Gargoyles: Sparks in the Night 3

Story by inuyashasg1 on SoFurry

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#11 of Gargoyles

After two chapters of build-up Maggie and Brooklyn finally get it on.

The following few days after the revelation of Xanatos's betrayal went by slowly for the mutates. Derick had wanted them to quickly find a new home, but as expected it was hard to find an abandoned place in a packed city. The gargoyles had promised to help them search, but as was common, life got in their way. The mutates were forced to sit in the same lab that most of them had been held captive. It wasn't doing any good for their moral and they were starting to get on each other's nerves. Finally, on an overcast evening the gargoyles arrived.

Talon greeted the large violet leader with a handshake, saying how happy he was to have their help. The two continued to make small talk as the rest of the gargoyles spread out and mingled with the mutates. It was still a bit awkward for the two groups given the previous animosity. Brooklyn and Maggie naturally paired up and started talking far more comfortably than the rest. Claw, the tiger mutate, was a bit awkward around Lexington, Broadway, and Hudson. He quickly slid behind Fang, choosing to let the mangy mutate talk for him. It was hard to say if it was because he was timid or because he was mute. Either way it made it seem like his attitude was in line with the crude man, at least to the gargoyles. As they talked with each other, it became clear that Fang definitely clashed with the more idealistic Broadway as well as Lexington's more tech savvy personality. Only Hudson seemed unaffected by the feline's comments. He had seen the kind of bluster that Fang projected many times before, by both gargoyles and humans. He knew how to deal with it.

After a few minutes to get to know each other, the various conversations moved to potential locations that they could investigate. Goliath was asked about the possibility of any nearby places just outside of the city. The previous few suggestions he had made were all shot down by the panther. Talon was considering the possibilities when he noticed how close Maggie and Brooklyn were getting, making him feeling a twinge of jealousy. "Uh, let me check with Maggie. She may have an idea where to look." He said to the purple gargoyle before walking away. He quickly swaggered over to the lioness mutate, injecting himself into the couple's conversation. "Hi Brooklyn, do you mind giving Maggie and me a little space for a minute?"

"Uh, sure?" Brooklyn replied in a slightly hesitant manner finding it strange that Talon wouldn't just speak to her Infront of him.

The panther mutate noticed the gargoyle's hesitation but ignored it. "Great!" he said in an over the top and slightly aggressive way. When the red gargoyle had walked away, he turned to the feline next to him. He could tell she wasn't exactly thrilled with him interrupting them, but at least she didn't seem angry. "Goliath suggested that we should look outside of the city for a place to live. Not too far, just over in Jersey. Thing is he doesn't know the area too well, so I was thinking maybe the two of us could fly over there and have a look."

"What does that matter. I mean I don't really know the area that well either. I'm from Ohio, remember?" Maggie responded with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, it's just that I wanted some time alone with you. You know, just the two of us." Talon said taking hold of her hands in a romantic way while smiling at her.

She returned his smile with a slightly uncomfortable one of her own. "We've been cooped up with each other for the better part of a week, unable to go out alone because we've been worried that Xanatos might try something. We need some time apart. Plus, it doesn't make sense for the two of us to search together without one of the gargoyles with us. They're the one with the experience hiding from the world. Plus, I think you should go spend some time with him so you can mend some fences." She said as she slid her hands out of his grip.

Talon set his upper lip in a very slight sneer, but then hung his head and sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I'll go with Goliath, and you'll go with Brooklyn"

"Yeah probably, Is that a problem?" Maggie asked, though she seemed to be legitimately asking him as opposed to the aggressive tone she could have taken.

"Pfft, no. It's fine. Why would it be a problem." Talon said brushing off the question.

"Good, because I don't want this to be... awkward or anything," Maggie replied

"Nope, not awkward at all." Talon said as with a cheerful tone as he walked away, but out of the corner of his eye he glared at the crimson gargoyle.

Brooklyn returned a few moments after the panther left. "So, is everything okay? I mean Talon seems to be a bit... put off."

"I gave him a chance to say something and he said it was okay. It's not our problem now." The lioness said while putting her arm around his and leading him towards the exit of the building. "So... what are we going to do tonight?"

The red gargoyle raised an eyebrow, slightly confused what she was asking. "What do you mean? I thought we were looking for a new place for you and the others to live."

"Yeah, we can do that, but I was thinking maybe we could take this opportunity to go on another date. I don't see why we can't do both at the same time. It's a big city after all, there's lots of places to check. Lots of fun we can have," Maggie purred.

The two left the old Gen-U-Tech building, taking to the sky. That's all they did for the next 15 minutes, just flying over the city, enjoying the sights and each other's company. Eventually Brooklyn asked the feline what she wanted to do, as he was still quite new to the whole dating thing. She didn't really have any plans, but she figured that both of them could do with a hot meal. The red gargoyle wasn't quite sure what would be appropriate to get, but she responded by caressing his cheek and saying he's a clever gargoyle. He'll figure something out.

"You grab dinner, I'll get us something to drink. Once you have it, meet me over on that roof. We can have a nice picnic." Maggie said, gesturing towards a skyscraper with a small garden on the roof.

"Okay, I'll meet you there in about 15 minutes," the red gargoyle said grinning. He then gently banked to the right and dove towards the city. Despite what she had said, he really wasn't sure what he should get. It wasn't as though he could just stroll in and get carry out. His options were kind of limited. He knew a couple Chinese places that constantly had deliveries going out. It was common for one of the deliveries to get left behind by accident or get thrown out because the wrong thing was made. However, he didn't know if she liked Chinese food, and even if she did there was so many different varieties that he wasn't sure it would be a dish she'd enjoy. Plus, there was no telling how long it would take for them to make a mistake. As he was considering other options, he noticed a scooter driving down the street with a small stack of boxes tied down to the back of it.

The red gargoyle followed the scooter from above as it went down the busy streets, eventually stopping near an apartment. The driver got off, unhooked the bungie cords that were securing the pizza boxes, pulling off the top two then walking over to the door. He could probably glide down and grab one of the boxes, but he was hesitant to do that. The area was well lit and there were quite a few cars driving by. He decided to wait for a different stop that would be in a slightly quieter, or at least less trafficked part of town. The driver delivered three more boxes before Brooklyn decided to take his chance. He landed next to the scooter and looked at the last two pizzas. One was covered in a huge array of toppings, while the other was just a plain pepperoni pizza. He considered taking both, but that seemed greedy, so he went with what he felt was the safer option.

