Christmas Special (2019)—Under the Mistletoe

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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Yuletide high jinks with an adorable mouse couple. Remember, when you're under mistletoe, you gotta kiss! ;)

The smell of burning chimney embers and baking apple pie mingled with the scent of cold air. Minute, delicate snowflakes descended from the pitch-black, midwinter sky to coat everything in sight in white fluff: automobiles, mailboxes, roads, and the quaint, two-story houses that decked the streets of the idyllic town. Inside one such house, past the snow-caked second-story window, a lovely mouse couple were in the throes of Yuletide festivities ...

Alex's flesh-colored paw strained as he got Bailey's last leather ankle cuff around the cute mouse's extremity. "There!" With the pointy tip of a claw, he gave her soft sole a test tickle; Bailey squealed and scrunched her toes, angling her footpaw away from her boyfriend's teasing as much as the titanium chain allowed, the mattress springs beneath her squeaking. "Now you're not going anywhere."

Bailey looked back and forth at her restrained wrists, her hands opening and closing. "I sure hope you know what you're doing." She swayed her pelvis and rubbed her ass on the soft linen. "I had no idea you had all these fancy strap thingies lying around." Her pink tail swished across the white fabric between her legs, tapping the silver bangle on her left ankle.

"Oh, that isn't everything I have." Alex leaned on the side of the bed with his balled-up fists, the underside of his erection rubbing against the mattress as her ankle jewelry tintinnabulated. "Why don't you look up there?" The rodent gently broke the prolonged eye contact with the strapped-down girl and directed his gaze upwards.

Bailey's eyes sparkled--mistletoe! "Wow, that's romantic," she said, studying the green, healthy sprig, the tip of her tail tapping the bed. "Does that mean you're gonna kiss me?" She licked her lips and eyed her boyfriend from top to bottom, narrowing her eyes seductively at his hard-on. "Looks like someone wants to give me the best kiss in the world," Bailey said sweetly. Her fingers closed one by one in their leather cuffs and she stared at him sideways, the corner of her mouth curled.

Alex chuckled as he climbed onto the bed with his knees. His cock bobbed up and down as he lay on his side, head resting on his closed fist, and stared at Bailey. "All in due time." He reached over with his free paw and started tweaking her nipple between two fingers. "First, I gotta get you warmed up."

"Mmmmm ..." Bailey bit into her lower lip with her mousey buck teeth and sucked her tummy in. Her tail curled up as she felt sexual fire flow down her tummy from her tit straight to her clit. "Oh, my gosh, that feels so good ..." His claw circled the rock-hard nipple, grazing its edges and teasing the areola. Bailey's head sunk into the pillow and her toes curled up and danced sensually.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet." Alex reached into the closed fist he was leaning his head on and produced a white feather.

Bailey gently opened her eyes as he stopped caressing her nipple. "What are you gonna do with that?" she asked with half-open eyes, blood still rushing to her nether regions.

Without saying a word, Alex reached over with the quill, his posture still relaxed, one leg crossed over the other.

Bailey looked on past her bare, erect nipples and shuddered when the feather touched her--Alex dragged the side of the plume up her semi-exposed clitoris, the individual branches parting as they made their way up her exquisitely sensitive glans.

The girl's head shook. It tickled; it teased; it made her crotch burn with desire. "Shit! Don't stop, Alex!" she implored after the one, single stroke the mouse boy had given her. Her metal chains jangled as she grabbed hold of them for leverage, trying to thrust her pussy towards the feather.

"Oh, relax, hun." He rubbed the warm sole of a hind paw up and down her tan leg. "There's plenty more where that came from." Alex's hard dick throbbed in unison with his heartbeat as he lowered the feather back down to where she desired it. He chuckled softly to himself as he grabbed hold of its hard, hollow shaft between his thumb and forefinger and spun it back and forth in alternating directions on the tip of her clit.

