Telekinetic Talent

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a little story for which the idea was floating around in my head for some time before I decided to write it! My mate Malv has decided to organise a little show of my magical abilities, and of course it's lewd. It's only natural that other people close to me are roped into the fun...a little show in front of a crowd :)

Featuring zynothrexel and valiamoonseer with a little bit of magic4cast too!

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

"Do I have to wear this?" Seracen complained, standing by the door.

"Yes, pet," Malv said with a smile. "How else will they know you're mine?"

The black dragoness, Sera, was wearing a halter-style head harness. It was very similar to one for a horse, but changed slightly to account for the horns. It could be used in conjunction with many things, like blinders, blindfolds, bits, and gags but Malv had decided she should just wear the harness tonight.

They were throwing a party of some kind, the purpose of which Seracen wasn't really sure about, but Malv assured her that she'd have a lot of fun. The fact that she'd said it with such an evil grin had made Sera doubt her mate's intentions, but she didn't argue. Now though, she was standing beside the door, ready to welcome guests and wearing a piece of bondage gear. It was barely anything, one of the lightest pieces in their collection, but still...

"Everything will be fine," Malv said reassuringly, the feral dragoness giving her a kiss to the cheek...and then attaching reigns to Sera's halter. "Now, let's welcome people in!"

With Malv keeping the reins held tightly in her tail, not allowing Sera to move away and hide herself, they opened the door and began welcoming guests. There was a mix of anthros and ferals, some of which Seracen knew only vaguely or not at all. But she was horrible at faces and names so they probably had already met, or she had some connection with them. Malv had invited them, after all.

Some of the visitors she knew very well. There was Valia, whom she gave a welcoming kiss to the cheek, and another mate, Femzy, who nuzzled her as she passed. There were a few more, about two dozen guests in all. It was heavily weighted towards anthros rather than the larger ferals, but it still made their apartment a little full. "Come along, pet," Malv said, giving Sera's reins a tug. "Let's go mingle."

With a whine, Seracen followed the tug of the reins, going into the crowd. Making smalltalk had never been an easy thing for her, so she mostly kept silent until Malv approached some friends she knew, whereupon Seracen began talking animatedly. The buzz of conversation filled the room, the din making Seracen have to focus hard to hear any one person talking. Valia was one person she spoke to quite a bit, Malv waiting a little while before tugging on her reins to lead her to a different part of the party.

So they went, managing to speak and welcome everyone at least once, making introductions between guests and so on. No one explicitly commented on Sera's halter to their faces but she heard mentions of it in snatches of conversation all around them. Each one made the black dragoness whine quietly and blush hard, but Malv just smirked. "You'll be blushing more sooner than you think," she said to Sera when they reached a quieter corner of the room.

Malv tied Sera's reins the leg of a table, on top of which rested a box. Sera didn't recognise it, or know what was in it, but sniffing she could detect a hint of silicone. She groaned. Bad sign... The humiliating part of having her reins tied to something to prevent her from moving wasn't lost on Sera and she blushed bright red beneath her scales.

"Listen up!" Malv said loudly, pacing around the space just in front of Sera. "Hey, can I get everyone's attention right here!"

Slowly, the chatter in the room died as everyone turned towards the two dragonesses, Seracen shifting uncomfortably from paw to paw as all the attention was focused on her and Malv. She didn't like being the centre of attention for anything social like this and it seemed like Malv had planned something for her...

"My mate, Sera, is quite the accomplished mage," Malv said. Everyone had naturally arranged themselves in a cramped semicircle around Malv and Sera, but they could all see quite clearly. "Tonight, she is going to give us a show and a demonstration of her magical powers. Telekinesis is one of her specialities and she's going to put them to use with...these."

From the box on the table, Malv pulled out two of Sera's favourite toys. One was a thick dragoncock that she liked for her sex, liking the way the ridges tugged at her walls. The other was a facsimile of a fox's cock and about the same size, that she preferred for her ass; the knot was a perfect fit for her tailhole.

There were a few embarrassed smiles and giggles from the people in the room, Seracen's face burning red as her favourite toys were shown to the crowd. "Now," Malv announced, "she will use them on herself, controlling them with nothing but her mind! Present, Sera."

