Fraternity Woes

Story by Arktisk on SoFurry

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Saw a bit of art shortly before Halloween and it put this idea in my head. I blame that. Also took me until tonight to actually finish this, so I do hope you all enjoy!

Of course, this is a work of fiction and yeah, certainly a personal fantasy, consent is still the most important thing out there.

Feel free to leave constructive criticisms and feedback! Always lovely to hear from readers!

It was amazing how muffled the sounds of the house party became once the closet door closed.

"Look, you want in? I own you," The large white wolf reached out a tightly muscled arm, pressing his hand dangerously close to the twitching ear of a nervous raccoon, effectively blocking any chance of escape. "This is the price, and given what I know about you, I don't think you'll mind paying it."

Adrian glanced down at an impressive bulge between the larger canine's legs and found his mouth watering at the idea.

After failing a number of trials for entry into the fraternity of his father and grandfather, the grey and black furred procyonid was desperate. Disappointment would be a vast understatement to describe how he imagined his dad would react to finding out his son hadn't made it into this particular family, and Adrian couldn't bear the thought of it. If this was his last chance, he was willing to take it.

"Well?" The white wolf looked irritated at Adrian's hesitation. "My property? Or the sidewalk?"

It was more instinct that drove Adrian at that moment than clear thinking. The wolf was everything he could have wanted in a male, and getting the chance to serve him to be accepted into the fraternity? That was more than a fair deal. If anything, Adrian thought he would be getting the best bang for his buck, so to speak.

Adrian sank to his knees, coming eye level with the suddenly larger bulge contained only by a low hanging pair of gym shorts. He gulped, earning a chuckle from the wolf that was deafening to him even over the beat of music elsewhere in the house.

"Good choice, pet," The canine hooked a thumb into the waistband of his shorts and the boxers beneath, yanking them down only enough to expose the base of a large, angry red canine shaft. "Show your commitment and do the rest."

Gingerly, Adrian reached out and took over the task of pulling down the wolf's clothes enough to let his huge cock spring up from under the cloth. It smacked him on the underside of his slim muzzle, but he couldn't have cared less, even less so as the scent of the predator began really penetrating his nostrils. In all of his wildest dreams, he couldn't have pictured himself actually getting trapped in a tiny closet with such an Adonis, let alone one that wanted use him like this.

The raccoon was so transfixed with the sight of the throbbing rocket bobbing before him, and of the plum sized balls hanging so low beneath it, that he didn't even notice the wolf take hold of the base of his shaft. He was snapped out of his breathless reverie by a sharp slap to the bridge of his muzzle with the glistening truncheon, and a growl from above.

"I don't want to fucking be in here all night kid," The wolf slapped Adrian with his cock again. "Get to work or get out."

The raccoon's muzzle opened immediately, and he got his first taste of his benefactor.

At least, he got a momentary taste.

The wolf wasn't the gentle type, it seemed, as he forced as much of his cock into Adrian's muzzle as he could manage before the smaller male's gag reflex kicked into panic mode. Still, even with that blockage preventing him from sinking any deeper, the canine maintained his position, savouring the audible gulps and choked breaths from below.

"Don't worry," He said as he took a hold of Adrian's ears and rolled his hips slowly forwards and back. "We'll get rid of that gag reflex one way or another. Consider this the start of your probationary membership."

Adrian's eyes were watering as his throat was slowly assaulted by the flexing shaft of his patron, and it was all he could do to keep a weak grip on the powerful thighs driving it all. His own cock was trapped under briefs and jeans, but he wasn't convinced he would need access to them in order to reach his own climax given the situation.

It took several long minutes before the wolf grew tired of attempting to breach the raccoon's throat, and he pulled out allowing him his first proper breath since beginning. Saliva and precum splattered to the ground between his legs, and a strand swung lewdly from the corner of his muzzle before dripping down onto his shirt.

"So you know how to suck a cock," The wolf took hold of himself and smeared it across Adrian's face, giving a few extra taps to the end of his muzzle. "Nothing this big obviously, but at least we aren't starting from scratch. Get up."

Shakily, Adrian did as he was told and stood up. He was still panting and his throat was sore beyond anything he had experienced before, but he figured a cold drink from the kitchen would alleviate that once they left the closet.

"Turn around."

That made Adrian's ears perk up.

"Wh-what?" His voice was hoarse as he locked eyes with the white wolf.

A hand shot up around his neck, pinning him to the wall with almost no effort. The wolf leaned forward with slightly bared fangs, his gaze alone enough to freeze the smaller male's blood.

"I'm going to say this once," His voice was low enough that the music from the party beyond the door almost drowned it out, but that simply forced Adrian to listen more carefully. "You agreed to be mine to earn your spot in the fraternity. My instructions are your gospel. When I tell you to do something, you will do it. This won't be any different from the tasks we give to new pledges, but at least in this case you stand a chance of actually succeeding in impressing me."

The grip on his neck lessened slightly.

"Now don't make me regret giving you this chance."

He removed his hand and backed away as far as the small confines of the closet would allow, and Adrian slowly, shakily, turned to face the wall.

A hand took a firm grip of the back of his neck, pressing his head against the cool wall, and his tail stiffened in response, flicking over the large cock behind him. The wolf looked the younger student up and down, stroking his shaft as he drank in the raccoon's slim curves.

"Pants off." He ordered, and Adrian obeyed.

His fingers were shaking so much that it took him several moments to undo the button above his fly and pull down the zipper. He pushed them down as far as his hands could reach before they simply piled up around his shins, but then the wolf pushed them the rest of the way to the ground with a foot.

"Step out of them," Another command that Adrian obeyed, kicking them to the side.

A slick digit slipped up between his plump cheeks, his tail arching higher in response the moment it found his tail hole. That earned a short chuckle from the wolf behind him.

"See?" He said, leaning forward so he could speak directly into the raccoon's black furred ear. "I knew you wouldn't turn down this kind of task."

The finger pressed forward roughly, eliciting a sharp whimper from Adrian, his head still pinned to the wall.

"You like cock, that much is obvious," The wolf's voice and breath sent shivers through the youth's entire body. "And while you're on probation as my plaything, you're going to learn to _crave_it."

The finger sank deeper, shifting about to ensure a decent coating of his precum and Adrian's own saliva covered his ring and inner walls before roughly withdrawing. The wolf wasn't one to waste time; as soon as he freed his finger, the solid tip of his tapered canine shaft took its place.