Bailey's nipples throbbed. "Ho-Holy shit!" She arched her back and pushed her ass out into Alex's feathery teasing, her chains going taut. The first drop of pussy lube detached from her lips and ran down the rest of her crotch, coating the end of her tail that came out from beneath her butt. The maddening concoction of tickling and stimulation was unlike anything she'd ever felt. Bailey's cheeks flushed a deep shade of lustful red as her lips contoured into an O-shape. With each lightning-fast flick of the feather's soft barbs against her knob, the rodent's tail subconsciously undulated and twisted.

"Oh, fu-fuck! Shiiit!" Her handpaws opened, fingers then squeezing up into a tight fist. "Alex! I-FUCK!" Bailey's curvaceous thighs shuddered under Alex's two-fingered taunting. "I'm go--" The mouse's tail quivered horribly. Another drop of juice from her aching cunny oozed down. "I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM!" Bailey's biceps bulged under her lustrous fur as the chains that held the girl down trembled from her heightened pre-orgasmic strength. Her toes threatened to disappear into her footpaws, the tightly curled digits' knuckles popping. She arched her back, about to go over the edge, welcoming the incipient bursts of pleasure.

Alex chuckled, his erection bobbing along with his tummy. "I dunno about that!" He plucked the feather off at the very last microsecond. Her transparent lube clung to the side of the feather and stretched out into a thin string between the tip of Bailey's clit and the quill.

"What the fuck!" Bailey's back slammed into the mattress, her face contorting into a mess of anger, frustration and betrayal. "No! Don't stop!" Her tail quivered and kinked up in a few spots. She thrust with all her might and dry-humped the air in a last-ditch effort, but, amidst exhausted whimpers, her pelvic pushing stopped when her buildup cruelly reset.

With flinty eyes and claws digging into her palms, she faced Alex. "The fuck you do that for?!" Her heartbeat banged in her ears. "I was gonna cum so hard." Bailey grunted, her head slumping into the pillow.

"Oh, that was just part of the warm-up." He wiped her juices off the feather with a couple of fingers and played with the sticky substance, squeezing and letting it form strings between his digits. "I actually had no idea you could orgasm from just a feather." With a flick of a couple of sharp claws, the plume was sent away into the corner of the bedroom. "Sometimes I envy you girls and your clit." Alex placed the tip of a claw on his tongue and tasted her liquid. "I mean, it's so small, right?" He cocked his head and smirked. Curling his toes, his spread fingers reached towards Bailey's cunt. "Lemme see how small it was."

"Oh, Alex, just quit it, a--" The delicious fire returned to Bailey's crotch. "Oh, jeez, Alex ..." She closed her eyes and ground her hips into the smoldering, rhythmic, building desire between her legs.

Two of his fingers massaged her knob. "Damn, it is pretty small!" As her body absorbed the impromptu clit massage, Alex sat up, crossing his legs under him. "Gotta get this little guy outta here ..." With two fingers from his other hand, he pushed down around her clitoral hood and coaxed the entire pea-sized glans out. "There you are!" Alex's eyes glowed. "You're such a teeny-weeny fellow, ain't you?" Keeping the hood down with substantial pressure, two other glistening fingers caressed the sides of her clit with the most velvety, silken touch.

"Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh!" Embers of passion burned in her loins. Bailey's nipples pulsated in tandem with her heartbeat. "Yeah, fuck, right there!" she whispered shamelessly. Her tail thumped the mattress, kicking up debris and other bits of fabric. The mouse's eyes clamped shut, consumed by the jolts of raging, violent ecstasy brewing in her abdomen. Her handpaws grasped the edges of the mattress and squeezed with herculean force, her claws forcing her fingers past the first layer of linen.

"I find it funny," Alex said as he tweaked Bailey's clit, the mouse girl's tail rippling. "I thought girls were supposed to have loads of hot spots, and it was guys who had one erogenous zone?" His playful banter didn't register to her otherwise sensitive mouse ears--Bailey was way too distracted by the blazing glory between his fingers. She puckered her lips as even more warm pussy juice crept down her taint, her hips swaying erotically, matching the rhythm of Alex's soft rubdown.

"So, you don't feel like talking, huh?" Bailey gasped lightly as Alex's digits stopped the to-and-fro motion, callously cutting short the overwhelming pleasuring, her clit still naked and exposed. "We'll see about that ..." The male rodent bent and flexed his toes. "I wonder," he said, looking up at her writhing toes while wetting his lips. "I know you're very ticklish under your feet."

