SYBT: Horsey House Party Part 4

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#4 of SYBT: Horsey House Party

In our fourth installment we find Marty, a lacrosse player lamented that he is spending the night with a punch of drunk teammate going though hazing and not getting with many ladies around the party. the team caption take him aside for some special ritual and after a brief spat Marty finds himself with an incredibly lady after all, one that has rubbery skin, a nice equine face, and was a one point the man he was arguing with.

So You've Been Transmogrified:

Horsey House Party Part 4

Marty leaned against the side of the house looking out at the yard sipping his shity tasting drink. Tonight had been the very definition of a mixed bag. He had gotten on the Lacrosse team, but the team was infamous for their hazing night, there was a big party at one of the frat houses tonight, that was where the hazing was going to happen, he was a rising young star of the team, that made the current star focus on him all the more. That man, Thad a name well suited to him. He was a in every definition what anyone would think a man named Thad would be.

He was a meathead. His parents were rich. He was good at any number of sports. He was dimwitted. He was the picture perfect definition of nepotism. He was a Thad.

"Hey dick munch." Thad said coming out from under the deck.

Marty looked over at him and then back forward taking another sip of his drink. Nobody else was down here. He heard a few interesting sounds coming from the upper deck and wanted to go check it out, but team first. He was growing to resent his inflated sense of comradery with the potential for something sexy to be going on within spitting distance.

"Enjoying yourself Thad." Marty said not looking at the man.

"Oh yeah. After everything I had to go through last year I'm gonna enjoy putting you through your paces." Thad said sliding the book bag he carried with him off his back and slinging it around to his front.

Marty rolled his eyes, hopefully this would be the last thing for the night.

"Alright what's next?" Marty asked hearing the sounds of giggling and excited ladies above him but only seeing the beefy meat head before him.

The rest of the team was huddled under the deck drinking and swapping stories and drinking, Marty thought briefly before Thad spoke again.

"Tonight I will ask of you to undertake the most important of our initiation rituals." Thad said solemnly.

Marty watched as the man reached into his bag unsure of what was about to be asked of him.

"Marty, new rising star of our team, I ask of you, SUCK THIS DICK!" Thad screamed pulling a comically large dildo out of the bag and holding it high in the air.

Marty just looked at the thing dumbfounded. It was big at least a foot, it was thick, it was veiny, it was rubbery, it was purple.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Marty said looking at the thing Thad had held over his head.

Smiling the man brought it down and held it as if the thing really was sacred or holy.

"It is a right that must be passed dick munch. Our teams greatest all suck this dildo to prove they were willing to give their all for this team!" Thad said holding the dick out for Marty to take.

Marty looked at the thing and took a drink. He heard the girls giggling and looked up towards the top of the deck.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that." Marty said looking at the man.

Thad dropped the theatrics of the moment and glared at Marty.

"The hell your not. I sucked this dick, the star before me did, and the one before him. It is your fucking duty as this teams next great player to suck this cock." Thad said shoving the thing into Marty's chest.

"Yeah, well that is super gay. And I'm not gay. So you go be gay I'm gonna go see what those girls are up to." Marty said moving towards the stairs that lead up to the top of the deck.

Thad grabbed his arms and pulled him back.

"I'm not gay. This isn't some gay thing. This is to prove that you are willing to give everything to this team, mind, body, spirit, dignity." Thad said glaring at Marty.

"Say what you want but your sucking a big purple dildo man, that's pretty gay." Marty said trying not to laugh.

"If you don't suck this thing your off the team. I can make that happen you know I can." Thad said pointing at him with the rubbery cock.

"Please. You think I'm gonna buy this crap. I only went along with your bs so far because I wanted to. Coach knows i'm gonna be twice the player you are this time next year. So what the hell can you do that's gonna get me cut."Marty said sipping on his drink.

"Well for starters your not 21." Thad said smiling.

"Neither are you dipshit." Marty said plainly.

Thad's eye twitched at that his whole plain seemingly undone by one overlooked and glaringly obvious thing.

"Just suck the fucking dick will you." Thad said pushing the thing into his cheek.

Marty had had enough by that point. He splashed Thad with his drink causing the bigger man to real backward and get pissed.

"You little shit." he said pinning him up against the wall.

Marty just dumbly smiled at the man, he knew he was better in every way then this self important shit stain. More importantly he could tell it was all bluster. Marty knew Thad's life was sports, he wouldn't risk hurting himself. Luckily Marty's intuition proved right. Thad backed off breathing heavily his gaze still angry. Marty shot back a smart assed grin as he leaned against the wall.

