Bear Survival [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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A commission for avatar?user=311439&character=0&clevel=2 lobopunk93 featuring his characters Gina and Lobo.

Lobo sat cross-legged on the mattress of his VW camper, his face lit by the overhead lamp and the glow of the screen he was tapping against. He'd just sent a tentative message to Gina, trying to find out where she was and what she was doing when he got a reply that completely ignored his question.

"How was work?" the message read and he sighed as he tapped out a reply.

"Great. Any day you don't get sucked -up into an airplane engine is a win." He tossed back. To be honest, his work as a ram-agent in LAX wasn't really that dangerous, but if the she-bear wasn't going to be serious about this he wouldn't either.

"Hope they didn't keep you too long. You were going to work on your van, weren't you?"

That one actually had the wolf groaning. The old camping van was a labor of love, a clunker he'd bought cheap and spent ages getting into shape. And the she-bear even now teasing him about it was the reason he was still working on it instead of admiring the beautiful restoration job he'd done. Every time he had Gina in the van she seemed determined to see just how far she could push the car and the mechanic until either broke down completely.

"I did. Put in brand new suspensions..." he typed in, a sort of challenge to the ursine female. He felt quite confident about these suspensions surviving since they were all the rage. On the rally circuit...

"What happened to the last ones?" came the reply, the words followed by a smirking smiley face.


"Aww, don't be like that! I'm sure you were under there somewhere when it happened..."

"So how was your day at work?" Lobo typed, knowing to well where the conversation would lead. Besides, being an FBI agent Gina actually had a chance of having something exciting happen to her, unlike him.

"Pretty great. I got to meet Ranger..."

"Seriously!?" he asked, hunching over the phone with his ears perked up. Ranger was a she-bear like Gina, but unlike the forty-something Kodiak she was bionic. He couldn't believe Gina was being so casual about meeting an honest-to-goodness super-hero.

"Yeah, but don't get any ideas. You can barely handle me, and I'm all natural..." the message read, and Lobo had to agree. He'd say a session with the amorous ursine left him black-and-blue, but since the fur around his crotch was already black and the shaft hidden in his sheath already blue, it was kind of redundant.

"Where are you?" came Gina's next text, the Kodiak choosing to throw his original question back at him rather than answer it.

"Lovers' Overlook..."

"OMG, you better not be fucking anyone in our van!" came a very quick reply that had Lobo rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm here by my lonesome..."

"You better be! You know I can smell that mare, right?"

"And you know Dawn gets off on doing it in her squad car..." Or on it. he added to himself, referring to the law-enforcement equine who liked pulling him over and making him work his way out of a ticket.

"So, you been thinking about me today?"

"All day..." the wolf replied honestly. He was hoping for a romp with the curvy Kodiak and had managed to get himself quite worked up.

"Good boy. Momma-bear's on her way, so you just stay nice and lonely and get your cock ready for some fun. Remember, if it's not so hard that it hurts I won't have any reason to kiss it better!"

The message following that contained no text, but rather a row full of colorful emojis - lots of winking smileys, lipstick marks, hearts and an eggplant here and there, just in case the message was too subtle. Still, who cares about subtle when you have a huge, horny she-bear on the way and eager for some loving? It took the wolf less than a minute to get naked and draw the curtains on his van, even though it was looking like he and Gina would have the Overlook to themselves today.

"You'll survive this, just stay strong..." he said, addressing the vintage vehicle. "And the same goes for you..." he added, this time looking down at the blue length leaving his sheath at the thought of what was to come...


Gina had driven up as carefully as she could up the dusty road leading to the space where her lupine lover's van was parked, intent on sneaking up on him and hopefully catching him in the act. Her stealthiness paid off when she threw open the door to find Lobo clutching himself with one hand while the other held a smartphone that was making a lot of suggestive noises.

"Well, what do we have here? You're lucky I'm off duty or I'd have to take you in for indecent exposure..." The she-bear practically purred out, flipping her shades up to get a good look at the shaft the startled wolf was gripping, and more importantly to let him see just what she was looking at.

"If that was still a big deal Dawn would have put me away ages ago..." Lobo replied once his heart had climbed down from his throat and back into his chest. It wasn't easy since the sight of Gina's massive tits filling a straining purple tank-top wasn't exactly calming.

"Aww, she wouldn't do that. What would the two of us do without you..." she said, and Lobo's cock twitched as a mental image formed. "So, are you ready for me?"

