Partners in Silence and Love

Story by Shenai on SoFurry

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I'm bored, trying to write an erotic story so my undying horniness can become even more immortal than it already is. Anyways, starts out a little slow, but gets hotter around half way through if you catch my drift. Enjoy.

Sincerely Yours, Shenai

P.S. Not sure if there are going to be more chapters.

Warning: The following content is inappropriate for younger audiences and should not be viewed recklessly, blah, blah, blah...

Chapter 1: Partners in Silence and Love

Neil was pretty boring for a 17 year old Junior in high school. His grades weren't remarkable. He didn't posses any fantastic physical, mental, or artistic talents, and he spent a good deal of his time alone. All that being said, Neil was the fascination of his peers at school. After all, Neil was a White Wolf, an extremely rare species of morph with a remaining population of only a few thousand. He stood 5 feet 10 inches, and his whole body was covered in a soft coat of silvery white fur. His eyes too were unique, a silvery gray shade, the tell tale feature of a true white wolf. Unfortunately for Neil, being a White Wolf morph hadn't been a pleasant road. He wasn't fond of attention. More accurately he was easily overwhelmed by it, a reality which had become even more troublesome recently.

Neil's family had just moved, from the large coast city of Rhoan to the small mountain town of Cedar Brook. The transition had been bad enough for Neil, having to leave the city and friends he had known his whole life, but since starting school he had been losing a war for some peace and quiet, and it was starting to get to him. Unlike his peers at Rhoan, the students of Cedar High didn't seem to understand nor care about his desire for some alone time.

"Hey, you're Neil Right?" The dozing wolf couldn't help but sigh in discontent, having heard the same line several dozen times over the past few days. The school year was young, and apparently so was his reputation. He'd hoped that he would quickly become regarded as "Generally Unpleasant", but so far people's curiosity had smothered that dream. Neil looked up to the eerily happy face of a female German Shepherd morph.

"You mind if I sit here, there are no other seats left." Neil quickly looked her up and down. She stood about 6 feet and wore a short light blue skirt and a white t-shirt, an outfit which did little to hide her physically fit figure and readily announced to him the hefty size of her breasts. She seemed likely to be annoying, but decided it couldn't be helped if there were really no seats left. He nodded his consent and turned to look back out the nearby window.

"Why the look over?" The dog asked as she sat down. Neil shrugged. "You wouldn't happen to be interested would you...?" she asked playfully. If Neil was amused it didn't show. Despite his foul mood the dog seemed determined to break the ice. "I'm Liz!" She said enthusiastically. "I'm pretty sure we have a few classes together, English, Math, and Spanish I think?" Neil postponed his slouched gaze out the window to straighten his back and sigh deeply.

"Liz, do you think you could do me a favor?" Neil saw the dog's eyes brighten visibly at the question.

"Sure, what do you need?" She asked eagerly

"Be quiet for the rest of the ride." He said flatly and then returned to his slouched gaze out the window. Liz darkened as visibly as her eyes had just brightened. Sadly, Neil was too relieved that he had actually expressed his desire for some peace to actually notice how he had affected her.

The rest of the ride was quiet, save for the constant, unending chatter of the other students Neil hadn't told to hush. He was sure he heard a few discussing him, but did his best to brush it off. Liz sat somewhat uncomfortably next to Neil, shifting every now in then as she was drowned in her own sea of awkwardness.

Homeroom, World History, and Chemistry flew by quickly and before Neil knew it he was once more sitting alone in a lunch room, being examined from every angle conceivable. He wore black cargo shorts, which contrasted strongly with his pure white fur, and a dark blue t-shirt. This outfit was a combination which Neil hoped seemed as "dark" as his attitude towards questions. He sighed as usual, letting as much stress as possible evaporate from his system. As he slowly picked through the mediocre cafeteria food he contemplated which imbecile would be the first to come sit at the small end table he occupied. So far, for three weeks straight, he had alienated anywhere from two to five people at a time, and yet he felt he had accomplished nothing in the area of acquiring some peace. However, he was amused at the inability of strangers to approach him alone. Thinking about it made him want to laugh, and just as he was about to do so quietly to himself he heard the riveting noise of a tray being placed in front of him. He glanced up, and then back down quickly. It was Liz.

