Namiya's Dragon Milk Bar

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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Namiya runs a very special bar where the dragon milk comes from actual dragons. When Elliot and Veruke enter after a long day of travel, they're looking to get some R&R. Soon, only one drink can satisfy them: the thick, salty, sweet, and tangy Rejuvenating Dragon Cream Special. Ignoring the barkeep's warnings, they share a whole pitcher of the stuff and start gaining scales and tails. From drinking and carrying on to becoming that night's entertainment, Elliot and Veruke have the best night of their lives.

(To write this story, I teamed up with my boyfriend, Secretskunk. The initial idea was from one of our brainstorming sessions.)

If you want to see my stuff weeks to months early, vote on a monthly story, and support my writing, click here to become a patron.

Namiya's Dragon Milk Bar by Zmeydros and Secretskunk (Edited by Tiliquain)

Truth be told, I was bored. It had been a while since I'd had patrons who'd never heard of my establishment. The problem was, people who'd heard tales about me and my bar were prepared to push back against the allure of my most special drinks, and instead forced themselves to sip responsibly. I didn't want responsible patrons, though. I wanted irresponsible ones that would accept the unique gifts I gave them graciously! Sure, I got plenty of people who came in knowing what they were getting into and wanted to become something more than their boring human selves, but that wasn't nearly as much fun.

What I desired the most walked in my door that Saturday evening in the form of two humans named Veruke and Elliot.

Elliot was stout and strong with a blonde beard and brown eyes. The slump in his shoulders only abated whenever he was looking in his lover's eyes.

Veruke's black curls were so regular, so perfect, that they grabbed more attention than her sharp face and button nose. She was leaning against Elliot's side, letting him do the gentlemanly thing and help hold her upright.

The cute couple stumbled tiredly past the heavy-topped pinewood tables, eyeing the dragons, equines, wolves, foxes, and other humans enjoying the song, dance, and drink. Too tired to observe the scene with a careful eye, they didn't notice the improbable prevalence of dragon traits among the patrons, nor the disproportionate number of long, barely-clothed, feral-shaped dragons with eight breasts and large packages.

In fact, they passed right by an alcove where three of those hermaphroditic dragons were fornicating, a thick creamy drink still clinging to the sides of an empty pitcher on the table in front of them.

These dragons were my kind, though I'd donned a binder for my lower six breasts to make myself look more like a typical dragoness. I lived for the moment people moved from shock to staring giddily into the unknown. Surprising others was an art I'd worked hard to perfect, but weary out-of-town patrons like Veruke and Elliot made it child's play. I knew their type, and I knew exactly what would happen. They weren't going to listen to my warnings about the Rejuvenating Dragon Cream Special. They were going to order it thinking it was something new and exciting. Then they were going to get addicted to it, have the time of their lives, and gleefully leave their human existence behind.

It was as good for my sex life as it was for my business. I could always use more dragon milk from the type of dragons they'd become. Its restorative properties fetched a pretty penny, after all.

As they approached the bar, I turned away for a moment so I could pull on the laces for the breast binder that helped hide my lower three pairs and tie it tighter. As I spun around and casually filled two tall glasses with water, I couldn't help but start getting hard under my skirt: it was only a matter of time before only the freshest dragon cream would satisfy them.

* * * * *

Hints of fresh cream, yeast, nutmeg, cinnamon, coconut, and saffron filled the air, making the establishment smell more like an eccentric bakery than a bar. As I climbed onto a comfortable, leather-topped bar stool, the long-torsoed feral-looking dragoness behind the counter grinned as she filled our glasses with water, a welcome face in a sea of excitement and boozy guests.

My whole body ached from a day chasing a mark who could leap up the sides of buildings effortlessly. Veruke and I had been forced to call off the chase after collapsing from exhaustion. Soon after, we decided the job wasn't worth the pay and stumbled into this bar.

Veruke sat next to me and proceeded to chug half of her water glass. After setting it down with a thunk, she offered a lazy smile to the bartender. "Now that's a lovely low cut blouse. Gotta say, I'm a bit jealous of your bust."

I elbowed Veruke. "Don't be rude."

