. Long bright red hair rested against her back, ending about half-way down her back. She has beautiful blue eyes and the normal fur color for a red fox.

She was on the walk way to a massive and beautiful palace, with an equally beautiful environment surrounding it. It must take hundreds of workers to upkeep it all. However, only one little old wolf came to greet her, a butler of some sort.

"Princess Arrow I presume?"

"Yes, that's me."

"The king wishes to see you. Follow." He turned about and gestured to follow, he seemed to think she would without question - and he was right.

He pushed open a door into the palace, Sam was surprised he even had the strength to open it. However she was more taken aback by the sudden change of her environment.

Inside the palace it was very dark, lite only by a few torches - her canine eyes would adapt in time, she just wasn't expecting it. The walls and floor were of simple stone. Sam began to doubt this was the actual palace. "Where are we?" She asked.

"You're in my throne room!" A voice exploded around her, the vast empty space amplified the already powerful voice.

Sam focused her attention to where the voice originated. Large stone chair was at the end of the room, covered with animal furs. Sitting in it was the largest man Sam had ever seen, her was fat and tall, taking up almost the entire chair. He was old, probably about to lose his fertility or already had. The butler lead the vixen closer before leaving them alone.

"Wow!" He exclaimed, licking his lips with some feral hunger. "Are all Lightfirean girls this gorgeous? How old are you? Twenty-five?" He poured out questions with obvious lust for her body.

"I'm nine-teen." Sam informed him.

"Nine-teen!" He roared loudly, making Sam lower her ears in distaste. He stood up now and Sam became aware of just how huge the wolf was. He was nearly eight feet tall, and was huge - once he might have been ripped but now he was fat. Sam remembered now that the wolves picked their leaders based on their might, not on any other quality.

"You're meaning to tell me!..." He said loudly, suddenly reaching his massive paws forward to hold Sam's breasts. "That you grew tits this big and aren't even a fully adult yet?!" The big male seemed to always speak in yells.

Sam winced, expecting the big brute to hurt her. However his paws were surprising gentle around her breasts, Sam had a feeling he was trying not to break her.


"How?!" He was fascinated.

"Good breeding I guess..." Sam commented. She knew what she had to do gain more favor with him. She reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her elegant top. It slipped down through his big paws and revealed her big breasts and all their glory.

His jaw dropped, Sam was beginning to wonder if he was actually the king. Wouldn't he have seen thousands of tits in his time? He seemed to notice what Sam was thinking, "I've never seen a Lightfirean before. Let alone like this." His voice was much more quiet this time, as if he was telling her a secret.

He grabbed her breasts in his paws again and started to squeeze and massage them. It excited a excited moan out of Sam, "They're real!" He shouted this time. He took his paws off of them and stared at them a moment, her breasts were perfectly round and sagged very little - yet they were double Ds. "Impossible." He stated, rubbing them in his big paws again. The soft fur and heavy mounds underneath gave in and squished down under his paws - real.

Sam blushed at his fascination, it made her feel great that a king was so impressed with her breasts. She rewarded him with sweet foxen moans, letting him know she was getting pleasure too. "Thank you. I'm proud of them..." Her mind started to drift a little, "Can I ask you something? Why is the outside of this palace so elegant, but the inside is so..." She didn't want to insult him somehow, so she choose her words carefully. "Simple."

He didn't even look up from his work, "Oh, we Wolvends don't think like you do - or other races for that matter. We care only on exterior appearance, the inside really doesn't matter." He explained. "And you, my vixen have a gorgeous exterior." He said to her, his head lowered now and he started to lick on her breasts.

Sam jumped a little and moaned happily as he started to lick her, her tail swinging behind her vigorously, "Oh I see now..." It made sense, it matched their reasons for choosing their leaders, and why the palace looked the way it did.

"You'll like it better this way. People won't make fun of you for being stupid. They'll appreciate you for your body." He commented, starting to suck on Sam's stiff nipples.

Whimpers emitted from Sam when he started sucking on her, it felt great and she felt warmth growing between her legs. She got angry at him for a moment for the stupid comment, but realized he was just using the 'pretty girl' stereotype. She figured it was a good thing he thought she was stupid, he wouldn't expect her of being capable of being a spy. "Oh that's good. I think I'll like it better this way... You know, I never got your name."

