The Rest of It, Chapter 2: "Does he think I'm cute?"

Story by SpottedFelineWriter on SoFurry

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#2 of The Rest of It

Chapter 2

"Does he think I'm cute?"

Bridge finishes the album and sets his phone to the side. He grins with both eyes closed. It was nice to finally listen to it, even if he was interrupted. House music is still alive! He continues to smile after that.

The cougar stands up and takes his earbuds out, instinctively straightening out his plain, black hoodie. Soon after, the sound of keys opening the front door travel through the house and alert Bridge. His merriment continues; he knows who that is. Rushing down the hallway with childlike excitement, Bridge turns swiftly around the corner and faces the front door.

"Hey Burridge!" Gaztro greets as he walks in, dropping his gym bag on the dining room table. The badger wipes his brow and looks over at the feline.

"How have you been? Drinking enough water, I hope!"

Bridge dons a large smile, purring loudly. He stares into his friend's eyes.

"Yeah. I just need to talk to you about something. How have you been?"

The badger parts his snow-colored mohawk with his paw and stretches each arm. He then lowers his arms and meets the cougar's gaze.

"I've been great! What's it about? Did you get some news?"

Bridge peers into the hallway as his grin weakens. It is still just an empty hallway, nothing unusual. Bridge's eyes focus on Rowlen's door before the cougar shifts uncomfortably.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" He asks with his fists tightened.

Gaztro shakes his head, looking down at his bag, "Of course not! I always wait until I'm home."

He laughs and stands there proudly before reaching over to drink his water.

The cougar is mesmerized by the sleek, obsidian fur in front of him. He gazes a bit at the musculature and how his arms move. The gigantic pecs under that damp shirt. Fuck, he's so hot. Even the way he's drinking water. Bridge shakes his head and replies, "Then you're coming with me to eat."

"Where? It better not be fast food," the badger declares plainly. "I hate that shit."

"It's a restaurant, it's good," Bridge states, patting his pockets. "I just want to talk."

"Cool enough with me. Let me just say hey to Rowlen and put my stuff up."

Gaztro takes the gym bag from the table and walks towards his room. Even though Bridge is still feeling residual anger towards Rowlen, he can't prevent his eyes from drifting downwards and watching the muscular badger's body move. Side to side in such a confident manner...Bridge coughs in an attempt to catch himself.

Gaztro turns around immediately. "Hey, are you getting sick?" The badger questions in a manner that shows more discontent than concern. The expression he gives is dire and perhaps even scornful. Bridge glances down. It was pretty dumb to cough.

"No, just something in my throat," Bridge lies. Gaztro squints harshly before he lets out an exhale. His peaceful disposition starts to return.

"Alright. I don't mind helping if you are. We don't want any furs sick around here."

Bridge nods to Gaztro as he turns around.

"Rowlen, I'm home for now," Gaztro announces, talking louder than before. There's no response for a full minute.

When the silence is broken, the tone of the reply fits more for a eulogy rather than a response to a greeting.

"That's cool," Rowlen states.

Gaztro gets in his room and sets his stuff down. He exits when he hears Rowlen talking and scratches the back of his head.

"Alright... I'll be back then. Bridge, your car or mine?"

"Mine," Bridge answers. He knows for sure Gaztro's driving is way too cautious.

The two walk out of the house and get in Bridge's small, black car. There's almost not enough room for them both when they get in; Gaztro's bicep rests only an inch from the cougar's right arm.

"What place did you have in mind?" the sweaty badger questions. He adjusts in his seat and buckles his seatbelt.

"Anywhere. Probably a nice sushi place."

"That's because you know I'm paying," Gaztro's smile returns. He faces Bridge.

Bridge grins, "As always. I just want something nice today."

Gaztro inspects the cougar and notices his tail swishing.

"You really wanted to get out of there, huh?"

The feline is silent. He starts the car and makes it to the main road, past Velt Lane. His vehicle gives a gentle hum. Bridge lets out a shaky sigh.

"I think you know that me and Rowlen don't get along."

"Yeah, I wish I could change that. You two are great in your own right."

"Maybe, not really. He doesn't care about what I have to do. Which wouldn't bother me if he wasn't so snarky and unpleasant about it." Bridge explains as his grip on the steering wheel tightens. The car begins to speed up.