The dragon's midnight blue cheeks turned almost black as she blushed. "Well, from what I'm seeing, you've got nothing to complain about."

Veruke held out her hand. "Charmed to make your acquaintance, my name's Veruke."

The dragoness grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it before letting it go. "Name's Namiya." She cocked her head toward me. "And may I ask your name?"

I offered my hand. "I'm Elliot."

To my surprise, she kissed the back of mine the same way she'd kissed Veruke's. As she let my hand go, she said, "Pleased to meet you as well. If you'd like a drink or a bite to eat, everything we have is on the board." She pointed behind her at a two-foot-high piece of slate that ran across the back wall just under the blonde pinewood ceiling. Every item on the menu was playfully written in chalk.

"What would you recommend?" I inquired, spinning in my seat just a bit as I sniffed the air. There was a spicy undertone now, something that made my senses tingle.

She pointed at a drink name nearly twice as big as any of the others and surrounded by diagonal lines. She enunciated its name like it was the lead act at a carnival. "The Rejuvenating Dragon Cream Special is the best thing for a weary traveler, and, due to that mudslide that closed the mountain pass, we have a bit of a surplus this week."

Veruke nodded. "We may as well try it. Don't you think, Elliot?"

"We'll take two then, thanks." I said.

"We have a plethora of flavored liqueurs that go well with the rejuvenating dragon cream, got any requests?" She barked something in a language I'd never heard at a nearly-identical dragoness who was washing out bar glasses.

With a trill, that dragoness grabbed an empty pitcher. As she passed by Namiya, she gave Namiya's ass a swat. Namiya cooed and groped the dragon's bosom before she exited through a tall swinging door that led to the back.

"Hmm, I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for." Shrugging, Veruke said, "Surprise me."

"Yes, surprise us," I said, eager to try the special.

"Certainly." Namiya spun around and walked along the back wall, which held bottles of every shape and size. As she went about finding the liqueur she wanted, her long body teetered on her hind legs. Her agility prevented her from being unbalanced, but there was a certain awkwardness to her gait.

"Sexy bartender, eh?" Veruke nudged me.

"Indeed. More nimble than most as well. I bet she'd be hard to catch up to on all fours." My eyes were drawn to Namiya's thick tail and skirt-clad hindquarters she reached for the top shelf and grabbed a squat square bottle of liqueur with her paw-padded hands.

"Yeah, she's gotta be feral," Veruke agreed. "Makes her all the more sexy in my book."

To avoid encouraging Veruke, I stayed silent.

On the return trip, the light cast across a bulge between Namiya's legs making it clear that this dragoness was even more interesting than initially suspected. I caught myself staring and looked away, but Veruke didn't have my tact and watched every little bounce Namiya's package made as she strode toward us.

When Namiya got to the bar, Veruke said, "I didn't realize you were...uh."

"A hermaphrodite?" Namiya laughed.

I elbowed my partner harder than before. "Veruke!"

"Hey! If I don't say something, it just gets awkward," Veruke said.

"Only to someone with your oversexed mind." I replied, wondering if I'd ever get used to her bluntness.

Namiya waved away my concern. "Not to worry, I appreciate being noticed."

The dragon that had been sent to the back returned and handed a pitcher to Namiya who poured the viscous cream it contained into two short glasses. After splashing the liqueur into each and stirring the contents with a spoon, Namiya handed the drinks to me and Veruke.

"Lemme guess." Picking up the glass, Veruke sniffed it. "Cinnamon, toasted coconut, and...uhh...rhubarb? I don't know, it smells kinda heavy, not like any cream I've had" Her brow furrowed. "Why is it warm?"

"Our dragon cream is very special." Namiya smiled. "We milk it fresh for every customer."

"What? You have cows back there?" I balked.

"No, dragons."

Veruke smacked my shoulder. "It's called dragon cream, shithead."

"Marketing rarely fits reality," I huffed, crossing my arms.

As Namiya chuckled, Veruke took a sip. Veruke's eyes went wide the moment the thick liquid touched her tongue and she finished half her glass before setting it down. "Wow, that's So good!"