"Names aren't important either." he told her sharply. "Just call me whatever royal title you please." He got back to sucking her left tit.

"My lord?"

"I don't care."


He stopped now and looked up at her, smirking "Oh that one I do like..." He ran his paws down her sides, finally not obsessed with her breasts anymore and still admiring her entire foxy body. "And I'll call you my little vixen pet, or something."

Sam realized with some of his final word choice he was pretty stupid himself, she wasn't surprised though. "Ohhh I like that... Makes me feel like I'm your little slut." She said seductively.

He grinned proudly, "Oh you will be. But we'll have to prove you're my slut. Everyone will have to take you before I can take you alone." He explained, paws rubbing down her back now as he felt over her little body.

Sam blinked a little, "Huh what?" She asked, not sure she understood him.

"To know you're true to me you must take everyone we can get in a day. That way you pick the one that pleases you most... It's tradition here for new visitors to do this."

"What?!" Sam cried, "No master- I just want you."

"I know that, that's why we do this."

Sam whimpers, "But- but so many people. I could get a disease."

He chuckled heartily, "Oh no! Everyone gets pre-screened. I would never do that to you!" He exclaimed, "Hell, if I got someone as gorgeous as you sick I'd be hung!" He seemed quite serious.

"But..." Sam didn't like this one bit, "What if I don't want to. I only want you, no-one else."

He shrugged and went back to his chair, he tried acting as if he didn't need her but his eyes would not leave her body no matter how hard he tried. "Then leave. I have a war I need to plan anyway."

Sam was reminded of her mission and mumbled curses under her breath. She shivered, "Ok... I'll do it."

He rose back up and roared, "Splendid! Never before has a creature so incredibly beautiful taken so many people! It will be an amazing site. I will personally see to the separating of the sick from the healthy..." He explained, "We'll do it tomorrow, it will take a while to spread the word and get as many people as we possibly can."

She bit her lip, this wasn't good. "Ok.... what do we do till then?"

He just sat, he didn't seem to have any ideas. "We can't mate till after the ceremony. So I guess just go to your room till then... It's on the right side of this room, third door from the back."

Sam was disappointed in him for his dropping her because they couldn't have sex, as if it was all he cared about - and it was. She picked up her bra and started to go.

"Oh. Wash yourself up as good as you possibly can. I want you to look absolutely perfect... After this you probably never get full clean again anyway."

Sam whimpered a little and went to her room, but perked up with what she saw. Once again everything changed, the room was absolutely gorgeous. A massive bed could probably hold five people, it's blankets were velvet and the sheets were silk. She couldn't name the wood used in the room, but it was beautiful and it all looked hand-made. She went to the bathroom, and couldn't even describe it it was so breathtaking.

"This is what being royalty is about." Thought Sam and she got the water going in the large marble bathtub. "What's going to happen tomorrow really isn't too scary." She tried to reassure herself, "None of them will have STDs so it's not like it'll hurt me to do it." She took off her loincloth and slipped into the hot water with a murr, "Besides, I'll get to live like this afterwords."

I cleaned myself as best I could that night like the king told me too. I put so much effort into making me feel better about what was going to happen that I was actually excited about it. I couldn't wait to fuck every living thing the king brought to me. Little did I know we weren't talking a foursome or something, I fucked all day and not one of them was the same person; well just let me describe it...

"Wake up sleepyhead."

Sam groaned and arched her back on the bed, she had never slept so well in her life. She opened her eyes and saw the king.

"Everyone is waiting for you... I've never seen such a large crowd!" He exclaimed.

Sam remembered what was suppost to happen and groaned. "I"m still not sure..." She started to have second thoughts.

"Can't go back now, everyone is here." He shrugs, "Unless you want it to be a massive rape, you have to go."

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, still tired. "We really have to do it this early?"

"Yes. Everyone is here, it's so many people we have to do it outside too. Which means we should do it before it gets hot out." He offered his big paw to her, "Come on, you'll love it! So many people just for you!"

