SYBT: Horsey House Party Part 3

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#3 of SYBT: Horsey House Party

In our third installment we find a group of ladies all turned down relaxing in a conveniently placed hot tub. One of them, Kelly laments on her romantic fails to the point where she starts wanting to become her dream guy rather then keep looking. Her idly musings takes a shockingly literal turn with a decidedly rubbery and equine twist as her friends around her get wrapped up in it as well. Enjoy!

So You've Been Transmogrified:

Horsey House Party Part 3

Kelly had been relegated to the sidelines again. She and her friends had struck out time and time again over the course of the semester. Tonight was no different, one of the football team stars had just blown her off to go have some guy time or some bullshit with his friends. Leaving her and her friends to themselves. The five girls had all found themselves outside on the upper deck of the frat house.

The party was considerably less of a party out on the deck, probably due to the less than nice weather. It was a bit chilly, but at least she and her friend had the presence of mind to bring jackets. However that itself mattered little since all the girls found themselves in the frat hot tub. The water was warm, the jets relaxing and the conversation much more stimulating than anything Kelly had found inside. She leaned her head back and let the water soak away her frustrations. She was in her bra and panties now, as were the rest of her friends. None of them had brought bathing suits and the hot tub was a spur of the moment idea that all of them were drunk enough to go along with.

"I'm back." an enthusiastic voice said.

Kelly looked up to Lisa's smiling face and drinks in her hands.

"Sweet, give em here." Kelly said sitting up and taking one of the cups.

Immediately Kelly paused as she took the first sip. Something about this tasted off. She smacked her lips and tried to place the weird taste but couldn't. She shrugged and went on drinking. As she did she felt her mind wandering. Why was it that she of all people was so readily turned down. Even her friends got more luck than her. Yet she was just sitting or standing around most of the time.

She was plain looking sure, a bit of a dull complexion, black hair, now much in the way of curves but she was still easy on the eyes. There were so many other girls around that she was probably just getting the short end of the probability stick.

Well, that was what the big hulking piece of rubber back in her dorm was for. She thought smiling as she took another sip of her drink. The taste was not bothering her as much now. If anything its weirdness was growing on her. She leaned back again and rested her head against the side of the hot tub and thought about just going home, lubing up that big fake cock and fucking herself silly. Now there was an idea she thought as she felt the warmness of her buzz start to dull her mind.

She looked over to Lisa and saw the woman getting undressed. Kelly lingered on the woman, watching her as she exposed her skin and figure to the elements. She shivered a bit and made for the tube. Not before noticing Kelly's lingering gaze which even after the two had made eye contact she failed to break off.

"See something you like Kelly." Lisa asked as she came into the water.

Kelly blinked and blushed a bit.

"Oh, uh, sorry." Kelly said feeling a bit flustered, and something else she couldn't describe properly.

"Don't be, you know I don't mind people looking, especially cute ones." Lisa added leaning in close to Kelly to say before backing off and laughing a bit.

Kelly blushed at that, cute? She wondered.

"Oh, thanks." Kelly said taking a free hand and scratching at her crotch.

Lisa smiled at her and then looked over to another one of the girls and started talking leaving Kelly alone with her thoughts.

There was an itch there now and she bit her lip as she scratched it just above her slit. As she did Kelly's mind wandered farther from its normal path. Kelly rarely thought about such things in public, let alone around her friends. Yet the mood of the place, her frustrations, and being drunk lent it to her idly thinking about sex, about fingering herself, about taking in cocks. As the thought through, she kept coming back to the same thing, guys didn't want her. All she ever had was her dildo waiting in the drawer back home, her only means of relief after a night of frustration.

She smiled, eyes closed and sinking into the water even more as her mind spit out an idea, a little idea so small, and yet so appealing that she latched onto it freely and ran with it. What if she had a cock, hmm, what if she was the guy that all the girls craved and wanted. She smiled just a bit wider at that thought as she took another sip of her drink.

"AH, fuck." she said as she missed her mark and spilled the rest of her drink on herself and into the tub.

Kelly shook her head and tossed the cup away and frowned. Yet the idea still persisted. She leaned her head back keeping on arm in the water and one outside as she ran her other hand down her body closer and closer to her slit. She bit her lip again looking over her friends, all wrapped up in there own conversations, all not looking at her, not paying her any mind. The jets hid the actions of her hands, and she wanted it, she wanted to just slip a few fingers into her slit and run wild with her fantasy in the warm waters. So she did.

That was that, she slipped some fingers into herself and imagined it. The feeling of a big meaty dick were her slit was, the feeling of having girls lining up just to be able to see it, touch it, use it. Kelly would not displease a single one of them, she would have wanted them all to be satisfied. Each one to be filled with her seed, and left wanting for more of her. She pictured it, her cock stretching and spreading each woman, her curves in her hands, their screams of pleasure and ecstasy for her, and for her alone.

