Digimon Defenders Chapter 13: The War Begins

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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#29 of Digimon Defenders

The Defenders have been investigating a series of disappearances around the world. BlackGatomon sees a pattern: Arkadimon. Unfortunately, she is about to be proven very right. And soon, the Digital World will go to war...

This is it, ladies and gentlemen. The FINAL ARC of Digimon Defenders begins. It's been YEARS in the making... but I'm finally in the home stretch. Some notes before I continue: If you're looking for enormous amounts of porn, you're gonna be slightly disappointed. I skipped the giant orgy here, and the next chapter will have only one smaller sex scene. If you want rampant orgies, read some of the previous chapters. These are going to be about moving the plot forward and ending the series... with some sexy fun along the way.

The next chapter is mostly done too, and should be up soon. If you've stuck with me so far, I hope you'll stay with me until the end. <3

The Data Transfer crackled, sending arcs of lightning sparking out, before several Digimon materialized on the transport pad in a flash of light. Gato threw her equipment bag down in frustration, growling loudly.

"HEY! You know better, Gato!" growled Agu, picking it back up and handing it back to the feline, "Treat your equipment with respect!"

"...This is the seventh time this week that we've investigated a missing village. And it's the seventh time we've had NOTHING. No clues. No sign of where they went. They're just VANISHED," Gato snarled in frustration, "And Goma said that other bases around the world are seeing the same thing happen."

"It's certainly a bad situation, but some of that equipment you just tossed costs more than an entire city block in File City," Goma grumbled from the doorway, his arms crossed, "And frankly, I doubt you have a spare several billion credits sitting around. In fact, I know for a fact you don't have a penny to your name, since we don't get paid."

"....Sorry," Gato sighed, taking the bag back and checking its contents for damage.

"It's Arkadimon," BlackGato said, peeking around Goma's side. While the feline had been unofficially instated as a Defender during the Virus incident, she was still officially a prisoner awaiting trial. As such, she was restricted to the base grounds and not allowed on field missions. Goma, however, happily put her to work as a member of his support team in the command center, helping to relay information to field teams. BlackGato, for her part, was delighted to be working and feeling useful, even if her face did not show it. Working with Goma, whom she seemed to consider a friend, was just a bonus.

"You say that EVERY time there's anything strange going on," Agu complained, putting aside his own equipment pack.

"Yeah, but this time I'm right," BlackGato growled, putting her hands on her hips.

"BG, no offense, but if the milk goes bad, you think Arkadimon did it," sighed Pata, checking the first aid kit he carried with him. He grabbed a spare bandage pack off a supply shelf nearby, placing it inside.

"You know what happened to the girl who cried Garurumon, right?" Agu asked, sighing as he finished putting away his equipment and moved to help Gato with hers.

"...Considering you're having sex with one, I'd assume you'd know better than me, but that's besides the point," BlackGato retorted coolly, glaring at Agu. The dinosaur snarled in anger, smoke pouring from his nostrils.

"Hey, hey, given the tantrum I just threw, I know it makes me a massive hypocrite to say this... but let's cool off a bit here," Gato said, stepping between them, "Agu, don't antagonize a girl who could break you into pieces. BlackGato, don't insult my dads, thank you very much."

BlackGato and Agu glared at each other for a moment, before both mumbled a soft apology that did not sound completely sincere.

"...I'll settle for at least a lack of open hostility, then," Gato sighed, "So. What makes you think this is Arkadimon, BG?"

"Because... I can FEEL it. It HAS to be it because it fits the pattern!" BlackGato exclaimed.

"The pattern only you can see," Agu remarked, before Gato's glare quelled him into silence.

"Actually, I think she's right," Goma said, tapping his foot impatiently, "You guys have been on the ground, we've been looking at the data; the big picture. And frankly, none of it fits any crime syndicate, natural disaster, or UNnatural disaster that anyone has encountered since Digimon bothered to keep records."

"Gato and I share this weird empathic link between us because I was made from her data, and we share some of the same code," BlackGato explained, "And Arkadimon was made from me in a similar way. I don't exactly have a LINK with it... thankfully... but I can just... FEEL it."

"Even if it's true, there's a difference between data and ACTIONABLE data. Even if it IS Arkadimon going out and snatching entire settlements, without some way to predict where it'll be next, we can't do much other than react to these vanishings the way we have been," Goma interjected, sighing as he rested his hands on his hips.

"I'll find it. I'll find the pattern, I'm sure of it," BlackGato snarled angrily, stalking out of the room.

"Gato, are you sure she's okay?" Pata asked, sidling up to the feline, looking worried. The white-furred feline sighed and ruffled the boy's hair affectionately.

"She's frustrated. EXTREMELY frustrated. I'll just talk to her, okay?" Gato replied, smiling weakly, "Agu, write up the after-action report, please? I'll trade you a training shift for it."

"Writing up a thirty page report about a whole buncha nothing, or working with the newbies and trying not to get blown up for five hours... Gee, what a lovely choice," Gato heard Agu grumble as she chased after BlackGato.


"BG!" Gato called, bounding on all fours, her tail streaming behind her with her speed. The black feline had stormed right out of the base, having stolen her guards' handcuffs and locked them to a fence. She snarled, but her pace did not slow as she stomped down the path. Gato caught up, skidding to slow down and walk beside her clone.

"I know, I know!!! I made a lot more trouble for myself with what I did to my guards and..." BlackGato ranted, her fangs bared in anger. Gato held up her gloved paws defensively.

"Your guards are pissed, yeah, but you didn't hurt them at all, which is definitely a good thing," Gato said, gently, "Which paradoxically shows that you have good judgement in making a bad choice."

"I'm not in the mood to joke," BlackGato growled.

"Neither am I," Gato agreed, "but running out on us isn't going to help things, even if you just needed to clear your head."

"I'm just.... I left Devidramon due to the.... the guilt. It's like a gnawing hole in my stomach, Gato. Ever since you helped me learn right from wrong, I think about all the people I've killed and hurt, and it kills ME!" BlackGato snarled, tears running down her cheeks, "Arkadimon is killing more people than I ever did, but since I couldn't kill it when I had the chance, it's my fault!"

"BG.... BlackGato..." Gato murmured.

"NO! Don't try to comfort me!" BG shouted, her voice cracking, "I'm a monster! I'm a murdering freak of nature! I should never have been created! And if it wasn't for Arkadimon, I should have killed..."

"....BlackGatomon," Gato said, and there was something in the steely calm of her voice that made BlackGato stop in midsentence and look at her. Gato's blue eyes were narrowed nearly to slits, and her fists were clenched so tightly they were shaking.

"Don't you.... don't you DARE say another word. I would be dead without you. I'd have been raped to death by my possessed friends and loved ones if you didn't step in," Gato said, her voice quiet and cold.

"But--" BlackGato tried to interrupt.

"I'M SPEAKING NOW!" Gato roared, stunning BlackGato into silence.

"I would be dead. All the victims of that cult would be dead. SALAMON would be dead," Gato listed, continuing as if BlackGato had not interjected, "And the most powerful members of the File Island Defenders would have been mindless minions, killing hundreds or thousands for their demonic master."