Sam smiled a little, she did like thew feeling of being so loved, "Ok..." She gave in, putting one of her little black paws in his massive gray one.

He grinned happily, "Splendid!" He pulled her up and led her out of the room and through his palace. He lead them through some back door and into a massive open courtyard - Sam couldn't name place she had seen more people before.

There were so many she couldn't see the ground between them, the only clear place was a large marble slab in the middle of the courtyard. The stone had a few straps on it as well.

"The stone will keep the table from sliding around, and the straps are just there so you won't slid around either, or to hold you in place if you get tired of keeping yourself in place."

Suddenly the crowd noticed Sam was there and burst into howls and cheers. Sam could tell it was all in admiration on her body, but it was all so noisy she could tell what exactly they liked most.

"See how they love you!" The king had to roar louder than ever to be heard above the background noise, yet he managed to get even louder. "DO YOU WANT HER?"

The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs.

"THEN YOU SHALL HAVE HER!" The king picked up Sam and lifted her above his head and he forced his way through the crowd.

Sam squirmed a little in his paws, not really expecting him to do that. "Sorry their like rabid dogs. Have to keep you away for now." He explained to her.

From her position Sam was able to get a good view of everyone. Each and every one of them seem very fit and healthy, the king had kept his word. She was also surprised to see their were a lot of females here as well. Sam blushed to see very young people here too, from teens going through the worse stages of puberty to some curious eight year olds... Everyone was nude.

The king placed her on the stone block, "You want the straps on?" He ripped off her bra and loincloth like it was nothing, and the crowd screamed even louder at the sight of the absolutely gorgeous vixen.

Sam was shaking in fear, she felt like a little prey animal surrounded by a pack of wolves... And they were starving.

"Y-y-yes." She had a feeling she'd be fucked so hard she wouldn't be able to hold herself down.

"Very well." He pulled the straps and locked one around each of her thighs, another under her big breasts, they were tight and strong.

"REMEMBER THE RULE!" He rose up and roared suddenly, "NO FIGHTING! YOU KNOW YOUR ORDER SO KEEP IT! AND I GO FIRST!" He grabbed his animal fur clothes and tore them to shreds, obviously still incredibly strong at his age.

Sam remember something and suddenly cried to the king, "Wait! I don't want anal! Tell them no anal!" She pleaded.

"What?" He was confused.

"Please! It's all I ask!"

He grumbled and roared out again, "DO NOT TAKE THE VIXEN'S ASS!" There were whines of disappointment, but he didn't care.

The king approached Sam, moving around to her front. "Get me hard and wet." And demanded, shoving his semi-erect wolf-hood in her face.

Sam obeyed quickly, reaching her tongue out to lick on the big pointed tip of his canine meat. She gasped a little, his cock was a lot muskier than a fox cock, and a lot bigger. She lapped on his cock aggressively all the same, her tongue snaking around the sides and wrapping around the meaty pole.

He groaned happily, "Urmmmm...." He bucked forward in her tongue's embrace, "That tongue is so soft!" He cried in delight.

Sam wagged her huge tail between her legs and continued her work, tracing her tongue up and down on the underside of his huge meat, trying to stimulate the most sensitive nerves - each lap ending at the underside of his tip. All the while, the wolf cock pulsed in her embrace and grew larger and larger. After a few moments under her feral licking he grew to nearly ten inches long, and Sam wasn't sure how thick - but it was fatter than a fox dick.

Suddenly he grabbed her face and thrust his meat at her with great force. Sam knew what she wanted and opened her mouth wide, he cock slammed into her hot maw and his pointed tip poked the back of her throat.

Sam fought the urge to gag, and straightened her head and neck so he had a clear path of entry. When he withdrew for a moment she took a deep breath before the wolf lunged forward again, hilting himself deep in her throat.

She had been practicing on dildos for a long time, trying to master the art of deep-throating, and she had. She didn't gag, and even started to swallow on his dick, her strong throat muscles tugged and pulled roughly on his dick, Sam good groans of delight from the great wolf who tried pulling away at the same time she swallowed his cock, making the stimulation only that much greater.