Brooklyn arrived at the designated skyscraper slightly later than he said he would. Maggie was already there, laying on a well curated lawn of soft grass. He crept over to the feline till he was standing over her, looking down at the fuzzy woman. "Hey there, what took you so long?" She said in a playful tone.

"Sorry, I guess I slightly over-estimated my abilities. I hope you like pizza, because I wasn't sure what else to get." The gargoyle said opening the cardboard box and showing her the golden cheesy disk dotted with dozens of pieces of crispy pepperoni. "I know, it's probably not what you had in mind."

"Relax, I like pizza. I mean, who doesn't?" Maggie said pushing herself to her feet, then walking over towards a wooden table next to a group of bushes and small trees. She leaned over and picked up a bag of ice. She plopped it down on the table, reached into it, and pulled out a half full bottle of Merlot as well as a couple wine glasses. "I snatched this from an outdoor restaurant. Have you ever had wine before?" She asked while pulling the quark from the bottle and pouring the red liquid into the glasses.

Brooklyn went over to the table and leaned against it in a cocky manner. "Of course I have. I was in the dark ages not the stone age. Wine and mead were all over the place, just as common as water. I have almost forty years of experience drinking it, though I'm willing to bet the modern stuff is a little different."

"40 years, how old are you?" Maggie asked in shock at learning that he was older than she was. She could have sworn he was younger.

Brooklyn nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm 38... I think. We don't really keep track of our specific age."

"Well, you look good. I was guessing you were in your mid-twenties." Maggie said while handing him a glass of wine before taking a sip of her own.

"Twenty? I'd still be a kid at that age. Oh wait, duh. I'm not thinking. Gargoyles age a bit faster than half the rate of a human because we turn to stone during the day. First for a year or so we're an egg, then we grow fairly quickly to be the size of say a five to seven-year-old human. We stay like that for about a decade or so. A lot of time we have a growth spurt around fifteen or twenty. We usually reach adulthood in our mid to late thirties. Though, it's not really a set age so much as it is a maturity and responsibility sort of thing." Brooklyn explained to the interested woman.

The feline grabbed a piece of the pizza and folded it in half to more easily put into her mouth, then to a large bite out of it. It wasn't really that hot anymore, so the cheese didn't string as she pulled it away from her mouth which she was thankful for. While it would have tasted better hot, now that she had fur the strings of cheese were a huge pain to deal with. "So..." she started before swallowing her bite and continuing. "How old were you when you reached adulthood?"

Brooklyn blushed then gulped down the rest of his glass of wine and poured himself another. Maggie pushed her cup towards him, and he filled her's as well. "You're going to think this is lame, but I probably wasn't considered an adult until we got frozen in stone. I mean, I think I had what it took to be an adult a couple years ago, but the other gargoyles were a bit more hesitant to let us prove ourselves. I mean we weren't really even supposed to get involved in the last fight at the castle when the Vikings were attacking. Anyway, once we got to the city, I don't think we had any choice but to be adults."

"You know, I don't think that's too different from humans. I mean there might be a legal age when we become adults, but we don't all feel like adults at the same time. I don't think it's just some switch that gets flipped. When I came to the city, I didn't really feel like an adult, but I certainly wasn't a child either. I was living on my own, supporting myself... Or I suppose I was failing to do so. If I had been doing it right, I wouldn't have ended up like this." Maggie laughed, though it was certainly not a chuckle of happiness. "My point is, I don't think we feel like we're adults until we've gone through some shit. Let's us appreciate what we use to have." She looked over to the gargoyle, who was holding a half-eaten piece of pizza in one hand, and an empty glass in the other. The corner of his mouth had dropped, and his eyes were sad. She moved over closer to him, pressing her soft fur up against his scaly chest. "Oh, don't be like that. There're good things that come with it too. I'm not sorry I'm here, are you?"

"No, of course not. This is... this is practically a dream just being here with you." The red gargoyle stammered out before shoving the rest of the pizza in his mouth before he could say anything else to embarrass himself.

"Yeah, what else have you been dreaming about." The lioness asked as she poured the last of the wine into their glasses. "Maybe you're hoping you'll get a little lucky tonight, hmm?"

Brooklyn blushed and smiled. "Well, I'm not sure even my dreams were that optimistic. Now if we're talking about my fantasies..."

Maggie purred and lightly tapped her wine glass against his, making a light ding. "Ooh, you're so naughty. Why don't we see how accurate those fantasies are" He gave her a dopy grin and dinged his glass against her's in return, then the two gulped down the last of the wine.

"So, what exactly were you thinking?" The gargoyle asked while putting down his glass on the table.

Maggie put down her glass then moved over to the edge of the building, finding her legs moving slightly awkwardly. Brooklyn followed behind her, seemingly having a similar issue. Once they were both at the edge, she leaned up against the steel railing and pointed down to a slightly shorter nearby building. "There, see that?"

Brooklyn looked where she was pointing. "The pool?" He asked cocking his head to the side slightly.

"Oh, that's better than a pool, it's a hot tub." The feline said with nearly a squeal of delight. "So, want to go for a dip?"

"Sure, but uh, I don't think I'm going to be able to find swimming trunks that fit a gargoyle." The red man replied hopping up on the railing, then nearly tumbling over, forcing him to flap his wings to regain balance.

Maggie went next to him and whispered into his ear. "I don't have a bathing suit either. Guess we'll just have to skinny dip." The gargoyle's eyes went wide, then she giggled and jumped off the building. "Are you coming or not?!" She yelled at him as she descended towards the hot tub.

Brooklyn didn't need any more goading, jumping off the building. He landed next to her a moment later, stumbling slightly as he made contact. "So, how do we turn this thing on?" He asked as the feline circled the hot tub.