For a moment, Sera was a little taken aback. Present? To the whole room?! But then Malv's tail came around and gave her rump a sharp spank. "I said present, pet!" she said, using her dom voice. At once, Sera's front dropped and her rump rose up, tail curling over her back. The entire room could see her sex and tailhole now; Sera's face felt hot enough to set things on fire.

"Now, Sera, fuck yourself. Rest of you, enjoy the prowess of her magical abilities!" Malv set the toys and a bottle of lube down on the ground between Sera's hinds and moved away. Sighing, Sera considered for a moment whether to disobey, safeword out of this. It was a little extreme, and her shyness made it harder still, but in the end she decided to obey.

Closing her eyes, she tried to ignore the crowd and instead focused on her magic. With it came a kind of 'sight'. She couldn't call it seeing exactly, because it wasn't like that, but she knew what was around her. She could feel the locations of the dildos and lube between her hinds and, concentrating a little harder, she made her magic pick them up. Telekinesis was a lot more dynamic and fluid than an actual hand and did more than what a real hand could.

The crowd 'oohed' as they saw the toys rise up. Seracen made the lube bottle float over to each of the toys and put several squirts on each, making sure the lube spread evenly over the surfaces. She was feeling a little hot from doing this but not enough to skip out on lube for the vaginal toy. Biting a lip, eyes still closed, Sera began to make them float higher, angling the dildos slightly. With that strange sight, she could identify where her tailhole and pussy were, aiming the dragon and fox toys at their respective holes.

Knowing that everyone was watching with close, wide-eyed attention, probably not having expected a porn show at the party, Seracen moved the dildos forwards, moaning as she was spread in her sex and rump simultaneously. She didn't go fast, relaxing her muscles and allowing the toys to spread her slowly. It was easy to rock them back and forth slightly, spreading her a little more each time. The dragoncock wasn't a small toy, and neither was the fox one for her rump, so the dragoness took it rather slow.

The crowd, Malv, her embarrassment, everything seemed to fade away as Seracen concentrated on her magic and on the feeling of being spread by the toys. It was easy to keep two things suspended but doing it while being fucked was something else entirely. Still, it wasn't too hard; she was even beginning to enjoy it.

Soon enough, it wasn't just lube that was being pushed out around the circumference of the dragon toy, it was Seracen's own arousal. She began to move them in a little faster, subconsciously moving her rump back into each thrust. Malv, and the guests, noticed though, Sera's owner smiling as she watched her pet play with herself.

It didn't take long before the toys were as deep as they could go without being knotted. The fox-knot rested against her tailhole, the dragon-knot nestled lightly in the dragoness's folds. She didn't try to take those yet, that was more of a finishing thing. Instead she slowly drew both toys back in synchrony, a quiet moan leaving her as she was left empty in both holes. It was easier, and more pleasurable, for her to move both together at the same time, so that is what Seracen did.

The thrusting slowly picked up speed, Malv watching carefully, knowing, as Sera did, that the speed was linked with her arousal. When it began to pick up, the knots were working their way deeper, Seracen moaning openly now, not caring who heard her as she neared her peak, the climax fast approaching.

"Stop!" the word rang out from Malv, making everyone in the room, including Seracen, jump. Her concentration broke but Malv had timed it so that the toys were both knot deep inside her just in case her magic failed her.

"She can obviously handle two toys on herself," Malv said to the watching audience, a smile playing over her lips. "But how about we double that? Why don't you all choose a ness from the audience, any ness, and let them come up here and have a go with dear Sera."

There was a sudden outbreak of chatter, some of the female ferals shifting around nervously as the crowd buzzed around them. After a few minutes of that, Malv spoke up again. "Right, cheer for the name that you want the most. Ariea?" Malv rattled off the half dozen names of dragonesses at the party, gauging the reaction for each one. Some names got more cheers than others and she repeated a few to guess again until it was narrowed down to a single name. "Valia!"

There was a round of cheers from the crowd as Valia blinked in surprise, squirming in place for a moment as all attention shifted to her, then standing up confidently. "Looks like fun!" she said, striding forwards, feeling the eyes of everyone on her. Even Seracen had turned to look. As the reality of what she'd agreed to sunk in though, Valia felt more shy and embarrassed than anything, especially as she approached Seracen, who still had the two toys buried beneath her tail.

Valia squirmed, realising that she'd have to present in the same way that Seracen was. She hesitated for a long few moments, embarrassment reddening her cheeks, but there seemed to be a palpable pressure from the crowd to go through with it. Also, and this made Valia's blush deepen, there was a tingle beneath her tail that urged her onward. She hoped no one noticed, and quickly sunk into a presenting crouch identical to Seracen's.

