The Klinefelter Cats

Story by Owletron on SoFurry

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Fur color in house cats is linked to their sex chromosomes. Some colors generally only occur in either male or female cats, like the calico coloration: splotches of white, orange, and black. It usually only occurs in female cats.


I've gotten "Freak." That's probably been the worst. Right up there with the eternal classic, "Shouldn't you be a girl?"

But I'm being dramatic. Most cats aren't like that. Actually, most aren't even trying to be mean; they just don't see many like me.

"Hello!" I said, "Find everything you were looking for?"

"Yessir!" he responded.

Even more common was someone either not noticing, or just not caring. Those were the customers I really enjoyed.

"That'll be fifty-four, sixty-eight."

He nodded, bringing out his card. I'm supposed to ask if he's a rewards member. Oh well.

It didn't bother me any more that I had a "chromosomal disorder," or that I was sterile from birth, it's not like I could do anything about it. The looks other cats gave me bothered me more. Because it felt like I had more control. But I didn't.

I handed him his receipt with a practiced, but forced, smile. "Have a good day."

He nodded again, offering a small grin before walking off with his groceries in hand. I quickly start scanning and bagging items for the next cat in line. They were clearly calico as well, splotches of white covered the otherwise black and orange fur on their face. Other calicos and tortoiseshells usually noticed something was "off." This would be fun.

"Find everything alright?" I asked.

He chuckled shortly. "How's it going?"

I was taken by surprise, but I managed a smile. "Hey, you're--"

"Yup," he interrupted, meeting my grin.

Giggling like an idiot, I caught myself. I started scanning his things again. "You'd think I wouldn't get so caught off guard meeting another male calico. Sorry about that," I apologized.

"Nah, don't worry. If anyone would get that, it'd be us, right?"

"Right," I agreed, trying not to act as embarrassed as I felt.

"So what's your name? Oh, duh, nametag. Nice to meet you... Eli. I'm Miles." He put his paw forward over his groceries on the belt.

I reached and shook it. "Miles," I repeated. He had a firm grip, and was at least half a foot taller than me. Which was impressive, since I was already 6 feet flat.

He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything immediately, so I kept working in silence. Normally I didn't pay much attention to what I was scanning, but this time it felt weirdly relevant. Frozen pizzas, coffee, spinach, crackers, more crackers, apples (code 3054 apples to be precise), bread, can, can, can...

"Say, uh," Miles said, "did you wanna go out and grab a drink or something later?"

"What? I, umm..."

"Sorry, I've just haven't many people like me -- like us -- and I'd rather not hold up the line trying to talk, and--"

"No," I interrupted, "I'd like that -- I mean, that'd be cool." I glanced at the clock, even though I've been counting the minutes down my entire shift. "I get off in like a half hour, if you're free later."

Miles flashed a broad smile before saying, "Cool! Yeah. Yeah, I will be. Just, uh..." he paused, fishing for something. Producing a small, white card, he said, "here."

Scanning the last of his items, I took it and looked it over:

Miles Haberdell

Laboratory Technician

The business card had a few other details that I skimmed over, including his phone number.

"Oh, I gotcha." I pocketed his card in my khakis. "You can pay when you're ready, by the way."

"Right on." Miles slipped a credit card into the slot.

"I don't know where you had in mind," I said, "but I'm only twenty, so." I give him his receipt.

"So no bars. Alright, I think I know a place."

He didn't elaborate, instead just putting his bagged groceries back in his cart.

"Well, it was nice meeting you!" he said.

"Yeah it was! Have a good -- see you later," I corrected.

The cat nodded, smiling. "See ya."

I watched him push his cart away. This felt weird to me. I had never agreed to meet a customer after work. But it wasn't just that. Something about the way he asked me... Was he asking me out? He had said, "did you wanna go out." But maybe he meant it platonically? Oh god.

"Hello miss?" a feminine voice called.

I turned around abruptly. The bengal attached to the voice had already filled the belt. "Hello!" I greeted.

She visibly recoiled. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"Don't worry, I get it a lot," I dismissed.

Half an hour passed much quicker than I was used to. I was stuck in my head, asking myself more questions. Like where Miles had in mind. Or, hey, did I even want to meet up with this Haberdell guy in the first place? Speaking of guys, did I like guys? I had been bi-curious for a long time. Maybe, in my attempts to be more accepting of sexual minorities, I've unwittingly put myself in their shoes so much that I am in their shoes... And that would be okay, I guess. But maybe all I actually want is to take it up the ass and I've just been too embarrassed to experiment.

"Fuuuck." I said, resting my head against my paws on my steering wheel. Then I had another question: how did I get to my car so fast?