"I'll forgive you if you're loud this time," He said, grunting as he began pressing his hips forward. "But work on staying quiet. Don't want the entire campus hearing your bitchy little screams and ruining my fun when they come to see what's going on."

A particularly effeminate yelp escaped Adrian's muzzle as the large head of the wolf popped past his tail ring, stretching him far more than the finger could have prepared him for. To his relief, he was at least given a few moments to adjust to the intrusion, but it barely helped. To Adrian, it was like he was losing his anal virginity all over again, where the pain of being mounted overwhelmed any sense of arousal and left the procynoid desperately hoping it would all just end.

"Fuck," A grunt in his ear. "Might as well be a damn virgin... here."

The wolf withdrew his hand from his cock now that it was locked in placed by the vice-like grip of Adrian's tailhole, and reached down into one of the pockets of his gym shorts. From within, he produced a small brown bottle, wrapped in yellow plastic with the label 'Rush' in large red print along its surface.

He gave the bottle a firm shake before dextrously using his thumb and forefinger to depress the lid and pop it off. A quick wipe of the rim against the underside of his t-shirt sleeve, and the bottle was held under Adrian's twitching nose.

"Nose to the rim, inhale nice and deep." The wolf said. "Or else this is going to hurt a lot more than it needs to."

Adrian did as he was instructed, inhaling the acrid scent for three, five, ten seconds before the bottle was pulled away.

Instantly the raccoon felt his body flush with heat, the pain in his backside lessening and even turning to pleasure. His vision swam and his head felt light, almost as if he had been drunk, but above all of that, Adrian felt nothing beyond the simple, unyielding urge, to get the rest of the wolf's cock inside of him.

Whatever he had inhaled, his tailhole relaxed enough to let several more inches of canine shaft slide in. There was a whisper of pain, but that was nothing compared to the symphony of lust that had overtaken his senses, even driving him to press his hips back towards the wolf to take him faster. A minute had passed since he had inhaled whatever the wolf gave him, and he could now feel his owner's massive knot spread his cheeks apart and kiss his abused ring.

"Fucking right," The wolf sighed happily as his cock disappeared into the smaller male. "Take it all you fucking slut."

Something about the derogatory words radiated through Adrian's mind, crushing any barriers of hesitation or shame that still remained. He began to accept his new role, and even became excited by the prospect of being little more than property; a toy to fuck at his owner's whim.

Adrian groaned as the wolf withdrew his shaft, then yelped when he drove it forward again. His own shaft shot a watery rope of precum against the wall he was still being held against as the wolf repeated the action again and again. Before long, lewd, wet squelches filled the small space as the larger canine picked up his pace.

He finally released the raccoon's head, which slumped down between his arms as they braced against the wall to steady his body. It was taking serious physical effort on Adrian's part to keep himself from collapsing forward against the solid surface as his body was rocked back and forth, but he was managing. Most of what kept him up was the rough grip the wolf had with both of his strong hands on his hips, keeping his ass at the perfect height to facilitate his thrusting.

That knot of his, the fat bulb of hot flesh, knocked insistently at Adrian's tailhole, spreading him open more with each forward thrust. The bulk of it was prevented entry purely because of how tight that muscle was, but it didn't keep the canine from trying as hard as he could to force it inside.

"Damn," The wolf growled, hilting himself as deep as he could manage to get, oblivious to the silent scream Adrian was giving. "Alright, this isn't happening. Not yet."

Adrian was panting heavily, and cried out when his owner pulled his dick out of his throbbing backside. A horrible emptiness spread through him, and the raccoon was almost overwhelmed with the urge to force himself back onto the shaft, but the wolf's hand returned to the back of his neck to pin him back to the wall.

"I'm going to make you mine tonight," The white wolf said, leaning in close. "That means this knot is going in you, like it or not. But, my toy needs to get broken in properly, and I don't want to waste the time doing it myself, not when there's a party outside."

Adrian could only assume that he was going to be granted a reprieve, and in spite of the fact that he wanted the canine inside him again, he looked forward to it. A cold drink was exactly what he needed.

"You're going to stay right here," His hopes for a break shattered. "And I'm going to go get something to drink. Then, you're going to get some visitors. I suggest you do whatever they want, because if you don't, this knot is going to hurt a lot when I finally shove it in you."

A flood of sound forced Adrian's ears to pin flat against his skull as the white wolf tucked himself away and pulled open the closet door. Beyond, the hustle of dozens of students in the rooms beyond forced a flood of embarrassment to rush through the raccoon. The terror of being caught as he was froze him in place, even driving out the fear of being handed off to whoever else the wolf had in mind.

As a final nail in his proverbial coffin, Adrian noticed, just as the door closed, the white wolf carrying away his pants in a tight little ball under his arm.

"Fuck!"_He thought, still standing against the wall staring to the door."Fuck fuck fuck!"_

The bottomless raccoon pushed himself away from the wall and paced in what little room he had. His phone, his wallet, his keys, everything was in the pockets of his pants, and now, those pants were, well... he couldn't imagine where they might be now. There would be no escaping this, even if he tried to leave he wouldn't be able to make it out of the frat house without being noticed.

Being paraded in front of his would-be brothers with precum and saliva dripping from his backside and smeared around his muzzle... It didn't bear thinking about. He wasn't that much of a voyeur.

Agonizing minutes passed with the dull thud of music and maddening thoughts of embarrassment and shame acting as his only companions. That was until the closet door opened again, and a dark grey ram sauntered inside, his dark brown eyes already sizing up the raccoon even as he closed the door behind him. Even though he knew it was pointless, Adrian pulled down the hem of his shirt in an already failed attempt to stay modest.

"Not bad, pledge," The ram said, already undoing the buckle of his pants and pulling them open to reveal a thick uncut shaft of ebony. "Should've added this to our pledge tasks ages ago."

All Adrian could do at that point was watch as the ram exposed himself fully, pulling his pants down only low enough to free his entire package. His cock seemed to be as long and thick as his new owner's, but the ram's balls were much bigger, swaying to a fro between his slender but tightly muscled thighs. From his pocket, he produced an unopened condom package, and the grin that spread across his muzzle was nothing short of predatory.

Adrian ducked his head submissively, looking down to the ram's hooves as he began to resign himself to his fate. The sound of the wrapper being torn open made his ears twitch and his tailhole clench in nervous anticipation.