"So you still gonna make me suck it big guy." Marty said chuckling feeling powerful.

"No, you win dick. Thanks for taking the fun out of it." Thad said still glaring at the man.

Marty noticed that Thad was looking at him funny. He saw the man's eyes and gaze softening, their direction moving down. Marty took a deep breath feeling hot for some reason. He leaned back against the wall with all his weight sighing out a long breath as he watched the man across from him just looked back at him.

"Uh, you feeling ok Thad?" Marty asked looking at the man and feeling something was off about him.

"Uh..." Thad said trailing off as his gaze wandered further and further down the other man's body.

"Thad, Thad, THAD!" Marty yelled at the man as saw him staring right at his crotch.

"Hmm, what?" he said snapping his head up.

"Dude, were you just checking me out?" Marty asked more confused than offended.

"The fuck, no I was not. Are you crazy?" Thad said almost instantly looking away from the other man as he did so.

Marty noted despite his turned head Thad's eyes seemingly tried their best to look at him.

"Uh, not that I was or anything but uh, your kinda not helping." Thad said grumbling as he crossed his arms.

"Wha..." Marty said looking down and seeing his tented pants. "Oh, um." Marty said looking at the rock hard erection he failed to notice he had.

He looked at it for a moment and swore he could see it getting bigger. He sighed again closing his eyes and recognizing the heat for lust. He suddenly became very aware of just how needy he felt. His whole body felt pent up, he was sweating, he was breathing heavily, he was horny to the extreme.

Looking up from his cock Marty noticed that Thad was again looking at it not even trying to hide his clear fascination with his hard on. The man looked as horny as he was. Marty heard the giggling girls up on the top of the deck and looked up as flashes of lewd and sensual actions danced across the back of his mind. His putting to use of his cock, the fine woman that could be pleased by it. He moaned slightly at that thought wishing that one of them would just waltz on down here naked and dripping seeing the needy man here, taking pity on him. He smiled at that.

He looked up at the first sign of movement from Thad. The man came closer to him until he was standing right above him, yet something seemed off. Thad looked, smaller. He seemed to have lost some height, some muscles, smaller in general. Other parts of him seemed different as well, his face looked softer his hair had a bit more luster and seemed longer as well. Then Marty noticed the look, it was lustful, needy, wanting. It was the look that he had wanted to see plastered onto the face of the girl he hoped would walk down those steps. Yet now he found it on Thad's face.

Thad looked confused though seemingly not sure why he was feeling the way he was. Then as Marty watched him shrink even more right before his eyes he Leaned his head against Marty's chest. He took in a deep breath through his nose and then sighed as he let it back out.

"Uh, Thad. The fuck are you doing?" Marty asked the smaller and now daintier man.

"Shut up dick munch, fuck you smell good." He said burying his face in Marty's chest again.

"Dude get the fuck off me, somethings wrong with you man your fucking shrinking." Marty almost screamed at the man.

Thad said nothing as he wrapped his arms around Marty's body as he stopped shrinking leveling off just below Marty's height somewhere around five ten. Marty looked down at the man confused by what he saw. Her face was softer, his hips seem wider, his moans as he sniffed his chest sounded softer. His clothing looked baggy on his body, his hand were delicate. He looked more and more feminine as Marty's eyes lingered on him. Finally it was just all too weird for Marty.

He grabbed the man by his shoulders and all but ripped him off him shoving him backward with force. Thad stumbled backward tripping over his bag and fell to the grass.

"OW, fuck you but munch." Thad said in a much higher voice.

"Thad have you fucking lost it?" Marty said leaning forward a bit and breathing heavily.

Marty saw his cock, still hard, still needy, still wanting of a woman. He bit his lip and shook his head as he looked down past his tented pants to the ground. He slid down the wall he leaned on till he hit the ground. Once he did, he looked up and sighed. One hand at the top of his tented pants the other grasping at the paving stones he sat on. He brought his gaze back down to Thad who was doing something now. Marty's eyes widened a bit as he saw the now feminized Thad grab for the big purple dildo.

Marty swore he could hear Thad giggling like a schoolgirl as he watched the man kicked his shoes off and slide his pants down his legs. Marty gulped his eyes transfixed at the weird sight before him as Thad removed his undies and revealed not the dick and balls he had been expecting but rather a wet slit. Dripping and pulsing with need. Marty looked at it dumbfounded by the reveal. He just kept watching as the former man took the dildo and spread her legs as she pushed it inside herself.

