Jahaliya: Port of Cum (novella)

Story by Varzen on SoFurry

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#18 of Jahaliya

Well look at this! An 86-page Jahaliya novella!

Captain Kathryn O'Grael, who has made her career in saving slaves (mostly female) from all sorts of ruffians--many of which, disconcertingly, work for the Poacher Queen--has come into port at Jahaliya with interests of inheriting the Blessing.

What will this entail? Hasn't her good works already made her worthy in the eyes of Goddess?

Our readers will find out through many delightful situational and sexual romps.

And! As a writing twist: about 57% of this tale was written by my commissioner, kchishol1970! And he did a great job, too. This was a fun collaboration, of which we may see more in the future!

As always, enjoy.

The Pirates of Jahaliya:

Port of Cum

With billowing sail and confident steadiness, The Coming Storm knifed its way through the high seas. At a distance, the uninformed would be forgiven for assuming the pirate ship was on the usual hunt for new quarry.

However, a closer look would show otherwise, considering that ship was not alone. The tall ship enjoyed a grand escort of sperm and blue whales and their pinniped batmen, their bat-dolphins, as an Orca officer of the Cetan navy led a confident pace with the Storm.

Furthermore, a deeper look upon the ship itself would discover something even more stirring. Namely, Captain Kathryn O'Grael and her well-seasoned all-female pirate crew sailed with the glorious joy of a pack of newly liberated slaves. Those were all female, too, with the unfortunate nefarious implications of such an arrangement by their captors.

But that was all settled, and indeed, considering how most of the crew now proudly displayed their new allegiance with Jahaliya with its particular manner of dress, the pirates' former secret about their gender was out in the most vivid way. With the majority joyfully naked to varying degrees, and with their nautical professionalism on a uniformly high display, it was a sight for any virile Jahaliyan to treasure.

On the poop deck, a studly wolf Prince and his muscular, buxom skunk bodyguard of the blessed land of Jahaliya agreed with that sentiment as they unobtrusively stood admiring the scene in action, perfectly nude. However, there were more matters to attend to as Ryoga peered through the ship's sextant as Tina took notes.

"My Prince, you know that's not the clearest view of the sun," wryly admonished the muscular skunk as she observed the wolf looking through the ship's rigging for his reading.

"Hush, I know." replied the studly wolf with a salacious smile as he adjusted the arc positioning before dialling the micrometre drum for the statistics he needed to sound out. However, as soon as he was done, the closeup of the lovely naked pirates with their pert tits and rumps in the rigging was a delight that needed only a slight angle and focus to savour, even through the light filters.

"Oh, what's this, then?" murred the Prince, his tail wagging and sheath plumping.

The sight was interrupted by the sound of a firm stride clacking towards him. The Jahaliyans turned with warm smiles as Captain O'Grael approached. Considering that she came in her naked glory with only a tricorn hat and buccaneer boots to frame her, her presence was greeted in many ways, from the rattle of purrs to the secretive but not-so-hidden groping of their own exposed clits and lower lips.

"Greetings," started Ryoga with a tone reflecting his warm reception, a distinct and sincere salutation hardening down below. "I thought a sighting was in order and wanted to spare you the trouble. By the way, I see you're back to your regular footwear ways."

The Captain smirked at this conversation starter and said, "Well, those thigh boots are fun for the land, but hardly appropriate at sea. However, I doubt your playing with ship equipment to ogle my crew is any better."

Tina bristled at the implication. "Hey, how about you read this before you pass judgment on him?" as she thrust her notepad to her.

O'Grael took it with dismissive nonchalance, saying, "I'm sure he drew a pretty picture of the waves," which proved short-lived as she read. Without another word, O'Grael gestured for the sextant herself to take her own reading. With the necessary adjustments performed, the Captain read the stats and took a slightly chastened tone at the revelation.

"Apparently, I have done you a disservice," said the pirate vixen as she looked to Ryoga. She observed how he stood as firm as her ship's masts while his bodyguard swayed with the ship, and the chagrin in her tone worsened. "And apparently I am half-blind about you as well. You have marine experience?"

"Correct," Ryoga responded proudly, his thick wolf cock bouncing as he strode, "I spent a summer on a fishing schooner on my parents' orders, but you weren't completely wrong about me either." At that, he couldn't help but glance down on himself.

O'Grael smiled that the image. "Well, I shudder how the ship stayed afloat with you on board."

"Actually," answered the Prince as mixed memories clouded in his mind. "My parents made certain to impress the Captain's authority over me on his ship. I still remember the little ceremony for him, complete with bestowing that sea dog a medallion in front of me to deliver the point. I was worth only what I could accomplish onboard. To further the point, Mother advised him that having me spanked in front of the crew should be the maximum disciplinary measure if necessary. Whole crew, bare-bottomed."

"You're always bare-bottomed," O'Grael said. She couldn't suppress a giggle at the thought of the wolf being taken over the knee. "Well, ship's discipline is no small matter at sea."

"Goodness, especially with this drag-along," the Prince said, raising his cape with his tail and shaking his pert cheeks.

A titter of laughter bubbled up among the ranks.

"O'Grael, do you spank? You don't seem to have a problem with your crew," Tina asked as she gestured to the main deck, then reached down and stroked her studly Prince.

Ryoga followed Tina's free hand and saw the evidence for that compliment: while the crew on active duty was engaged with normal sailing operations, there was no lazing about for the others. Many of them conducted battle drills as they rotated their roles to practice as if they were senior naval academy cadets.

At that display, Ryoga had to comment, "Indeed my Captain; you run a ship as wonderfully tight as your rump."

Despite her tough image, O'Grael could only answer, "Goddess strike you down, you rogue." She blushed at his bizarre compliment and the sight of that wolf's beautiful cock, which of course made his enthusiasm very clear.

Quickly, however, the Captain managed to gather her dignified pose. "My motto for the crew is, 'If you have time to kill, you have time to drill.'"

Intrigued, Ryoga wrapped his arm around his skunk lover's waist and asked, "How did the crew react when you implemented that policy?"

"As any layabouts would," shrugged O'Grael, "they bitched and moaned, but they were smart enough to know the stakes we face in our 'business.' You know by our reputation that it has paid off. You can't assume your quarry is doing any less," she said, pulling her sword from its holster and brandishing it, blunt side first, at her new companions.

"Oh yes," Tina agreed. "By the way, I heard my friends are doing something funny with the crew at this moment. Was that your idea or theirs?"

The foxy captain smiled. "My crew's; as much as I know it was to get out of regular duty or drills. I'm fine with such initiative as long as it is productive. Besides, at sea it's always good to show any onboard landlubbers the ropes. Can support only so much deadweight; only expend so much charity before it becomes self-asphyxiation."

"I can agree with that," quipped Tina with some inspiration barreling through her mind. "Can I join them, my Prince?"

Ryoga smiled at the thought of both her enthusiasm and the opportunity it afforded. "Of course, Tina; as soon as you return the sextant to the Cabin Girl, have fun," responded Ryoga as he leaned for a conspiratorial whisper, "I know I will."

With that playful confession, Tina departed with the navigation aide. That compliance came with an aroused grin, fighting the urge to glance back as the Prince consulted the Captain with his head up high and a paw gripping playfully low, rewarded with a feminine coo in return.

As it happened, Tina's immediate task at hand was waiting for her. A young calico with an orangey patch of fur framing her left eye met the muscular skunk right when she hit the main deck.

Before Tina could speak, the young cat beat her to it. "Greetings Lady Tina! I'm Jacka, ship's Cabin Girl! How may I assist you today?"

"Oh," Tina started at her overflowing youthful ebullience, "Well, I'm supposed to bring this back to you," came her answer as she handed the sextant to the Cabin Girl.

"Yes, my Lady! One moment please!" the calico eagerly responded as she took the instrument and skipped into the Captain's cabin. As Tina's ears scanned, she heard a slight squeak of a lid opened and then snapped shut just before the cabin girl returned.

"Is there anything else you need me for?" asked the kitten as she stood enthusiastically before the sexy skunk, attempting not to marvel around Tina's revealing harness and cape.

Tina just stood there, startled at this girl, and realized a detail she had ignored up till now. Considering how the girl seemed overdressed with a jaunty shirt, pants and boots, Tina had completely missed the incongruity against the rest of the crew's much-sparser dress. She couldn't even see Jacka's tits.

At that mystery, Tina could not resist. "Well Jacka, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Please do, my Lady!"

"Considering the majority of the crew right now, it's odd you are fully-clothed; do you mind explaining why?"

"Not at all my Lady," she said, bouncing on the tips of her boots, "the Captain has orders to restrain themselves around the males of Jahaliya until the Blessing has been bestowed. Is it true that with it, you never get pox or preggers unless you really want to?"

Tina smiled at the chance to give a girl a chance to own something truly fundamental about herself. "Yep, those are aspects of the Blessing, and there are many others. But you know, there are ways you can indulge..."

Jacka cut her off. "Not right now; there's not a good enough reason to get excited for any of that. I just thought that it would be easier to stick to old habits and trust the Captain's order."

"Glad to hear that," answered Tina, relieved, "I was hoping you weren't feeling out of place or pressured otherwise."

"I appreciate your concern, Lady Tina, but I've had far worse before this."

"What do you mean?" inquired Tina with a new concern.

The calico wilted and her ears drooped. She said, "Well, I was the daughter of a very stern father who shipped me off to a convent overseas because I disgraced him in some way; he wouldn't tell me."

Fighting to keep her dignity in the face of such memories, while a concerned Tina noticed her conceding a few tears, Jacka continued, "That was bad enough, but falling overboard when a rogue wave hit the ship during a fog was a trying moment."

Tina reflexively kneeled to grab Jacka's paws with quiet alarm, asking, "Oh my Goddess, were you hurt?"

"No, but I could barely keep myself afloat while the ship went without me. I would have drowned if The Coming Storm wasn't shadowing that ship at that moment. They picked me up and really seemed open to letting me join them, as long as I described my ship."

"Did you?" Tina asked, fearing the answer.

Jacka seemed to sense that concern and broke into a reassuring smile that complemented her past's turn, "Don't worry, I only sang when they promised they would not hurt me, or anyone. As it was, my description convinced them that the ship was not worth their time, especially with a treasure ship to intercept in that same fog soon."

"That's a relief, but I hope you are happy here."

Jacka brightened at the change of topic, her sudden intensity resembling the Myscindryans' explosives and causing her to bounce on her heels. With incredible enthusiasm and very few pauses, she said, "Oh I am! It's like the crew are my long lost Aunts and I have important work in a place in comfortable clothing where no brothers to push me around! I've learned so much neat stuff about ship design, rigging, ballast, the pumping system! I've handled the helm on occasion and the Captain says she's going to teach me navigation soon and I..."

Well, now at least I know what excites her, thought Tina with a small grin as Jacka's speech pattern accelerated with her vivaciousness.

"Jacka!" roared the porcine Quartermaster as she stomped into range. "You are on duty! What did I say about lollygagging?"

The calico stiffened as her ears drooped, muttering to Tina, "There is a downside too," she said, before turning to Beatrice to speak with a contrite tone. "Yes, Quartermaster."

"It's my fault." piped up Tina as she stood in posed authority, "As the part of the Prince's Harem, I asked for some information which she complied as part of her duties. In fact, I was wondering if I could borrow her to show me where my friends are with the ropes"

"Well, hmm," started the Quartermaster, "I'll let it slide for now, but Jacka, remember that friends in high places won't protect you all the time. Stay true to The Storm."

"Yes, Quartermaster," replied Jacka with a subdued tone as she guided Tina on her way with wary attention.

As Tina proceeded, the Quartermaster whispered, "Sorry, but I have to be the hardass to maintain discipline for the Captain." Tina nodded with silent understanding as she followed Jacka. "A task done with promised forgiveness promotes sloth."

"But are you a hardass?" asked the skunk.

"I'll straighten that tail faster than you can say 'insubordination,' missie," gruffed the sow. "I'll forgive you afterwards."

Tina grinned. "Fantastic."

As the Harem Warrior and Cabin Girl approached the bow of the ship, their quest was rewarded with a delightful spectacle. For her part, Tina didn't know whether to laugh or cum first, but Vin and Brath looked at her for a decision. They would have liked to do more, but the ropes around their limbs limited the options with them spreadeagled even as Corsi looked pensively at the hemp work. Everything was on display, and the two cats, one with collar, one with earring, lay bound before her.

"Guys, what are you doing?" asked Tina as her emotions fell to laughing.

"Well, my Lady Tina," answered Brath, "Third Mate Baltica here offered to show us the ropes and Corsi suggested combining it with a bit of a Jahaliyan fun."

"Only it stopped being fun some time ago!" growled Vin, glaring at Corsi while a topless Stoat pirate shook her head at this predicament.

"Hey, I told you I'll figure out how I did those knots, somehow, or cut you out!" Corsi replied with a foul mixture of frustration and embarrassment as she reached for her knife.

Baltica jerked with a scowl at that move, "Hey, not with our ropes you don't!"

"But Baltica..."

"'But' nothin'! At sea, you can survive with ropes too long, but you damn well can't if they're too short! You got them tied up like that; now get them out."

At this, a cooler and younger head prevailed. "Baltica," interrupted Jacka, "Can I help with a bit of a demonstration? They are part of the Prince's bodyguards after all and we could use a good impression when we get to port."

Baltica smiled, "All right, Squirt, show them up and get my ropes back."

With that, the calico went to work with a practiced skill that Tina already suspected as she started on Brath. "That Cleat Hitch is easy enough; we can at least get you semi-mobile," Jacka explained as she employed her claws to get the best traction to remove the rope off the metal fixture on the rim.

When Jacka finished, she turned to Vin, which proved a bit more of a struggle. She said, "Lady Corsi, I can see why you had trouble here: the Round Turn and Two Half-Hitches knot is complicated, but it has a more reliable hold."

"Don't I know it; it's cutting off my circulation." moaned Vin as he struggled to stay still for this cute sea-cat, his cock spilling out of its sheath.

"Shhh!" intoned Tina as she tapped Vin's nose, endeavouring to stay out of Jacka's way, "Don't interrupt a master at work."

"I wouldn't go that far, but I've never seen a newbie take to the sea so well!" replied Baltica as she relaxed at this little triumph of her teaching.

Jacka shrugged as she moved to the remaining limbs. "I just want to be useful and I had hoped to say hello to males as pretty as you two."

Brath, still rubbing his wrists, knelt down to face his liberator, saying, "Not as pretty as you, and thank you for the assist." Reflexively, he began to reach out to pull down her collar, but a hard stare by Tina made him think better of it.

"Too fast?" the naked cat said.

"Yes!" hissed the skunk with motherly concern.

Amidst this argument, the subject of it observed it with her own consternation, "Would it help if I take that as a compliment?" asked a placating Jacka.

"Only if he apologizes for that much forwardness," responded Vin with marked disapproval in his voice.

Brath's whiskers twinged at the transgression, as well as the consequences both divine and physical sure to come if he didn't make amends. "Yes. I am very sorry, My Lady, my paws were wandering too far."

The calico brightened in response, saying, "Oh, I certainly can forgive a male who would call me a Lady for so little!"

"Especially, when I would have put him in irons if he didn't," growled Baltica as she stepped forward to emphasize the point, her pawbeats heavy on the deck.

Corsi was about to put her oar into this discussion when an upward glance's notice indicated otherwise. "Uh guys, as heartwarming this is, something's come up."

All eyes turned to her. "What do you mean?" asked Tina.

The otter pointed upward. "Our airship is coming down."

All present looked up and took in the sight of the flying machine carefully descending to parallel with The Coming Storm.

With the moment's portent, Jacka had to ask, "Is it supposed to do that?"

"Only when it's something urgent," a concerned Vin volunteered.

Baltica needed no more explaining as she leveled her gaze to the passengers. "Right then, you bunch better get back to your Prince. I'll clean up here, but you better go with them, Jacka; they may need their hands free for something."

After the proper thanks were given, the bunch briskly walked to the poop deck, mindful of Jacka's insistence about never running on board unless in battle.

"But aren't we in battle?"

"You hear any harpoons?"

"You never hear harpoons."

"If they're big enough, trust me, you will."

As they climbed the stairs to meet Prince Ryoga and Captain O'Grael, they all observed the airship descending to the poop deck's height. That was except Corsi, who noticed the Orca unit officer backtracking to position himself near the pending conversation.

Once all were in position, the airship Captain stepped forward and said, "My Prince, we have indications of a large storm inbound. Since our craft can beat it there, would you like us to get you and your entourage back to port?"

The Prince considered the options and shook his head. "Nay, I would prefer not. We've just made our agreements here, and I can't leave them right now when it is becoming inconvenient."

Sylvia could not keep still at this, "My Prince, a violent storm is not merely an 'inconvenience' for a ship at sea! The Storm could sink and carry you with it. Your mother would kill us for allowing that!"

"My Lady," piped up Captain O'Grael in professional pride. "We've handled storms before and I assure you, that the Prince will be in no great danger!"

"Especially with us!" proclaimed the Orca officer in a booming voice much like his king. As everyone lined the railing to look down at him, the Orca revelled in his moment, "We of the Cetans fear no storm! In fact, we've been practicing escort support maneuvers for such situations and we want to try them out!"

"Well then," said Ryoga as he straightened out, pleased with the support, "I'm staying here with our new friends and I'll meet you there."

"Not without us!" Tina shouted, "We have to stay and protect your reckless hide!"

All the Jahaliyans on board concurred with a forceful loyalty that Ryoga appreciated.

Against this, Sylvia shook her head in defeat. "Very well, but I'm coming with you. If you drown, I'd be better off doing the same. Captain, permission to come aboard?"

"Granted, My Lady." piped up Captain O'Grael. "We'll get a gangplank in a--"

"Thank you, but we don't have time for that," barked the Lioness before she turned her back and strode with the airship crew initivitively clearing the way behind her.

"Oh my lordy, Aunt..." O'Grael said as the realization hit her. "Everyone clear the poop deck!"

Present company needed no encouragement as they cleared a landing spot.

However, Ryoga was never one to follow the crowd. Instead, he immediately rushed forward and thundered, "Vin, Brath, to me and link up!"

The manly cats charged forward to the Prince and they took their paws together in triangular formation just as the Lioness on the airship launched herself in a mighty running leap.

As Sylvia arched, her cape spreading like wings, the men of Jahaliya immediately positioned themselves to catch her in their arms. As ever hoped with practice, it was a perfect catch.

However, Sylvia was in no mood for compliments for her naughty Prince as she stood up with sour dignity.

"Glad to have you with us," saluted Ryoga with a smile, "However, I would have thought you would prefer an entrance with more decorum."

"You prompt otherwise," Sylvia growled before turning to the pirate captain. "Now, Captain, I believe you need to prepare the ship for rough waters."

Gods, these Jahaliyans are as screwy as they are sexy! thought O'Grael as she simply nodded and got to work.

"My Prince," the airship captain called out, "If you don't need us, can we..."

Ryoga turned to face his air crew and smiled with understanding. "Yes of course, get to port as straight as the weather allows and wait for us."

"Aye, Sir!" responded the Airship Captain as he turned to his own ship. Soon enough, the airship ascended and accelerated away.

With the immediate business completed, Jacka saw her chance to ask. "Lady Tina. If you have ships that can fly, why do you want our sailing ship?"

Delighted to have her company, Tina turned and stooped for the calico kitten. "Well, those airships are fast and can get around a lot of obstacles, but they can't hold very much weight and are really fragile against the weather. So, we need tall ships like yours and brave people like you to crew them to handle and protect our waters and our allies who live in them."