"You going to need the poppers again?" The ram asked conversationally, as if this situation was no more new to him than visiting the grocery store. "Darren told me he gave you a good initial seeing to, but if it helps..."

"N-no..." Adrian stuttered.

"Brave boy," The other male stepped forward, his now-gloved cock flexing mere inches from his smaller body. "Ready to go for a ride and get one step closer to earning your membership?"

An odd sort of resolve formed within Adrian as he turned himself around to face the wall once again. 'Brave' implied at least some kind of respect, and that buoyed the raccoon's mood, even as he felt the blunt head of his new companion slip up against his lubed pucker.

He winced as the ram's head popped past his ring, but as inch after inch was pushed deeper and deeper between his cheeks, a satisfaction developed within him. He was being filled again, and he was loving it. He was ecstatic as the other male's crotch came flush with his ass, and his large balls bumped against the back of his inner thighs. The raccoon felt full and warm, even more so when the ram began rolling his hips like Darren had done before him, though the oviswas decidedly gentler.

"Mmmm, damn," He sighed into Adrian's ear. "Why didn't I think of endorsing someone like this?"

Adrian could only clench his teeth as his ass was spread open again and again with each thrust, and in spite of his earlier misgivings, he found that he was enjoying himself. That feeling of fullness returned with each buck of the ram's hips, and the raccoon happily pressed back against them. He was really getting into this...

"You ready for this, pledge?" The ram grunted, his hips picking up their pace. It was as good an indication as any that Adrian wouldn't actually have a say in what was about to happen.

Lube ran down Adrian's inner thighs, its spread helped along by the large orbs slapping against them. They were pulling up and tightening with the ram's harder pounding, and just as the raccoon began yelping at the rougher slams, the other male hilted himself as deep as he could get. Each spurt of cum was accompanied by a short, hard grind, and Adrian could have sworn that he could feel them making their way through his companion's shaft.

The pressure under his tail grew as the condom ballooned within him, and he could feel its size move through his ass as the other male slowly withdrew himself. It was agonizingly slow, and as the head popped out, Adrian whimpered. The filled condom popped free from his lubed hole and swung down between the ram's legs with the rest of his package.

"Going to want to keep track of this," The male sounded at least a little winded, and that alone made Adrian feel more than a little proud. "Good thing I came prepared."

A length of string, the drawstring of a sweater most likely, was pulled around Adrian's neck and tied off at the back. It wasn't tight enough to restrict his breathing, but neither was it loose enough for the raccoon to be able to pull it over his head to remove it. There was just enough give allowed for the ram to slip the bottom of the used condom underneath and tie it to the string itself.

It was a mark. A low hanging tally that he wouldn't be able to remove on his own without risking tearing the condom itself. It was simply tied too tightly around the string.

And there was plenty of space left on it.

"Don't need to tell you to stay put," The ram pulled up his pants and tucked himself away after wiping his shaft off of the raccoon's light grey thigh. "You're in here for the long haul. Enjoy who I send in next."

A slap to his backside was the last thing his companion did before leaving the closet. The rush of cool outside air was only temporary, but it highlighted just how hot and musky the small room had become, and Adrian found himself savouring the overpowering smell. His backside was only dully throbbing as he sank to his knees to give his legs a break, but more noticeable and critical to him was the void left behind by the absence of a cock.

The raccoon reached behind himself, lifting his t-shirt out of the way in order to slip his fingers down between his soaked crack. He found his tail hole and pressed two digits into himself, moaning slightly as he worked to get that full feeling back, unconcerned with just how easy it was. He whimpered as his fingers grew slick, thankful that there was actual lube in him now rather than just precum and his own saliva.

Adrian was so intent on toying with himself that the closet door opening once again nearly gave him a heart attack. Two males entered, a broad shouldered cheetah with a slight muscle gut under his tight t-shirt, and another ram, this one tall and lithe in stark contrast to his companion.

"Well fuck me." The ram had his hands on his hips, shaking his head with a chuckle.

"Nah man," The cheetah replied, pulling open his pants and letting a healthy dose of feline cock hang out. "Fuck_him_."

The feline wasted no time in taking what he wanted. Adrian's muzzle was full of cock before he could even register the cat moving up to him. It was all still so surreal to him to be in such a position, being used by anyone that was sent into the room he was effectively imprisoned in.

A choking gurgle filled the raccoon's ears, his own he realized, as the thick stalk of flesh triggered his gag reflex but bludgeoned its way through. It was a cavalry charge into an undefended flank, and before his body could properly attempt to defend itself, the muscles of his throat simply had no room to move.

Adrian's eyes welled up with tears that soaked his cheeks as he clawed desperately at the cheetah's solid thighs, his mind abuzz with panic as his air was cut off. The cheetah held him in place with one hand, sighing contentedly as his companion stepped up beside him.

"Oh hey, next week," The feline said conversationally, looking over to the ram. "I've got a mid-term in that comms course. Mind helping me study?"

"Sure thing man," The ram pulled down his shorts, clearly unperturbed about the whole situation. "That's with mister Miller, right?"

The cheetah pulled Adrian back, stealing him from the edge of blacking out. The raccoon coughed and gasped, tears falling from his eyes as he fell forward against the feline's legs.

"Yeah, I swear he's got it in for me," The cheetah stepped back, nearly letting Adrian fall to the ground, but the ram quickly stepped in to brace him. "I don't think I've gotten higher than a seventy on any of his tests or projects."

The ram took hold of Adrian's hair, pulling his head back and feeding his cock past his parted lips. He got farther than the cheetah had before his gag reflex kicked in, clearly weaker than before.

"Nah, he just likes to pick on people," The ram began grinding his hips, his cock now glistening with ample amounts of raccoon saliva, as even more of it dripped from the corners of the smaller male's muzzle. "He only picks on you if he knows you can take it, man. You just have to apply yourself a bit more. We'll get you through this, promise."

Adrian's brain was a jumble of thoughts and worries and utter confusion. His libido was in overdrive, pre leaking in strands from his cock at what he was doing. The idle conversation the two jocks were having, in spite of what he had expected of frat guys, was in its own way, sweet and uplifting.