Miles' card felt uncomfortable in my pocket, even though it was literally paper-thin. I took it out of my tight pants with a grunt, taking care not to rip it. Despite my attempts to glean more information off of it, it was still the same. Vanilla both in color and in functionality.

I turned on my car and sped out, getting to my apartment in record time. Still took forever, there was always traffic near the university.

When I pulled into my parking spot, I didn't move. The business card was still in my hand, crumpled now. I stretched it flat with two paws. No extra words found its way onto the paper since I last looked at it. Only way I was going to learn more about this guy was going to be to talk to him.


I took a deep breath and dialed the number. A call felt too formal, but I realized that too late. He picked up in seconds.


"Hey, it's Eli."

"Oh hey! So what do you think?"

"...What?" "Did you want to get that drink?"

"Oh. Right. Yeah," I said, my cheeks reddening. "Where did you have in mind?"

"You drink a lot of tea?" he asked.

"Tea? Not really. I'm more of a coffee drinker myself."

"That makes two of us, actually. No but there's this tea shop I like right in uptown. I think you'll be surprised."


I heard him laugh through the phone. "You never know, but I hope so! So you said you were free today, right? Wanna meet up in like an hour, say four o'clock?"

I visualized my calendar for this weekend and the fact that there was nothing on it. "Yeah we can do that."

"Great, I'll text you the address. See you there!"

"Wait," I said, immediately regretting it.

"What's up?"

My lips contorted in a couple, very interesting positions before I got my words out. "So is this a date?"

"Did you want it to be?"

He didn't seem caught off-guard, but I sure was. "I- well... I uh..."

"Sorry," he calmed, "I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that." "It's okay," I said.

"For real though, no pressure. I just wanted to talk."

"Alright. See you soon." "See y-"

I hung up before he could finish. What was I thinking, asking him that?! I wanted to scream. Instead, I grabbed my stuff and speed walked through my building's underground parking garage. It smelled the same, like old oil and piss and mildew. Long cracks wound their way down from the walls into old pavement, making it a bit like I was walking into a horror movie every time I went from the elevator to my car.

I liked it here though. It was close to campus, so I could walk or bike to class. The other tenants minded their own business, didn't party too often. More importantly, it was cheap, well, cheaper than most.

On the way upstairs I checked the tea place he messaged me. It wasn't far; I had some time before would have to leave again.

A key turn later I was inside. Reg greeted me from the TV with a slight nod and grunt. I didn't know what Reg was short for, if anything. Everyone just called her Reg. Regina? Reginald? Reggie? I wasn't going to ask. That cat was my other roommate's problem.

I stripped out of my uniform in my room and was soon in the shower. The water was powerful. It helped me clear my head a bit, feel more like a normal cat again. The water didn't care if I was the wrong gender for my fur, or that my extra genes made me built almost more feminine than masculine. It soaked through me all the same. Several minutes later I was mostly dried off, taming the last of my stubborn fur. Except for the longer brown hair on the top of my head, I was blessed with much shorter fur on the rest of my body. I had no idea how long-furred felines managed it all.

I stared at my wardrobe for way too long before picking some mildly stylish jeans and a plaid collared shirt. Date or no date, I was going to dress like myself. At that point, I had a few minutes before I had to leave again. I went to grab a snack from the kitchen. Reg spotted me again, looking far more interested in me than whatever was on the screen. Was my other roommate even home?

"Going out again?" she asked.


"Whatcha doing?"

I look at her for a few seconds. "Just going out."

"Sure," she said.


"Come on, lay it on me," Reg said. She moved to the edge of her chair. I gave her another confused look.

"Study session? Hot date? Crazy frat party?"

"Why are you so interested in what I'm up to?"

"Because I'm bored! Gabe isn't going to be back for another half hour."

"And remind me why he gave you a key?"

Reg ignored that. "So hot girl then? Can't imagine why else you'd be putting up so much of a fight."

"No!" I cried. "Just meeting up with a guy."

"Hot guy? Wait are you gay? I forget which way you go."

In a moment of terrifying honesty, I said, "well I mean... not exactly."

The cat's eyes shone. "No shit? Wait but, what does 'not exactly' mean, exactly?"

I searched the room with my eyes. "I mean I'm not gay, but I'm not exactly straight either."

"Soo... bi?"


Reg looked at me studiously. "You need to figure your shit out, dude."

I sighed heavily, resting my hips and paws against the kitchen counter. "Tell me about it."

She didn't say anything, so I went back to the cupboard for something to eat. I was halfway through one of my ridiculously-small fruit snack when Reg opened her mouth again.

"So is he hot then?"