Jacka's brightened with awe, "Me, brave? I am just a cabin girl no one wanted before this ship," she whispered. "I mean, these ladies like me, but two ships in a row?"

Tina may have been known for her personal strength, but her heart melted at this kitten's incredulity. "We want you. We need you for the challenge of the sea, and I am sure the Goddess feels the same."

Jacka could resist no longer and hugged this naked warrior. "Thank you."

"My pleasure, and I think I can prove it more when I have you say hello to King Shamon, ruler of the Cetans."

"Wow! To meet a King!" breathed Jacka as her eyes widened at the awesomeness of that prospect.

Suddenly, a familiar tread intruded as the Quartermaster arrived. "Yes, but until then, get to your post for storm alert!"

This time, Jacka obeyed with a lightness of heart not even stern authority could cut down. "Yes, Ma'am" answered the calico cat as she proceeded accordingly.

Tina faced the Quartermaster. "I had hoped you would not be that hard on her because of me."

The Quartermaster smiled, "Don't worry, she knows her duty and I haven't seen her that happy since we took her in. However, we all have much to prepare for."


Prepared or not, Captain O'Grael was hovering over the helmswoman as The Coming Storm raced for port in a forlorn hope. The result was a respectable clip that even their Cetan escort enjoyed as a speed approaching their own.

Unfortunately, the weather proved unsympathetic as the skies darkened with ominous clouds rolling in.

Standing by his nautical lover's side, Prince Ryoga's mood shared that atmosphere as he gazed upward, pensively watching as meteorological reality asserted itself above. "Captain," he addressed O'Grael, "In case you need to know, we're out of time. The coming storm's come."

The foxy O'Grael glanced upward and grimaced. "Aye, it's time to ride it out." she judged with resignation before turning to the crew.

"All right bugler, start the signal to the escort and prepare for storm!"

As the bugler played her urgent melody, a pair of signallers for each side of the ship took up flags and waved them high for the pod in their presence. Likewise, select humpbacks breached in acknowledgement as the pod cut its pace.

The rest of the crew assembled. As they came into position, the quickening of the wind reminding them of their tasks.

Satisfied with the arrangement, Captain O'Grael roared her commands with her own skill:

"Alright, bitches!" roared the Captain, "Watch, single reef topsails!"

"Way aloft, topgirls!" Captain shouted, and the sailors scaled the ropes to enter the rigging.

"Take one reef in topsails!

Man topsail clewlines and buntlines; weather topsail braces!

Hands by the lee braces, bowlines, an' halyards!

Clear away bowlines, round in weather braces, settle away the topsail halyards!

Clew down!

Haul out the reef tackle!

Haul up the buntlines!

Stand by the booms!

Trice up!

Lay out and take one reef!

Light out to windward!

Light out to leeward!" she shouted.

"Toggle away!

Lay in!

Stand by the booms!

Down booms!

Lay down from aloft!

Man the topsail halyard!

Let go the reef-tackles!

Clear away buntlines and clewlines!

Tend the braces!

Set taut!

Hoist away the topsails!

Belay the topsail halyard!

Steady out the bowlines!

Clear away on deck!

Below, Ryoga and company watched with awe as the crew practically danced in the rigging as they performed the long and rapid list of commands with confidence and skill.

"Whoa," whistled Tina, "I didn't know working as a sailor involved all that for one matter! I thought you just drop the sails and just ... y'know, go!"

Ryoga wrapped an arm around her as he admired the crew's handiwork. "Yes, and the Calling usually takes a lifetime to learn. Goddess knows it took me all summer to learn the basic duties. Considering those females couldn't learn it openly and very early, you are watching a very talented crew above you!"

Sylvia stepped by the handsome wolf. "Yes, we're going to have to make a note: if we have to go to ground, a sailor is a terrible cover story to use!"

"Yep, most of you would be caught right away," quipped Beatrice the Quartermaster as she stepped into their presence, "but that doesn't mean you can't contribute as well."

"Quite right," responded Ryoga as he turned to the Quartermaster. "What would you like us to do?"

Beatrice gathered her decisions about and pronounced, "Well, my Prince, since you have your sea legs, and very nice ones I might add, I would like you to be on deck and stand by to fill in for any duties here as necessary. I'm sure you can appreciate the need for options for storms, although I'd like you off the rigging since you're too valuable for work that dangerous."

"Oh, did you hear that?" giggled the Prince to a bemused Matron, "Something too dangerous for me."

Sylvia groaned, and Ryoga bowed to the Quartermaster. "Delighted, Dear Quartermaster. In times of danger at sea, I prefer having something to do than staying below deck, feeling helpless."

"Even when you get to ogle the crew some more?" queried Beatrice with an arched eyebrow.

"One has to make the best of a situation," confessed Ryoga with his paws raised to the giggling amusement of his harem girls, "therefore you can count on me."

Politely smiling, Sylvia stepped toward related matters, "Quartermaster, what would like us to do?"

"Well, beyond staying out of our way, you can stay in the hold and watch our stores. There is always the risk of stuff breaking free. With too much of that kind of weight shifting around, there is always a danger of it moving into the wrong position on a swaying ship, and possibly causing trouble."

"And yet, it doesn't bother her," said the Prince, thumbing toward the voluptuous Lioness.

Sylvia produced a riding crop from her tall boot and struck him across the ass, summoning a mighty yelp. "Touchy," he quipped as he rubbed his behind, tempted to ask for some assistance there from his girls.

"We can do that," responded Sylvia with a quick glance, confirming the nods of the girls, as well as Vin and Brath.

"Thank you, but I have another request," said Beatrice as she turned to Corsi. "I understand you have talent as a medic."

The otter stood to attention. "That's correct."

"Good, then I'd like you on deck for first aid standby. During storms, injuries are likely and any assistance you can provide in that event would be valuable. Plus as a semi-aquatic, I presume water is less of a problem."

"Will do!" responded Corsi with the compliment implied.

"Good to hear," said Beatrice as rumbling thunder reasserted looming conditions, "but everyone in position!"


Soon enough, one of sailing's less pleasant aspects was made clear as the ship rocked to a howling gale and the piling waves gathered. Occasionally, they broke over the side and drenched unlucky pirates as they fastidiously labored at their posts.

Ryoga divided his attention on the main deck, working hard as he good while watching the pirates work, seeing their glistening pert bodies framed by the soaked remains of their clothes. It was a welcome challenge.

Yes, there is a bright side to such dark weather, thought Ryoga as he strode to the hold hatch to allay another concern.

"Lady Sylvia," he sounded as he craned downward while trying to minimize the opening against entering wash, the storm, wind, and rain hissing against his eardrums, "How are you holding up?"

Looking a bit flushed through her fur, Sylvia stumbled to meet her Prince. "We're all right: the cargo is secure and we're standing by on the pumps if they need more help."

"I'm glad to hear that; the crew above is on top of things as well."

"That is very reassuring my Lord, the spirits are good down here. The company is welcome and we're learning a lot."

Just then, behind the Lionness, there came a retching sound from Vin, instantly followed by a choking sound and then a spitting cough of utter disgust by Tina.


"Sorry!" the cat sheepishly ejaculated.

Turning her head back, Sylvia shrugged. "For one thing, tongue kissing and sea-sickness don't mix."

Ryoga barked a hearty guffaw, "Give them my thanks, we all need a good laugh right now!" he commented before closing the hatch to return to his duties.

Up on the poop deck, Corsi would have agreed if she could have heard that affair: as it was, she struggled to stand while looking out for potential trouble. In the tumult, the otter couldn't help but mutter an all too relevant devotional: "Oh Goddess, Thy sea is so great and my boat is so small'."

However, Captain O'Grael grinned at the wheel as she fought the swirling currents. "Buck up Sailfish, you're with the best at sea and we've got great friends in it!" she shouted as she pointed to a sperm whale Cetan trooper waving warmly in the water. They saw the trooper and his squad circling the pitching ship.

Corsi waved back and wondered if she could feel safer out in the water with them. "Yes Captain, they are a big help, but I wonder..."

Suddenly, there was a snap as a rope broke free in the wind. The crew dove either for it or away to avoid its swinging arc, but one pirate was just a bit late, and the lemur was whipped off the rigging. With a scream, she plummeted, barely missing hitting the ship as she fell overboard.

Without thought, Corsi darted to the side of the crowd, and ignoring the protests of the crew around, dove into the churning water.

Doing so, the otter had a sinking feeling about her act, which threatened to become that much more a literal statement as she entered the water. Don't have much time before I'm another casualty, Corsi thought as she plunged deeper.

Unfortunately, the seething water buffeted her like a mass of liquid concrete. Fighting the maelstrom, Corsi struggled to keep her orientation as she fought downward and grabbed the seemingly still lemur to bring her up.

To her alarm, the lemur barely moved, seemingly paralyzed by fear and/or despair, and thus became a dead weight threatening to pull the otter to her doom. Blast it, help me help you! mentally pleaded Corsi as she struggled. However, for all her efforts, Corsi sank inexorably and fatigued with only a silent prayer for help.

Almost as if as the immediate answer, two Cetan dolphin troopers shot up through the water and expertly nosed the twin load upward.

"Sailfish, " they clicked and squeaked, "high sea rescues are our responsibility!"

Fighting to preserve the last of her air, Corsi declined to argue as she frantically gazed upward to the approaching surface.

Breaking into air, Corsi gasped it in like water in the opposite environment. With the dolphins holding them up, Ryoga's roar was barely audible from above.

"Heads up Corsi, and grab hold!" the Prince Wolf shouted as he threw down a life ring. Briefly smirking at having won the Captain's argument about not having him on board, the thought faded as the wind threw his aim off, the preserver ineffectually whirling off-course to a random wave several yards off. However, a third dolphin burst from the water and grabbed the ring with her mouth to deliver it home. As Corsi got her lemur through the floatation device, Ryoga braced himself as he pulled them up.

As the stricken pair were raised, the pitching ship threatened to batter them senseless against it and force Corsi's desperate grip loose. At that, the biggest Cetan troopers moved against the ship, right against the hull, and applied all their strength to steady it for the rescue.

Even so, Ryoga struggled to save the most precious of treasures of all to him. "Goddess, please grant me the strength for those who need it now!" Ryoga howled in prayer as he hauled. Suddenly, the rope tightened behind him as sure paws took the rope.

"Will we do?" asked a bear, Ursa as he recalled, as she helped reeling the lifesaving catch with practiced confidence.

"By the Goddess and Her Glory, Yes!" groaned Ryoga as their load reached the rim, close enough for Ryoga to grab them and complete the journey. With that, he fell backward and caught his charges on himself as he thanked the Goddess.

However, that didn't get Corsi off in his eyes. "Corsi, you could have been killed! Can you please work within your limits?" remonstrated Ryoga even as he clung to her with the tightness of a lover who was almost lost.

Corsi coughed up seawater as she gazed at the Prince in wearisome penance. "Duly noted."

At that, Baltica ran up and barked, "Prince Ryoga, as charming as this is, get on your feet! This storm is not over yet!"

With a weary shrug, Ryoga complied while Baltica turned her attention to Corsi. "If you can't stand, can you at least tend to Brichie with you while you're there?"

"Aye," answered Corsi as she examined the coughing Lemur who thankfully did not require much more intervention than that.


Eventually, the skies cleared and the waters settled as the ship stood anchored. As the rigging crew unfurled the sails and the remainder swept the decks, Captain O'Grael and Prince Ryoga collaborated on the poop deck in her standard post-action assessment. The fact that Ryoga stood behind her, kneading her breasts was surprisingly both pleasant and minimally distracting for both of them as O'Grael looked over her clipboard. The penis rising between her thighs was another matter.

"All in all, we came out rather well; Brichie's spill was the only potential casualty, notwithstanding your Harem squeeze's overenthusiasm," commented the Captain.

Ryoga sighed and refocused his caresses, "She's a medic with a big heart; which I wish could have helped her buoyancy at that moment."

"Yes, good thing we had such an escort like the Cetans," breathed the Captain with sensuous pleasure at the randy Prince's attentions. "And good Goddess, how do you walk with that thing?" she said, pawing at the heavy protrusion below her pussy, "Anyway, in the future, that ship holding trick will have to be kept to an absolute minimum."

"Why, were they pressing too hard on the hull?" he asked with a hearty squeeze.

"That's not my concern," answered the Captain as she suppressed a purr, "it's the fact that when they reduced the give of the ship itself, all the wind force applied to the masts themselves. I fear that could damage them, or worse, demast the ship. I'm sure you can appreciate what a disaster that could be."

At that, Ryoga let go and straightened with a serious tone to his face. "Indubitably. In fact, the commanding Cetan officer wanted us to inquire about something else. Can you please call the crew to midship?"

As she moved forward, she had to waddle around the pink jib hovering between her legs. Were she to indulge her personal desires, the heat radiating from its rigid form would prove unbearable. It would just have to be within her.

In a moment, the ship's bugler sounded the "assemble" call and the entire crew assembled on the main deck save for the ones in the rigging who peered downward.

"Before we begin," proclaimed Captain O'Grael, "I want to congratulate the fine example you gave our new Jahaliyan and Cetan fellows with the storm. But now, that incident has prompted new business."

Ryoga stepped forward, quietly delighting at how the wind was billowing his cape for the right impression to the lusty females before him. "Yes indeed. Ladies, paws up for anyone who knows how to swim."

With that, a smattering of paws hesitantly lifted amongst the crew, with Jacka's snap into the air being an enthusiastic exception. Ryoga silently counted the lot and grimaced faintly.

"Charitably about 10%. I shouldn't be surprised myself," he muttered.

Captain O'Grael could not stay silent at that disapproval as she whispered, "What do you expect? When you're overboard and lost at sea, you're dead soon anyway, so what's the point of delaying the inevitable?"

"Fortunately, with the company we keep at sea, that is not necessarily the case anymore," Ryoga answered with quiet relief firming his resolve for his announcement. "Furthermore, in scenarios of survival, you will be thankful for every. Chance. You can take."

"Ladies, in view of recent events, we are altering our arrangement: if you are going to sail for us and our allies, you are all going to take swimming lessons when we arrive in port. The ship refit will take some time and we're altering the shore schedule accordingly."

A rat amongst the crew spoke up. "Princey, is that really necessary?"

"Yes it is!" roared around the ship as the Cetans spoke up, startling the crew with a forcefulness brooking no argument.

The Orcan officer skyhopped from the sea off starboard, a glorious wave shimmering around him as he called out with a mighty, "Ahem!"

As the crew gathered at the Captain's beckon, the officer endeavoured to emulate his king's eloquence. "When we're in battle, the last thing we need to concern ourselves with is keeping the lot of you afloat. Ergo, we expect you to at least have some functionality in the water. After all, we Cetans are soldiers, not lifeguards!"

The crew rolled in mirth, but cut short as the Orca bellowed, "Do I make myself clear?!"

At that, the crew remembered their discipline as they straightened into formation and barked with fist aloft, "Aye!"

At that, Captain O'Grael asserted her own authority and said, "Alright, Ladies, to your posts and on to port!"

With that, the crew scattered in orderly fashion. With the anchor being lifted, the Captain snaked a paw around Ryoga's waist and caressed his erect cock. "How's my crew for you?" she asked.

"A fine lot, and I'd dare say getting closer to earning the Blessing." purred Ryoga as his hips went into sultry, sensuous motion.

"Glad to hear that; the sooner, the better!"


With a good breeze at their backs and a mighty pod at their sides, the crew of The Coming Storm proceeded on its way with a collective lightness of heart and twinging anticipation of what a Jahaliyan city would be like.

At least, that was the general scuttlebutt Tina and Corsi overheard on main-deck as they practiced their clove hitch knots together.

"Remember, 8, when we did our, 9, crochet practice, 10?" queried Tina as she fumbled with the ropes. "Oh, for fuck's sake."

"Yes, 8," answered Corsi with a smile at the memory's contrast. "But the seating, 9, right now feels a little more, 10, fun."

"Just please keep your counting straight," breathed Vin with a touch of exertion. Considering that those warrior maidens of Jahaliya were sitting on their feet to help perform their sit ups, the boys appreciated their practicality, especially now.

"Yep, remember at 50, we trade off," puffed Brath as they continued their repetitions.

Amongst them as they exercised, the crew were trying their best not to stare. After all, those delicious Jahaiyans accommodated the Captain's insistence on minimizing the space they needed, but the sight of them drew its own challenge. They were, in fact, nude altogether. The way they carried themselves, however, reminisced more of classical art than ribald perversity. Their bodies simply had those parts.

With that visual reality, suppressing whispers was hopeless. As a result, the Jahaliyans had their own struggles to be nonchalant as they heard however faintly.

"Gods, those studs are like ancient statues, but with bigger dicks."

"Are all the guys of Jahaliya like that?"

"Come on and cool down; they're here to put Jahaliya's best foot forward!"

"And they're doing a damn good job doing that. Do you think that 'Blessing' can give us bodies like those two girls?"

"But do the penises have to be that large?"

"Oh, come on! That one over there couldn't be more than six inches!"

"Six inches is still three longer than ..." the crewmember blushed, tugging at her shirt which held modest breasts possessing very erect nipples. "The, ehm, birth canal."

"Oh, to take a cock that long!"

"Oh, whatever. Just the tip counts; the rest is just travel time. But those women ... my back might break over breasts the size of cannonballs, but I'd love to flaunt such luscious tits!"

At that, Vin couldn't contain himself towards Tina and Corsi and said, "Hmm, apparently you lovely ladies are becoming a goal here."

Tina grinned "12, Keep pumping you scalawags, 13, you have your own standards to keep."

Above them on the poop deck, Captain O'Grael scanned the region before the ship with her telescope as Ryoga awaited her judgments.

"Ah, I believe I see our destination coming into view. That means our escort will be breaking off at any moment. Your navigation seems up to the task."

"The consequences for getting that wrong are rather memorable, so I wanted to make a good impression," Ryoga answered.

The vixen turned her head to wryly smirk at the studly wolf. "Do I detect a bit of insecurity?"

Ryoga matched that attitude with one of his own. "Would you rather have someone a bit unsure of their skills and thus apply them with some care, or have someone too overconfident to admit being wrong?"

"Hmm, humility from Royalty, I bet you think you have everything."

"Except apparently freedom from your assumptions, I was hoping for more of the benefit of the doubt." replied Ryoga, playfully feigning offence.

The Captain shrugged as she returned to her telescope as a more professional matter intruded. "Yes, yes, very smart. I can just make out the cliffs of that port of yours and the opening between them. No lewd jokes: I've already thought of them. I've already fellated you; no snickering."

The Wolf Prince's lower jaw jutted out; here was a female in excellent form, having buttoned herself up after such an intimate exchange a few days ago. All the better to make her loosen up later, Ryoga thought with hungry anticipation.

O'Grael adjusted her spyglass, addressing Ryoga's evident erection with a casual appraising glance. "Since I don't know these particular waters, especially going that way inland, do you have a pilot who can guide us in?"

Stepping back, Ryoga grinned with gleeful anticipation, "Normally we do have someone to come on board, but on this occasion, we have a specialist who has volunteered to help his way."

"Really, when should we expect him?" answered Captain O'Grael as she scanned the coast for a boat.

Ryoga craned his own neck, and glimpsed his moment, "I'd say he's on his way here now."

"What do you mean? I don't see a boat," O'Grael retorted as she searched the coastline.

"He does not need one. Lower your glass about five degrees downward, and you'll see him."

Directions that specific were too intriguing to ignore, and she complied, only to see three wakes approaching her ship. "Cute," O'Grael snarked, snapping her spyglass closed and then sending it spinning several rotations in the air, over her paw, with an expert snap, "Guess we'll have to greet them at the forecastle."