'I guess they're just like the rest of u-'

He was just about to admit he had pegged these jocks wrong when the cheetah once again took over, pulling Adrian's muzzle to his crotch and force-feeding him his cock once again. Coherent thoughts were driven from his mind as airflow warnings chimed and he was forced nose-first into the feline's pubic fur. The fact that this time it seemed easier was lost on the raccoon as fresh tears appeared, and he accepted that all he could do was sit there on his knees and take it.

"Dude, condom," The ram held one out to his friend, already having slipped his own over his throbbing shaft. "They wanted a tally kept."

"Fucking hell," The cheetah growled but pulled away, freeing Adrian once again for only a moment as the ram took his place. "Was fucking close."

"Need to work on that, man." The ram closed his eyes as he set his hips into a steady rhythm, patient where his friend was reckless. His panting breath was swiftly becoming music to Adrian's ears, even as the ram before him took them in firm grips to hold his head steady.

Drool dripped lewdly from the corners of Adrian's muzzle. Thick strands of it swinging lewdly as the raccoon was held in place to ensure his job would be finished. Two huge orbs slapped wetly against the matted fur of his aching throat, and he found himself doing his best to press forward into the thrusts. He wasn't aware of the hunger settling into his mind, the same hunger that wailed in sorrow when his backside was left empty.

The void needed to be filled. Adrian needed to be filled.

His left hand abandoned its position on the ram's thigh, his fingers slipping down between his plush ass cheeks. They breached his lube-slicked ring, three this time, just as the ram reached his climax.

Feeling the condom balloon in his throat was alien, but not in any way unpleasant. With the cheetah openly stroking himself as he watched his friend unload into their toy mere inches away, the only thing Adrian desperately wished for was that he could taste the flood of cum that was released from the bleating ram.

"Fuck dude," The cheetah growled, enough of a signal for his courteous friend to pull his gloved cock out of the way. "G-gonna... FUCK!"

The ram couldn't remove his hand fast enough as his friend grabbed Adrian's head in a vice grip. The slightly longer shaft plunged fully down the raccoon's throat and instantly began pumping the condom full of his seed.

It took them both some time to unwind from their climaxes, but once they came down from their high, it took them no time at all to remove their filled condoms. Two more trophies were added to the string around his neck.

"Looking forward to seeing you 'round." The ram may have winked at Adrian. From what little the raccoon registered, it sounded as such.

He collapsed toward the back of the closet, staring up at the ceiling and the lone, dim light that illuminated it. No care was given to the streams of drool now slowly running from his muzzle to the back of his neck. Adrian was too busy trying to get his breathing under control to even notice it.

"Ah, already in position," A voice carried to his ears, but he wasn't surprised. This was how his night would continue, and in his lust addled state, the urge to please that massive fucking dick of a wolf, took full control.

A huge horse clopped up to Adrian's feet. His fur was black as pitch, the only hint that he was even present was the lines of light from above illuminating his silhouette. Even with only that, the outline of his short cropped mane, to the edges of his broad muzzle and shoulders, all the way down to his generously protruding cock. The edges of it glistened sharply however, evidence enough of a condom already present on the fat shaft.

His lust was checked once he realized the horse had already knelt before his prone body and pulled his legs apart. The horse was now a simple black form above him, the light now barely able to highlight his body. A massive mushroom headed cock pressed insistently against Adrian's ass, and to his own surprise, it popped past his abused ring with only token resistance. It nearly felt as big as his sponsor's knot, and the cry the raccoon let out as he was taken on the floor of the dim closet could have overpowered even the music outside.

The equine grunted as he forced more and more of his cock into Adrian's squirming body, the tightness around his shaft earning the raccoon a small amount of respect from the larger male. He was still going to make it hard for Adrian to walk the next day, but that wouldn't be his problem. At least the bitch could take it.

Adrian wrapped his legs around the horse's waist, silently begging him for more. His shirt was soaked with sweat, riding up along his torso to expose his slender frame. When he looked down between his legs, at the nameless black mass violating him in his own musky prison, he could have sworn he could see his lower abdomen bulge with the equine's final forward thrust.

Power oozed from the male above him, and it wasn't just his superior strength, position, or cock. The blackness of his fur made any details impossible to pick out, so when he began picking up the pace of his thrusts, it was all Adrian could do to not imagine himself being taken by some demon, born of the deepest pits of debauchery.

"Oh fuck!" He couldn't manage a shout at that point. His words simply came out as a weak squeal, his voice rasping from the assault his throat had weathered up to that point.

The horse leaned back, taking hold of Adrian's ankles and spreading his legs as wide as the small room would allow him to. Hips rolled and abs clenched, powering his massive cock back and forth at a pace that left Adrian breathless, gasping silently as all sense of discomfort or pain was buried under the avalanche of his own violation.

"Next time," The horse spoke as if through clenched teeth right next to Adrian's ear as he hunched over the small raccoon in such a way that his thrusts were simply a courtesy. Barely two inches of equine cock was able to withdraw from his ass. "I'm going to fuck you properly."

His brutal humping movements were swiftly becoming more erratic as Adrian could feel the massive sack bumping against his ass began to draw closer to the horse's body. A hard push in, lingering for several blissful seconds, then withdrawing only slightly to allow the larger male to readjust and sink in again, as if he was a pet constantly walking in circles looking for the perfect place to lay down.

Heavy breaths washed over Adrian's hair and flattened ears as the horse grunted and clenched his teeth. The sound he made when his orgasm overcame him was more akin to the rumbling bass of a passing train, the kind of sound that one could feel vibrating through their bones. He clearly didn't want to release a full on bellow of climax, but he could only do so much to keep it as quiet as he could.

Even then, it drowned out the music beyond the walls of the closet.

Nothing up to that point, not even the horse himself, could match the pressure that was now building up in the raccoon's insides. The condom the equine wore ballooned obscenely, and as he withdrew his gloved cock, the end of the rubber acted almost like a knot. It took a firm pull to get it past Adrian's gaping ring, and it slapped lewdly onto the hardwood beneath the two panting males.

Adrian, in spite of his exhaustion, managed to lift his head to look over the midnight horse that had just used him, already holding his used condom in one hand and reaching down to yank the raccoon into a seated position. His backside screamed, and his joints all ached in unison, but he held his new position as the horse tied his mark to the back of his neck string. The weight of it pulled the string taut around his neck, even with the other condoms acting as a counter balance along his collarbone.