"Reg..." I pleaded.

"Fine, fine, I won't pry. I just hope you know what you want."

Like hell I did. I checked my phone for the time. Time to leave, thank god.

"I'll figure it out," I muttered, and left.

I was parked outside the tea place, where I was quickly changing my mind about everything. I should leave; I should drive back home, block Miles' number, and forget I ever agreed to this. This wasn't worth the awkwardness.


I didn't do any of those things, instead l texted him:

Hey I made it

Only a couple seconds passed before he responded.

Cool, I'm just inside

Great, he's already here. Let's go, deep breath.

I jumped out of my car and walked inside. It was a small space, but filled cats of all colors ordering, drinking, and chatting. One fur coloration caught my attention, of course. We greeted each other, and he hands me a copy of the tiny paper menu. It's densely covered in characters, only half of which are in english.

"I'll be honest, I don't really know what I'm looking at."

He let out a deep chuckle, much like when I first met him. "I haven't tried half this stuff either. The bubble tea here is really good though."

"The what?"

"Bubble tea! It's uh..." he swiveled his head around, then pointed to someone a couple tables down. They were drinking a milky-white beverage with some sort of black dots in the bottom of the cup. "That stuff."

"But what is that stuff, exactly?" I asked, confused.

"What, the tapioca?"

"Those black things?"

"Yeah. They're chewy. Really good."


"Hey, look, just take my word for it, you'll like it."

"Alright, so which one should I get?"

"You like strawberry? That's my favorite."

I shrugged. "Sure."

"Cool." He stood up. "I'll get us a couple."

"Oh, you don't have to pay for me."

"Oh I insist, I dragged you out here after all. My treat."

With that he stood up and went up to the register, and I was left alone. I didn't know what to think of Miles yet. He seemed extremely... comfortable. A quality I usually lacked, and had for a long time been jealous of the ones who had it. I didn't want to be, I just couldn't help it sometimes.

Miles sits down before I realize he had started walking back. "Alright, it shouldn't be too long."

I nodded, saying nothing.

"So did you go to the University here?" he asked.

"Going right now, actually."

"Oh sweet! What's your major?"


When I didn't elaborate, he said "I graduated a couple years ago now. I got my B.S. in Genetics and Cell Biology in there."

I thought back to his business card. "You work as a lab tech, right?"


I wanted to express my distaste in lab work, but didn't want to be rude, instead saying "how did you get into that?"

"Well I've always liked learning about plants and animals and how they worked at a basic level, and all that. This seemed like a good way to..." he trailed off, looking away for a second before looking at me. "Actually, that's not the whole story."

"What do you mean?" I said, my interest piqued.

He sighed. "Well, you have KS like I do, right?"

Klinefelter syndrome. It was the genetic condition that led to our calico fur, among other things. "Yeah," I said.

"Well, when doctors first started trying to explain why I was... different, I didn't really get what they were telling me. I mean, I think they were trying to help, but I don't know... I just didn't get it, you know? It was a really confusing time for me."

Right then a long-furred cat came out and handed us our drinks. I wordlessly thanked her, then looked back at Miles.

"Right, well, this was in elementary school for me, before computers and shit were a big deal. So one day, my dad took me to the library to learn about all this stuff, and he pulled his fucking gigantic book off the shelves on genetics. Like, I could hardly carry this thing myself in my little arms. We sat down and he helped me find the part on genetic disorders. I don't know how long we spent reading that book. He kept having to go back and explain things to me, and what all the big words meant."

"Sounds like a good guy."

He smiled. "He has his moments."

"So that made you get into genetics and stuff?"

"Basically. I think I ended up checking that book out and reading what I could or making my parents read it to me at night or whatever. I know, super dorky, but-" "No," I interrupted, "I think that's really sweet. I wish I had a story like that for my major.

Miles didn't say anything to this, instead pointing at my drink.

"You gonna try that?"

"Oh, ha! Yeah my bad."

My faux-mirror image waved a tricolor paw dismissively. "Try it!"

"Alright," I mumbled. Experimentally stirring the tapioca pearls with the oversized straw, I took a small sip. Then a bigger one. "This is really good," I said.

"Glad you like it. Try one of the tapioca things."

I looked at him slurping his own when managed to suck one up. It was kind of sweet. And chewy, like he had said, but not at all sticky. Interesting.

I took a deep breath. "For me, it was never so much that I was a little different, cause everyone's a little different, right? It was how the other kids looked at me."

"Did you get bullied?"

"Some. It was the looks that got me more than anything.

"I guess you could say I was bullied a lot. In middle school, at least. Although, thinking about it, it might have had more to do with being out than it did being a male cali."

