Puzzle Heart - Chapter 6

Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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Klaus and Scotty's adventures continue with fox-dog naughtiness abound!! Enjoy!

Now we did fly into Japan and stay for a while but, having done lots of retail therapy and relaxing in previous nations, we decided to take to the slopes and spend our time skiing and snowboarding. I tell a lie; Klaus did lots of that. I watched, or at least tried to watch. He can be very persuasive sometimes, especially when he puts on that puppy dog face that I just can't say no to.

So there's me on the side of this admittedly very beautiful mountain near Sapporo, clad in snow gear - felt like being back in Nepal -, and standing or rather wobbling alongside Klaus who was trying to give me a few pointers. I won't tell you how many times I ended up on my tail, but I was picking pine needles out of my brush all evening on our first couple of days. This was before I learnt to stay upright. I just let Klaus go in the end, watching on as he whizzed off down the slope, a dashing black chess piece zooming through the drifts. He'd reach the bottom so fast, that I'd see him flying over me in the little ski lift. It was fun I must admit, and it was great to blow the cobwebs out of the fur after weeks on end in the city. Made my usually pristine red fur all rather dark and gritty and dusty and matted and... yuck! Makes me shiver to remember it all.

But out here in northern Japan, the gusty, icy winds blew all that stuffiness away, leaving us with stripped clean fur, ears and tail; that is if I'd left mine out in the cold. I'm not risking frostbite and seeing it promptly drop off! We had a hotel in Tokyo, but took the Shinkansen line up through the mainland and made our way over to the resort; and this was where we made our base, a gorgeous, if rather sterile cabin near the pistes. It reminded me of Montana, and we had several very cosy, snuggly nights where we'd sit on the sofa together, drinking saki, and looking out into the slate-blue evening, the sun dashing its last beams to pieces across the very tops of Mount Niseko. It was like a pause, Japan being our pillows and bed amidst the busy, rush-rush of our globetrotting. A welcome relief wouldn't have been the same without stopping by a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, somewhere back in the city if I recall. Klaus was never all that much of a country guy from what I gathered, so I was happy to indulge his modernist ideals in finding the best and most-tucked-away places you can ever imagine.

"Let's see if this is any better a cup o' cha, than India." He murmurs that before taking a gentle sip from a tiny, footed porcelain bowl, "oh man that's good! Cheers everybody!"

He raises the little cup much to everyone else's bemusement, knelt with tails struck out in perfect circles in this smart, paper-walled room.

"I guess that sentiment remains very British." He nudges me and proffers his now empty cup forward for a top up.

And I did have a try, and I still didn't care for it all that much. But I had a try, and that's what's most important. I didn't want to miss out on anything, let alone appear to be taking no interest in my lover's hobbies or desires. I'm just not like that.

And yes, he did persuade me to eat sushi and sashimi and all sorts of weird and wonderful dishes whilst we were in Tokyo.

"Here, try it!" He'd wander his chopsticks towards my muzzle, feeding me this curious looking roll that tasted of creamed cucumber, salmon and something else I just couldn't put my paw on; still can't to this day. Didn't make me chuck though!

I did feel a little out of my depth in the expense of the place, gawping at what they were charging us just to plomp our tails on their awkwardly high studio chairs; but hey, we were on holiday. And for being such a brave fox, as Klaus put it, he took me to find a place that served chicken dishes. I am a fox after all, and fish... well, we're not all that keen on swimming. So much hard work in the effort, and you'd mess up nice clean fur in the process. Not for me; but cram my muzzle into chicken breasts any day and watch me go to town!

"Maybe we should trying shoving that cute-ass muzzle between some real brea..."

"No! Behave!" I swiveled on my chair, pointing sticky, chicken-greased paws at a giggling Klaus who got back to suckling on his coke pretty quick, "that's it, get back to what you're used to. Sucking on sticks!"

"Mmm" Wink goes that left eye, and I just sigh and smile, concentrating myself back on the delectable taste of oriental poultry.