Malv hopped forwards at that point, coming up next to Valia and grabbing the box of toys. Then he turned and smiled. "I think we have a good volunteer here, folks! She's already wet and ready." A small whine left Valia's throat as her flush deepened, but the tingling beneath her tail didn't lessen or go away. If anything, it increased. The embarrassment made her squirm, waggling her hindquarters at the audience in a way that was easily mistaken for eagerness.

Rummaging through the box, Malv then held up a succession of toys, the group of guests cheering for which ones they thought should be used on Valia. Since she was so invested in the decision, Valia twisted her head around to watch. Seracen, who was panting and squeezing down on the toys inside her, watched as well. Going through this with another ness, her friend no less, was only making her hotter beneath the tail.

In the end, the choices for Valia was clear. For her sex, another dragon toy, this one heavily ridged dragon toy not to dissimilar to the one already buried inside Seracen, though without a knot. For Valia's rump, there was a facsimile of a stallion, though not to scale, being a fair bit smaller than the real thing; it would still be quite the stretch for the ness's tailhole though.

Smiling, Malv set them down between Valia's hinds along with the bottle of lube, and then stood back. "Give her a good time, sweetie," she purred to Seracen. "And don't forget yourself either."

With a little whine, Seracen closed her eyes once more, reaching out with her magic to where the toys for Valia were. She left her own alone for the moment, concentrating on making sure that Valia's were well lubed up for what was to come. Once again, the crowd watched the dildos float through the air, their surfaces soon shining and dripping with the high-quality lube that Malv had brought along for the occasion.

Valia panted a little with excitement and nervous anticipation, feeling super exposed with how the air was playing over her damp folds. When the first touch came, the blue dragoness gasped, her tail arching a little more over her back as the pointed tip of the draconic toy nestled itself into her folds, pressing forwards insistently. The lube on it help immensely, the toy slipping smoothly into Valia. She moaned loudly as each ridge popped into her, panting with her own eyes closed.

Reminded by Malv, Seracen put her own toys back to work, moaning as they thrust, but she kept most of her focus on Valia, letting the dragon cock work its way into her one ridge at a time. Only when most of it was inside her did Seracen put the stallion dildo to work. It had a rather blunt head that made it less than ideal for anal as it pressed against Valia's tailhole and the moonlight dragoness gave a light groan.

But then her body yielded and she moaned out loudly, much to the crowd's amusement, as her rump was smoothly penetrated. This toy Seracen pushed as deep as it could go, then began to thrust both of them at the same tempo as her own toys. It was easier that way, and the audience had quite the show of the four toys thrusting into the squirming nesses in unison. Valia got into it quickly, pushing back into the toys as they thrust, squeezing down on them as her arousal glistened on the lower one. The blush was still on her face, knowing that everyone could see, but that just seemed to make the feelings thrumming through her all the more intense.

Doing four toys was a bit of a challenge to Seracen, especially when two of them were diving in and out of her tailhole and vent, but she was managing, and thought that she'd definitely be able to succeed. That climax was fast approaching once more and from the sounds that Valia was making, she was enjoying herself quite a lot too.

But then Malv spoke up again. "Let's really push my mate! Let's get a third ness up here to enjoy some attention." Valia and Seracen both whined, Seracen leaving all four toys buried in their respective holes so she could break concentration and look behind her, blushing brightly.

Once more, Malv rattled off the names of all of the nesses in the room, judging the enthusiasm for each and every one until she had a name. "Femzy!" As one, all of the heads in the crowd turned to look at the furred dragoness, who blinked and then smiled.

"Well, okay then," Femzy said confidently, making her way through the people with a little swagger in her step. This time Malv didn't pick the toys; Femzy did that herself. She chose out a nice knotted and ridged dragon cock, near identical to the one buried in Seracen's sex at that very moment. For her rump, she picked out a smooth, tapered seadragon length, smiling as if at some recalled memory. "I'll take these," she said, giving them to Malv.

Now it was beginning to sink in what she was doing though and Femzy gave a nervous little shiver as she went to stand next to Valia, before slowly sinking into her presenting crouch. She kept her tail down until the very last second, blushing hard just as the other two dragonesses had done, then lifting it and curling it over her back. The soft fur of her underbelly almost hid her slit but it was slowly becoming more visible as Femzy's arousal became apparent, the ness squirming a little.