The deep and husky tone of the question, as well as the sight of Gina standing there with her hands on the top of the door frame and her chest on display left the young wolf speechless, but a nod proved enough for the she-bear. The van sunk a little when she climbed in, closing the door behind her and tossing her sunglasses on the front seat. The rest of her clothes soon followed until she was wearing only a wine-red bra that matched her eyes and a grin that almost reached them.

The van almost tipped over when the amorous amazon literally pounced on him, pinning him down on the mattress and under a mouthwatering mountain of curvaceous Kodiak flesh and feather-soft fur. The hand snaking its way between the two of them made him gasp once it curled around his cock, the she-bear's soft paw tightening around it until she felt him buck into her clenched fist. She took advantage of his open muzzle and quickly pressed her lips to his, her tongue slipping into the wolf's mouth as the she-bear gave a low moan into their kiss.

Once the initial shock wore off, Lobo put his own paws to work. One hand landed on Gina's rump, his fingers making furrows in the dense fur as he did his best to grope a cheek that a draft-horse couldn't really palm. The other pressed against one of the breasts pressing down on his own chest, feeling the firmness of what he knew was a titanic tit as it strained against the fabric of the she-bear's bra. It felt hard and taut now that it was confined within the lacy undergarment and the lupine male knew from experience it would be even more of a handful once they were released.

The kiss was starting to get messy and he wondered if Gina's mouth was literally watering at the thought of tasting the shaft she was even now lovingly stroking and squeezing in a soft but very strong paw, causing the young wolf to make a mess of his own down there. When she finally pulled her lips from his muzzle was hanging open as he fought for breath while the Kodiak admired her handiwork.

She pulled herself off him and gently pushed him a little further back on the big mattress in the back of the van. Lobo had taken the back seats out and the camper was quite spacious, but whenever Gina got in it tended to look a lot cozier.

"Mhhh, that does look achingly hard..." she crooned, and the wolf had to agree. He'd been hard while getting ready for her and after the teasing and stroking she'd given it his cock was so stiff that it almost hurt. "And I did promise to kiss it better, didn't I?" she added, her hands moving to her back to unfasten her bra.

Lobo held his breath as the deep red fabric sagged a little once the strap was undone, releasing it at the same time Gina released her glorious breasts - two soft, round mounds, each of them the size of his head if not bigger. The Kodiak's fluffy coat was a russet-brown, which lent an almost rosy hue to the expanse of creamy fur that started at her cheeks and ended a good deal further down. There was a round patch of smooth pink skin at the center of each tit, each sporting a nipple that the young lupine was eager to get his muzzle on, practically licking his chops at the thought of sucking and licking the nubs until they grew stiff against his tongue.

They swayed as the smiling ursine bent over his twitching shaft, the blue length disappearing once Gina laid herself down and pushed the two pillowy globes around it. Lobo's hands clenched into fists as he fought the urge to cum right then and there, almost pushed over the edge by the sensation of his cock being enveloped by the she-bear's fluffy cleavage. She let out o low, rumbling moan and he could feel the noise reverberating in her chest through the throbbing length now securely held between those massive mounds.

"You're not going to pop already, are you?" Gina asked with a devious grin on her muzzle, squeezing her lush tits together for emphasis and making her lupine lover clench his jaw.

"Nhg-no..." Lobo groaned knowing he'd manage to hold out. Hopefully...

"Good. I'm not doing this just so you can make a mess on my chest, you know..." she crooned, pinching her nipples as if daring the blue-black wolf to do just that. "This is just to get you good and riled up before we get to business. Don't want you trying any of that 'lovemaking' stuff, now do we?" she teased and the wolf groaned both from the frustration and the feeling of her warm breasts being squeezed around him.

He'd made the mistake of using the phrase early on in this bizarre little relationship of theirs because he'd thought that it's what women wanted to hear. Gina had proceeded to correct him, explaining just what she wanted him to do to her in words Lobo had always been taught not to use in front of ladies, after which she'd moved on to the demonstration.

"Oh hello! I thought I'd lost you..." she cooed, looking down at her cleavage and addressing the blue head of Lobo's shaft, the only part of him now swallowed up between her fluffy mounds. The young wolf knew he was pretty well endowed, since women like Gina and Dawn wouldn't be pouncing him if he wasn't, but his pride and joy was still no match for the ursine bosom currently engulfing it.