The florid scent was almost overpowering. Curious beyond words, I brought my own glass to my mouth, and took a sip. It was rich, salty, far far thicker than I had expected, and had a hint of sweetness.

Everywhere the drink touched, from my lips, to my tongue, and all the way down my throat, felt like it was getting a warm hug. It was unlike any alcoholic drink I'd ever had. That tiredness from the whole day of chasing that damn leaping possum was getting obliterated.

As I got the rest of my drink down, Veruke finished her glass. She was no longer slouching from fatigue and was looking more herself.

I beamed at Namiya holding up my glass. "Rejuvenating indeed! One more glass and we'll be ready to start chasing marks again."

Namiya was smiling ear to ear. "Wow, sounds like you two are ready for another round. I gotta warn you, though, don't drink more than another couple glasses. Otherwise, you're going to get addicted and, before you know it, the whole pitcher will be gone and you'll be missing your clothes."

"Oh, is that a challenge?" I chuckled, confident in my ability to hold my liquor.

Namiya raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't meaning to pose a matter. Would you like another round?"

"Yes, please!" Veruke and I said in unison.

The dragoness did the same mix and handed our glasses back. "Here you are!"

I brought the glass to my mouth intending to savor it, but the instant its heady aroma hit my nose, I got the impulse to down it like a shot. "Gah! Fuck! It just gets better. Another please!"

I could see Veruke trying to sip the drink, trying to savor it, but she broke down after a third of her glass was gone, and finished the rest with one long gulp. She then slammed the glass back on the bar and arched her back. "Nggghhh! More! Give us the whole pitcher!"

I nodded as every scent in the bar intensified, and I felt oddly warm. My chest, where most of the warmth was centered, was practically burning up, but it felt great!

"Are you sure?" Namiya asked. "This stuff's pretty strong and there's only two of you."

"Please, I've downed a whole bottle of brandy on an empty stomach and felt nothing," I insisted even though I was unsure with all the inexplicable sensations sparking across my belly and thighs. exploring the tingling spots on my chest, I found them quite sensitive.

"We'll be fine." Veruke rubbed at her chest sensuously as she bit her lip. "Mnnnhh!"

"If you say so." Mixing in a healthy amount of whatever liqueur she'd added to the drink before, Namiya set the pitcher in front of us. I smelled something a bit like young coconut meat which I swore was coming from her. How I knew to associate that scent with her was unknown, but carried an instinctual certainty.

Namiya turned and trotted toward other patrons just as my interest was piqued.

After watching her shapely form slink away, I grabbed the pitcher and poured our drinks. We drained our glasses and then moaned while arching our backs. My chest and abdomen felt amazing! Everywhere my hands touched sent waves of bliss through me. I needed more! Grabbing the pitcher, I brought it up to my mouth and guzzled the warm sticky liquid as my partner watched, mouth agape in awe. After a fourth of the pitcher was gone, I sat it down shivering a little. I looked at Veruke in shame, my entire body feeling intensely sensitive.

To my surprise, Veruke grabbed it and drank so fervently that it looked like she was trying to drown herself. When half the pitcher was gone, she clumsily set it back on the bar crying out in orgasm. As she squirmed atop her bar stool, she pulled at her chest and abdomen with her hands. To my disbelief, her flowing shirt was being stretched out by something underneath it. Surely she hadn't drunk enough to round out her belly.

But I had my own body to worry about. My hips were twitching and tingling and my pants felt tighter than before. And then there was my tailbone, which was aching incessantly where it pressed against my breeches. All the while I was getting rock hard. At this rate, I was going to orgasm just like Veruke had. Just what was in that pitcher?

Glimmer, how I wished I could just pull out my length and feel it in my hands. I looked around the room, hoping that no one was watching. But everyone in the vicinity was. Veruke's dramatic moans were drawing a great deal of attention.

Telling myself we didn't want to make any more of a scene, I tried to placate our audience with a pleasant smile. But within the span of a couple seconds, a powerful urge took hold of me and I spun around to face the pitcher. I wanted, no, I needed more!

Clutching the pitcher in my hands, guzzled that salty and sweet liquid until my prick ached so much that I broke down and rubbed at it.