That was enough for her. She felt her body tensing, and dug her fingers in just a bit more as her legs clenched and she bit her lip again. She sighed as she felt the climax run up her body and then relaxed as she felt all the tension wash away. She felt so good in that moment, the line between fantasy and reality blurred as she could feel the cock she wanted filling the girls she imagined.

In that lingering moment Kelly felt powerful, felt in control and above all felt good, really fucking good. She licked her lips and lazily looked out at her friends, all still unaware she had put fingers to herself. And yet despite her satisfaction, she felt no less satisfied. Her crotch still called to her wanting more, wanting to feel that same sensation again, wanting another climax. Kelly felt a bit weird about that. She took a deep breath, and sighed feeling her body trembling as it revved up again wanting another released. This was weird, she had felt hot and heavy before but this was a whole level above that.

Her body felt so sensitive, so smooth, so good. Every bit of input she was getting back to her mind was pleasant, pleasurable, and made her crave more. She whined a bit at that not wanting to finger herself again, but also craving the feelings that it had brought her moments ago. She sighed, reaching a hand back down, the jets still running her friends still involved with themselves and then she hit something.

Kelly blinked for a moment, feeling her hand hit something down below the water. She took in a deep breath and winced as she felt a sudden pleasurable sensation run up her body. Deep and powerful, a feeling unlike any she had ever felt before as she wrapped her hand around something below the water. Something that she could feel, something attached to her. She sank down into the water with that keeping her head neck and a single arm above the water line as she felt hand wrap around it.

She gulped and opened her eyes, feeling what could only be a cock, a cock attached to her body. She ran her hand down it, feeling it, savoring the sensations that slowly worked their way up her body. She whined again this time from the feelings that the thing brought with them. Her wanting was still there, she wanted to use it, wanted to fill an untold number of girls with it, want to do so many things with it and yet, she also could not get out of the tub with a cock were her...

That realization brought a slit panic to her as she reached down further around her growing phallus and found her slit closed and two balls there were it had been. Another part of her mind wondered where her panties were. Nervously she looked around the tube seeing if they were floating anywhere but didn't see them.

At that time she also saw her friends had paired off, each one talking with another, and were very close. Almost holding each other, smiling at each other, and ignoring her. Kelly felt conflicted about that, she wanted to be left alone right now, given time to work through this and come up with something to say, something to do. She also felt slighted yet again, here she was with a cock and all these girls and was still being ignored. She gritted her teeth pushing that thought aside as she used her hand to further feel up her still growing length.

She couldn't see it in the water. The jets agitated it too much, but she could feel it, feel it growing longer, and thicker as well she imagined. She gritted her teeth harder as she took her hand and stroked herself running a hand down it and trying to contain herself. She didn't want to blow a load in the tub. As she did she felt something else changing, the water still warm and very pleasant felt thicker now, almost like she could feel it clinging to her body.

Her stroking turned into gripping as she felt as her flesh radiate a newfound sensitivity up to her mind that only served to make her crave the feeling more and more. She could hear her friends, giggling, there soft feminine laughter conjuring up images of girls. So many girls all in line to please him, mhhh, there was a sexy thought. She decided licking her lips. Him, her a him, a deep voiced stoic rugged handsome him. Why chase after her dream guy, when she could be here dream guy and have women flock to him, throw themselves at him, so that he could please them all, one at a time, deeply, personally, pleasurably. She thought with a widening grin as she stroked her still growing length faster and faster.

As she went it felt easier and easier, her hand gliding over her skin, and her skin feeling different as she went. Smoother, more sensitive, other things that she lacked the words to fully express. All she could really describe was that she loved the feeling, craved it, and wanted more from it. She licked her lips picturing the girls again, all lined up all wanting him, for him, to be with him, near him, anything so long as it was with him. There holes all wanting for his thick cock, there pusses, there mouths, there asses all would be stretched, all would be filled. Their hands, flying over him, rubbing his pecs, feeling his muscles caressing his handsome face and kissing him with their lips.

But it wasn't just a one way street he wanted to please them just as much. Each fine lady, wide hips, big breasts, thick legs, sleek arms, long flowing golden hair, deep blue eyes, rich tanned skin. He wanted them all to be pleased, to feel the same depth of pleasure that they granted him with their bodies. He wished it to be visited upon theirs as well, thousands of times more than what they offered him. He was but a tool for the mares to use, he was theirs as much as they were his.

They would use him in ways he craved. Filling there ample bodies with his seed. Wanting his tongue thick and dexterous to be used to spread there slits, and taste their juices. His hands to flow over their bodies feeling them in the places they wish to be felt, touching them in the places that craved a hand both delicate and strong. For him to hold them in his embrace to make them feel at home in his arms.