"I think that's just how he talks. He always has to share what he thinks," Gaztro replies. He takes a sip of the water bottle he brought.

"It doesn't have to be. Don't you think he's an ass?"

Gaztro glances out the window, noticing how fast they're going.

"I think he's admirable when it comes down to it," he meticulously states.

Bridge sighs, "I kind of expected that."

"What did you want me to say?"

They park at the sushi restaurant and the cougar turns to his friend.

"What do you really think of him?"

"I think he's a great fur! He takes care of himself, he has a refillable water---"

"Gaztro, what the fuck?!"

Bridge glares at his best friend after his exclamation. What the fuck. The cougar holds onto his steering wheel, the vehicle still on.

"What do you think of him? Not how he eats, drinks, whatever the fuck. Just him, the asshole living with us."

Gaztro pauses. There's no air of rivalry or anger shown, however. In fact, Gaztro stares back with a sense of understanding and a desire to comfort.

An arm is wrapped around Bridge's neck as Gaztro comments, "Rowlen takes time to be around. He doesn't really mean too much harm. Come on, let's go eat and we can talk about it with full stomachs."

Relief washes over Bridge as he nods his head. He didn't want to yell at his friend. The cougar purrs sadly, his ears flattening. He really didn't want to.

Bridge unbuckles his seatbelt after turning off the car. They both exit and turn to the tame building in front of them. Passing a few parked cars, the duo open the front door and get seated.

"I just want you two to get along," Gaztro elaborates as he sets down his menu. He leans back in the booth.

"When did you two start being like you are?"

"When Rowlen kept at it," Bridge replies forwardly.

Gaztro looks up and asks, "What did he do today?"

Bridge freezes. He glances at his phone on the table.

"He confused me. He was acting his usual self and then, two hours later, he wanted to buy me dried seaweed."

Gaztro straightens out and smiles, "Dude, that's awesome! He actually did?"

A raven walks up to the two.

"Hello, I'm Washington! What can I do for you two today?"

Bridge examines the server suspiciously and asks, "Could I get a tray of Exiled Rolls?"

"Of course! And you sir?"

Gaztro grins, "I'll have the Spicy Carldolin! One tray please!"

Washington takes their menus and gives a partial bow, "They'll both be ready soon!"

"Thank you!" Gaztro calls out before the avian departs. He shifts in his seat and turns to Bridge.

"They have some carb efficient spicy rolls! Always nice to see!"

Bridge nods reluctantly. He then shakes his head, "I don't know why he offered to do what he did, but he did."

It's a lie. He doesn't think Gaztro would believe Rowlen's desire to be nicer.

"Then that sounds like progress! Let's get you two a celebration next!" Gaztro excitedly adds.

"Unless he changes, I'll pass," Bridge explains. He looks around the restaurant. It's not that crowded this weekday afternoon.

"What would you want him to change?" Gaztro inquires.

"How he talks to me."

"Have you tried asking him about it? I'm sure it's just some miscommunication. That way, you two could be more comfortable with each other!"

Bridge sighs and plays with his fork. It isn't worth it.


Dalzina takes a sip from her custom drink, the Fur Elise. She doesn't know who Elise is but their drink is good! A sweetened mix of strawberry, lime, and apple, all in one cider? Amazing.

Dalzina moves some of her dark green hair behind her ear and smiles at the bartender.

"Thank you again. This drink always does it for me!"

"Anytime sister," the rhino casually replies, washing a few more glasses. The bar is somber and moody today. No karaoke or groups of drunk furs this early. Just a few who want to take the day slow. To enjoy their short lives. Dalzina notices this and gives a small, amused exhale.

"It looks like you have a nice atmosphere around this time!"

The bartender gives out a chuckle.

"It is. Almost makes me wish it were like this all the time."

"Why only almost? I'm sure it would be nice."

The rhino holds up a spotless wine glass, showing off a pleased smile.

"Evening is almost here. I think you'll see why I like it."

Dalzina nods to herself, curious as to what happens. The tigress' attention is now held by the entrance to the bar. She readies herself as the first fur walks in.

A faded haircut, short tan fur, a plain black hoodie...