His eyes were glued to Gina even though hers were pointed down, a hunger glinting in them as she lowered her head and pushed her own stubby muzzle into her cleavage. Propped up on his arms he couldn't get a good look at what was going on, but he didn't need to once he felt a pair of soft lips kiss his tip before parting around it. She moaned while kissing his head lovingly and Lobo could swear he felt the vibration traveling along his bones.

The she-bear's eyes had been demurely closed, but they opened now to reveal a devious twinkle in them as she locked her gaze on her lover's just before flicking the tip of her tongue over the sensitive tip. Lobo could feel his sack twitch even as he fought the urge to fill that eager mouth, knowing that if he popped too soon he'd spend God-knows how long flat on his back with the amorous ursine straddling his face.

Eating Gina out was no problem for him, but he liked it better when they'd both let of some steam and were merely feeling a little too frisky to just cuddle. But when the she-bear was really horny she had a hard time accepting that his need to breathe came before her need to come. And whenever he tried to bring the subject up she just smiled and reassured him she knew CPR before pushing his muzzle back into her honeypot.

He wondered if she was really eager to ride his face again, judging by the sheer creative effort she was putting into teasing him. She kept her lips wrapped around the head of his cock, kissing it and suckling the occasional spurt of pre the throbbing length squirted onto her tongue. His shaft remained trapped between the two massive breasts even as Gina squeezed and fondled her bouncy tits, both the sensation of the fluffy confines tightening and relaxing and the sight of the she-bears fingers digging into the soft flesh threatening to push the wolf over.

Still, she never did. She'd learned to read him pretty well by now, and whenever his head would swell up she would take her lips off it, letting the wet tip pop out of her muzzle as she looked up at him with a devious glint in her red eyes. She would then do little things to tease him tike blowing on the head if his cock, squeezing her breasts together even tighter or just groping her lush mounds and moaning theatrically as her strong fingers dug into the fluffy tits. And once she was sure it was safe, she'd take him back into her mouth again, her muzzle dipping into her own cleavage while the she-bear suckled eagerly on the trapped length.

"Ooh, wolfy's getting worked up..." Gina teased, taking her lips off his now slick tip long enough to tease him. Lobo had not even realized that his grunting had turned into a sort of low growl, too preoccupied with resisting the lusty ursine's attempts to make him cream her cleavage. "Does wolfy want to fuck?" she husked, and the tone of her voice alone was enough to make Lobo's cock twitch and give a little squirt over Gina's muzzle.

Apparently satisfied with the answer, the Kodiak licked her lover's juices off her lips even as she released him from her cleavage. She grinned at him and the next thing Lobo felt was the world spinning around him as Gina flopped on to her back and almost effortlessly pulled him on top of her. The maneuver served to remind him just how much hard muscle was packed away under that fluffy fur and the soft feminine curves the ursine coat failed to hide. And he knew that later on he'd get to feel the she-bear's strength, but for now Gina seemed to be interested in feeling his...

"C'mon, don't keep a girl waiting..." she husked into his ear and he could feel her thick thighs parting as she spread her legs wide. "And don't even think of going easy on me, because you know I won't go easy on you..."

Her words were oil on a fire at this point, the lusty lupine quickly making a few testing pokes against the cottony fur of Gina's crotch before the head of his cock touched against the smooth skin of her moist lips. He felt the she-bear spread her legs just a bit further, the ursine flower opening up and allowing the tip of his cock to slip between those plump lips.

He braced his arms against the mattress and gave one savage thrust, sheathing his entire length in the dripping honeypot in the blink of an eye. Most females would have squealed and pushed him off them for such roughness, but the eager gasp that left Gina's muzzle told him she'd loved his thrust and was quite eager for more. Not that he needed telling. The she-bears tunnel had led him slide in easily and was only now clenching around his shaft, unwilling to let it out.

"Mhh, good boy! Now give it to me hard, or I might just decide to take it..." she crooned into his ear.

Knowing full well that she meant it, Lobo drew out as far as he could and braced his arms before bucking his hips and once again sheathing his cock in the warm ursine sex. He could feel the impact of their bodies and more to the point could see Gina's lush form rippling from the savage thrust, but the she-bear merely cooed out as if she was enjoying a tender lovemaking.

