Anthro Chocobo TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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And here's the final submission of not only 2019, but the decade :P A Little collab with my bro :thronezweiicon:, featuring myself turning into a buff version of Amatsu. See ya in 2020!Amatsu (C) MyselfChocobo (C) Square-Enix

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Christmas had finally arrived for Peter after a long and often aggravating year, but he had found more than a little comfort from the presence of his friends, both near and far. Gifts had been exchanged along with pleasantries. Alex had been there as well, lending aid and a friendly shoulder, but it was his gift that had left the man confused the most. It was a gift card to a bookstore, but there had been more on top of that.

A note saying that he had something that he could only share in person, and that he would be arriving sometime that night.

"I wonder what time he'll show up at?" Peter pondered, looking over at the clock. "Will he want me to make anything to eat? I do have plenty of leftovers, after all..." He glanced at the leftover turkey, there was more than enough to do for another meal, or to even cut up into sandwiches.

Roughly ten more minutes passed before there was a knock at the front door, breaking Peter from the musings he'd kept himself busy with. Perhaps that was Alex -- he usually texted first, but perhaps he had wanted to keep the exact time a surprise. But when he opened the door, Peter's jaw dropped open as he was wrapped up into a surprisingly feathery hug.

"What... what in the hell?" He gawked through the hug, trying to see just who this was, but with an arm full of blue feathers with a few purple highlights here and there. He was soon able to give himself some room to move about in the visitor's embrace, looking up at them.

An avian beak smiled back at him, the muscles evident as Peter tried to comprehend the tall, broad avian. It looked like a Chocobo, if they were humanoid and hit the gym, and while there was snow sliding off his feathers, the newcomer didn't seem bothered.

"Hey, sorry it took me so long!"

"Took you so... Alex?" He paused, looking up at the blue bird. "That... that's you? But how?" He was having trouble comprehending it. He had seen Alex only a few days ago, and the last time he saw him, he clearly remembered his friend being... well, human. This thing was anything BUT human.

"Long story, but long story short, got an anonymous gift delivered and this happened. Not that I mind!" He chuckled as they moved inside, the tall avian having to duck in order to make it inside, still grinning. Peter had barely noticed that he did have a gift box tucked under his other arm.

"I... I see..." He was trying to take everything in, looking at the big bird. "It looks like it worked out quite well for you either way!" He smiled a little. "I know you said you were looking to hit the gym at some point!"

"Certainly took all the boring stuff out of the equation, I'll admit that!" He gave an avian, squawking chuckle at that, but placed the gift in front of Peter and sat down on the floor, legs crossed. Alex nodded in its direction. "I've got two gifts planned, but open that one first."

Peter nodded, taking the box that was carefully nestled under Alex's arm. "Either way, it's good to have you over here, even if you are just a little bit different!" He smiled, unwrapping the present.

He had to raise his eyes at what was within the box. A few radish-like vegetables were laying there, wrapped in some paper, alongside a card. Opening it up, he read what Alex had written - typed, more like, as he doubted a pen would be easy to use with his large hands.

'After we're done, you're gonna want these."

"Real gyshal greens." He said as he noticed Peter put the note down. "My real gift is an offer to get a bod like this."

"Where... where did you even get these?" He asked, taking a look at the large, leafy vegetables. "Or how were these even made would be a better question to ask!" He picked one of them up, looking over it.

"Honestly, no idea. Just got a craving for them, and they were just... there. I think whomever gave me the gift that changed me to begin with is looking out for me." A shrug as he patted his muscled, feathery belly and licked his beak. "Damn good, though. Think they'd change you too if you took a bite."

"I suppose that makes sense..." He shrugged, taking a look at it. He was never one to eat vegetables, but if it was promising results like his friend, it wouldn't kill him to give them a try. "Here goes something!" He brought it up to his mouth, taking a bite out of it.

It didn't exactly taste great to him, but there was some good flavor buried in there. He just had to eat more, he thought. After all, Chocobos loved the things dearly, and Alex seemed to prove just that. He didn't quite notice the grin, nor the fact that his hair was starting to change color.

"Yeah, I know it's bitter, but it'll grow on you!"

"I really hope so, cause I wouldn't call this a taste sensation..." He took a deep breath, taking another bite out of it, unaware of the changes starting to occur. It didn't taste as bad on the second bite, to which he was thankful for.

Peter soon felt like it was tasting better, the flavor starting to gain some points in his mind. He was also starting to feel pretty damn good, his body starting to gain some muscle tone underneath his shirt, though whether or not he noticed wasn't clear just yet. Alex just grinned, leaning back.

"Oh, trust me. I wasn't a fan at first either."

"Mmm... I can imagine. Then again, I've never been much of a vegetarian to begin with!" He took another bite - indeed, they were tasting a bit better to him, now. "I'm gonna guess that I might have been better to take my clothes off?"

"Mmm... depends on how much you like what you're wearing." A chuckle as Peter definitely felt his body starting to grow taller and broader, his chest now looking rather statuesque as mostly yellow feathers began to sprout there, some featuring splashes of purple. The foodstuff was tasting even better now, something he could easily make a meal out of on a regular basis.

