Freedom and Sins

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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A satanist named Ramon has a spirited debate with a companion of his on the nature of the use of power.

Trade with -

"And tonight on the local news, terrorists have taken over the state capital!" the frantic but excited looking llama said as he looked into the camera, his wide green eyes seeming to be like those of a child that had just been given a new toy to play with. "Both the police and the swat team have arrived on the scene, however the terrorists are holding themselves up within the upper floors of the...

The sounds of automatic gunfire made the newscaster yelp and then duck down onto the ground with a hand covering the top of his head.

That the camera quickly began to shake signified to those watching that the cameraman was very obviously terrified by what was happening. Most of those at home could barely understand what happened next, but to those with well trained eyes it was clear that the unknown person was scrambling to get away from the area as fast as their feet could carry them. It was only after everything stopped shaking around that the viewers could see that the cameraman had grabbed the llama and now the two were back behind the truck that the studio had supplied them with tonight.

The black lion watching the proceedings couldn't help but chuckle at the scene, he didn't like to admit it but sometimes there was something oh so adorable about watching others panic.

When a figure moved up beside him he turned to regard the other with a slow nod before resuming watching the news. The sight of various people in uniform scrambling around was one that the muscular feline couldn't help but silently enjoy. That his crimson eyes found themselves trained onto the figure of a muscular looking black panther was something that wasn't missed by the figure seated next to the black lion, and yet the other said nothing about this fact. The sounds of guns being shot and blood filling the air brought slight amusement to the black lion's handsome features, though his sense of joy was quickly replaced by frustration when the black panther began to shout out orders to those around him. He especially growled when the cameraman zoomed in on the other feline's taut rump.

"You could do something about this situation." the lion's guest stated in a calm and measured tone. "It is within your power."

"Yes," the lion began. "But there would be no point in doing as such." he sighed. "After all, this is a happening that was brought about because of stupidity and willful ignorance," the black lion shook his head like a teacher silently telling off a misbehaving student. "as such, I see no reason to go out of my way to defend the ignorant in this circumstance." That the lion's tail snapped across the floor where it lay was the only sign as to the fact that the other was telling a false tell.

The black lion's guest immediately caught onto this fact and called the other out on the matter.

"You shouldn't lie so obviously."

"Now why would I lie about something like this?" the feline turned to cast his shimmering red eyes onto the other.

"I'm not sure, though I am curious."

"Hmph," the lion snorted and then turned his head back to watch the news once more.

The sight of swat team dragging the injured away from the ground where they lay was accompanied by a scene of several suited individuals moving towards the front doors of the building. When the black panther called for a halt to the charing group with a raised fist the black lion nodded without meaning to. That the crimson tattoo on his chest was slightly glowing with an iridescent light was not missed by the other figure within the room, and yet they made no mention of it.

The suited men moved around the building and soon the news feed found itself being cut off. Once static appeared onto the screen the black lion reached for the remote he had placed onto the coffee table in front of himself with his foot. Using nearly unusual dexterity the black lion grabbed the device with his toes and then brought it forward to his lap. Dropping it onto his front the feline took hold over the remote, flipped through a couple of channels, and then snarled in annoyance.

"Over one hundred channels and not one drop of entertainment to be found on any of them." the black lion scowled before switching the plasma screen off.

Even with the room cast within darkness, as the lights within the house had long since been shut off for the evening, the lion's crimson eyes radiated a pulsating light which allowed him to see all of the fixtures set around him. "I do apologize for being a terrible host, but I'm not in the mood to be of a more hospitable nature at the moment." He said as he set his gaze over his shadowed guest.

"I can understand that, seeing as the one you love the most is in grave danger at the moment." the figure said in return.

The black lion grunted upon hearing those words.

He opened his fanged maw to spit back a retort, but he knew well enough that the other had struck at the heart of the matter happening at present. Closing his mouth the muscular feline turned his head away from the other to stare out the window almost petulantly, his entire body radiating with the repressed emotions bubbling just below the surface.

"You can still correct this situation before life is lost."

"I'd rather not." the black lion pulled himself up from where he was seated to stretch his arms upwards towards the ceiling. That his clawed fingers just barely touched the top of his wall above him was something that delighted the feline to no end, he always loved towering over those around him, and here in his home it was fairly clear that he stood as a king above all. "After all, those in positions of power were warned of this possibility and did nothing." the naked lion gracefully walked around to the sofa towards the dining room area.

The black lion's guest quickly followed after him, and in knowing this the feline continued speaking. "So, again, why should I correct a mistake that was being made by those who already have decided to accept the casualty behind their choices?"

"If not for the sake of the foolish, then what of the innocent?" the shadowed figure asked without judgement.