"You did not just save me. You saved thousands that day. And you CHOSE to do it," Gato continued.

"I needed your help with Arka--" BlackGato began saying, only for Gato to talk over her again.

"During the pandemic, not only did you take my place on the team; but you worked tirelessly to try to save as many civilians as you could. You worked willingly and wholeheartedly with the Defenders, enough that they actually TRUSTED you enough to give you a Brand. I spent the entire time incapacitated in a stasis chamber. That was all YOU."

"And it wasn't ME who came up with the antivirus. It wasn't me who came up with a brilliant plan to get the antivirus to the Brain Pillar. It wasn't me who SAVED THE ENTIRE DIGITAL WORLD. That was all YOU," Gato said, stepping until her black nose bumped up against BlackGato's nose. Her blue eyes filled BlackGato's vision entirely.

"And out of all of us, YOU are the one who has been most determined to stop Arkadimon from hurting or killing people. You came to us for the expressed purpose of stopping him from hurting people. You didn't come to us for personal gain, to get out of trouble, for protection, or any other reason. You said so yourself," Gato said, her voice dropping to barely a whisper.

"I..." BlackGato murmured, tears pouring down her cheeks again.

"Yes. You killed people. But you didn't know better. And the number of people you have SAVED is many times that. I'm not going to say you haven't done wrong. But since you have been mature enough to realize what you have done, your actions have been nothing but good," Gato said, pulling her sister into an embrace, gently rubbing her cheek against BlackGato's, "...And it has all been your choice. You CHOSE to do good. Maybe because of guilt, but it was still the right choice. You are NOT a monster."

"..." BlackGato was silent, her shoulders shuddering as sobs wracked her body.

"I don't care how you were born or what you did while you didn't know right from wrong. What matters is who you are NOW. And you are a good person, BG," Gato said gently, placing her hands on BlackGato's shoulders, "...and the fact that you feel so guilty is proof of that. A monster has no conscience."

"How touching," interjected a male voice.

The two felines whirled about, gasping in surprise. A small Digimon sauntered out of the underbrush, walking towards them with a slow, measured gait. It was a purple-furred dragon, with a slightly hunched appearance, walking on digitigrade legs. It had strange, glowing crimson eyes over a white-furred snout. A triangular jeweled plate was affixed to its forehead. It had small black bat wings, and a long bushy fox-like tail swishing behind it. Gato recognized it as a Dorumon, but even more, she could swear that she had seen this particular one somewhere before.

BlackGato certainly reacted as if she had seen it, as she gasped in shock. She leapt away from it, baring her claws and hissing menacingly. Her fur stood on end, her tail lashing back and forth

"Hello, sister. And Gatomon, one of my many progenitors. It is nice to finally speak to you after our first, unfortunate meeting," the Dorumon said politely, smiling as it walked forward.

"...I'm sorry, I don't know any crazy people who speak like cliched supervillains," Gato said, staring at the purple-furred beast, "BlackGato, any idea what he's..."

Gato trailed off, surprised at the expression of fury and fear on BlackGato's face. The ebon-furred feline looked like she did not know whether to run for the hills or immediately kill the Dorumon.

"Gato... That's Arkadimon," BlackGato said tightly, her voice strained with stress.

"...Um... no it's not. Arkadimon was that slimy sperm-thing, not a purple fluff-ball," Gato said, frowning.

"...That is Arkadimon's main host. It's a Dorumon's body... but it's Arkadimon's mind in there," BlackGato growled, "I explained this already."

"I am Arkadimon. Or a piece of him, at least," Dorumon replied politely, "You've met this host before, Gatomon. Devidramon's prison?"

Gato narrowed her eyes, wracking her memory, before gasping and pointing at him in shock. She exclaimed, "You! You were the prison guard! Or janitor... or both!"

"...This body's former occupant was, yes," agreed the Dorumon, "but while he is gone, his body serves a greater purpose. He is... shall we say, my chosen 'spokesman,' seeing as Father did not gift my main body with the power of speech."

"Y'know, for an oversized version of what usually fills a used condom, you're pretty chatty," Gato said, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Gato, don't antagonize him!" BlackGato hissed, her teeth clenched tight.

"...You speak of my In-Training form," said the Dorumon, his eyes locking onto Gatomon, "...Clearly your information is outdated. I have Digivolved far beyond since last we met."

The ground shook. The air went still, save for a repeated, steady thudding noise. Leaves on the trees nearby trembled.

"...Gato, for all my many, many flaws and all my many, many misdeeds... At least I know when to keep my big, fat mouth shut," BlackGato growled.

Whatever retort Gato had planned to say was interrupted by the sudden arrival of what appeared to Gato for a moment as a flying building. It hit the ground hard enough to send both felines flying backward from the shockwave. They gasped and grunted, tumbling along the ground, scratching with their claws to stop themselves.

As they clambered to their feet, they realized the immensity of the being they were facing.

Even though the size of higher-level Digimon could vary immensely, Arkadimon was enormous. Almost seventy feet tall, the creature towered over Gato and BlackGato. The two girls had to crane their necks just to see his head. It was bipedal, with a hunched, awkward posture. Bony plates of armor coated its body. Gato recoiled in disgust at the visible muscles under the plates. Its enormous feet ended in gigantic blood-red talons that pulverized the ground under them. Its hands could only be described as such if one was being exceedingly charitable; they were a series of enormous red tentacles, each as thick as a tree trunk, mimicking the appearance of fingers. Bony wings jutted from its back, and in the place of feathers there were thousands of crimson tentacles. Its head was an oblong shell, with the same malevolent crimson slits for eyes. A third eye, upright and slitted, bisected the shell. More tendrils formed a crimson mane behind its head, draping down its back.

"I believe in common parlance, you would describe this form as 'Ultimate,' correct? It is the next step towards my perfection in Mega," Dorumon stated politely, its demeanor contrasting with the giant beast roaring deafeningly behind it.

"...BG, I... uh... I get it now. Why you were concerned," Gato gasped, backing away.

"...Yeah, I figured you would," BlackGato agreed, wiping a cold sweat from her forehead.

"We can't fight this thing. I need another Defenders Officer to Digivolve, and... geezus, I don't think Agu's MetalGreymon would be large enough to handle this. He only pushes fifty feet!" Gato said, her entire body shivering with fear, her fur standing on end.

"I am not here to fight. Not yet, dear sister," Dorumon said, 'tsk'ing as he stepped forward, his eyes narrowed.

"...Then what do you want?" BlackGato snarled, her tail twitching back and forth aggressively.

"I suppose you might call this an official declaration of war. Despite my appearance and inability to speak, I am not an animal. It is only polite to state one's grievances and intentions before beginning aggressions," Dorumon said, examining his claws lazily.

"You still haven't said what you want. Maybe we can find a peaceful solution to... whatever problems you have," Gato offered, stepping forward. Dorumon laughed, as did Arkadimon behind him, a loud rumbling that shook the ground and threatened to send Gato sprawling.

