Chapter 23: adventures in other dimensions ; Tales of the Galactic Guardian’s Part 1

Story by Ginsenshi on SoFurry

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Author's note: Had to borrow a old Christmas story gift from Hikari-kun, a ex of mine to do a scene. I don't thihnk he'll mind. its badly edited to fit the scene, but hope it works. my apologies to the bad edits if he ever reads this.

Chapter 23: adventures in other dimensions ; Tales of the Galactic Guardian's Part 1

Order of the galactic Guardians

The Guardians' Code

ancient and modern codes

ancient code:

Now that you have become a Guardian you must follow 3 basic rules,

or loose the prtection of the power :

First - Never use your powers for personal gain

second - never escalate a battle unless the enemy forces you too

Third and final - - Never reveal your identity.

Modern code:

You possessed powers so you may protect the Galaxy

Use your powers to defend, never to attack

Use your powers to insure justice , ,

never for vengeance,.

to preserve righteousness .

never for selfish glory..

Remember this and they will protect you always

Galactic Guardian's headquarters, Plant Wolfpriden

A city as large as the plant fills the view, thousands of different buildings gathered of all different sizes.

The starfighter landed on the ppad just outside the starport, 3 other craft landing just after the lead fighter. the cockpit opens as the lead pilot jumps from the fighter landing on his feet. the wind blowing his cloak as he stands taking in Wolfpriden in all its Beauty. "C'mon Roe, the Council is waiting on a report." The grey silver wolf nods and turns to follow his fellow pilots into the temple.

Council Chambers

At the very top tower of the temple sat the Council Chambers, a window spanning 360 degrees over looking Wolfpriden's massive surrounding city scape. a Dozen chairs of different shapes and sizes in a circle lining the perimeter of the round room., at the centeral point one chair was larger for the grand master of the Council . The 4 pilots entering the Council Chambers. the large doors sliding shut behind them. "Welcome wolf squadron." a deep but kind voice says from the shadows.

"Master..." they say as they bow at the waist. "Good with the formalities out of the way, what do you have to report?" the now sitted older grey wolf asks, sipping a fine china cup .

"The attack on Evian homworld has nearly decimated the plant . the pilot, ROen Silverwolf starts, taking a seat in a chair. THe others contribute to the report as needed, with the report finished the 4 leave the Council Chambers..

Sometime later private rooms of Guardian Silverwolves

"That could have gone better." A'lex complaned to his mate, while the other was rubbing his naked back. Ro'en lend close near a raised ear nuzzling in. "I know it could have, but it didn't. We're still alive, that's all that manners . Besides don't you think Ace and Connor had a good first mission?" Ro'en nibbles on A'lex's ear causing him to moan out. "Yeah, they did its good their mates otherwise they wouldn't have made Knight together."A'lex 's moans get a bit louder and heavier.

"Well the Council doesn't look down on relationships between team members, after all their encouraged." Ro'en says as his arms wrapp around A'lex's waist. "Well let's hope their bonding and not killing each other while there in the lower cities. tonight."

Ro'en smiles, "They'll be fine." Ro'en resures as he starts back nibbling A'lex 's neck.

Lower citiws, Club rainbow

THe techno music poors out loud , causing Connor to grip Ace's hand tighter. as they get closer to Club Rainbow . "Why did I let you talk me into this, again ?" Connor wasn't one for such Clubs perfering a normal quite night in a respectable part of the city. like a cheap mom and pop diner with a greasy burger and fries with a none deafaing DB of music. "Its just one night, you promised you'd give it a try." Ace was putting on his best puppydog eyes to remind Connor that he loved him. "Damn it Ace! Fine." Connor whines in defeat.

with that they enter Club rainbo, the music overwhelmingly loud to their ears. "Shit!" Ace thinks to himself, maybe Conner was right, I did give him the puppydog eyes so have to try for a few minutes. Connor was fairing no better not even hearing himself think as he held tighter to Ace's paw. THey made their way to the dance floor, both trying to dance,. Connor leading which ended up with Acemoaning in Connor's ear his arousal up as Connor nibbled his ears more.

THey faked enjoying it it for a hour until they both gave up and left CLub Rainbow , making their way to Wolf's Point Diner; where they sat recovering . "We're nevver doing that again Ace." Connor sat there his ears down and his cloak off next to him on the bench seat. Ace's ears where the same, down in shame, his cloak off next to him, his tunic soaked in sweat ,, clinging to him in all the right places, peking Connor's attention. "Let's just get a burger and some fries and head home, then I cann help you out in the

shower with those sticky clothes." Connor offered eyeing Ace's disheveled state.

"So I still get a reward, even if I ruined our night out?" Ace lit up at the offer, Connor not answering as he waved over a server placing there orders. Their orders came and were eaten quickly, cleaning up the table they left the diner waving down a transport to start making their way back to Guardian HQ. Ace's back was pressed against Connor's front his cloak covering the both of them as they waited, a storm starting to build in the night sky above them.

"So they let fags in the galactic Guardians now?" came a voice from a Allie off the side of the diner. THe views on same sex relationships had changed over the centuries from in Torrance and bigotry to acceptance and normalcy. To where same sex couples could walk down a street hand in hand with no one batting a eye. But there where some who still saw same sex couples being able to serve in the galactic Guardians as a weakness causing the galactic Guardians' peace keepers to weaken their readiness for action. Thinking that a Guardian would put aside their duties for a quicky .