"Wait 'out?' You're...?"

"Oh hah! Yeah kinda forgot to mention that. I'm gay as hell."

Well that explains his casualness with the "date" question... I must have been processing this information for a bit too long, though, because Miles was giving me a weird look. "Hello?" he said tentatively.

"Sorry, uh... wait you figured that out in middle school?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"How'd you figure that out so soon?"

He shrugged uncomfortably. "I just sort of knew, I think. I don't think I could remember a specific moment."

"I'm jealous. I'm still trying to figure this shit out," I said, once again surprising myself with my own honesty.

"Really?" he said, obviously excited at this. "What are you leaning towards?"

"I think I might be bi, but I'm not sure at all."

Miles rested his elbows onto the table, leaning in. "Ever just like, look at a guy and think, like, 'damn?'"

"Uhhh, what?"

"Hmm, how can I say this? Ever look at a guy the same way you look at a hot girl?"

"I mean, maybe? I always get super embarrassed if I do."

"Why do you get embarrassed?"

"Because what if they're straight? I don't want to come on to a straight guy."

"You could say the same thing about a gay girl," Miles argued.

"Yeah, but the odds are in my favor that way at least."

"True," he agreed, "but you don't know unless you ask."

I grinned awkwardly, not sure what to add. Then it hit me.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, uncomfortably aware of the irony.


"Did you want this to be a date?"

He looked at me, eyes wide. "Well, throwing the hardballs are we?"

Shaking my head, I said, "Sorry, I-"

"No, no I'm kidding!" he eased. "To answer your question: yes, I did think that that might be nice. But it's like you said, I didn't want to come on to a straight guy. I guess that makes me a bit of a hypocrite though."

I laugh. "Yeah, yeah it does."

"So what do you say?"

It was my turn to stare blankly. I wanted to pretend I didn't know what he meant, but I did.

"I'm not sure," I said finally.

He remained relaxed. "Well, don't worry. I'm not here to pressure you into something."

"Thank you."

A silence stayed for longer this time. I chewed through the rest of my drink. Miles checked his phone.

"Holy crap," he exclaimed, "it's already been a half hour. You really got me talking."

"Yep," I agreed, "this has been nice."

We both looked at each other like there was something we needed to say, but that neither of us said. I nodded once, then stood up with him and started walking for the door.

"Thanks for paying," I said.

"Thanks for coming," Miles said. He went for a handshake, paused and changed his mind, then just stretched his paw open in a tiny wave goodbye, amusingly indecisive. He played it off well though, giving a small smile again and saying, "Well, you have my number."

I waved briefly as well. "Yup. See you later."

"I'd like that," he said, turning away.

I got inside my own car, exhausted. Talking took a lot out of me. Also the whole "getting asked out" part. Fuck, what was I supposed to do about that? To me, he seemed nice enough. Really nice, actually, but then I had to make things awkward.

Naturally, I spent the next two days worrying about what I was going to say to Miles. It's not like I was on the clock here, but it felt like I was. But hey, I wasn't just twiddling my thumbs, I still had stuff to do. Mostly, that meant going to work, studying, and going to class. Unfortunately for me, all of those things could be done while also worrying about Miles. By the end of day three I made up my mind.

So about that date


I'm in

Oh you had me going there for a second. Did you have something in mind? Otherwise I have some ideas.

I had to think about that one.

Have you seen the new Pridelands movie?

Around 10 that Friday night we agreed to meet at the theater. If I thought that time was passing slowly before I worked up the nerve to ask out Miles, now time was glacial. I was starting to suspect Reg and Gabe knew I was seeing someone. But for now I was going to let them keep guessing. No way in hell was I telling them yet, I thought. Not for a while.

Eventually Friday did come, though, and I had to start getting ready. I got into the shower hoping to wash off any nervousness, but instead just getting wet. I thought about what we were going to do, what I was going to do. Was he going to try to hold my paw? What about kissing, was that on the table? I rubbed soap into my fur, reaching my crotch. My paw stayed there longer than it needed to, fondling myself. I almost felt embarrassed, getting myself all worked up over a cat I only met twice, and a guy at that. I say almost, cause I definitely didn't stop; I did much less than stop.

Leaning my forehead against the shower wall, I was full on jerking myself off now. Instantly, I was hard, thinking about all the exceptionally gay things that might come with dating a guy. What'd it feel like to get sucked off by a guy? I figured really good, since a guy knew his way around a dick already. Experience with others was probably still a factor though.

My penis throbbed, the pressure in me building incessantly. What about giving? What was it like to have a dick in your mouth? I brought my other paw in to fondle my balls again, already moments away from tantalizing release. Huffing, I stretched that paw further down, finding my butthole. I never used to do this, but it made my orgasm that much more intense.