"This shirt is fairly new, and kinda nice, soo..." He chuckled, removing it before his body got too much bigger. "Sadly I don't have anything older close by, and I don't think I'd make it upstairs in time before anything else grew... though I can leave the rest on and have fun with that~" He smirked.

"Oh, please do! You'll be feeling REALLY good soon~"

The chocobo winked, his cock stiffening as he took in Peter's changing scent, the soon to be former human starting to feel rather horny as he polished the greens off. His arms swelled with powerful muscles as his fingers transitioned into a cross between feathers and their normal selves.

"Kweehhh... shaping up nicely, man!"

"You think?" He asked, taking a good look at his growing muscles, noticing the bulge in his trousers. He had soon finished off the vegetable, leaves and all. "I do wonder if you have any more of them... ya know, for later or whenever." He idly rubbed his tented cock.

"Oh, plenty of em'. Turns out I've got a green thumb for em'!" He moved a little closer, showing some eagerness as Peter's ass became muscular, his increased size causing his pants to shred, even moreso as a fan of tail feathers grew in. But their attentions were focused on the rapidly growing bulge as his shaft turned a yellow color, its size, thickness and girth rapidly increasing, as did the size of his balls.

"Wwwarrkkk... lemme help you with that..."

"Kwwwweeehh.... I'm not gonna stop you if you wanna..." He giggled, sitting back against the sofa, the front of his pants soon splitting open entirely, letting his thick, girthy cock spring free, almost slapping the both of them in the face. Alex wasted little time in moving even closer, then wrapping his beak around the Chocobo-to-be's shaft and bobbing up and down on it, trilling and moaning as he did so. Peter's own legs bulking up to carry his muscled frame with incredible swiftness. From the knees down, his skin hardened into brown scales, some of his toes merging as his big toe shifted backwards, giving him three large toes with sharp talons on either foot, and feeling incredible. He didn't find himself missing any of his humanity, either.

"Hh..hhhrraaawwrkkk...." He moaned, throwing his head back as he thrusted into Alex's beak, his hand reaching down towards his friend's dick, wrapping around it as he slowly pumped it up and down. "Oooogghhh... this feels divine...."

"Kwwwweeerrhhhrrrkkk..." Alex huffed in response, his mouth being preoccupied with making sure Peter's transformation felt even better than his own had, avian pre spurting out of both of their shafts, his beak bobbing up and down. Feathers rapidly began to cover Peter's head as his hair shifted into even more feathers, with purple tips. His ears vanished underneath his feathers as his lips began to go numb.

"Wwwwaaaaarrkkk!" He attempted to say something, but found out that he was having trouble thanks to his shifting mouth, his thrusting and pumping growing faster by the second.

As he kept thrusting, his teeth began to merge together, the upper and lower sets fusing to form a powerful beak that slid forwards, the upper half taking his nostrils with it. Whilst his eyes remained the same color, the final erasure of his human self spurred the new, muscular Chocobo onwards to embrace what he'd become, Alex's sucking seeming to pick up in vigor, as if sensing his friend's change.


"I.... hhhrrraawwrkk... I... I'm gonna..." He huffed, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he couldn't hold back any longer, letting loose a low, proud cry as he came with incredible force, some of the excess spilling from the sides of Alex's beak.

His friend couldn't hold back much longer as moments later, he came as well, his seed hitting the floor as he let out a muffled crow of triumph as he swallowed all that he could until their orgasms finally subsided. Pulling back off, he smirked.

"Gotta say... I enjoyed your gift almost as much as you did. You make a sexy 'Boco, Peter."

"He....heh... ya think so?" He smiled, panting, bathing in the afterglow before getting back to his feet. He could feel that they had some heft to them, allowing for some powerful kicks if he ever so desired.

"I know so, but you might want to pick a new name. We're not human anymore, after all!" The blue-feathered one chuckled as he licked some of the seed off of his beak, seeming infinitely pleased by Peter's change. "I'm going by Sand? now. Much better name for me."

"Hrm... how about Amatsu?" He suggested, taking another look at himself. To say he was pleased by the results was an understatement. "Sounds like a fitting name for a Chocobo, if you ask me~"

"I'd say it's perfect for you, Amatsu." Sand? committed the new name to his memory as he gazed at the mess they made, and the shape of the one who had made all of this possible, lurking just outside the window, out of view to most.

"I think we should get back to celebrating the holiday, though. Watch some movies, play some games... snacks. And someone else to join in the festivities!"

"Mmm... I do know a couple of female friends who might be up for joining us. Do you know anyone who'd be able to get here somewhat quick?" He asked, using the rags that were his pants to clean up some of the mess.

"Unless I miss my guess, she's here right now. You remember that raven woman we met a few months back?" He chuckled as said raven made herself known, walking into the room with a few gifts in her arms, the two avians sharing a wink and a smile.

"Well, I see you both are rocking being some rather lovely Chocobos~"

"Am I to assume that you're the one who brought Al... Sand? the special greens?" He giggled. "Not complaining either way!"

"I might have had a small part in that, dearies!" She gave the Chocobo duo their gifts.

The scent wafting from the box confirmed that there were more gyshal greens for them to either eat themselves or give to others. And as they opened them up, there was a gift card in both boxes for whichever store the recipient spent a lot of money at. Shade chuckled.

"Merry Christmas, dears, and a happy new year!"