Who's Hunting Whom?

Story by Cael the Mercenary on SoFurry

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Who's Hunting Whom?

By: Cael the Mercenary

*Ehn Ehn Ehn Ehn*

The alarm blared in the quiet bedroom, grating against my slightly hung-over mind. I reached over without opening my eyes and on the third time I finally managed to knock the alarm clock off the nightstand.

"Perfect," I mumbled to myself, last night was still a little hazy. All I remembered was going to club last night and drinking a little too much. I managed to bend over and shut the alarm off without falling over.

"What's that?" I had just noticed a pair of pink, lace panties lying beside my pillow on my bed. I picked them up and a folded piece of paper fell from them. As I unfolded the note, I lifted the underwear to my nose and the scent of female arousal greeted me, awakening me completely as the fog began to lift on what happened last night.

* * *

The picture in the mirror showed a young, mid-20s, calico cat grooming his hair as I stood before it.

"Ok, Cas," I said to the mirror's image, "You are going to go to the club, get pretty buzzed, dance with a few of the ladies, and forget all your troubles. Do you think you can do that?"

The image in the mirror nodded and gave a smile with a wink as I finished combing the last of my unruly hair into an acceptable position.

I hit the light and tossed the comb onto the counter before bounding through my flat and to my front door, grabbing my keys from the hook in the entryway. I turned to look at my moderately sized apartment and the spartan, yet comfy, set of furniture I had collected over the years. I turned out the lights and locked the door as I made my way down the stairs to street level. I went out the front doors and headed down the street as the last dregs of the evening traffic wound its way through the narrow corridors walled with skyscrapers.

I lightly danced through the crowded sidewalk as I made my way to the nearby club. It wasn't particularly famous or overly trendy but they had a well stocked bar and always played music that required getting close to whomever you're dancing with.

As I approached the entrance, the electric blue neon sign glared brightly into the night: Zed's.

"Hey Marty," I called out to the bouncer as I made my way to the door, "Busy night tonight?"

"Hey Cas," the German shepherd replied, "Naw, it isn't supposed to be too busy but I'd say that it's business as usual."

"Thanks man," I said as I clasped his paw for him to mark the top with a fluorescent marker to say that I was over 21,

"Catch ya later."

Marty just grunted as I pushed my way through the door and into the dimly lit interior. There was a slight musk of sweat that permeated from the dance floor as groups of furs danced to the rhythm of the muffled music coming from the speakers in the corner. I grinned as I noted the locations of several groups of females throughout the club.

"Going to be a good night," I whispered to myself and made my way to the bar.

"Howdy Cas," the well-endowed and well-built bruin bartender said, "Are ya gonna get lucky tonight or am I gonna get to take you for a ride again?"

"You know, Amber, the last time I took you up on that offer I could barely walk for a week afterwards," I joked back at her,

"But, before you start throwing a hissy fit, I'll tell you what, if I find some pathetic, little young cub out there tonight who has no idea what's he is getting into, I'll send him your way, deal?"

"Deal," she replied with a smirk, "Wha'tll ya have tonight?"

"Jack and coke will do me for now."

"Comin' right up."

I turned around and took a closer look at the furs filling the club. Guys and gals in their late teens and early-20s mingled together in roving bands. Every now and then I spotted a proverbial 'lone wolf', drifting among the furs gathered, trying to catch a girl, and sometimes a boy, by themselves. Most of them were amateurs and none of them spent as much time as I did 'playing the game'. Many of their tactics were laughable and some were downright pathetic. However, there was not very many of them roaming around and, as a result, there were plenty of opportunities for us all.

"How's it look Cas?" Amber asked as she passed my drink to me, "Got any prospects for you...or me?"

"Mmaaybe," I said with a twinkle in my eye, "Hold down the fort for me, kay?"