The fast, go-go pace of life in Japan was pretty exhausting, and even in the restaurants it felt like you were under pressure to perform somehow. They were curious at our accents, but all the more interested in our relationship status. I think one guy, some dirty, fat old spaniel with enough paunch to lay a table on, gave us one look and suggested - in very, very broken English - that we should visit one of the bars in Nicho, District 2. We just frowned and said 'thanks' in as best a way we could, the dog turning with a gurgled laugh back to his kitchen. I wasn't to know, and probably neither was Klaus, that this was the city's gay district.

And heck, we just shrugged to one another and laughed too when we decided to set paw there. It was kinda fun; different, but fun. Looked like anorexic central, to the point where I wasn't sure whether there was some form of mange going around in Japanese vulps; but everyone was so nice.

"A little too nice if you ask me." I huff this to Klaus as we're boarding our next flight to Bangkok.

"What do you mean?" He lugs the carry-on into the overhead and comes to sit down, my muzzle coursed with another wry look.

"Oh big engrish Doberman, prease ret me service your package!"

"Ohhhhhhh that."

I just nod and frown again, turning my muzzle to gaze out the plane onto the now damp tarmac; the tail end of a typhoon had hit earlier this morning.

And yes, they were all over him in the clubs we went to. Couldn't turn around for someone grinding their tail into Klaus's crotch, or making strange offers like the one I mentioned in my best anglo-japanese accent. I'm not being rude; that's what he sounded like! Some jumped up nineteen year-old husky boy with a twenty-five inch waist, very short-shorts and a glint in the eye that said he took it under the tail pretty much every night, from every angle and from every patron.

He's mine, bitch! I muttered through a snarl, bearing down on this unwelcome attention and marking my stud with a snog in the middle of this packed bar.

A flopped paw, a cubbish whatever huff, and haughty lift of his muzzle later, he was waltzing off to find another dick to ride.

Man, I love my life.

Wow, I can be pretty manly sometime can't I?! I never thought I had it in me. Perhaps that's Klaus's fault; everything's his fault. I mean look at that chiseled muzzle, that chest, those tasty abs, that ass, that tail... oh fuck, I have to lie down. Here's me trying to control myself whilst we've barely got unpacked in yet another hotel room on some far flung island in the Indian Ocean.

The taxi ride from the airport was hectic, smelly and frankly gross, clinging on to the sides of this rickety old rickshaw as if my life depended on it. I was just glad to be flumped onto a nice comfy bed, draped to the four winds on smooth white silk sheets. And so sue me, I have to have some form of visual aid to help me relax. Klaus is perfect for that. I think he'd cottoned on that I wasn't all that amused about the transfer from the plane to our admittedly swish hotel on the water. I think he'd realized that I was thoroughly unamused by the driver's mistaking me for a girl! A girl?! Really?!

"Am I really that effeminate?" I mumble this with my muzzle lain on the bed, sighing deeply and achingly as my eyes trained on Klaus's nub, ticking back and forth through his jeans.

"Are you kiddin' me?!" He turns, the evening light reflecting off his suede chest fur, mixing like citrus cocoa, "I pretend you're a bitch every time I eat you out!"

I sat up instantly, footpaws peddling over the edge of the bed, with a look of horror and hurt gasp.

"Joking!" He drops the shirt he was folding and pads the short distance over to me, "babe, I'm jokin!"

"Oh" I murmur as I feel his paws rest on my thighs, rubbing firmly, pressing my fur down underneath ever-tighter shorts. I turn my muzzle away in a faux-disgust, haughty and pretence-ridden, "I guess you like to laugh at vulnerable foxes."

"No." He relaxed back onto his haunches, squatted by the bed; but then there was this huge grin on his muzzle, folded into his features like double cream into the darkest, sweetest chocolate, "I like to fuck them!"

"Whooaaaaa" I just yelped out loud as he pounced forward, pushing my footpaws to the air, running my hocks and ankles beyond my head.