I could almost feel him. Grabbing my ass, spreading my cheeks with his dick. Instead of my fingers, I felt his cock spearing me, forcing me to take it all.

"Fuck," I muttered. My cum spattered the lower wall, my dick spasming in one paw and my anus twitching against the other. I caught my breath as my last drops dripped out of me, quickly carried away by the water. Only then did I start to feel embarrassed. Cleaning off both paws and my butt with heaps of soap, I finished showering quickly and kept getting ready. Maybe the shower helped with my nerves after all.

On my way out the door I heard Reg shout, "Just tell me if he's hot!"

I don't bother responding this time.

It turned out that Miles didn't live that far from me in a different apartment complex. I agreed to let him pick me up before we both went to the movie. He was parked outside my building, watching me come up to his car.

"How's it going?" he asked.



My voice had given me away. "You caught me. I'm slightly nervous. Just slightly. I'm fine."

Miles had just started driving, but he looked at me for a second. "Can I give you some advice?" "Please," I said.

"No one's gonna instantly know we're on a date. As far as everyone in the theater is concerned, we're just two friends going out to see a movie."

"Yeah, but," I started, sighing, "I don't want to be embarrassed about going out with you. I don't want to worry about how the cats around us look at us, but I do and I'm so tired of it! Sometimes I just want to be normal, you know?"

"Eli, you're too good for 'normal,'" he said. "We don't get to choose how people are going to react to us, but we do get to choose if we care. I stopped giving a shit the day some kitties started calling me a faggot between classes. It's just not worth the brainpower on those fucking idiots."

"I can... I'll try," I said, embarrassed.

His tone lightened significantly. "Really though, don't sweat it. No one's probably gonna know or care, but if they do? Fuck 'em."

He takes a second to look at me while driving. He had a smirk on his face.

"Fuck 'em," I agreed.

The movie was good. Really good. Auburn knew how to write so well even the studio people couldn't fuck it up.

"I can't believe they killed Saso after everything that happened to him!"

"He tried to backstab Parnok!" I returned.

"Yeah, but that other faction was going to kill him if he didn't! He couldn't just--"

"Okay, okay," I said, putting a paw out to stop him. "It was a great movie either way."

He nodded. "Yeah yeah yeah. But that ending! I just want to know what happens to the Final Pride! Ugh!"

"Just 19 more months," I offered.

"Don't remind me."

We were walking out of the theater to Miles' car again. It was one of those weird, cloudy nights in the city where the sky wasn't black, but grey from all the light pollution.

"Man, it's so bright out," I commented.

"Almost feels like it's not past midnight already."

"I wish it weren't. Then we could have more time to do stuff."

"You got much going on tomorrow?" he asked me as we got into his car.

I shrugged. "Not too much."

"I have an idea then. There's this really cool lookout over the city a few miles away. View's really good at night."

Not wanting the night to end yet, I agreed. Miles got a smile on his face at this. So did I.

He pulled off a winding road to the small lookout. The city stretched below us, lights stretching into the foggy sky. I had seen plenty of views like it since I had moved to town, but tonight felt special.

Miles caught my attention by resting his paw over mine. "Good view, huh?"

My fingers wound their way around his. "This is nice."

Then my date did something I should have seen coming. He leaned in over the center console, moving his lips toward mine. My heartbeat picked up and I back up reflexively. Even in the dark, I could tell he looked hurt, or at least confused.

"No, I..." I started saying, at a loss. Didn't I want this? This time I leaned in instead, grabbing his shoulder. Our lips connected and my pulse skyrocketed instantly. All I could think was "holy shit holy shit holy shit," giving me no time to think about what I was doing. What was I doing?

I kissed him deeper and deeper, not able to get enough. I had practically thrown myself on top of him in his seat. He purred in delight as I kept kissing him. It felt strange, naughty even, to do this with a guy. He was probably used to it, but this was all new to me. His larger body, his deeper murmurs. But in many ways it felt familiar to the few old girlfriends I have had. He was still gentle, still compassionate. Still hugging me against his body with his paws.

Then I backed up a bit, catching my breath. He gave me a sly smile. "You're blushing so hard right now."

This had the side effect of making me blush even more. "Shut up," I laughed.

Miles leaned up and kissed me again, his paws exploring my back lower and lower, finding my butt. I found his neck, petting the back of his head.

I don't know how long we went on like this, but if felt like a while. Long enough to start getting uncomfortable.

"Okay, my knees are starting to hurt," I said, crawling over to my seat.