The German Shepherd said nothing. She simply sat down and began eating. Lunch went quickly, with neither one of them saying a word. At first Neil felt uncomfortable but he quickly found her presence acceptable, seeing as it made no noise, a good quality in his opinion.

If lunch had caught him off guard his next three classes did as well. In each one Liz made sure to sit next to him, maintaining the status quo of silence they had apparently agreed on. As with lunch Neil adjusted to her presence and was content, and not only was he content, but their combined silence seemed to be warding off the usual bombardment of questions he received from his classmates during any free time, and the absence of said questions relieved him to no end. On the bus ride home Neil decided some thanks might be in order. He wasn't sure how exactly he could thank her, but if she continued to help him like this he was definitely going to owe her.

And she did. Liz took care of him on the bus, and during the last half of the day starting at lunch every day for the next week. Even though Neil still had to deal with other students in his first three classes, his mood was much better in general, especially around Liz, and knowing he had her to lean on later made his first classes much more bearable. Throughout all of this they never spoke once, but every now and then they would smile at each other, a confirmation they were both willing partners in silence.

Finally, after two weeks had passed, a day came when Neil spoke up. The day marked the first breach in silence since the day they'd first met, and when he did speak a strange sensation ran through both the wolf and the dog. A sensation which made their hearts beat a little faster, and their muscles tense ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry I was so rude to you before. I want to thank you for helping me get some peace at school. Is there something I can do for you, some way I can repay you?" Neil said quickly. Liz looked up from the book she was reading, their eyes meeting for several seconds. The bus bumped along despite his words, but for them the world had stopped, a commemoration to the past few weeks. She raised a hand to her chin in thought. Neil watched her closely, surprised to find himself admiring her looks and the cute expression she was making. He had caught himself admiring her a few times before and had a faint suspicion he had become infatuated with her. She was, after all, the key to his sanity at school.

She looked back over to him, their eyes meeting once again. He nodded reassuringly, hoping he might be able to do what she asked. "How about a movie at my place?" Neil hadn't been sure what to expect, but at her words he found one part of him was excited, while the other was stunned. An invitation to do something with him wasn't one of the possibilities he had considered when he had thought about what she might want from him, but still, he was curious what it could lead to.

"Sure." He said. "How about this weekend?" The words rolled off his tongue automatically before he could really think about them.

She laughed, obviously relieved and happy he had accepted. It made him happy to see her happy. After all, she had made him happy. (Narrator apologizes for too much happy) He laughed a bit as well. The bus pulled to their stop, and after agreeing to meet at the bus stop on Saturday at 6:00 P.M. they went their separate ways. She had asked what his favorite genres were, and promised to pick a good movie. As Neil walked there was a visible spring in his step which he wasn't aware of, and which earned him a few laughs from the nearby neighbors.

Saturday came quickly and before he knew it Neil was walking to his bus stop. It was 5:50 P.M. and he felt great. He and Liz had started chatting, and for the first time since he had arrived at Cedar Brook the conversations had nothing to do with him being a white wolf. They just enjoyed each other's company. He wasn't sure what was going to happen at Liz's house, but then again, he wasn't really concerned about it. He had dressed as he usually did, wearing his signature black cargo shorts, and a solid maroon colored t-shirt.

As he neared the corner which was their bus stop, Liz appeared from around the nearby fence. Neil was stunned. She wasn't dressed extravagantly, but she was beautiful, wearing a bright red mini-skirt which blossomed like a delicate rose around her thighs, and a dark blue tube top which showed a good bit of her tan and black fur, in addition to a large amount of cleavage. His heart skipped quite a few beats and he stumbled a bit, an affect which he was thankful Liz didn't witness. After composing himself in a nearby bush he walked over to her. She smiled affectionately at him.

"You look beautiful." He managed to get out smoothly.