"You have nothing I want, little one, except for everything you are," Dorumon chuckled, "I want the Digital World. I want every single Digimon in it to become part of me. The Virus... that was just my attempt at taking over peacefully and benevolently."

"YOU caused the virus?!" Gato snarled, glaring.

"If you hadn't managed to cure it, the Hive network would have completed. Then it would have been a simple matter for me to consume the network, and instantly and humanely take over every Digimon in the world. But we both know that did not work," Dorumon sighed wistfully, "But in retrospect, I suppose it was too much to hope. Since you prevented me from doing it the easy way, now I must take action and do it myself."

"Why?" BlackGato asked, struggling to maintain her position and not cower against the sheer power and menace that Arkadimon exuded.

"A question I anticipated. I suppose the answer would be... it's what I was created to do. It's the core of my most fundamental programming. I am driven, compelled to create Devidramon's Arcadia," Dorumon said, shrugging, "...He dreamed of carving out a piece of the Digital World for himself; some impenetrable land where he and all of the criminal underbelly could live freely and rape and pillage and do as they wished without the Defenders to stop them. He wanted to merely be a petty warlord, standing over all who opposed him, worshipped by those who wanted the darkness to win."

"But he bought into his own delusions of grandeur, imagining himself as some sort of savior. He thought that using my might, that he could enforce his will upon the Digital World and bring his own version of peace," Dorumon said, shaking his head.

"...He was on the right track, in that respect, but he was evil and wrong. Even if he had created his little fiefdom, he never would have been able to quell the conflict or destruction or pain, even with my power.

"My Arcadia is different. I realized that the source of conflict among Digimon is... Digimon themselves. As long as Digimon have free will and individuality, there will be conflict and suffering. I will consume the strongest, and all those left shall become part of me. Once there are no Digimon left, I shall breach into the Human World and bring peace there too," Dorumon announced, smiling. BlackGato shook her head in horror at the scope of the creature's plans.

"HOLY SCHLAMOLY! I thought you would NEVER shut up!!! If nothing else, I suppose you're gonna bring about peace in the Digital World by boring everyone to death!" Gato groused, putting her paws on her hips. BlackGato, Dorumon, and even Arkadimon itself stared at her with wide eyes of shock.

"...Ya know, for all the Digimon's minds you've eaten, it hasn't made you any brighter. Not only did you blather on and on when you coulda summed up that whole speech in three sentences, but your plan is beyond stupid to begin with!" Gato growled, walking forward.

"You think you're the first Digimon to pull this bullcrap? You're not even the first this MONTH," Gato snarled, pointing at Arkadimon with such force that even the massive beast actually backed away a step from the three-foot-tall feline.

"There's a new wanna-be tinpot dictator every week. There's dozens of criminals who see themselves as the next Devimon, the next Four Devas, the next MaloMyotismon. And y'know what? They're all stopped DEAD," Gato shouted now, her hackles raised. She stopped and held up her left hand, displaying the Brand on the back to Arkadimon.

"First the DigiDestined. Now the Defenders. We have one job. We hold the line. We hold. The. Fucking. LINE!" Gato shouted, "...And if you want the Digital World, you go through us! So step up, you over-muscled, slimy, hentai reject!!!"

"I admit, your bravery should be commended. Though as always, it's nearly indistinguishable from idiocy," Dorumon said, once he recovered from the shock of her speech.

There came a rustling from the bushes around them. Instantly, Gato and BlackGato reacted, getting back to back and slipping into defensive stances. They bared their claws, gritting their teeth.

Neither feline could ever have expected the sight they saw. Digimon of all shapes, sizes, and levels emerged around them. They all shared three things in common: a strangely expressionless glare, glowing red eyes that shone like malevolent rubies, and a glowing red spot in the center of their chests which pulsated brighter every second or two.

"F-F-Father?!" BlackGato gasped as Devidramon stared down at her with four glaring, crimson eyes. He smiled, a terrifying sight as he bared rows of razor-sharp, six-inch long teeth, like a shark's mouth.

"That's not Devidramon, not any more!!!" Gato growled, baring her claws. She immediately and instinctively sized up their chances. She, BlackGato, and Devidramon were all Champions, but Devidramon had 25 feet of height and multiple tons of muscle over them.

BlackGato seemed to reach the same conclusion as she murmured, "Gato, we need to Digivolve."

"Yeah, that'd be nice, wouldn't it? But I'm the only high ranking Defender here. Without someone else, we're S.O.L.," Gato growled.

"...Do I dare ask what that means?" BlackGato asked, glancing at Gato curiously.

"Shit Outta Luck. C'mon, keep up, sis," Gato sighed, "Standard military parlance. Y'know, SNAFU, FUBAR, that kinda thing!"

"My post-hypnotic military education focused more on tactics, fighting techniques, and weapons training, not creative ways to be foul-mouthed," BlackGato replied, "What does SNAFU mean?"

"We use that one all the time. It means, Situation Normal: All Fu-..." Gato began.

"Ladies.... I'm still here, you know..." Arkadimon interrupted through Dorumon, all of his various bodies wearing the same expression of bemusement. An enormous droplet of sweat twice as large as Gato's body rolled down the side of his head, and matching smaller drops adorned his many forms.

"We're not talking to you," BlackGato snapped, holding up a silencing paw at Arkadimon.

"We'll be with you in a second! We're having a conversation here and--..." Gato growled. In midsentence, on an empathic signal, both kittens turned and bolted, vanishing in streaks of black and white.

Despite their momentary success in catching Arkadimon off-guard, they did not make it far. Gato made it only eighty feet before a Gaomon burst out of the underbrush and slammed his fist into her temple. Gato staggered, kept moving by sheer momentum, but her consciousness was already fading. Her vision was obscured by a red-black haze and dizziness made her head spin. Her limbs went limp as noodles, no longer able to support her weight. Gato struggled valiantly to wake up, to snap out of being stunned, but to no avail. She never felt herself hit the ground as darkness claimed her.


Gato awoke, groaning in pain as her head throbbed. She hated getting sucker-punched. It was less because of the unconsciousness and powerful headache, and more because it righteously infuriated her. She hated getting caught off-guard. Gato forced her eyes to open, clawing her way back to consciousness.

She lay on her side in the grass. Forcing herself to sit up slowly, she tried to take stock of her surroundings as quickly as possible. BlackGato laid beside her, slowly returning to awareness. Arkadimon loomed over her, Dorumon waiting patiently at its feet. Gato's large ears flicked and her stomach dropped. They were surrounded by almost three dozen Digimon in a wide circle, all staring in at her. They were all breathing in sync, their heartbeats pounding in unison. Gato's keen senses detected even more waiting beyond the circle. Gato could see no opportunity to escape.

"That was actually quite clever. Your bantering and bickering certainly allowed you to catch me off-guard," Dorumon said lightly, "But you won't have that opportunity again. I have only brought a small fraction of my bodies with me, but there are more than enough here to guarantee you cannot escape."

"Worth a shot," Gato grunted, climbing to her feet. She reached out a paw, helping BlackGato to hers. The ebon feline looked woozy and Gato had to support her weight.