He held her face more firmly and started to fuck her face at a fast pace. Sam closed her eyes in slight pain, but she endured it. Her tongue all the while squirmed around his cock, wrapping around it and thrashing against the sensitive underside. His knot started to grow and it bumped against Sam's cold nose each time he lunged forward. He decided it was time to stop and pulled all the way out with a lewd 'shhhulpp' noise, his dick dripping with Sam's saliva.

Sam gasped for air and the blow-job finally took a toll on her as she coughed and sputtered up her spit. She looked around her and remembered the crowd around her, mean beating themselves furiously as they watched the vixen being abused, they couldn't wait for their turn.

The ring circled around her and got between her legs, giving her no chance to prepare as he lunged forward, driving his entire length into her wet cunt. He roared in delight, "Fuck! You're deep enough to fit me!" He reached forward and held her above the hips as he tore into her tight young pussy furiously.

Sam yipped in surprise as he jumped into her so suddenly, not having the chance to adapt to his size. She had never had a real dick in her this large before, toys, but not a real dick. Even though she was a slut, she had managed to stay tight as a virgin still, she didn't know how she was so lucky. The great wolf above her, closed his eyes in deep delight and he bucked into her even harder and faster, lewd noises coming from their mating as his knot slapped against her wet vagina - his dick so well lubricated their was no resistance save her extreme tightness - her hot, tight, wet embrace squeezing and pulling on his cock; milking him.

She cried and squeezed the sides of the marble block tight as she could as the wolf plowed into her with now feral lust. He snarled and growled above her, his saliva dripping onto her belly as he ravaged her pussy with wolven strength. Something snapped in his mind and Sam saw it in his eyes, and he suddenly slammed into her with all his might, making Sam scream in pain as he forced his massive knot into her cunt, nearly the size of a softball. He continued to thrust into her but the knot made such a tight fit he could get no deeper. His hot seed erupted out of his meat and spewed straight past her cervix and into her young womb. He humped at her each time he blew a stream of cum inside of her, eventually he was empty and humped her idly.

Sam shivered and watched him, he seemed to break out of his trance, his tail was wagging behind him and his head was rose high. Proud at his age that he had fucked such a young and gorgeous girl.

He waited for his massive knot to die down before pulling out, excess jizz drizzled out of her hot cunt. "I have finished." He didn't have to be as loud now, the crowd was silent. "Do not knot her either, it will slow things down too much. I have matters to attend. HAVE AT HER!" He screamed the final words, which riled the crowd again as they charged toward Sam.

The men closest too her had had the best view of what had happened so had been masturbating furiously. They ran over her and pumped their cocks over her form. One jizzed on her belly, another on her face, another on her breasts. Their was only a little fighting before they got in their order, a wolf went to Sam's face, another between her legs.

"Suck." Said the one at her face, shoving it in her mouth and went straight to fucking her throat.

"You're so beautiful!" Said the other, position himself and shoving his meat into her soaked pussy.

The compliment fell on deaf ears, she was frightened now that the king left, literally leaving her to the wolves. She hated the man using her face, he fucked her throat ferociously and didn't give her any chance for a breath, to punish him she didn't give any effort to him. On the other hand, the man fucking her pussy seemed to adore her, he went out of his way to find her g-spot before fucking it ferociously, making her moan in delight around the cock in her mouth, "So sexy." He commented.

"Dude fuck you. She doesn't give a shit about us, just use her like the whore she is."

"That's not how you treat a girl."

They continued to argue above her, but they weren't really paying attention to her, she was suffocating. She finally had to bite down on the wolf's cock.

"Arrr!!!" He pulled back suddenly, which only made it worse as her sharp teeth ripped down his meat. He was about to slap her when a burly wolf pushed him to the ground.

"You're time's up anyway!" the new wolf turned to her and ease his cock into her mouth, giving her time for a deep breath before shoving himself deep in her throat.

She liked him more, so she happily swallowed on his thick cock, tongue wrapping around and thrashing against his meat he groaned in ecstasy as the fox serviced him, bucking into her throat gently.