"Be thankful I was willing to waste that cum in a damn condom," The horse stood up straight, looking down at the panting dishevelled raccoon. "Next time, you're gonna choke it down."

With that, he left, and Adrian found the threat nothing if not arousing.

Long minutes passed in relative silence, almost as if he had been given a break. The raccoon could barely move after such a brutal train of fucking, and the closet was so musky at this point that he couldn't even recall what fresh air smelled like. There was a haze over Adrian's vision, almost like a dream sequence in a bad soap opera, but he realized that all of the physical exertion had simply pushed him to the point of exhaustion.

The door opened yet again, causing Adrian to jump slightly as the dark isolation had settled over him nicely. A canine of some species walked in, followed immediately by a stag with an impressive rack that forced him to duck through the doorway. When the door closed, Adrian noticed in the gloom that his rack was decorated with a half dozen bras, maybe even a pair or two of panties, though he couldn't imagine why, after so many conquests, he was present in this little closet with a run-down cum dump like him.

"Well you've been teased all night," The canine said, nudging his partner. "Wanna pick an end?"

"Just need somewhere warm and wet to rest my dick finally," The stag replied, undoing his pants and, to Adrian's surprise, completely kicking them off. "Could you grab us both a water before we start?"

"Sure thing." The canine disappeared outside, leaving Adrian feeling more awkward than he had felt when he first entered the small room.

"Hey." The stag said, reaching out a hand.

Adrian looked at it for a moment before reaching for it with his own to shake.

"So Darren offered you a life line," The taller male moved behind Adrian, leaning against the wall and sliding down into a seated position. "And holy shit have you taken to it."

Between the stag's legs, a large cock rested, half erect, draped over top of two glorious orbs. He didn't make any move to command or otherwise force Adrian to get to work, but the raccoon felt like it was expected at this point, so he sank to his knees and placed himself between his new customer's legs.

"Get to it if you want," He said, almost disinterestedly. "I doubt there's much left of your gag reflex by now, but I'm going to make sure it stays that way."

Adrian reached out and lifted the hefty shaft before him, transfixed by its girth and veins, the way it widened gradually right below the head before slimming down ever so slightly closer to the base. He would be a hard initial entry for anyone, but once inside, sitting on this tool would feel incredible...

"Don't forget this," He laid an already open condom across Adrian's muzzle before gazing over to his phone. The light illuminated his handsome features, along with a small rainbow of coloured bras and indeed, at least one pair of panties.

He took the condom, placing its opening over the fat head of the stag's dick, then began rolling it down, surprised to find his fingers failing to connect around the thickest point of the shaft. The cock before him was soft enough to have some give, but as he stroked the rubber down to the base, it flexed and became momentarily hard as a rock.

As he lowered his muzzle to the gloved tip, the door opened and the canine returned, two glasses of water in his hands. He held one out to Adrian, who swiftly grabbed it and greedily drank down the cold contents as if he hadn't drank anything in weeks. The stag took the other, setting it down next to himself and turning from his phone to look the raccoon directly.

"So, like I said earlier," He started. "I just want a warm and wet spot to rest my dick for a bit. Once you get that muzzle of yours to the base of my cock, you're going to keep it there until I say otherwise. Figured I should take part in this little initiation since, you know, president of the frat and all..."

He turned back to his phone, oblivious to the shock that plastered itself over Adrian's face.

"Not off to a good start." The deer said without looking at him.

The raccoon dropped his muzzle to the large cock, almost inhaling half of it in his rush to appeased the one fur who held his future in the fraternity in the palm of his hand. All of what he was going through could be rendered entirely pointless by this one person, and knowing that gave Adrian the resolve to fight down his resurgent gag reflex and sink lower and lower. Tears welled in his eyes once again, though he was sure he should have been out of them at that point, but he managed to suck in one deep breath and relaxed his throat enough to bury his nose in the stag's thicker pubic fur.

"Good pledge," The stag said, rubbing the raccoon's head. "Clearly been getting seen to on this end. How is he back there, James?"

Even if he wanted to gasp, holding his breath around the massive cock snaking through his muzzle and throat would have stopped it from happening anyways. The canine that had brought in the water hilted himself in Adrian's abused ass in one savage thrust. The only thing that kept his hips from coming flush with the matted fur of the smaller male's ass was a thick knot, but even that was already nearly able to breach him.

"_Holy_shit," James exhaled happily, taking a firm grip on Adrian's waist and grinding his hips forward. "Back end's fantastic even after, what, four dicks?"

Adrian could feel the canine tap each condom hanging from his necklace, hefting the largest resting between his shoulder blades.

"Fuck, he even took Samson apparently." James let the full condom drop back against Adrian's back, replacing his hand on the raccoon's hip to keep him steady while he started thrusting.

"Well," The stag said, looking down at the glassy-eyed male currently choking on his shaft. "Colour me impressed. Darren could probably claim you for real now, but let's make entirely sure that you're good to go, shall we?"

"Better s-safe than sorry!" The canine began thrusting with shallow pumps of his hips, grinding his bulbous knot against Adrian's ring. "Frat treasurer, by the way."

Polite instinct made Adrian attempt to respond, but the only noise he was able to make was a choked gurgle as his airway was thoroughly plugged. The stag kept him locked firmly in place with a single hand while he glanced through whatever he had open on his phone, seemingly content to slowly suffocate the raccoon before him while he read texts.

Adrian was surprised that he wasn't already gasping for air, but he could feel that threshold approaching nevertheless. His mind was torn between focusing on his rapidly diminishing store of air and the flares of pain shooting up his spine as the canine's knot battered insistently at his abused ring. It felt like he was close to being able to tie, but the raccoon had more pressing concerns as he tried to pull away from the stag's crotch.

The larger male's grip held him firm however, even as Adrian redoubled his efforts to retreat. His lungs were burning, but still the stag didn't relent, his gaze still locked on the sharp blue light of his phone, looking positively disinterested. Once more, the raccoon found his vision clouding with tears as his reserves of air ran out with a choked cough, but it was at that moment that two things happened.

The fraternity president pulled Adrian's head back, letting a torrent of saliva and precum flood over his crotch, and at the same time, the canine behind the pledge slammed his hips forward, grinding his knot against Adrian's tailhole. He popped inside, adding to the cacophony of sensations overpowering the raccoon between the two seniors.