Marty heard such noise as had been coming from the top of the deck. Deep feminine moans of pleasure and other such sounds that went with the lewd display that was for his eye only. As it went on Marty found it harder and harder to think of the man in front of him as such. As he watched he felt his cock getting harder, and felt as if it was getting even bigger. It remained trapped in his pants bulging the fabrics and straining the zipper. He gulped again watching the dildo sliding in and out of Thad's slit.

Marty rubbed his cock through his strained pants feeling the rewarding stimuli for doing so as he felt a deeper and deeper need for Thad building in his mind. He saw the place his tip was turning a darker color as his pre soak through his pants. Marty pushed his head against the wall and looked back up at Thad. She was getting sexier by the minute, her figure changing, hips growing wider, legs more slender, rear more plump. He imagined that there was now a pair of tits anchored on her chest.

Then he watched as her body tensed, and she cried out. Screaming but not exactly that. There was another sound that came from her body. It sounded animal, and yet Marty craved it. He loved the sound that came from the woman, it made him feel powerful for some reason. It made him want to be the one to give her cause to make that delightful noise again, and again and again. He licked his lips imagining her sitting on him, using his cock to spread her slit and pleasure herself.

He looked back up hearing a wet plop as she removed the dildo from herself. He sat up. Her body drenched in sweat, her face grinning at the flustered male before her. Her mind clearly consumed by lust and other lewd notions. She came down on all fours and crawled over to Marty who just watched as she drew nearer. This wasn't Thad anymore he noticed.

"Did you enjoy the show fuck face." she said bringing her face up close to his smiling.

Marty looked back at the woman and blinked. Ok so it was still Thad under all those curves, and other fun bits. Other changes had since set in on the former mans body. His blond hair had gone from a crew cut to long flowing locks that ran down her shoulders. Her hips were much wider, skin softer and smoother and like he had predicted Marty ogled the two magnificent tits that were center stage on Thad's chest.

"Well dick munch, did ya?" She asked again her face now right in front of his.

Marty just nodded his eyes looking south. Thad just smiled and backed away just a bit looking down herself. She smiled seeing her true goal and licked her lips. Marty just watched as the last ember of restraint burnt out and was replaced by his own building desire to fuck the woman before him. He just watched as she lost her shirt and jacket fully exposing her tits to him.

"You been saving this for me fuck face? Oh my how considerate." She said running over the bulge in his pants with one of her hands.

Marty just nodded the feeling of having someone else touch his package to good to verbalize.

"Good." She said undoing his pants.

She moved quickly sliding them down his legs and gazing at his stretched underwear. She licked her lips again almost drooling over the sight of the cock bent and constrained in its fabric prison. She didn't even bother with taking those off she just ripped them away with no small help from the entrapped cock within. Marty sighed as his cock flung free unfolding into something alien but deeply pleasurable.

"Fuck me, your hung." Thad said looking down onto her prize smiling.

Marty did the same, however looking at his cock he suddenly felt unsure about the whole thing. Still lust drunk and more then willing to go along with anything the woman wanted he looked at his cock confused. It was wrong, yet it felt so very right. It was bigger, longer, thicker, every word that a man would want his cock to be described as only with the word very affixed to the front. Yet it was weird, it was not flesh colored and didn't even look like flesh. It was black and smooth save for the pulsing veins that ran over its length. Then there was its shape, it was flared at the end flat tipped. Plus his balls, his balls were large and swollen to the point where they looked like softballs. Finally was the length, so magnificently large was it stretching up fully erect at almost a foot and a half.

Thad buried her head into his crotch. Taking a long deep sniff of his scent and sighing as she seemingly savored the masculine musk that emanated from his strange but incredible sex. She smiled feeling the eyes of the man on the back of her head. She giggled then just a bit as she ran her tongue up the length of the shaft. Feeling all the good bits, tasting his scent and craving more.

For his part Marty gripped the ground with both his hands as he felt his cock oozing pre as it twitched and spasmed. He looked to see his pre was not of a normal coloration, it was black, and viscus the saw color of his new dick. He huffed feeling Thad coming close to his tip. He shuddered looking down as she gripped his cock with both her hands as her tongue flicked the tip of his flared and rock hard cock.

He sighed and then looked up at her. His body was sweating, his breathing was heavy, his mind was overloaded, and he wanted more. He grinned at the woman before him watching as she smiled right back. She lapped at his cock tasting his pre. He watched then as something truly strange began to happen.

Thad tongued Marty's dick hole ingesting his pre and causing some of it to stick to her skin. Marty gulped as he watched engrossed in the feelings of it. He looked at the woman below him and saw as the pre that stuck to her seemed to change color. Adopting a golden sheen to it that glinted when the dim light sources around them caught it right. He kept looking seeing it spread over her skin as the girl worked his dick over with all her effort.

