Unbreakable Steel

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Part two in a three part commission detailing with the life of a entei pro boxer, this time dealing with a young lucario's life and the losses that lead him to his rightful place in life.

Part One -> https://www.sofurry.com/view/1525459

A lucario must be able to endure the toughest of burdens.

That had been what his mother had told him when he had been a naive little riolu. Back then Luth'vr had felt invincible, like life was something that he could go out and conquer at anytime he pleased. He had come from well off background, even if he didn't have a father to speak of or any other family members outside of his mother and grandmother. Having grown up in a small town the little riolu had known everybody within the neighborhood and had even worked for the local baker, a portly looking Emboar that always put way too much nutmeg into his cakes. Fighting hadn't been something that Luth'vr had been interested in, despite being a fighting type pokemorph, and so he had never really developed his physical or mental skills. His mother didn't see the point in pushing him towards such a thing, saying that if he ever felt the call to battle he would instinctively follow the path of the warrior.

His mother.

She had been a florist at the local shop in the nearby city and while she didn't make that much money the older green eyed lucario worked hard to support the two of them. Luth'vr had seen the lines of stress which covered her brow whenever the bills had started stacking up, and so he had done everything he could to try and make sure that things in their small apartment were as comfortable as they could be for her once she returned home for the evening. He had become something of a master at cleaning the house, scrubbing down the floors, and cooking dinner for the both of them while his mother was away at work. It was also nothing for him to go out shopping for her on the weekends while she lay asleep in her bed, the locals all knew why he was there and would be more than willing to help him out by having certain items waiting for him once he arrived. However, despite his best attempts to make things pleasant for the older lucario there was nothing the little riolu could do when illness struck her without warning.

The people within their town had been supportive of him, what with many of them paying for her medical bills when she had been admitted to the local hospital, not to mention taking care of him since his grandmother was a continent away and getting on in years. And yet their charity, much like his mother's remaining days, were not infinite. When the news had come that his mother had passed away Luth'vr had gone into a state of shock. The little riolu couldn't remember much of what happened after he had been taken down to the hospital to see the prone form of the older lucario, though he did remember there being talk of him being taken to an orphanage since none of the people within the town were able to get in touch with his grandmother. Luth'vr didn't want that to happen. He didn't want any of this to happen!

And so one night while fruitlessly trying to sleep within the bed he had been ushered into by a caring hitmonlee the little riolu snuck out from the room he had been given and then tore off down the street. He didn't know where he was going at the time, as the resounding screams of disbelief echoing through his head made him unable to focus on anything in that given moment. Or perhaps it was his own screams which clouded his rational mind from taking command over his body, he didn't know. All Luth'vr knew was that he ran as far as he could for as long as he could before dropping in exhaustion. Laying down on a cold concrete sidewalk and curling up on himself as the uncaring moon above watched over him Luth'vr distanced himself from the cruel reality which had dealt him such an unfavorable hand.

Things after that point became a spiraling haze of simply surviving to the next day.

Trying to find work was impossible within the city he had run off to, as no one wanted to be bothered with a little riolu that had no one to care for him, not even the owner of the floral shop that his mother worked at. Contacting his grandmother proved to be pointless, as the older woman never seemed to pick up the phone whenever he tried to dial the number that his mother had made him memorize. Begging strangers for spare change became an acceptable form of work for a while, at least until other pokemorphs began to ignore his dirty and worn looking form. Eating leftover scraps from out of dumpsters became his most hated form of sustenance when the little money he had ran out. And then once he got tired of that he learned how to pick pockets, as that was the only suitable path for him to take in order to cease the grumblings of his aching belly. Sad to say that Luth'vr wasn't very good at it, as more often than not he ended up being caught by the person he was trying to steal from at the time and so had to bite, scratch, and punch his way free from the hand which tried to grab at him. In the end the little riolu moved up from trying to sneakily get what he wanted from others to trying to outright take it by force from them.