"Ha ha ha, ok big boy, I'll catch you later with the tab,"

"And I'll make sure to send over someone for you too,"

I worked my way to the crowd, nursing my drink as I scanned each prospect. Every one of them was laid out before me. The hyena that was constantly fidgeting, being dragged around by her friend, would be a tough one to crack especially with her "mom" protecting her. The rabbit with her arms wrapped against her lion boyfriend, it was not worth the risk of broken bones to get into her pants. The beautiful canine in the corner, with a line of courtiers already forming, would definitely not be putting out tonight; she just came here to see guys fawn over her.

Then, just a glimpse, I saw the one I would take tonight. I saw brown fur dressed in a light blue, almost gray, dress. Wide, swaying hips that beckoned for paws to grasp them tightly, squishing and squeezing them as their owner got fucked. And just as quickly as I saw them, they disappeared.

"Get a hold of yourself Cas," I mumbled to myself, finishing my drink in one gulp.

I immediately asked one of the more likely prospects around me to dance, she accepted, of course. I lead her to the dance floor; paw on her back, just high enough to be modest but low enough to show some interest.

* * *

I lead the young equine to the bar; he said it was his first time coming to club. He certainly looked part. I caught him getting shot down asking for a dance, for the fourth time.

"You just need to calm down," I explained to him, ordering a couple of drinks at the same time, "You just need to relax and be confident."

I felt pity on him, partly because he reminded me of my first time. Amber came over with our drinks and as she passed them to me I gave her a wink.

"You just need to practice a little," I told him while smiling at Amber, "Here, why don't you try practicing on our lovely bartender Amber here?"

I left the guy to fend for himself against such a voracious opponent. He certainly would have a night he would remember for a long time, even if just from the scars she would give him.

I turned around, leaning against the bar, nursing another drink. So far, none of my advances had warranted any results.

However, this was a game of perseverance.

Then, I felt eyes gently lay upon my back. I turned around and, across the bar I saw the blue dress from earlier. The brown mouse it belonged to was looking at me with appraising eyes. A slight, genuine smile spread across my lips as I recognized those eyes, the same eyes I had been using all night. She saw me returning the look and flashed gleaming white teeth at me as she proceeded to walk over towards me.

"Can I get you another drink stranger?" she asked me in a sultry voice, indicating towards my nearly empty glass. I had not even noticed that it was running low.

"Sure," I replied, the smile on my face growing wider, "You know, most guys prefer to take the lead, you would get better chances if you waited from them to make a move."

"Obviously but, I'm not one to wait around for the guy to make the first move," she said slyly as she motioned for some refills to Amber, "Besides, most of the guys I'm going after are the shy types and would be happier if the lady came to them. I try to be accommodating."

"But, I'm not one of those shy types."

"I said most, not all. Tonight I want someone with some experience. You wouldn't know anyone would you?" she said with her pretty little eyelashes fluttering at me.

I turned away with a smile, seeming to check out the crowds gathering on the dance floor. In reality, the periphery of my eyes scanned over her body. Her fur was the color of coffee and cream, with hints of more cream than coffee predominating along her belly and chest, at least, that's what I could tell from the bit of exposed fur nestled in her cleavage. Her breasts looked about the size of large oranges, maybe a large C cup or a small D. A trim and fit belly lead to those gorgeous hips from earlier, her dress really accentuated the heart-shape of her ass. The hips flowed down long, sculpted legs to dainty feet in modest heels, nothing outrageous. Her hair was cropped to about mid-neck level. It perfectly framed her paradoxical eyes, both piercing and soft golden-brown eyes. Amber arrived with our drinks and I turned around to pick mine up. I only took as sip because I could feel the alcohol beginning to make the world swim and I needed to stay sharp.

"I just might know someone," I replied, "I'm Cas."

"Crystal," she said.

"So Crystal," I said in between shallow sips of my drink, "Would you care to dance?"

"I would love to dance. I just hope that you're as good of a dancer as you're a talker." She answered with a smirk.

"I guess we will find out then," I set my drink down on the bar and lead her out by the paw onto the bustling dance floor.

The beat of the music thudded through our bodies as the crowd of furs around us pushed the spaced between us smaller and smaller. Her paws reached up through her hair and carried on above her head as my paws made their way to her waist. She closed her eyes and let her arms wave above her head as we swayed to the music. We got pushed closer and closer together until her luscious breasts pressed against my chest. They were firm yet, yielded in such a way to prove that they were, without a doubt, natural.