"Here you go, hun," Malv said to Seracen, placing the toys that Femzy had chosen between her hinds. "Go for all three!"

Giving a slight whine, Seracen obeyed, getting Femzy's toys ready as they floated behind her. "Ooh," moaned Femzy as she felt that first contact to her tailhole. The seadragon cock was smooth and tapered, prehensile on a real dragon, but that couldn't be reproduced with a toy. Still, it made it easy for it to slip into Femzy's rump, the other dragoncock nudging into her folds just below it.

Seracen gave herself and Valia a little time to relax, just focusing on getting Femzy ready and adjusted to the toys, which were rather large ones on their own. Together, Femzy would feel quite stuffed when they were both hilted inside her. Seracen worked them into her mate slowly, giving her time enough to adjust, Femzy letting out little moans and needy whines as she squeezed down with her inner muscles.

Only when Seracen was sure that her mate wouldn't be hurt did she let both toys thrust into Femzy, Valia's soon beginning to move again, and Seracen's thrusting last. They all synced to the same tempo, but it was still a challenge for Seracen to control so many things at once, brow furrowed as she concentrated with her eyes tightly shut. Everything else seemed to fade away, even the pleasure in her own body, but she could feel it mounting in Femzy and Valia.

Femzy had her eyes closes, claws kneading at the ground as she gasped and moaned, feeling the ridges tug at the silky walls of her sex as the toy moved in and out of her, the knot at the base pressing in a little more each thrust. At the same time the smooth length of the seadragon spread her tailhole more and more until she felt delightfully full at the apex of each thrust, before it retreated once again.

For Valia, the sensation of the ridges were much the same, catching and tugging delightfully on her folds. In her tailhole, the thick length of the stallion was constant, keeping her spread as it dove in and out of her ass.

Slowly, the tempo got faster, the thrusts harder, Seracen beginning to tire and the urge to cum rising in all three dragonesses. Valia was the first, pushing out her hindquarters and sinking even lower with a loud moan, her body milking the twin shafts as they continued to thrust themselves, prolonging the climax as she panted and squirmed, tail lashing a little. Then the toys embedded themselves as deeply as they could go within her and moved no more.

Back now to controlling four toys, Seracen struggled to hold herself back from a climax of her own, knowing that that would certainly cause her concentration to falter. She wanted Femzy to cum before she did, and so concentrated more on her magic, slowing her own toys while speeding Femzy's up.

Femzy squirmed around, not rising from her presenting crouch but moving far more than the other nesses as she moaned, feeling the knot of the dragoncock hit her folds each time, feeling it press just a little deeper each time, stretching her a little more. Then it made one more thrust, harder this time, and the knot pressed hard against Femzy's entrance. Her body eagerly accepted it, locking tightly around it as the seadragon toy went as deep as it could go. That was all that Femzy needed to cum, giving a light howl as her body shook slightly, pleasure running through her.

Now only Seracen was left and, back with only two toys to focus on, she didn't have to block out the feelings racing through her. She welcomed them and, with a final thrust, came, knotting herself with both toys at the same time. The black dragoness gave a long moan as she shuddered, sinking lower and presenting higher as she began to cum, all of the frustration and stimulation released at once in an explosive climax. She was left gasping and lightheaded, both dildos knotted securely in her tailhole and vent.

There was a tremendous round of applause for the three dragonesses, several people cheering at their performances, or for Seracen's skill with her magical telekinesis. A little worn out by their experiences and blushing hard, Valia and Femzy stopped presenting and removed the toys, setting them aside as Malv indicated. Femzy had a bit of a time getting the knotted toy out of her sex, moaning and shuddering in postorgasmic sensitivity as she worked the knot loose.

Seracen lowered her tail and went to do the same, but Malv stopped her, kissing her cheek. "Not you, my mate," she purred. "You get to keep your toys in for the rest of the night; it's your reward for a job well done."

Sera whined, not quite feeling like it was a reward to walk around a part stuffed, but she was too tired and aroused to argue. Each motion of her hips made her want to squirm, the twin knots pressing against each other and rubbing around inside her so wonderfully. When Malv untied her reins and let her into the party, she couldn't stop a full-throated moan from leaving her...

Maybe this would be more fun after all...