The young wolf set a pace that would have had most females screaming - hard, punishing thrusts accompanied by increasingly wet sounds as his shaft slid between the lips clinging to the steely blue length. But despite his seemingly brutal rutting there was not a note of pain in his ursine lover's voice, just a mounting need and approval lacing every moan.

The she-bear couldn't help but smile as she looked down at her lupine lover. His arms were still braced, keeping his chest off hers while he humped between her legs, eyes glued to her increasingly bouncy breasts, the thick, lush fur covering them failing to mask the way the mounds rippled with every impact of his body against hers.

Her hands slid across Lobo's back, sliding further and further down until they were palming his rump. Gina gave a low growl as she squeezed the firm cheeks, admiring the way they were tensing with every buck of the young man's hips. And the location of her hands also meant her arms were stretched out, framing her chest and pushing her pillowy breasts together. The sight galvanized the rutting wolf like she knew it would, every thrust now accompanied by a grunt as he sped up. His strokes were still deliciously long, his tail rising and falling behind him as he did his best to give Gina the sort of wild fucking that she craved.

She'd put in quite a bit of effort to rile her lover up before any intimate encounter (and occasionally just for fun) but it always paid off. It made him put every last bit of strength he had into breeding her with an almost feral intensity that never failed to get the Kodiak's juices flowing. And despite her teasing him as her 'little wolf', at times like these she could feel just how fit the young lupine was. It took quite a lot to please her and she never faked the sort of noises that were even now leaving her muzzle. Not to mention that the noises coming from lower down - wet, squelching sounds accompanying Lobo's every grunt - were quite definitely honest.

He was even pumping into her with enough force to get the van moving. A gentle swaying motion, and one that was a far cry from what the vehicle would go through when Gina took the initiative. Someone walking by at this moment would no doubt raise an eyebrow knowingly, picturing the fun someone was having in the van. When she was the one on top people would be afraid to go near it, terrified that whatever wild beast was trapped inside might claw its way out at any moment. She felt her walls clench around her lover at the thought of mounting him, the increased sensation drawing a honey-thick moan from her throat.

Lobo's ears perked up at a subtle change in Gina's tone. The moans coming from her muzzle were a little higher with a needy note to them, and those glittering ruby eyes were getting lidded, hiding behind the she-bear's thick lashes. He laid himself on top of her, moving his hands to her breasts as his head landed between them. The cry Gina had let out once he griped the fluffy melons made his cock throb within the ursine slit, his hips a blur as he picked up his pace.

He was barely pulling out now, instead pummeling the moaning female's slit in lighting fast strokes, his crotch grinding against the little nub at the top of Gina's sex, half-hidden under the creamy fur covering her front. The same fur his nose was buried in, assuring that every breath he took carried the she-bear's scent. His fingers worked the two mountains of female flesh, but he knew he was outmatched.

Even Gina had a hard time cupping her breasts without the luscious orbs spilling over, but despite the fact that his paws simply weren't up to the task of groping the Kodiak's cleavage, they always found their way to it. His fingers made little furrows in the ursine woman's thick coat as they explored the mounds, every now again coming upon the patches of bare skin and the large, stiff nubs jutting out from them.

"Th-that's it... Like that... C'mon wolfy, don't slow down, fuck me!" she husked, close enough to his ear that Lobo could feel the heat of her breath.

He hadn't been slowing down but he still did his best to speed up even further, panting into Gina's chest-fur as his crotch ground against her with every desperate thrust. He could feel that dripping ursine passage tightening slightly around his shaft, the added friction only spurring him on to try and increase the already maddening pace of his rutting. The she-bear's shaky moans were so close together now that they blurred together, the pitch of her lusty vocalizations rising steadily as her hands gripped the hard cheeks of her lover's rump.

Her final cry was muffled as Gina bit her lower lip, the ursine sex that had been gripping Lobo's shaft now pulsing lovingly around it while the lupine male continued pumping. He kept his own urges in check, knowing that the Kodiak was just getting warmed up. Her real orgasm would be longer, messier and a lot louder now that they were someplace where she could really let lose. Sure enough, the ursine sex he was jackhammering soon relaxed again and Gina's eyes looked twinkly but clear as they locked on his own.

Gina let out a sigh, savoring the last lingering tingles of her climax before considering the madly rutting lupine on top of her. Poor boy must be getting tired, and it would be both cruel and selfish of her to just lie back and let him do all the work. Her grip on her young lover got a bit tighter and before the pistoning wolf knew what was going on we was flat on his back, immobile as Gina laid her curvaceous body on top of his.