After a minute the lioness found the knobs that turned on the water jets and the heater. She stuck her fingers into the water swishing them around. "It'll be a few minutes for the tub to warm up. Why don't you look around and see if you can find any towels."? Maggie said, getting a nod of agreement from the gargoyle. She watched him walk away, seeing his tail slowly move from side to side as he went. She tilted her head to the side imaging what his ass would look like, then giggled. As soon as he was out of sight, she began to unzip her leotard then slid into the hot tub.

He returned a couple minutes later holding a stack of three fluffy white towels he found in a sealed cabinet near the door to the building. He was surprised to find the feline sitting in the now steamy pool. "What, you couldn't wait for me?" He asked in an accusing but joking manner.

An evil smirk formed on the woman's face as she raised her right leg out of the water and pointed at him. "Oh, I could have, but I figured you already got to watch me undress once so it was my turn. You didn't think I noticed you sneaking a peak at me in the mirror in that shop, did'cha?"

Brooklyn should have felt embarrassed and given the hot feeling from his face he was guessing he was blushing, but that didn't matter. He was feeling emboldened by her flirting. She wanted to see him naked, so he'd show her everything. He reached down to his belt and slowly slipped the leather strap out of the loop, then pulled it back so the metal prong would slip free of its hole. He then the strap through the buckle loosening his loin cloth to the point that it was only held up by his hands. He curled the right corner of his mouth up into a cocky smile then gave the lioness a wink before letting go.

Maggie's jaw dropped slightly. She had imagined what he might be like under that cloth. Most of her ideas had been mundane and human like, just colored the same as the rest of his body. In some ways she'd been fairly accurate, though she was so used to seeing circumcised penises that it never occurred to her that of course he would still have his foreskin. The shape of the shaft was pretty similar to a human, though it's length and girth even while limp was still bigger than the largest man she'd ever seen. Near the base she noticed that the sides of the shaft were shaped slightly differently with a kind of oval bulge that barely protruded wider than the rest. Of course, all of those details were minor compared to the most obvious difference. "Two... You have two dicks." She stammered out, unable to take her eyes off his massive twin shafts, swaying in the moon light as he approached and entered into the tub opposite of her. As his manhood's slipped beneath the water, she was finally able to move her eyes up to look at him. Her cheeks were bright red and was wondering what she had gotten herself into but wasn't about to try and back out of this. "So, uh, do all gargoyles have two of those?"

Brooklyn sank down into the water so that it came up to his neck. He extended is wings outward, feeling the jets of water massage them in an unusual but enjoyable way. It took him a second to respond to her, as he considered what to say. He couldn't tell if she was scared or enticed by his anatomy. "No, well I mean at least not most. You know how all of us gargoyles look different? Well, just like our bodies, our uh, reproductive organs are also differently shaped."

There were a few seconds of awkward silence between the two. Brooklyn couldn't stop himself from taking in her body, it's shape slightly distorting and obscured by the moving water and bubbles. He turned his head to the side and coughed when he realized that he was staring at the furry breasts. "So... I know this might be an awkward question, but you did ask me about gargoyles. I was wondering if anything had changed since you were transformed."

The lioness tilted her head back, bringing her chest up higher so that her nipples were now just above the water line. She rolled her head side to side as she thought about it. "As far as I can tell, not really. Though I'll admit I haven't really done too much. I'm still sensitive in the same places if that's what you're asking." She extended her foot across the tub and rubbed it over his leg and inner thigh making him shiver with delight. "And of course, I'm still turned on by the same things if my taste in porn are anything to go by."

"Cool, that's good to know. One thing though, what's porn?" The crimson gargoyle asked oblivious to what she was referring to.

"Wait, you don't know what porn is? It's uh, well it's basically pictures or video of people fucking. You know, to look at when you're horny and want to get off. I know you probably didn't have any before you were frozen, but I figured you would have stumbled across some by now. Haven't you ever seen any of those 'Adult Only' stores, or the ones with giant 'XXX' neon letters?" Maggie asked, surprised at the red man's naivety.

"Oh yeah, of course I've seen those shops. We saw them the first day we woke up in the city, though we had so much to take in we didn't really look that close. Plus, everything was so amazing and new to us that it didn't really stand out. Later one of us asked Elisa about it, but she just kind of brushed it off and said it wasn't anything we were interested in." The gargoyle responded.

The lioness thought about what he said for a moment, then a smile began to form on her face. "So, do you even know how humans do it?"

Brooklyn gave her a dry look. "Of course, I know how humans have sex. I lived in a castle, not a monastery. Humans usually only care to hide their escapades from other humans. They don't think about what might be able to see them from the sky. We could see them do it all the time, it's just not something we really cared about."

"Yeah but aren't you curious about what might have changed from back then." She asked getting up and moving next to.

"Well, now I am. It never hurts to have a little more knowledge" He said with a chuckle, then leaned over and kissed the feline. The two made out for a minute, eventually slipping their tongues into each other's mouths. He reached around her, feeling his arm move across he small of her back and then resting his hand across her furry round rear. Likewise, she moved her hand, though she choose to caress his inner thigh, slowly moving it up towards his crotch.

Maggie realized that things were starting to get intense, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to stop herself if it went much further. Before things could get more heated, she playfully pushed him back. "Now, now lover, let's not get too hasty. Why don't I take you somewhere you can do some research? Then, if you're really lucky, maybe we can even test out some of your findings. After all, we still have hours till dawn to have fun." With a wink she stood up and went over to grab the towels Brooklyn had brought. While doing so, she was sure to lean in such a way as to give the red stud a good view of her ass, as well as a brief glimpse of her pussy. She then stepped out and began to dry her fur, with Brooklyn close behind doing the same.

The two quickly put on their respective clothes, then took to the sky. Maggie thought about which place would be best to head to. The city had no shortage of adult shops, but she needed a special one. Specifically, one that had little to no security, easy roof access, and preferably in an area with little foot traffic at night. That meant going to one of the seedier parts of town. Before that though, she decided to stop by Elisa's place. She had a surprise for the gargoyle. The two landed at the detective's apartment, finding the balcony door unlocked. The apartment was empty, as Elisa was on duty currently but there was a plain brown bag sitting on the coffee table. She checked the contents, then headed towards the bathroom saying, "give me a minute, I need to change."