One hand worked his shaft up and down, the other one on his balls massaging the swollen things as they churned forming his seed. Her face was buried in his cock's head her tongue still working his dick hole and his pre still seemingly changing her face. Turning it smooth, shiny, and sleek. As it spread it seemed to hide the last remnants of Thad's manhood. Smoothing over the few places of his face that still looked masculine, replacing them with softer more rounded features that Marty drank in.

Then she took him in taking in as much as she could. Her mouth stretching to fit his massive cock. Marty smiled looking up and gritted his teeth as he felt Thad start to give him a proper blow job. He took one of his hands and rubbed her head. Good girl, he thought his smile widening as he rubbed the former mans head.

He didn't see the change progress further as Thad's humanity began to slip away. The golden goo on his face seemed to stretch out then the rest of his face followed. Pushing out further and further as Thad took in more and more of the mans cock. She moaned as she went happy slurping at the cock unaware and uncaring as the weird but pleasant sensation of the goo rolled over her skin. Her face finally stretch out enough to be a proper muzzle the goo covering it now and leaving her with distinctly equine looking visage.

Despite its strange appearance she still look sexy. Even as the goo spread down her neck and up her head covering her skin and overriding any natural looking features. Her hair grew shinier building upon its luster and making it truly shine as it caught the light. Her golden skin darkened in seemingly random places, the tip of her nose, a few places surrounding the back of her neck, and a few other spots. She took his hole length then her new horse head allowing for such a feet.

Marty for his part loved it, the feeling at least as he was still unaware of Thad's more bestail changes. He couldn't make sense of how she was taking in the large cock with her face so readily. Yet he loved the feeling all the same, her tongue wrapped around his shaft her hands gripping his thighs, her mouth warm and inviting as he stretched it and filled her. Then he felt himself cum.

It was sudden almost without warning. He thrust up as she came down burying his cock in her throat as the first spurt of warm seed left him. His whole body tensed as he came back down. Thad stayed latched onto him, sucking and sucking. Seemingly trying to milk Marty for all his seed. Marty didn't mind his mind lost in the feelings as he was overcome with so much sensation that he simply ceased to function for a moment. He brought his head down feeling his orgasum passing and the woman retracting. He smiled opening his eye expecting to be meat with her pretty face.

He blinked seeing the horse head looking at him. Smiling, cum dripping from her lips, shiny skin coating her down to her shoulders. She leaned forward kissing him on the lips and then hanging back just before his face. For a moment Marty was unsure what to do, but his lust filled mind acted before his rational mind could protest. He took his arms and pulled the horse faced woman close swapping spit and locking his tongue around hers. She had the advantage though wrapping her own hands around him as they made out. Her tongue dominating his mouth dancing around it spreading her influence before wrapping it around his own pushing into him with her mouth. Both moaned as they pushed into each other, delighting in the feelings and sensations the others body gave each of them.

Marty could feel something off about his body, like he was growing. However he cared little about it as he was so engrossed by the woman before him. He cared little about her horse head now as well. Opening his eyes he saw her pretty as ever, shiny, sexy, and lustfully wanting of him and his body. He could feel something about his tongue changing, it seemed to grow to match hers. Swelling and filling his own mouth until he managed to force her own back into her mouth. He pulled her closer smooched her breaking off from the minutes long embrace and smiled at her his tongue long and thick hanging from his mouth and dripping with saliva.

She patted him on the shoulders smiling as she stood up. For a moment Marty was confused, then he saw it, right in front of his eyes was her sex, wet, dripping and so very inviting. He licked his lips looking at it. He wanted it, not just with his still hard cock. He wanted to return the favor from his bj. He reached up with his hand and grabbed her hips. Her body was covered by much more of the goo now, her hands and back were mostly golden and shiny now. He ran a finger down her smooth back causing her to shudder a bit as she looked down at the man. Then gripping her ass he pulled her sex onto his face.

Marty danced his tongue around inside her making the woman make that same sound again. Light, feminan, and beastly, powerful and sexy. It stirred something in him as he pulled her closer and thrust into her with his thicker tongue. He lapped at it drinking her scents and juices as he felt himself becoming more powerful. He could feel his body building it self, muscles swelling, shoulders broadening, her height increasing. All as goo began to change her sex as well. They turned the pink tissue there to something golden brown and rubbery. He felt the change run internal making her pussy infinitely more sensitive and so very stretchy.