"Aw, thanks." She looked down, blushing slightly, although it wasn't visible. "You ready to head to my place? I'm pretty sure I found a movie you'll like."

"That sounds good. Lead the way." And so they set off. It wasn't but a five minute walk, but they had a good time chatting all the same.

"We're here!" Liz announced happily. "It's not huge or pretty, but I suppose it's what's on the inside that counts." Neil smiled at the small two story house with its slightly dirty brown siding and dark green window frames. He liked it. It looked like a good home, friendly above all else. He followed Liz through the front door. On the inside there was a unique smell, one which Neil attributed to years of habitation. The walls were covered with pictures of relatives and trinkets which he guessed were souvenirs.

They walked towards the back of the house, to a large room on the first floor with a huge C shaped couch big enough to fit 10 people. Opposite the couch sat a decently large flat screen TV, with a fine layer of dust covering the screen. Liz quickly retrieved a cloth and wiped the dust away, making the old flat screen look pristine. Neil made himself at home on the couch, opposite the tv, leaning back and spreading his arms along the top of the couch's cushions.

Liz walked in front of were Neil sat holding up a small box. They had discussed the day before that they were both fans of horror, and apparently that had been the deciding factor in her choice of movie. Demon of the Silent Forest. She inserted the disc into the player and grabbed the remote, jumping back on the couch to a spot about a foot away from Neil.

The movie started slowly, with a lot of build up to the first death, but after that people started dropping like leaves in fall. The wolf and dog sat quietly for a while, trying their best to enjoy the movie, throwing in jokes occasionally. The demon had killed most of the cast after an hour and a half, and it had come down to a frightening confrontation between the main Heroine and the demon. At one point the demon appeared right behind the heroine catching both Neil and Liz off guard. Neil flinched, Liz jumped, and within that instant Liz's head had moved to Neil's shoulder.

"Sorry." She said while looking up to him.

"It's okay, I don't mind." He said while their eyes meet.

"Thanks." She whispered laying her head back down on his shoulder.

Neil's eyes had wandered over the beautiful dog's body quite a few times during the movie, but now he had a perfect view down her shirt. He couldn't resist, and slowly coiled his arm around her, placing his hand on her shoulder, massaging it softly. He felt her exhale sharply and then slowly relax when he did this, and laughed softly to himself. It should go without saying he missed most of the rest of the movie, distracted as he was by her cleavage.

As the credits flicked onto the screen they both let out a deep breath, laughing at their own good timing. Neil was now resting his head on Liz's and felt extremely comfortable.

Liz spoke up. "You know, were the only ones here tonight."

"Really..." Neil said as if in a euphoric state.

"If you wanted to stay over, you could. I wouldn't mind."

Simultaneously they raised their heads and looked at into each other's eyes, with matching looks of longing. As their heads glided forward sparks erupted throughout their bodies, collapsing any inhibition that remained. Their lips collided softly at first, a gentle kiss, which seemed to last forever. When they eventually separated for air Liz pushed the White Wolf back into the couch, straddling his lap as she did. This time when their lips connected their tongues erupted out, massaging each other, nearby teeth and gums, and the back of each other's throats. Some saliva dripped down between them, a few drops gliding quietly down between Liz's large soft breasts.

While their tongues wrestled to please each other their hands moved slowly over their bodies. Neil brought his to Liz's ass, slipping his hands beneath the short red skirt to massage her bare cheeks, a fantastic sensation which told him she was either wearing a thong, or nothing beneath her skirt. Meanwhile Liz had wrapped her arms around Neil's neck, softly pulling him into their kissing. Her hips rolled softly, grinding against his lap, and she could feel his penis bulging through his pants, increasing the friction between their crotches, and exciting her as well. She had been wet since he had rested his head on hers, but with his meat rubbing against her clit through her thong and his pants, she was quickly becoming drenched. She felt like she was about to explode, and the soft paws massaging her ass were only making it worse.

Their kiss broke for a moment, and in that moment the same thought occurred to both of them. A change in scenery would be nice. Neil quickly lifted Liz from the couch, their crotches unbearably separated by two pieces of fabric, and yet so close they were practically conjoined at the spot.