"Really? I just saw you naked like ten minutes ago?" Brooklyn said with a shrug.

The feline turned around and walked over to him and poked him on the end of his beak. "Yes, and that was fun, but if I change Infront of you it'll ruin the surprise. Trust me, it'll be worth it."

A couple minutes later the blond furred lioness emerged back into the living room wearing a much more attractive outfit, at least more attractive to the gargoyle. It was the clothing she had picked up from the mall, now modified with Elisa's help to fit her new body. The black leather vest was quite short on her long torso, seemingly shortened so that it better showed off her flat stomach. The zipper ended only about halfway up her chest, showing off her bountiful cleavage, and making her breasts look a bit larger than her leotard had. Her lower body was likewise accentuated by the heavily modified jeans she had previously worn. Before that had been a bit small on her, now they were turned into shorts that absolutely tiny. They barely even went far enough to fully cover her well-muscled butt, completely showing off her long well-groomed furry legs. The last piece of her outfit was small, but really helped tie it all together. That was her open fingered motorcycle gloves with plastic guards over the knuckles to protect them in case of an accident, or in her case, getting into a fight.

"Wow, and here I was thinking you couldn't get any better looking!" Brooklyn said emphatically.

Maggie giggled, "yeah I thought you'd like it. It's much more functional than the old one, but do you know what the best part is?" Brooklyn shook his head side to side. She reached up to the zipper of her vest and very slightly pulled it down. "It's much easier to get out of."

The two kissed once again, then left the human's apartment. It took about ten minutes for the two to locate an appropriate adult shop, eventually locating one with a skylight. They landed silently on the roof and peered through the glass to make sure the building was empty. It was of course, so Brooklyn opened up the skylight and allowed the lioness to slip in then followed a second later. Either thanks to the buzz he still felt from the wine, or the conversation he had with Maggie, the gargoyle wasn't nearly as embarrassed as he had been in the mall. The room was filled with similar paraphernalia to that shop, though the objects here were even more explicit. Tight looking leather outfits with holes in the areas that would normally cover the crotch and breasts. Displays with "special" whips, ropes, chains, and handcuffs along with how to books for something called "bondage" and "domination." Then there were new things such as large silicone dildos of various shape, size, and color. Most were normal human shaped, but some were more exotic like a dog or horse. Then of course, there were racks of dirty magazines and shelves full of VHS tapes with explicit covers that made it clear what to expect.

Towards the back was a door with "Restricted Access" posted on it. That seemed to be what the lioness was most interested in. She had already found the keys behind the checkout counter. She unlocked the door then poked her head through, not quite sure what to expect. There was a chance it was just a storage room, or worse the bathroom. However, it turned out to be what she was hoping for. There was much more to the shop than seen at first glance. The back area seemed to have a couple of "private" rooms, then there was a larger room with a camera set up looking towards a fairly bland wall. The ceiling had several spotlights as well as cloth backdrops that could be lowered. On the opposite side of the room there was an assortment of props and set dressing. Mostly common stuff like a bed, sofa, and other common household items as well as some more out their stuff like fake stonework walls, cage walls, fake gravestones, and what she assumed was a fog machine. To the side of the room was also a pair of VCRs' that allowed for some very rudimentary editing, as well as bootlegging of movies. At least that's what she assumed they had done given the number of bland black tapes with permanent marker labels.

"Grab that couch and bring it over here." The woman said as she looked through some of the original VHS tapes, observing the covers to see if any caught her eye.

"Uh, are you sure we want to use this. I mean isn't sex kind of messy?" Brooklyn asked as he started to push the couch towards the TV.

She nodded her head, then reached down and grabbed a greenish colored spray bottle and a roll of heavy-duty paper towels then threw both to the man. "Yeah, that's why you're going to wipe that thing down before we sit on it. I'd rather not do it at all, but... well we don't have a lot of options. I don't think Elisa would appreciate us using her place. Brooklyn let out a sigh, then began to drench the furniture with sanitizer. While he worked, she inserted one of the tapes and began to fast forward through it to see what it had to offer. She was unimpressed and ejected it and moved on to the next. She did this for a couple more before finding one that piqued her interest. By then he was done cleaning the couch and the two could enjoy the video.

She had him sit in the center of the couch, so he had the best view of the small TV. She sat to his right, leaning up against him with her left arm hooked around the gargoyle's neck. The movie took almost no time getting to the action. The woman in the video, a busty red head was having some sort of trouble with the pipes in her kitchen or something. Brooklyn wasn't really sure since pretty much as soon as the repair man showed up, she was all over him, feeling him up and shoving her hands into his pants. Less than five minutes in she was already out of her top and his trousers were down around his ankles. As he watched the human woman start to work the man's erection, he started to understand why porn could be popular.

While Brooklyn was watching the video, Maggie was more interested with him. She noticed how he was transfixed with the woman who was starting to suck on the repair man's penis. When the feline looked down, she saw that a small bulge was beginning to form in his loincloth. She bit her lower lip, then reached over with her right arm and began to gently massage his growing shafts. This made him nearly jump with surprise. He started to turn to say something, but she stopped him from talking. "Shh, just keep watching the movie." She felt him getting harder as she spoke which emboldened her. She moved her hand up to his belt and slowly undid it, all the time watching the growing bulge. When the leather strap was undone it slipped off his hips and allowed his dicks to move the cloth more freely, standing straight up but still being obscured by the brown material. She took a deep breath and slipped her hand under the clothing and pushing downward till she hit something fairly hard and warm. She hesitated a moment, then looped her fingers around the base of his dick, surprised when she couldn't even completely wrap them around the whole thing. "Fuck, you're huge." She whispered into his ear, making him blush. She partially released his shaft, stretching out her hand so she could grab his second dick at the same time. It was quite a stretch for her to be able to do so, and when she did, she found he felt quite heavy and it took a bit of effort to move both rods simultaneously. She slowly moved her hand up both shafts, lifting the cloth as she did so until it was finally pushed to the side revealing his twin hot, red cocks. Her eyes went wide as she looked at them, finding them even larger than she had imagined especially since she guessed that he wasn't quite fully erect yet.