With that, the vixen Captain strode forward with Ryoga following politely behind her, enjoying her reaction with the promise of more practical amusements to come. Until then, gazing at the taut, flexing rump marking her sure gait was perfect consolation.

The approach was enough to get Quartermaster Beatrice's attention, who quickly joined her captain and her new lover. "Before you ask," O'Grael intoned to her subordinate sow, "the pilot is arriving; follow me for more."

As the three wakes approached, the Orca officer intercepted them, gave the prearranged call-sign of a dorsal wiggle and then a left-flipper tilt, then veered the escort off for their own destination as scheduled.

As the ship's bugler sounded a salute in response to the pod's arranged mass breach to mark the end of their escort, the Captain almost absentmindedly gave a high-wave as her attention focused on the incoming trio.

At a ship and a quarter's length from the bow, the Captain could make out two of the trio.

"Hmm, dolphins," she mused, "but I'm still fuzzy on the third body. I've never poached; I'm a bit fuzzy on my marine biology."

Before Ryoga could explain, the dolphins suddenly burst from the water to leap in a playful flourish to announce themselves.

"Greetings Ladies!" one of them shouted with saucy panache, hovering through the air, "We've brought someone to guide you into this fair port!"

Captain O'Grael responded in kind, "Ahoy and thank you! Who do you have in mind?"

At that, a sleek, black, bulbous head emerged with calm modesty and said, "Hello!"

Beatrice stared hard over the bow and shook her head with a rueful smile at the revelation. "Of course, it would have to be a pilot whale."

Ryoga, pleased to play his role, stepped in, "I did say he was a specialist."

"Corporal Scotia here," sounded the pilot whale in an obviously rehearsed greeting. "Ready for duty."

At that effort, Captain O'Grael scrambled to remember her nautical etiquette. "Hail! And, right ... We are ready for you!"

"Thank you," responded Corporal Scotia. "Please do not be concerned for your ship; I have measured and examined the entrance channel thoroughly with a comprehensive briefing about ship classes and their dimensions. It can accommodate any ship of the line, but it's a curved lane with some submerged hazards, so maneuvering takes a bit of finesse. "

"Gods and Goddesses," the Vixen Captain muttered to herself, pondering nautical realities. Then, holding aloft her telescope like a baton, the Captain made plain her trust and said, "Then please, lead on!"

"Aye!" sounded Scotia as he turned and headed for the channel with a deliberate pace for the entrance. With The Coming Storm's sails appropriately trimmed for the speed, the ship followed the pilot whale with the dolphins keeping strictly parallel to enhance Cpl. Scotia's visibility.

However, as the looming cliff faces bordering the channel loomed, Captain O'Grael decided on further precautions.

"Corey, Baltica: stand at the forecastle and sound out the Corporal's turns in exact degrees for the helm. I don't want this ship to make its first impression by sinking and blocking this channel!"

"Or by doing anything other than sheer perfection through this creek," O'Grael muttered to herself, pulling at her triangle ear as she strutted the bridge.

Once in the channel, Scotia slowed his pace and telegraphed his turns as obviously as he could. The spotters, as well as the crow's nest lookout, sounded out maneuvers in kind. Ryoga's companion could practically feel the crew marvelling at the imposing sheer cliff walls bordering the channel. Ryoga kept his thumbs against his temples as his fingers interlaced themselves against his forehead; his boots applied left-and-right pressure to the deck as if his body's counterweighting would redirect this multi-tonne schooner.

To this impressive sight, some could not keep their opinions to themselves.

"Cor, M'Lady," a stoat muttered to Tina as she gazed upward. "Just this channel would be enough for any visitor to behave themselves at this port."

Before Corsi could reply, another interjected, "Yeah, but you'd better pay more attention below; if you look hard, you can see a mess of rocks on the sides just under the water that could hole this ship with too big a wrong turn."

On the poop deck, Cabin Girl Jacka stood on the rail with her species' particular balance and marvelled at the sight, the calico walking the railing with better balance than much of the crew had with the full deck. "Wow, Lady Tina! I'd love to see an enemy fleet try to invade through this; they'd have to go single file, and one sinking could jam them all up here."

Beatrice had her own thoughts, "Now I think about it, this channel's curve would force any ship into a specific movement and make them more predictable to hit by a defender!"

Tina jumped at the chance to impress the kitten more, saying, "Good eyes, Guys! In fact, we've discussed creating special defence platforms at the top of the cliffs."

With this conversation catching her ear, Captain O'Grael tilted her head with nasty intrigue. "Yes, I can see that: a defence force could bombard such a fleet with catapults marked for specific target areas. It would be practically the naval version of a castle's murder holes!"

"Yes, we could destroy an invader easily." Ryoga commented as he unearthed a concern of his own, "However, the hard part would be keeping the channel clear afterward for our own ships. A clever enemy, wealthy and ruthless enough with her own fleet, could cripple this port with such a sacrifice attack."

Sylvia, who had been staying out of the way as she took her notes, remarked, "Then we'd best confer with the Cetans for an appropriate security perimeter outside to prevent that. Shall I put that on the agenda for the next meeting with King Shamon?"

"Thank you, Syliva" answered Ryoga before turning to Captain O'Grael. "And that's another reason I need my Harem girls with me. I might have a good thought from time to time, but they complete my ideas into inspirations!"

"So I keep being reminded." O'Grael answered as she rolled her eyes as this regal portable mutual admiration society.

"Now hold on, my penis is for far more than erotic stimulation! It can be an implement of love, of romance!"

"Oh, for Christ's sake," murmured the vixen.

"For whose?" asked Ryoga.


Eventually, O'Grael's ship made it through the channel and opened into the massive inlet where the port laid. At the sight, the crew, awed by natural marvels, now stood amazed at the constructed ones before them.

Before them was a mass of docks, shore facilities and colossal tower cranes for every conceivable size of any ship needed. Even Captain O'Grael was agape at the sight. The tall buildings further inland framed it for even more magnificence, especially with the graceful, Goddess-carved palatial buildings towering over them.

"By the seas! I've seen some large harbors, but I've never seen anything like this!" cried O'Grael with wild-eyed astonishment. She turned to Ryoga. "How was this even possible?"

Ryoga smugly savored this moment, "When we have time, I would love to introduce you to the creator of this masterwork: Sawchuck, a Master Architect of a Beaver. In fact, after you've experienced his genius at work, wait till you see what he can do if you invite him to your bed!"

"I'm just getting used to you, My Prince."

Meanwhile, the crew had other priorities as the harbor crew coming into view. To a man, they displayed the Blessing with naked toned bodies performing their heavy work with their packages swinging in free boisterousness. While the on-duty pirate crew managed to keep to their tasks reasonably, the reaction of the others started simple and restrained, but grew to a fever pitch of lustful hooting, howls and purrs mitigated only by those silently drooling at the sight.

For their part, the studly dockworkers did their best to keep to their work, ever mindful of the caution necessary for their labors. Still, some of the more adventurous managed to position themselves in practical angles and stances a little more flattering than necessary; many butts and balls and even pussies were flashed as they conspicuously lifted "heavy" materials. Regardless, many an erection developed on males well mannered enough to let the visual salute to the newcomers speak for itself. A legion of penises, firm and sure, presented themselves as a symbol of the excellent art of full-bodied repose.

"Well, the crew's morale doesn't seem to be a concern now, Captain, but your prohibition against fucking around may generate more complaints," observed Beatrice, trying to fan herself as subtly as possible. Try as she might, she wasn't able to deny that the lips between her thighs had greatly swollen, and that the passage contained within her was perfectly prepped and pulsing for a phantasmagoric phallus.

But it had better be a good one.

Captain O'Grael's brow furrowed, pondering the necessary eloquence to come. She said, "I know, but I'll address the crew tonight. For now, however, I wonder if the harbor area is completely cleared of submerged hazards."

Beatrice moved to the rim to look downward into the water. "Well, Captain, I can see that the bottom looks clear enough... What the hell?!"

Captain O'Grael darted to her Quartermaster in alarm, "Beatrice, what is it?"

"I can see the bottom of this water..." Beatrice whispered, fighting to regain her composure. "In a harbor, that's impossible! No such water is that clear!"

At that outburst, one of Scotia's escorts darted in from below and skyhopped to face them. "Well, what do you expect? Is clean water for us in our ally's home too much to ask?"

As the dolphin chittered at the nerve and departed with that snappy comment, Corsi came up for some explanation. "It was a package deal we arrived at: the Cetans give us a hand in naval duties and we make sure the port's water is kept as unfouled for them as possible from inland.

Captain O'Grael arched an eyebrow, "That must be a bother to achieve."

"It certainly challenged Sawchuck and the local planners, but we worked something out to our advantage. We can arrange a meeting with the city manager for details."

Captain O'Grael relaxed against the railing, trying to keep her amazement of this port city to herself, and found a convenient diversion. "Thank you, but I have a more pressing matter," she said, turning to the wolf, "Prince Ryoga, are there quarters for us, or will we have to bunk on the ship?"

"Oh, don't worry about that," Ryoga reassured even as the collective crew excitement was getting him hard as well. "Everything has been arranged, as long as you don't mind if we handle the accommodations our way."

"Thank you, as long as you honor my strictures for my crew. By the way, I'd like to extend my thanks to Cpl. Scotia for his masterful piloting skills."

Ryoga straightened with the Captain's next reaction. "About that, Scotia did volunteer, as per one request that involves the entire crew."

"Really?" O'Grael asked, turning to Ryoga with this revelation. "And what would that be?"

Ryoga, brimming with amusement, dipped his muzzle to her ear to give a conspiratorial whisper. Not really necessary, but the occasion seemed to encourage it.

Captain O'Grael listened, then quietly giggled as far as dignity allowed for the thought. As soon as she composed herself, O'Grael announced with a smile, "Tell the corporal that he strikes a hard bargain, but it's a deal."

"I know he'll appreciate that; his kind does not get to impress by size or acrobatics, but they know their stuff in their corner," explained Ryoga, satisfied at the little services he could offer for such allies.

Sure enough, once the ship was properly moored and the crew was ready for disembarkment, Ryoga and company watched from afar with charmed amusement as the interested crew performed Scotia's favor.

Namely, however modest it may have been, Scotia savored the line of lovely ladies petting and stroking his bulbous head with their paws and occasionally their tails in passing as he floated by the dock, feeling it as paradise itself. As for expressing his thoughts, one close enough could hear in a contented whisper, "Hmmm, squiggies."

"To each his own," said Ryoga with a toss of his cape. Up several steps stood the colossus snow leopardess Governess Cyndra of Myscindryia, and behind her was the mouse Majordomo John of Jahaliya along with an agile yet buxom raccooness Lisa.

The former was decked out in all her finest travelling robes framing her lovely person, with a pleasant set of boots and chest cups designed to cradle her enlarged breasts. In the center of all this filigree rested a prominent baby bump.

"Sire, Prince, welcome back!" she cheered, and Ryoga could not help but bow as the crowd around Lisa built up to a respectful howl. The raccoon romped down the deck, a little more carefully than before, and kissed him on the side of the lips as she grasped his sheath and stroked it to reveal its full bounty. She continued stroking until the long, hard wolf phallus drooled from the tip and her Prince was breathing heavily and humping into her paw.

"That will be all," he interrupted, kissing her deeply before moving her aside, "Any further temptations and I'll plumb any rump that gets in my way."

He strode up the steps, fully engorged with a few embarrassments dripping from the tip. He faintly heard the quiet murmuring of the pirate horde in the distance, savoring the spectacle, even as his Harem made way for him.

"Ah, Governess," he addressed as she came up to a lover almost twice his height, "Quite an unexpected honor for you to personally greet the addition of allies unmoored to any nation. They are unknown to all but the rumormongers."

In his address, he reached up to fondle her enormous breasts, themselves far larger than his paws and heavy enough that his leg muscles were employed in his hefting them. The giantess welcomed his attentions and reciprocated them by reaching down and stroking his long cock by the width of three fingers, which again arrested the wolf into a luscious, instinctual thrusting motion.

"My Prince, you know I'm interested in all your affairs," she complimented, her voice sonorous and thrumming through his loins, bringing the wolf upon the brink of his climax, "and to be selfish, I was doubly brought here by the curiosity of pirates, of land mammals somehow thriving upon the sea, smugglers and thieves alike."

"Oh no, not thieves," the wolf said, biting his lip as his cock beaded precum in promising volume, accelerating him toward a pleasurable but preemptive end, "but rather saviors of--"

"Hush," Cyndra interrupted, ceasing her strokes upon him, else she would be charged, pleasurably, with attending him to bed. "Any gorgeous company of yours has already earned notice by Goddess, if not Her Full Blessing."

"Guide me so well?" said the Prince, gathering himself as his lusts licked at the base of his brain, his cock straining and throbbing in the open.

"No, just learned from you," said Cyndra, bowing enough that her head was lower than Ryoga's when he was standing straight. She whispered, "Dearest, I know you would demonstrate the best greeting and fuck me right here, and you must sometime. My country has been so honorable that we have earned your seed, your howls, your thrusts, but I know that you must attend to them."

As she spoke, Ryoga lavished kisses upon the side of her large head. Cool bursts of air escaped from the Jungle Queen's arctic fur as his claws combed through her thick arctic coat, owing to her ice mage's semi-permanent Venting spell.

"Indeed. Decorum dictates," he answered, and the two lovers nodded in silent dedication. Ryoga contemplated another wife, but Cyndra was so powerful, she may demand all his attentions.

Which, in reflection, Ryoga was willing and capable, but he would be less a politician and more of a Sire, creating three brilliant lineages.

The Harem Matron made sure her boots clacked loudly as she mounted the steps, the Wolf Prince markedly involved with the Amazon Governess. "It's terrible to interrupt you, Sir," said Lioness Sylvia, "but we must move forward before we can settle down."

"Of course," said the ever-young Prince, himself the precocious age of one and twenty, pulling his paw through lustrous and full white hair before resetting his silver circlet.

Sylvia smiled, herself a little more than double his age, and stroked his pretty chin as she saw the intensity of his youth, idealism, and passion. "Keep going, my son; you're doing well."

The Prince gathered his many strengths and pushed on. "What's your analysis, Matron?" he asked.

Sylvia put her paws behind her back, respectfully inclining her chin. "These pirates are strangers to our Jahaliyan ways, as much as you've strove to acclimate them. Being in the Capital City of the country will merely work as culture shock unless carried by an excellent guide."

"I see, yes," said Ryoga.

The enormous snow leopardess stroked the entirety of his head with one paw, his circlet falling around one of her fingers, then was easily replaced upon the next stroke. "Your airship crew told us all about the pirates, and my Amazon legions desire to help."

"Dear, I know I'm hung as well as a royal jacket, but how is it that I pleasure you?"

The Governess grinned. "Even a thief with his compact dagger may inflict a thousand effective wounds."

"Compact, superb," said the wolf, bemoaning his piece even though it almost doubly exceeded his paw's breadth.

Her knee thudded into the stone next to the wolf's footpaws, whereupon the Governess whispered, "And, my love, the most efficient of male suitors, if from any of our sexual spirits may we bestow Blessing upon these quiet hearts, to entreat them to become lusty sluts eager to share their bodies as well as to cavort with big, delicious cock, do not hesitate to summon us."

During this official intercourse, Jacka couldn't help but notice a quieter one happening a short distance away. The fact that it began with fervent embraces for the strapping mouse and the buxom raccoon already suggested a good one.

John would have agreed, but he had other things in mind as he clung to Tina, saying, "Thank the Goddess you're here! The airship crew told us you were facing a storm for Ryoga!"

Tina reciprocated the hug, saying, "Yep, he was being stubborn again, but good sailing prevailed!" she said before turning a wry eye towards Corsi, "Common sense however..."

Corsi rolled her own eyes even as she enjoyed the embrace from Lisa in her own greeting. "Look, I've already got the full lecture from Prince Ryoga. Nothing risked, nothing gained: I'll dive to the bottom of the ocean one of these days. John, Lisa, how have things been here?"

Releasing from Tina, John could not resist a bit of professional pride, saying as his red silk cape flapped behind him, his impressive pects and male bundle on nonchalant display, "Well, we've finished fully furnishing Ryoga's quarters, and that bit of alliteration aside, Governess Cyndra has come to terms that he needs personal accommodation when he's around."

Behind Lisa with Brath, Vin quietly snorted, saying, "Yeah, the Prince can only use her fuck balcony so often!"

With restrained chuckling all around aside, John decided to sidestep the subject. "Yes, and Lisa was a big help in that regard.."

As attention turned to her, Lisa released her grip to explain, "Well, I did help set up a few things, although I had a few maids to direct in that regard," she added, carrying the exciting memory of giving orders before turning to a more serious matter, continuing, "and we did have a search of the area for any security weaknesses. I hope we did a good enough job."

"You did great and I was glad to have you," responded the hunky mouse with his best reassuring tone, having been the Majordomo of Jahaliya for some time.

Lisa smiled with quiet regard, saying, "Well, with this Poacher Queen, you can't be too careful."

Corsi put a paw on the raccoon's shoulder, saying, "We all know that our Prince is safe with you."

"Yes, and John showed his appreciation so wonderfully." Lisa remarked, blushing through her eye markings at the even happier memory.

At that, all present in that little company looked at him and John shifted awkwardly as he hardened himself, saying, "Well, Ryoga insisted that he wanted the furniture broken in."

After a pregnant pause, Tina couldn't resist birthing a response. She pumped her fist and said, "Come on you two, you're not going to leave it at that!"

Lisa grinned as the delicious feel of inhibitions breaking down in her mind and murmured, "When we were done, John took me to the Prince's bed and fucked me long and slow with his big cock!"

Corsi giggled, saying, "Now that's what we were looking for from you!"

"It seemed appropriate at the time," shrugged John.

"It's always appropriate," said Corsi. "A twelve-inch plot should take an hour and a half. It shouldn't be an information dump," the otter concluded with a giggle.

"Oh John, you may be modest, but you still made me feel like a princess on that bed!" answered Lisa before a quiet worry arose, "I hope the Prince doesn't mind."

Vin almost exploded in jest, "Mind?! Prince Ryoga would be delighted at seeing you happy! As well as smell your remnant musk ... well, as long as you're available; he loves to delegate."

Just then, Vin noticed Cyndra turning away from Ryoga and strutting towards the pirates. Turning to his own company, he said. "Looks like something's up."


As Ryoga followed the buxom leopard, he looked out to the port, letting his fur and his cape flap in the wind. He cast his gaze over the sparkling waters, the myriad ships at port; their hulls quietly creaking as they rocked in the bay; the golden-colored clouds shifting through the sky, the generally warm temperature cut by the cool gusts off of the ocean.

It truly was a magical place, and he enjoyed thoroughly the peace that came from his kingdom, a land of wonder where every square acre held a new adventure or sanctuary.

In the midst of this revelry, a massive paw rested across his shoulder, and the wolf's fur spiked from its pads' warmth. He looked up at Cyndra youthfully, happily, with full naked arousal he was neither ashamed nor compelled to address. His life was full.

The clacking of Sylvia's boots brought his ears to attention, the matronly lioness nearly twice his age, much more mature, and indulgently sexy with her commanding presence causing his tongue to emerge from his muzzle.

"Sire, there's orientation to be done for the pirates," said Sylvia, at once ingratiating herself to him and commanding him.

"The Blessing, indeed," the wolf said with a wag of his tail, "and all the ways to unlock it." He felt Cyndra's paw twitch on his shoulder, and then knew its cause: his cock was throbbing and dripping pre at a constant pace. Already, a crystal puddle had formed between his boots.