He nodded. "You're a good kisser."

I giggled. "Thanks?"

"You're doing it again," he said.


"Blushing. Acting cute."

"I'm not the only one with extra blood rushing to a part of my body," I said.

"What?! No..."

"I could feel it dude." "Oh. I guess you could. Sorry."

"Don't be. I'm just teasing," I eased.


"It's weird," I said after a few seconds. "What is?"

"You think knowing if someone is into it would make it less awkward, not more." He sighed. "I dunno, I think it just takes... practice."

The calico had a flirty grin on. I laughed once, but he kept smiling. My amused expression was replaced with cautious excitement.

"Do you want to come back to my place?" I asked.

I never would have invited him back if I didn't know for a fact that Reg and Gabe both left on some weekend trip earlier in the day. Which was good, because we couldn't keep our paws off each other.

"Mmmh!" I vocalized. Miles' lips were against mine again. His paws found my butt, and was groping me, pressing our crotches together. Between all our clothes I could feel his dick again, but mostly I could feel mine. I was so hard it ached.

I sat down on the edge of my bed to pull down my pants, but Mile's interrupted me. He kneeled down in front of me, saying, "let me help you with that."

So I let him. Lifting my hips up a bit, he pulled my pants and underwear down. I made an attempt at not looking too shy, but the calico caught on quick.

"You're beautiful," he said.

"Don't you think you'd be a bit biased?" I asked.

"Why? Cause I'm in your pants?"

"Cause you're a calico too."

He took off his shirt. "We're not identical, you know."

"Yeah, but..."

"Your fur is shorter than mine," he continued, "and you have more white fur on your face, but less black. And your cock's a bit bigger..." His paw ran up the length of my penis, barely touching it.

"Oh stop!" I laughed.

"Only if you want me to." "No no no, I take it back."

Miles laughed to himself. Bringing his whole paw around my dick, he jerked me off in slow thrusts. My whole crotch tensed in arousal. I sighed, my eyes closing for a second. I fell back onto my bed, focused on his touch.

"That's it," he said, "just relax."

His paw stopped for a moment and I heard him move around. Soon, I felt the wet stroke of his tongue against the entire length of my penis, from sheath to tip. I moaned out in surprise. His rough tongue swirled against the top of me before he pushed himself down. He grunted, half of my dick engulfed in his slick maw. Deep in his mouth, I felt his tongue slide against me. I got up on my elbows so I could watch him better. One of his paws still rubbed the base of my dick while he gave me head, purring in satisfaction. It was amazing.

I sat up even more to pet the top of his head. He made eye contact, looking away from my crotch. To my surprise, he was blushing now too. But soon he looked back, bobbing his head up and down relentlessly, seemingly doing his best to make me cum as quickly as possible. Resisting the urge to move, I watched him sink down lower, filling his heated jaws with as much as he could fit, and then some. He gasped, reaching his limit

"Holy crap," I moaned. Reflexively, I was clenching my covers in my paws, my orgasm starting to approach. Miles seemed satisfied.

"I'm not done yet," he said, still catching his breath. His tongue slid heavily over my balls before working upward, reaching all the way to the tip, sucking on me briefly.

"I'm gettin' close," I warned. Soon he replaced his mouth with his paw, using plenty of saliva as lubrication. Expertly he massaged my entire length in long, intense strokes, urging me to cum. My breathing went uneven, moments from release. Ab muscules tight, I couldn't hold back any more. I saw myself spurt out practically before I felt it. That intense wave of pleasure, that shiver of satisfaction. I came all over myself, the last few spurts of cum dripping down his gripped paw. Miles stroked my penis still. My own cum sliding against my dick, he teased out the last bits of pleasure from my evaporating orgasm.

It didn't take me long to get a word out. "You're really good at that," I said.

"Eh, mostly just practice." "Mmmh," I murred, content.

Standing up, he looked down at his land, covered in my excitement. "You gotta towel, or..?"

"Oh yeah. Check the top left shelf," I said, pointing. "Just any of the white ones."

While he cleaned himself up, then helped me, a thought came into my head. "You know, I'm starting to think I might not be straight."

He looked at me for a glorious second. "Noooo..." he said sarcastically.

"It's true," I laughed, "I have the gay. Or the bi, I mean."

He sat down beside me on the bed, grabbing my paw. "What will you do now?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to make sure."

We exchanged some very non-platonic looks. I leaned in to peck him on the lips. Then again. Then an idea formed.

"Take off your pants," I told him.

He happily complied, leaving only his underwear between me and him. He was obviously erect, his dick tenting the fabric. Not for long.

I got in front of him like he did for me. My heart pounded, embarrassed but committed, peeling down the plaid of his underwear.