"Where's your room?" Neil asked.

"I'm glad you asked. You can put me down though. I don't want my wolfy to get worn out before we have our fun."

"Fair enough." Neil said as he placed the slightly taller German Shepherd on her feet.

Her room was apparently upstairs, because that's where they headed. As they arrived at the door to her room Liz turned around and stopped him. "I'll go in and get ready for you. You just wait right here till I call. And no peeking." She deftly read the look of impatience of Neil's face. "Trust me, it's worth waiting for." Neil had his doubts, as does any man desperate for his next dose of love, but agreed to wait while she made some preparations. Those four minutes in front of the door to her room where the longest of his life, and when she finally called for him, it felt like the happiest moment of his life.

The room was dimly lit, a few candles spread casually around a large wooden framed bed with a red silk looking comforter. And next to that comfortable looking bed was the most beautiful woman Neil had ever seen. Even with only the dim light of the candles dancing across her Neil could see just how beautiful Liz really was. Her muscles were well toned, her breasts were supple and large, and her soft tan fur highlighted her inner thighs, belly, breasts, and neck, while the rest was black and dark brown, a pattern Neil felt accentuated the most beautiful aspects of her body. She wore a white v-string thong that barely covered her sex, which at this point was giving off a scent Neil found intoxicating, and a white push up bra which made her already large breasts look phenomenal. She stood with her front side turned towards Neil, one hand on a bed post and the other on her hip. Once she was sure he'd gotten a good look she spun gracefully, stopping halfway to bend over and show off her amazing ass, and the extremely sexy manner in which the white thong dove between her delicious cheeks to scarcely cover her mound. She then spun to face the wolf, using her finger to beckon him towards the bed, while she slid up onto it.

Neil didn't need to be told twice. He quickly removed his shirt, revealing the soft white fur which covered his chest, and a figure of average muscle and no fat, which in the end just made him look muscular. He walked casually towards the bed as he undid his belt, trying to give Liz as good of a show as he could. He turned to the side, as he pulled his pants and boxers down. Liz stared in awe as his erection popped out from beneath the boxers. The thickness and length were more than impressive, but around the knot, a feature she'd only heard about, it seemed godlike. His thick pulsing red member stood at full attention and bounced softly against his fur, reaching a bit past his belly button. That combined with the leaned back pose he took to emphasize his size pushed Liz's arousal into full gear. She almost whined impatiently as he made his way to the bed.

The wolf crawled across the comforter in an almost primal fashion until he was on top of her, although he didn't lower himself onto her. Instead he reached down with his head for another kiss, their tongues once again playing the game they'd shared before. Liz could feel Neil's manhood touching her stomach, dropping small beads of pre here and there, and it was driving her crazy. She reached a hand down grasping at his flesh in the only awkward way she could, like swinging a baseball bat held upside down. She squeezed and massaged him, getting a feel for the thing she wanted so badly. Neil moaned between their mouths as her hand partially closed around and squeezed his knot, bringing his level of arousal up to match hers.

As they separated their kiss for air, Neil posed a question which seemed important to both of them. "Sixty Nine?" In response Liz used her slightly superior muscles and height to flip them, her slim soft legs once again straddling the wolf. This time however no fabric separated their flesh, her mound pressing softly against his hard meat. As she slid down his body the lips of her quim kissed smoothly across his enflamed member, paralyzing him on the bed in pleasure, and lubricating him for what lay ahead.

Once Liz was able to behold her lover's package up close she couldn't resist. She opened her hot maw and slid about a third of the way onto him, softly massaging his tip and underside with the wide silky tongue her canine heritage had gifted her. Neil couldn't help but groan in pleasure, overwhelmed by the skill with which the dog wielded the art of oral sex. Having engulfed half his member she began rotating her whole body, keeping him in her mouth the whole time. Neil leaked large drops pre which Liz swallowed and sought out hungrily. Having finally rotated 180 degrees she gracefully swung her legs over Neil's snout, blasting him once again with the smell of her arousal. Neil had begun to absent mindedly hump into the German Shepherds seemingly endless tunnel of a mouth, but regained his senses at the intoxicating smell of her sex. Determined to make a comeback on the field of pleasure, he pushed the white thong aside and dove in.