"Wh-What?" She lifted her head, remnants of the massage still making it hard for her to fully open her eyes. "Alex, please don't stop." Bailey sighed and rested the side of her cute face on the pillow. "That was so good."

"But is it usual to be ticklish here?" Alex scritched at her most tender spot, the tip of his white claw flicking her bean back and forth.

Bailey's tummy lurched. "YES, FUCK, RIGHT THERE!" Far from being ticklish, her boyfriend's claw proved excruciatingly rapturous. Her body froze into a mannequinlike posture. The girl's tail curled up into an impossibly tight coil. Each flick of Alex's claw dug into her very essence--raw, visceral, pleasure threatened to boil over.

Alex's lips twisted into a treacherous smile. "Getting close again, are we?" His nostrils twitched each time the tip of his nail grazed Bailey's clit, his digit barely moving half an inch with each agonizing stroke.

Her body came out of its premortem rigor mortis. Bailey drew in a mighty breath, her toes pulling back and her hands gnarling up into the talons of a bird of prey. "OH, GOD!" The mouse's butt quivered, her asshole puckering up. Her nipples swelled to the size of small bullets. Bailey balanced, on the tip of a figurative toe, on the edge of one hell of an orgasm. The most intense, earth-shattering climax of her life.

An orgasm that Alex didn't think she deserved quite yet; one flick, one scrap, one sharp scritch away from going over the point of no return, he interrupted Bailey's ascent to orgasmic heaven.

Bailey slammed her palms into the bedsheet and grasped at the white linen. Her torso thrashed and squirmed, her stomach churning as the pleasure of arousal pitilessly vanished, the ecstasy of climax once again out of reach. Her abdomen tingled as she struggled to sit up straight, but her wrist restraints spared her numb, exhausted muscles the trouble. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!"

Alex's smug smirk proved unwavering even under Bailey's orgasm-deprived shouting match--beneath the shrill tone of anger, he could pick out the sweet inflection of her mild Southern accent. He booped her cute nose with the tip of the same finger that had brought her dangerously close to incomprehensible pleasure moments ago. "No, you don't!"

Bailey scowled. "Oh, you have no fucking idea." She glared at him as he reached under the bed and pulled out something obscured by his arm. The smell of her own disrupted excitement kneaded her nostrils from Alex's nose boop. The mattress shifted under the sighing mouse girl. Alex sat between her legs in front of her exposed cunny with his legs crossed under him, his toes bending as they rested against the inside of her thighs. As the miniscule massager's extension cord tickled her thigh fur, she looked up with widening eyes. "Hey! That's mine!"

"Oh, I know." The vibrator's plastic casing squeaked under his pussy lube-drenched fingers. "I know where you keep all your knickknacks!" A nimble flick of a pink mouse finger cajoled the buzzing head to life. Alex placed the tip of his claw on the business end of the device, and the bulbous head hummed against his touch. "Pretty intense for such a li'l thing!" He locked eyes with the girl and gave her a knowing look.

Bailey rolled her eyes. Alex wasn't wrong--she'd picked it out because it was discreet and packed a punch; the extension cord that plugged into the wall helped. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." She pulled herself up as much as her restrained legs allowed, her sweaty ass squeaking sticking and slipping against the sheets. "Are you going to make me cum or not?"

Alex's cock pointed straight up, his ballsack resting on his crossed legs. "Oh, you'll definitely cum." He placed a palm flat on her stomach. "But first, I wanna see what you like about this thing ..."

"Alex, I--" All it took was a brush of the massaging head and she was on the verge of cumming. Bailey squeaked as the fleeting nudge propelled her to the heights of pre-orgasmic desperation. "RIGHT THERE, YESSSS!" she rasped, her butt thrusting to try and keep the vibrations on her nub, but Alex's paw kept her in place.

"Nuh-uh!" he said, massager in hand, its head pointing to the ceiling. "Wow, this thing sure gets you going, doesn't it?"