The skunk came out of the Allie getting closer to the pair. "stupid fags, bet your fucking his ass right now." the skunk accused drunkenly. The skunk was so close now Ace and Connor could smell the alcohol on his rancid breath.

"We don't want trouble , we're just waiting on a transport." Connor tried , using his de-escalation training, "Wish I could just use my powers on him, but no have to follow the Guardian code - Use your powers to defend, never to attack

Use your powers to insure justice , ,

never for vengeance,.

." he thought, the words of Grand Master coming to mind

Ace pressed closer to Connor, he was trained for this. his paw itching to reach for his saber and point it at the skunk., "I'm a ginga hogosha

, a galactic protector -I'm to use my saber to defend ." Ace thought his training strong at hand.

The whine of a patrol craft came at a distance, scaring off the would be attacker, Connor and Ace's transport came getting them to Guardians' HQ in no time.

Guardians' HQ -starport landing pad

The craft landed , the two exiting and entering the temple making there way to their private rooms. Their clothes where quickly removed as the door slid shut behind them, as their kissing started, Ace thrown onto the bed, Connor atop him as he grounded into Ace's exposed backside, his length already dripping pre as his cock pressed against Ace's hole. The two shepards moaned at the contact. Connor picking Ace up bridal style carrying him to the shower..

THe warm water cascaded over Ace , who was pressed against the shower's wall, Connor behind him, ready to push in. "Ready hun?"

"Well let's see haven't done it since before the mission..." Ace starts , as he presses himself against Connor's hard length. Connor kisses the back of Ace's neck. his hands being placed on ace's hipps. Ace leans against the wall presenting his, lubed, ass to Connor as he redirects the water to flow on the opposite wall to avoid washing away the lube. he grabs the lube from where he left it last and applies more to Ace's tail-hole for good measure and rub some onto his rock hard cock. Connor lines himself up and leans onto his back, giving Ace a neck a quick nibble.

Connor licks his cheek as he presses forward, his cock easily passing through the ring of flesh and slide up to the hilt without any issue. he pauses for Ace to get used to it and kisses his cheek.

"You still good?"

"Ah, so full, this is what I've been waiting for."

"So I can continue?"

"I'm just wondering what's taking you so long to continue."

Connor nipps his ear.

"Smart ass."

He starts off slowly sliding out to just his head and then sliding back in.

"Fuh, that's so good babe."

"Ah, you're telling me. Definitely worth the wait."

Connor picks up the pace a bit and adjust the angle of his thrusts slightly. Given the increased moaning, he hit the angle he wanted. his cock must've been rubbing his prostate with every motion. he reach a hand around and starts to stroke him, using his own motions to assist.

"Ha-ah, that fuh-feels am-A-zing! You-ah sure you haven't du-done this be-fuh-ore?" Ace teases .

"Completely, ah, new to this, uh, luv. Fuh, this feels so good, but, ah, I want to see your face."

Connor pulls out and quickly turns him around and press his back against the wall. Connor lifts him up and slides him down on his cock, using ace's own weight to help add power to his thrusts. With Ace's legs on either side of him and his hands occupied with holding him up,

Ace presses himself closer to Connor . Sandwiched between Connor and the wall, his rock hard cock was being rubbed by their fur as Connor pistons into him a little faster. Connor starts to make out with him, feeling him moan around his tongue as they start to get closer. Connor breaks the kiss for a moment.

"I'm close, hu-hun."

"I am tuh-too, baby."

Connor gives one last hard thrust into Ace and they both moan as Ace feels his cum splatter on their chests and his spasming tail-hole pushes Connor over the edge as well. As he cum into him, Connor feels his legs start to weaken and he sits down before his legs collapse. Ace's weight causes Connor to land less than gently. Connor gives Ace a deep kiss before needing to catch his breath.

"That was absolutely amazing, luv."

Connor gives Ace a tight hug and another deep kiss before lifting him off of him and sliding under the water flow to wash off the cum.

"Come over and join me, "

Connor watches him slide forward and as soon as he reaches his arm Connor pulls him into a hug again and nuzzle at his neck before kissing his cheek.

"Do you know what tomorrow is, luv?"

"I haven't been keeping track of the days, so no."

"It's our anniversary. so happy anniversary , my one and only wolfy."

"Heheh, happy anniversarysexy sherpy ."

Connor gives him one more kiss and help him to his feet before rinsing off his cum and turning off the water.

Chapter 24 : Rangers Displaced in time

Chapter 24 : Rangers Displaced in time Bullets wizz pass two silver grey wolves, and two black and tan German shepherds the shots ringing out all around them."I told...

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Chapter 24: To up hold the Guardian Code ; Tales of the galactic Guardians part 2

Author's note: I kinda like this plot so it continues. Chapter 24: To up hold the Guardian Code ; Tales of the galactic Guardians part 2 Order of the galactic Guardians The Guardians' Code ancient and modern codes ancient code: Now that you...

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Chapter 22: dimensions in danger , Wolf Point under attack

Author's notes: THis is really gong to suck. Chapter 22: dimensions in danger , Wolf Point under attack Roe, Alex, Connor and Ace join their counterparts to fight off a invasion of Earth and Wolf Point. With their Morphers down and Wolf Pride Gundam...

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