That was it for Kelly, she could hold back her urge no longer and just as her cock broke the surface of the water she came. Her seed flew high as load after thick creamy load was dumped skyward only for it to rain down ward over the tub, over the deck and over the surrounding area as well. Kelly's mind turned to images of women, wanting to be pleased, of being pleased, and then to faces of an ocean of finely sculpted female forms all pleased by her thick meaty rod. Her body finally relaxed after a long moment. She was breathing heavily sinking into the tube as she felt on the verge of going limp.

Her one arm still high and dry held her up as she felt the last spurt of cum leave her. She then realized she had probably just showered her friends in her own climax. She cringed and opened her eyes slowly expecting disgust and stairs but found none. What she did find was confusing, and interesting. Her friends, were, making out.

The four of them had paired off each groping and kissing the girl nearest them smiling and giggling bubbly as they did so. They were covered in Kelly's seed but none of them seemed to notice. They only really cared for the woman in front of them. Something in Kelly stirred at that seeing all these needy girls, kissing, and oh, fingering each other as she watched the motions of the two pairs. She gulped feeling her dick wanting again, but not to be touched by her own hand this time. It wanted them, it wanted to stretch them, to fuck them, to feel there hands rubbing its sensitive flesh, to penetrate there supple rears, and fill them with her seed. But most of all it wanted to please them, Kelly wanted to please them, wanted to see there asses and cunts dripping out her excess as she gazed at their faces, pleasant and filled.

She smacked her lips and gulping feeling a growing need in her that she could just barely keep a lid on. Her whole body felt instantly more sensitive, the water wasn't helping much either. It was warm, and flowing each current that flowed over her sent a new whirlwind of sensations up her already crowded mind. Then she looked down, the water was different, it was grey, thick and viscous. She pulled her hand up form it saw as the water seemingly clung to it. Pulling away like it was connected, and clinging to her. As it came off her arm she looked at it, it was not her arm.

This arm was thick, it was muscled, it was toned. Its fingers were topped with thick black caps its skin was shiny, and smooth, and she looked down at herself now. Her body was not her own. She was bigger, her tits were just gone, replaced by pecs like she had craved earlier, she took her changed arm and ran it down her body feeling her change physique and bit her lip. It wasn't just the cock, it was everything, she was turning into a hulking man, a sexy man, the man of her dreams. Something in the water was doing this.

She brought her arm up again and looked at it as she sat up. She was confused by it. It was shiny, there was skin there but it was not skin. It was smooth, seamless, like rubber, but it was a shade of dark brown almost the color of animal fur but not exactly that. The way it caught the light, the way it looked and felt, she took in a deep breath and then exhaled it. Then she felt something else, something behind her, something climbing out of her rear. She stood up reflexively and turned around.

She just stared at it, the flowing dark brown mass that was now swaying from her rear dripping the grey goo. She blinked at it watching as if formed into strands and took shape. She had a tail, she had a fucking tail. She then looked down at the rest of her, was she taller now? She wondered looking at her body, a dark brown shiny thing that had little accents of white and lighter brown around her. Her belly was white, and so were the center of her pecs, it ran up her body to just below her neck where she still had normal skin. The light brown seemingly placed around her form to highlight other aspects of her, her tight rear, defined muscles and legs. Fuck her legs were huge, thick and muscled, massive things that radiated a masculine power she had craved and now owned wholley.

Then there was her cock, it was a long, big, veiny, thing, brown as well, throbbing and still hard. She licked her lips as it felt the cool air, it was a shock, but it felt so nice so good, so very very good. Her whole body did, every simple aspect of her new shiny rubbery form felt as if it had been crafted to please her, to make her feel as if nothing in the world mattered save for the pleasures of her rubbery flesh.

Then she saw them, the girls, all looking towards her, their faces acting almost in unison as there gaze lingered on the massive cock before them. They had enjoyed the other girls hands, but this was something else, this was what they each craved, had been all night even before the hot tub, they had wanted to man. A stud, somebody to ravish them, ride them hard and put them away wet. They came to him, clustering around his cock pressing their heads into it as they sat up out of the water.

Kelly looked at them, all changing as well, their skin turning a lighter shade of brown then hers. Their bodies all gaining size as well, but from curves and fat, not muscles and height. Their proportions grew in line with her fantasy, thick rears, almost cartoonishly large, hourglass figures of a degree that was almost not possible, tits, of a surprisingly modest size, bigger than what they had but not too large relative to their new bodies. Their arms growing slender, there legs gain thickness as there rears grew out even more. She could see their tails growing out from their rears as they all came in all blond, all flowing and long, swishing as the changing ladies hounded for their stud.