"Bridge!" The tigress exclaims as she stands up. He meets her gaze and smiles as well.

"Nice to see you Dalzina," he replies as they hug, his paw on the side of her neck. They sit down and she immediately begins to purr.

"Now how did you find your way here?" She asks. The tigress then giggles as she watches his somewhat puzzled expression. He's so adorable!

He soon realizes what she means by her question.

"I was just playing with something I got at a garage sale, bored out of my mind. I ate earlier and just wanted to come here to do something."

The female feline attentively nods.

"What did you think you wanted to do here?"

"Drink," he laughs, glancing at the bartender. Their eyes meet.

"Just half a can of beer please. Brodstore."

The rhino tips his horn and wordlessly prepares Bridge's drink.

"I'm only here to deal with the stress of finals. One drink and I'm leaving after!" She explains. She fully faces Bridge instead of the bar, no longer interested in her cider.

"What finals do you have?" The cougar questions.

"The final for our class, 'Narrative, Plot, and Character Building in Literature'."

Dalzina giggles, holding up a paw meekly.

"It's such a weird name to say out loud."

Bridge nods, smiling with amusement. "It is, it is."

"Then there's the final for 'Learning Through Actions', 'Poetry in Brealt, Ancient to Modern', and finally, 'Critical Irony within Popular Literature'!"

Bridge scratches his chin.

"It sounds like a lot. What times?"

"All next week! Fun right?" She grins. Her purrs gently arise as she watches the cougar place his paw on her shoulder. He casually grips it.

"You got this. Take it from me, a fur who is gonna fail his finals."

The tigress' smile begins to widen, staring up into his dark brown eyes. His comfort is sooo welcome!

"Thank you Bridge! You're really kind, thank you!"

The cougar shrugs, slipping his paw off. Dalzina nods and her eyes glance down and examine her jeans. They're dark blue and denim, comfortable and slim.

"Do you ever think someone you know is acting weird?" Bridge asks out of nowhere. The bartender returns with his glass, sliding it to him.

"Thank you."

"Anytime brother. Enjoy your chat," the rhino comments. He walks over to another section of the bar. There's another patron that enters.

"What do you mean by weird?" Dalzina inquires. Her full attention is on Bridge, not wanting to skip a beat.

"Weird like unusual. I think it may be just a today thing," Bridge shrugs. He turns away, leaving Dalzina to worry.

"What's a today thing? Did something happen?"

"I wouldn't care if it didn't affect me. It's with Rowlen again."

Dalzina sighs with a tinge of frustration. She has heard about Bridge's eldest roommate for a while. The unnecessary comments, the frequency in how angry Bridge gets. It's never a good look. There's even times where she is worried that Bridge may get physical. Why can't he just leave her friend alone?

"What happened today?" She continues. She braces herself mentally for Bridge to get upset.

"He was acting his usual self towards me after I got back from the garage sale. But after two hours, he sent this," the cougar starts, surprisingly in a calm manner. He takes out his phone and shows it to the tigress. She leans forward to read it.

Rowlen: "Hey. I'll try to be less of an asshole to you. Dried seaweed is on sale, I'll get more of that."

"Is this his first time doing something like that?" Dalzina asks. She glances over the text again. It's such a weird statement, even if she knows Bridge likes seaweed. What a peculiar offer.

Bridge nods, "It is. I don't know what to think."

He huffs, turning to his beer. He takes his first sip and squints at the taste.

"Hey," the tigress starts, placing a paw on his shoulder, returning the comfort.

"Maybe this is a good thing. You can start on a new page with him."

Bridge's fist balls up and the cougar nods, "I fucking hope so."

Dalzina takes a sip from her drink and surveys the bar again. There are a few more furs than before. She turns back to Bridge.

"Do you come here often?"

The cougar physically disagrees, "It's only my second time here."

"Oh, you're more of a fancy bar fur?" She kids.

The cougar swallows a hefty amount of his beer. He then sadly returns eye contact.

"It's just whatever I feel that day."

Dalzina states, with a look of understanding, "I sometimes wonder why we feel what we feel and why it changes so much."

"It makes us easier to be with others," Bridge indifferently replies.

"But why do they change so much?" She wonders. Her whole body is at attention for his next words.