That's all it took. I clenched the chair with my other hand as my shaft throbbed hard in my breeches. I moaned just like Veruke had as I came with enough force that my milky white seed beaded on the other side of the fabric.

Veruke was hurriedly tearing the buttons off her shirt to expose what should have been her human-skinned chest and belly, but instead she was revealing dark blue scales and four pairs of breasts. Whatever cries I was emitting in my ecstasy, she was drowning out with her own surprise. Her exclamations swiftly devolved to erotic moans as she tore off her bra and pulled at her new scaly flesh.

Still cumming and desperate for more, I reached for the pitcher hoping to steal the last of its contents while she was preoccupied. She eyed me like a predator protecting its latest catch. Half convinced she was going to bite my hand, I abandoned my attempt at thievery.

As she sucked down what was left of our splendorous drink, my last few spurts left my shaft. It was harder to breathe because there was so much tension under my shirt. And something was happening behind my balls, something that was begging to be touched.

I tore at my shirt and pulled it off as fast as I could, revealing eight bright pink nipples with eight supple lavender mounds below them. Every new scale pleading to be groped. I whimpered for a moment in confusion, before I experimentally touched a nipple. The moan I made started at the soles of my feet and reverberated up through every bit of me. My whole body shivered in excitement as I squeezed and pulled at my new nipples feeling sharp spikes of pleasure I could hardly comprehend. Then I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye and was instantly distracted.

There was a bulge in my partner's pants and I was impossibly excited by the mere sight of it. That spot behind my balls tingled powerfully as I let out a sound I didn't know I could make, a high-pitched trill.

After composing myself, I asked, "What you got there?" and placed my hand on her thigh. I would never have been so forward with others watching...but somehow it all seemed natural.

"H-help me get these pants off!" she begged as she tried to undo the strained button at the top, that bulge growing as she struggled. It felt damp in my crotch now. The more I looked at whatever was in her pants, the more I had to sniff the air and catch this completely new scent that was coming from my love. She smelled better than ever before, a bit like the dragon cream.

Finally, frustration got the better of me and I pulled at her pants with a strength I didn't know I had. Within seconds the offending clothing was torn away exposing her crotch. A crimson red, glistening, throbbing, ribbed dragon cock was sitting right in front of me. It was hers, jutting out from between her legs with a delicate bead of pre resting on top. I gasped and moaned. There was this instinctual need, like a headache mixed with a deep urge.

Veruke jabbed her hips forward gripping her virgin prick at the base as more pre streamed from the pointy tip of her shaft. She was moaning and growling near-constantly in a way that made my knees weak. Drunk on the sudden influx of pleasure, she didn't even register surprise. Not even when her nose grew flatter against a face that was pressing out into a muzzle.

It was a beautiful sight.

Namiya strolled back toward us, removing an article of clothing every other step. First her blouse, then the breast binder beneath it revealing a rack exactly like ours. When she removed her skirt, her beautiful throbbing dragon dick popped into view. Her prick was a more developed version of Veruke's. It had ridges on the underside with orderly bumps across the top and a knot that made the wetness between my legs go ballistic.

As Namiya got within earshot, she stroked her shaft and said, "Want more dragon cream right from the source?" as pre beaded at her tip.

I stared at the pitcher and then her length. "The cream was... was..." I knew the answer, but I couldn't say it aloud.

"Dragon cum from dragons just like you." Namiya finished for me. "It tastes even better when it's at its freshest. Want some?"

I must admit, despite my shock, the thought made me uncontrollably aroused. That strange heat between my legs ached as I said, "Ungh! YES!"

"Please! We need more!" Veruke said.

Patrons were now filling the nearby tables to catch a glimpse of our out of control spectacle. With my dragon-enhanced sense of smell, I easily caught the heavy scent of their excitement. Namiya climbed onto the bartop and lounged across it. Her prick was less than a foot from Veruke's face and it smelled powerfully of young coconut and saffron, far better than our drinks. I whined in desperation when Veruke took Namiya's cock into her mouth.