Maggie finally looked back up at Brooklyn's face, finding him looking down at her with a smirk. "Do you like what you see?" He asked, only for her to blush and nod her head rapidly in agreement. "Well then, do you think we could try what they're doing? I didn't even know that was a thing."

The lioness looked at the TV again, seeing the porn star rapidly bobbing her head up and down the man's dick, occasionally pulling off and licking the head. "Oh yeah, of course I'll do that. In fact, I was just wondering what your dick would taste like." She purred in response. "Blow jobs are one of my favorite things to do, but first why don't you help me out of this. I don't want it to get ruined after all the work Elisa did."

Maggie moved Infront of him and straddled his lap feeling his hard-twin shafts pressing up against her rear. He leaned in and kissed her while reaching to her vest and slowly unzipping it. Once it got to the bottom her breasts pushed it open. He then reached around behind her, finding a series of snaps that were used to hold the vest together while allowing her wings to fit through slits cut into it. He popped them open before pulling away from her. She giggled a bit with joy as she slid her arms through the clothing then tossed it to the side. She reached down and started to work on her shorts as he leaned in and began to kiss her way down her neck. She moaned when he reached her sensitive nipple. After a bit of fumbling she managed to unbutton and unzip her shorts, then had to get off of him so she could take them off. After that she practically tore off her gloves, so she was completely naked. At the same time, Brooklyn took the opportunity to throw his loincloth to the side as well.

The lioness slowly lowered herself down so that she was kneeling in front of him. She reached out and gently spread his legs a bit wider apart then gently reached forward with both her hands, grasping one shaft in each. She then moved them just enough so she could get a good look at his testicles. Just like his dicks, his balls were much larger than any human she'd seen, each one was a tiny bit smaller than a tennis ball and she could only imagine how much he'd cum. She turned her attention to his dicks, moving her face closer to examine them. They were both hardening in her hand, becoming almost as ridged as stone. They were thick too, each one probably comparable to the width of a soda can. She could see large veins popping from their surface as well as some folds and wrinkles of skin as she neared the tip, no doubt from his foreskin that was now fully retracted to reveal a fat, lighter colored cock head. Other than their length, which was almost as long as the distance from her elbow to end of her fist, it was fairly normal. It was almost a disappointment, as she had expected something else when she saw that he had two appendages. That was until she started to move her right hand up his shaft to begin jacking him off. That's when she recalled what she had seen earlier. At the base where she had been gripping, the previously barely noticeable bulges on the sides were now more pronounced and she realized what they were. Just like a dog, he must have had a knot! Her mouth was practically watering with anticipation of experiencing something so alien. She started to lick his lower cock. She had no idea how in the world she was going to handle taking one of these, let alone both, but she wasn't going to stop until she did. When she reached the tip, she swirled her long feline tongue around it tasting a bit of precum, then kissed him right on his urethra. "So, is this something normal for a gargoyle?" She asked, before repeating the same action on his upper cock.

Brooklyn shuttered and sighed in delight. "I don't think it is, but, oh god, it should be."

She pumped both of his dicks with her hands, one moving upwards as the other moved down. His precum was starting to flow freely now, slickening his skin and allowing her to move faster. "If you think this is great, I'm about to blow your god damn mind," she purred seductively. Her mouth opened revealing her sharp teeth as it stretched wide enough to devour his sensitive lower cock head. He was concerned for a brief second before her warm, wet mouth enveloped him. Her amazing lips wrapping around his thick girth while she carefully kept her dangerous teeth from ever touching him. She was pretty sure she was only able to fit him thanks to her mutation, as she doubted her human jaw could have stretched wide enough. As it was, she was pretty sure it was going to be sore by the time she was done, but it would be worth the pain. She bobbed her head up and down just an inch or two, getting use to his size and finding the best angle of attack. Even with just doing that, Brooklyn was moaning and shuttering in bliss. His only experience up until now had been his own, rough hand. Her mouth was another world of wonderful sensations. Then she suddenly took him deeper. The wonderful suction of her mouth and lips gave way to, her tight warm, wet throat. She gagged as she began to deep throat his lower cock. This was hardly her first-time throat fucking a guy, but he was so much bigger it hardly even mattered. It was like she was a virgin all over again, and she loved it. She only managed to get a few inches into her throat, maybe engulfing a little more than a third of his length before she had to stop. She moved her head up and down his dick a few times, taking him to the same depth before finally pulling off gasping for air.

"I sure hope this isn't getting to intense for you. It'd be disappointing for you to cum so soon. After all, I haven't even gotten halfway down one of these." She said moving to his upper cock and kissing it.

"Don't worry, gargoyles can last way longer than this. It's just... You're really good at this." Brooklyn said blushing as she continued to tease his upper dick while also pumping his lower cock.

Maggie purred at his compliment. "Well, I have much more experience than you. We learn by doing..." She cast her eyes to the side and noticed his long tail. "And we learn by experimenting, for example I've never considered how someone with a tail might use it for pleasure. Do you have any ideas?" With that seed planted in his mind she began to suck his top cock, going just as far as she had on his lower, gradually pressing deeper as she went.

The red gargoyle moaned and pet her head, running his right hand through her hair as he enjoyed the feeling for a moment. Then he began to snake his tail down between her legs. All gargoyles had prehensile tails, but the degree of control they had over them wasn't always extremely fine. Just like any fine motor skill, it required practice. Brooklyn did not do this. He mostly preferred to use his tail simply for balance during flight or in a fight as a weapon. He was used to simple or innate motions. What he wanted to do now required a bit more work and concentration, something that was difficult given the pleasure Maggie was giving him, but he did his best clumsy as it was. His tail tip brushed against her, though instead of it just lightly kissing her moist netherlips, it more dragged the top few inches across her groin, down over her pussy and finally up against her rear before flopping off and lightly hitting against her inner thigh. She paused with him in her throat making him think he screwed up, but then she purred around him. This emboldened him and he tried again, this time getting much closer to achieving his goal. He was able to rub only the top inch against her pussy, though he did slightly insert it too which he hadn't intended but her gasp told him it was a good thing.