Neither male gave Adrian much time to adjust or recover. As soon as he sucked in his second lungful of much needed air, the stag pressed him down onto his cock once again while the canine began attempting to tug his knot out of his ass.

"Hoo-boy," The canine grunted, grinding his hips forward once more before giving another solid backward tug. "Guess he wasn't as prepped as we thought."

"Speak for yourself," The stag replied with a chuckle, ruffling Adrian's hair again while keeping him pinned down. "He's got a throat like a pocket pussy."

Had there been any sense left to Adrian at that moment, he would have been blushing at the objectification, but he was too busy trying to keep himself from panicking and losing the air he had managed to keep in his lungs. He blinked away more tears, gurgling around the thick slab of meat in his throat each time the canine behind him pulled back until finally, his knot popped free.

The stag lifted his head up once again, giving him another few precious seconds to refill his lungs, only to force him down the moment his companion drove his knot home yet again. Being assaulted so roughly from both ends at the same time left Adrian with little chance to even register the dulling pain radiating throughout his chest and lower body, even as the canine's knot forced him open again.

Being knot-fucked, let alone being tag teamed or simply being gangbanged at all, was entirely new to Adrian. In those brief moments where the fraternity president pulled his hair to remove him from his cock, the raccoon was left torn between dreading the canine's withdrawal, and eagerly lusting for that overwhelming bulb of flesh locking him in place under his tail again.

Long brutal minutes passed in gurgling, squelching bliss for all three males. The canine was now freely knot-fucking Adrian with very little resistance left to oppose his harsh thrusts, while the raccoon himself was finding each dive onto the stag's cock lasting longer and longer as his lungs were given a thorough exercise.

Adrian's shirt was drenched in his own sweat, in addition to the saliva and lube from the still slick condoms bouncing from the string around his neck. He was only vaguely aware of his own package bouncing back and forth between his aching legs, unused, ignored, useless, with thin strands of precum swinging from the tip and sticking occasionally to his shirt or thigh or even the floor beneath him. Lube ran freely down his inner thighs in thick rivulets from his gaping pucker, more and more forced out with each slam of canine knot. His muzzle fared no better, but he had certainly gotten into the spirit of holding the entirety of the stag's throbbing length as deep in his throat as possible.

Adrian's muzzle was soaked in his own saliva, but he did his best to swallow what he could if only to help stimulate the fat cock blocking his airway again and again. The raccoon took it as a personal point of pride that the stag had abandoned his phone to focus more on guiding his head up and down his shaft, grunting and groaning along with his compatriot at the smaller male's rear. At first, the two had been in marvellous synchronicity, the cervine overloading Adrian's attention by forcing him down on his cock while the canine's knot bludgeoned its way past the raccoon's tail ring. Now, they were just two rutting males, violently thrusting and humping the almost entirely limp pledge between them.

"Time, fuck," The stag grunted, his eyes screwed shut as he fought off his impending climax. "Time to hand off."

"Y-yeah," The canine replied, hands gripping Adrian's hips tight to keep his body steady. "Sounds, sounds fucking good!"

The male slammed himself home once more with a final, lewd squelch, riding through his orgasm with reflexive micro-thrusts as his balls unloaded a potent flood of cum into his condom. Likewise, the stag pulled Adrian's head down hard, pressing his nose firmly into the flesh of his solid lower abdomen, gripping his small triangular ears painfully as his body shuddered with release. The pressure inside his throat and ass skyrocketed once more as they filled their gloves, but the raccoon was focused solely on enjoying the twitching of their cocks, lodged so deep inside him he thought it was possible their tips would connect midway.

Both of the frat seniors held him firm, unwilling to so much as adjust their positions as they rode out their orgasms. Every twitch, every flex of Adrian's inner muscles made them grit their teeth harder as their sensitive organs finished what they were designed to do. Before long, both began the slow process of withdrawing from the shivering pledge, the canine's knot now encountering next to no resistance as it quite loudly popped free from under his tail.

"Fuck," The canine panted, savouring the sight of Adrian's ruined backside and gaping hole. "He still conscious?"

"Yeah he's still here," The stag was already rolling his full condom off of his cock, finally releasing the raccoon's hair. "Gonna make a damn fine member of the fraternity, I think. If Darren gives his endorsement. Now clean."

Adrian's ears fell flat. He had almost forgotten about the wolf that was responsible for this entire situation. Though perhaps laying the blame on him wasn't entirely fair, considering the raccoon had gone along with it at every step. His nervousness at each point had been entirely subsumed by his libido and lust, leaving him just a simple cock-hungry toy for the frat brothers to use.

He hungrily slipped the stag's bare cock into his numb throat, relishing the chance to finally get a taste of an uncovered cock and the tangy cum that still clung to the softening flesh.

"Wanna go get Darren?" The president actually rubbed Adrian's head gently, almost comfortingly, as he polished his dick. "Think this lil' guy is ready for his final test."

"You got it!" The canine tied his condom off so it hung next to the horse's, letting even more lube begin to soak into his shirt.

"So you've won over the senior brothers," The stag mused, running his fingers through Adrian's hair. "That means as far as we're concerned, you're in."

Adrian slowed in his ministrations, trying to clear the lustful fog over his mind to listen to the cervine before him. His muzzle moved to the large orbs hanging beneath his slackening shaft, and the standing male continued.

"But, since Darren is the one that gave you this chance," He said, pulling the raccoon away after a few moments and handing him the second glass of water. "He's the last hurdle you've got to clear. Pretty sure he's already set the goal and you're well aware of it, so all I can do at this point is wish you good luck."

There came a knock at the closet door, and as Adrian gulped down the last of the water, his mind cleared enough to finally register the silence beyond the walls.

The party was over, or at least it had moved elsewhere, it seemed.

"Enjoy that knot of his!" The stag clapped Adrian on the shoulder, nearly knocking the exhausted male over, before grabbing his pants and walking out the door.

He didn't even bother putting the pants on.

Though Adrian was about to call out to the cervine to point it out, his voice caught in his throat as Darren, the massive wolf and his fraternity sponsor, appeared in the doorway. The canine had lost his shirt, exposing his tightly muscled form to all who cared to look. The mere sight of him made Adrian's ears pin submissively to his head, even as he braced himself against the wall next to him on shaking legs.

"Fuck I didn't think it'd smell quite like this," The wolf's nose wrinkled as he stepped into the closet. "Come on, not finishing this in this stuffy place."