Bridge keeps a mournful expression while he speaks. Both paws are gripping onto his glass.

"I think it's just how we are. If we are stuck with feeling one thing all the time, life would be excruciating and empty. And...if we had no feeling, I think you can guess what happens. We need that change. We...just do."

Dalzina watches him carefully. It looks like he's tearing up. She begins to hug him with both arms.

"I understand Bridge."

Dalzina gets in her car. It's a small, dark grey coupe. It isn't too fancy but it was still a pricey purchase. Up above, the night sky brims with beauty, shining down on everything below. The moonlight even reflects from off her car. Dalzina smiles at this before getting in. She starts her vehicle and and pulls away from Kale Stain Bar.

When she makes it home, she takes off her jean jacket and throws it over the kitchen counter. She walks over to the couch and falls onto it, exhausted. It was a rough day but seeing Bridge made it so much better.

Light purrs are heard as the tigress closes her eyes.

Dalzina jolts awake and immediately looks around. She's still in her car. Strange. She adjusts in her seat, surveying her surroundings carefully.

"Are you alright?" Bridge asks, situated in the passenger seat.

Dalzina tenses at the sound of his voice and blushes. She faces him immediately.

"I'm so sorry! I must have fallen asleep."

He gives a slight smile, "It's alright. I didn't notice until now. I went to pay the bartender while you waited for me."

The tigress nods, vaguely remembering that.

"Right! Were you wanting me to drop you off?"

"I thought you wanted to go to your place?"

Dalzina smiles and purrs, "...That's right. Let's go!"

She pulls away from Kale Stain Bar, mildly confused but, overall, excited.

"So this is my house! The kitchen is to your left, the couch is right here, and the rest of the living room is here!" She explains, showing off her home. Both of her arms indicate which area is which.

"It's pretty small," Bridge nonchalantly comments. He sits on the couch in the living room. It's an expansive, purple couch, matching the purple vase on the living room table in front of it. There's a single flower inside of it: a wilted rose.

"And comfy! That's the main perk," she adds before joining Bridge. Her legs slip under her bottom half and Dalzina turns to her friend.

"What else do you do here?" Bridge inquires. He faces forward but his ears show that he's listening. She smiles. So pensive!

"I love reading! I have a bookcase in my room," the tigress mentions in a quieter tone.

"Love it?" Bridge now looks to Dalzina, inches away from her face. They're silent for a moment.

"Yeah, I only do it, like, all the time," she responds with a light blush. The reply is followed by a giggle and the continued vibrations from her purring.

"What else do you do here with things you love?"

The tigress meets his dire gaze. The intensity of his question falls flat to the fierceness in his eyes. The only thing louder than her thoughts is the distant hum of the fridge. She lets out a pleased exhale, sliding more into the couch. She decides to go for it.

"Maybe you can find out."

"What? How?"

Dalzina reactively leans forward and grabs his ear. She then kisses him slowly. Her eyes close as she is overwhelmed by what she has wanted for years. What she has ached for for months. Her heartbeat can't match how flooded she is with emotion. Nervousness, excitement, lust. Joy, fear, loyalty. She keeps kissing Bridge and feels him push forward, finally moving past his initial shock. He holds her hips gently while Dalzina presses herself against him. She wants to be as close as possible to him.

They resume exploring each other's clad forms, sliding paws around. Their purring gains in volume. Dalzina presses a paw on the cougar's side, mentally taking in his figure. She's only interrupted when Bridge quickly comes up for air.

There's a moment of silence as they stare into each other's eyes. Bridge still seems uncertain.

"This is how," Dalzina comments before bringing them back together. Her dark green hair covers the back of Bridge's head in a comical manner. Dalzina smiles during their kiss. This is amazing!

A soft paw sneakily slides down the middle of her chest, causing Dalzina to let out an unexpected moan. She works on taking off her jacket. This is what she had wanted him to try. He had never made a move before.

Another paw works on cupping her breast. The tigress lets him, purring more into the kiss. His paw moves her chest around slowly. The tigress' own paws continue exploring his form. He may not work out but he feels so damn good!