He's looking down at me now, staring headlong under my tail and eyeing would could possibly be beneath that khaki fabric. My tail has done a number and flopped with gravity to curl to the bed, presenting my backside to Klaus like a flower opening up to the sun. His strong paws gripped my calves now as he lowered his muzzle to rub against the bridging cotton, strung thinly between my perineum, tailhole and tail socket.

"You gonna' test me out, huh?" I frown with a modicum of excitement; oh fuck it, who am I kiddin'?! I was desperate for it. I think it must've been our little contra-temps with that pussy husky on the plane a while back that got me riled up for a good railin'.

"Nah" He shakes his head, before dipping his muzzle again. Klaus isn't even sniffing at this stage, and now he was just curling back his upper lip like a rutting stag. I'd never seen it done, nor have I ever got Klaus to do it since; but he carefully pierced my shorts with one of his sharpest front teeth, before scoring it all the way along the hemline, the line of my most vulnerable, intimate muscle, "I figured since you were so worried, I'd sex you to make sure."

"Ohh baby." I slung my head back waiting for it, waiting for the moment his muzzle would be on me. I wanted it so bad.

"Oh and don't worry, I'll buy you some more shor..."

"Fuck the shorts!" I struggle to lean up, my back aching and straining to make my point, "fuck 'em. Just hurry up and tongue me!"

I didn't think Klaus had that in his wheelhouse of erotic tricks, but hooo boy did I enjoy it. He didn't need telling twice. Never did. And it was so much more relaxing than going through the rigmarole of preparing yourself, scenting your fur, choosing the underwear, making sure you're lubed and.... Well, you know what I mean. Me? Complaining about sex? Never thought you'd hear it did you!? But seriously, after a long, hot, stuffy flight - which was something that Klaus moaned out loud as he was rimming my tail - I needed the comfort of his powerful body without the exhausting energy that can sometimes make me more tired than when we started. In many ways, as he was so skilled with his nose and maw, I wished that he'd tongue-fuck me more.

"Ah come on, we're just getting started!"

I had got up from the bed after he'd made me cum, leaving him there semi-knelt by the bed and sporting a raging hard-on that was struggling against his denim. But like the naughty tease I am, I just waltzed off to the gorgeous shower room, dick dripping opaque spunk to the sun-warmed tiles, my body buzzing beautifully from ears-to-tail; relaxed, satisfied and thoroughly entertained. He followed me with a huff, stepping into the hot monsoon stream whilst still wearing his jeans.

"You leavin' me half cooked?"

"I dunno." I played a paw in circles through his chest fur, tracing down to the top button of his pants, "guess I just figured I needed to get you alllllllll wet first."

"I'm wet enough thanks! Sniffin' your ass is enough to make anyone cream their trousers" He frowns playfully and folds his paws.

"Well why didn't you?" I was being absolutely awful to him now; and maybe, just maybe, I had a paw playing a lot further south than I should have had.

Klaus just huffed and acted the scorned boyfriend; which in turn makes me giggle, which of course made everything all the "worse".

"Sorry, I can't help it." I mean, I took one look at him stood there all damp and getting sprayed by the constant water of the shower; bedraggled, lost, cutely frustrated and ever so horny. How could I keep it all in?

"You're not helping"

"Oh come on." I snuggle up to his huge frame, my shirt already like a transparent, puddle-splashed tissue that bore nothing but a strange dilute auburn-red fur beneath, "and besides, you're cute when you're all pent up."

"I.... I am?"

"Well sure..." I gently push away from him and turn around, swishing my tail upward and side to side, "and it's time to put cute dobermen out of their misery."

"Oh I'm not miserable by any stretch!" He mumbles this, almost cub-like and tantrumesque, "and it's your... your... ummm mmmmmmm."

That shut 'im up! I'd leant up against the cool white-tiled shower wall, and was now slipping my shirt off my shoulders, gazing lecherously over my right shoulder. I don't think I've ever seen Klaus whip off his pants so quick; and fucking hell, was he hard!?

"I must've really got you goin, huh?"

