Canine Planning (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#170 of Short Stories

A wolf arrives to observe.

~ The coyote settled down into the bench, holding his bag firmly to his side. He glanced around the park furtively, lingering for the anxious moments of waiting to be recognized. When neither alarm or violence arrived, the canine slipped a notebook and pen out of his bag to begin taking notes.

Patient Soup (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The kobold settled into her seat at the dining table, a pot of soup steaming at the center of it. She regarded the table's contents; beyond the pot and ladel were merely her bowl and spoon. ~ The wider house creaked softly, as wind and night fell...

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A Paying Gig (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The wolf gazed down at the table laid out between himself and the fennec. A bowl of what looked to be baked potatoes to one side, a jar of apple butter to spread on them in the other. Several shakers of seasoning, flavors he'd want to try even...

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Antlers Collide (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The polite fundraiser was a slog of patience and observation to Detective Clip, dressed in her finest civilian attire. She nodded politely to a Dean, shook hands with a princess, and nodded agreeably to the wild tales of some CEO. All the while she...

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