Suddenly Sam pulled off his cock as pleasure ran down her body. 'Ahhh yes!! Harder! I'm so close!" the male fucking her tight cunt had never stopped fucking her g-spot and it was pushing her over the edge. He gladly obeyed and fucked her with feral passion, watching her big tits bounce on her chest every thrust. Sam arched her back, the straps keeping her from moving far. Her vagina contracted around his meat and tugged on him and she blasted her own hot fluids down the the wolf cock. He got her to cum. Sam panted in delight and smiled at him, she would remember his face, "You can knot me." she told him before the male at her face put his cock back into her mouth.

Now the male at her cunt fucked her roughly and savagely for his own pleasure, eventually hitting his climax and shoved his knot into her tight vagina, his jizz mixing with the king's in her womb. He eventually pulled out and left.

It continued all day, men fucking her pussy and her face. Many were too impatient to wait and jizzed on her body and face. Sam tried counting them all, but lost count around one-hundred. It was about evening when the men were gone, now there were only teenagers, women and children left. A six-teen year old wolf started to approach her, stiff cock in hand when she suck out her paw "Stop." He voice was rough and husky now, "Just for a minute. Untie me, I really need to pee."

"Oh!" he started shaking, apparently embarrassed about being around such a hot girl. Did he think she wasn't really alive before or something? "Uh, ok." He went over to her and undid the straps, paws shaking uncontrollably.

When he was done Sam sat up, her bones popping. "Oh god..." She whimpered, pain suddenly flaring down her pussy. "I don't think I can walk..." She raised a paw to him, "Help me up, take me to that fountain over there."

He was frightened but did it, and Sam climbed into the fountain, washing her fur out a little and cleaning up in it before peeing in it. She limped back to the marble block, laying on her belly on it this time.

"You really want to keep doing this?" He asked her in surprise, "There's not more adult males left."

"Oh hunny this was the part I wanted the most. I prefer girls, and younger men more anyway... I like you boy, I think I got enough energy to give you an actual fun time. Come here." Sam wasn't even sure what she was doing anymore, it was almost like sex was just second nature to her.

It took him a while, he was so scared. Sam smiled at him, "Ok... You lay on the rock. I obviously have to do the work here." She eventually had to grab him, she threw him onto the block and slipped between his legs, getting on her knees and started to rub his inner thighs.

"Wh- Why me? Why not just just let me take you like the other guys did?" He asked, we wasn't really attractive.

"Because you're probably the only one who deserves it. And since this is your first time I want it to be your best, now shut up."

"But how do you know this is my first-"

"Shut up!" She barked at him, getting impatient. "That's why. If it wasn't your first time you'd shut up!"

He blushed in embarrassment and just watched her. One of her little black paws started to massage her sheath and sack till his dick slipped back out again. She took it in her paw and started to jerk him expertly, even better than he could do to himself, he groaned in pleasure, his dick grew to full size almost instantly - a pitiful 6 inches for a wolf. He was young though.

"You're really beautiful, you know that."

Sam smiled at him, looking up into his eyes, "Oh thank you." She leaned in and breathed hot air on his cock, "Fuck I love virgin cock..." She moaned, she knew he would ask why so answered before he spoke "It makes you feel proud to take someone's virginity." She extended her tongue and gave one soft lick from the very base of his sheath to the very end of his pointed cock.

He almost let off a girly scream of pleasure, shivers ran down his spine, his whole body shook. "Ohh that feels so good!" After the lick though the feeling of needing more came to him, "Oh don't stop!"

Sam snickered and gripped the base of his cock tightly in her paw. She leaned forward against ans curled her tongue around his tip, licking her in short little laps a few times like that, the underside of his tip - the most sensitive part of his cock. He cried above her but he ignored him, "Fuck you taste yummy!" And she wasn't trying to just make him feel good, he had the best tasting cock she had had today - and she had a lot of them.

"Uhhh vixen I'm going to cum!" He warned, his knot inflated quickly.

"What? No!" She stopped and pulled away, "Already? Damn..." she was disappointed, it was going to be hard to give him the time of his life if he was going to blow so soon. "Well that makes things harder... Oh well." She climbed up on top of him, "You're going to blow it inside me at least." She lowered herself down on his cock which quickly slipped in her sloppy wet pussy, she was somehow still tight.