There's an old admonition that warned people not to poke the bear, and since he'd been poking Gina quite vigorously, the young lupine wasn't surprised to find himself pinned under his ursine lover, a wicked smile curving the she-bear's lips as she gave him a brief kiss before lifting her chest off his. This gave him a mouthwatering view of the voluptuous femme's pear-shaped breasts as they rose up right in front of him, his palms instinctively flying up to touch them when Gina smacked them away.

"Ah-ah, no touching them until I say so. But by all means, feel free to stare..." Gina crooned, giving her chest a little shake and feeling the cock still trapped within her throb at the same time Lobo's hands clenched into fists. She murred in delight, both from the sensation of the member flexing in the confines of her dripping tunnel, and the knowledge that when she finally let the dog off his leash, so to speak, Lobo would pounce on her ripe tits like the wolf that he was - squeezing, groping, licking suckling and gently nibbling at the pair of fluffy funbags, each of them larger than the amorous lupine's head.

But she had a bit of excess energy to work off first, and the Kodiak decided she'd waited long enough. Her lips clung to the blue length as she lifted herself off, the ursine sex seeming unwilling to surrender its prize for even a moment. Not that it would spend that long outside her. Gina just needed to get comfy before she got on with the show.

She had her strong hands around her lover's ankles a moment later, and before Lobo could realize what was happening those ankles flew up and only stopped once his legs were resting on Gina's shoulders. The she-bear leered at him as she positioned them both until the wolf's ass lifted off the mattress, his glistening shaft sticking straight up between his slightly spread legs.

Gina kept her eyes locked on his, mischief shining out from those ruby orbs as she carefully positioned her own sex until he could feel a pair of wet, plump lips parting around his tip. She slowly lowered herself, swiveling just a little bit and stopping once the head of her lover's cock was back inside her slick sex. The grin she flashed him then warned him what was coming, but Lobo still groaned when she drove her hips against his.

"Mmmhhh, good boy! Now just relax, it's momma-bear's turn to fuck you..." she husked, slowly pulling herself off his shaft until only the tip remained within her before driving her hips down and taking the entire length again.

Lobo was glad his fur hid his blushing cheeks, knowing Gina's description was quite apt. This position felt different when than when he would lie flat on his back while the she-bear rode him. He was exposed, immobile and entirely at her mercy, a living toy for the ursine amazon to play with. The motion was quite different as well - instead of Gina slowly rising and lowering herself on his length, bouncing on his lap or just straddling him while he bucked up into her, the motion of her pelvis was all too similar to the way he'd been thrusting against her only moments ago. And despite the fact that he was the one penetrating her, that every thrust sheathed his own steely length into the she-bear's silken sex, he still had the unnerving feeling that she was the one fucking him.

Low, sensuous growls were rumbling out from the Kodiak's heavy chest as she slowly worked her hips, savoring both the feel of her lover's cock tickling the velvety walls of her sex, as well as the look on the young wolf's face. If it was possible for a male to feel emasculated while his pride and joy was buried snugly into a woman who was moaning and cooing with every plunge, this would be it.

Even when Gina rode her lover cowgirl-style he could thrust up into her. This position didn't leave the smaller male any control, no choice but to lay there while she did the fucking. And she was almost ready to start! Her movements were still slow, although forceful, enough to set the old van rocking from side to side in time to the motion of her flared hips. The vintage vehicle began to creak here and there, as if the tortured metal knew and dreaded what was coming. Her stubby ears flicked when her young man's groans joined those of his car.

"You close honey?" she asked, a teasing note in her voice although she was impressed with just how long the lupine had been able to hold out. His reply was cut off when Gina's next thrust knocked some of the air out of his lungs, but the flexing of the steely length she was sliding along gave her the answer.

"Then hold on tight, lover. I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll need a ramp to get into this thing..."

True to her word, the she-bear gave a thrust that almost pushed Lobo back on the mattress. He knew she was joking of course, but he was also pretty sure he'd be spending this night with an ice-pack on his crotch. Part of the night, anyway. It was still bright outside but he knew it would be pitch dark by the time Gina was finished with him. The buxom ursine had a hungry look in her eyes as she held his gaze, her hips smacking into him with more and more force.