No answer, just grunts, a right paw going completely nuts on that thick inch-rich shaft, and the sounds of his broad footpaws slipping against the dimpled flooring. And I can't say what I did or what I said to push him over, but it didn't take him long. Klaus had really been left gazing over the edge with our little tail-high madness on the bed earlier. He shrugged out of his sopping wet jeans, chucking them from the shower basin with a heavy squelch, before padding right up to my backside.

"Someone liked how I taste!" I murmur this, muzzle side-on to the wall as all I hear is his breathing get harder, his moaning get louder and his pleasure reach a peak.

His left paw gripped on to my left buttock, digging in and possessing, a naughty thumb tracing to the right over my dark pink hole; tweaking me, teasing and smudging, an artist with his paws. Only this wasn't graphite or pen; this was sweat, phlegm and cum. The smell of him orgasming, letting a hot steady stream of his essence splash across my rump, was just amazing. I could feel it drip down from the underside of my tail, across my butt; and oh fuck, now he was rubbing it into my wet fur. A conditioner, a syrup, an eau de vie; needless to say, it made me weak to feel it and to hear the growl run through Klaus as he watched himself mark me.

"I... I may have not got to fuck you tonight, but I'm still gonna sow everything that I have into your sexy body." He huffed and panted as he said so, his clawed thumb carefully gather lukewarm strands, globules of his liquid and kneading it under my tail.

There was nothing but my quiet whimpering coming from the shower now, my nose full of soap, sweat and lightly metallic cum. My shirt and shorts were a mess; torn, damp and sex-soaked and probably no good for anyone any more. But fuck it, I'd had another wonderful evening. I was just kinda' hoping that I wasn't being too effete for Klaus.

Is it still awful of me to be worrying about that after him having reassured me? I guess I was just a nervous nelly. A silly, prissy little thing with a penchant for thick dog dick, dirty antics and being my doberman's little tail-lifting bitch.

Heh. Maybe there was some fun in being so girly after all. I got thinking about it as we sat to have dinner that night atop our bed. We couldn't be arsed to go out and contend with the tourist bustle, so we sat and ate rice noodles and soup in the glorious orange, curried-red Thai sunset. Being the newbie to all these weird and wonderful foreign things, I tried my very best to speak the language as the room service arrived.

"Uh...kup kun... no no, ummmmm.... Kob kun mak man" I cringed as I said it, hoping that I wouldn't offend. And hell if I had, I had boxes of delicious rice to hide behind or throw at him if he came at me.

"Ah yes, vely good. American fox, vely good."

Phew! But damn it all! The waiter's English was far better than my stupid attempt at Thai. And Klaus could wipe that smug, cubbish smile off his muzzle too. Bastard! At least I had a go.

But food aside, I was still rather pensive about the female thing. Was it that I wanted to be more girly, or was it some kind of worry I had in my mind about Klaus straying? I know how much he was admired at work by the over-amorous whorey bitches at work, and I also knew that he'd had past relationships with girls. Yuck! You see? I guess I was still deciding what I was myself. If I hadn't met Klaus I probably wouldn't have ever had these epiphanies. Took me back to that moment before I even met him where I was forced to wear that silly tartan kilt to that event at uni. My tail twinged at the thought and I even visibly shivered.

"You OK?" Klaus had noticed that I was all quiet, and with my fur doing the shakes n' shivers, he'd looked up with a mawful of noodle.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm... I'm fine." I buried myself in my soup, crunching on water chestnut, coconut bits and bitter banana leaf.

Shrugs, contented scents and snuggles were all that were with us for the rest of the evening. We'd explore then move on; but my concerns, my deep-seated angst at how I could possibly be everything that this most complex of lover's could want, still bugged the fuck out of me. I couldn't lose him now.

Koh Samui is a very beautiful place. I think it was the prettiest, most exotic area we visited on our globetrotting. I should've elaborated about our little part of the island, laid out with the most amazing amenities and making me feel ever so out of place.

