Stories from a furry Grand Theft Auto

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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Well, here it is, my first furry erotica story. I decided to make this story in the GTA universe due to the fact that I've played the series since it was created. All place names, gangs, cars etc. are property of Rockstar games. If you are under eighteen do not read this story as it contains explict sex, and graphic violence.

My name is Matis Nadov or Matt for short and I am a husky. I was sent with my friend Ed Parker, a fox, to San Fierro from Liberty City by the Vadimov family to set up drug trade with the Vagos. In the short time I've been here I got a girlfriend, a beautiful husky, who worked as an exotic dancer in a local club. Life here was rather boring until the day me and Ed went to the club to see Julia perform.

We were standing in front of some cheap rent-a-car place in Garcia. Ed was 6 feet tall, of slender build, wearing a white suit accenting his beautiful red and white fur and his bushy tail. I was 6 feet two inches tall, with a slightly buff build, wearing a black suit with a red striped tie; I was in the mafia I had to look good, Even though according to my cream puff I looked good enough with my luxurious black and white fur.

"Ed, goddamit, would you hurry it up," I said impatiently taking a drag of my cigarette, "The shows at eight and were gonna be late."

Ed looked up and said, "Well maybe if you didn't crash my car we wouldn't have to worry about being late."

"There's a reason you always drive Ed," I retorted taking another drag of my cigarette.

I snorted as our new car, a jet black Turismo, was rolled up to the corner where we were standing. The stallion driving the car wordlessly got out and walked off.

Ed looked at me and quipped, "Now there's your car, so now we don't have to miss your creampuff perform."

I flinched at the use of my nickname for her, "Shut up, you wiseass and drive us to the club."

Ed laughed and got in the driver's seat while I took shotgun. As we began to drive I took out the Desert Eagle I always carried and put a clip in. Ed looked at me and was about to speak, but was cut off by a honking car horn.

"Shut the fuck up, you bitch, there's a fucking red light," Ed shouted angrily, sticking his head out the window and shaking his fist angrily at the driver behind him. The driver shouted out an insult in Spanish, and drove around us, his passengers flipping us of as they passed.

"I hate the drivers in this town man," Ed said as we continued along, honking at a young dog crossing the streets, and the pedestrians too."

I laughed at this and said, "Ed, they're the same everywhere," Putting my gun back into my jacket. "Besides I think those guys you pissed off were Vagos, I saw one of them had a yellow shirt on."

Ed took a left turn and asked, "So this strip club, it's on Juniper Hill right?"

"Yeah man, I said, "The Metallic Club next to the cheap motel."

"The strip joint's by a cheap motel, what is this, some kind of cheap club where poor tourists come to get their rocks off?" Ed asked jokingly.

"That's about the size of it," I chuckled, "But again, those Vagos we... no you, pissed off might be going to the club to, after all they own it.

"Whatever man, you worry too much," Ed said then adding, "Besides, they won't hurt us, its bad for business."

I shook my head then said, "Park here man, the club's just around the corner." We got out of the car and started walking. My cigarette forgotten in the conversation in the car was being smoked in earnest now since there was no smoking in the club. We made it around the corner to be greeted by a big silver sign with red flashing letters that said.

The Metallic Club

Nude Girls




"Well Matt," Ed said, "How does it feel to have a girlfriend whose job is to dance around showing her titties to complete strangers?"

"Well Ed," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, "How does it feel to not have a girlfriend other than your mother."

Ed laughed, and said cheekily, "At least she doesn't dance around with her titties out."

"Fine Ed, how does it feel to have a prostitute for a sister, standing on the street corner waving at fat fucks, calling out, "Me so horny, Me love you long time," I retorted.

We both stopped and looked at each other before laughing outrageously until we walked to the strip club door. The bouncer was a strong looking wolf, who stared at us then let us in. The door opened and I was stupefied by the amount of activity in the club. The smell of alcohol, loud music and the bright flashing lights reflecting of the girls silver outfits left me in a state of sensory overload. I looked over at Ed, patted him on the back and walked in.

Ed yelled at me over the music, "Meet me out in front in two hours, we got a job to do, don't you forget." I nodded my head and found a seat near the center stage. There was a beautiful leopard up dancing. I could tell it was the end of her routine because her large breasts were exposed and her silver thong was seductively being pulled off revealing more and more of her strip.

Being the faithful man I am, I looked away from the tantalizing sight to see my friend Ed, staring at a beautiful vixen moving up and down a pole, her naked breasts rubbing against the cold steel, nipples hard and aroused. I again turned my head and waved my hand at a serving girl. "A shot of whiskey, please," I said to the beautiful tigress taking my order.

Just as I finished ordering, a voice over the loudspeaker said, "And that was the beautiful Milena," as her voice was announced she blew the audience a kiss and picked up her skimpy clothes as she walked off the stage, "and now eyes and ears gents, for the sexy, sweet, and seductive Julia."

My ears perked up at the sound of her name, wondering where Ed was I looked around, seeing him in the corner making out with the vixen, still topless, caressing her perky breasts and rubbing the still hard nipples with his free hand. I shook my head and turned back to the stage as the lights went out and the opening notes of the song came on.