Grinding my crotch against the barstool, I watched Veruke's cock grow thicker the longer as she suckled on Namiya's. Milk beaded on Namiya's nipples as she groaned and trilled from Veruke's skillful blowjob.

Unable to hold myself back, I wrapped my lips around one of Namiya's nipples and hungrily drank her luscious cinnamony milk.

Her long torso squirmed on the bartop as she screamed, "I'm gonnAAAAAHHH FUCK!"

To my delight, Namiya roared and came in Veruke's mouth. Swallowing spurts of Namiya's jizz, Veruke got pointy dragon ears, scales all down her back, and her face finished stretching out into a muzzle. Then she groaned and shivered as her torso lengthened taking on the same feral shape as Namiya.

Namiya pulled her off and sat on the edge of the bartop, pre streaming from her shaft. "Now, it's your turn."

The fact that Namiya could just go again should have surprised me, but everything still felt completely natural. I eagerly wrapped my tongue around her shaft and slurped up the pre, feeling tingles down my spine. I grabbed Namiya's scaly ass and pulled her toward my face, hoping she would thrust into my mouth. She rammed her shaft down my throat causing me to gag for a moment. Even so, I was disappointed when she pulled back to give me room to breathe. Her ridges, bumps, and knot, I needed all of it in my forming muzzle. My tail squirmed behind me as it pressed outward, and that strange wetness between my legs began clenching.

Reaching under my balls with my free hand, I found a slick scaly mound complete with a needy throbbing clit. My cry of ecstatic disbelief was muffled by Namiya grabbing my head and putting my maw to work. Soon, my head grew sore and horns poked out against her hands. The moment they were long enough to grab onto, she switched her grip to them.

Unable to deny the scent of my budding sex, Veruke trilled and got behind me. Her clawed fingers gripped my haunches and forced me to arch my back and point my pussy at her face. Then she put her smooth muzzle up against my buttocks and used her long forked tongue to delve into my pussy. I moaned sharply around Namiya's prick.

The more I sucked Namiya off, the easier it got, my muzzle kept pressing outwards to give me more room. My tail and haunches were shifting as well and I could feel a soft buzz as scales fully covered my back and arms.

Veruke's scales were bumping against my clit and mound which were both unbelievably sensitive and wet. I could feel the texture of her tongue so clearly: the roughness of her taste buds, the slick underside, and the jerking of its muscles as they twisted it into new shapes. Just as I was about to cum from my snatch for the first time, just as I was starting to clench along her tongue, she removed it. Then her tail ensnared me, gripping my tits and torso as she arranged her flexible feral body.

Namiya stopped thrusting and barked some orders at the nearly-identical servers behind the bar. Holding Namiya's dick in my mouth, I watched as four more dragonesses shed their clothes and gathered around us. Their tails, hands and scaly bodies were soon pressed up against the three of us supporting our unconventional sex position. I had breasts against my sides, erections pressed up against my hips, hands squeezing my voluptuous breasts. Nearly making me cum on the spot, one of the dragons pressed the tip of my tail into her pussy.

Their scents overpowered every thought running through my mind and filled me with desire for this herm-dragoness mating ball. I trilled, my body suffused with sparks of anticipation. This was how I was meant to be bred. Being a dragon was so much better than being human!

As the love of my life stuffed her cock into my pussy I let out a guttural growl that vibrated Namiya's length in my maw. She answered with a growl of her own as she resumed fucking my snout. Each time the dragons against me ground their pricks into me, Veruke popped her uninflated knot inside. Being penetrated was so alien, so incredible that my mind was still trying to understand what I was feeling. Something so hard, sensitive, and intimate was being entrusted to my desperate depths. I was connected to Veruke in an entirely new way, receiving instead of giving.

The ridges on Veruke's length caused little spikes of pleasure as each slid across my clit on its way into my cunt. And the stretching caused by her taper was painful in a pleasurable way, a blissful paradox that held me at the edge of orgasm.

Namiya hunched over me pressing her hard nipples and supple tits against the top of my head where scales were swiftly replacing my hair. Her wild thrusts were slapping her massive balls against my chin. I couldn't get enough, Namiya's hisses of pleasure, Veruke tending to my virgin pussy, the taste of Namiya's pre as it trickled down my throat, and the way my eight breasts bounced against each other with every thrust.