He smiled up at her, sharing the understanding glance. "Anyway, there's so many options. The fun adds to it, frankly," the Prince said,

"Yes," answered Sylvia in a smoky whisper, "but you need to focus and they need a taste of what's to come; maybe literally depending on my aim." At that, she caressed his pulsing cock in her paw with a sofly firm grip.

Ryoga's body jolted as sudden volley of pearly jets spurted from the tip of his cock and arched over the distance into their audience. His resulting moan was audible to them, who dodged out of the way of his cum with loud shrieks and giggles.

Ryoga smiled at them in his afterglow as his cock went gracefully limp, proudly dripping to the allurement of the pirates. "Ah, enchantment. Anyway, I look forward to seeing them introduced; good Goddess!" he laughed, revelling internally at the frolics to come.

The pirates cheered and squealed at the sample of what their captain enjoyed, bouncing about in various states of undress, some completely naked, some topless, and some ripping off their bottoms real quick so they could feel the fresh air and the many happy gazes on their sensitive nethers.

Cyndra stepped forward, kissing her Prince on the cheek before standing at the top of the steps. The colossal snow leopard said, "My fellow females, be not afraid of the seeming craze that stands before you. I assure you this is all pure; it is just much more exciting than what many of us have ever known before. I come from the city of Myscindrya, Amazon fortress which once was isolated from the world and preyed upon males, merely using their seed and their meat for our continuance.

"We fell prey to a foul enemy's manipulations, since we ourselves were fools. Completely unaware," she said, making grand sweeping gestures, stirring many whoops from the pirates and clatters from their sabers. "But all of that changed thanks to the Goddess' intervention, and for myself, particularly through Sylvia and John who saved me and my people. Now we have the Blessing where we are still Amazons, strong and stalwart, but we are also insatiable sluts who lust without shame for thick, long, and hard cock!"

The pirates cheered and one even pounced a male mole gardener nearby, stroking at his sheath until its bounty emerged, and then sucked on the tip until the whole unit became hard, whereupon two more pirates joined in and stroked and sucked him to completion.

Ryoga cheered and clapped his paws, then pumped his fists in pure excitement. "That's the spirit!" he shouted, then Cyndra looked back at him and nudged him with a broad shoulder, knocking him to his rump.

"Please, let me have my rhetoric."

"Hence why I love you," he answered, standing upright with no trouble.

Sylvia chuckled, the Prince acting more boyish than usual. "Let us focus," she said, "Now that orientation; ever heard of the term, 'salty sea dog?' Our pirates have been out at sea for weeks; they need a bath. Then comes the fun stuff later."

"That's fair, yes," said Ryoga, who had reclined against Cyndra and had a paw against her groin, thumb exploring the sensitive slit with the snow leopard beginning to purr. "Especially for that necessity's benefits."


The pirates followed excitedly, willingly, to a broad, high-ceiling room completely tiled, where several silvery showerheads hung a few feet above their heads.

"I do apologize," said Ryoga, "but you will have to strip for this part. Laundry is another service."

As a demonstration, the wolf kicked off his tall boots, shrugged off his harness, and hung his cape on the finger of a servant. The circlet he tossed like a discus and another servant dove to catch it, succeeding.

He, Cyndra, Sylvia, John, Lisa, and Corsi, along with a squad of other Jahaliyans, all showered together under their own individual streams, lathering themselves up and sometimes joining each other in scrubbing deep into their coats, sometimes eliciting giggles and groans from each other if a scritch or a scratch should go too deep or too intimate. Many of the pirates averted their gazes from this sheer ribaldry, but a few peeked through their fingers.

Captain O'Grael, feeling funny after she fully stripped, herself becoming merely a superbly attractive vixen with excellent posture, not a domineering pirate captain, stepped forward and surveyed the largely empty area.

"Just you six?" she asked, "I thought I saw several more Jahaliyans here. Where did they go?"

Ryoga shook out his coat, splattering suds on everyone around him as his coat floofed out in wet spiky tufts. "A shower's not long," he said, "but to enjoy a shower, much moreso. I'm sure most of our friends snuck off to watch us enjoying ourselves. Dare I say, you and your crew were just doing that?"

O'Grael sharply drew air through her muzzle, then looked about her pirate companions, most of them merely in their panties if even that. This was the most she'd seen of her crew; all of their breasts were bared and many had their nethers exposed. They were natural parts of the body, but so erogenous, the unspoken taboo being shattered made it more so! She may not lust after them, but their bouncy and airy freedom was glorious.

They are such sensitive parts of the body: should they be exposed as much as the arms, neck, and ankles? So bizarre.

Cyndra stepped forward as Sylvia and an Amazon lathered up her thighs. "If you'd prefer, go to the observation area first. Enjoy us enjoy ourselves. However," she said as a few pirates suddenly started covering themselves up, nipples and pussies vanishing behind bundled-up clothes, "there are private stalls if you're not quite ready."

"No, no," said O'Grael, feeling the warm, humid air of the showers course over her body as she moved forward. "Goodness, mm. Anyway: a pirate captain ought to be ready for anything, and I know this is good. I am nervous, but the nerves have the tendency to enkindle whenever anything new is presented to them. Fight, flight, or ... frolic."

The lioness smiled and inclined her chin, watching the smaller fox stride into the showers, accompanied by many of her clan, with the momentum of a glacier. "Very well," she said, admiring the pert set of buns beneath the enormous plume of a tail, "but do not hesitate to demand everything of a country that demands everything of you."

"I got it, my dear; I got it," said Kathryn, "Invest in the community and it shall invest in you. Takes a child to raise a village. But! The one thing I am foreign on understanding is your faith in countries." The vixen took up a bar of soap and began lathering her face beneath a faucet, the fur becoming thick and limp with suds, accentuating her species' projecting muzzle, a scissor full of razors, "Men are fallible, especially with power. And women too, but let's check the philosophy of the sex organs: while women have an internal emptiness, feeling the need for a projecting rod, the men's projecting rod feels the emptiness of the whole world! Therefore their megalomania, for good or bad. I trust your Prince Ryoga, but for how long can a gnat fuck an elephant?"

Sylvia's first instinct was to bend this child over her knee and tan her buttocks until it glowed red, but the intelligent eyes of the vixen showed there was good faith between them.

Poor girl, I bet she has no knowledge of a safe port; her home was a wooden boat subject to any capricious wave, thought Sylvia.

"Be even in your criticism, honorable Captain," said the lioness, keeping to her duty "For as hot as you burn, not all have the gloves to handle you."

"It is why I address my concerns to you," O'Grael said, then took a wide stance and took to scrubbing her breasts, her torso, and ultimately the eaves between her legs including the pair of thigh-bound lips which she let show to anyone with the opportune viewing angle. They were, after all, parts like the rest of her.

Many of the Captain's crew had joined her in these public, all-seeing shower stalls, and though some were as cold as the Captain in showering in a regular, chaste manner, some took special lengths to bend their bodies in bright, provocative manners, washing around their more sensitive places with a slow and deliberate pace.

Kathryn did not comment upon them ere they would shrink in their enjoyment. She merely watched, fixing her muzzle else it show her opinion, as she cleaned her body, noticing in brief glances the wild reverie that took place in the viewing boxes up above.

It was a strange world, no doubt, but one that seemed cohesive in its passions. It was not the drunken orgies she had walked through in the upper levels of the taverns of fringe nations, neutral isles, ports of mixed repute, and cities of supposed grandeur. The sheer mindless debauchery there seemed largely numbing to her in retrospect.

In Jahaliya, however, it was a people enjoying the intimacy of sex on a large scale, correctitude upon correctitude, like a volley of cannons hitting their mark over and over again. It was about everyone being on the same page--somehow--and therefore they preserved the act's purity, even when they swapped partners in mid-orgasm, lurid fluids pouring out freely as wine. As good wine, drunken for taste, not for its disillusionment.

She saw the Prince enthusiastically watching her, his gaze unshielded by any notion of privacy. He was masturbating to the ready, open view of her body, which in turn she did not hide. She didn't pose for him, but merely let him enjoy himself. As he pulled on his cock, smiling and invigorated by lust, Kathryn smiled and turned herself, happy to exist in naked honesty without having to resort to awkward dances nor awkward digits thrust into ... into a port meant for a much better ship. It was tricky, she thought: were they to make love, it'd better be good. She'd hate to be ignored for such a momentous occasion.

Upstairs, the Prince masturbated to her as long as he could, but there came a compulsory distraction: the otter Corsi, the rabbits Natasha and Eleanor, the skunk Tina, the raccoon Lisa, and the fox Jessica pulled him toward a pile of waterproof cushions, and so he had to abandon the great pirate captain Kathryn to her innocent washing-up while his myriad female Harem assaulted his body with the most delicate of pleasures. Tongues, paws, oils and oils going to the inners of thighs led to more slippery and sensitive delights that went all over his young wolf body, and he lost himself to a series of fucks that, in his thrill, had him calling out Kathryn's name by accident.

Corsi was the first to exit the Prince's orgy, and she bashfully entered under the showerhead next to O'Grael. The fox at first questioned the otter's seemingly ashamed approach, but the vixen was quick to figure that the otter was playing it careful, even though she smelled of the Prince's spunk.

"Please, dear," said the fox, grinning as she drew claws up her front, from waist to neck, "Even if you'd landed in a pile of dung, you'd be welcome in this sanctuary of cleansing."

O'Grael flipped her hair back and began to rinse her front, pulling her paws over the firm, pert peaks of her breasts before washing the water down her flat stomach. Corsi watched the water run to her thighs and over the small mound of her pussy. "Besides: a drunkard that hides his delirious reverie is ashamed of the very act that got him in that state," said she, "and thus he has a decision to either cut the drink or cut the shame."

"Oh, bitch!" Corsi laughed, piling lather onto her head and puffing out her chest, "You know I just want to guide you gently into Jahaliya."

"Then don't be meek in your help."

Corsi received the order as an electric shock, and immediately recited, "The orca officer said you should have swimming lessons. I'm supervising!"

O'Grael stepped out from under her faucet and went for a towel, whereupon three male servants, their cocks hard as diamond and bouncing between their legs, aggressively towelled her off.

"Good girl," she said, and then recovered only her hat, her harness, and her boots, leaving the rest of her clothes behind. The freedom was invigorating, but the exposure of her breasts and her vulva to the room's fresh air put her on another level of awareness.

Goodness Goddess; no wonder this country is dry. The sensations will leave me wet, regardless!

Corsi pulled her paw through her hair and shook her head. The spell that the vixen had put over her was embarrassing in its potency, though arousing for the same reason. She was as sharp as her sword, and swung her muzzle twice as good.

"Good Goddess, that bitch," the otter said with a happy chuckle.


O'Grael observed the absolute titillation of her crew as they reclined in their new quarters, a multi-bedroom suite with a central lounging area, passageways for servants, and a beautiful red stone tile that was warm to the paw's touch.

Enjoying her new nudity, Kathryn was not above taking a lush silken robe of flowing blue silk, complementary to her warm amber fur, and indulged herself with a pair of slippers that cradled her calloused footpads in unbelievable softness. "Oh, those boots were so damn hard. But we hate to tread softly; am I right, girls?"

Her mates all chatted excitedly, voluminously, about the wonders of this strange land. Herself, she relegated herself to a tall, hot, thick creme beverage one of the Help had brought, and let its soft, fluffy, sweet thickness run down her throat.

"There were so many males, and they were so nice!" cheered the calico Jacka, unable to contain herself even as her robe managed to do so.

"Indeed: do you take them as fountains of youth or enemy ballistas?" snarked their Captain.

"Nice, that's for sure!" said Baltica the stoat, reclining free and naked upon a cushion with a similar beverage. "Polite with big cocks and no shame! How the heck did Jahaliya steal all the nice guys?"

"Because Jahaliya is nice; we may have found the city of gold," uttered Kathryn.

"You bunch of girls, fainting at the first sight of a good dick," said Portia, the boar clopping about the red tiles. "It's the man that's attached to it that matters!"

They're ignoring me; good, thought O'Grael, they found a brain of their own; found a reason to be happy.

"But they're all great," said Jacka, leaning forward on her perch.

"Hell of a buffet, ladies," said Portia, nodding, "and they're so efficient in their work ... not just the fucking."

Captain O'Grael grinned, her muzzle white with creme. "Portia, have you already sampled the local fauna?"

The boar blushed, gaining a vigorous swagger as she paced. The vixen laughed in response, clapping like an audience member to a burlesque.

"But Captain!" gasped Jacka.

"Oh, fuck off, keep going; the hat's off," said Kathryn, pointing to her feathered tricorner hanging on the wall. "Keep yourselves too tight and you can't take a piss."

"The Prince was enormous!" said a crewmember from the other room, running to the door with remnants of cupcake all over her face. "I'd love to suck him."

This sudden admission threw many of the girls into excited, delirious paroxysms, with a few of them calling the girl a "slut" and a "dirty tramp," though such was done in such a gay tone that the words held no reproach.

"Oh, but we can't go about it all fucky-sucky!" complained Baltica, the stoat having opened her robe to look at her pussy and let it rest free in the open breeze. "You said we have to wait for the Blessing!"

A universal groan rang out about the crew.

Jacka sprang up, her haunches spread high. "Oh! But what about--"

"No anal," said the Captain, standing up so she could cross her arms and scold them properly. "It's too close. Until we have the Blessing, we cannot fuck around. Anal for anal's sake is fine, but it is not a substitute for throwing those pussies into action. We are going to feel empty upfront and we will fill it with Virtue. And that's with a big 'V,' for Vagina. We're saving our cunts for marriage, ladies: and we're getting married to the Blessing. The bastard child of easy dickings will not haunt our sacred fleshy halls. Womb raiders shall suffer the mummy's curse," said the fox, tapping her breast and trying to bolt down a smirk.

"You would put us in chastity belts!" shouted Baltica. "I need a man, dammit; I need a man!"

The Captain inclined her chin, smirking. "Save your mutiny for when we're aboard a boat with a plank you won't penetrate yourself with. You're out of line, Second Mate."

The stoat, humiliated at this sudden castigation in this palace of pleasure, stood up with her robe open. "And what would you do?"

Kathryn did not move from her spot, nor did her countenance move one millimeter from its current position. "I'll send you back to the boat and furnish you with a spyglass, so you can watch upon all our fun."

"You heartless witch!" complained Baltica, with the other crewmembers watching anxiously as she stormed off.

"What's gotten into her?" asked Jacka.

Portia folded her muscular arms. "Poor girl's chomping at the bit. She wants to have her Blessing and suck it, too."

"She's going to get the pox," said the Captain. "She's C.R."

"What's C.R.?" whispered Jacka.

Portia cleared her throat. "The second word is 'Retentive.'"

"Speaking about that, Captain, when are we going to get the Blessing?" inquired a slightly scarred rabbit doe.

The nodding about the common room was unmistakable. "Yeah, if moral behavior is part of earning it, I would have thought saving that the slave ship we captured, or even the Cetan pod we aided, would have done it," blurted a wolfess, her arms crossed and her voice ridged with impatience.

"At ease," commanded Captain O'Grael with a firm tone, a grin still alighting on her face, "You know we've fulfilled that requirement, but none of our Jahaliyan friends said it could do that alone. Evidently, we need to do more."

To this kind of quandary, Portia had to ask, "What do you have in mind?"

The vixen snapped her fingers, though her grin faded as she spoke. "The Jahaliyans are really concerned with character. I suspect that since we have satisfied the Goddess in that regard, we will have to prove ourselves in aspects in Jahaliya that are considered a matter-of-fact. We are good, but we are not Jahaliya-good. And who knows! Maybe Goddess secretly blesses us in our virtuous voyages, keeping us from unfortunate skull-piercings with arrows, but if we want to receive the Blessing," she emphasized, making great gestures in the air around her good breasts, "then we have to be sexually, charitably, proactively, and violently just."

Puzzled, Jacka asked, "What do you mean?"

Putting down her glass, Captain O'Grael cupped her thighs on either side of her mound, framing the triangle at the bottom of which rested smooth, pink lips. "I mean, since that we've proven ourselves kickass warriors of the sea, now we have to show that we are lusty sluts who do anything for dripping pussy and thick hard cock!" she said, thrusting her hips forward.

"Whoa!" one Jackal interjected, "How are we going to do that if we can't fuck?"

A black rabbit stood up, asking, her paw curled into a fist, "Yeah, but more importantly, what about our self-respect? The Blessing ain't worth it if we have to become a bunch of floozies!" she roared as angry tears welled in her eyes. "My Father spat on me saying I would be nothing else!"

Grim nods amid the crew signalled their agreement with much of their own pasts, even if some like Jacka fought to hide their own pain.

"Now wait, now. We are not giving up anything, in fact we are gaining!" roared the vixen Captain before the assumptions festered into facts. "You've seen what Prince Ryoga's Harem girls are like; you want to call them floozies to their faces?"

An intimidated silence overhung the crew at the sharp thought.

Pleased at the reaction she hoped for, Captain O'Grael leapt into the rhetorical breach, pursuing, "I thought not. For all the stuff of sexy fantasies about us, did the Prince ever not treat us as the professionals we are? For that matter, Hyka, did any of the men we saw at the docks treat us with any disrespect?"

At that challenge, the black rabbit doe squirmed as she thought, and muttered a defeated "No," in response.

"I'm glad you noticed!" answered the vixen with relieved confidence. "Jahaliya feels like a land where females like us can have a home where we can be what we have earned to be. With a few select exceptions, as much as cocks need pussies, pussies need cocks. It is mutual, far from the ancient evolutionary days of males needing to seed as many females as possible. Now, we just need the Blessing to confirm it."

"Yes, from what I've been told, the Blessing depends in part on endeavouring on being just and productive, such as keeping to your duty when at work and saving pleasures for the appropriate time. That being said about the latter, if you can successfully combine sexiness with your work in a practical way, I've been told the Goddess would love to see you try," said the Captain with hidden revelation.

The titters resulting from that titillating briefing encouraged the vixen to press her point with the appropriate undertone. "And therefore, it is of little embarrassment, and much pleasure, as crazy as the thought may be, that even a slobbery blowjob may be pleasure unto the handler and the handled. Come come, may there be cum," she giggled, her black pussy lips obviously flared, "Couldn't you see how fun it would be having a male uncontrollably bucking in your paw and your maw?"

Baltitica snorted at the thought. "So, we're facing a test of character in not how upright we are, but how wantonly slutty we are? This place gets stranger the longer we're here."

"So, my comrades," said O'Grael, "are you ready to learn what can make us worthy of this strange land?"

"Yes!" barked most of the crew in ernest.

"When the situation is right with ones you trust, are you ready to play with the pleasures of this land for the good of us all?"

"When I find the right reason!" piped up the calico Jacka, covering her muzzle when the rest of the crew did not shout with her, but rather questioningly peered at her.

The vixen inclined her muzzle, nobly smiling. "In time, dear cabin girl," she said, "but I may submit that you should be blind if you do not find a reason ... right off the fap."

"Oh, but I just don't feel like doing it frivolously! I want a good enough reason to my interest, which, to this point, I'm fuzzy on. A spark, you know? At the very least, the guys around here I've heard are a patient bunch and that anticipation can make males even more excited. I just want a reason to share that excitement that is true to me. After all, I'm sure we all have our tastes!"

Captain O'Grael held her chin in the crook formed by her thumb's knuckle and her forefinger, the fox's long face smirking at her cabin girl's long entreaty. "It seems we have an amateur connoisseur on our paws. Which, there is nothing wrong with that, but you will never know your tastes if you do not taste anything."

"Ah!" said the calico with a start, trying to cover herself with the robe even though nothing fell out of it, "That is much appreciated, my Captain, but you do not tell me to leap headlong into things, do you?"