The two continued to pleasure each other for the next ten minutes. Brooklyn slowly grew bolder, pushing more than just the tip of his tail into her. Just as she moved from one dick to another, each time taking it a little deeper than the last, he too fed a little more of his tail into her. As it got deeper, it also got thicker giving her an idea of what it'd be like when she finally properly fucked him. As the minutes went by, he pushed a good seven inches inside of her, and she managed to get three quarters of his dick inside her mouth and throat. Brooklyn had moved both hands to the back of her head, but he was careful to not really apply any pressure. At the same time, he felt something in her cunt change, a tight barrier that prevented him from going deeper.

Maggie pulled off his upper cock and gasped as his tail wiggled inside her. "Fuck me, you're a fast learner Brooklyn. I can feel you're tail touching my cervix. I've never felt anyone that deep before. Do you think you can go any deeper?" Brooklyn bit his lip and added a little more pressure in her pussy, so the tip of his tail began to barely spread her cervix open. She let out a long, sensual moan. "Mmmm, that's good. Now, why don't you help me go even deeper on you. I know you've been wanting to."

"Are you sure, I mean I don't want to hurt you and... Gargoyles can get pretty rough during sex." Brooklyn responded hesitantly, but she could tell he was excited as his tail suddenly jumped as he shoved it forward another half inch.

The lioness moved to the lower cock then slowly lowered herself to the max depth she could achieve on her own then pulled off, giving the tip a kiss. "I want it all Brooklyn. Show me what a gargoyle can do. Don't hold back on me. She took his dick into her mouth so that its fat head was pressing up against the back of her throat, but not yet entering it. The gargoyle put his hands back on her head, then slowly but firmly pushed her down on it. She could tell he was still hesitating, but as she neared her previous limit, he forced her to go further. Her throat stretched wider than ever before as the tip of his cock started to move under her top ribs. She dug her hands into the couch, her claws tearing the leather as she gagged on his thick meat. She was still a couple inches away from bottoming out on him when he stopped and held her there for a few seconds before pulling her off. All the time his tail was getting more intense inside of her.

"Was that good?" He asked the feline.

A long strand of saliva went from the tip of his lower cock to her lips. She smiled and giggled as her chest heaved, collecting precious air. "That was a good start. This time, harder!" She ordered with a half growl, half purr and a wink. She felt his hands once again press her down, now at twice the speed making her choke audibly as he forced her down even further. This time she felt his upper cock rubbing over her nose and across her soft furred brow, leaving a trail of his precum as it went. She still didn't reach the bottom but got closer. He didn't waste any time for her to get use to the new depth before pulling her back, then forcing her down even harder. Up and down she went, faster and further than each time before. After just the first few times he was already making her go faster than she could on her own.

Brooklyn kept this up for almost two minutes until he finally pulled her off completely when he actually felt her offering some resistance and realized what he had done. She pulled off gasping and coughing as she half fell to the ground. He leaned forward and down, trying to comfort her. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Maggie. I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry I'll..."

Maggie stopped him and roughly pushed him back into the couch with a growl. "Shut up and fuck me!" She forced her head down on his crotch, nearly retching as she finally bottomed out on his lower cock. She could feel his knot starting to grow in her mouth. She reached out and grabbed at his hands, taking a couple of attempts before grabbing them and bringing them to her head. She then pulled back and began bobbing up and down his full length. It took a few seconds for the red gargoyles sex drive to take over, but once it did, she was in heaven. He started to drive his tail in and out of her cunt at the same rhythm her throat was filled. It was like she was getting spit roasted. It was perfect, then it got better as he started to fully penetrate her cervix, pushing his tail into her womb itself. At the same time, he began thrusting his hips as he pulled her into his crotch, fucking her face even harder. In and out he went like a jack hammer on both sides. It was too much, and after just a minute she arched her back and let out a muffled scream of bliss. Her body shook as she felt her first true orgasm in her new body. His knot was nearly fully inflated, adding an extra inch or so to his girth as he bottomed out in her maw, making it far more difficult to fuck her. He had to slow down, only able to drive himself into her stretched mouth a few more times before letting out another worldly roar. At the same time, he released a hot, thick shot of his seed directly into her stomach, as his upper cock sprayed its contents upward splattering his chest, neck, and chin with cum as well as her face and hair. It took nearly twenty seconds for him to finally stop, delivering far more than any human could, enough that her stomach felt as though she'd just eaten a full meal. Or at least she would have, if her mind wasn't still coming down from her orgasmic high. Brooklyn's chest heaved as he held himself in her for a few seconds, but no more. He knew she needed air, so he carefully pulled his fully engorged knot out, feeling her teeth barely graze over it but not causing any damage.

The gargoyle slumped into the couch, his chest heaving and cocks still rigid as the could be. Thick globs of semen dripped down his neck and chest. Maggie was in a similar position, though she was on her back laying on the floor. Both just sat there for a few minutes catching their breath and basking in the afterglow. As she came down, the feline began to lick at the cum she could reach. She hadn't really gotten the opportunity to taste it earlier, and what she was sampling now made her want more. She rolled over and pushed herself to her feet. She approached the gargoyle, finding his cocks both still standing up right though they had softened a little now and the knots were a bit smaller, but it was still quite large. She leaned in, putting a hand on each of the red man's shoulders and started to kiss him. The two started to make out, slipping their tongues into each other's mouth. He could taste himself on her tongue but didn't mind. After a minute she pulled her mouth from his and started to lick his chin and neck, slowly working her way down and collecting every drop of his seed as she went. Eventually she worked her way down to his chest, cleaning his smooth nipple-less pecs till he was glistening and clean.

When the Lioness was finally done, Brooklyn was half erect and his knots were fairly deflated. "How much longer is it going to take for these to get back to normal?" She asked as she got on the couch with him, straddling his body so that her crotch was pushing his dicks up against his stomach.

"Oh, uh maybe another 10 or 15 minutes." Brooklyn said as he moved his hands up to take hold of her breasts, playing with the squeezable mounds.

"Do we really need to wait that long." Maggie asked, grinding her hips against his cocks, feeling them stir and harden under her.

Brooklyn leaned in and licked her nipple, then looked up with a smirk. "I don't see why we would, so long as you don't take the whole thing. Of course, if you did insist on that, then it'd get pretty intense."