He stepped aside, and at first, Adrian didn't know what to do.

The confined space was saturated in musk and heat, and the raccoon had grown accustomed to it. The air outside certainly didn't smell fresh due to the party that had been going on, but it didn't feed his libido like the air inside the closet did. It was also several degrees cooler outside, and as Adrian took a few reluctant steps forward, he found himself involuntarily shivering as his sweaty body was exposed to the cooler air.

The raccoon nearly collapsed as soon as he left the support of the closet wall behind, but Darren was right there to catch him. Almost tenderly, the wolf picked Adrian up and cradled him against his chest, starting to walk through the eerily silent house.

"Didn't think they'd be that rough," He said, carrying Adrian as though he weighed nothing at all. "Surprised you're still awake."

"H-hard to sleep." Adrian managed, unsure if speaking was the best of ideas.

"Well, one last hurrah before you get to pass out." Darren chuckled darkly as they ascended the main staircase to the third floor of the large fraternity house. "Hope you're ready for the final exam."

Exhaustion plucked at the peripheries of Adrian's vision, but the wolf's words sent a fresh jolt of energy up his spine. The feeling of emptiness under his tail came to the fore of his thoughts once again, warring with his body's pleas for sleep. On the one hand, he rejoiced when Darren pushed open his bedroom door with his foot and his gaze instantly fell on the bed, but on the other, he realized that he was about to face his thickest challenge yet, and he wasn't sure just how long they would be at it.

Darren dropped him unceremoniously onto the firm mattress, and Adrian would have passed out right then and there if not for the weight settling above his prone body and the nose pressing into the nape of his neck. The wolf inhaled deeply, a deep rumble rolling around in his throat as he, in one swift movement, ripped Adrian's shirt open, tearing the seams and throwing the fabric to the floor. He then pressed his larger body down against the raccoon weakly writhing beneath. A now familiar shape pressed under his tail, prodding and slipping against the still lube-slicked fur between Adrian's plush cheeks.

The raccoon groaned, desperately wanting both a chance to rest his aching body and to be claimed once again by the wolf. He knew the decision wasn't up to him, and he wasn't even convinced that that was a bad thing. He was a toy, a sleeve for this canine's dick and a convenient hole to be filled with cum.

Just by the feel of the tapered tip of Darren's cock as it found and pressed against Adrian's still slightly gaped tail hole, the raccoon knew he wasn't wearing a condom. All of the other frat brothers had been purely for wearing out his muscles, which was even now parting swiftly under the constant pressure of the wolf's insistent cock.

Adrian couldn't even claim discomfort at the fresh entry, his body was so beaten down by the rough use it endured through the evening that even the fattest part of the shaft only made him whimper slightly. It took nothing for Darren to hilt himself, and from the sound of the growling above him, it seemed that he didn't mind the lack of tightness.

A roll of his hips, a squelch of lube, and a squeak from Adrian's throat.

The first few were slow and gentle, but Darren was quick to pick up the pace. Before too long, Adrian was being drilled into and withdrawn from so fast that his lower body was bouncing on the bed. His fingers clenched tightly on a pillow above his head, pulling and squeezing on the fabric as his brutalized body was assaulted once again.

"N-not gonna draw this out p-pledge." Darren growled, his massive knot already starting to force the raccoon's tail hole open wider and wider.

The canine from earlier had been decent practice, but his knot, while big at the time, now felt like a tennis ball next to the bowling ball that was Darren. Adrian grit his teeth so hard he thought they would crack as the bulb of flesh hammered against his backside again and again, each successive slam splitting him further open bit by bit.

Darren slowed for only a moment as he grabbed onto Adrian's arms at the elbows, pulling them back along his sides and lifting the raccoon's upper half off of the bed. The better leverage the wolf now had helped drive his knot deeper, and the smaller yelping male became acutely aware of each extra millimetre his ring was being stretched. His body was perpetually pulled backwards by the stronger wolf, leaving him no room to recover from each bludgeoning of his knot.

Even addled as his mind was, Adrian could tell the canine was close. Close to impaling him with his knot and locking the two together in climax.

"Get," Darren snarled, thrusting forward once more and holding there longer than he had before. "Get ready you, you fucking slut."

Adrian's yelps of orgasmic pain went utterly silent as the wolf withdrew and shoved forward one last time. It drove the air from the raccoon's lungs as it overcame the last resistance of his tail hole, popping inside his ass and locking the two together.

"FUCK!" The wolf ground himself against Adrian's ass, unable to really move but driven by the urge to plant his seed as deep as he could force it.

His humping was primal and uncompromising, driving Adrian face-first into the pillow he had previously been gripping. The raccoon had so little energy left in him that he couldn't keep his backside up under the grinding onslaught, quickly being driven bodily into the mattress below. The wolf wrapped his arms around the pledge, continuing to grind down and growling into his flicking triangular ear.

The squelching of their coupling filled the room, and though pain radiated through his entire body, Adrian loved the sounds all the same. Being forced against the soft sheets of the bed in such a way, it took no time at all for the raccoon to reach his own climax, a wet puddle forming under his stomach. He was vaguely aware that it was the biggest load he had ever produced, but with the pressure under his tail growing by the second, he knew it was nothing compared to what the wolf was pumping into him.

It took several long minutes for Darren to finally stop grinding his cock around inside the raccoon, though his hips carried on of their own accord with small, gentle gyrations. It was then, as the blackness of exhausted sleep began invading the peripheries of his vision, that Adrian realized that the electric pulses radiating through his body weren't from the pain of Darren's knot, but of the pulsing of the wolf's entire cock locked inside him.

Just before he lost consciousness, Adrian smiled to himself, imagining the pulses were his sponsor's heartbeat, syncing up with his own.


To say the next morning was awkward for Adrian would have been a severe understatement.

He awoke, partially covered by a blanket and lying on top of a towel that someone had strategically placed under his hips. It wasn't difficult to understand why, either. His tail hole, tender and painful to the questing touch of of his fingers, was still slightly gaped, and somehow still leaking cum from the night before.

The raccoon groaned and his vision swam as he pushed himself up onto all fours on trembling limbs, wincing as his hole clenched and forced a small glob of cum to escape down his inner thigh. Had it not been for the physical evidence, Adrian would have thought it was all just a particularly intense wet dream.

