War of the Tribes Part Two Something's Amiss

Story by Topo on SoFurry

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#2 of War of the Tribes

Part Two of War of the Tribes. This story has lewd content, so only read at your own discretion. All characters in this story are adults. This story has massive plot development, so if you are here for a quick nut, I would not suggest this story to you.

Part two has adult themes, which will come into play more as the story progresses.

Jarrah dropped, head cushioned by the sand as the warchief scooped his chin up, getting a good look at his fur. "He is rather colourful for a kangaroo I must say. White around the nose, blue under the eyes and patches of dark green. He will be very fun to play with indeed."

Topo chuckled at the dragon inspecting his new plaything. "You may leave now, its best nobody saw you here, unless the expect something may be amiss." Topo exited the tent, stretching out his limbs as the music continued to play faintly. Smirking, he began towards the centre of the village, to speak with the previous chieftain, Winfrey.

The warchief ordered his dragon bodyguards to carry the roo back towards the dragon fort, carefully guiding him through the hole that had been dug, sand clinging to their scales as they shuffled one by one. The roo was dragged through, one dragon guard grabbing his forepaws pulling him along and the other pushing his mass to the other side.

The three of them piled outside the village, the wooden fence looming over them as the warchief gave a gentle pet over Jarrah's fur. "My my he looks delicious. You will be fun to play with, and even more fun breaking." He ran his tongue down the side of Jarrah's face, chuckling under his breath. "Let's go dragons, I have not had my supper yet, less you want to be on the menu."

The dragons looked at each other nervously, but each grabbed one half of Jarrah's body, lifting him off the sand. They began the march back to their fort, tails dragging along behind them as the ocean shimmered from the moon above. Sparkles from the gems in the sand were highlighted in the darkness, the warchief admiring one before continuing his trek.

Inside the kangaroo village, Topo approached Winfrey, with a fake grimace. "Chief! I have grave news, Jarrah was helping me return the gem I had taken from the challenge back to the dragon shores, and... and!"

Winfrey hushed him, "calm yourself young one. What exactly happened? You are speaking too fast for one my age."

"Jarrah, my chief, is dead. He was killed by the dragons."

Winfrey's eyes gaped, mouth falling open, "no..."

"Yes, I'm afraid, he was killed when we were returning from returning the gem that I took. They were after me, and I needed his help. He risked his life to save me..." a tear fell from the roo's eyes, trying to buy the act. Winfrey's head fell, dread coiling around him.

"I must tell the tribe."

"Chief, as I witnessed his death, I must announce his death. I shall take the spot of chieftain in his place." Topo approached the stage and tried calling out to the rest of the tribe over the music. "Kangaroo tribe! I have tragic news to announce!" The musicians paused their music, passing their attention to Topo. "Jarrah, your chieftain, has been killed! The dragons murdered him right in front of my eyes, I only barely managed to escape, it is a fateful day indeed."

Shock gripped the crowd, as Topo continued his speech, "I shall function as your chieftain in Jarrah's place, and I hope to be a inspiration to this tribe, that the dragons, whilst they murdered the previous chieftain, have agreed to a peaceful arrangement if we open our gates!"

Baffled, one roo with silky grey hair spoke up within the crowd, "why should we trust you? We all know of your greedy calibre you smelly roo! And not to think that Jarrah was murdered by the dragons, if they made a peace treaty with us, don't you think Jarrah would have heard about it?"

An uproar grew within the tribe, as hate began to build immediately towards the new chieftain. "Calm down everybody! I assure you; I mean no harm to this tribe! The dragons murdered Jarrah before my eyes yes, but they said it was necessary for us to begin to bond! Apparently, Jarrah had been conspiring behind our backs! Calling the Avian tribes to take over our beaches! The evil avian tribes at that, such as the mockingbirds!"

Confused mumbling and chatter erupted below the stage. Winfrey knew to himself that something was not sitting right with this whole story, it didn't seem to follow up. He stood, joining Topo on stage. "As much as I hate to admit it, we have no other to lead our tribe as of now. So, Topo, you have officially been declared our new chieftain!"

Instead of cheers and hoots that Jarrah had received, Topo got disgusted glares and groans from the crowd. "You will see how great of an ally the dragons can be! We have been at war with them for one hundred years, but now we can finally reconciliate and see what great allies they make. Our gates will be open from here on, guards, open the gates!"

A red kangaroo stood hesitatingly, the same one that had opened the gates for Jarrah that very morning. "Y-yes chief." He cranked the lever, lifting the gate from the gate.

"Keep that gate open, leave the lever cranked, the dragons shall have open passage to our village from now on, and as Jarrah has been killed, we have been rid of a menace!"

The same roo from before with silvery hair yelled up at Topo, "Jarrah was not a menace! I shall not stand here whilst my village is being ruled by a tyrant!"

Topo squinted at the roo. "Hm, a tyrant eh? Fine, if you will not accept me as your new chieftain, the _rightful_chieftain, then I shall return, and I'll give you something to bow down to me for." Topo proceeded to hop out the gate, grumbling to himself. "I will be back!"

As he vanished into the darkness, Winfrey waved at the red kangaroo guard to close the gate. "He was lying, I could see it. About what, I could not tell, but his story was not sound. Prepare our forces for tomorrow, I feel an onslaught is coming."