We had booked this water villa that overlooked the stillest ocean water one could ever have seen in a lifetime. Glass, pale beige stone and bamboo abound, our bedroom so beautifully exposed to the tropical elements; and this was no negative. My goodness was it hot. No storms, no cyclones, just hundred-plus temps every single day we were there. I could ring a gallon of salt water out of my tail after every single excursion we made, my handy little backpack filled with nothing but bottled water.

"Besides, you don't want to get Thai stomach!" Klaus winks at me as he swigs deeply from one of the many plastic bottles we'd bought from the cleanest little shop we could find.

No. No I really don't want whatever that is. And we were pretty lucky. Wherever we went, we were in the best of health, moreso because Klaus dragged me to every energy-filled, testosterone-bursting walk, hike, swim, trail and... well, does sex count too? That always burnt up my calories for the day, and probably more besides. I mean look at me! Actually, yeah... look at me! Check me out! I'm flexing now by the way, trying to be more a dober-fox than a true vulpine. We're not exactly built to be built-up in any which way.

I guess it must've been all that stupidly energetic exercise that Klaus had me doing day in and day out, wandering here and there, catching the sights before stopping somewhere delightfully rustic to eat. Oh and by the way, that was Klaus's way of describing a shack made of wood panels, corrugated iron and part of an old shipping container. But fuck 'im, he's always spot on with his choices of places to nom. This unassuming place, stuck to the side of a mountain and being dripped upon by the only rain shower we had the whole time we were there (on the day we went fucking hiking by the way. Just so you know!), served really cool rice dishes and meat pockets wrapped in leaves.

Tentatively sniffed my muzzle at the very end of this admittedly deliciously smelling concoction, before the terrifyingly-forward restaurant lady came out and practically shoved my face into it.

"There... you eat! Sirry fox, eat! You so skinny. Why you not rike your brover?!"

"My... my brother?" I coughed and spluttered, smiling with confusion as I wiped my muzzle with a spare paw.

"Yeah, your brover. Big engrish brack dog."

"I... ma'am, he's not my..."

And it was then that I feel Klaus' paw wrap around my shoulders, clamping me close, the smell of his cropped fur, tea-ridden breath and his half-eaten lunch pressing down and in.

"We're totally inseparable. Ain't that right Scott?" He nods at me through grit teeth, before gesturing with his muzzle towards the most perturbed looking vixen you could ever imagine.

"Oh uh,... yeah. Yeah, we're best of friends at heart."


"Brothers... yep, absolutely." I turn back to her and smiled broadly, nodding like a maniac. Fuck, I must've looked insane.

No wonder she turned away mumbling something about Americans and Brits, and then something equally as loud and fervent in her native tongue.

"How could she mistake us for brothers?"

We were wandering away now, tracing the well-beaten path that was left for tourists, the smells of damp tree leaves, bark, soil and grit rich on the nose.

"Trust me, this is the first time she's probably seen someone of my.... Um... let's say, colour." Klaus frowned with a smile, popping the last remnants of his noodles into his muzzle, "let alone from Britain. She just assumed. Dithery old gal!"

Strangely racist, insane seventy-plus Thai vixens aside, our little walk of eight miles - again, Klaus's version of "little" - was capped off with a visit to Wat Plai Laem. Just to stop and relax again was a relief, although I had to admit like before, I was feeling so much more energetic and lively with all this good livin'. That's what an American lifestyle will do to ya! My doctor once told me that the American diet would kill me, and if not that, it would make your tail drop off! Wow, I had no plans on making that happen. First Thai stomach, then my tail falling off. Fuck me, I'd be in hospital constantly, worrying over ailments and then the fricking bills.

Anyway, back to the monument I was stuck staring at from the end of a long shallow pool.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Klaus was padding away down the narrow path towards the very base of this amazing Buddhist shrine.

I must admit, I hadn't quite seen that many arms on a statue before. My eyes were filled with colour. The water, the painted roofs, the gleaming white and gold of Guanyin and her eighteen appendages; it was truly a sight that stopped you dead in your tracks and made you go 'wow'. I wandered after him, careful not to fall off the edges and take an impromptu dip, all the while my gaze trained at hypnotizing auras of the bright blue sky meeting the traditional lines, curves, spikes and candy-cane style of the temple.