"If I were in your position, certainly, it would be worth the effort to try to escape. But once it was guaranteed impossible, I would accept my fate," Arkadimon replied through the little purple-furred dragon-beast. Gato scoffed.

"Then you'd make a really shitty Defender," she sneered, "Never surrender. Death before dishonor."

"And what do you say, dearest sibling?" Arkadimon asked, gazing at BlackGato with both its own and Dorumon's eyes. The girl slowly raised her head... followed by both of her middle fingers. Arkadimon itself gave a low rumbling noise, while the Dorumon who spoke for it sniffed and crossed its arms over the glowing mark on its chest.

"So, kill us, or eat us, or possess us, or whatever. But know that we're gonna kill as many of you as we can before you do," Gato growled. Dorumon chuckled.

"This is why I must take over. Such pointless struggle against that which is good for you. Killing any of my avatars is useless. I have thousands more, and while I feel their pain, they are a small part of my whole," Arkadimon sighed, "And you know you cannot harm my main body as you are."

"I dunno, we could probably stub your toe pretty bad," BlackGato grumbled, trying to focus her eyes on the massive abomination properly.

Ignoring her, Arkadimon continued, "But you are mistaken. I have no intention of killing or consuming or possessing you... yet."

"Oh, so you're gonna bore us into comas by TALKIN' FOR-FREAKIN'-EVER, then?!" Gato interjected, getting more and more annoyed.

"CRIMSON EYE," Devidramon growled, drawing their attention. His four blood-red eyes glowed malevolently. For the second time in her young life, Gato was stunned by the force of Devidramon's gaze. It wasn't the warmth and coziness of being lulled into a hypnotic trance, or the simple lack of consciousness of being hacked. It was a sledgehammer shattering her free will, while leaving her completely awake and aware. She had no choice but to obey Arkadimon; she was quite literally incapable of even thinking of rebellion. It was like his will was a dagger of ice in her very core, ready to sink in and kill her if she even tried to fight. Gato went numb, not physically, but mentally; it was as if she could not even be afraid or feel despair without Arkadimon's command. She likewise felt BlackGato's emotions spike in the back of her mind, before fading to a featureless, dull grey as she too succumbed to the attack. All that was left to them both was simple and complete obedience.

"Yes, Devidramon's ability is a useful one," said the black demonic dragon, smiling and showing off rows of shark-like teeth, "I was right not to consume him, but to take him over. Now, enough back talk."

"Yes, sir..." Gato mumbled, bowing her head subserviently, as her eyes shimmered with red luminescence.

"As you command," agreed BlackGato, her eyes glimmering crimson as well.

"Much better. Now , I do not intend to kill you or absorb you yet. As I stated, this is a declaration of war. Despite my appearance, I am civilized and cultured," Arkadimon said through Dorumon, as the purple-furred beast sauntered forward, "And part of a civilized war is letting one's opponents prepare their defenses."

"So, I am going to let you both go, unharmed. You will return to the Defenders and tell them what is coming. I will give you one week to prepare..." Dorumon said, "And then I attack."

"We will tell them, Master Arkadimon," BlackGato said flatly, clearly loathing the words as they left her mouth. The beast nodded in satisfaction, before he reached out his paws and gripped both kittens' sheathes, squeezing them. The felines gasped, shuddering.

"Good. But before I let you go, I intend to take full advantage of having you at my mercy," Dorumon growled, "After all, humiliating one's foes is also a traditional part of war."

He gripped their loins, stroking up and down slowly as he growled, "You will become sexually aroused now."

Neither cat could resist the command. Under the Crimson Eye's spell, the words were an unstoppable force, more powerful than anything they could imagine. Gato felt her arousal protocol activate, flooding her body with warmth and need. She gave a quiet moan as her female honey began to flow, dampening her vulva and matting down the fur. Her nipples hardened, poking through the downy white fur of her chest. Unable to do anything else without Arkadimon's command, Gato could do nothing but stand still and tremble as her penis emerged from her sheath, beginning to swell and pulse. Within less than a minute, her ten-inch shaft was at full mast, bobbing up and down slightly with her heartbeat.

Gato glanced to her left, meeting BlackGato's gaze. The ebon-furred feline's expression was strangely neutral, and her emotions were a featureless, cloudy gray in the back of Gato's thoughts. They did not even possess the willpower to control their own emotions. Gato was sure that if Arkadimon had commanded her to stop her heartbeat, she would have died in moments.

BlackGato's penis was rock hard, identical to Gato's in every way, even down to the wrinkles on her foreskin. It pulsed in Dorumon's grip, the only part of her body able to move of its own accord.

"I must admit, being that my true body is sexless and possesses no genitalia, I find sexuality somewhat gruesomely fascinating," Dorumon said, glancing up at Arkadimon above, "I suppose that prepossession is what inspired me to make the Virus into a sexually transmitted disease, when I could have made it something else instead..."

"Now, I want you both to pleasure this avatar," Dorumon commanded, its expression as blank as Gato or BlackGato. The two sisters glanced down. His penis was fully erect, standing proudly from his hips.

"As you command," Gato murmured, dropping to her knees. BlackGato did the same beside her.

Dorumon's penis was a sight to behold. Not because it was huge, though it was certainly large, even by Gato's standards. The kitten estimated it was fourteen inches long and as wide as her wrist. What was so impressive about it was how hard and angry it seemed. It was red-pink in color, tending more towards red with how much blood filled the rigid rod. Veins bulged from the sides, snaking up the shaft. The entire shaft pulsed visibly, actually expanding and contracting almost a quarter-inch with every beat of his heart. The head seemed like a balloon on the verge of being overfilled, wide and bulbous under the taut foreskin. Precum bubbled out of the tip, splashing the ground beneath him in thick sticky gouts. His balls were distended, the purple, fuzzy orbs swollen in their pouch so much that the scrotum looked stretched to contain them.

Gato stared at the intimidating, monstrous shaft as it pulsed and spouted. She could only figure that Arkadimon had overloaded Dorumon's arousal protocols; forcing them far beyond anything natural, pushing them to outright dangerous levels. How much beyond normal, she could only guess, 300%? 500%?

BlackGato's eyes were narrowed nearly to slits of green as she leaned in and stuck out her little pink tongue. She dragged it along the pulsing flesh, her rough tongue rasping the skin loudly. Compelled to join her by Arkadimon's command, Gato wrapped her paws around the base of his shaft. She gasped; even with her gloves, it felt like a hot, iron rod. It felt almost as hot as Agu's penis, but as hard and unyielding as solid rock. Gato began to pump the base of his cock, while BlackGato focused on the upper half. Dorumon barely seemed to care about the pleasure, his glowing eyes focused instead on the girls. Gato could feel Arkadimon staring at her through his gaze, and she shuddered, feeling greasy because of it.

"Nnf... He's so hard..." murmured BlackGato, glancing at her sister as she lapped at Dorumon's tip, cleaning the precum, only for more to font out over her face. She winced, her black fur glistening with sticky moisture.

