Chapter 16: A night in with the family

Story by Ginsenshi on SoFurry

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#16 of Roen Olver Series

JUst a night in at home with a simple family meal.

Author's Notes: Lumpia is the filipino version of springrolls, usually filled with meat and vegetables in a thin crispy fried skin.

The dinner that Roe and Alex has is how my mom cooked when I was growing up, I'm mix - white/ filipino on my mom's side.

I can remember many nights were it was white steamed rice with a meat and something. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

*Chapter 16: A night in with the family *

Later on, the final bell rang with Connor giving a good long stretch and shake, stnanding beside me starin at Alex sending him telepathic messages to hurry the hell up so we could leave. After all it was almost dinner time, and Connor loves dinner. We made our way back to my place, making it there in no time. I unlocked the door hearing the TV on in the livingroom the local news on the reporter talking about the increase of break ins for local shops downtown, Mom was in the kitchen making something , though I couldn't tell just yet m the smell of heating oil was just reaching my nose. I popped my head in and said I was home She was on the phone with my sister Carrie, I knew since she wasn't speaking english but rapid fire tagalog, which my sister was fluent in, which I was not Since Mom was speaking Tagalog to Carrie, a simple filipino meal of fried rice or white rice and lumpia was dinner tonight. If I didn't mention it Mom worked at the local hospital as a nurse, which meant 6am to 5pm most nights. Anyways I waved at mom and duck out of the kitchen and made my way to my room, Alex following.

Roe's room

We entered closing the door behind us, Connner jumping on the bed holding a stand so I could undress him from harness and leash, with that quickly done. He laid down and took over the bed not leaving any room for alex or me.

"scoot over Connor!" I said as I gave a push trying to get him to give us space, he groaned but refused to give up and groaned more at me starting to wiggle on his back making noises .

"What dog, is he trying to steal your bed?" Alex asked, giving into Connor's show for attention, rubbing Connor's belly causing him to squirm more. I joined in on the belly rubs for a bit.

A while later we got the bed back, Connor on his back inbetween us snoring, loudly. Alex had Netflix on for some noise as we just laid in bed.

"I here by claim this tower of sand kingdom Phoebe ville,"

Came from the tv as a knock sounded at my bedroom door, and then opened.

"Roe, Alex its Dinner." Dad said to us. "Okay be there in a minute." I replied, pausing Charmed, then getting up and headed to the kitchen for dinner Alex and Connor following.

As I figured it was fried rice and lumpia for dinner, a simple but oh so great meal. We ate dinner filling our bellies with mom's wonderful food, at the end Alex and me were stuffed.

We headed back to my room closing the door behind us and got back on the bed to continue are Charmed watching.

I yawned a few episodes later, as I laid down on the bed snuggled up to Alex, comfortable and falling asleep fast, just before sleep hit me ALex kissed me and said he loved me.