"There are no innocents in this world," the black lion chuckled darkly as he entered into his kitchen and then started rummaging around for various items within the painted wooden cabinets. "Just those who are ignorant of their place in an ever changing world."

"You say that while knowing that if this current event goes unchecked that the consequences will cause severe repercussions in the future for the one you deeply care for." the statement was more of an assertion of fact rather than a question.

"Everyone chooses their own path in the world," the black lion hummed. "If he should suffer for the actions of others then so be it. I won't become someone who obstructs others from their choices, nor the results which follow."

"And yet those such as yourself have the foresight to see that which is to come and the ability to alter the course of action to prevent unneeded suffering."

"Would that not make me a tyrant by definition if I did so without request?" the black lion asked while going over and to the dining room table and setting down the items he had clasped tightly within his clawed hands.

"There is a difference between tyranny and simple aid."

"But if I acted in such a manner it would not be aid for which I would be giving, it would instead be commandership." The black lion took arranged the items on the table in such a way that it would have been hard for most anthromorphs to tell what it is he was about to do next, but to the figure within the room it was easy enough to see what it was that the other was doing. "After all, to ensure that others do as would be needed to spare them unnecessary pain I would have to give commands that would infringe upon their freedoms," the feline shook his head sorrowfully. "and is that not the heart of tyranny itself, no matter how benevolent it may seem?"

"There is a line between gentle authority and cruel rulership."

"Hah! History has taught those of the future that this is a pleasant lie." the black lion huffed with laughter. "No matter how kindly an order is given, it is still an order that is expected to be obeyed. And, should it not be, then a due punishment will be given, no matter who the offender is, or what station they possess."

Once the items on the table had been carved into a familiar looking pattern the black lion reached up and then placed one of his fingers into his muzzle. Biting down harshly onto his flesh the feline winced as his ivory fangs drew blood. Pulling his injured appendage away from his mouth he traced a set of letters into the cherry wood with his blood. Once completed the black lion returned his digit into his maw, this time to lick the wound he had made. When the symbol on his chest began to come alive with a dark ruby colored illumination the black lion grunted as he felt pain overcome his senses.

The figure watched as the table in front of them began to tremble and then groan as the items the feline had set forth ignited themselves around the name which had been tightly encircled with blood.

"With that said," the black lion growled through clenched fangs. "It is indeed a blessing that fortune is a mistress that so often favors those who are willing to sacrifice what they have in order to win a great gamble."

Upon saying making this statement the black lion let out of pain filled roar, the likes of which shook the entire house.

The next morning the black lion found himself blinking as he heard the pleasant buzzing of his house phone going off in his round ears. Blinking himself awake the feline hesitantly got up from where he was seated, his body feeling like warm jelly as fatigue tried to wrestle him back down into the land of dreams. He resisted however, as it was quite unusual for someone to call him on a Saturday.

Grabbing his phone and then lifting it up to his ear the black lion spoke into the receiver with a very tired, "Hello?"

"Ramon, this is Carrie. Are you free to talk?" a feminine voice asked from the other end of the lion.

"I am." He replied once he recalled the face of the older brown deer that worked for the city's swat team. "What's the problem?" the black lion asked with a very tired yawn.

"Mike was shot last night during the terrorist attack."

"Attack?" the black lion asked in slight confusion, his brain felt like there was a mound of cotton stuffed inside of it at the moment so he could be forgiven for not remembering last night.

"You didn't hear about it on the news?!" the woman asked in clear disbelief.

"Sorry, but I just awoke a few seconds ago, so yesterday is somewhat a blur to me." he said before reaching down to scratch at the center of his chest.

"Well, long story short, a bunch of a-holes decided to try and hold the governor and several others hostage within the capitol building and Mike went in with his team to rescue them." this news made the lion blink for a moment. "He got hurt, but not too badly, though he'll be out of commission for a while. Thank god the bullet aimed for his head missed him." Ramon found himself waking up really fast upon hearing that statement. "Anyway, he's down at the Greystone City Hospital and is asking for you to come and see him." Carrie said.

"He did?" the black lion tried not to admit how happy these words made him, as he often fought hard to keep his emotions in check both on and off the clock, but his traitorous tail decided to let the world around him know how excited he was by waving about drunkenly.

"Yes, so can you make it down here in the next hour?"

"Sure." Ramon answered without thought.

"Good." Carrie replied with a relieved sigh. "I'll be waiting at the hospital for you, just give the lady at the front desk your name and she'll call me down so that I can bring you up to see him."

"Right." With that the black lion heard the other end of the line go click. Pulling the phone away from his ear Ramon couldn't stop himself from smiling as he turned to look back at his dining room table.

The fact that the top of the wood was seared with the name Micheal Pierce was something that might have confused several others but was a fact that only made the satanist smirk devilishly.