A gravelly yet feminine grunt filled the room. "Put it back, please!" Bailey's tummy muscles stretched and contorted beneath Alex's palm. "Come on! Ju-Just make me fuckin' cum already!" The mattress springs moaned and complained under the rodent's sex-craved heaving.

Alex smacked his lips, his glans quivering rhythmically with the heartbeat in his head. "What's the hurry? I mean, you will come eventually." He brought the thrumming massager close to his own sweet spot. "Mmmmmm ..." The vibrations were soothing, erotic and shiver-inducing all at once on the banjo string behind the head of his erection. "No wonder you like it so much." Alex stopped pleasuring himself and vibrated her pussy lips, a good two or three inches below her clit. "Now, where were we?"

"Oh, my gosh, a little higher, please, please!" Bailey's thumb knuckle popped, her fingers squeezing the digit tight in a sexual death grip. She arched her back, hoping the massager would touch her pearl for even half a second--but sadistic Alex had other ideas.

He circled the girl's knob with the vibrator as she whimpered and gasped, her pelvis rocking back and forth, trying to squeeze even an iota of pleasure out of the vibrations, her tummy pushing against the mouse's other hand. "Co-Come on! Just hold it there!" She sighed miserably. Bailey's smooth buttocks descended into the two semispherical grooves they'd left indented in the linen.

Alex fiddled with the vibrator and brought its whirring to a standstill. He stretched, his back cracking deliciously, erection at full length and throbbing, proud as ever. "Look up at the mistletoe."

Bailey craned her neck and raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend as he lay flat on his stomach, his massive boner as well as her tail pinned beneath him.

"What? Didn't you ask me when I was going to kiss you?"

All Bailey needed was one nudge. The desire to climax consumed her very existence. Her pussy lips swelled with sex-craved blood, and the rodent girl's poor clit tingled horribly, teetering on the edge.

"A--Alex ..."

Erotic desire, desperation, frustration, and a glimmer of hope all coalesced together in her sweet voice.


Her taint quivered in front of Alex's eyes in pre-orgasmic agony.

"I want to cum real bad." Bailey's Adam's apple bobbed, and her ankle bracelet stood straight up as she pushed her ankle into the mattress, her footpaw curling tightly. "I-I'll do anything."

"Such a good girl." Alex used his knees to shuffle upwards to the girl's sweet spot, his throbbing erection leaving a trail of precum on the snow-white linen. He pushed down with the first pads of his fingers above her cunny, and Bailey's partially hidden clit emerged fully from its hood. Her pink tail swept the area beneath Alex's torso and her asshole clenched. He glanced up--her tan, shimmering tummy went up and down as she took fidgety, lusty breaths. The mouse girl's nipples were engorged with blood; he'd never seen them this huge before. Looking back down, Alex could practically see the cruelty he'd caused. Bailey's knob had, to his amused sight, a magical, frantic aura around it.

"Please, please, please," she muttered, an errant drop of spittle shooting out of her cute muzzle and landing on the tip of a whisker. "I'm begging you." Bailey's tail twitched pathetically as she craned her neck up and locked eyes with her boyfriend. "I need to cum!" She whimpered as lube detached from her snatch and ran down her perineum to coat her pink-brown asshole.

Sensing that she was at her breaking point, Alex licked his lips. He blinked as he broke eye contact with the half-crazy belle and focused on her exposed love button. Alex's muzzle drew closer and closer. It wasn't long before he could smell her desire, her anguish, her thirst. His lips were half an inch away from her quivering nub.

One touch. One prod, one poke--anything. One ...


As Alex's snout withdrew, a string of his saliva and her love juice stretching between his lips and her nub, Bailey's back arched, and she inhaled sharply. "Merry Christmas, Bailey," he whispered as he watched the mouse tip over the edge.

Her feet arched as if she were wearing the most extravagant stiletto heels. Bailey's wrist restraints groaned under the searing, building pressure of release. Her pink forepaws wrapped around the headboard's balusters, thumb ring digging into the ornately turned wood and leaving a sizeable dent. Bailey's mouth was half-open, her incisors peeping through her luscious, wet lips, eyelids closed with gossamery delicateness. The hang time before climax, before the surges of toe-curling ecstasy, was never this long. Erotic eons went by for Bailey, that droning, buzzing, torturous heat around her clit refusing to blossom.