Kelly came back down, slowly her body and hard cock entering the warm water as the changing women crowded around her coming closer, and closer. Something in her head clicked, her, she, the words felt wrong now. She licked her lips feeling the women clustering around her cock and decided that he would take each of them, please them, ravish them, and do so many other things to them. He watched as the goo spread up their necks, slimming there frame further and adding curves. Deepening their femininity as it deepened his new masculinity. He licked his lips as he watched each woman's changes come to a head. The goo spreading up covering their faces and causing them to change even further.

There humanity was muddled and ultimately erased as there faces took their new forms, each one identical each one acting in unison as four muzzles took the place of the girls faces. They all smiled at him, all lusted for him, their bodies smooth, and shiny and a million other things that Kelly craved. Their hair, more so manes now rolled down their head over there shoulders and down their backs, blond and flowing shiny and decadent. Their faces were soft and there looks lustful as they crowded him gripping his muscles, and feeling his own still developing form. Their eyes were blue, all of them, their lips were thick and plump, bright red and oh so inviting as they all smiled at him.

Suddenly Kelly felt incomplete amidst his new herd of lovely mares. He smiled at them knowing what he had to do, and loving the idea as he slid into the water fully. He could feel the thick gooey substance they all bathed in clinging to the last remnants of his flesh. He smiled as he felt his one lone feminine arm growing, stretching gaining the muscles the other had. He felt his neck thickening and lengthening, felt his face growing and changing as the goo permitted him and full converted to one female human into something shinier, stringer smoother, smoothing equine.

Then he broke the surface. The goo dripping from his new form, brown and strong and thick and masculine. In the place of Kelly now sat a freshly minted latex stud. He smiled at his mares, licking his thick latex lips as he surveyed them, all finely crafted and freshly minted as well. All waiting to be broken in by him. One of them climbed onto him and he took her. He ran his hand up her smooth body running it over the curves and latex flesh gripping and slowing in the spots that made the mare squirm and moan with passion.

The others fell in around her watching as she slid down onto her studs length the first one to truly feel his magnitude as the latex cock was slid into her. She felt it in her pussy, felt it stretching her sensitive latex flesh and making her cry for more. She felt her stallions hand grip her hips pulling her down onto his length fully. She came forward up to him her hand gripping his broad shoulders as she cried out a passionate plea for more. She looked down at him and he smiled back at her. She leaned in as he did and the two latex horses embraced each other, their tongues entangling themselves with each other as their bodies bucked and squirmed.

Kelly felt amazing, everything about this felt so right in all the best ways. From the way the mare had her tongue wrapped around his to the way her supple flesh felt in his firm grasp. The way his cock felt buried in her pussy, the way she moved up and down as his did the same driving both of them towards their goal. The way there latex bodies touched, there overly sensitive fish rubbing against each other in all the best ways driving them mad and making them only want to feel closer and more of the same sensations. The way the other mares looked at him, patiently but wanting waiting for their turn to ride him. To be filled, to be satisfied, to be marked as his, and for him to be marked as theirs.

They found themselves lost in each other drunk off the feelings of the other body. Time was irrelevant, the only thing mattering to them being the pleasure, the wanting lustful neediness that they brought forth from one another. Then he could feel it, the wanting to fill the mare, the wanting to be pleased by the mare, and the wanting to please the mare. It was all so much, it was all so good, and finally it was all done.

He gripped her pulling her down onto his length and heard her cry out in ecstasy from the unexpected actions. He gripped her supple flesh hard and felt as she took in more of his length then she had so far. She broke off the embrace signing out a moan that grew louder as her own climax rolled over her. Then it came. He looked down closing his eyes as she looked up letting out a whinny as he snorted and gritted his teeth. His load dumped into her, visibly filling her as her belly seemed to grow in size with the amount of seed in her.

His throbbing cock filling her with seed as more and more was dumped into her, until finally it came back out from the sides, more and more off it filling the tub along with the goo. Then after a long moment of tension in both of them she collapsed back into him. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her and letting her breath. Her hands gripped him gently as they felt his strong body again. He rubbed her rear, so full and plump as he felt her head nuzzling him. She was satiated, full and fully his as he was full hers. He looked up and licked his lips seeing the other mares looking at him, wanting him, needing him.

He smiled at them, knowing he could not rest until each and every one of them was filled with his seed and claimed by him. Until each and everyone had claimed him as well. Until his herd was fully satisfied he could not be. He was there stud, duty bound to please each and every one of them until either his body failed him, or he had succeeded. Looking out at the tub full of lovely mares the freshly minted stud delighted in undertaking his duties as he licked his lips as he picked from the mares which one would be next.