O'Grael shrugged, reclining her long, shapely fox body and enjoying her complete nudity, her breasts and slit exposed whenever her limbs did not happen to cover them. "I merely point you toward an enjoyable mode of life. Take it as you will."

"Yeah kid, you can play a tease, but we have other things in mind!" playfully roared a wolf, a fine athletic female named Lupietta, wrapped in a robe that did not cover her lower half, "I've heard this place has some strangely wild, but cute kinks! For one, they play a lot with their food here and I wanna get in on that!"

"You would!" chortled a mink, Octavia, "I've heard of the wrestling to be done in all sorts of messy ways and I want to try them out to see if men would dive in fuck me blind!"

To those notes, the lustful cheering exploded into deafening intensity.

"Now that's the spirit!" cried Captain O'Grael as she stood quickly, her chest jiggling in her excitement. "I think we're on our way, Ladies!" However, she turned to Jacka, "You can follow at your own pace ... but if you lag too far behind, maybe you'd be better on the boat."

With a blush of charming subtlety, Jacka said, "Don't worry, Captain. Just think of it as my quest for a treasure that all of you can share!"

"Very good," said O'Grael, with a swish of her tail.


The night passed in luxurious repose, all eventually retiring to their beds after sharing many lurid fantasies of what may pass. They were like athletes debating what type of buffet they would devour after the big game. This reverie was stifled by the Captain when, in retiring, she said, "And no masturbating; please save your energy for the days ahead."

The morning came with such a warm, bright shine that it took most of the crew upwards of an hour to remember that they had slept nude. They had slept with each other, they had grabbed quick snacks in the nude, and they had even gone outside to greet the lovely sunshine without a care or scrap of clothing. It was all so pure, so invigorating, and they felt beautiful without feeling dirty. They milled about in plain view of the many servants that passed through the area cleaning up the place. Even then, it didn't feel like a tease nor an imposition to have themselves, as a whole, out in the open.

Baltica the stoat briefly thought, Perhaps this is sexuality in a pure form. The boundaries we have with each other aren't physical as clothing, but merely etiquette. She spotted a butler armadillo who, through natural courses, was a little bit erect, but she merely accepted tea from him and they went on their way. Sex isn't an imperative, but a choice. I feel much more in control.

It was only when Harem skunk Tina arrived in thigh high boots, a chest harness, and nothing else, that the girls were remotely reminded that they were far underdressed as compared to their previous days.

Some covered themselves up, but most of the females, constituting all sorts of species predator and herbivore, greeted the day with renewed boldness.

"Okie doke, y'all Sluts," said the muscular skunk with genial cheer, "And I mean that in the Jahaliyan way. We exist for mutual pleasure. Mutual trade of abilities professional and, y'know. Otherwise. Anyway: we're gonna divide you into four groups, alternating in shifts: gonna have academics, work, exercise, swimming lessons, and combat trials. Okay, five groups. Doing this by ear," she said with a grin.

The crew groaned at the sudden return to duty, but O'Grael, nude except for the Captain's hat she replaced on her head, clapped her paws to shatter their insouciance. "Look-to, you scallywags! I'd be riding your ass twice as hard were we aboard The Coming Storm. I don't have a giant harpoon of a dragon cock, but I make up for it: believe you me. This just means we'll get better attention with the divisions. There'll be variety while the ship is being worked on!"

"So what will you be doing, mm?" asked the wolf Lupietta from last night, who was quickly beckoning the Help to give her seconds on her breakfast as she reclined in the cushion.

The Captain threw her hat like a discus, smacking her insubordinate in the muzzle and nearly upsetting the tray over her lap. "I'll be doing work like the rest of you virgin slits! You'll be in calisthenics to make sure you're the best for work ... and otherwise ... whereas I, Portia your Quartermaster, and Jacka will be visiting the drydocks later to check on the ship!

"Hey, why Jacka?" barked Lupietta.

Portia stepped forward and crossed her arms beneath her chest, feeling authoritative and sexy. "Because she asked first! Really, a little initiative is not much to expect!"

Embarrassed, Jacka squeaked, "Sorry!"

"You'll be sorry for all your achievements," said O'Grael with a brush of her paw, "unless you own yourself. Now let's get to it!"

Tina sectioned them out, with Lupietta and the boar Portia included in the remaining party for callisthenics. Tina guided them in naked jumping jacks, which of course for the female form led to bouncy results.

"I like it," the wolf said to the boar as her chest, thighs, and buttocks jiggled to her jumping, "But wouldn't this invite some lurid onlookers?"

"That's why we're doing this in Jahaliya," said the boar, her larger tits bouncing with far more range and heft, "because the worst of males will be an acceptable peeping tom!"

"Huh! Sad there's none watching us," answered the wolf.


Another portion, including Jacka and Baltica the stoat, was being marched by an assigned Amazon, a muscular, buxom leopard to the library for the academic evaluations. As the pirates kept that attention of her muscled buns flexing and releasing as she strode, counter-pointed by her swaying tail, her route almost went unnoticed.


"Excuse me," piped up Jacka, "I notice we're not taking a straight route, is there a particular reason?"

Without breaking stride, the Amazon turned with a smile, "You noticed! I was told you'd probably be the one to do so. Let's just say, for now, we'd like to give the scenic route."

"Are we viewing the scenery, or we are the scenery?" remarked Baltica sullenly as they marched "As much as I like the intellectual claptrap, I worry about venturing into the arbitrary. And hold on, Jacka, why are you here?"

"Done with calisthenics!" the calico chirped, bouncing up and down. "And I'm still so pumped. And Baltica, regarding the intellectual ballyhoo," answered Jacka with a supportive hand on the Stoat's hip, "You know that the Captain made us teach each other what we know, but think of what we could learn from a real scholar. That's ... oh dear. More than my father thought about me." At that, the calico cat's ears drooped unconsciously as she fought to keep sad memories down.

"Hey Squirt, quit the forlorn act and lighten up!" the stoat replied as she threw a friendly arm around the kitten. "I'm going, ain't I? Scholars may be smarter, but we'll see if their book smarts translate to street smarts and sheet smarts!"

Jacka shrugged with a recovering smile, saying, "Duly noted."

With a gracious grunt, the Amazon stepped in and said, "Excuse me, while I hate to interrupt such togetherness, but we're there."

At that, Jacka, Baltica, and the others couldn't help but stare at their destination. Specifically, it was the statue that caught their attention: a studly bear standing tall intently writing into a book with a delicate quill. However, the fact that it also sported an impressive erection gave their interest an extra dimension.

"Crikey!" muttered a black-wooled ewe with a whistle, "That's quite a decoration for a library!"

With delicious anticipation, the leopard Amazon smiled, saying, "Just wait until you see inside!" With that, she stepped aside and gestured them inside with a grand sweep of her arm.

As the company entered, they were stunned into silence. They stared agape at the grand library with shelves upon shelves rising from open floors stacked upon floors of the library. However, before any comments could arise about the ambiance, the real focus of the occasion seized their attention.

"Greetings, Ladies" said Sylvia with a smile, wearing her full harness, cape and heeled thigh boots as she marched toward them with a clipboard. "Since the ship's refit will take some time, we thought we could spend some of it for something worthwhile on top of your physical activities. With that in mind, we'd like to engage you in an intellectual capacity."

Baltica snorted at the thought. "And you're going to be our schoolmarm?"

Sylvia stiffened slightly at the retort, but smiled, remembering her next move. "The thought had crossed my mind, but no. I'm going to be assisting, but my friend will be leading the session."

With that, the lioness turned her head towards a hidden alcove behind her. "Horace, that's your cue," she said.

"Really, is such theatricality necessary?" a voice conveyed as a massive bear emerged.

A reflexive gasp erupted from the pirates as their gaze latched onto the studly bear who casually carried some books under his arm. That ogling proved even more intense, since their eyes seemed to be gyrating up and down like slow pistons: his soulful eyes in his warm face commanded their attention even as his impressive package swayed below with enticing appeal.

"Hello there, if I could have your attention, I'm glad to be able to introduce you to the intellectual possibilities you will have to explore..."

At that, Horace couldn't help but notice Jacka alternating staring at him and then rubbernecking towards the door. "Young lady, is there some concern outside?"

Caught on the spot, the calico kitten blushed as she struggled for an answer. "Err, sir, can I check something? I won't be long!"

Intrigued, Sylvia preempted her lover. "Of course, but please be quick."

At that, to both bear and lioness' amusement, the kitten dashed to the door and leaned out the door with a paw clasped on the handle like she was still on her ship, expecting turbulence. With a quick look up and down at her left, Jacka return to the group with a solemn curiosity.

Standing at attention and praying she was not going to insult the ursine teacher, Jacka asked with special care, her smooth lower lips growing a darker shade of pink, "Master Horace, is that statue outside... you?"

At that, the bear squirmed a bit as the pirates smiled at the presented scholar fought to keep a semblance of modesty. "Yes," he finally confessed, "The locals take great pride in their statuary and were most insistent that I model for them. It was, safe to say, quite an interesting experience. I'm just glad I was able to choose the display area."

A coyote pondered with a growing smile and asked, "Why did they ask you?" as she suggestively slid a paw down her side in front of him.

Watching her while pondering a response, Horace answered, "Well, I seemed to have made a good impression with them, and I would like to think my academic acumen was of interest..." During his rationalization, the bear's phallus began to harden, expanding from his sheath and hanging pendulously before his thighs until the wide-open stares by the pirate crew became too obvious to ignore.

Facing such biological reality, Horace could only shake his head, which had a matching response lower down. "Involuntary responses: the advantage of the instinctual, the bane of the intellectual."

Wincing at her lover's embarrassment, Sylvia stepped in with subtle iron in her tone, "Alright, now we've established your teacher's physical aspects, let us establish your intellectual ones."

As the annoyed lioness herded the pirates to the meeting room, Baltica glared at the coyote. "That was stupid, now Lady Sylvia is really going to go schoolmarm on us."

The coyote flippantly shrugged. "Hey, we have a hot stud like that, what was I supposed to do?"

"You may want to know that's Lady Sylvia's boyfriend, and you just embarrassed him," quietly muttered Jacka with a simmer of shame.

The coyote sighed, putting her fists against her smooth, bare hips. "Just when I'm starting to understand Jahaliyan Custom. How did you know?"

"I talked with her before and she mentioned him," responded the calico with an impatient tone. "The Captain always says to know your territory before you dive in".

"Yeah," quietly barked Baltica, "and our cabin girl shouldn't be the one to remind you."

"Ah! C'mon, we're all learning. Maybe I'm just distracted by all the swinging penises!" the coyote snarled, fanning herself as she followed the group. "Y'all pile onto me when you were all about to make a mistake later on!"

"Yes, I suppose that was rather opportunistic of us ..." admitted Jacka. "I'm sorry."

"Feel free to correct me; just don't embarrass me."


The subsequent academic evaluations proved more formal than originally planned, but the pirates' whispering at least encouraged some welcome diligence from them.

As Horace and Sylvia looked over the results late into the night, the elephant in the room (which didn't include the orderly who was dismissed for the day) forced the conversation.

"Horace, I'm sorry for that stunt earlier."

"Oh, don't think anything of it; your girls have spoiled me by their good behavior and it was better that I got reacquainted with rowdy students. It's been a long time since we had attentive ears wet with the fluid of rebirth."

Noticeably relaxing, Sylvia turned to more pertinent affairs. She asked, "How are you finding the results?"

"On the whole, better than I expected. For a bunch largely denied formal schooling, either by poverty or prejudice, or perhaps mere preoccupation, they are surprisingly well educated amongst themselves. Naive, but rock-solid foundations."

"That's good to hear; there's so many that even the smallest problem would prove exponential."

"Thank you. Since I think your girls no longer need my instruction, I'll need to reassess my plans."

Sylvia twinged silently as she asked her next question with sudden care. "What do you mean?"

Sitting back, the bear scholar-warrior gathered his thoughts. "Well," he said, cradling his chin, "I was thinking of setting up a dedicated school for our privateers, something available for them to do while their ships are being serviced. I obviously can't use the Palace and perhaps here would be more appropriate."

"I see," replied Sylvia in a restrained tone. "When do you think you might be leaving?"

"I have made no definite plans, yet I mustn't take up room at the Palace unless I have a good reason to stay."

Sylvia fought to keep her expression neutral as she clutched at a rhetorical straw. "What would qualify?"

"Well, Ryoga said that he could speak to his parents about what could keep his Harem happy if a domestic situation changed," answered Horace as he gave a knowing sideways glance to his love.

Like a bolt, Sylvia realized the hint and grasped his paw as quickly as decorum allowed, "Horace, will you marry me?"

Horace turned to her with a warm smile at something long-awaited, proclaiming, "My Love, I would want nothing more!"

"Oh thank you!" cheered Sylvia as she embraced him, holding him tight as if he was about to drift away. "You frightened me! You know you could have asked me yourself."

"And cheat you of the opportunity to do something that your past life would not have contemplated? I would have done it myself if necessary."

"You big tease, you scoundrel!" Sylvia purred.

"Perhaps, but am I forgiven?" Horace asked, his cock hardening with the cuddle.

"Well," Sylvia paused with playful gravity, "You wasted an erection earlier with those scamps; I think I shall indulge myself with this one!" as she descended to Horace's appealingly thick cock to give it a light kiss.

"Ah, my Lady," Horace sighed as her warm, wet lips tapped his broad tip, "That is fantastic. Are you satisfied?"

"Not yet!" answered Sylvia as she lowered her head to enjoy him all the more.


In a partially enclosed lagoon a moderate distance from the harbor, Corsi oversaw swimming lessons with considerably more cooperation than she hoped. The fact that she enlisted primarily semi-aquatic professionals, including otters as cute as they were skilled, helped.

It's all how you sell it, thought Corsi as she floated on her back with the senior lead training otter. As they oversaw their students, she smiled at the fringe benefit considering how sea otters could do the position naturally. The same could not be said for the pirates who needed to get used to the water itself.

As they drifted, Corsi noticed one holdout, a cat holding on to a dock post.

Releasing from the sea otter, Corsi commented to her lead, "Let me handle this." She swam up to the cat with the most supportive look she could muster and said, "Please, let go. We're trying to teach you something that can save your life."

"Easy for an otter to say!" the feline hissed. Still, Corsi persisted, extending her webbed paw.

"You'll be in the water one way or the other. Either now in calm waters, or later under fire."

The cat sucked in air, then rolled her eyes and let her air out slowly. She hesitantly released her grip, and let Corsi pull her out to deeper water.

"Please don't worry," Corsi said with earnest reassurance as she held the cat aloft, "the number one thing about being in the water is to relax and get comfortable; panic and flail, you'll sink for sure. Like all actions: only if you're in communion with your faculties will you be able to operate. Panic, and you'll sink for sure.

The cat quietly whimpered in the liquid, but fought to keep her composure as well as her head above water.

"They call it the survival float," said Corsi, seemingly floating in the void, "you look like a dead fish, but it's just to conserve energy. On your stomach, just drift with your face down. Raise it up for breaths. Just drift. You can do it on your back if the waves are okay. The more you cut into the waves, the more you'll fall down into them, so relax. Just relax. It makes you more buoyant. Relax. Slower breaths, enjoy your buoyancy."

"Okay, okay," said the cat, gasping and hissing before settling into a more normal rhythm. "Oh shit, it's as easy as this? Wow, this ... huh. Hydrophobia."

Corsi grinned. "Alright, I'm going to let go, but I'm not going anywhere. Just remember the flotation methods we instructed and know your Cetan allies will be never very far when you're on duty at sea. That will be enough."

The cat stiffened in reflexive fear and had a mental battle that showed in her face. With time, however, relief spread over her countenance as if her fear was a tree branch and she had just snapped it in half. With intense concentration, she went into the survival floatation rhythm with mechanical precision. She floated there like a dead jellyfish, then raised her head for air and dipped back down. With hard won force of will, she was completely cool, floating there with the occasional breath. She soon assumed the form of dead driftwood.

She acclimated to the worst, most feared climates by cat: initially spurred by a demand for survival, she was then guided by relaxation and acceptance.

"That's it! You're doing great!" cheered Corsi with a special sense of accomplishment. "Keep it up and remember, you are not doing it alone!"

Leaving the easing cat alone, Corsi smoothly glided on the pool's surface to her drift-partner.

"Very nice, My Lady!" responded the training head, "I couldn't have done it better."

"Thank you; I suspected this bunch had potential," replied Corsi with satisfaction until she noticed that the fellow otter had not reached for her paw, but instead he playfully gripped her pussy to float-lock.

With mock-disapproval, and a grunt coming deep from within her, Corsi spoke up, saying as his fingers coursed over the sensitive opening, "Excuse me, but I believe that's not the standard grip."

"Should I let go?" teased the male otter as he playfully caressed her clit.

"No way!" Corsi answered as she savored the attention. She bit her tongue as she lifted her hips against his paw. His cock, in turn, grew from its sheath and stood handsomely above the surface like the mast on a sailboat. She appreciated its pretty pink nudity.

As they floated and supervised, Corsi could see the pirates, even that cat, largely getting comfortable in the water.

"This class is going smoothly with your help" the trainer commented, "If this is the case for the rest, we'll have a whole crew of the sea worthy."

Corsi snuggled closer to the trainer as she sighed with both professional and physical satisfaction. "Thank you. It's not easy to teach something so natural, but now I know what my mother went through. She insisted on teaching me that herself; I'm glad to retain it."

Noticing the downward tone in her voice, the trainer said, with a soft breath filling his broad chest, "I'm sorry."

Recovering a smile, Corsi turned to him, saying, "Thank you, but that's a while ago and a world away. Right now, things are going fine and I can't think of anything that could go wrong."

Out in the bay, there came a rippling, then a frothing that burst upward. Rocked with the sudden turbulence, the swimmers leapt, struggling to stay afloat as they found themselves in the midst of a raft of pinnipeds, rising out of the water heavy of sleek girth and possessing impish eyes.

"Hello, Ladies!" announced one sea lion.

Corsi immediately disengaged and darted forward to the intruders.

"What the hell are you bunch doing here?" she asked with as much authority as she could.

"We heard there are some lovely land females learning to swim, and by the Sailfish no less. So, me and my mates thought we'd pop in and say hello!" answered the sea lion with special glee.

"Well, now you have! Are you going to clear out and let them concentrate?"

"What, and not show them the possibilities of the water?" a seal interrupted with suggestive eagerness as the lot dove under the water. Suspecting the obvious, Corsi submerged her head and shook with pained annoyance at what she discovered.

After all, the raft swimming amongst the pirates with playful familiarity was hardly conducive for a proper class. The fact that they rubbed their smooth bodies against the pirates with increasingly obvious erections made their intentions all the more obvious. With little delay, the contact went further as the pinnipeds zeroed in on the females' erogenous zones as many of the pirates began to giggle and shriek at the stimulation.

Some even went further with a harbor seal stealing a kiss from one stoat, who immediately started spitting at such forwardness.

"Pituee! Your mouth tastes like rotten fish!" a stoat blurted in pique.

"What? Were you expecting me to eat seaweed? Maybe you'd prefer this!" as the seal answered as he dove and bumped his snout against her pussy. With his tongue entering dead center into her quim, she moaned at the slick, warm pleasure, "Oh, Goddess!"

Corsi watched all this with rapidly declining patience, growling, "Are you all through, or should I have to deal with more crashers?"

The sea lion noticed her tone, stopping, when he suddenly remembered something.

Turning to a light-toned comrade, the sea lion asked, "Hey, Kotick, where's Ocky?"

"I'm not sure, but he said he was swimming late. You'll know when he arrives."