"Oh fuck!" He shouted as her tight wet insides clung to him strongly, "Sam! I'm gonna-"

"You're going to hold it back or I'm going to beat you!" She barked at him, he lowered his ears in submission. She sat down on him the rest of the way on his meat, burring in deep inside of her body. Sam arched her neck up and moaned to the sky, it felt so good to be fucked in a different position after what she had been taking all day. She knew he wouldn't last wrong, so she suddenly lunged into action. She held his sides and started to jump up and down on his cock aggressively, throwing her weight into each drop, his cock spearing into her hard.

"Ow it hurts!"

She growled at him, "Yiff isn't fun unless it's rough, deal with it." To prove her point she lunged forward on him, locking her jaws around his neck, sharp teeth digging in softly, her big breasts pressed into his chest. She shifted her rump up and down on his meat while the front of her body stayed still.

It all confused him, but he found the domination extremely arousing. It was all too much for him though, he wrapped his arms around her tightly and cried out. Sam suddenly slammed her rump down on his lap, his knot forced inside of her and he squirted his seed deep inside of her. The hot young seed filling her was just enough to make Sam hit her orgasm, contracting around his cock and soaking his lap with fluids.

He was actually crying, and his arms pulled her into a hug. "Thank you so much!" he said to her, nuzzling against the side of her head.

Sam let go of his neck, "You're welcome."

"But I think I realized something today... I'm gay."

"What?" Sam looked at him confused, that was the last thing she expected to hear out of a man after such a sexual experience.

"I blow way to fast for a girl. And I loved being dominated... You're gorgeous Sam, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but for some reason it doesn't get me going as much as I'd think... Oh, and watching the king fuck you I was completely jealous." He nuzzled her happily, "Please don't think that it's because you did a bad job or something though! That was so amazing I can't put it into words. You've just helped me realize who I am is all." He explained to her.

Sam giggled at him, "Oh, alright..." It still confused her though she had made someone gay though, "I like you though boy. If you ever change your mind, look me up. My name is Samantha Arrow."

He smiled, "Oh ok... My name's Jake, house of Torg." He slipped out of under Sam, "I'm going now though. I want to catch one of the adult men before they get away, goodbye Sam." He trotted off before Sam could respond.

Sam shrugged the encounter off and looked to see who was still here. There was only one wolfess left, the rest got impatient and left - however they left all their curious children behind with her.

"Oh how sweet... Would you please get clean in that other fountain please? These children want to play with your body and we don't like the idea of them getting covered in man-seed." The wolfess told Sam.

Sam nodded, "Of course." Sam went to the other fountain, not the one she had peed in earlier. And worked more cum out of her fur. The wolfess watched her bath, they way she looked at Sam she could tell the wolfess was jealous of Sam's body.

"Ok I think that's good enough."

Sam got out and shook her fur out ot dry a bit then went to the marble table again. She sat on the side of it, "What do they want?" Sam asked.

"They've made it clear they want your tits, but just let them do whatever they want." the wolfess looked down at the kits, "Go have fun. The vixen will do whatever you desire."

"Yay!" They shouted and giggled, running to Sam. Sam got d\own off the table, knowing it was a bit to high for them and just leaned against the side of it instead. They came to her and crawled all over her, all trying to claim some part of her body.

Grubby little paws went to her tits and pushed on them and squeezed on them blindly with now real intention.

"Heheh, they're soft!"

"They bounce see?" One of them pushed up on Sam's big breasts and let go, the bounced back down in jiggled in their faces, they were drooling in lust - though they didn't know why they were so fascinated.

"Ugh, my wee-wee's hard like a rock, I don't know why. It kinda hurts..."

"I can help you." Sam said suddenly, it frightened them a little, lay on your back.

The wolf pup in question was the oldest here, maybe ten, no old though. He obeyed, his four inch prick erect in the air. "You can?"

"She'll do to you like she did those older guys I bet!" One of them realized.

The older pup started to get up, "No way! Don't eat me!" But Sam pushed him down with a paw, for once she was the strongest one here.

"Stay, or you'll regret it the rest of you life boy." Sam got on all four and went to him, as she shifted they gazed at her tits as they jiggled and were pulled down - rounded perfectly by the force of gravity.

