Owo uwu [Dragon story]

Story by AtopMadness on SoFurry

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The village has to collect pumpkins, but wait theres a DRAGON RUN

Often I read the books which circulate around in our small village. They tell mostly of how dangerous the environment around us is, which means a majority of the books are about dragons, or at least have a mention in them. For example, one book tells of the many ways they torture their prey. Sometimes they will light their prey on fire, especially if the prey is easily ignitable, like having fur all over them, which almost everyone at the town has. As you can imagine, there is a common phobia of being burnt alive because of those particular entries. Especially because of the part where it says "They will just laugh at the fiery pain they are inflicting." These books were always made by an anonymous author, probably the same person - based on the writing style being so similar - but nonetheless I read the books and believed every single detail in them. It was hard not to. On the rare sight of a Dragon, they stood tall, spit fire just like the books told of, and always licked their lips in hungry anticipation for their next meal, just like the books said they would.

All these things lead us to avidly avoiding anything big and scary.

Our town didn't agree on a lot of things, but universally agreed was the fact that no one should speak to a Dragon, nor even attempt to. If you did, it would spell certain doom. That is what everyone agreed on, even me... or at least until I was chosen to go out on an expedition.

So terrified of the outside world I was, that I was trembling while treading along the trail, being quiet as to not startle any sleeping animals. The pumpkin patch was far away, and seeing how the date was almost Halloween, we needed lots of them. Why didn't we just plant the pumpkins closer to us, I hear you saying? I have no idea. Maybe the idea of Halloween became even more scary by having to trek such a path. Perhaps. But that does not matter, for the truly scary thing to happen was hearing one of the group members scream the word "Dragon!!". I started to look up for it, seeing which way would be best to run to, but everyone dropped their pumpkins and left me. Before I knew it, I was completely alone. You would think with how little we actually came outside of our houses and huts, us furries would be fat and slow. But I guess when you hear something that scary, you metaphorically become Usain Bolt.

With everyone becoming a superstar athlete, I decided to do the scooby-doo run in place thinking that would save me, but that just got me even more lost. And you know it didn't actually work. I decided to accept my fate, and get a glimpse of what terror awaited me.

Even with it being night, I saw something other then horror, rather a magnificent creature. It did not seem scary - besides its size - and unlike the ones we had seen before, it was beautifully colored like the moon itself, white with craters of grey. It was not made of metal, or covered with spikes. It did not seem to have an element from what I could tell at the moment like fire or ice. If I had to bet on what powers it controlled, I would have to say the element of charm, as I was blown away.

Realizing my lifelong mistake of being in hiding from what I thought was a horrid world, I decided that since I was hopelessly lost anyways, I might as well say hello to a Dragon while I was at it. So off I went, with all my fears having been disintegrated, following as closely as my little paws could carry me. I saw places that I can very accurately assume no one in our village had seen. A small but wide valley. A giant river overflowing with water that made the ground wet and sticky. Weird scarecrows too dark to see what they were made of, probably some sort of tribal offering. Somehow managing to keep pace, I followed all the way to the dragon's nest. Climbing up a mountain, I thought I was going to surprise the dragon with my hello, but little did I know she had planned the entire encounter! I thought I was hidden under the leaves and branches of the trees when she was first spotted, but even before I had noticed her she knew I was there. A true apex predator, and here I was, letting her warm and inviting look fool me!

When I climbed to the top, she explained to me what the objects I had seen really were.

The river I had vaguely seen in the dark of the night wasn't filled with water. Quite the contrary, it was blood, a pond of blood from her fallen meals. Blood running down from the spikes which had heads on them, and were staked into the ground. The scarecrows were not offerings after all. And soon I would become part of the field of death.

The white glow on her skin coat only made her devilish smile more unsettling as she stalked closer and closer to me.