"What did he mean by that..."

"ALLONS Y!" roared an enormous walrus as he attempted a surprisingly credible effort to leap into the lagoon, sailing through the air like a blubbery boulder and belly-flopping with alarming effect.

The resulting wave radiated with violent force as pinnipeds dove to avoid it while both teachers and students fought to stay afloat as they were thrown about. The wave threw some to the shore, others against the docks with painful force.

Heedless of his entrance, the walrus floated straight upright, his tusks gleaming, his eyes liquid and his front flippers folded in front of him for a good impression. "Sorry I'm late! Did I miss anything?" he asked with hopeful amiability.

As Corsi regained her bearings and spat water from her orifices, her patience evacuated with it. "That's it! All of you bunch, out of this lagoon! OUT! The lot of you and don't think I won't be talking to your Sergeant about this!"

"But Sailfish..." the sea lion tried to respond with desperate placation.

"Don't 'Sailfish' me! Get out, NOW!"

With that, the aquatic mischief-makers departed, with their tails between their fins would that not cause them to swim in circles.

In the distance, Corsi could just make out the walrus wailing quietly, "But I just had my tusks polished!"

To that, a seal growled, "Shut up, tubby!"


Meanwhile, another group of pirates of the Storm followed their own guide to a separate area for combat exercises. The mood among them was high, but precautions still felt necessary for some.

"Hyka, you're gonna behave yourself?" asked Plixie, a white chinchilla who happened to be the ship's cook. She gave the doe rabbit a stern look, asking, "You might like that chip on your shoulder about guys, but we don't want to deal with it! You're not a lesbian, are you?"

The black rabbit doe flinched at the open impatience, "I find my own sex more reliable! But I haven't indulged in them. Why should you care?"

"Because, as much as we know where you're coming from, it's gotten old. So watch your mouth! Got it?"

"Oh, I'll watch my mouth if you watch yours," shrugged the rabbit as they arrived.


Upon arrival, the female pirates found themselves in a surprisingly ornate training area with several distinct demarcation lines with racks of quarterstaffs, padding gear, hygiene supplies and similar amenities. In addition, there was a familiar male mouse sitting on bench, trying to be in the background. His cock, however, was anything but foreground.

That said, it was the foreground scene that drew the crew's attention. Namely, they found a group of Amazon trainers in their muscular busty best in their athletic harnesses, with one somewhat smaller raccoon who stepped forward.

"Hello everyone!" piped the raccoon, "My name is Lisa and I've been asked to assist in these combat exercises. Don't worry about grades or the like; we're just want to feel you out and see how good you are!"

One wolf, Raksha, among the pirates scoffed, "Why you? You're about half the size of the bunch behind you."

Lisa brightened at the response she needed, "I'm glad you asked! As it happens, I have some qualities that can be useful here, but it's better I show you!" With that, the raccoon strode to the weapons rack and lifted a bronze pole.

With that, Lisa approached the wolf and firmly gave it to the doubter. She said, "Now, please hit me over the head with that as hard as you can."

"I, ah," said Raksha, twirling the pole in her paw, "I don't think you know how hard I can hit."

"I am serious," said Lisa, grinning as she leaned her forehead toward the wolf, "even if you can kill a boar with a single stroke, I insist you hit me. As hard. As you are able."

"Suicidal!" barked Raksha, at the sight of a raccoon seemingly clear of her senses.

"I insist," answered Lisa with a confident smile. "And if I die, I promise you one ring from Ryoga's fingers."

"Dear Goddess," Raksha sighed, shaking her head as the pole lowered. "You people are mad, but it is at your request. And I shall be rich either way, so here we go!"

Raksha triumphantly, aggressively cried as she swung the staff in a swift arc down on the raccoon's head.

At the instant of the strike, Raksha was the one who was stunned: with a loud CLANG!, the rod wrapped around Lisa's head to exactly outline it, which included an impudent tongue stuck out with cheeky defiance.

"What the fuck!?" interjected Raksha as the shock of the vibration of the strike shaking sent her staggering back. She was ten feet rear of her position before she could comprehend the impossibly deformed metal in her paws. Her compatriots, likewise, gasped like a Greek chorus at this bizarre sight.

Lisa, on the other hand, could not be happier. Completely unaffected, the raccoon strode forward and commented, "Language, Madame, but c'mon: you don't have to watch yourself with me. The pole, please."

The raccoon gestured to the pole, the reaction to which her servant returned the pole to her. She coyly passed the pole's silhouette over and over. "See?" she asked, and then she swung the deformed weapon out at a nearby table. The item of hard, wooden furniture shattered.

"Hey, your Prince is paying for that!" barked an Amazon.

"Please send the bill and I'll give him the story." Lisa cheerfully replied.

"Err yes, but how is that possible?" Raksha asked as she tried to hide her astonishment.

The raccoon giggled at the sight. She combed her fur, saying, "Goddess' Blessing. I'm not sure why She likes me so much, but here we are and there is your ruined table."

The training head Amazon groaned. "It hit your head, milady," she said, then stepped up and proclaimed, "Alright, now that we've established that, let's get a staff and let's wail on this Slut until Ryoga has to sell her for scrap!"

"Better than any training dummy," Lisa said as a hammer bounced off her back. "Really, I'm saving the kingdom money. Just no sharp things, okay?"


With that order, the sparring commenced with the resulting clacking of blows and counters taking on an almost musical tone. This was the impression that Majordomo John had as he watched the swirling and flexing hardbodies of busty Amazons put through the motions with the scruffier pirates. However, as much as he wanted to keep that opinion to himself, his cock remained hard in appreciation at the sight.

During the exercises, it was a sight that even the ship's cook could not miss even as her current sparring partner, Lisa, tried to take advantage of the potential distraction. The raccoon remembered her skill, however, and swung a lazy paw toward her adversary. The cook, named Plixie, blocked it at the last moment.

"Uhh," interjected Plixie as this blow was blocked, "That mouse with the hard on, did I see him with you before?"

Lisa probed for weaknesses, as was proper in fencing a decent opponent. She asked, "Oh yes, that's John, Prince Ryoga's Majordomo. Warrior butler, ensures everything in Jahaliya clicks together. We're here together working on the Prince's quarters."

"Is he a nice guy?" asked Plixie as the spar continued.

"More than I deserve, but let's be honest: a little niceness benefits the whole world," answered Lisa with a smile strong enough to hide her frustration at the pirate's defense. The busty chinchilla wasn't excellent, but oddly perceptive. Lisa couldn't be lazy, but couldn't go all out. One good punch right in the kisser would end it, but that didn't seem fair. "The other Harem girls can give you more details since they came with him here."

"Good to hear, but is he available right now?"

"Maybe. Why don't you ask?"

At that, the chinchilla stood straight to end the spar and whispered into the raccoon's ear. At a distance, John could notice the conversation, and while he could make out the words, Lisa's amused reaction was obvious enough.

Shortly, Lisa strode to him with a smile and whispered into his ear. At a distance, Plixie stood with a thought, Here's hoping he can do his part for Hyka.

With an eager nod, John took a staff and strode towards Hyka with his stiff phallus partially stilling the female crowd at its luscious prominence. Hyka herself noticed even as Plixie shouted, "Hey Hyka, bet you can take him on?"

Hyka rolled her eyes even as her Amazon artfully stepped away with intrigued anticipation in her eyes and glistening lust in her nethers.

"Hello, I suppose you've been volunteered to set an example of the guys around here?"

John assumed a hopefully casual stance though his hard cock waved with him as he entered the sparring square. "Well, I can't guess what you are looking for, but it would be rude to decline an invitation. I never thought I could spar with a pirate either, so may I have this opportunity?"

Hyka laughed to his flowery response. "Well, I never heard a challenge phrased like a ballroom dance, but you're on!"

The resulting dance was a flurry of blows and maneuvers that soon took the interest of the crowd as rabbit and mouse jousted, their toned bodies twisting and flexing as an erotica of restrained force. At the sight, the collective lust around arose as a few Amazons fondled their clits and lips as much subtlety as they could while the pirates marvelled at the sight. Such subtlety, as understood by the Jahaliyan world, was lost as many Amazons dug in, with fingers folding into their folds and attacking their channels directly, the females aggressively humping their fingers with enough force to break a lesser man's digits.

Eventually, John seemed to make a misstep, and Hyka eagerly took advantage to trip him, bringing him to his knees before her, his fat and hearty cock bouncing as his knees struck the floor.

"Fight's over, Mousey!" crowed Hyka as she raised her staff in triumph, "I guess you couldn't match me after all!"

"Apparently, but a guy has to know his limitations," answered John with a shrug even as his cock strained even further in eagerness as he knee crawled slightly towards her. "And must ever strive to exceed them."

"Oh, how conservative you are!" chuckled Hyka "Gods, that I felt good! I wonder what I should do now."

"Enjoy," answered John as he dove to her nethers, yanking down her panties and burying his muzzle into her pussy with one smooth motion.

"Hey, what the?! Oh..." interjected Hyka, but before she could ward him off, her mind exploded with a sudden tsunami of sensation. It was a reaction that John was dearly hoping for as his practiced tongue massaged the rabbit's inner folds.

Either she enjoys this, or I'll be unconscious very shortly.

Hyka moaned at this forwardness and could not help but hump against the mouse's tongue with rising pleasure, being only vaguely aware of the spectacle she was creating. She let it arouse her even more.

For his part, John kept his mind on moulding his tongue to her delicate ridges, hoping for the right reaction before she brained him. He gripped her buns, massaging them and kneading them as he savoured the tactile sensations, her luscious softness firming into tightening excitement.

That was the talent of the female: tightening, whereas the male would enjoy tensility and growth.

"Oh yes, mousey, more!" Hyka moaned as the very novelty of a man focusing on her pleasures, a first in her life, excited her. Around this gyrating scene, Lisa giggled in delight as both Amazon and Pirate alike gave in to their lusts and caressed their bodies, digging into their deepest desires and masturbating until they convulsed and their juices ran free.

Inevitably, Hyka could take no more and screamed with orgasmic release as she let loose a flood of fem liquid between her legs and onto the welcoming face of the mouse. She collapsed backwards while a joined pair of Pirate and Amazon grabbed her shoulders and laid her back.

As Hyka fought to regain her coherence, Plixie knelt down with matron-like care. "I hope my little initiative was worth the bother. Otherwise, blame me for setting it up," the chinchilla said with a smile.

"Gods, thank the both of you!" softly replied Hyka, whose thighs were already going wet from the stimulation, the brilliant slurping soliciting soft moans from her.

"So," replied Plixie to that outburst with an arched eyebrow, "I take it you are feeling better?"

"Damn right! Woo," she said, arching her back as John dug in deep, "Now, Since this mousey gave me that rush, I feel like going down low on any male with my head up high! After all, I got it first!"

"I'm glad you feel that," answered John as he got to his feet helping Hyka do the same, his hard cock waving proudly, "but you have your Captain's orders for now and I don't want to disrupt this session any further."

The head Amazon trainer recognized the cue, "Quite right then! Everyone resume their positions, and you, Blessed One," as she turned to John with a smile, "please return to your bench and keep it hard for all of us!"


"I don't know why I had to be torn away from my books; I hardly got thirty pages in before you pulled me away for cock sheathing!" complained Jacka, the musty scent of old books all over her pawpads, "Are we blacksmithing codpieces for our masters?"

"You'll see," answered Quartermaster Portia as they marched through a wooden-planked corridor, with the definite silhouette of Captain O'Grael standing before the sun and Goddess at the exit.

"Pfft. At least with cliffhangers in books, I can read faster to find out what's happening!"

Joining O'Grael, who did not say a word, the three of them were joined by Harem Slut Tina and Crown Prince Ryoga on either side, and the pirates worked triple-time to match their peerless stride, which seemed to shake out all their flaws like fleas.

Suddenly, Quartermaster Portia was an equal to Cabin Girl Jacka in their incompetence. O'Grael kept up with the other two, but was much stiffer in her attempt. "This is why we have boats; how can they travel that fast?"

"One foot in front of the other," quipped the Amazon.

They all emerged to the shipyard, an impressive stretch of planks spreading from the coast like squared-off branches of trees, their sheer scope making it all seem like a simple painting, yet the Captain well knew that what she saw was a square mile of aquatic competence, a legion of ships moored to shining docks, with her own grand galleon looking puny in comparison.

"Goddess almighty!" said Jacka before the other two could say the same.

The Prince merely smiled as he turned his head, happy with the ejaculation. Unabated, he moved them to The Coming Storm through a long ramp, a wide walkway, and a grand, boardwalk-sized gangway down to the beach where the ship was located.

"Cor," exclaimed O'Grael, the vixen removing her tri-corner hat from her head as she beheld the drydock in which the ship was suspended, its hull high and away from the water, three quarters of it scraped of all barnacles. The structure that held the ship as easy as a paw holds a goblet. Intricately sprawled around their vessel was special scaffolding, tilting platforms, and cranes as natural as fingers.

The shipyard master, a fennec fox dripping wet and kicking flippers off of her footpaws, saluted them with the tip of her hard hat as she approached them.

"Allo allo, or maybe should I say avast ye, scalawags. M'name's Killit, rhymes with 'elite,' Master of the Shipyard, at y'service! Rather, you'd be at mine!" she said with a giggle, her enormous paddle-sized ears waving like palm fronds as she moved, naked as the sea was cold. "Serve me serve you, in the old Jahaliyan way."

"A pleasure," said O'Grael, taking on a more refined accent than her fellow vulpine, "but pray tell, what the devil's gotten into you, affixing heavy metal to a ponderously heavy boat, never mind hoisting it aloft like a chandelier?"

"A chan-what?" interjected Jacka, who immediately gasped at her own impertinence. O'Grael did not need to stare daggers at her in order to pierce her heart.

"A fancy lantern," offered Portia when the red fox's slicing eyes were off the two of them.

Killit grinned, and though she had a handsome face it was so distractingly dwarfed by ears that could fully cover it. "Jussa thin sheet, and you already know on buoyancy seein' you weigh it down with cannons heavier than Goddess' tits; pardon the blaspheme. What we seen, what I seen, bein' a pupil of Master Architect Sawchuck--you met him?"

"I've seen several of his erections."

The fennec squinted, grinning. She balled her paws behind her back and leaned over, breasts hanging just so she could swing them. She continued, "issat this copper repels parasites like barnacles. So we lay it only thick enough for durability. No more!"

"Are barnacles so problematic?" asked Jacka. "I mean," she said, hastily picking at her claws as the Captain turned to her, "I've only seen the inside of the ship. You've got me digging latrines when the ship's capsized or whatever it's called."

"I never capsize a vessel," said O'Grael, and before the poor calico wet herself the fox continued, "It's called careening. I'll give you first honor next time."

"Per'aps your grandchildren will!" said the Shipyard Master. The fennec picked a stone from the beach and hurled it across the drydocks. Delayed like lightning and thunder, the pirates first saw the stone ricochet off the hull, then heard its metallic report. The crew attending to the ship's hull screamed unrepeatable obscenities as they rushed to inspect the impact. "This'll last longer 'an the wood."

O'Grael could not help but smile. "It's absolutely fantastic. But to answer your question, Jacka, yes: barnacles drastically slow down a ship, and they also damage the hull."

"But how will we keelhaul with no barnacles?"

"We never keelhaul. Torture is the realm of scoundrels who take relish in their evil. I thought you knew this," said O'Grael, her angular face tightened.

Quartermaster Portia coughed into her paw. "We keep the little fillie away from such ugliness."

"Ah right; thank you," said O'Grael. "No, Jacka. The bastards we take on board are just a dagger and a dump into the sea. It's nasty business."

The calico's ears fell. "I didn't know being a pirate was so brutal."

The fox's ears lowered in kind, and she removed her hat before drawing Jacka close. The captain said in a low, solemn tone, "Living free requires brutal acts toward those who would enslave you. Never attack, but always defend."

"We should get back to the ship," Jacka whispered.

"Quite right," said the Quartermaster. "This copper coating: is this a standard feature of all Jahaliyan vessels?" asked the Quartermaster, her Captain nodding in approval.

"Actually, it's the first," said the fennec, who removed her hard hat and bowed, covering her groin. It was the first time the Pirates were aware her pussy had been exposed, so naturally she conducted herself in the buff. "You're the first brigands we've 'ad onboard; you get the first copper bottom for combat. Trade straight across: serve us serve you."

Tina strode between them as a precaution, saying to O'Grael with a deep bow, "If you don't like it, we'll rebuild your ship, but it will be the end of our alliance."

The fox grinned and waved her off. "Ah, even without the alliance this is a great advantage. I can't wait to try it out on the sea. If we sink, we'll haunt you. No problem. Regardless, I'm very happy of our friendship."

The skunk noted the impertinence in both the foxes here, having become so used to Jessica's deference as a librarian. "I'll leave it to you two to sort it out."

"However!" interjected the fennec, "Copper does 'ave some, well let's just say quirks about it with its iron bolts. Not sure what it is, but it causes rapid rusting worse than a bad diet, if you get my meaning. There's also the matter of 'ow the copper works like that for barnacles; we don't know yet. We're like cavemen discovering the hot, flappy stuff. Foire, right?"

"Yardmaster," said a noble voice from behind, and every female was ashamed to have forgotten his presence in the melee of conversation. "Why don't we test your excellence with a similarly excellent pilot?" he asked, gesturing to O'Grael.

The vixen inclined her chin and grinned at him, not so much flattered as she was riding high on his consistently perfect praise of her. She feared to let him down, yet she was so enthralled how amazing he was making her perform.

"Hah, if this material does anything to our, uh--"

"Hydrodynamics?" chimed Jacka.

For once, the Captain did not glour at her, but rather removed her hat and pointed at the cat. "Yes, that word," she said, "should our hydrodynamics be improved, I'll have this ship leaping over your airship!"

The crowd about them cheered at her mighty brag, and O'Grael did nothing to stop them.

Ryoga smiled, then clapped his paws to summon all his subjects' attention. "Hearing no objections, we shall send this ship out to sea. However, we will have to research how copper acts like that. The Goddess will not tolerate any serious harm caused out of negligence or ignorance.

"Thank you, for such prudence." said Jacka,.

Ryoga chuckled. "Well said, My Lady! Please, take a tour of your ship; I've commissioned some Jahaliya interior designers to ... let's just say give it a noble's touch," he said, curtsying with his cape.

"Would I!" exclaimed Jacka, then sprang for the docks, running toward the gangplanks. O'Grael watched him curiously.

"The ship wasn't ladylike enough for you?" she asked, which gave Ryoga a start.

"It wasn't genteel," he said with an incline of his pinky finger, which caused the Captain to roll her eyes. "Not a spot of gold or silk. Now if you will, I have a splendid project for you naughty nautical sort. However, I will require a security oath from the both of you"

"Iron fist in a velvet glove," she sighed, then as he turned to lead her, she smacked his buns. "Go on, Lord Fauntleroy."


As Ryoga led the Captain and the Quartermaster to see this mysterious project that had the Prince striding up a sheer hill, the lady pirates murmuring about a prince and his airs, Jacka went aboard the ship to examine its improvements.

Yardmaster Killit followed close behind, but the fennec merely folded her paws before her as questions alighted on Jacka's brow, then were answered in the next breath she took.

All the cranks and block-and-tackle mechanisms had been overhauled, replaced with new wood and lighter metals that moved with the slightest force.

"Oh, the harpoons!" Jacka exclaimed, running to new deck guns that pivoted with the touch of a finger, yet remained sturdy in their tracks at the pull of a lever. "Wow, some sort of ratchet system?"