Sam put a paw around the boys junk, she realized she could take the whole thing in her mouth, balls and all. She wagged her tail above her happily, she was never able to do that body. She started to lower her maw to his crotch when she moaned sharply. Two cubs and crawled underneath her and started to suck vigorously on her hard nipples, it felt so good. "Ohhh good puppies..." She said quietly too them, careful to lower her maw in such a way now as to not disturb them.

She lashed her tongue out against the tiny cock and satchel, her tongue almost wide enough to cover the entire pile of junk, it was long enough to. He whimpered a little, still afraid she would eat him, but it felt so good. She continued to lick at his stuff like a feral dog might, she didn't have to try to do it in any skilled way because she could lick the whole thing with just one lap. The cubs underneath her pawed her huge breasts happily, sucking harder on her nipples.

"She doesn't make milk like mommy."

"But they're so much bigger... Ugh they're perfect!"

"How do you know what perfect is? Your mom didn't feed you like that!"

"Believe me my puppies, they are perfect. Enjoy them now, you won't find more like these what are actually real." Sam told them suddenly.

"The vixen's telling the truth, enjoy them." The adult wolfess cut in. Sam looked up at her curiously, the wolfess was now wearing a strap on. "I can't have your body, but I can ravage it." She got behind Sam and lined up the tool to Sam's pussy.

Sam blushed a little as the wolfess praised her body, "Thank you miss..."

"Mistress. Beg me to fuck you." She said, rubbing the tool between Sam's big ass-cheeks.

"Oh please mistress. Fuck me. Fuck me till I hurt. Finish me off, be the last one to have me."

"Please vixen don't stop it hurts worse now!" The pup Sam had been licking begged.

Sam quickly took all his junk into her muzzle, sucking it roughly and trashing her tongue all over it aggressively, the cub screamed ecstasy. Sam felt the tool get shoved into her abused cunt and the wolfess get above her, the wolfess growled dominantly before locking her jaws around Sam's neck and started to fuck her vigorously.

The cubs watched in fascination as two sets of tits bounced in unison before their eyes. It was so confusing, they seemed to love it yet the vixen seemed to be in pain - but she seemed to love the pain too. She called the wolfess strange names and the wolfess cussed at her, but they weren't angry at each other, yet they seemed to have some deep seeded love for each other.

The sleek dildo felt amazing to Sam, her pussy had been so ravaged by the friction of real cocks. The way the wolfess fuck her was familiar, although she was down talking her and calling her names the angle and way she thrust the tool was all for Sam's pleasure... Just as her mom had done to her years ago. Sam looked up at the wolfess, and saw she was about the same age as her mom had been at the time. It made her feel safe, she knew she was in good hands.

The cub Sam was sucking suddenly cried out and spasms shot threw his body. Just a little tiny squirt of cum came out of him despite how violet the orgasm was, Sam drank it down egarly - the was the boys first jizz and it tasted amazing. He crawled away now to watch the girls fuck like the rest of the pups were.

"Ughn!!! Mistress! I'm cumming!" Sam exclaimed as she hit her hardest climax today. A powerful shiver ran down her spine and hit her rump like a freight train. She vagina contracted tightly around the hard dildo, trying to milk it for cum and spraying musky fluids down the length of it. The wolfess pulled out and took off the strap-on, liking the dildo clean.

"Ohhhh you're so yummy..."

Sam was panting, collapsed on the ground, finally out of energy. She asked the wolfess sleepily, "You want me to do you now?"

"No sweety, you need to rest. You've just gone through the most sexually exhausting trial you'll ever do..." She laid on top of Sam gently, "You've made a lot of people happy today. They'll never forget it."

Sam smiled, that made her feel good. "That's true. They'll never get to fuck someone as beautiful as me ever again - and definitely not for free."

"You're a beautiful girl Samantha. Luck will follow you wherever you go. I know right now it feels like you're just being abused - but in the end you'll see how well you really get treated for being gorgeous." She nuzzled Sam softly, then looked at the pups. "You all know how to get home from here?"