This is when he had pushed himself to listening to the silent voice inside of his head and mastering his body's natural physical and mental limits. Of course, because of his height and overall stature he couldn't simply fight off a fully evolved pokemorph on equal footing, so he stuck to the shadows and ambushed whoever seemed like they would be an easy mark whenever he was desperate. It proved easy enough to do in the beginning, what with his smaller body able to move with surprising speed and dexterity after he popped out of the darkness like a ghost pokemorph, only to then retreat back into silent gloom once he had what he wanted. Sadly though, as the months rolled by the police began to catch onto him, though not exactly catch him. Encountering the keepers of law time and again had left him getting beat up more than once, and so Luth'vr decided to move to another city once he had made enough cash to buy himself a bus ticket out of town.

It was while traveling through the darkened streets of his new home that the young riolu had ended up meeting the gang. They didn't really have a name for themselves, they were just a group of castaways like himself that did what they thought they had to do to survive. At first Luth'vr hadn't been that trusting over the group, or their machop leader, but after being given some food by one of them and told that he could do better for himself by aiding them rather that going it alone the little riolu had decided to join up with them, if only to better his own position in life. And...if he were being truly honest with himself, to have something of a family again. This move turned out to be the correct one as in the years to follow, not only did Luth'vr evolve into a lucario, but he also found himself discovering certain aspects about himself that he had never known before.

First, he learned that he was better at keeping order within the group than their machoke leader, the lucario could easily smack common sense into someone, the boss included, when he needed to, in order to get them to straighten up and fly right as his mother used to say. He also was able to plot and plan out deals that his gang made with rival gangs, keeping the peace while also gaining more influence, not to mention money, around the city. Cooking and cleaning up after everyone came natural to him, as he had never grown out of wanting to take care of others, even if he would end up punching someone in the nose if ever they teased him about such a thing. Making sure that the little warehouse that they had taken for themselves was secured from danger was a feat that he needed help with, but thankfully some of the gang had learned a thing or two about wiring and construction, so they had more than a few traps in place if ever they found their backs against the wall.

Things seemed to be going well enough for Luth'vr...at least until the boss had crossed that legendary asshole. The lucario hadn't really cared about the other in the beginning, as even though the fire type pokemorph was a legendary he didn't seem to carry the status of being as high and mighty as what he should have been. Humble was the best way to describe the other, though that didn't mean he was a pushover. Time and again Luth'vr and his gang came across the entei, sometimes violently and sometimes...not, but always it was the same with the other being able to subdue the lot of them until he forcefully made it clear that he was no one punching bag or whipping boy. Not even while he was drunk.

Luth'vr could barely remember the night he had slovenly gone up to the other and told him what he thought about the fire type before trying to take a strike at him, all he did recall was the fact that the entei had thoroughly shown him his place underneath the larger male. Getting his ass pounded by the other while moaning and groaning his fool head of was embarrassing, but it was nothing compared to feeling the warm heat of the other's dominance over him filling his stomach to the point of bursting. Luth'vr didn't think that he was gay, as he had never really had that much interest in being with another person, be they male or female, before then, but after feeling the warmth of the fire type's lust boiling inside of his gut the lucario found himself unable to stop thinking about the entei.

Of course, his fascination turned to burning rage once the results of their shared moment together began to grow within his belly. Luth'vr had gone to a friendly doctor who had told him that sometimes this happened with legendaries, though the odds were fairly uncommon and usually something to be celebrated, but at the time the lucario had been livid. This was not what he wanted out of his life!

Luth'rv hadn't known what to do with himself at the time, but thankfully the gang had been rather supportive of him, even if they teased and poked at his stomach every chance they could get. He would always deck the fool that thought to do so, even the boss, however he was silently glad that they had been so accepting of what was happening inside of himself. That the gang was excited to see the little one once he had birthed and then hatched the egg that had been inside of him was something that the lucario hadn't expected, but it was a fact that worked to help comfort him once the crimson eyes of his son blinked and then looked up at him curiously for the first time in his life. That the little riolu possessed bright red fur was something that Luth'vr had silently suspected his son would bear, but he took it in stride. After all, he had no say in how his pup would be when he was born, as he hadn't even known that his body could produce a pup in the first place.

Working in the gang as a father was something that came naturally to Luth'vr as he was able to draw himself away from the more dangerous work that they did to manage both the warehouse and his son, Re'vrs, upbringing. The pup was a spitfire to say the least, as he could easily become angered whenever someone said something to his papa that obviously pissed the older lucario off, though thankfully Luth'vr was able to keep a handle over his pup. Most of the time. Re'vrs ability to sneak away was something that always surprised the older fighting/steel type pokemorph, but it also made him laugh whenever it happened. The places for which his pup could hide were too numerous to count, and yet they always ended up being places where he could easily get a vantage point over the main area within the gang's warehouse.