And then there was Klaus, my masterpiece of chess, my moving king that hovered and shimmered gorgeous black against the stone, tile and paint. Man, he was so beautiful. I only noticed it all the more when he brought us to such amazing places, because after all, I was only ever comparing the place to him. It was difficult to beat out his damned handsomeness even in the presence of deities, gods and buddhas. I worshipped at the temple of Klaus; I am a pretty orthodox devotee. His muzzle that swallowed mine whole, his hard, muscled chest to grate away at any resistance I might have inside; and then there was his huge, musky junk that had me wondering whether I was wild or domesticated, beautifully insane or compos mentis.

How I kept myself together half the time, I don't know. I could spend all day in the church of Klaus, drink from his font, sniff his incense, and sing louder and louder and louder and... am I going a little over the top here? I am getting rather hard thinking about it; and whilst this backpack is awful heavy, there's only so much hunching-over that I can do without arousing suspicion.

"Looks like you're catching flies over there!" He called back to me, paws on hips as I was caught gawping at him; oh, and the temple too.

"Just... admiring the view."

That got a wry smile on his muzzle as he took my paw and helped me onto the main temple floor, directly beneath the huge statue.

"Just imagine what I could do to you if I had _that_many paws!" He pulls me closer, arm around my shoulders and a naughty scent drifting up from his constantly ticking tail, "I wouldn't know where to start."

"Not sure I'd be able to hold it all in." I laughed and snuggled closer, knowing full well that Klaus's paws now were enough to send me flying into orgasm so fucking quick. Fuck me, if he was all over me all the more, I'd probably pass out.

Many innuendo-ish jokes later, we decided to head back to our suite before catching a boat over to the most gorgeous little island I think I've ever seen. Klaus deftly helped me along the boardwalk, and carefully took my paw to guide me into our little sailing ship.

"Thank you, sir." I feigned a curtsey - keeping up that evermore sinfully deep desire of girliness for my special big dog - as I took my place in the boat, senses filled with the smells of sea salt, lukewarm breeze, wet wood and fish.

It was evening time, the sun starting to set over the sea like a huge chocolate christmas coin melting into a frieze of dark blues, purples and black, leaving only ripples of light to swim out and touch us. I reached a paw into the water as we settled in, dabbling a trail of my fingers through the last light of the day, now water-borne and almost earthly. How it truly felt I can't describe, but to see it and smell it in its rawest, most tangible form was an amazing experience. Swishing my paw through the vaguely transparent waters, disturbing the smooth, liquid gold that had shone down on us all day long; oh sleeping sun, give us your brother moon, and keep Klaus and I up all night.

I mean really keep us up... I wanted this to be one of the most romantic nights ever. My body, soul and mind had never been through such a trip, let alone to have it spliced by such an incredible south Asian paradise. I felt so lucky to know, feel and to simply be.

"You sure you're OK honey? You seem awful quiet and lost." Klaus leant a paw to my right shoulder, an element of concern in his voice that always had me pining for more of him just speaking. Such a head turner; and tail lifter!

I'd left my gaze to be lost in the water and the play of words running through my dozy old head.


"I said, are you OK? Feeling alright? You've been very quiet since we left the temple."

"Oh I'm fine. Just happy s'all."

Klaus just smiled and kissed me on the side of the muzzle, before leaning back and sighing, shades on and probably a mind behind those dark glasses catching forty winks. I just lost myself again, gazing away across the ocean, remarking to only myself about the quiet, the shimmers of blue and that long lost sirrus out there miles on the edge. Our boat was taking us to Mu Ko Ang Thong National Park, an even smaller island off the coast of Samui. I guess I felt a little cubbish when Klaus had told me about it, not able to stifle a giggle at its most unfortunate name. I'm sure it means something very cultural and traditional in Thai, but it still had thong in it.

"Can't take you anywhere can I?!"

I just shook my head, paws over my muzzle to stop myself laughing. I'm so bad. To placate Klaus, I told him that maybe, just maybe, it would give me some inspiration as to what to wear that night.