Slumping to the side into a seated position, propped up on his shaking arms, Adrian took stock of his unfamiliar surroundings for the first time.

Streams of light filtered in through slightly open blinds along the right hand side of the room, illuminating everything in an almost surreal golden glow. Discarded clothes on the floor, an open closet on the far side of the room packed to the brim with bags and clothes on hangars, and a noticeably tidy desk under the window itself, all given a rather beautiful aura by the early morning light.

He sat on a queen-sized bed, still dishevelled with several layers of blankets strewn over the mattress and kicked to the floor around him. When the raccoon looked to his right, he noticed a sizable drool stain on the pillow next to his, and he let out a breathy chuckle. Imagining the wolf that had been so imposing the night before with his muzzle open, tongue lolled out and drooling was actually a quite adorable mental image to the raccoon.

To his left, on a nightstand with a small analogue alarm clock and an old style green desk lamp, sat a crisp blue towel, evidently left for him to use. The top of the dresser beyond along the far wall was entirely clear, save for a neatly folded pair of jeans, his jeans. Adrian winced as he worked his way to the edge of the bed, making sure to keep the soiled towel underneath his backside to prevent his still damp and leaking backside from ruining the sheets.

Such a simple change of position almost winded the raccoon, but the urge to clean himself gave him all the energy he needed to push himself onto shaking legs, keeping a hand on the bed to steady himself. As he draped the clean towel over his bare shoulders and made his way, slowly, over to the dresser to pick up his pants, he noticed just how quiet the frat house was. The analogue clock had read seven in the morning, so Adrian reasoned that everyone was still sleeping off whatever hangovers they had earned from the night before.

Now would be as good a time as any to steal away into a shower and actually enjoy the act of cleaning himself.

With the damp towel held loose and low on his slender, now bruised hips, and his pants tucked under one arm, the raccoon made his way to the door.

He pressed his ear to it, but couldn't hear so much as a faint hint that anyone else was even in the house. With the comfort of the silence beyond, Adrian pulled open the door, stepping quietly into the hall towards a number of doors at the far end. One turned out to be a large bathroom, and he wasted no time in slipping inside and locking the door behind him.

Dropping his pants on the counter top next to the sink, it suddenly struck him that he was still wearing his lube dampened shirt. More to that, around his neck, still hung six variously sized condoms.

The weight had never registered to him considering it had been constantly present around his neck for hours at that point. Now that he looked at the bulging balloons, he couldn't help but blush, but not from embarrassment. It was pride. He may have taken only six males, but by god, they put out enough to make it seem like he had taken an entire football team.

There was a small pair of scissors inside one of the drawers, and he was about to snip the string that held the condoms fast, but he hesitated.

Something about having the tally around his neck pressed so many of his buttons that he set the scissors down next to his pants, reached into the pocket, and pulled out his phone. Adjusting the condoms so that all six hung over his chest, he lifted his phone and turned on the camera.

Looking back at him from both his screen and the large mirror above the sink, he saw a slim twinky raccoon, his dirty towel wrapped loosely around his waist with six fat condoms hanging over his chest. The picture itself now held a special place in his heart, and groin.

With the picture saved, Adrian slipped his phone back into his pants pocket, snipped the string with the scissors, and gently laid his trophy next to the sink before turning to the shower.

The raccoon turned the water to scalding, savouring the rivulets running through his fur as he stood under the stream completely motionless for several minutes. A bottle of shampoo happened to have been left in the rack under the shower head, and Adrian felt no guilt as he squirted out a generous amount of its contents into his palm.

Never had he so thoroughly enjoyed the act of showering.

Thinking back to the night before, he felt himself rising to attention, but he simply had no interest in acting on that. His lust had been thoroughly fucked into a coma, it seemed.

Fifteen glorious, gluttonous minutes of hot water and wonderfully scented shampoo passed before Adrian finally felt clean. Turning off the faucet, he took a moment to savour the thick steam that filled the room.

It took him another ten minutes to thoroughly dry himself, and when he was done, he felt renewed. The raccoon's limbs still felt like wet noodles, and his backside still felt like he had sat on an oversized baseball bat. His joints screamed at him as he bent over to slip into his underwear, then pants before pulling them up to his waist. It felt odd wearing them again, but he took comfort in knowing that his aching backside was covered and secure.

As secure as pants could be in a frat house at least...

Adrian cast his mind back to the night before and realized that Darren had shredded his shirt, leaving him with nothing to cover his upper half.

Going shirtless was nothing new in town, especially during the summer, so he wouldn't draw any undue attention even so early in the morning. It wasn't something Adrian ever felt confident enough to do, but he was desperate and lacked any other options.

With a heavy sigh, the raccoon slipped his trophy necklace into the trash bin next to the counter, then left the bathroom.

He was still somewhat perturbed by the utter silence of the house, but once again, he decided to chalk it up to widespread hangovers once again. Still, Adrian kept his steps light and silent as he descended to the ground floor, surprised that all signs of the party the night before was gone. Everything was in order and clean, without so much as a single disposable cup to be seen.

The heavy wooden door of the frat house squeaked only slightly as he pulled it open, a light breeze of fresh air washed over him and forced his eyes closed so he could savour it. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly became aware of a half dozen furs sitting on lawn chairs sipping various coffee's judging by the smell. All of them perked up and turned to him, freezing him in place on the porch of the house, silent and stupefied.

"He's finally awake!" The stag, the fraternity president, jumped from his lawn chair, arms thrown into the air with a great smile on his muzzle.

"Finally? It's seven AM..." Adrian thought to himself as he stepped down the front steps, his ears flattening as the other senior members, all of whom had taken their turns with him.

"Guess what pledge?" The canine treasurer gave a toothy grin just before stepping aside to let Darren approach the raccoon.

"Congrats kid," The wolf was handed something by his canine colleague behind his back. "You're in."

Darren produced a brand new t-shirt, the fraternity symbols embroidered over the left breast and handed it to the shocked raccoon.

He held it in his hands, looking over the symbols and rubbing the soft fabric between his fingers. Adrian barely registered the congratulatory pats on his back and playful jokes and honest compliments as it settled in his mind that he was now part of the fraternity of his forebears.

As the group began to make their way inside the house, Darren guided him along, leaning down to whisper in the smaller male's ear.

"Consider yourself a sort of secretary for the senior brothers," He said, the low drone of his voice making Adrian shiver. "Just think about what that entails."