It was just a generic techno beat, but before she even took the stage you began to feel a sickening feeling of expectation, suspense, and arousal. As I was waiting for my cream puff to take the stage, the serving girl returned with my drink giving me a kiss on the cheek as she left, her tail bobbing up and down seductively as she went.

I snapped my head around just as I heard hoots and wolf-whistles from the crowd, Julia had taken the stage. The music began to intensify as she slowly moved her hips back and forth, walking seductively to the pole. She started to grind up against it, her red and white fur catching the light, her silver top and thong reflecting of into a myriad of colors, making her seem like a goddess of beauty.

Then she turned around and slowly began to sink to the ground, taking off her top as she went. Her tits hung down, nice and perky, as she began to crawl around the stage on hands and knees. As she came to my corner of the stage, I became hypnotized by her body and the thoughts of what I was going to do to it. It was, after all, our first month anniversary and I intended to have one of the best nights I've had since senior prom.

After she finished crawling around the stage, she stood up and walked to the pole rubbing her tits up and down it like the vixen that Ed was "involved with", but instead after rubbing her luscious breasts up and down the pole, she threw her legs up the pole, hanging there, her upside down face and boobs facing me. I licked my lips thinking of how my tongue would lick and suck on those delicious dangling things.

She then slid down the pole, her panties slowly slipping off as she slid down revealing her red landing strip. She repeated the process again rubbing her now exposed pussy against the steel bar, covering it in her juices. I stared at her and her now dripping pussy, drooling, and waiting for the time where I could eat her out, and taste those juices for myself, then fuck her to a heavenly climax.

She got off of the pole and just began to move her body from side to side, rubbing her hands over her nipples and pussy, her forgotten clothes shining on the stage adding an extra light to her. I felt an unusual pressure against my pants as I realized that with all of my fantasizing I popped a boner. Embarrassed, I slunk down into my chair and drank my shot, the whiskey burning my throat as it went effectively putting my erect penis into my sheath where it belonged.

I had just got it under control, when my cream puff walked toward me, swaggering her hips seductively. She looked at me for a moment, and an undeniable smile crept onto her face. She bent down and kissed me, full on the lips, and walked off the stage, her well toned rear taunting me, making me want to go up there and make her mine.

I realized after she left that I had sprouted another erection. I sighed, no serving girl in sight, I'll just have to wait this one out.

"Matty," a voice from behind me squealed, I turned to see who had shouted, when my cream puff jumped on my lap, fully clothed thankfully, and started kissing me. She stopped however and joked, "Matt, is that your gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me, my big, bad mafia boyfriend?"

"I'm just happy to see you, I guess," I said truthfully nuzzling my cream puff's neck, "You know I had two boners because of you."

She laughed," I'm glad I can make you feel so good honey. Hey, where's Ed, wasn't he supposed to come with you."

"He did, he was just making out with some vixen in a corner," I said getting my girl into a loving embrace.

"Oh, you mean Roxy, she's a red hot ball of fire, she'll be a workout for Ed," she said running a paw through my head fur.

"You know Julia, I was thinking, since you got me all hot and bothered, we could, um..., have a pre anniversary party in my car."

Julia looked at me for a second, and then pulled me out of my chair and out the door. As we went she said, "Oh Matt, you don't know how much I'd like that."

We made it outside when she started kissing and licking my face and neck lovingly. Her hands rubbing up and down my still clothed body.

"Where's your car?" she asked between kisses. I pointed my hand at the Turismo around the corner and we ran like the world was going to end and we only had fifteen minutes to fuck. With a final kiss she threw me into the driver's seat. As I shut the door as she went in on the passenger's side. When she got in, I grabbed her and held her facing me on my lap. I ripped off her top, throwing it in the back and started to lick and caress her boobs with my hand, while she undid my fly. My cock stood hard to attention as she lovingly gave it a squeeze, the knot just starting to swell.

"Fuck me now Matty, I need you inside of me," she moaned slipping her panties off for the second time that night. This got me even harder as I plunged my 9 inch cock into her wet pussy.

She moaned dirtily as she bent back, and I started thrusting up. As I fucked her, the flashers of the car turned on and the horn honked every few thrusts. I started to lick her titties again and began to get deeper into her tightness. I hilted inside of her and began to pick up the pace, her juices squishing out around my cock.

"Matty," she moaned, starting to pant and whine. My knot began getting caught against her walls, so I began fucking her like a jack hammer, trying to cum before we tied. She howled in ecstasy as she began to get wetter and tighter, her walls engulfing my dick in a warm, hot passion. She then came screaming out my name and twitching her hips as she surrender to the force of her orgasm. I thrusted once, twice, thrice before I howled out her name and came inside of her.

I pulled out, after I was done cumming and began to make out with my cream puff, our tongues rolling over each other in our mouths. She took her tongue out and began to put her clothes back on while I zipped up my fly. Once she was clothed again, I pulled her close and whispered, "I love you." She smiled and was about to reply when a loud crash and a scream echoed through the silence and Roxy and Ed were thrown into the parking lot.