"Mmm edible one?"

"Well, I can't imagine that'd make a difference."

Cue the pout that makes me feel both guilty and tingly all at once.

"Oh for... I mean, you'd probably rip it off me anyway."

Klaus just smiles and tilts his head in that semi-nod that said 'yeah you're probably right'. Would Scotty wear what Klaus was desperate to eat off his body? Would Scotty get his way and keep the silly dog from falling asleep on the massage table at the resort? Tune in and find out!

Nah, I'm just yanking yer tail. And you probably know the answers to all those questions already anyway. We had a wonderful evening anyway, even if it didn't pan out the way I wanted. When we got to the national park at the peak of dusk, the trails of night cloud shadowing out the silvery fog of lunar eyes and the swash of the shore deep in the ears, Klaus and I were so ready for a nice long relaxing stroll next to the complex. And yes, the plan was to have one of those famous Thai massages afterward, minus the inevitable sleepy Klaus. You can see where this is going can't you?!

"Oh come on, can you blame me? We'd been hiking all day, and that guy's paws were magic!"

This was Klaus excusing his cute sleep-time and snoring whilst one of the staff attended to his magnificent, ripped body. It was a bittersweet pill for me. I watched with my muzzle sideward as they took care of him, jealous that it wasn't my paws covered in oil and slathering all over that amazing black-furred muscle. Then again, I was daydreaming, letting my naughty mind wander and imagining myself in the masseur's place, wondering how ever I would've been able to do their job without jumping Klaus. Female or male, it wouldn't have mattered to me. Then my tail twitched at the thought of something else. What about now? What if the masseuse decided she wanted in and the whole building erupted in a steamy, tropical foursome. Oh fuck, why was that coming to my mind?!

Please don't ask me to roll over. Please please please! I think you know why.

It was bad enough lying tummy down, barefurred on a firm mattress surrounded by the smells of scented oils, musk, sweat and hot stone; these combined with once hidden fantasies of straight and gay orgies, I was in a bad and a good place all at once. Was it because Klaus had mentioned all this? Was it me taking my effeminacy all the further? Did I want any of this?

And then there was that sound of hushed snoring rumbling through the air. Fuck me! I just shook my head and smiled, flumping down and enjoying the rest of my massage. The time away from the hotspots, the rugged terrain, the rain and the mountain mist was very welcome. Herbs, creams, scented waters abound, almost making me sniffle as I sat up on the edge of the stone table, my white towel cuddled about the majority of my body. My tail was draped off the opposite edge, drying in the positively mild sea breeze that whispered between the palm and bamboo, touching each candle with invisible snuffs that didn't quite succeed. My hunk of dobe was still lying there, the magic paws having stopped caressing his back, paws and rump, and everything but his pert butt showing to the privacy of the suite.

"Yo sleepy!"


"Hey, babe! Time to wake up."

Still nothing.

"I swear I'll sit right on your face, then your dick when we get back... that is if you get up right NOW!"

"Huh, huh! What?" He blinked awake. Surprise, surprise!, "Sorry honey?"

"Nothing." I grinned and jumped down, swishing away to the shower block that was hugged closer to the park's mountainous home.

I love fuckin' with him. He chased after me, minus his towel (he didn't give a shit who saw him), and we enjoyed a long cuddly, cool shower to wash off the oils, soaps and powders. They'd been pretty generous with it all, my fur a lot harder to wash off than Klaus's. He helped me out of course, not that that was a chore, whilst still persisting in trying to find out what I had sneakily said to wake him up.

"You lost out. You'll just have to wait 'til our last day here."

"Babe, that's tomorrow."

"I know." I grinned again, drying myself off and rolling my tail in a couple of warmers to give it body and poofiness.

He stayed quiet for a little, rinsing his gorgeous body in the water before hopping out and checking his faculties in the long mirror.

"Our hotel... it has a gym right?"

"Uh... yeah I think so. Why?"

I grinned again before kissing Klaus once on the very tip of his nose.

"No reason."