Killit's ears flared proudly. "Aye! This 'ere boat could be sideways an' they wouldn't slide. An' there's a reloadin' mechanism that allows you to fire those darts faster n' a pro archer wit' her quiver."

"Oh, I'm not sure about that," said Jacka, heat radiating through her as she was surrounded by this wonderful new technology, "Jahaliya's got some warriors that could re-quill a porcupine in a half-hour. But it's so good, it's so, oh..." murmured the cat as she grasped at herself, moving from the sides of her shirt to her chest. She then grasped the line of buttons and ripped it apart, exposing her breasts.

Jacka planted her feet in the middle of the deck, seeing similar pulley and ratchet systems for the ropes on the sails, seeing a series of gears for the anchor wheel allowing as few as two to raise the several-ton anchor.

"Oh Goddess," mumbled Jacka as she observed this revolution in ship mechanics before her. Fondling her breasts, she skipped around the machinery in utter delight, flinging off her bandana and her boots along the way.

"Er, my Lady..." said Killit as she watched the kitten danced around her project, only to think the better of it. That forbearence was rewarded as she observed with growing arousal as Jacka tugged off her belt and then ripped the front buttons of her pants, letting the flaps fall to expose the warm, furless lips of her sex.

The pants drooped, held only in the back by her tail, and with the first cool breeze across her slit the cat gasped and came to her senses.

Before the fennec she was almost completely exposed, all critical zones of her small, thin, flat body exposed, from her nipples to her labia and the top quarter of her rump. "Oh, Goddess," she murmured, then cast her gaze about to see a couple of day laborers polishing the deck, nude except for the belts around their waists.

Pink and black and beige-colored shafts from plenty of species protruded from below them.

"My, Jacka." the fennec said at this luscious sight of a pirate losing such control over ship design, "I take it our modifications interest you."

"Goddess, yes, they are so magnificent!" said Jacka as she noticed the effect on the construction crew. Even though her privates were exposed to the cool air, they felt much warmer and wetter than before. "The Captain was right. Male's parts look much better when erect!"

"So do yours," said the fennec, approached from behind, licking her lips, her own labia inflamed by the young, exuberant charge. Before Killit could ease those pants the rest of the way down, Jacka shook her head and pulled her pants over her pussy.

"Pardon" she exclaimed, as she walked to the docks. "but I think I'm being a distraction."

"Oy, wait a tick," said Killit in pursuit, "these deck-heads are usually more professional. Why you could hold church on that boat with not one single doubt disturbed--"


"Yowwww!" howled a voice from the boat. A horse from the line stood up, holding his thumb as a hammer plunged into the bay.

The fennec stomped her foot on the dock and the cat stopped at the end of the dock, also frozen by the commotion.

"Aye, see what you made her made yourself do, ya priapist pillock?" she shouted up at the hung horse. "Swear," she said to herself, "you hire good men and they're no good for themselves. Then you get the gay ones and they're just playing with each other's tools!"

Jacka looked wistfully at the ship, one paw holding up the pants she'd permanently ripped, the other getting tired from covering her breasts. She stood awkwardly there on the beach.

"Oy," Killit called to her, striding up in a calmer, more folksy manner. "Actually, you'd probably better go. Why don't you catch up to the Prince and your Captain? You love all that shippy stuff."

"Sure," said Jacka, letting her arm fall, seeing that the fennec's breasts hung out in the open, nipples pert, everything a natural and beautiful part of her body. "Sorry again--"

"Ah, fuck off with you," said the Yardmaster with a toothy grin. "This is Jahaliya; you're going to see a lot more of this, especially if you earn The Blessing. Fuck off with the fake politeness."

Jacka blushed, feeling her fur stand on end. "I really meant it!"

"And I don't fuckin' need it," said Killit, smiling none the less. "Now fuck off, okay?"

Jacka wanted to be insulted, but the fennec's ears, eyes, tail, grinned just as much as her mouth. The cat giggled at the fox's gaiety and curtsied. "Thank you very fucking much," she said, loving the taste of the swear on her tongue.

And then she fucked off.


Jacka hustled up the hill, onto the edge of Jahaliya's port city, named nothing more elaborate than "Port of Jahaliya." From this higher vantage point, the topless cat could see the rest of the docks of this grand shipyard, more than one hundred, three hundred boats of a score of different variations languidly bobbing in the many ports, with at least thirty at one time coming in and out at any given time.

"Goodness, where do I find him," she muttered to herself, feeling the wonderful, salty sea breeze tease her bared paws, torso, and chest, "Should I sound the whistle? No, that's for emergencies."

Jacka heard the distant, familiar clap of a spyglass and saw a familiar wolf on one of the distant streets, standing high above the sea behind a railing preventing careless accidents. Alongside she saw a shapely vixen dressed in naught but her boots, belt, and hat, and she needed not so much as call out but to wait for them as they disappeared into the port town.

Emerging soon after from the street behind her, the wolf Prince wearing but a cape and his circlet approached the sprightly cabin girl with a grin. Her Captain followed, folding her arms beneath her chest, and the cat stood, astonished, having certainly underestimated the size and heft of the vixen's breasts. Behind them came Portia, silently attending to the two leaders, the boar's ears perked for the first order.

"Jacka, what happened to you?" asked the Captain as she gazed over a kitten who has apparently changed her mind about her apparel.

The kitten squirmed as she fought to phrase her answer, "Well, I was touring the ship modifications, and I got a little... overexcited over all that marvelous engineering."

Ryoga smiled at the confession, "I had no idea that such marine innovations have that effect for you. Maybe I can arrange the engineers' technical papers for you and you can enjoy yourself with them."

"They would be interesting reading," answered Jacka with burgeoning eagerness, "but I might need some help on the terminology."

"Oh, I can procure a glossary for you. On second thought, an engineering tutor for you would be even better, if you would be open to sharing the nature of your interest. After you earn the Blessing of course." suggested Ryoga sprightly, pondering the possibilities.

Jacka's eyes sparkled at the opportunity as she forgot her comportment and jumped with excitement, the jiggling of her chest stirring a different kind of it to her audience. "Oh, thank you my Lord, you have given us so much!"

"Regardless Jacka," interrupted O'Grael, stern as she was naked, "your form of dress is unacceptable! You need to get dressed or strip completely," Her massive vulpine tail lashed behind her. "Seeing a person in this state of uncertainty, she's bound to tear herself between the worlds she will not commit to."

"Oh, Goodness!" exclaimed Jacka, pawing at the street with her naked feet, dawdling with just a pair of trousers hanging from her rump. "Well, give me a moment."

"We've been here for days."

"Then another moment won't hurt!" she protested, then squeaked as the Captain brandished her spyglass like a club and Ryoga stopped her. Portia stood behind them with her fist half-closed, stuck between her understudy and her leader.

"She's got a point," said the Prince.

O'Grael glared at His Royal Highness, meeting him as an equal for being challenged. "And she can deliver it much better," she snarled.

Ryoga giggled, disarming O'Grael of her weapon with the same delicacy he'd hold a crystal goblet. "You sea-folk are always so salty."

O'Grael resigned herself to patience. With the relief that came over her, in addition to the pure comforted release in such a beautiful and free nation, Jacka did not have to think long before she put her fingers on the button securing the trousers to her tail.

Slowly, before the Prince, Jacka turned around and began to slip out of her clothing. The back of her trousers came down deliberately, exposing the feline's perky rump inch by inch. "Heh, here it goes," said Jacka, shivering even though the sun beaming down on her bare rear end warmed it wonderfully.

A knot formed in both Ryoga's throat and the base of his sheath, and Jacka watched over her shoulder in breathless relish as his cock expanded from its pocket, growing thick and red with his arousal. Herself, she felt a tingle in her trousers, and her lower lips tingled, clenching once against her panties.

"Oh, that's a pretty one," she said with her heart in her throat, wishing that something else was there, instead. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

The Prince grinned with the girl's forwardness, resisting every impulse to rip those pants to shreds and bind her wrists with it. "Only in its absence," he replied with a lusty growl.

Jacka stopped her knees from trembling as she lowered her pants and panties to her thighs, completely exposing her rump with the most coy hint of her pink sex in front of it. The cool sea breeze hushed between her thighs and she shivered as it tickled her delicate sex.

The Captain chimed in, herself similarly inspired by the lurid display, watching the Prince grow hard and her cabin girl grow wet. "If you love it so much, why don't you give it a little kiss?" she asked.

O'Grael had to stop herself from shoving the two of them together, then fingering the first free hole. Oh, the rages of the lonely sea!

"She could even put a ring on it," joked Ryoga, but he was just distracting himself as the cat knelt before him, pretty and calico and pure. Her eyes shone bright, and her muzzle trembled with virginal inexperience as she leaned toward it, then pecked it as she would a boyfriend.

The Prince bit his lip as this spark of affection sent waves of light, airy pleasure through him. He'd been with scores of women, but to give the Blessing to one who had never known its glories instilled him with the same youth he had upon his first Fuck, as if living it again from the nervous intitial nausea to the brilliant, focused act.

"That was nice," Jacka said, remaining on her knees, her smile bright and awkward, her eyes alternating between his cock and his face. "Would sucking it be even better?"

Ryoga's heart leapt in his chest, and for a moment he envied her, wishing they could switch positions. That he could pay tribute to her ardent innocence. "Dear, I think you already know the answer to that one."

Jacka caught a giggle in her throat, almost delirious from excitement, as she leaned toward his hips and took his cock in her mouth. His member was warm, the taste was a pure distillation of his scent, and the curious balls hanging below his shaft begged for a paw to cradle them.

Her raspy feline tongue made the wolf quiver with delight. The veins in his shaft responded with hearty, yearning throbs, which drove her on to dive onto it voraciously. Jacka choked briefly, suddenly aware of her complete nudity and lascivity, but now with the Prince's cock in her throat, she had to go on.

The cat relaxed her throat and mouth, tongue wet with saliva, and pistoned her face upon it, loving its musky scent, feeling the pulse of its veins, its length respond to her every movement.

"Goddess' sake, don't choke yourself," scolded the Captain, who soon found a spyglass in her mouth and the glance of a supremely arrogant male. Ryoga brazenly fucked her cabin girl's face right before her.

Jacka slapped Ryoga's hip, groping at his smooth gray fur and his firm buttocks. The Prince responded with a deep growl, his lower jaw jutting out as the female below him demanded of him an absolute holy duty.

With righteous abandon, the Prince stroked the sides of her face before gripping them firmly and thrusting, thrusting with all his might and zeal. The cat gulped and slurped, a couple of times choking, but never letting go, The two went in tandem for a fierce few minutes, saliva running down the cat's lower jaw, Ryoga's balls slapping against her chin, Jacka's thighs trembling as clear fluid ran down between them, until finally the Prince let out a gasp and pushed his cock to the knot past her teeth.

Jacka opened her throat wide, eyes wider, as hot, salty fluid pumped down the back of her throat. When that became too much, the cat backed off and was sprayed in the face by what sticky hot syrup remained. Semen ran down her eyebrows and muzzle and whiskers and she fell back onto her rump, jolting as her own body lurched and the canal between her legs spurted its own thick nectar onto the dock.

"Oh Goddess!" Jacka cheered as her groin clenched and spunk from her face drooled onto her chest. Her pants were around her ankles, the rest of her completely naked, and she was so happy.

"Goddess Bless you," said O'Grael with a lightness to her voice. She stood to the side proud as always, playfully stroking the Prince's cock for a bit more of his essence, getting it all over her paw and forearm. "Very bold. Which I do not require of all my crew--there is also strength in subterfuge--but if this is your path, I am so happy you've taken it."

"Boldness, me?" asked Jacka, stumbling to her feet and stepping out of her pants, throwing them into the ocean. A dolphin complained and she ignored it. "How so?"

"How so, she says," chuckled Ryoga gaily, grinning as another pearly string drooled from his length.

This time, O'Grael was the polite one. "Dear, just look at yourself. And not in shame for once. Say this is correlation or causation, but it seems the more shame you've felt, the more you've put on! So maybe this is a good thing: You've shed all your clothes and you've publically fellated a man. His semen is all over you, but do you not feel marvelous?"

Jacka couldn't do anything but stand proudly, for she could not feel shame at something she'd done willingly, enthusiastically. Even so, bitter memories of her past, of oppressive prudity and control flooded through her mind until she fought them down with a promising today.

"Thank you," she said with a rising blush, a significant portion of her covered in it. "Now then, may I please see those schematics?"

"Of course," said the boar, herself blushing from the cabin girl's nudity, "but you should find a washbasin first; there's one in my office. No bodily fluids are allowed on my charts, no matter how sexy they are."

"The charts?"

"The fluids," Portia said, then snorted as her eyes went wide. "But that does give me an idea for making the technical manuals more appealing ... no matter. Not now. Wash yourself before it brands you with its own erotic cartography."

"Actually, this is a good break," said Ryoga, grinning as Jacka rushed him and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Ah yes, good girl. Let us convene for a picnic and a few sporting events on the field of the Jahaliya Stadium."

"A picnic in the evening?" questioned the Captain. "You are a scallywag."

The wolf's teeth shone as he grinned. "Kinky vagabond, I prefer. Those Amazons have planted some mad seeds in my head."


Jacka and her Pirate companions did as they were used to, washing with facilities as Spartan as possible instead of the more decadent options about Jahaliya. They dared not luxuriate nor acclimate to their temporary accommodations, else they grow soft upon the sea.

All of them dressed in but the minimum of their pirate costume, belts and scabbards about the waist, boots up to the knees, hats or bandanas upon the head and a pair of excellent gauntlets for Captain Kathryn O'Grael, pretty and perfect as ever.

The stadium was halfway around the peninsula, but seeing that their ship was still in drydocks, the Captain instead opted for a small rowboat that had a solid-shell hull, almost a prototype of the prototype of their own ship.

She also decided to row it. "This is fantastic," she remarked as the little vessel cut through the bay, her crewmembers pining to make themselves useful. "Oh, both of you fuck off. The Captain gets to have all the fun, that earlier blowjob excepted," she said, glaring at Jacka.

They arrived at the stadium among Amazonian canoes, though O'Grael came in too fast and had to turn her boat sideways, stomping on the inside edge so that it drifted to a stop, sending a wave of salty dock water splashing over some Amazons still unloading from their boat.

"Goddess Bless!" swore the vixen, "These Jahaliyan shipmasters are no joke. That Kill-it woman lives up to her name!"

"Kill-eet," corrected Jacka, who squeaked as O'Grael hefted an oar like a sabre and pointed it at the cat.

"Correct again, but watch your tone," said the vixen, then flipped the oar for Jacka to catch. They headed inside.

Their other Pirate compatriots were waiting for them, all having walked from the docks, and most of them in the same state of disrobing. A few hold-outs still wore their panties, but all of them had forsaken their tops. Even those that still wore their billowy shirts let the fronts hang open, earnestly baring one or both of their breasts at any one time.

Entering through a grand gate several meters high and wide, made of the straightest wood as to resemble brick, the air went cold, and the Pirates quickly tried to cover themselves with their bare arms.

A jaguar wearing nothing but a cape of vapor and staring with eyes completely with a solid blue color, as if they were replaced by two perfectly round sapphires, left patches of ice as she padded toward them.

"Welcome, new charges of the Blessing," said she, her breath billowing out in frigid clouds, "our Master Architect Sawchuck once conjured for us Amazons a test of excellence; now it is handed down to you."

O'Grael's jaw fell at the mystic's appearance, but Jacka pushed on past to see the field before them. Portia cleared her throat. "It's mighty flattering they'd send an ice mage to serve as our concierge."

The jaguar grinned and she looked at the boar, as much as one could tell that her pure-blue eyes were looking anywhere. "I was but one of you, once; I am not elevated but grounded by the Goddess' Blessing."

"What's your name?" asked O'Grael.

The lady jaguar's grin remained, her chin charmingly raised. "I won't burden you with it. You'll see me again; then you can worry about remembering me."

"Damn polite for a mage," said the Captain, then curtsied as best she could, wiped tiny icicles from her whiskers, then moved past her into the stadium proper.

A crowd had already formed in the stands, and Jacka stood there best she could, fists on her hips, proudly displaying her naked body even though she was quivering in the elbows and knees. O'Grael patted her on the shoulder and Portia brought up the rear, whereupon a wave of applause and cheers rose to meet them.

"I think this whole country's damn polite," whispered Portia, which made the fox grin wide.

"Welcome welcome! Here's the rules!" cheered the chipper black bat from earlier, flying in with a fwump and continuing as if he'd just been walking. His tone and his ears were just as perky as his long pink erection, which bounced between his thighs with each step. "Rules are as follows, easy easy." From one of his feet he tossed a bundle of clothes completely foreign to the Pirates, a bundle of full dresses and a nightgown. "You'll put these on, and you're gonna run through the beyond obstacle course, which you'll see is full of, ahem, interesting obstacles, careful careful, as you make your way towards our noble Prince and Slut Tina's two lovers, which you're acquainted with, ahem, in various degrees," he said, tossing a wink toward Jacka.

That horny bastard had spied on the blowjob! The cat thought with an excited buzz, feeling her nipples grow erect as his pretty cock.

"And?" asked O'Grael, selecting for herself a ridiculous royal gown she never in her life had expected to wear, relishing the extremes of either outcome: of ripping the damned thing to shreds, or arriving perfect and spotless.

Jacka spotted the familiar handiwork. "Oh, this was the sailmaster's project. These seams are stitched within a fault of being faulty! Very showy, very sexy! Rips right in two!"

"Thank you, Jacka, but be polite," said Portia, pulling on a see-through nightgown and beaming at how feminine it made her hardy boar body appear.

"And that's it!" said Bryce, shrugging a wing with a leathery snap. "Winner is the most clothed."

"Well that's a buzzkill," complained Jacka, slipping into a pleasant commoner's skirt, then received a slap on her tit before she pulled a blouse over it.

"Come on, cabin girl," cheered O'Grael, running ahead of them. "Can't you stand a little competition?"

"Oh wait!" called Bryce after her, "I didn't blow the horn!"

"Pirates don't play by the rules!" shouted the vixen, leaping over a hedge of thorns and snagging the hem, catapulting her chest-first into a mud puddle with a thundering splat and a mighty rip that exposed one of her legs up to the thigh.

"Well there's Goddess' Justice already; shame, shame," snarked Bryce, then turned to the two other females. "What are you waiting for? Go!"

Portia and Jacka leapt into action, hiking up their dresses before clearing the thorn bush and wading through the mud past O'Grael, who was staggering upright with her front half-covered in sticky brown sludge.

"You won't defy your Captain!" she bellowed, to which her underlings responded, "Can't defy a Captain who defies her own perfection!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! That I'm not living up to my own ego?"

The crowd roared, the competition already flaring white-hot. The three star athletes went after each other almost as much as they did the finish line, pushing each other into obstacles, tripping each other, or even outright ripping at each others' clothes. O'Grael got a scrap of Jacka's skirt, revealing her bum in panties, while Portia tackled O'Grael, ripping the front of her bodice open and revealing her breasts.

O'Grael attempted to counter Portia, grabbing her nightie as she ran past her, but the fabric snagged on a barbed post and sent both of them sprawling into the mud, and Jacka triumphantly leapt over them. The vixen's tits and face were soaked in it, causing a deafening roar throughout the stadium when she fell down, and another when she came up for air.

Off in a high viewing box, lavishly coated in ferns and fake furs amidst wooden furniture, Cyndra reclined in luxury as her Amazon servants watched in relish, the mysterious, blue-eyed ice mage Ijs cooly staring out at the festivities as her warrior kind cheered and moaned in delight.

"It's a porn show we don't have to pay for!"

"Or eat the loser!"