He quickly licked up the juices surrounding her mound, matting the fur outwards to completely reveal her lips. Having cleaned up the exterior mess, he used his fingers to spread her, revealing the beautiful sight of her fully exposed pink flesh. Juice continuously leaked from her tunnel and her clitoris stood at attention, a further testament to her arousal. Liz had begun bobbing her head on the wolf's hard rod, having finally reached the knot with her lips. Each descent down the red pulsing flesh pushed deeper into her throat and brought Neil closer to orgasm. Concerned he might cum before he could return the favor the wolf attacked the dog's clit vigorously with long rapid licks, a technique which quickly pushed them to equal heights of pleasure.

Liz moaned in pleasure around the long slick cock filling her mouth, which in turn caused Neil's member to swell even more. In need of air Liz took a breather, jacking Neil off between moans while she pushed her soaking wet mound into his tongue. Neil switched tactics, abating his long strokes to dive his long wide tongue several inches into the German Shepherds vagina repeatedly. Liz became so overwhelmed by her own pleasure she reflexively released the large cock to remove her bra. By the time the white pushup had landed on the other side of the room she had already begun suckling one of her soft pink nipples, one hand holding the breast to her mouth while the other hand tugged softly on the remaining nipple. At the same time she uncontrollably rolled her hips into the giftedly long tongue of her lupine lover. Despite not being able to breathe too well, Neil was more aroused than ever, the sweet smell and delicious taste of his beautiful lover overwhelming any other thoughts he might have had.

Shortly after, Liz had her first orgasm with Neil. She moaned in pleasure as his tongue dove into her, desperately lapping up the juices that flowed across her sensitive inner walls. Her body shook atop his snout, her moans a symphony as she collapsed near his throbbing member. Neil continued to drink of her, slowing down his pace over the course of a minute. Liz quivered atop him, moaning all the while. Having finished drinking the fluids of her vagina he pulled his tongue out to slowly clean off her mound. He loved the way she tasted and took his time. Once she was clean he rested himself. He wasn't that tired, but was sure Liz would need a minute.

Liz dismounted from her lover's chest, rolling on to her back. The only sound was her heavy breathing as she attempted to politely recuperate from her solo orgasm. She kicked off her thong which had fallen to her knees and let out a giggle of content. Neil rolled over to embrace her from the side, kissing her softly on the cheek. "No need to rush. We've got all night, right?"

"We do. You looking forward to it?" Neil laughed.

"I've been looking forward to each and every moment with you since about two weeks ago. So far you're the only thing that made moving here worth it."

Despite the exhaustion caused by her orgasm Liz was able to roll fully into Neil's embrace. They lay face to face on their sides, her deep green eyes staring unwaveringly into his majestic gray eyes, each embraced lovingly in the arms of the other. "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that Neil. I'm sure tonight will be the first of many." Their legs had intertwined, and Liz could feel the heat of his still erect member between their stomachs, a reminder that someone had yet to cum. She reached down and squeezed him, causing Neil to moan. "Looks like this lil fella wants to play. What about you?"

"I couldn't be more ready." Neil started a roll which ended with his waist falling between her now spread legs, Neil on top. They kissed softly for a moment, Liz raising her hands above her head while Neil's hands drifted down to her waist. When they broke apart Neil lowered his head to one of her large soft breast, taking the awaiting and very erect nipple into his maw. While he sucked and flicked his tongue across the nipple he stretched his body out, his heavy member lining up slowly with the German Shepherds hot entrance. Liz moaned in anticipation as the head of his rock hard cock brushed against her mound, spreading the lips slightly. Neil released the nipple from his mouth as he raised himself up with his arms, a small string of saliva trailing from his maw to the now wet nipple. As Neil began his first push, Liz grabbed onto the wooden bed railing behind her for support, her mouth hanging open slightly as she watched the wolf's large penis slowly disappear into her.