"You think you can fuck my girl pendejo, a fox wearing a yellow shirt yelled. I looked and realized it was the driver of the Vago car that Ed pissed off.

"I fucking told you Ed," I said under my breath as I got out of the car and the fox pulled out a 6 shot revolver. I ran towards them to get within firing range.

He turned and looked at me and yelled, "Oh, you want a piece of this bitch," pointing his gun at Ed's head. Two gunshots cracked into the night and the fox fell to the ground a hole in his gut and head, his blood pooling out onto the concrete.

"Ed, Roxy, get in the car," I yelled as two Vagos, a dragon with an Uzi and a cat with a shotgun, burst out of the door guns blazing. I jumped behind the car and unloaded three shots into the dragon his chest exploding in a blood red fountain. I fired four shots at the cat, but only one hit and left the cat lying in a pool of his friend's blood, a hole in his thigh.

"Shit man, lets go," Ed yelled as I ran to the car jumping in the back seat with my girlfriend.

Julia screamed, "Matty, you've been shot!!"

I looked at my arm and saw two shotgun pellets imbedded in my shoulder. I looked at the wound feeling the ripped part of my suit, stained red with my blood. I reloaded my Desert Eagle, and said in a state of shock, "This was a five thousand dollar suit."

"We've got company Matis," Ed said, "Take care of them."

I looked at the car pursuing us, a red Voodoo driven by two lizards, as I snapped yelling hatefully, "YOU FUCKERS, THIS WAS A FUCKING FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR SUIT!!"

I pulled out my gun firing two shots, both hitting the passenger in the chest. He slumped forward, his blood spurting out the exit wounds in his back.


I screamed and fired the seven bullets left in my clip. All seven hitting the scaly in the chest and head, leaving his face an unrecognizable bloody mess. The car, still traveling, hit a power line, the two scalies bodies crashing through the windshield and on to the concrete.

"Is everyone OK," I asked slumping down into my seat my pistol on the floor of the car. Everyone nodded and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ed, what the fuck did you do," I asked angrily a hateful glare in my eye.

"I was fucking Roxy in the bathroom," he began before I scoffed interrupting him, "Well in my defense she started it," he finished. The sound of a loud smack perforated the air of the car.

"Don't tell them that," Roxy yelled angrily slapping Ed again, "And by the way it's my job to get people horny."

"Well anyway," Ed continued, "We were having relations," he paused glancing humorously at the vixen beside him, "and the Vagos walked in and then that whole scene happened."

"Well where was your fucking gun Ed," I said angrily, "We're involved in crime and you didn't have your gun."

"You don't bring a gun into a strip club, Matt," he retorted, "Anyways, you were fucking one of their girls too."

"I didn't fuck her in the club genius," I said, "I kept it in my pants long enough so that I wouldn't have to worry about gang intervention. Do you have any common sense?"

Ed scoffed then didn't say anything, driving the car wordlessly for a couple of blocks. My cream puff slid closer to me and I put a reassuring arm around her shoulder."

"Where are we supposed to go, the Vagos know where we live Matt," Ed whined a trace of fear in his voice.

"We could go to mine and Julia's place," Roxy said, "The Vagos don't know where we live, just drive to Hashbury we have a penthouse"

Ed nodded then turned right heading down the freeway to Hashbury, he made another right and was stopped by a mob of furs walking around on the street.

"What the fuck," Ed exclaimed looking bewildered, "Well guys, it looks like we have to walk."

We wordlessly got out of the car and began to follow Roxy to her and Julia's penthouse. My cream puff walking beside me resting her head on my good shoulder tears running from her eyes. We continued to walk through the furs in the street the odor of marijuana wafting in the air.

We walked at least two blocks through the crowd, when we stopped and walked into an apartment building. The lobby was well furnished with faux red leather chairs, and zebra stripe wallpaper. We wordlessly walked to an elevator and rose to the penthouse floor.

When we got there, Ed and Roxy went inside while I held my cream puff close to me as she sobbed into my good shoulder.

"Cream puff," I said hoping my nickname for her would cheer her up, "What's wrong."

She sobbed into my shoulder and looked up and cried, "I can't lose you Matty, I love you too." Something about the way she said that made me hold her closer. "Especially if we have kids," She sobbed again, "I don't want them growing up without a father."

I looked at her with a sense of understanding in my eyes, I held her close and said,

"If we ever have kids, the second I find out you're pregnant I'll quit the mafia and get a good citizens job."

She looked me in the eyes and kissed me on the cheek, "Thank you, Matty," She said drying her eyes. She looked at my wound and began to cry again, I put my arm around her shoulder and walked her in to the penthouse. I was so tired I could have passed out right there on the doorstep. I walked my girlfriend to the couch where we curled up together and fell asleep, the clock reading 10:45.

Unfortunately, they didn't read the sign on the building across the street,

2 day Rock Fest

Starts Midnight tonight

Ends Noon the Day after Tomorrow

Prepare to Get Rocked

Well there it is, any advice you could give would be helpful.