They shook their heads at first, they had been transfixed on their older women's tits. Then they nodded to answer the question, "Yes ma'am."

"Then go. I want to take this vixen home safely."

They nodded and the oldest one turned back to them before they left, "Thanks vixen! That was fun!"

"My name's Sam... Please don't forget me." She begged him.

"Oh I won't. I'll tell everyone I know too!"

"Please do. They'll be so jealous..." She grinned at the pup and he left.

Sam looked back up at the older wolfess, "Thank you so much... You really made all this worth it."

The wolfess smiled, "You're welcome baby..." She stood up and offered her paws to Sam, "I'll take you home, I know you're sore."

Sam nodded and took the wolfess' paws groaning in pain as she stood up. "My room's up there." She pointed to the palace, "I'll guide you."

The wolfess escorted her back to the elegant room, "Oh wow, this room is amazing."

Sam nodded, "It's really nice..." She agreed, about to sit on the bed.

"Let me give you a thorough bath hun, you don't want to dirty the bed." She took Sam to the bathroom and filled the tub for her with hot water. "You'll never get that cum out without help."

Sam slipped into the water with a moan, it felt so nice. "Really though, why are you doing this for me?"

The wolfess shrugged, "Well, it is part of the ceremony for the last person to have you to take care of you."

"Then you waited purposely for that?"

"Yeah... And I know you aren't' who you say you are."

Sam stiffened now, "What do you mean?"

"I know your people. You don't have actual royalty, you have a fancy democratic system over there... And royalty would never subject themselves to that sort of treatment... You're just a little vixen whore, and a spy."

Sam was about to retort when the wolfess continued.

"Don't worry baby. I love you. I'm just telling you I know. I won't tell anyone - on one condition."

"What's that?" Sam asked.

"Take me with you, when you leave. I've always wanted to see the world, but I never could under normal circumstances."

Sam smiled, "Um ok. I really like you so I don't mind... Could I at least get your name though?"

The wolfess giggled softly, "Oh hunny didn't the king tell you already? Names aren't important with our people..."

"It is with mine. And you'll be with me so..."

"Well, it's Sasha. But please just keep calling me mistress."

"Sasha?" Sam blushed deeply, "That's my mom's name... And you act a lot like my mom does." She thought it was a very strange coincidence?

"Oh? So your mom fucked the hell out of you and orders you to call her mistress." Sasha giggled, figuring she was just teasing.

"Actually yes she did. She took my virginity at eight and I was her yiff slave till I was around thirteen."

Sasha blinked and giggled, "Oh wow. I see why you're such a slutty little thing now!"

She gave me a wonderful and very in depth bath, cleaning every little last particle of cum out of my fur. Afterwords she gave me a nice full body massage on the bed, saying it would help reduce the pain I'd feel tomorrow. We went to bed, I told her I would call her mommy for now on. She thought it was sweet and agreed with me. We slept together, I cuddled up against her body, it was the best night I ever spent - till I woke up sore all over, particularly in my vagina. The king requested my presence.

"Yes master?" I asked when I limped my way to his throne.

"I'm proud of you vixen. You performed the ceremony perfectly, you don't know the praise I got afterword for sharing you... Because you did so good, I'm granting you whatever you want."

Sam smirked, this is what she needed, "Ok... First I met a wolfess named Sasha, I want her to be mine to do as I please with."

He nodded, "That's fine. Don't you have a larger request?"

Sam nodded, "Actually I do. Could you sign an unconditional alliance with my homeland? I don't feel safe there with such a great empire looming over us." She sucked up to him.

He grumbled to him, "Er, fine! No more big requests though! Only one more personal request."

She smiled, "That's fine... Get me a car and don't stop me from leaving."

"What?" He roared.

"I'm going. Bye."

"You can't leave!"

"You said one more request. You're going back your royal word?"

"Well no b-"

"Bye." Sam turned on her spot, "Let's go mommy!" Sam called out, Sasha came out of her room and followed Sam out of the building.

We got to a taxi eventually. I asked mommy where we should go, she asked me why we couldn't go home and I explained to her how the government used the exile tactic to get me to do all this. She was disappointed, but she seemed to know more about the world than I did, she recommended we go north - so we did...