"Just focus on his tip, BG. I'll handle the lower half and his balls," Gato replied, "When he's done this to himself, he can't possibly last THAT long before he gushes."

"I hope you're right," BlackGato replied, shivering as she slipped her tongue into the foreskin, swirling around the head, "...I can't... Can't think of anything... but this..."

"Nnnf... Just... Just work on it..." Gato panted, licking and slurping at the side of his shaft, "...We can't disobey..."

Gato pressed her muzzle to the purple-furred dragon's balls, slurping loudly at them. She could feel the host's testicles churning, quivering with seed. The Dorumon never made a noise, barely even moved. His breathing was slow and even, even as his cock surged dangerously. BlackGato had to open her mouth until her jaw popped, trying to take the distended head into her muzzle. She barely managed, her eyes watering as she bobbed her head slowly, sliding her tongue over the flesh. BlackGato gasped as Dorumon's cock pulsed, bouncing off the roof of her mouth. Her cheeks bulged out as a spurt of clear fluid flooded her muzzle, the sweet fluid splashing her tastebuds. Gato shivered as she stuck her tongue down his sheath, lapping at the inches of flesh that remained unexposed.

Gato took no pleasure from the act she was being forced to commit, but neither was she repulsed by it. Under the grey lack of emotion caused by the Crimson Eye attack, it was a task to be completed, with no deviation or distraction allowed. Gato's entire world had narrowed to that immense, pulsing shaft, and what she had been commanded to do to it.

"BG, brace yourself, big gush coming," Gato panted, feeling Dorumon's balls clench as a bulge rushed visibly up the underside of his cock. BlackGato blinked and grunted, swallowing in anticipation. The head swelled, filling her mouth until her cheeks ballooned out like a chipmunk's. Gato might have found the sight funny if she had the capacity for humor in her mind-controlled state. BlackGato's eyes watered as she desperately swallowed again and again, trying not to choke on Dorumon's pre. Much of it ran down her chin and out of the corners of her mouth, down onto her chest. More of it spilled from her mouth to sprinkle on top of Gato's head, matting down her white fur with sticky clear fluid. BlackGato guled again and again until the flow returned to a steady trickle.

"Need to switch places?" Gato asked, glancing up at her sister.

"Nmm-mmm," mumbled BlackGato in the negative around her mouthful of Dorumon's cock. Gato could barely form a hint of gratefulness that BlackGato was willing to take the hit for her. But then the moment passed and the emotion faded, and Gato went back to work.

Despite herself, Gato's erection was painfully hard, pulsing and twitching between her legs. She felt nothing for the act she was being forced to commit on an emotional level, but her body reacted on instinct, arousal flushing through her. She glanced over, noting that BlackGato's cock was just as hard, twitching up and down as she tried to take several inches of Dorumon's shaft into her through. She was forced to ignore it. She was not told to touch herself, and until she was given the order, she just had to suffer as her loins ached and throbbed needily.

Dorumon's orgasm came with almost no warning. His face never changed, his body did not move, indeed his breath and heartbeat remained utterly and completely steady. His heavy, swollen testicles seemed to swell another size larger and tightened to the base of his sheath. His cock gave a single, enormous lurch, the veins bulging along the sides.

He made not a noise as he ejaculated, flooding BlackGato's muzzle with semen. The girl gasped in shock, desperately swallowing, for her only other choice was to drown. Gato had never seen so much cum come from one male outside of Vee, and never in a single spurt. Indeed, as far as Gato could tell, he was climaxing only in one long ejaculation rather than many smaller gushes. It was a continuous hoselike spray that flooded BlackGato's mouth, running down her chin in a river, bulging her cheeks out like a frog's. Tears of stress and discomfort ran down her cheeks as she swallowed painfully, trying to keep up.

"Oh, now I see why you find this interesting. Indeed, it is pleasurable. Such interesting muscle convulsions. The sensation of semen ejaculating is strange but delightful," said Dorumon, as if remarking on the quality of a sandwich and not in the middle of a superhuman orgasm. Gato slurped loudly at the cream that dripped down his lower shaft and his testicles, doing as she was told. It was easily enough to fill her mouth over and over; and she swallowed without tasting it. The Dorumon lazily rested a clawed hand on the back of BlackGato's head, pushing her a few inches further down its member.

Arkadimon rumbled behind Dorumon, and Gato flicked her ears, trying to focus on the little fuzzy dragon and not the monstrosity whose mind possessed the dragon. Even through the Crimson Eye, the thought of pleasuring that abomination was enough to make Gato's stomach clench in nausea. It was easier to try to ignore it and pretend that the Dorumon was acting of its own accord, and made the task more palatable.

Gato was certain that if she was having an orgasm like the one that the Dorumon was having, she would have been flat on her back, babbling insensately and thrusting randomly into the air... or else, just flat out unconscious. Instead, he just stared down at the two kittens with malevolent glowing eyes, seeming entirely unemotional as his cock lurched violently, gushing literal quarts of fluid. The Dorumon, with Arkadimon's mind controlling every aspect of its program, did not seem to react to pleasure the same way a normal Digimon would. Gato filed the information away for later reference, knowing that Arkadimon hosts probably would react similarly to pain. In combat, that was not a good thing. It meant that hosts could fight long after a normal Digimon would have died of shock or blood loss or just sheer raw injury.

In this case, it was BlackGato who succumbed. Unable to pull off of Dorumon's penis as it jabbed the back of her throat repeatedly, his cock spraying directly down her throat, BlackGato whimpered desperately through her nose between gulps. Gato was unsurprised, though no less worried as she began to flail her arms, trying to pull free of Dorumon.

"Stay," he commanded, and BlackGato's struggling stopped instantly. She rested her hands on his knees and continued to try to swallow. Gato could do nothing but watch as her tail thrashed desperately, her eyes rolled up in her head, and finally her paws fell limp. She was held up only by his cock in her muzzle and his hand on the back of her head.

"She's choking... You have to let her go... She'll die," Gato said, straining against the Crimson Eye's power with all her might to feel the desperation she knew she SHOULD feel, watching her sister pass out from lack of air.

"...Mmm? Oh," Dorumon said, glancing down at Gato as the white-furred cat continued to suckle his testicles, his white spunk coating her face, "...Incredible how fragile you can be."

He released his grip on the back of BlackGato's head and she immediately slumped to the ground, unmoving. Gato wished she could rush to the unconscious feline's side and make sure she was all right, but she could not. All she could do was watch in wonder as a veritable fountain of semen sprayed from the Dorumon's penis almost ten feet straight up, raining down upon her in a single messy stream.

"Your turn," Dorumon ordered, pointing at the head of his cock. Gato winced, staring at the angry purple helmet, bloated with blood, pulsating as cum fonted from the slit in amounts that boggled her mind. A ten-second segment of his climax might have been the equivalent of a three-minute orgasm for another Digimon. She could not imagine that permanent damage was being done to the host with how overloaded his sexual subroutines were.