Jarrah groaned, a pounding in his head ensued as he tried opening his eyes. To his surprise, it was pitch black all around. He tried shifting his weight around, but found his limbs had been immobilised. A rope had been wound around his wrists behind his back, giving little leeway. Around his large feet, they had been tied pressing against each other, as if he was sitting in a butterfly pose. He felt something around his snout, pressing it tightly, but he wasn't sure what it was, except it was tight. Whoever put him in this position knew what they were doing. A blush formed across his cheeks as he realised that he was stark naked, his loin cloth had been removed.

"Grrph!" He muffled into the gag, Trying wriggle around but having little success. The most he could do was thump his tail on, cement? The ground felt cold, but that made no sense, they were on a beach, right? His ears perked up as a noise from across the room made itself known. This noise was followed by a chuckle. The roo couldn't help but let out a whine.

"Morning my pet, how are you holding up? See you're a bit tied up there." The roo bit his tongue slightly, wiggling around violently tied up. From around his eyes, his blindfold was pulled away, revealing a grey room with grey walls. Standing before him was a black dragon... the warchief.

"Grrmmph!" He grumbled. The dragon chuckled again.

"Hush now my pet, no need to get feisty. This is your new life now, so you better get used to it. We are going to have so much fun together! I look forward to it!" The dragon pets the roo on the head, who gives him the evil eye. The roo tried to shout _don't touch me_through the gag, but it ends up in muffles. Only then he notices that he's wearing a pink muzzle that wraps all the way around his snoot, only revealing his nose and hiding everything else underneath pink fabric. He can't help but blush at the colour.

"Naww, look at you, blushing already. You'll be doing plenty of that with me, trust me. Now, its time address some of the rules you will be following by. Rule one, you are to address me as sir or master whenever you refer to me, which even then will be rare. That little muzzle was hand crafted by the best, fit just for you, so you will be wearing it most of the time. Rule two, you will only be allowed to nut with my permission, so you will better get used to a little toy that will be presented shortly. Last Rule, you are to follow everything I say, no matter what it is. I don't care what your limits are, you are here to satisfy me and only me. Any chances at escape will be severely punished, and punishments will be harsh. I do not show mercy on my subs."

Whines and whimpered starting pouring from the roo's jaw. This dragon was literally twice the size of him, let alone he was tied up. His body started to shake violently, as the dragon noticed his cock started to peak from his sheathe. "ooh! Seems you are a little sub. I don't like the word slut or cumdumpster, it doesn't seem fitting. Instead, you will be referred to as joey or wallaby. Wallaby for small roo, I mean you're tiny even for a kangaroo haha! Now, that little cock of yours is mine, no getting aroused on me."

Jarrah's cock at half snaked out of his slit, but was met with a sharp cold, causing him to wail through his gag. His cock immediately tucked itself away into his sheathe. "Some ice to keep my sub nice and unaroused. You and I are deep underground, hidden away in my dungeon. I have had more subs than just you, but none have been more fun. Now, this little toy is sure to make you frustrated."

Reaching down to his cock, he pulled a small cylindrical cage over his sheathe, buckling a ring behind his balls. "This will keep that little cock of yours trapped. Had the blacksmith make it for me." Jarrah's eyes widened at the metal tightly squeezing his sheathe, and his cock started to strain against it immediately. "Now to lock it." Using a key, he locked the cage on, connecting the cage to the ring. "Now, see this key? This is the only way of freeing that cock of yours."

Grabbing the key, he went over to a shelving unit and pulled out a pair of pliers. Seeing it, Jarrah began to shake his head violently, his heart thumping as the dragon threatened to bend the key. "If you disobey me even once, I will break this key. Understand?" Jarrah nodded enthusiastically. "For such a strong kangaroo, you are very eager to serve. Maybe you were meant for this haha."

The dragon pulled out a collar, red in colour, from the box. "This is my most special piece of equipment, because its been mixed with magical properties. We traded it from one of the faraway fox tribes. Its unused, because once it clicks around its target, it doesn't come off. It's a permanent accessory. And it's perfect for you."

Jarrah tries pulling against the rope bounding his paws behind him but makes no mark. The dragon clips the red collar around the roo's neck, which flashes for a moment, until the buckle for it disappears. "The merchant who traded it to us said it was uncuttable, only removeable via magic. So therefore, it's never coming off."

The dragon buckles a small, bone shaped tag with the label joey written on the tag. He buckled the tag onto the collar, dangling there. "Aren't you such a precious thing hm?" The kangaroo blushed, struggling on the rope. "Don't worry, later I will show you to the whole village, how does that sound?"

"Mrrgh!" Jarrah tried to reply, clearly mad at the dragon. The dragon just pets him, which he lets out some purrs.

"You're not so against it, that cock says differently. We can have some more fun later, I must go attend to my tribe. I'll be back soon my pet!"

The roo struggled against his bindings, wiggling and squirming with his cock straining against the cage. "Mrrgh!" He witnessed the dragon approached a door at the other end of the room. Whining again, he rocked himself around, feeling the heat of his caged cock.

"Have fun my pet, I'll be back soon!"