While they kiss frantically, their bodies begin to lean back until Bridge is laying down on the couch. Dalzina takes advantage of this. They break their kiss and Dalzina sits up, both paws on his pecs. She feels them through his hoodie.

"Bridge, I... I've been wanting to do this for forever now."

"You have?" He questions. His breathing is a bit labored after their interaction.

She gives a slow nod, rubbing his pecs and grinding on his lower half. She can feel the shape of his shaft through his pants. It's so thick! Her blush darkens noticeably.

"I have. I wanted to see if you would do something but I had to make the move myself!" She smiles widely.

The cougar isn't purring anymore. He turns to his side and shrugs.

"Would you...want to go out with me?" Dalzina asks, watching him expectantly. That question. She has wanted to ask it since they met. She wasn't sure if he felt the same or wanted to date at all! She just knows that she wanted him. Wanted to be there for him. Wanted him to be with her. Through the years, she assumed he was interested in someone else but she could never guess who.

"What?" Bridge seems both confused and shocked, paws by his sides.

Dalzina grins, "Would you..."

She points at the cougar, "Want to go out..."

She then points at herself.

"With me?"

"Why would I do that?"

Her expression neutralizes and her smile falters. What does he mean? She stops rubbing his chest.

"It would make sense if you liked me or wanted to," she proposes. With the look on his face, Dalzina decides to sit up properly. There's something more going on.

"I like you as a friend but definitely not romantically," he declares. He remains serious, both in tone and posture.

"Why...not?" She manages to ask. She feels so much smaller now. She slides a paw up to her elbow, rubbing it instead. The other paw meekly slips off his chest.

"You're not really attractive," he explains, "and I have issues with how you act."

"I...issues? I'm, what, wait, why?" She struggles to speak. Her chest rises quickly as her breathing pacens. Not attractive? Was she right about it all along? Why did he say that? She rubs her elbow even more.

"Get off of me first," Bridge impatiently demands. He starts to sit up.

The tigress slides towards the other end of the couch and wraps her arms around herself, her knees up to her chest. Dalzina's breaths don't last long.

Bridge straightens out his hoodie.

"You're just not attractive."

That statement doesn't help the tigress. She starts to tear up, not sure what to say. Dalzina inhales deeply and closes her eyes. This can't be happening.

"What...what makes you think you are?"

No, that's not how she wanted to say it. She buries her head into her arms even more.

"I already am. The fact you like me is proof. You aren't," he defends, turning to face her.

Dalzina tenses.

"Get...get out of my house."

The cougar tightens a paw, "Why?"

"You're being rude. sleep at your place. You're not welcome here...anymore," Dalzina shakily replies. She doesn't turn to face him; she's too busy refusing to cry.

"Why not? Because I said the truth? You'll have to face it someday," Bridge spits out with the heat of annoyance.

"It's not my--"

"Stop...talking please," she states, curling up even more.

"Am I bothering you? Did you not want to hear what I think?"

"B-bridge please..."

"Why did you assume I like you?"

"Just....stop," the tigress pleads.

"Why? Why? Because you're too afraid to--"

"Please stop."

Bridge kicks her table, causing the vase to fall over. The flower rolls down and collides with the carpet. Water pours out onto it.

"Fine. I'll stop for you princess. But you won't ever get anywhere by pushing furs out of your life."

Dalzina looks up with a hardened glare, tears making streams down her face.

"Just leave...please."

Bridge flips on his hood and storms away. He intentionally knocks over a glass. It crashes in the kitchen.

"Fuck you. And that talk about feeling earlier? Well, you know how I feel now."

The front door is slammed. He's gone. Dalzina stares at the broken glass on the kitchen floor and bawls. She lays on the couch, closing her eyes. Nothing could match today. She could lose her house, job, and tuition and it would still be better than today. She was right all along. Dalzina shivers and tries her best to fall asleep, curling up on the couch.

Dalzina lets out a low groan and sits up. She squints at the sun coming in from her screen door. She's still on the couch, clad in last night's shirt and jeans. Her jean jacket is on the kitchen counter.

A notification is heard on her phone. She reaches over and picks it up, wondering who it could be. When she reads the message, she throws her device on the floor and starts tearing up.

Bridge: "Last night was fun. It's great seeing you again. Did you want to go to a new café with me and Gaztro?"