Teaching the other how pickpocket was something that Luth'vr didn't see any problem with, as he knew that his son might need those skills one day later on in life. The lucario just never imagined that said day would come sooner than he had thought.

For a while now the lucario had been getting a feeling that something was off for a while now, as there had been a silent hum flowing about the streets that seemed to set his fur on edge whenever he was out jogging late at night. Familiar contacts and allies couldn't tell him much, other than there was something going on in the underbelly of the city where the big time crooks and thugs roamed, however Luth'vr and his gang had never much bothered with them, as they were small time hoodlums just trying to survive another day. So why would anyone want to bother them? This proved to be a fallacy of thought as one day a group of pokemorphs had walked into the warehouse, asked to speak with the boss, and then subsequently took the machoke out with an ice beam to the chest. Panic literally erupted as fire, thunder, water, and ice flew about the area without thought once the realization of what had just happened finally hit home.

Luth'vr, upon seeing this, didn't think as he grabbed Re'vrs from where the other was sleeping, and then hauled tail out through the back window of the warehouse. He encountered a few scyther that happened to be waiting for anyone who might have tried to escape this way, but a few well placed fire punches to the gut threw the bug pokemorphs off of their feet and out of his way. Luth'vr didn't think as he ran towards the bus station, the single thought screaming throughout the fighting/steel pokemorphs mind was that he had to get out of town as quickly as possible, since whoever had just planned that hit was probably not going to be satisfied with him just running away to a safehouse within the city. Thankfully he had enough money on him for two bus tickets to the local port; the ride which followed gave the Luth'vr enough time to explain certain things to his pup before nuzzling him back to sleep.

Because he didn't want to leave behind too many witnesses in case he was being followed Luth'vr snuck aboard one of the ferries and then hid within the lower hold until it came time to disembark. Sneaking some food and cash out from the luggage compartment that was oh so conveniently nearby the lucario made his way into the new city with his son while contemplating everything he had just lost in life. A fleeting thought echoed within his mind that he should have perhaps stuck around to try and defend his gang, but he quickly pushed that aside while looking down at Re'vrs.

It was sometime after their arrival that Luth'vr found himself becoming depressed, his ruby eyes having lost a lot of their former glitter as he shuffled through the new city while trying to keep a low enough profile. Mugging others and holding himself and Re'vrs up in the more desolate areas of the city had been all he had been capable to do as his frantic mind wouldn't allow him to try and make connections with anyone, for fear of losing everything for a third time in life.

Getting sick hadn't been in the plans, but neither was going to the doctor. Luth'vr just didn't have the strength of will to try by that point. This had left Re'vrs going out to try and steal whatever he could for his papa in order to feed the two of them. Yet for all of the pup's efforts things only became worse as soon enough Luth'vr stopped eating and just began to cough and hack while laying on the bed roll inside of the tent that he had stolen. The last thing that had been clear to the lucario as he felt a dull ache bloom outwards from his chest was the knowledge that he would be leaving his son just like his own mother had left him when he was a pup.

'Funny how life went sometimes,' he thought before shutting his eyes one final time.

Opening his ruby orbs to see a white ceiling above him was not something that Luth'vr expected to see. He had expected...well, he wasn't exactly sure what he had expected to see, but certainly not that. He had especially not considered seeing a familiar looking pokemorph snoring away in a chair while his pup was curled up within the other's lap. Moving a paw forward to reach out to the little riolu proved to be the incorrect move to make as the second he contorted his slightly aching body to the side the monitor next to him beeped out an angry warning of indignation. This made the entei's eyes snap open, the fiery light within them immediately focused on him and for the second time in his life Luth'vr found himself captivated by the gleam within the legendary pokemorph's glowing orbs.

Before he could try and move too much further a group of nurses flooded into the room like a gaggle of combusken flocking to a free stall of popcorn. Luth'vr could do nothing to stop the horde of chansey that all but descended on him with clinical instruments and questions, the likes of which he couldn't think to answer. Darkness fell upon him before long, however, before unconsciousness swallowed him up the lucario watched as the entei gently hugged the still slumbering pup on his lap while looking back at him. The lucario found himself relieved for some reason, even though, by all accounts, he shouldn't have been.