"Well, I like intense." Maggie leaned in and whispered into his ear then playfully bit it. "And I always want the whole thing."

The gargoyle kissed her again, then lifted her up. "Do you mind if we use my upper cock this time? It's feeling a little left out."

"Of course. In fact, if we have time, maybe I'll get to try the other one too. I want to see if they feel any different." She purred out as he slowly lowered her onto his upper cock. His fat, cum drenched manhood began to spread her pussy wider than even his tail had, while his lower cock slid between her furry butt cheeks. She let out a long moan as she sank down his length. He stopped when he reached her cervix, feeling it strain against him but not giving way. With his dick about halfway inside, he lifted her up just a little then pulled her back down as he bucked his hips up into her. She gasped as he penetrated into her womb, then leaned back shoving her chest upward and letting out a long, "yes!" He continued to lower her, feeling her tight pussy pulling at him as well as her body starting to strain to contain all of him. He gave one more little thrust to get his still slightly swollen knot inside her, then held her firmly against him. She leaned in and looked down, seeing a small bulge in her normally flat belly were the tip of his cock was. He was so huge that he was actually forcing her body to conform to him. It was all way too much. She looked back up at him and grinned, then put her arms around his neck and the two kissed.

Brooklyn pulled away and smiled at her. "I love you Maggie." She blushed bright red, but before she had a chance to respond she felt him move his hands to cup her butt, then stood up. She let out a small grunt of pleasure as his dick moved inside of her. He turned the two of them around, then laid her down on the couch so that he was on top of her. He then reached down and helped lift up her legs so that he had a better angle. He then pulled himself out a good half foot before thrusting back in slowly. In and out he went like this a dozen times before grinding his knot against her. "How am I doing so far?"

"You... You're a natural." The lioness stuttered out as she fought the urge to orgasm. She was once again digging her claws into the now thoroughly ruined couch. "Go faster." She gasped out a lust filled purr. He did as she requested, increasing his speed quite a bit. Her soft moans turned to full on yips and screams of pleasure as well as the occasional expletive of delight. He sawed his thick gargoyle cock in and out of her dripping pussy eventually reaching a breakneck speed as he neared his limit, but he did his best to fight it back. She reached out and wrapped her arms around him as she screamed his name. He felt her pussy clamp down on his dick, pulling at it as though she wanted him to go even deeper. His knot swelled in response, but he still tried to resist. He wanted to stay like this for ever, to see her writhing in bliss. Bliss that he brought her. He couldn't though, and all to soon he yelled her name in response ejecting his load directly into her womb and all across her backside. She fell hist hot seed rush into her, filling and stretching her till a small bulge formed in her belly almost as though she were showing the first signs of pregnancy.

The gargoyle held himself over the lioness for a minute before slowly lowering himself so that he was laying on top of her. He could feel her warm breasts smashed against his toned chest. Both of them heaving from the exertion. She moved her right hand up to his head and began to run it gently through his hair. "Oh Brooklyn, you really are amazing. You know that right?"

"I'm glad to hear it." He said with a cocky tone.

She laughed, "I didn't just mean the sex, though you are spectacular at it. I meant in general. Did you really mean it when you said you love me? I mean you don't even really know me all that well."

"Of course, I meant it, and not just because you're the only woman I've ever been with. I really like you, everything about you." The gargoyle said softly.

"Even when I tease and embarrass you?" She asked with a smirk.

Brooklyn rolled his eyes. "Well, okay, maybe not every single thing, but a couple quirks are worth all the good stuff. Might even make it better in the long run. Keeps me on my toes." He paused for a moment. "Do you love me?

Maggie blushed once again. "You know, I've never found it easy to say those words. Some people can say it like it's no big deal, but for me... Most of my relationships didn't really get to the point where I was truly in love, and I don't think I've ever felt that so soon, but... I think there's a good chance I do. I'm just not sure I can say it yet. Sorry." She frowned and looked away.

The gargoyle gently moved his hand up to her chin and pulled her back, so she was looking at him. "It's fine, really. I don't want you to say it until you really mean it. I can wait." She smiled then gave him a passionate kiss.

"Brooklyn, are you up for another round?" Maggie asked after she broke the kiss. She could feel his knot starting to get smaller. Soon she'd be able to pull herself off him.

With the smuggest grin she'd ever seen him have, he responded. "Gargoyles can go. All. Night. Long."

"We may just put that to the test. Do you think we could do something I've always wanted to try?" Maggie asked with a slight blush.

"I don't see why not. What does it involve?" The gargoyle asked as he felt her starting to try pulling off him, only to decide and give him another couple minutes to deflate.

She blushed a little but didn't want to pass up this opportunity. "Normally it would involve two guys which is never why I tried it. I never could work up the nerve to ask anyone for a threesome. I figured since you have two dicks, we could give it a try. It's pretty simple, you put one cock into my pussy and the other into my, uh, you know." His eyes were widened some but didn't seem to know exactly what she wanted. She blushed brighter with embarrassment. "You put the other in my ass."

"In your ass! Won't that hurt?" Brooklyn asked in shock.

Maggie's face was now as red as the gargoyles. "Well, not really, not if you do it right. It can feel really nice actually, for both of us."

Brooklyn could tell how embarrassed she was, and wasn't entirely certain this was a good idea, but if this is what she wanted... "Okay, I'll do it."

"Really?" The lioness asked in surprise. He nodded his head and she kissed him. "Thank you, Brooklyn. trust me you'll love this." Now with new purpose she pushed herself off him, hearing his knot pop free from her cunt. Stay here, there's something I need to grab. It'll make this easier." She returned to the gargoyle after just a couple minutes with some kind of tube in her hand. She squirted some of its pale semitransparent contents into her hand. She then closed the tube and dropped it to the ground. She knelt next to the gargoyle and rubbed her hands together, covering them with some sort of shiny slime substance that gave him pause. Before he could say anything, she started to speak. "Relax, this is lube. It's a thing human's sometimes use during sex for easier... well, fucking." She reached out grabbing both cocks, making him release a gasp of anticipated dislike. However, it wasn't bad, just a little strange and kind of warm. She ran her hands up and down his massive dicks, being sure to pay special attention to their broad heads, as well as the knot she knew would eventually become an issue. As she worked, she felt him relax. "See, it's not so bad."

