A Substitute for Milk and Cookies (VORE)

Story by Arki Darkwater on SoFurry

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#3 of Vore

Here's a little Christmas vore story I wrote up! Hope you enjoy~

"No milk and cookies?" Dazz asked, rubbing his tired eyes as he stood in the open doorway to their bedroom. He was wearing sky-blue PJ's with striped patterns on them, contrasting with the plain black tank-top and sweatpants his partner was wearing.

"Milk and cookies?" Michael repeated in a low grumble, glancing over at Dazz. "Whaddaya mean? Like, for Santa?"

"Yeah, of course," he replied. "Didn't your family ever leave him a glass of milk and cookies? I thought everyone did that."

Dazz and Michael--a bobcat and red fox, respectively--had been living together for about 9 months now, and this was their first Christmas Eve together. The time was 11:43, and the two of them were getting ready to go to bed. The only lights still on in their house were the faint white gleaming bulbs hanging around the Christmas tree in their living room, where they each now stood.

"Yeah, we left him milk and cookies," Michael said with a deep sigh. "But I mean, we're adults now, we obviously know better. It's just the two of us here. Why go through the trouble?"

"It's tradition, Mikey! C'mon..." The bobcat's head drooped and he shook his head dismally, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to talk his boyfriend into it. "If you don't want to, I guess that's fine. I just thought it would be nice."

"We haven't got much milk left," Michael said, "and I don't want it to spoil or for the cookies to attract mice or anything. I just don't wanna waste food for something silly, y'know?" The fox walked up to Dazz and pulled him into an embrace, kissing the shorter male's forehead gently in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I get it. It's fine." Dazz looked up and smiled at the fox. "Let's just get a good night's sleep, and we'll open presents and whatnot in the morning, alright?"

"Sounds good to me," Michael replied. The two of them went into their bedroom, shut the door and crawled into bed, quickly falling asleep.

It was roughly three hours later that Michael woke up, his throat feeling rather dry. He rubbed his tired eyes and looked over at Dazz, who was still peacefully asleep. Better stay silent so he doesn't wake up, he thought to himself, but I suppose I could quietly go fetch a glass of water from the kitchen. The fox pulled his drowsy body out of bed, carefully pulled the bedroom door open just wide enough to slip through, and meandered out on his way to the kitchen.

His eyes were so tired and glazed-over, he could barely see, but it was no matter. He knew his way around his own home with or without his eyes, so he just kept them closed. He would've made it to the kitchen, too, if it wasn't for Santa.

The impact startled Michael, sending him plummeting back-first to the soft, carpeted ground with a small thud. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had run into something large, soft and squishy. Damn, that hurt... he mused, rubbing his eyes again to try and coax them open. What was hell was that? Did Dazz move the furniture around when I wasn't looking?

Still on the floor, the fox looked up. His vision was still somewhat blurry, but now he could at least see what he had run into. His heart nearly skipped a beat.

Towering above him was a large, portly polar bear with a round, protruding gut--obviously the obstacle he had collided with earlier. He wore a red-and-white suit, hat and black boots, Santa's signature garb, and slung over one of his broad shoulders was a large tan bag, filled to the brim with what must have been presents.

"Y-you...w-what are you doing in m-my house?" Michael stuttered out weakly, too stunned to move.

"What do you mean? I'm Santa Claus," he said simply, as if the fox's question was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. "This is my job."

But Santa isn't real, Michael thought frantically, so is he an intruder? How'd he get in??

"By the way, I'm absolutely famished," Santa said, letting out a deep, hearty chuckle and patting his big gut. "Where are my milk and cookies?"

Michael was frozen in place, unable to move a single muscle. All he could do was stare.

Santa frowned. "Don't tell me you didn't prepare it for me? I need those calories to give me energy to complete all these deliveries. I still have over three billion more to go."

"I...I d-didn't k-know t-that--"

"No milk and cookies, huh?" Santa said, cutting him off. He shook his head disapprovingly. "That's a shame. Looks like I'll have to eat something else."

The fox didn't have time to react. In a sudden flurry of movement, Santa reached down and grabbed Michael, hoisting him up in the air above him. The polar bear opened his jaws wide, exposing a large, slobbery tongue and the dark, abyss-like tunnel of his gullet.

"Wait!" Michael yelped. "I can go get y--" He didn't get a chance to finish his thought. Santa thrust the fox head-first down into his throat, cutting off the rest of his plea for mercy and reducing the rest of his words to a faint series of muffled noises. The polar bear gulped down hungrily, starting to pull the fox down.

Michael kicked and squirmed with all his might, desperate to get away, but Santa's grip on him was far too strong. He gulped down hard several more times, dragging the fox's body down his tight gullet. He put a paw on his throat, feeling his wriggling form bulge out as he glided down.

Once he was down to his waist, the polar bear grabbed onto his sweatpants and yanked them off, tossing them aside. With his lower half now exposed, he was guaranteed to taste much better. Santa dragged his tongue all over Michael's rump, crotch and thighs, moaning softly as he gathered the canine's delicious taste, before swallowing once again to pull the rest of him down. He clamped his jaws shut after slurping up the fox's feet, sealing his fate within him.

After swallowing Michael all the way down into his stomach, Santa let out a loud belch and gave his even-further engorged gut--now filled with squirming prey--a good few pats. "Thanks," he said to his stomach with a smirk, "you were a very filling snack, Michael."

The polar bear took out a large present from his bag, marked with the tag "To: Dazz, From: Santa" and placed it beside the tree. He then proceeded back up the chimney, off to deliver many more presents--and, of course, pick up a few more snacks along the way.