She grabbed his calves and spread his legs wide, exposing him and giving him an even better view of his shaft disappearing into the dripping ursine snatch that was being pounded against him with enough force to fill the van with smacking noises. She put her entire body into rutting him and Lobo found himself almost hypnotized by the way her back bent and flexed every time she drove her crotch forward and down, her juices gushing around him every time she took his entire length into that silken tunnel.

And every time she pulled off her back would arch which pushed Gina's chest out, her magnificent breasts rising and falling as she fucked her lover as hard as she'd promised. He remembered she'd told him he couldn't touch them yet, but one of his hands drifted up as if on its own, the movement quickly caught by the ursine femme's fiery red eyes. She released one of his legs and quickly snatched the disobedient limb, gripping it firmly by the wrist before his palm had even reached its pillowy target.

"Bad wolfy! Now keep your -unf! - legs spread and be a good boy for me..." she said, pinning both of his arms at either side of his head and leaning over him. She never missed a beat, her pelvis moving as if on its own, pounding away at the disobedient lupine trapped under her.

Lobo's eyes were wide, string at the majestic rack that was now swaying almost directly over his head. His muzzle was open as if he could catch one of the flying nipples into it but despite how tantalizingly low Gina's mounds hung they remained out of reach. The sight of them was enough to get his cock throbbing and the young lupine knew he wouldn't last much longer.

With Gina now bent over him her movements had changed, and instead of driving her hips forwards she was pushing them down on to the wolf's manhood. She also had better leverage this way and instead of swaying alarmingly the van was now bouncing, the tires actually leaving the ground as the old van creaked and groaned in protest. Out the corner of his eye, Lobo saw the curtains covering the rear windows swaying with the violent motion. Not that they needed them anymore. The air was already thick and moist and he was sure the windows were so fogged-up that they'd look almost sand-blasted, denying any voyeur brave enough to approach the vehicle a glimpse of what was causing it to bounce.

Gina felt the tell-tale throb of the shaft sliding in and out of her, a sure sign that her young lover was about to blow his top and give her what she'd been trying to pump out of him. She let out a lusty growl and sped up a little further, keeping her young wolf trapped under her while her hips slammed against his crotch, her sex pulsing around the length that was barely leaving it now.

She saw Lobo's hands clench into fists, his groan music to her ears as the head of his cock swelled up within her. She gasped as the first pulse of lupine seed traveled up the shaft, savoring the feeling of moist warmth blossoming within her body as the grunting wolf emptied his nuts in his momma bear. She never slowed her humping and the noises of their coupling grew messier as every thrust of her hips against her lover's crotch pumped out some of the warm goo he was shooting inside her.

"Ooh, someone's pent up..." she cooed, smirking a little since she was the one who got him pent up. She made it a point to send her young lover little texts and an occasional picture before these encounters, just enough to make sure he was thinking about her all day long and was ready for action once she arrived.

She felt the flow of his seed ebb and finally stop, but she wasn't about to let him go. She kept on humping against him, although she was letting only about an inch of him slide out so it was more of a vigorous grinding motion. She savored the sensation of his softening shaft stirring the mess he'd left inside her, all the while making sure that he didn't slip out.

She could see him wincing from the stimulation of his oversensitive member, but he was smart enough not to complain. It would only be brief, since Gina knew how to get a young man back on his feet, so to speak. She just had to keep up her tempo, enough to keep the now tumescent length from shrinking until her lover caught his second wind. While she was hardly averse to a nice post-coital cuddle, she was just getting started with her young wolf and wasn't quite ready for a break.

It took only a few minutes, but the sensation of her cum-soaked pussy caressing his shaft soon had the lupine cock surging back to life inside her. She took a few moments to savor the sight of the young wolf trapped under her while she fucked herself with his cock, and loving every moment of it. But after the pounding she'd just given her eager boy she figured she might as well make him a little more comfortable. With some reluctance she lifted herself off the lupine cock, feeling uncomfortably empty but still smiling as she admired the cum-smeared blue shaft.

She dismounted her lover long enough for his legs to fall down, standing with one foot on either side of his hips as she spread her lips to give him a nice look at the mess he made between her legs. The wolf's eyes remained glued to the dripping honeypot, the lips slightly agape as Gina slowly lowered herself, straddling her lover with her sex now close enough to the male's twitching length that he could feel the heat of her.