"Okay, so what now?" The gargoyle asked as she stood up.

She looked around for a second then gestured for him to get up off the couch. She then got on it herself, but instead of sitting or lying on it, she got onto it facing backwards. At first, she was sitting on her knees, then she bent forwards, so she was leaning over the back of the couch, in the process living her rear giving him a good view of her dripping pussy and cum drenched ass. She then reached back and pulled apart her butt cheeks and pussy lips. "Please Brooklyn, fuck me." She said in the horniest voice he ever heard her use.

It made all the gargoyle's hesitation melt away. He moved up behind the lioness, putting his hands on her ass, massaging it as he grazed his cocks against her. Then he reached down, grabbing both cocks and pressing their blunt tips against her holes. "I'll go slow for now. Just let me know when you want me to go faster." He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before whispering in her hear. "This is your fantasy, I'm here to serve you." With that he moved his hips forward slower than he had done when just fucking her pussy. His upper dick began to penetrate her near virgin like anus, while his lower cock was easily able to enter her drenched pussy. The lubricant made it easier for him to enter her rear but given his immense girth and her tightness he was hesitant to go faster than a snail's pace. Ironically this let her feel him spread her so much more than if he had gone faster. She could feel as the tip of his cock finally fully entered her, causing her sphincter to almost clamp down around his helmet like tip. Then she could feel the shaft sliding into her. She could even make the texture of the thick angry veins that covered his dick, rhythmically pulsing as it constantly fed his appendages blood, keeping them rock hard. She was in heaven and could feel herself being overwhelmed with pleasure, an orgasm already starting to form with him not even halfway inside of her. She pushed it down, biting her lip and concentrating on the slight pain to stave it off as he continued his agonizingly slow drive forward. She couldn't tell how long it took for him to feed the rest of his dicks into her, but it felt like an eternity. Finally, she felt his knots press against her, though they didn't enter. That was enough though, just the thought of that was too much. She let out a squeal of delight and her whole body shook. Her ass and pussy both milked his cocks, squeezing and pulling on them. Begging him to push even deeper.

"Woah." Brooklyn said, unable to believe that she had cum so quickly. He wanted to start humping her but forced himself not too, instead he just held himself inside of her.

Fortunately, the lioness recovered much quicker than previously. This orgasm hadn't been quite as intense as the last ones, but the fact she came so easily let her know what she was in for once he really started in on her. She purred at the thought. "Brooklyn, do you like this?"

He blushed, but fortunately she couldn't see it. "Yeah, I do. Your ass is amazing. It's so tight. I can't believe I was able to fit."

She looked down at her belly seeing a bulge just like she had when he had fucked her cunt, only this time it was a bit larger given how much extra meat was in her. She let out a half-crazed giggle when she remembered his knots weren't even in her yet. "I knew you would, just like I know you want to fuck me hard and fast."

"Fuck yeah I do, but I'm worried I'll hurt you." He replied with pure lust.

"I know you are, and I love that about you, but this is my fantasy remember. I'm the one in control, and I'm telling you to let loose. Fuck me like your instincts are telling you too. Hard, Fast, and don't forget I always want the whole thing in me." She growled through gritted teeth as she ground herself against the two knots doing her best to force them into her. She paused when she heard him flare his wings and let out a roar. He grabbed hold of the back of the couch on both sides of her head, digging his talons into its wooden frame. He pulled back his hips, freeing a good eight inches of his dual cocks from her, then slammed his hips forward at full speed forcing both semi inflated knots fully into her. She let out a grunt of surprise and a tiny bit of pain. Before she even had time to really register the feeling, he ripped himself free from her and did it again, this time pulling out nearly a foot before ramming back in. In and out he went at breakneck speed, made slightly easier by the lubricant and large amounts of precum. It was even more intense than she had imagined he would be, and it should have scared her, but she trusted him. Even giving into his lust, she didn't think he'd do anything that would risk permanently injuring her. More importantly this is what she had always dreamed about experiencing, and she loved it. The tiny bit of pain she had initially felt was gone after just a couple minutes and she was well on her way to another far more intense orgasm. At the five-minute mark she threw back her head in a silent scream of bliss as he continued to saw his massive manhood's in and out. At ten minutes she was nearing another even more powerful orgasm and so was he. His knots were now nearly fully inflated making each insertion harder and more intense. Still, somehow, he lasted another five minutes before giving a final thrust that was so strong the frame of the couch snapped. Brooklyn threw back his wings and head. His eyes glowed white and he let out a terrifying scream, though to her it was like music. Her eyes went cross eyed then rolled into the back of her head as she smiled and began to mutter his name. Pleasure coursed through her entire body and she went limp in pure bliss as the world seemed to melt away.

It took nearly half an hour for the two to recover from that. At some point Brooklyn had laid down on the floor with her on top of him as he softened inside of her. Neither really had the strength to move, both so completely exhausted from the experience as well as thoroughly enjoying their current position. Her belly looked a few months pregnant with all the cum he had pumped into her. When he finally slipped free, much of it gushed out leaving Maggie almost feeling empty, making her look forward to the next time they could do this. That wouldn't be tonight though. While there might be a few hours left before dawn she was exhausted. Instead she simply crawled up next to him and kissed him on the lips. "I think we better call it here for tonight. If we do any more, I'm not sure I'll be able to walk straight. As it is, I'm still going to take a few days to fully recover. Some of us don't get magically healed when we sleep." She said with a laugh.

"That's fine with me. The whole gargoyles can go all night long thing might have been a bit of an exaggeration anyway." The crimson gargoyle said putting his arm around the feline and pulling her closer.

Maggie purred and moved her wing around him like a bed cover. "Maybe, or maybe you just need practice. This was just your first time after all, I can only imagine what you'll be like when you're a pro. It's a good thing I don't need to worry about you sneaking off with any other girls." She let out a sigh then continued. "We'll have to do this again next week, but for now let's just relax for the rest of the time we can." She snuggled up closer to him, and he added his own wing around her. "Oh, one more thing. I love you too Brooklyn."

The End, at least for a while.