She then pushed away just far enough to turn around. Her back was immediately pressed into my chest, her butt pressing into the curve of my crotch. We ground together in that manner, her paws grasping against the back of my head, pulling me into complete contact with her. My paws migrated lower to cup her firm hips. Both of us reveling the feeling of two furs becoming one, pressing together and moving together, sweat beading on each other, each others musk filing their noses. Hearts fell into a counter rhythm. The crowd of furs waned in importance. Then, before we knew it, the song was over and the dance floor broke into momentary chaos as the exchange of furs occurred in the lull.

My paw found its way her back as I directed her to an empty table away from the dance floor.

"So," I started as we sat down across from each other, "Was I a satisfactory enough dancer for you?"

"More than satisfactory," she answered.


We both stared into the other's eyes. Both of our eyes were saying things that our mouths did not need to utter. I laid my paws on the table and immediately her paws followed suite to fall into mine. Love was not in the air but, lust certainly was.

"Would you like to come back to my place?" I asked.

A sinful smile and a nod was all the answer I needed.

We made our way back to the bar to pay the tabs. Amber was a little busy working over the young equine from earlier, as especially evident by the small group of empty glasses in front of him. All she had time to give me was a sly smile as she saw me pull Crystal close to me.

We walked through the doors, out into the cool night air. The traffic had died down considerably from earlier and the bank across the street displayed the time in bright red LEDs: 11:23 PM.

"Do we need a taxi?" Crystal whispered into my ear.

"No, I live just around the corner," I answered.

"That must be nice. I bet you get the chance to come down here a lot to get some tail,"

"Maybe but, a gentleman never kisses and tells,"

"He he," she laughed, "Well, if you won't tell then I guess I won't mind doing this."

She pulled me down into a kiss, her tongue pressing through my relaxed lips. Our tongues wrestled together as my paws landed on her ass, each gripping and pressing independently. Her mouth moved away to moan but I gripped her bottom lip with my teeth, wanting to keep going.

Somehow, through the tangle of arms and tongues, with quick breaths sneaked in whenever possible, we managed to make it through the door of my flat. The smoldering spark that was created in the club now burst into a roaring bonfire. As soon as I closed the door, I just lifted her lithe body and carried her to my bed, the mouth-mouth contact never breaking.

I gently dropped her on my bed. I then proceeded much slowly. I crouched down to where her feet dangled off the bed. My claws traced along her legs as my right paw took her heels off. A husky moan escaped her lips as my paw brushed her inner thighs, a glimpse of pink escaping from her skirt.

"Not yet," she moaned, she pushed my paw away, one of her fingers curling in a 'come-here' motion.

I grinned as I crawled my way up and over her body. Her paws ran over my chest and they deftly undid my shirt buttons. I let her pull the shirt off my body before attacking her neck with my mouth, my teeth brushing against her flesh. I licked my way up her chin as her claws raked through the fur on my back. Another moan escaped her lips as my paws found their way to her breasts and began to massage the warm globes. I felt her nipples grow erect through the fabric of her dress and I knew she was not wearing a bra.

"Oh god," she moaned again loudly as my paw slipped beneath her dress to fondle her breasts unhindered, her claws dug into my back. I moved my paws to remove her dress and as I pulled it down her body she took that time to retaliate against me.

Her paws ran through my chest fur until they found my nipples, her fingers rubbing and squeezing them lightly. A groan rumbled from my throat, I never even knew I could get so much pleasure from them. My own paws made their way back to her breasts, my claws scrapping against her erect nipples. Our mouths came together again for another bout of tongue wrestling.

"Oh please, I need you inside me please," Crystal whined.

"Sure," was all I had time to say.

The next thing I knew, she had flipped me over and was pulling my pants and boxers off in one go, freeing my hardening shaft and sheath. Her paw rubbed up and down my barbed shaft, forcing a bead of pre-cum to come out the tip. She lowered her mouth down onto my tip and beyond, sucking it all in and only stopping when her muzzle pressed against my pelvis.