When next he awoke it was to the feeling of someone tightly holding onto his paw. Having been a father for nearly a decade now Luth'vr didn't think as he reached out with his other hand to rub over the top of his pup's head. When he didn't feel the smooth, if slightly tangled fur of Re'vrs' head running against his fingers the lucario threw his eyes open and then looked down. The sight of a large brown and white hand grasping his own was not what fighting/steel type pokemorph expected to see, but it proved to be nothing compared to the smiling face of the entei from earlier looking back at him.

"Hey." the baritone voice of the larger male spoke out to him making the inside of his chest ring.

Opening his mouth respond Luth'vr let out two barking coughs before licking his tongue over his very dry lips.

"Hold on," the fire type pokemorph ordered before turning to grab something out of sight. When next he blinked the lucario found a cup of cool water placed in front of his face. "The nurses said that your throat might be dry, and that I should let you drink before trying to have a conversation with you. Sorry about that." the muscular male chuckled in obvious embarrassment.

Luth'vr looked to the small plastic cup, which was as plain as could be, and then back to the larger pokemorph smiling back at him. Reaching up for the offering proved to be useless, as his arms, while not exactly weak, were in no position to lift themselves very far from off of his bed. So with that in mind Luth'vr leaned forward with his muzzle open, hoping against hope that the entei would get the message.

Praise Arceus that he did.

The touch of cool water flowing down into his throat was a welcome balm to the dry itchiness that seemed to all but cover his throat, the lucario could feel the flow of liquid as it washed through the inside of his body all the way before it hit his empty belly. Once it did though he winced slightly. Obviously he empty stomach took no appreciation for the gift he had been given, as it instantly rebelled against him.

Seeing this the entei quickly pulled the plastic drinking container back.

"Tha-..." Luth'vr attempted to say before he coughed to clear his worn throat. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Silence covered the expanse of the small room for several seconds afterwards leaving the lucario time to look around to see where he was.

"How did I get into a hospital?" the room looked so atypically sterile and clean Luth'vr halfway expected a doctor to instantly pop out of nowhere any second now to try and poke and prod him. When that didn't happen the fighting/steel type pokemorph chuckled as he noticed the open window right next to him had streams of sunlight shining through the glass, the picturesque sight of the city outside was one that Luth'vr had never seen before, as he had never taken the time to appreciate the world around him before now.

"I brought you here after the pup tried to rob me." Those words made the fighting/steel type pokemorph wince and then lower his long pointed ears.

"I would apologize, but I'd be lying if I said that I was sorry for what he did." And since there was no reason to lie to the other Luth'vr didn't see the point in starting now. "Though I will make it up to you in any way you want once Re'vrs and I..." Blinking in suddenly realization the lucario immediately raised his black aura sensors in order to track his missing pup.

His aura sight didn't have to strain itself that far as he noticed the familiar tingle of his son's aura seated downstairs with several other pups his age. The feeling of Re'vrs' happiness flowed into Luth'vr making him smile and then sigh in relief.

"If you're looking for you son he's downstairs playing with the other tykes his age." the entei gently whispered.

"I know. I can sense him." the lucario replied as he lowered his black appendages back down onto the sides of his head. "Why did you bring us here?" The answer to this was fairly obvious, but still, Luth'vr wanted to hear the words spoken from out of the entei's muzzle.

"I couldn't just leave you there to die." the fire type pokemorph reached up to rub the back of his head somewhat sheepishly. "I mean..."

"You could have." Luth'vr replied honestly. "But you didn't, and so you have my thanks." Trying to move himself up on the stiff mattress underneath him brought a slight hiss from the fighting/steel type pokemorph.

The entei immediately moved to try and help him, and while Luth'vr was grateful for the aid the muzzle full of warm canine fur he got in return from having his snout brushed by the larger male's arm was not all that welcomed. If only because it made the lower half of his body start to wake up and take notice of the current situation. Growling the lucario tried to fight off the blooming erection, but there was just something about the warm spicy scent floating across his nose that made his stiffening cock ignore him.