He said I was bigger than him, but if he was I couldn't tell. Maybe it was the angle I was at. Dick in paw, I aligned my mouth with his length. I planted a sloppy kiss on the head of his penis, testing the waters. Miles' legs shifted further apart to give me more room. I grabbed his thighs in response, lowering my head down more. Probably looking like a horny idiot, I opened my mouth wide well in advance and sank down on his dick.

He tasted like his crotch smelled. Intoxicatingly masculine. A little sweaty, but in no way unpleasant.

My mouth full of his cock, it was around this time I had no idea what I was doing. I had never given head before, so I just tried to think of what I liked when he did it to me. I kept my sharp teeth out the way, bringing my lips around them as best I could. He was so warm, his flesh shifting in my mouth. His breathing was starting to pick up. Thinking about how cute he would look when he orgasmed, I kept my head moving. His cock rubbed against the roof of my maw, my tongue pressed to the other side. It was hard to breath; I was trying to press down as far as I could without gagging, which was disappointingly short of his entire length.

Not to be discouraged, I remembered what he had done for me with his paw. My right hand gripped the base of his cock and the fur of his sheathe. The saliva that had run down him let me slide across his rod easily. Gasping, I let my hand explore further up while my mouth went lower.

Having him lick my balls was great. I couldn't let him have all the fun.

His short-furred balls squished against my tongue. Miles moaned in surprise. Licking the bottom of his sack, fresh musk washed over my taste buds. I felt Miles' gentle paws pet the side of my head. I was glad he was enjoying this as much as I was. My own erection had come back in full, rubbing against the covers on the side of my bed. Slowly, I licked up, teasing his sensitive flesh. I jerked him off passionately a few times before I started trying to suck his hard length again. Just starting to taste the intense flavor of his pre, he spoke up.

"W-wait," he interrupted, his arms propping him up at an angle.

Perched eagerly above his penis, I wondered why he would want me to stop right then.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't want to cum until you fuck me."

"Like, you mean..."

Moving himself back, he brought his hind paws onto the edge of the bed. "Yup," he confirmed.

His denched penis resting on top of his body, his anus was clearly visible, strangely inviting.

"I don't have any... lube," I said cautiously.

"Should have some in my jacket."

I turned around, penis swaying. "You just carry lube on you?"

"Well, I mean..." he started, "look, do want to fuck or not?"

Taken aback, I didn't respond. Was I supposed to say I was nervous?

His tone shifted. "Sorry. I just get grouchy when the mood gets interrupted like that."

I could relate. Taking a few steps back, I retrieved a small bottle of lube from his clothes. I walked back to him, where he was still nailing his pose.

"This it?" I asked.

His smile returned. "It is."

"I've never had to use this stuff."

"It's pretty great," he said.

I squirt a bunch into my paw, feeling the slippery texture. Almost instinctively I grab my penis, letting the lubed paw easily slide around me. Muttering in mild satisfaction, Miles interrupted me. "Hey, save some for me!" he joked weakly.

Putting more on my paw, I look at him, smirking. "You want this stuff for your butt? Seems a bit weird, but okay." "Shut up," he laughed.

I sat down beside his horizontal body. His erection was going down, which I wasn't going to let happen without a fight. Bending my paw to his crotch, I slid my digits below his balls till I found my target. One lubed-up finger easily pushed his way into his ass. I wiggled it in further, past both my knuckles, finding almost no resistance. Pouring more lube onto my hand, I brought a second finger in, pulling him tighter. Growing more used to the act, I angled my arm so I could slide in and out of him more easily. His huffs told me he was enjoying himself, not to mention the obvious.

"Ready for the real thing?" I asked.

After a moment, he said, "That felt pretty real to me, but uh..." He grinned, blushing.

Holding back some of my obvious excitement, I stood up and drenched my dick with another thick line of lube. I looked down at him. His dick was on edge again, just like mine. The more I thought about it the more I could hardly believe what was happening. So I tried not to think about it.

His butt was almost at the right height on my bed. Bending my knees a little, I aligned my dick with his tailhole. I took in his expression one more time, getting a small nod to continue. Rubbing against the spot with my penis in my paw, I tried to press in, missing my first attempt. Concentrating, I found my mark. My first few inches slid inside of him, his anus gripping me, incredibly snug.

His whole body shivered. "Hhholy crap, you're big."

"You good?" I asked.

"Definitely. Just keep it slow."

So I did. Easing myself into his ass, it was completely different from anything I had done before. The tightness made me want to go faster and force myself in, but I knew I had to hold back. I knew I'd probably get a chance later. For now I just got to enjoy his adorable face, purring in enjoyment, the hot pressure against my dick.