Gato had no choice as she opened her muzzle as wide as it could go, hearing her jaw pop as the massive cock forced its way inside. She began swallowing well before it entered, its hose-like spray flooding her mouth even before the tip passed her lips. Salty-sweet cream blasted down her throat, and Gato let her body run on instinct, swallowing repeatedly. She pumped the inches outside her muzzle with her gloved hands, her tongue swirling under his foreskin.

The white-furred feline instead tried to focus on her hearing, tilting her massive tasseled ears in BlackGato's direction. It took a minute, what with the sound of gulping and the ubiquitous splatter of hot, thick goo splashing against just about everything around her, but she finally zeroed in on what she wanted to hear.

The vaguest sense of relief managed to make itself felt through the Crimson Eye, as she heard BlackGato's heartbeat. She knew the other feline was not dead; she would have exploded into shards of data or reverted to a DigiEgg if that happened. Her fear had been that she was in the process of dying. But thankfully, BlackGato's heartbeat was strong and steady, if a bit slow due to her unconscious state. She felt a sense of further relief as she saw the black feline stir out of the corner of her eye, rolling onto her side and coughing loudly. She fell back, still out cold, but breathing more easily after.

Assured that BlackGato would recover, Gato turned her attention back to the Dorumon to try to avoid suffering the same fate. His orgasm seemed like it was nowhere near on its way out. Gato could feel his cum sloshing around in her stomach, feel her fuzzy tummy distending as if she had eaten a particularly large meal. She glanced at his testicles, which churned visibly, actually contracting as they pumped their burden up his massive cock. Gato immediately resorted to some breathing exercises she knew, attempting to get as much oxygen as she could to keep up with Dorumon. It helped, but not much; she was already starting to get lightheaded and dizzy.

It was finally a relief to Gato when Dorumon seemed to have had enough of flooding her tummy with semen. He pulled his hips back, his cock slipping free of her lips. Gato was thankful that Arkadimon had not ordered her what to do with his cum, as she took the opportunity to spit the last mighty mouthful onto the ground, coughing. The Dorumon's fat, overloaded erection continued to fountain semen into the air, the thick white fluid raining down upon Gato's body. She barely managed to care; it was better on her fur where she could wash it off, than in her stomach or cleft where it would slosh around for hours until her body absorbed it.

She folded her ears back in displeasure as the dragon gripped his penis and aimed it at her face and chest. He did not stroke himself; merely aimed the singular spray of semen at her to drench her. Unable to resist, her will still completely subsumed by Devidramon's power, all she could do was present a target for him. She lifted her arms from her body, and stood, gritting her teeth and just felt the thick, hot goo drum aginst her body. It spilled down over her penis, making the traitorous appendage throb happily. She wished she could stroke herself, to relieve the ache, but without his command, she could not touch herself.

His orgasm ended in an almost anticlimactic manner. With little warning, the hose-spray of cum quickly decreased into a slow dribble onto the ground. Even Dorumon looked somewhat surprised as he looked down at his penis, which continued to pulsate and twitch violently.

"What? Is that all?" he asked flatly, as if he had just opened a six-pack of candy to only find five inside. Even with the Crimson Eye dulling her emotions, Gato stared at Arkadimon and Dorumon with her jaw dropped.

"...You're disappointed?!" she exclaimed in disbelief, gesturing at herself and her surroundings, "You just came for ten minutes straight, fired who-knows-how-many gallons, completely soaked me and BG, and Gennai knows what you've done to that Dorumon!"

"I assumed there was more to it," Dorumon said flatly, as Arkadimon gave a loud, rumbling "harrumph" behind him. Gato shook her head in disbelief, looking at the thick white glaze that coated every inch of her body, her sister turned a milky shade of grey as her fur was lightened by his white cum.

"Tend to BlackGatomon. Revive her," Dorumon ordered.

"Yes... SIR..." Gato replied, spitting the last word with as much venom as she was allowed. She turned and rushed over to BlackGato's side, kneeling beside her. She gently placed a paw against her cheek.

"BG. BG, you need to wake up," she said softly, giving the other girl a little shake. BlackGato gave a weak groan, her eyelids fluttering.

"Gettin' tired... of gettin' knocked out..." she mumbled feebly.

"I know, but Arkadimon has ordered me to wake you up," Gato said, leaning in as she shook the other feline to keep her from passing back out, "and I can't resist his commands. Are you still...?"

"Under fath--... Devidramon's Crimson Eye? Yes," BlackGato grunted, forcing herself to sit up slowly. She looked into Gato's eyes, and Gato could see a crimson glow surrounding her green irises.

"Damn. I was hoping..." Gato sighed.

"No such luck. It has to wear off on its own. Unconsciousness will not affect it," BlackGato intoned, her voice emotionless as she climbed back to her feet. She coughed roughly, and spat a mouthful of semen onto the ground.

"I have done as you asked... master," Gato announced, turning back to Dorumon and Arkadimon, gritting her teeth, the words forced out of her by her subdued willpower.

"I am... conscious," growled BlackGato reluctantly, refusing to meet Arkadimon's eyes, a shudder running down her body.

"Good. I wish to see more of sexuality, but my main avatar is... sensitive at the moment and requires time to recover," Dorumon said primly, reaching down to grip its penis, stroking the last droplets of semen onto the ground. Gato felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized that Arkadimon was far from finished with them.

"I want you to demonstrate mutual masturbation now," he ordered.

"...Yes, master," agreed Gato and BlackGato in unison, shuddering from head to toe in disgust.

"...Let's just get this over with," BlackGato growled, dropping to her knees in front of Gato, gesturing for her sister to do the same. Gato did as she was told, her knees hitting the grass. Her cock pulsed angrily, precum leaking from the tip despite her hatred and disgust at what she had been through. Her body did not care what was happening, all it knew was its arousal. BlackGato was in a similar state, her erection twitching invitingly despite the dull anger radiating from her face.

"I dunno if I'll... be able to finish with... HIM watching," Gato confessed, glaring over her shoulder at Arkadimon and his hosts. At the best of times, Gato was not into exhibitionism. Public sex just made her nervous and gave her performance anxiety, unless she was surrounded by friends and loved ones in a comfortable space like the onsen. In the middle of the road in the wilderness, surrounded by a deadly enemy who was out to use and humiliate her; Gato found it a wonder she could even maintain her arousal.

Despite her reticence, she reached out and wrapped a gloved paw around BlackGato's erection. As always, it was a strange sensation. It FELT like her own penis pulsing in her palm, but she could not feel any of the sensations from it. It was disconcerting to feel something that felt like her own shaft attached to someone else's hips.

"Focus on me. Eyes on me and my... my cock," BlackGato whispered softly, leaning in so that her eyes filled more of Gato's vision, helping to draw her focus away from the abomination and his various hosts staring malevolently at her.

Gato gasped as she felt her sister's paw grip her shaft. The feeling was wonderful despite the situation. She had been aching, throbbing so hard, with no stimulation while she tended to the Dorumon, and Arkadimon's whims. BlackGato peeled back her foreskin to expose the fat head, smearing the dribble of precum over the bulbous head. Gato returned the favor, enjoying the younger feline's moan of pleasure.