"I-I'm sorry." the entei immediately pulled back upon hearing the other pokemorph's throaty rumble. "I suppose I should have gotten the nurse to do that." Moving to stand up the entei turned towards the closed door leading out of the room. "Let me go and get her."

"No." Luth'vr grunted causing the legendary pokemorph to turn back to look at him. "I-I didn't mean to growl at you, I just couldn't help being aroused by your scent."

"Eh?!" This was the only thing that the fire type pokemorph could think to say.

"You're scent," the lucario began after taking a deep swallow of air. "It's arousing me again."

"Again? You mean that you really are the same lucario from way back when?" the entei inquired in utter shock.

"I am, but you already knew that." Luth'vr pierced the other male with a demanding gaze.

"I...suspected, but I wasn't sure." the fire type pokemorph slowly sat himself back down into his seat. "Though, with that said," the entei paused for a second as though trying to find the right words to voice his next question.

"Yes, he is your son, if that's what you were going to ask." Luth'vr answered without pause.

"Damn. I was told that I could get others pregnant because of my being a legendary, but I never thought...I mean I'm taking pills which...ahhh sweet Arceus." the entei groaned before placing both of his paws over his face.

Luth'vr watched as the larger pokemorph leaned back into the chair that he was seated in, the sound of the wood groaning in desperation as the bulk it was holding up put unwanted pressure onto its legs made the fighting/steel pokemorph wince slightly.

"I am so sorry. I..." the entei began.

"It's fine." the lucario cut the other off. "I can understand that you might not want to be responsible for a son right now, and he, Re'vrs, thinks that I'm his father, so we can pretend that the night you and I helped to create him never happened." Luth'vr had never expected to meet the entei that had impregnated him, nor had he ever thought to look for the other, even when he had the means at his disposal, so this entire event could simply...

"No." The fire type pokemorph's word snatched the lucario out from the internal thoughts bubbling within his brain.

"No?" Luth'vr asked in confusion while gaping slightly at the larger male.

"He's my son, as such, I am responsible for both him and you, since you have taken such great care of him all this time." the fiery look within the entei's eyes quickened the lucario's pulse.

"You don't have to..." Luth'vr tried to say after he shook his head free from the cloud of lust trying to drift down over his thoughts.

"I do, because we did." the fire type pokemorph respond with a conviction that was as hot as it was adamant. "I'm sorry that let you handle all of this on your own, even if I didn't know any better, but I will make this up to you, I swear it."

"But you..." Luth'vr wanted to protest, especially given that he didn't know this other pokemorph, however, his words died within his throat as he looked into eyes which burned with an unbridled determination.

"And besides, you did say that you do anything to repay me for helping you, right?" the lucario gasped upon hearing those words making the entei chuckle. "Besides, I think that the pup deserves to have a better life for himself." the emphasis on what the entei meant hung in the air like a silent curse.

Luth'vr clutched his fingers tightly into the sheets of his bed as he felt some unknown emotion well up inside of himself. He settled himself when the entei reached out to rub one of his massive paws over and across his right hand. "Besides, do you really want him to grow up not knowing that he has another person out there who can love him just as much as you do?"

Those words made the lucario choke out a cry, the dam of feelings which had been built up for over a decade now slowly flowed out as a million memories flooded inside of his brain.

Leaning his head down Luth'vr found himself sobbing as everything inside of him came out in wave after wave of unrepressed emotion. The entei, seeing what he had helped to make happen, slowly drew the other into his chest at the same time he moved himself as close to the bed that the fighting/steel type pokemorph was laying on as he possibly could. When the door to the room suddenly flew open both older pokemorphs looked to see the confused form of Re'vrs staring up at the two of them warily.

"Papa?" the little riolu asked as he walked over to his father.

"I-it's okay, pup." the lucario said with a watery smile. "I was just talk with..." He then suddenly remembered the fact that he didn't even know the entei's name.

"Keez." the fire type pokemorph answered the obvious question the other was about to ask.

"Keez. Yes. I was just talking with Keez here about us moving in with him." the two older males watched as the little one's ears flopped this way and that before he cocked his head to the side curiously.

"Is that gonna be okay?" the pup questioned as he looked from his father to his other father.

"It will be, I promise." the entei puffed up proudly making the riolu smile even though he didn't know why he did so.