Lobo's cock ached, forced back to stiffness so soon after he'd emptied himself in the sex even now hanging just above his manhood, but he knew the discomfort would soon be forgotten once the she-bear took him back inside her. She'd held his gaze for a while, and then turned her head down even as one hand slid along her fluffy belly. Ursine fingers pried those well-bred petals apart, giving the reclining wolf a glimpse of the pink flesh hidden behind them, as well as the mess he'd left inside slowly oozing from the steamy slit.

His ears twitched at the sultry sigh Gina let out as she caught the head of his cock between those dripping lips, the most sensitive part of his shaft once again probing into the Kodiak's velvety depths. She withdrew her fingers, letting her slit close around her lover's tip as she theatrically licked the now smeared digits clean, Lobo's length twitching as she watched the buxom bear savor his spunk.

She then picked up his hands and placed them on her wide hips even as they began to swing gently from side to side. He could feel Gina slowly sinking, taking inches of his shaft into her at a maddeningly slow pace. She was half-moaning and half-humming as she lowered herself, delighting in the way her swiveling made the wolf's member poke and prod her insides in different spots.

She almost growled when the lips of her sex met her lover's crotch, flashing him a hungry look before she began to grind the swollen sex against him. Lobo groaned at the feeling of friction and movement even though not an inch of him left the she-bear's dripping tunnel. His hands remained planted on her hips but he knew better than to try and guide her swaying.

The little climax she'd had earlier had only left Gina hungry for more, and the glint in her eyes told him to just lay back and enjoy the ride while she worked herself up towards a big one. And even though she wasn't bouncing on him yet, there was nothing gentle about the motion of her shapely rump on his lap. He could hear the springs in the old mattress squeak whenever Gina pushed his pelvis into it with all her weight, moaning as her grinding became more and more vigorous.

Her hands were planted flat against his chest, keeping him pinned as she began a back and forth motion, all the while keeping him firmly with her. Her back would bend when she pulled her hips back, and then arch when she reversed the motion. Her movements threw her chest out and made Lobo's cock throb within her as every slide forward forced the she-bear's bountiful cleavage to squeeze between her arms.

"You can play with them now..." Gina cooed, obviously spotting the way Lobo was almost drooling at the sight of her majestic mammaries swaying above him. "After all, you're gonna need something to hold on to..."

The she-bear couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer speed with which her lover's hands flew up to fondle her heavy breasts. The pillowy mounds were a handful even for her, and her young wolf knew he couldn't really palm them, but he sure seemed to enjoy trying. And despite the fact that she'd made him wait, the Kodiak didn't hide the fact that she enjoyed his efforts, thrusting her chest out a little against the boy's fondling paws.

Deciding that she'd given Lobo enough time to recover, she began to lift herself off him, stopping when his head was the only part still inside her before slamming her flared hips down on the young wolf. Her lover's grunt was drowned out by the creak of protesting metal, music to Gina's ears as she repeated the maneuver, settling into a vigorous rhythm as she began to ride the young lupine.

Despite the heavenly sensation of Gina's sex sliding up and down his shaft as she bounced on top of him, the wolf couldn't help but wince every now and again, wondering if the old van would survive yet another ursine mating session. Despite her affectionate references to the VW as 'our van' she seemed pretty determined to send the old camper to the scrapyard.

Gina's movements had him gritting his teeth as she slowly rose only to drive her rear down onto his lap with such force that even their fur couldn't muffle the smack of flesh on flesh. She still had control over her body but Lobo could tell it was slipping, the she-bear's gaze becoming noticeably hungrier and her motion more urgent as she worked herself up. Her sex was dripping around him, the ursine juices flushing out some of the seed he'd left inside and letting the mess soak into his fur.

Her tempo increased as her mood became more urgent, a predatory gleam twinkling in her eyes as she looked down at the male pinned beneath her - trapped under a rutting Kodiak and loving every second of it. Her movements became even wilder, enough so that her massive mounds slipped free from the young wolf's grip, the two ursine breasts clapping as they bounced on her chest.

She grinned at the wide-eyed expression on Lobo's face as he lied flat on his back, mesmerized by the almost violent motion of her heavy globes rising and falling on her chest in time to the movement of her hips. The display was enticing enough for the lupine cock to throb within her, the she-bear's silken walls responding by tightening around the slick length until she could feel every contour of the shaft she was riding.

The wolf had managed to get a grip on her swaying breasts, but one that was far too gentle for Gina's liking. She slapped her own palms over the Lobo's paws, griping them and making his fingers dig into the pliant flesh of her massive mounds, moaning as her nipples grew stiff against his palms.