"Please do not stop," I moaned as her head began to bob up and down my shaft, her tongue playing itself across the bottom of my shaft. My paws leapt to her ears, guiding her head along as my hips began to buck into her throat. Her pace began to pick up even faster, my shaft progressively entering her throat easier and easier. I felt my balls lift up as I got closer to the edge.

"Not yet," her paw wrapped around my shaft and squeezed down, hard, "We can't have you cum too soon."

"You are such a little bitch," I gritted through my teeth as I tried to maintain self-control.

"No, a bitch would do this," she sat up over my waist, rubbing her panty-clad slit over my rock hard cock. The feeling of silk fabric gliding on my shaft was almost too much for me.

I could not take it anymore. I lifted her hips off me and flipped her around to take the high ground. My lips brushed her lips as my hands ran through her silken hair. I then began to kiss lightly down her neck, working my way towards her luscious mounds of flesh.

A low, long moan broke free of her throat as I sucked and nibbled on her hard nipple. I felt her tail reach up between my legs, brushing my own tail in wide sweeps.

I started my downward migration again, kissing lightly over her belly, following the increasing scent of female musk. Finally, I arrived at a lacy, pink barrier, guarding her womanhood. I licked up and down it, feeling a shiver shoot up her body and hearing another set of moans escape. My fingers came up, pressing against the fabric, feeling the moist heat barely being contained. My paw was soaked by just pressing against her panties, I could not believe how wet she was.

My paws slipped under the band on her panties before slipping them down her legs and onto the floor. The scent of her arousal instantly filled the room to the point of breaking, my brain being overloaded by pheromones. I dived in, my tongue licking and probing deep into her. I found her clit and sucked on it. She tasted wonderfully and I could not get enough. Her moans escalated to the point of quiet yells. Her paws gripped my ears and shoved me within her, my nose entering her depths and my tongue being driven even deeper.

Just as I felt the buildup to her peak, I pulled away, breaking the grip her paws had on my head. It took her several quick breaths before she realized that I had stopped.

"Why?" she asked through gulps of air.

"So you know how it feels like," I replied with a wolfish grin. I climbed back over her, aligning my shaft to her slit. She reached down and used a paw to guide the tip to the entrance. Electric bolts of pleasure shot through my body as she rubbed my tip against her.

She smiled, like she had no intention of me ever penetrating her as she rubbed me faster against her. I gritted my teeth as I struggled to maintain control. I could feel it slipping away just when she stopped for a split second directly in position. I took the opportunity and drove my hips forward, my shaft piecing its way into her depths.

"Ah!" she sharply cried at my unexpected maneuver. Her nails dug furrows into my back as I pulled my shaft back out and another little cry accompanied its return. Our hips slapped together, filling the room with clapping sounds as I picked up the pace.

More little cries and moans echoed from her lips as my shaft drove itself deeper and deeper into her depths. I could feel my spines lightly tug at her flesh with each withdrawal, scrapping at her insides and drawing her to new heights.

Her head tossed from side to side in passion as I began to hilt myself into her with every thrust. Her pussy clenched and pulsed against my shaft, trying with all its worth to milk every drop of cum from me.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" she moaned as her pussy then clamped down on me as she rode through her orgasm. I could not hold back anymore as she tightened and I filled her with pulses of my cum. I kissed her passionately as I continued thrusting through it all.

Afterwards, when we both caught our breaths, I pulled out and laid down next to her. She snuggled against me and I reached around to pull her closer. Together we enjoyed each other's warmth as we feel asleep.

* * *

My throbbing erection bounced in front of me from the remembrance of what happened last night. I opened the note and it said:

Thanks for last night,

Here's something to remember me by.


I noticed that it was signed with a lipstick kiss as I put it down on the night stand.

I fell back onto my bed and laughed.

Well, I hoped ya'll enjoyed it. This took me such a long time to write because I was not expecting college to consume so much of my free time. But, I did it. Feel free to comment whether you like it, hated it, or want to fix something I missed.

Yours Truely,