The feeling of being filled as inch after inch of Neil's thick hot manhood entered her had Liz in a moaning fit. Neil himself couldn't help but moan as Liz's tight tunnel re-lubricated and massaged his invading member. Liz took her arms off of the rail and hooked them around Neil's neck, keeping him close to her as their most sensitive parts began their first full embrace. After what seemed like minutes, albeit very pleasurable ones, Neil finally reached the beginning of his knot, a point which he doubted they would go beyond tonight. Neil looked up to see that Liz was breathing heavy again. "You okay babe?" He asked worriedly.

She smiled to him. "I'm okay, let's just take this slow. This is only my second time being with someone down there, and the first guy wasn't nearly this endowed." Neil nodded to her, leaning forward to kiss her on the head. The wolf began to pull out, his hot flesh becoming slicker and slicker each second it remained inside her slippery canal. By the time his second forward stroke began they were moving much faster. It seemed she was getting used to his size, and she had begun to moan significantly louder, which reassured Neil she wasn't in too much pain. While taking things slow, he watched her large tits bounce up and down, occasionally reaching down to massage the beautiful mounds or to tease the large nipples poking through the soft fur. Once her look of discomfort had been completely replaced by the cutest O-face Neil had ever seen, he took the speed up a notch, his dick going in all the way to his knot, and all the way out to the tip in the span of a few seconds. The speed only got faster from there on, Neil's concern quickly dissipating; the feeling of his dick moving swiftly through her soft tight cunt was easily overpowering his irrational fear that he might severely hurt her.

Eventually they were going at full speed, each long powerful stroke eliciting excited moans from both of them. As Neil thrust in to her tight pussy his dick became harder, his increased arousal bringing him ever closer to orgasm, and each time Neil's large dick slipped from her Liz grew tighter, her canal insatiably begging to be filled by his satisfying member. Liz's juices leaked on to the red comforter and matted her fur once again, squirting out more often as the speed increased. Their breathing quickly became labored, overcome as they were by pleasure, fatigue, and most interestingly, a desire for loving eye contact. Liz began raising her hips to meet Neil's thrust, their teamwork creating a slightly slower but more fulfilling rhythm, driving them ever more steadily to their climaxes

"Let's finish with me on top." Liz got out between her passionate moans and heavy breathing. Neil smiled to himself as he fell to the side, helping her roll atop him as he did. Once on top she raised her hips so Neil was only partially inside her. She looked down into Neil's eyes as she reached to the bed rail for support. "I want you to cum inside, and don't worry; today is a safe day for me." Neil nodded, his loving eyes caressing hers. "Now don't hold back, give it to me wolfy, fuck me as hard as you want!" She said winking at him. Neil wasted no time, beginning the series of extremely rapid thrust which would ultimately lead to their simultaneous orgasm. Overwhelming as his rapid tempo and large size were, Liz focused, shifting the angle of her hips to increase the friction of Neil's thrust into her, a shift which caused them both extreme pleasure. Neil helped Liz hold her hips up as he pounded the silky soft flesh of her cunt, his own flesh repeatedly swelling within. His rapidly approaching orgasm caught up to Neil fast and caused his speed to practically double. Liz came soon after his speed increased, her tight tunnel clamping down on the wolf's thick red dick, milking it for the seed it naturally desired. The feeling of her cunt sucking him for seed set Neil off, and with a final thrust, he pushed as hard as he could, his baseball sized knot making it a third of the way into her before slipping back out. Liz screamed in pleasure as she felt shot after shot of Neil's hot cum fill her cunt, splattering across her walls repeatedly. Neil let out a howl, sitting up to embrace the dog as he pumped her full of his fertile seed.

Neil rode out his long orgasm between Liz's large soft breast, his hands massaging her back and ass, as his hips continued to pump his dick into her. Liz rested her head atop his, her tunnel still clutching at his shaft, and her hands rubbing his back in the soft embrace of mutual afterglow. Their moans drifted off as they collapsed in the bed together, falling asleep in a matter of minutes.