On the other hand, Alex, who was observing with his chin resting on the back of his hands, his tail twirling contentedly behind him, saw it all take place within the span of some three seconds after he'd planted the fateful kiss on his girlfriend's clit. The corner of his mouth curled as, inches from his face, Bailey's entire crotch--her pink snatch, glistening taint, and perfectly circular asshole--squeezed up.

Her shapely back cracked, swollen nipples pointing to the heavens, and a soft moan that progressed to a hoarse groan escaped Bailey's mouth as that first wave of orgasmic pleasure seized her. That first rush alone was a tidal wave--more exhilarating than an entire, usual orgasm of hers. Her hairless tail, even though pinned to the bed under Alex's weight, managed to become stiff as a board and straight as a ruler as her thumb knuckles popped, gripping the bedposts with crushing force.


Bailey's voice was buried deep down in the primeval grunt of satisfaction; Alex barely recognized the throaty cadence as his girlfriend's. With the most featherlight kiss imaginable, he'd pushed her over the point of no return into the most colossal climax of her life. He didn't even need to touch her love button as she orgasmed; the accumulated tension stemming from the merciless edging had built up more than enough carnal inertia to make her cunt pulsate incessantly.


The mousey girl's groin continued jolting, her sweet voice contorting from sheer fleshly delight. The wooden bedposts at the foot of the bed creaked, her ankle restraints pushed to capacity as her pink footpaws curled and writhed. Even though a puddle of her warm juices had already soaked into the linen in front of her, her snatch continued leaking lube, the crystal-clear, viscous liquid coating her spasming perineum and anus.


Stars, stripes and shapes that didn't even have names flashed before her closed eyes with each pleasurable tsunami. Her toes gnarled and twisted, the pointy, sharp claw tips making short work of the bedsheets. Feminine groans, grunts and gasps inundated the bedroom as Bailey held on to the headboard for dear life--never in her wildest dreams did she think someone could cum this hard and for this long.

Alex's whiskers twitched, his gaze transfixed on the orgasming mouse's convulsing cunny. As Bailey's tail shifted under him from another orgasmic pang, he narrowed his eyes and dug his paw between the linen and his body--when he pulled it back out, it was coated with stretchy strands of precum. His erection twitched; watching Bailey driven to the heights of impossible ecstasy made him want to ejaculate. Alex sniffed his paw and wiped it on the bedsheet. His orgasm could wait. First, he wanted to see Bailey completely satisfied.


Bailey's torso shuddered and she screamed in ecstasy. A look of elation was plastered on her cute face as her pussy and asshole clenched rhythmically, naughty gasps and groans of satisfaction being yanked out of her sweaty muzzle. She arched her back and rhythmically grinded her pelvis into each delightful vulvar throb, head thrown back, completely lost in orgasmic ecstasy. Her toes were curled tight, the normally flat bottoms of her feet wrinkled and creased as the sharp waves of rapture consumed her conscious, each crisp burst of pleasure touching her very soul.

Her footpaws stretched and twirled in their leather cuffs as the climax tapered off, her cunt and taint contractions reduced to pleasant, tickly ripples as opposed to gargantuan waves of blinding, white-hot ecstasy. "Mmmmmmm ..." Bailey rode out the tail end of the orgasm with the comeliest, prettiest smile, her whiskers twitching, the warm, receding twinges coaxing mewls out of her.

"Wow." Alex's hands lay flat on the bed below his chin. "That was huge." He ogled her vulva, her satisfied, glistening pussy leaking a final puddle of lube. "I thought you were gonna have a heart attack or something!" He rolled off the bed, adroitly avoiding her leg. A string of precum between the tip of his dick and a wet spot on the bed broke with a silent plop as he stood up.

"That was some kiss!" she said, wiggling his toes at him as he began to unhook the Velcro around her leather ankle restraints.

"It was a special kind of kiss, wasn't it?" Alex padded towards her other paw. "I hope you understand why I had to tease you so much." Kkkrrriiisshhh!