Eventually I reached my limit, nearly balls deep inside him. His body squeezed against me, but less intense than before. My paws found his dick again, still rock hard. I squeezed it against my slippery paws. My first boyfriend moaned deeply, his anus twitching around me. He had gotten into it in no time, hungry for more.

"Keep going," he urged.

Wordlessly, I started moving, sliding back out of him. Still getting used to the sensation, my dick pulsed against his anus, giving me another spike of satisfaction. He was still squeezing me hard at the end, making me decide against coming out all the way. So I pressed back in, his insides squishing pleasurably around me like it was a mistake to ever leave his ass in the first place.

I don't think I ever wanted to stop. It felt too amazing to think about. Every time I squeezed in, his dick had a mini spasm in my paw. Miles' legs found their way around my waist, not letting me escape, not getting any further away. An idea came over me.

"Scooch your butt up," I told him, pulling out all the way.

He didn't say anything, but did as I asked. From his new position I was able to get my knees on the bed, finally go full on missionary. Paws finding their way into his, I pushed inside him again, making us both sigh at the sensation. So close together, I could see his every reaction. His mouth was practically stuck open, moaning. His head was all the way back.

"You look adorable right now," I said.

He looked at me right in the eyes, too occupied to respond, and just moaned louder. I pressed into him as deep as I could and kissed him again, quickly having to pull away to breathe. He took the opportunity to grip my back, claws digging into my fur.

"I'm close," he said finally.

My belly rubbing against his dick, I could feel his excitement building uncontrollably. I didn't think I was going to last much longer than he did.

Even though I wasn't moving very fast, every thrust was shaking me down to my core. Every other time my balls met his ass I'd let out a ragged breath, rocking our bodies, moving the bed, squeaking its springs.

Then I felt it. His dick throbbing, spurting cum all over our fur. His butt squeezing my dick over and over. His claws pulling my body in closer. I heard him gasp from the pleasure, purring deep in his throat.

I could tell he wanted me to stay against him, pressed to his slender body, but I was too close for comfort. Keeping my hips in motion, I grinded far down inside him, teasing my orgasm to fruition. He didn't seem to mind. Cum was still leaking out of him, his dick flexing against my belly as I continued. Finally I hit my peak. I sank in as far as I could go, unloading in his ass. My balls tight to my furry body, they pulsed against his warm fur. I collapsed into his chest, breathing hard.

He catches his breath first. "Did you cum?" he asked.

"Gods yes," I said.

Before long, my dick flopped out of his soaked opening, globs of my cum slowly seeping out over his tail. Not wanting to deal with the cleanup, I rolled off of him, still exhausted. I wondered how late it was, anyway.

"How late is it, anyway?"

He searched for his phone on the bed with a free paw without looking, finally finding it. "Late," he said.

"Worth it."

"A hundred percent." He looked at me with tired eyes I matched. "Come on kitty, let's get each other cleaned up."

I groaned, lifting myself up.

I wish we used a towel. The bed was a mess. So was I, but I'll spare you the finer details. It took us a long while to get clean enough just to sleep. I offered for him to stay the night, which he immediately took me up on. By the time we got the lights off, I was already getting close to dozing off.

"So are you sure you're bi now?" Miles questioned beside me. "Yes," I said shortly.

"So you're ready to take on the world? Tell it who's boss? Do whatever we want?"

"Shh," I quieted, sleepy.

"The world's gonna know our names, man. We're the, uh-- we're the Klinefelter Cats! We can do anything!"

I groaned, rolling over in bed away from him. "Go to sleep, Miles."

I heard him giggle to himself. He just rolled around to spoon me. "Just you wait," he murmured.

"All clean?" he asked.

"Clean, warm, fluffy. All of the best things." I dropped the towel Miles let me use and started dressing myself.


As soon as I was dressed, he looked up at me in his bed. "So no more waiting, right? You're going to do it?"

I groaned. After only a week, he had worn me down to my breaking point. "Alright."



"Eli, trust me, you're not going to regret this for a second." "I know, I know," I said, "It's just hard. Really hard."

His eyes practically twinkled. "You've got this," he encouraged, squeezing my paw.

"Okay." I hopped onto his bed and sat next to him. A long sigh escaped my mouth, my finger on the call button. I pressed it.

"Sup, Gabe... Yeah I've been good. Listen," I said, looking Miles, "there's been something I've been wanting to tell you."

He exploded into a heavily one-sided conversation. It took me a minute to get a word in.

"...Yes, really."

"...Oh, fuck off."

I sighed. "Yes, you can tell Reg."