Within moments, the two girls were stroking each other firmly, sliding their hands up and down each other's stiff shafts. They moaned and shuddered, BlackGato grunting and gasping perhaps a little more exaggeratedly than necessary in order to keep Gato's attention on her, and not the monsters around them. The white-furred cat felt a wave of affection for her sister, and leaned in to kiss her deeply.

She briefly wondered if it was being narcissistic to marvel at how beautiful BlackGato was. Between the two of them, they had heard every single joke there was about "wincest versus masturbation" there was. Neither of them found the jokes particularly funny; it turned out that the reality of their situation rendered the philosophical debate rather less-than-amusing.

BlackGato shuffled closer, and Gato gasped as the heads of their penises pressed together in a crude mimicry of a kiss. Their precum mixed together, dribbling down their flesh to lubricate their strokes. BlackGato's free hand dipped down behind Gato, a finger probing her vulva from behind. Gato gasped in ecstasy; she was sopping wet already, and BlackGato's thick finger easily slipped inside her. She followed her sister's lead, beginning to slide her finger into BlackGato's warm, wet depths.

The two girls gyrated against each other, thrusting into each other's hands, staring into each other's eyes. Gato could not help but feel a bleak satisfaction; if Arkadimon was going to kill her and BlackGato, there were worse ways than to have gone out than after sharing pleasure together.

BlackGato seemed to have a bead on Gato's train of thought, as she hissed, "Stay focused, Gato... Make me come... And we'll find a way to get out of this together..."

"R-Right," Gato agreed, chastened. It was strange to be the one being supported by BlackGato than the other way around. She shook her head, trying to clear it, ignoring Arkadimon rumbling loudly above her.

Gato panted, feeling the pressure building in her loins. Her erection twitched hard, a steady flow of clear pre soaking BlackGato's palm. Her foreskin was making a wet, sloppy noise as the ebon cat rolled it back and forth, splashing her stomach with overflowing fluid. Gato's inner walls were clenching down tightly around BlackGato's finger, threatening to tug her glove off when she pulled back. She could feel BlackGato's cock pulsing hard in her palm, feeling like a rigid, hot iron bar in her hand.

"I'm... gonna come," stated BlackGato breathlessly. She said it in a dull monotone, with no emphasis, emotion, or even strain. It took Gato a moment to register what she was saying because of it; she almost thought that BlackGato had been making a simple factual statement about something bland, like that the sky was blue and had circuit lines.

"Me too," agreed Gato, panting. She shivered, feeling herself teeter past the point of no return. Her cock began to pulsate rhythmically, jerking in BlackGato's grip, even as the black feline's shaft almost pulled free of hers with its spasms.

BlackGato was the first to let out a long, low moan. She thrust her hips forward, stabbing her ten-inch member upward as a thick, hot spray of semen blasted into the air with mighty force. The white fluid shimmered and glowed with red luminescence. She moaned in delight, trapping Gato's finger inside her cleft as her muscles clamped down hard and quivered.

With her dulled, grey emotions, Gato had wondered whether or not the impending orgasm would be as pleasurable as a normal one. The answer was a definitive yes, as a boiling sensation rushed up her shaft, the head swelled, and a lance of creamy spunk fired high into the sky above. She yowled like a kitten, moaning in delight as pleasure beyond pleasure gripped her little body. Her blue-glowing fluids splashed down, adding to the mess that already coated her and her sister.

For a few blissful minutes, Gato was lost in a haze of ecstasy, unable to think, unable to move, unable to speak. All she could do was gyrate and pump against BG, feeling the warmth and softness of her fur, feeling the heat and hardness of her penis, feeling the thick, sticky wetness of her semen. She buried her face in BlackGato's shoulder, muffling her gasps and cries of delight. BlackGato was quieter in her pleasure, but did the same, sharing in the comfort that her sister provided. Their spunk coated their stomachs and chests, bubbling out into their fur as the heads rubbed back and forth together.

For a while, the world narrowed to just the sensation of her cock pulsing and pumping spunk with her sister's, their tails intertwined, their bodies pressed tight together. The mind control did not matter; the looming possessed Digimon and the massive abomination glaring at them did not matter. All that mattered was the rising and falling waves of ecstasy, the sensations, hearing BlackGato gasp and moan, and the way her moans differed from Gato's own cries.

But then the minutes ended. The pleasure faded. The orgasm came to a close. Normally, after a climax that powerful, Gato would be left purring and insensate, left in a warm, fuzzy afterglow. Instead, she felt nothing but a cold emptiness and an icicle in her soul, sapping her free will. For a moment, Gato was hurt as she saw the flat expression on BlackGato's face; but then she realized that she was probably feeling the same thing. The Crimson Eye attack was still in effect.

She parted from BlackGato with a cold sort of finality. There were no caresses, no gentle touches, no teasing strokes to coax the last spurts of semen out. They just simply peeled apart (rather literally with how much cum coated their fur), and climbed back to their feet. They turned to face Arkadimon, standing at attention as they awaited whatever horrors he had prepared next.

"We await your orders, master," Gato intoned dully, glaring up at the monster, her tail curling around her legs. Her cock twitched, dribbling into the grass at her feet. Everything was sticky and milky white around her for at least a 15 foot radius. She suspected it would be worse by the time everything was over... as Dorumon's penis was pulsing powerfully in her direction again, precum leaking like an opened faucet onto the ground.

"I think I am ready to explore more of this," Dorumon said, "And in fact, I think I will use more of myself to participate..."

Gato clenched her fists, staring in horror as the other Digimon surrounding her and BlackGato approached. There must have been close to fifty of them, and each and every one was sporting a penis as stiff and painfully erect as the Dorumon's; their sexual subroutines overloaded and supercharged.

"You will help me explore sexuality. All aspects of it. This might be my only opportunity to have a partner that is not part of me to experiment with, and I wish to make the most of it..." Arkadimon said through all of the gathered Digimon at once, their voices blending into a low, ominous thrum, like that of a demon. Before Gato could think of anything she would be allowed to say through the mind control, the Dorumon pounced at her, and dozens more followed...


Hours later, Gato and BlackGato lay in a pool of semen almost a foot deep, floating on their backs. Gato's body ached as if she had been beaten, every inch of her hurting down to the bone. She could not catch her breath, air coming in short, inadequate gasps. She had lost consciousness multiple times through the ordeal, but Arkadimon seemed to care little whether she was awake or asleep. She had come to with every orifice filled with a cock, dangling between multiple hosts. By the end, she was so exhausted, so broken that she just let him use her in any way she wanted. The Crimson Eye mind control had long since worn off, leaving her with a pounding migraine on top of everything else, but she was so tired that fighting back was beyond her.

BlackGato moaned weakly as a Labramon jerked its member in her face, spraying her already sodden cheeks with semen. It was impossible to tell her apart from her twin now, as both of their fur was a nearly uniform milky white, with streaks of other colors or glowing fluids. Her fingers twitched, and Gato felt her desire to attack with her claws, but that feeble movement was all she could manage. Gato could not help but admire her sister's spirit; Gato herself was so exhausted that even mustering the desire to fight back was beyond her, much less even managing to move.