Bailey arched her back and popped a couple of kinks out. "Mondo special!" She giggled and waved her hind paws, letting the cool air soothe the matted, sweaty fur.

"I thought you were gonna murder me or something." Off came another cuff.

"Well, imagine someone's pawing you and they keep stopping before you shoot your load." She gave him a whimsical look. "Wouldn't you get pissed off?"

"Maybe." He chuckled, the last restraint strapping her down to the bed coming off her wrist.

"That all reminds me," she said, narrowing her eyes at his erection. "I don't think I kissed you back." She pointed up with a cute claw. "It's still up there," she whispered with the smile of a seductress and sat on the bed, crossing her legs beneath her.

The corner of Alex's mouth curled as his gaze went to the ceiling--indeed, the sprig of mistletoe was still there, as green and festive as ever.

Bailey tapped on the bed with both paws, her soft, brown eyes beckoning Alex to join her.

Alex complied without saying a word and sat on the bed in front of Bailey, mirroring her posture, his throbbing erection shiny from the layers of natural lube.

She cooed as her lithe, dainty fingers wrapped around Alex's member. The mouse girl began to stroke the shaft, luring more precum out of his piss slit.

"Oh, God, that's awesome ..." he drawled. Static, erotic electricity flowed to his genitals as Bailey jerked him off. Everything about it was perfect--the warmth of the palms of her hands, how the folds of skin around his cock tickled his glans as they bunched up on each upstroke, and the fire that blazed deep in his belly as Bailey's thumb claw grazed his banjo string with each downstroke.

The handjob's pace quickened. "Feel like you're gonna blow your load?" Bailey's voice was peppered with sultriness and merriment. She grabbed hold of Alex's balls with a paw as they began to pull up into his groin. "Not so fast."

"Yeah, fuck, yes ..." Alex wrapped his hands around his head from behind, his snout pointing up. "Don't fucking stop." His toes curled up under him, his pinky claws tearing the linen. The indescribable genital craze just before orgasm had snuck up on him. "Fuck, Bailey, I'm gon--"

"Nuh-uh," she said in the same teasing tone Alex had used on her before. Her hands stopped at the base of his cock, a stroke away from making him cum his mouse guts out. Before he could protest, with the most wholesome, divine expression, Bailey bent over and planted a kiss on the back of his glans, right on the frenulum. "Merry Christmas, Alex."

A supernova exploded in Alex's groin. A shockwave of pleasure threatened to wipe him off the face of the planet. "Ahhh ..." His ballsack glowed brighter than a thousand suns. "Ahhhh!" Lavalike liquid pleasure shot up his shaft. "AHHHHH!"

With her paws still wrapped around the base of his cock, Bailey gasped silently as a thick, hearty string of rodent cum shot out of her lover's piss slit and coated the entire twig of mistletoe on the ceiling. Alex's roar of orgasmic relief rattled the windows, clumps of snow detaching from the vibrations. His cock sprayed long ropes of seed--most of it landed on the bed, some of it on the carpet, and one jet even splattered flat on their bedroom TV's screen.

Bailey giggled amidst Alex's burly grunts of ecstasy as his cock drained itself dry. His stomach clenched and his erection bore down with each shot of sperm. A pool of the white, sticky fluid had formed in the small space separating the two mice, most of it from the rhythmic gushes from his cock, though a bit also dribbled down from the soaked sprig.

Alex thrust his hips into the last few pleasurable squirts, moaning softly with each discharge. Bailey helped drain the last few drops out of his balls as she stroked him off, smiling as the hot, gray-white drops coated her tummy and hands.

With a yawn and a cutesy stretch, Alex let gravity take over and he collapsed flat on his back on the bed. Bailey joined him and wrapped her legs around his as Alex's erection receded. "Now that's what I call a kiss!"

Just as Bailey was about to answer, a drop of Alex's cum detached from the mistletoe and landed on his thigh.

"We gotta get this place cleaned up!" he said.

The two giggled and then locked eyes. "Merry Christmas, Bailey."

"Merry Christmas, Alex."