Veruke's knot was now too big for her to pop it in and out. I pressed back against her hoping she'd lose herself and finally give my snatch what it wanted.

Our onlookers were now stroking and fingering themselves openly. Nearly every herm dragoness in the bar was either fucking or completely nude and curled in on herself to tend to her needs.

When Namiya's knot swelled, she became more insistent, shoving her dick deep into my throat.

Then she came. The thickest and most delicious substance I'd ever tasted flooded into my maw. I had no choice but to drink it, to spill any would have been an unforgivable crime. As I drank from her shaft, my pussy got puffier and my breasts swelled larger. I could feel milk begin to drip from my nipples. My neck lengthened, my balls hung heavier, and my cock trembled as it got thicker and took on dragon ridges.

My snatch was so impatient that it came while Veruke was still trying to wedge her knot inside me. And when Veruke stretched my scaly snatch wide enough that she popped in, I roared around Namiya's cock. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore bliss, I felt a muzzle close around my length to catch my first spurts of dragon cream. I came so hard I lost track of the entire room.

The dragons pressed up against me shivered and hissed as they fed off my erotic energy, painting my scales white with their surging shafts. The moment their initial roars of pleasure passed, they each took my nipples into their mouths and sampled my milk.

I ground my hips, wiggled my long torso, and made muffled trilling calls as I kept drinking down Namiya's thick jizz. My balls and breasts were now as big as hers, my rear legs were cracked as they took on a feral shape, and scales covered the few places on me still dappled with skin.

When Veruke and Namiya stopped shooting their loads into me, I moaned at how full I felt, at how good it felt to be a feral eight-breasted herm dragon. My body was so full of sensitive spots, so ready to take any pleasure that was offered to it. Never in my life had I felt this desirable. Never in my life had I been this sexually satisfied. The way Veruke was clinging to me and gasping every time my sensual tunnel twitched suggested she felt the same. The dragon who had been drinking from my erection pulled off my shaft and hugged us from the side to join our post-sex cuddling.

Namiya was looking down at me, pride curling the edges of her lips, as she stroked my head and muzzle. She addressed me and Veruke while leaving her dick in my mouth, "I suspected you two would be happier joining us the moment you walked in my door. You can pay off that pitcher by working together to fill another one for me and then you can stay here and spend your days having orgies, serving guests, and getting milked. Does that all sound good? Do you want to leave your old life behind, at least for the time being?"

Veruke immediately said, "Fuck yes! Sign me up!"

"What about you, Elliot? Two nods for 'yes,' a shake of the head for 'no.'" Namiya scritched my chin making me feel absolutely at ease.

Bounty hunting was fun when things went well, but it was torture when things went poorly. It was also dangerous: some marks decided killing you was preferable to being chased. Aches from the litany of injuries I'd suffered practically made me precognitive about the weather. No part of me ached now, however. It was as if I'd been remade. A life of pleasure in a body which had instincts that pushed past my normal human concerns about decency...fuck that was hot!

I nodded twice looking into Namiya's beautiful bright blue eyes as I got hard again.

Namiya sniffed the air. "Ooh! Smells like you need your cock milked." She gave the dragoness who'd been sucking my cock some orders.

She returned with a pitcher and started stroking me. The mere thought I was about to be milked so other people could drink my cum brought me to full hardness in seconds. Then I was dripping pre into the pitcher as the dragoness wrapped her forked tongue around my shaft and started squeezing it rhythmically.

Wanting to impress Namiya, I employed the exact same technique to her half-hard prick. As she growled and started thrusting into my oral embrace, I overflowed with joy. It was only a matter of time until some unaware patron got addicted to my jizz and transformed just like Veruke and I had. I couldn't wait to play with them, to watch them say goodbye to their humanity and happily drink my spunk straight from the source and then knot me with their brand new dragon cock.


"Namiya's Dragon Milk Bar" is a Patreon Short and went up four months ago on my Patreon after winning the most votes. All my Patreon shorts are exclusive to Patreon for four months.

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I'd like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!