Her moans devolved into lusty feminine growls as her sex slowly tightened around the maleness trapped inside it, caressing the steely cock it would soon milk of every drop it could give her. There was no longer any trace of restraint as she wildly rode her smaller mate, their groans joining that of the van as the whole vehicle bounced violently from the ursine rutting. She felt a climax approaching, the tide of tension rising within her before it gave way to glorious release.

"Mhhhh, cum for me baby. Cum with me. Let me feel you filling me up..." she cooed, her husky voice carrying over the lewd noises filing the van. She was past the point of no return, but she always liked to see if she could get the wolf to pop at the same time she did, and more often than not a few needy pleas were all it took.

The feeling of his head swelling within her was enough to push her over, the Kodiak throwing her head back as her hips slammed down a final time. She ground her slit against the wolf's soaked crotch as if she was trying to push his pelvis through the mattress, her sex twitching eagerly just before her lover's cries joined hers.

Lobo's hands hurt as Gina gripped them even tighter against her chest, his paws almost sinking into the soft feminine flesh as he spent himself inside his ursine lover. He couldn't believe how much he was pumping into her considering it was only minutes ago that he'd given her his first load, the she-bear's pulsing sex seeming to draw every drop right out of him faster than he could squirt inside her.

He looked up at the goddess straddling him, her muzzle parted as she caught her breath, smiling as her climax slowly tapered down and she was given a chance to savor the lupine shaft trapped in her sex as well as the warm mess it had left deeper inside her. He wondered briefly if it might be time for a little break now that she got what she needed from him, but the predatory glint in those ruby eyes once they caught his gaze told him different...


"Mercy. I... I think I'm dry..." Lobo whispered in a reedy voice, but despite his protestations the bleary-eyed wolf quickly brought his muzzle back to the stiff wet nipple inches away from his lips.

"Oh, don't be mean! After all you're the one who's in the prime of his youth. I should begging you to stop ravishing me..." the she-bear cooed into her lover's ear, gently stroking a cock that was stiff against her palm despite the young wolf's pleas.

Lobo winced at her touch, his member aching after a long night of hard rutting and still firm in the cuddly Kodiak's gentle grip. He'd lost count, but he figured he must have pumped about ten loads into the insatiable female by now, and she still seemed eager to see if she could get one more out of him.

She'd let him mount her from behind once he'd gotten some strength back, and Lobo had been sure that the vigorous doggy-style fucking would finally sate the insatiable she-bear. The sight of her majestic behind presented to him, as well as the noises she'd made while he humped into it had spurred him to breed her needy sex with every ounce of strength he had, certain that he'd leave the buxom bear breathless.

And it had seemed like he did, until she'd pushed him back into a sitting position, turned around and straddled him, grinding her messy slit against his soft shaft until it was hard enough to go back inside her. He'd pleaded for mercy back then, but his unconvincing protests were silenced when Gina pushed his head into her titanic cleavage and rode him for all he was worth. That had been about an hour ago...

"If you don't have any strength left, just keep suckling like a good boy while I play with little Lobo here..." she said, slowly squeezing his shaft until the sensation made the young wolf gently nip the tit he was kissing. "He likes my touch and I think he still has a few spurts for his big cuddly momma-bear..." she added, her hand drifting lower until she gently cupped the lupine's fuzzy sack.

She kept up both her gentle fondling and the lewd whispers in that syrupy tone, all the while pushing her chest into the wolf's face as Lobo switched from one stiff nipple to the other. He knew just how good she was at getting what she wanted from him but he still couldn't believe it when his shaft twitched against her palm, releasing out a few watery spurts into the cooing Kodiak's grip.

Gina's nipple left his muzzle with a soft pop, and the young lupine blushed when he realized he'd been suckling it all through his orgasm, moaning into Gina's perfect tit even as she cooed lovingly into his ear. She made a show of licking her palm clean before she quickly began putting her clothes back on.

"Mmmh, thanks lover, I needed that! You have no idea how tense I get with work and all..." she said, wrestling her breasts back into her bra. "But thanks to you, I'll be able to get my beauty sleep tonight." She added. After she'd pulled her purple tank top back on she bent over Lobo, planting one last kiss on the still recovering wolf's lips before opening the door. "We'll have to do this again sometime... soon!"