She cried out in passion as she felt Marty push his face into her slit. Stretching her even more as he felt his body continue to grow. She made the sound again this time he finally recognized it as a whinny. He shifted his face up causing her to whinny again and he smiled loving the way he could make the woman make the sound on command. He felt his face begin to lengthen then he carried little however. He just kept pushing further and further into her. Even as her pussy juices latched onto his skin, thickening until his own golden gooey covering was changing his face.

He used his lengthening to push further into her. Her sex grew with it was well swelling and growing to match his face. Finally he had a long proper equine muzzle, its color a match to hers golden with hints of brown all around. He felt it running over the rest of his head changing it, smoothing it, making it sexy. His ears shifted up and his hair length growing down his back as the goo did the same. It covered his muscles, running under his clothing as they reached their breaking point ripping and falling off.

He sniffed at her pussy taking in her scent and adding fuel to his fire. Then finally he pulled her in pushing his muzzle and tongue into her so deeply that she cried out whinnying loudly as she climaxed. Marty gripped her ass tightly feeling as she pushed into him as her body tensed. He smiled feeling so very satisfied to have pleased the mare. He smiled at that thought pulling himself out of her. She was a mare, smiling he realized that made him a stallion, a big strong rubber stallion for a shiny rubbery mare to enjoy. And she was a sleek sexy golden rubber sex machine for his own thick meaty rubbery cock to use and enjoy. He stood up as she still reeled from her climax and he gazed at her.

He stood a foot over her. Her golden rubbery skin looking to him like the sexiest thing he had ever laid eyes on. It highlighted everything about her. Her curves, her tits, her ass, her legs. She had such nice legs he saw. Toned and muscular but also curvy and so very smooth. She leaned on him rubbing her head on his now rubbery chest. The changes as moved down him rapidly covering his chest and enveloping his crotch. His legs were rapidly being overtaken but neither really noticed that as they looked at each other wantingly. He smiled at her, and she smiled at him. She turned around leaning over and exposing a tail. She lifted her head and swished it about shaking her rear invitingly.

Marty smiled at his mare taking a single step forward as his feet lengthened and toes fused turning into hooves. He took one hand now adorned with thick and meaty fingertips with thick brown caps and felt her ass. He ran them over her feeling her smooth rubbery skin and delighted in it. He looked down seeing her slit wet and dripping from his tongue lashing and licked his lips remembering its taste. Then in one quick motion he grabbed her tail and pulled her down onto his cock.

She whinnyed and threw her head up as he unrelentingly started to pound her. His hips meeting hers as she rocked backward to meet his thrusts. One hand gripping her tail and another her rear. Pulling her in from one of her sensitive spots only served to add to her own feelings. He looked down at her back with a smile through gritted teeth. He felt such satisfaction from mounting his mare. He smacked her rear with his hand and was rewarded with another whinny. Her smiling muzzle almost visible to him as he did it again.

He pounded and pounded her, keeping it up for a long while. His mounting of her getting more and more powerful there bodies sweating as there scents grew more and more powerful only serving to make the other crave there counterpart all the more. He smacked her ass cheek again and drove himself into her and then he felt it. Felt it finally break through all the other pleasant feelings. It built and built until he himself could not contain himself. He whinnied pulling her onto his cock and thrusting deeply as he felt the first of his warm seed begin to fill her.

Her body tensed to match that as her own climax was kicked off. She cried out, the cry turning into a whinny as she felt his massive cock drive deeply into her and then begin to fill her. Her whinny ran its course as she felt all the tension from the moment leave her. She rested her hands on her knees letting her stud fill her. She just moaned now at a low and even tone as she felt spurt after spurt of cum fill her sex. After a few moments she felt the warm sticky goo start filling her completely and then spill back out of her. Finally, with one last slight thrust and tug of her tail she felt her stud finish.

She smacked her lips her mind drunk from the lust and pleasure. She winced as he pulled himself out with a wet plop. She felt more seed flow out of her as he pulled the cork on her. She turned around to look at him, a hunk of rubbery sexy equine goodness. He looked at her in much the same way. He licked his lips running his hand down her back and bringing her in close to his body. He savored the feeling as there rubber flesh touched.

"Well we gonna fuck again but munch or you just gonna stair at me all night." Thad said raising one legs up, her voice a delight to the ears of her stud, despite its content.

Marty just smiled at his mare. Sure it was still Thad under all that rubbery sexy horsey goodness. But fuck was she hot.

"I can do both sexy." he said licking his lips as he watched his mare shudder from his deep voice.