On her end, Gato gurgled weakly as a Coronamon spouted into her open muzzle, which presented an easy target. Gato swallowed on reflex alone, wincing as a wave of nausea rolled through her. She had already drunk so much semen that her stomach was swollen round. Her womb was flooded beyond capacity, her rear end completely filled. She was glad that Digimon physiology did not obey the laws of physics or biology; she was sure she would have been sexed to death otherwise.

"Ah... That was surprisingly satisfying," Arkadimon said through the Dorumon, its glowing eyes fixed upon the feline siblings with little emotion, "I can see why normal Digimon enjoy that. However, I think it is far too... carnal... too... gruesome for my tastes."

Gato did not bother to try to respond. She was struggling to stay conscious, and that took all of her concentration. Besides, she was not entirely sure she could speak. Her tongue was numb in her mouth from overuse, and no matter how much she swallowed or spat, it felt like cum coated every bit of her mouth.

"I enjoyed our time together, sisters," the Dorumon said, stroking the last dribbles of semen from its last orgasm onto Gato's black nose, "But I fear this is the last time we shall meet amicably."

It stepped back, and all of the other hosts did the same in unison. They turned, moving in eerie unison as they marched to stand around Arkadimon's main body. The monstrous, massive creature leaned down until its three glowing red eyes filled Gato's entire range of vision.

"The next time we come face to face, we will be at war. You will kill many of my hosts. It will hurt me. And in the end, all of that pain will be brought back to you. I will consume you, little Gatomon. You will become part of me."

It turned slightly to stare down at BlackGato, as the Dorumon continued, "And you, my dear sister. I have not decided what I will do with you. I may allow you to keep your mind, so you can see my Arcadia when it is finished. I would wish to hear your opinions, quite dearly."

Arkadimon lifted itself to its full, massive height, and let out a bellowing roar that sent birds flying from trees and made blinding pain slice through Gato's brain. Her migraine doubled in agony, and she wished she had the strength to curl up in the fetal position. Instead, she merely grimaced weakly, changed her mind on staying conscious, and tried to pass out. It did not work.

"Please try not to die in the coming days. You have one week to prepare. After that, I attack," Arkadimon said. Gato was not sure whether or not she had blacked out for a moment, because the next thing she realized, Arkadimon and all of his hosts were gone. She and BlackGato were alone, floating in the pool of spunk in the middle of the path.

"...Gah... Gah-toe..." BlackGato croaked. Gato winced. Their voices were identical, considering BlackGao was her clone, and hearing her own voice sounding as weak and pain-filled as that was unpleasant.

"H-Here... Don'... talk..." Gato murmured, surprised at how quiet her own voice was. It was more of a wheeze than a whisper.

"P-Please..." BlackGato's voice creaked like a rusty door. Gato did not know what she was begging for, but the desperation made her fight to stay awake a little longer for her.

"BG... S'okay... we'll... be okay..." she panted. Blackness was encroaching at the corners of her sight. Gato had experienced it enough to know that tunnel vision was a bad sign. She was going to pass out soon whether or not she wanted. She wanted to turn her head, to look at BG, but she couldn't move. She could only stare up at the sky, watching clouds pass in front of the sun.

"It will," BlackGato said firmly, and Gato heard a faint splash as the other feline moved in some way. She could not believe that BlackGato had the strength to move at all after the ordeal.

"It'll be... okay... I'm here... I sent... distress signal..." BlackGato panted, her voice seeming to come from a long distance away. It occured to Gato's fading thoughts that she had it backwards.

Gato had been trying to comfort BlackGato, knowing she could do nothing to help... but BlackGato was the one comforting and protecting her now. She found the concept strange, but entirely reassuring. It was that thought that allowed Gato to finally surrender to unconsciousness once and for all, even as she felt BlackGato's hand wrap around hers, squeezing gently.


"Are you SURE about this?" asked Goma for what felt like the hundredth time, as he looked back and forth between the two felines, who rested in their hospital beds.

Sure enough, BlackGato had sent out an emergency signal using her Brand. Given that they were only a mile and a half from the base, it did not take more than a few minutes for the Defenders to respond and rescue them.

Gato and BlackGato were mostly unhurt. A few bumps and bruises from how roughly Arkadimon had handled them, but the worst they were suffering was severe exhaustion. It was two days later when Gato had finally regained consciousness, and she was horrified to think that she had wasted two days of preparation time.

It turned out that BlackGato was ahead of her sister once again. As soon as Arkadimon had appeared, she had set her Brand to record the events that had followed. This finally gave incontrovertible proof that not only did Arkadimon exist, but that everything BlackGato had said was true. It also provided Goma, Tento, and Hawk a veritable treasure trove of data on Arkadimon and his hosts to comb over.

"You SAW the recordings," Gato growled, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Goma, "You can try asking me that question AGAIN to see if the answer changes, but you'll have to ask through a mouthful of my fist."

"...Okay, okay! Sorry. It's just... We're about to put the entire Defenders organization, every single base on the planet into its highest alert status. This... I mean, this has only happened two times in the last century, and the last time was the Pandemic. I just wanna be certain before I do this," Goma said, sighing as he manipulated several holowindows projected from his Brand. Gato sank back against her pillow, wondering how fast she could stuff it down his throat if he asked again. BlackGato, sensing her pique, apparently decided to be the calmer one for once.

"Goma, you have to not just alert the Defenders, but everyone. National governments, armies, police forces. Even the coast guards and firefighters. Anyone who can fire an attack or throw a punch or swing a claw or fire a gun," BlackGato said firmly, "I know you guys don't deal with this kinda thing but..."

"...This is going to be a worldwide slaughter," Gato finished her sentence, "and we have five days left to convince the rest of the world, and get them ready to fight back. If we don't, it's the end of everything."

"..." Goma sighed loudly, before lifting his Brand and pulling up several more holowindows. He typed a few commands into a projected keyboard, before flicking one of the windows over to Gato.

"...I need your palm print to authorize this, Gato. I've already gotten the authorization from the other chief Defenders here at HQ; Agu, Gabu, Hawk, Armadillo, and myself," Goma said solemnly, "And the chiefs from the other Defenders bases around the world. You're the last."

Gato lifted her hand. She looked at her palm, then at her claws. They were black, long, and sharp as razors. She extended them to their full length, and retracted them. For a moment, a phantom sensation, the imagined and remembered feeling of her claws passing through flesh and bone, flitted through her mind. She let out a slow breath and nodded. She would be feeling that sensation for real very soon.

She pressed her palm to the window. It let out a loud buzz and turned red. At the same time, sirens sounded around the base, and the lights turned red and began to flash, triggered by her palmprint. Immediately, the halls filled as Defenders and support staff began to run to their stations, feet tromping on the floor loudly. Gato looked over at BlackGato, then over to Goma.

She spoke one sentence that loomed over the room, heavy and hard, like a giant anvil ready to drop and crush them all.

"The Defenders are now officially at war."