"Oh that was a life ago; will you drop it?" complained a buxom bunny. "This is the new stuff, the good stuff! Tough pirates struggling and scrambling for victory, dropping all their clothes and fears in the pursuit of the Blessing!"

"And big thick cock, don't you forget," chimed the jaguar with two full blue eyes.

"Ah yes!" returned the bunny, rubbing her body down. "When's our turn?"

"The after-party. Patience and chastity until then; I know it'll kill you."

Down below, the lady Pirates struggled with the course, climbing up enormous wooden summits by knotted ropes, then leaping down the other sides with pernicious splinters snagging their dresses, ripping off more and more until the garments framed their variously curvy bodies instead of cloaked them.

The Pirate crew lagged behind the three-star contenders, but even they couldn't help frolicking in the lurid naughtiness of the event. A few of them had been strangely careful, and were rewarded with oddly fast progress, since they were not bumping and bouncing off of claws, thorns, and slogging through mudpits.

In typical, sexy Jahaliyan mischief, the Harem Sluts had thought about this ahead of time and had sent a few secret agents down along the sidelines. A comely snake Pirate was practically in full dress, and the Bowmistress Natasha dodged sideways across the track to seize the lady's belt buckle, taking the waistband with it.

With a dramatic ripping sound, the snake's crotch was exposed, revealing a dainty pair of panties that a competitor soon relieved her of. The green lady reptile gasped, hissed, then laughed as she ran the rest of the race with her pretty slit exposed.

Nearing the end, the three leaders remained neck-and-neck. Jacka demonstrated a superior, cat-like grace, Portia bullied through most obstacles as if they were flimsy paneling, and O'Grael dodged over and under with a fox's cunning, cutting off her opponents at every opportunity.

The Pirate crew behind them kept up an admirable pace, and between the obstacles, each other, and occasional meddling by the Sluts, every lady wore their tattered garments as they would sashes, collars, and capes. That is to say, not a scrap of fabric hid their bodies for more than a split second, and instead framed them beautifully.

O'Grael crossed the finish line first, though there were rumblings that her crewmates were too afraid to show her up. This was dismissed by the overall exhaustion by Jacka and Portia, who stood upon the victory dais with their paws on their knees, panting and wobbling, their bodies covered in mud and sweat.

The vixen, too, was covered in creamy liquid dirt, but her breathing and her expression was as steady as if she'd been studying over a map in the middle of a rolling ocean. Completely nude as she was, breasts perky and her slit obvious in any frontal view, Kathryn O'Grael could have passed for a guardian of the Jahaliya Library.

"Well done, well done!" thundered Cyndra from her box, the giantess' voice carrying throughout the venue, over the screams of her Amazon thrall. The Prince and his assortment, Horace, John, Tina, and her lovers Vin and Brath were all perched there on the victory dais, each in their own thrones which, according to their rank, varied in degrees of opulence.

The males in particular perched upon their thrones with majestic senses of bravado, each of them stiff in muscles and cock, posed to display for the female competitors the studliness of their bodies. The Harem, however, Tina, Corsi, and the rest, suppressed their admiring grins as they rolled their eyes at the gratuitous macho display.

The Pirates, however, loved it, and they posed in their tattered clothing in as feminine of poses as they could muster, hoping with tickled excitement that a few of them may rise from their chairs and give them a good fuck, right here in front of everyone!

"Welcome!," said Prince Ryoga, the wolf rising from his chair, cock bobbing as he strutted before them, "You've thoroughly impressed me, and indeed the Goddess, in this ardent, open, and titillated pursuit of what you truly value: that is, losing your clothes, your inhibitions, and living free as a vigorous, dreaming being upon this beautiful planet. You've lost your clothes because they hold you back; you've lost your modesty because in your past life, virtue was unclear: your preoccupations tied you up in frustration."

His paws had drifted behind his back as he spoke. "You are now liberated and you look upon a future as bare as your bodies: all this is yours to create. You can be, for the first time, alive and lusty in all your pursuits. Clean and ready..." he said, then his paws came out and dumped two hefty water horns over O'Grael's front. "For the next stage." The Captain was immediately cleansed of most of the mud that caked her front. Framed in the remains of a beautiful lacy gown, she stood there naked, wet, and proud.

From the audience, a beaver in a hard hat put his thumb and forefinger beneath his buckteeth and blew a shrill whistle, whereupon the victory dais groaned and clattered and sprinkler heads emerged from between the boards.

In the audience, a set of four soldiers operated hand cranks similar to the ones Jacka had spotted aboard the pirate ship, and the sprinklers burst with water upon all occupants of the dais, wetting down Jahaliyan and Pirate alike, soaking their fur and cleaning off all muddy runoff.

A few of the Pirates began to frolic in the sprinklers, while O'Grael shrugged and rearranged her mane of beautiful brunette hair, showering in the middle of a crowd of thousands to the cheer of many a lusty male.

As Ryoga watched in lurid, brilliant ardor, the fox turned to him with a small smile. "Any soap, dear?" she asked. "Contrary to popular believe, we appreciate a good cleaning."


After the reverie, the stadium emptying out a full forty-five minutes after the last Pirate had shaken herself off and gone from the field, the mass of Jahaliya revellers relocated to the grand auditorium, kitted out for the occasion. Cool food and drink for a warm afternoon were ready from the second the first guest had burst through the door (it was Ijs, who had created an ice slide through a side street of the capital), and bodies filled the long bench tables with the loud din of gay celebration and the energy of close competition.

Fever was high amidst the amazing spread, and not halfway through the guests being seated and served, already a few coy fights had broken out. The Harem and the males ate and frolicked before each other in increasingly lewd ways, the males standing from their seats just enough to show their cocks, the Harem "accidentally" dropping food upon their breasts.

The Pirates, accustomed to wolfing down their food in order to return to their posts, took deep pleasure in devouring their enormous plates as fast as their taste buds could keep up, and then with their bellies full, they found themselves reclining against each other... until one adventurous rabbit tossed herself onto the table, splaying out amidst the remnants of food, then let out a resounding belch and allowed her legs to fall apart.

Other pirates joined in the lewd repose, piling themselves atop the messy tables to lay on top of each other, letting their sloth get the better of them, pleasured with the sleepy result.

Even though she was as naked as the rest of them, the tattered remains of her peasant blouse framing her small, perky breasts, the waistband of her skirt hiding no part of her groin, Jacka the calico politely dabbed her lips between bites. She was the only one at her table to use the fork and knife provided, the rest of her crew having shovelled the choice meats, vegetables, fruits, breads, and desserts into their maws by bare paws alone.

She wasn't a third of the way done before the heavy, warm tits of a Goddess-Blessed Amazon hung on either side of her head. The warrior's battle-hardened paws massaged her shoulders until she swore her scapula would break.

"Ah, won't you go on!" cried a food-drunk aardvark with her snout still coated in grease. "You oughta make a speech!"

The cat snorted and looked up at the muscular lady. "Excuse me?"

"You're eating like a librarian!" she jeered.

"Hey!" barked Jessica in offence, waving a roasted beast's leg that was so hot, so steaming, it fogged her spectacles .

The Amazon took no notice, "Therefore, you must be chewing over thoughts as well as your food!"

"That's not how it works," Jacka mumbled, but the rest of her table had rolled into cheers and clapping, chanting "Speech! Speech! Speech!" before the cat could swallow her bite.

"Oh, fine," the calico grumbled, standing free of her table and getting a blush on her cheeks when the rush of air reminded her that she was, considering that her blouse was in tatters and the skirt hanging on by its threads, nearly naked.

"I consider myself a proper girl," she said, curtsying with her sorry skirt. The garment was so stupid, she realized. With a wiggle of her hips, she slipped it off and tossed it aside, to the cheers of many, and then the rattles of Pirate sabers when they saw she wanted to talk. "Which considering my past, this should have been an act of insanity. See, I had a father who didn't love me--"

Boos filled the banquet hall, and then more saber rattling.

"And was summarily cast aside. Thus you see the obsessive role of being a meek little girl who wanted to be 'proper,' if just to earn daddy's love. I realize I had no daddy, with the exception of now, Prince Ryoga, but then again he's everybody's daddy, right?" she said with a giggle.

Now the Pirates joined the cheers, with a pressure and cacophony so great that Jacka winced and covered her ears. They quieted down.

"Oof, and you wonder how this place possibly has a library," she said, which made Jessica nod with a smile. "But here's a happy voyage. O'Grael has finally landed upon a port with fortune instead of misery."

"Dare you defy your Captain?" shouted the vixen, standing on the table.

Jacka stood coolly against her. "I'm saying you should try smiling, your highness."

The crowd roared and then a fight broke out between a few enthusiastic Jahaliyans, one that Horace and Portia worked in tandem to quell.

The calico grinned. "This place is so passionate. Thank you for making my point! We now are accepted into a world of life, of action amid free, sexy women, and men, who love me. Good Goddess, we finally found what we're searching for!"

Another cheer, with Horace and Portia holding a few ruffians back.

"In just these few days," Jacka continued, tossing off her blouse to be as nude as when she bathed, revelling in the cleansing glances of this crowd of hundreds, "The Coming Storm has met its turbulent compliment, that of the millions of swirling passions and brains of Jahaliya. Technological advances that complement perfectly the general lust for life: that zeal of being which is so dry and starved in the outer world."

She saw the Harem advance upon her, bearing much too many creme desserts that her small body, already full from the banquet, could bear.

"To live without the impediments of fear, of guilt, of shame--of goddamn anything the outer world assigns as superstition, as evil, as imprudence. Hah! That 'prudence' would be anything but prudishness. What devil put our brains and bodies against themselves, that's what I'd like to know! Goddess' Blessing is needed for everyone! Those who have shrugged evil, certainly--and especially those who have given up hope: those that the flames in their hearts have turned to a flicker. Goddess Bless us, why've we been so goddamned?"

Cheers and sabers filled the air, with Jacka bowing at their brilliant admiration. After a few curtseys, she caught a couple of friends advancing upon her, not carrying flowers or a medal. She said, before she was interrupted, "Girls, what are you doing, oh!"

Harem Jessica and Tina pushed the pies upon her body first, squishing the creme treats directly upon her breasts, then let the tin holders clatter to the floor while the thick cream remained on her body. Jacka felt a brilliant, deep arousal ignite within her, her body flickering to sensuous life as the fluffy substance dripped down her body.

"Ahem, yes," she said as her paws went to her breasts, massaging the pillowy thick cream into her fur, "Like I was saying, even as recently as today I've seen amazing discoveries of sailing technology, above and below the hull, and at these delights alone I freed myself of my clothes!"

Another pie hit her buns, right on top of the tail, and then another on her back, and another on her stomach, dripping tantalizingly low to her groin. "Oh Goddess, this is nice," she said with a giggle, stroking cream into her hips, then biting her lip as her slit twitched. "But I have to get to the best part, one you'd all rather love: really really much. Your Prince Himself, who I'm sure has many duties besides pleasing his Harem, saluted little old me with his impressive, pulsing penis!"

The crowd cheered, though there were many chuckles amongst her audience. The crowd was quite straight in their posture, leaning at the edges of their bench seats and hazarding to tip the whole thing over. Their bodies were alight with excitement and arousal. Many a female couldn't help but look at the shafts standing free of the males' laps, and in return, many of the males couldn't help but notice the way the feminine hips squirmed on the seats.

"Cock," whispered the jaguar ice mage, her finger stuck in a glass of frozen water. Governess Cyndra and the rest of the Amazon tribe, all seated in the corner, surrounding a troupe of male soldiers, echoed Ijs's suggestion. "Cock! Cock! Cock!" they whispered, which carried across the room until everyone was repeating that lascivious word.

"Oh, fuck off!" Jacka cackled, receiving more pies against her body, including one right to her crotch. "Yes! He saluted me with his big, long cock when I tossed my clothes. And I wanted to thank him! Wouldn't any of you? Come on!" she said to a few male soldiers that grumbled, "No one's straight for a high-quality cock! My wise Captain--where is she? Ah, still glaring at me. See?" the cream-covered calico proclaimed, "When I couldn't get daddy's love, I settled for momma's hatred!"

Cheers, applause, and much laughter exploded from the room. Jacka had to pause in order for them to express their gratitude. O'Grael couldn't help but smirk. "She told me to suck the kind Prince. So ... I did! And I savored this delight of helping him and he rewarded me with his cream! Not this cream, at least I hope," she said to laughter, brushing her fur up into goofy tufts, "A man that has this problem should probably see a doctor. And then that doctor, a surgeon for her arm! Or a prosthetist"

More laughter. "I made him happy, because I want all my friends to be happy!"

Applause rained down on her like a hearty morning drizzle, and Jacka let them expend themselves until the rattle tapered off. "Heh, thank you, thank you," she said, scratching herself through the creme dessert, "You've all been too kind. Really. This kind of repeated--though much appreciated--charity must wear thin on you, showering your great gifts upon banal peasants. We all know that Kathryn O'Grael is great, but she's no Eleanor, she's no Corsi," she said, making a motion over her own rather flat chest. "I imagine the Sailfish of Jahaliya could sink our boat with a hand-drill. No Blessing for us. What can we do, eh?"

There was a sad lull around the crowd, a few "awws" rushing in like a morose tide.

"Goddess' Blessing ain't for everyone. It's fine," said the calico. "So I guess we'll just, as a going-away present, I mean, if your penises are willing, men..."

"What, is this some kind of garden social?" shouted Ijs, the mage completely out of sorts from her earlier mysticism. "You wanna fuck! You wanna be a fucking slut?"

Jacka blushed. "If it's being offered, sure."

"No, bitch," the jaguar roared, freezing a chandelier near Jacka and letting it drop, shattering everywhere. She emerged amidst the particles, teleporting. "If you want it, you better ask for it."

"Yes," intoned Jacka to her face, "I wanna fuck! I wanna ... have nice men fuck me until we all cry out in delight! But ..."

Ijs's eyes turned full-blue, and Jacka felt the creme freeze and fall off her body. She covered herself, reinstated to nudity. "You talked about a world without hesitation or prudence. Now you're back in it."

"Okay, okay," stammered the cat, "but my Captain says we shouldn't until we get the Blessing, and I don't know how to earn it."

"To earn it, you have to want it," said the mage. The jaguar was so beautiful and supple, her thick chest complimented by a pert, perky ass. Jacka envied her to the depths of her marrow.

"But I do fucking want it!" she protested, "I want to be a fucking slut!"

There was a thundering rumble, then a flash and a deafening snap: Jacka fell back against the table and fell off into a crowd of soldiers, who all gasped, then after they helped her to her feet, they cheered.

Jacka found herself with a bust as great as the jaguar's, with muscles firm as the ship's ropes, and an energy hotter and more hungry than a boiler's fire.

"There we fucking go!" shouted Ijs, flipping her vapor cape and strutting away. "Have at it, boys! You're eating out!"

"I just had to fucking ask?!" shouted the enlivened cat, to which the form of a newly muscular, buxom fox with a tricorn hat catapulted over her.

"You're worthy, my cabin girl!" cheered the renewed O'Grael, twice as thick and three times as hardy, "Now prove it!"

The banquet hall was a mess as it erupted in orgy around Jacka, males and females finding a partner or three to revel in this new breakthrough. The tall calico stood in the center, meekly blushing at all the beautiful sex going around, and somehow through the haze of legs and butts and bodies she found her way to Prince Ryoga, who was standing still with a magnificent smile and a comparable erection.

"Oh Goddess, how did I get here," she stammered, sheepishly grinning, "Ahm..."

"If you want it, you have to ask for it," said Ryoga.

"Okay, okay," giggled the new, voluptuous, muscular Jacka, heat rising to her head to make her delirious, "My Prince, will you please fuck me?"

The wolf gracefully bowed. "I'm so, so very glad you asked," he said, then charged her and tackled her upon the nearest banquet table, flinging desserts, meats, fruit, and salads everywhere. There was a tremulous moment where he worked to line his cock up between her legs, and then thrust in.

Jacka gasped as a shock of pain went through her, realizing that her hymen had torn.

"Are you alright?" asked Ryoga calmly, protectively.

The kitten nodded, "Gimme a minute. Just please make it worth it."

"Never fear, my Lady," answered Ryoga with a gratified grunt, He slowly plunged into her slit and humped with gradually increasing speed, against which Jacka began to moan with joy as she worked to keep up with the hearty male.

"Took you long enough, cabin girl!" O'Grael shouted over the din of a hundred copulating couples, "To think that you were the key: here's to a fairy tale of a humble peasant girl rising to greatness!

Male admirers of many kingdom classes; reptile, mammal, and avian; surrounded the fox, pawing at her thighs, shoulders, sides; everything just on the edge of her erogenous zones. The Captain grinned and let a handsome, muscular male of each climb up on the table. "I can't fit all of you in at once, but you're all more experienced than me. Surely we can put our heads together."

The reptile went down on her while the avian went up. The mammal went behind her and soon they'd configured themselves so that they were all busy with her body, be it her mouth, breasts, slit, thighs, and rump; caressing, kissing, and very soon fucking.

So began their anointing orgy, with each of the Pirates accompanied by at least one male, and many times two or three. Females followed suit, either supporting the males in their passions or giving the Pirate females a more lesbianic encounter.

Portia had always questioned herself when catching her underlings dressing, and so when an Amazon pushed her hips against the boar's snout, she licked the tiger's lower lips with a perverse, enthusiastic curiosity which evolved into passion.

That did not, however, stop her from accepting a male's big meaty cock between her own thighs, and Portia moaned into the tigress's pussy as her own was stuffed with hot throbbing meat.

Jacka cheered as she found herself frantically alternating between three cocks in her face even as the Prince fucked her. Her loins were ablaze as his cock slid in and out of her, thick and wet, and she was especially surprised when Ryoga helped suck off the men that she couldn't take care of herself. With a mixture of grunts and gasps, moans and the slick sound of wet, throbbing parts moving against each other, Jacka and Ryoga soon found themselves showered in cum. Soon after, Jacka purred as she was similarly showered from the inside, the wolf growling low as she pumped her full of spunk until her slit was drooling down her thighs.

"Oh, fuck, this is just what I needed!" she screamed.

O'Grael took it from all angles, the vixen stoic as ever even as she jacked one cock off onto her face while she sucked off another, the former splattering on her face while the other poured down her throat. There was a white-hot delight glowing from within, especially as males pistoned in and out of her cunt and rump, but she much preferred observing them spill themselves into her, onto her, than to waste any energy in expressing her own delight. She had full command of all of them.

Just like her raids on the islands of slave traffickers and marauders, she took to the task of seeing how many men she could exhaust before her own legs gave out from under her. The difference was that this time, these men were not her enemies, and for her to be impaled was not a risk, but a pleasure.

All around, her Pirate fellows--her crew--fell out with much of the same, many of them proving to be her inferior as they collapsed into the arms of their lovers, perfectly spent. Jacka, surprisingly, was the last to fall before herself, being royally fucked upon Ryoga's back by a handsome bat while the wolf took one of his Harem sluts.

Finally, however, Jacka cried out in glee and rolled off him, the calico girl leaking and dripping from every surface and hole. At that point, O'Grael allowed herself to relax, whereupon she promptly stumbled off a table, fell into a pile of lounge cushions, and drowsed into a contented, extended sleep.


O'Grael awoke to some tea being hovered above her nose. She scrambled to sit up, cringing as the loud, grotesque cummy squish of her fur separating from the cushions rang out through the hall, and found the place mostly as she left it, albeit with many servants cleaning up many organic materials from both the banquet and from the orgy.

"Goodness Goddess; I'm aching for a bath," she said, allowing herself this whiny indulgence because her captain's hat was misplaced.

Amid the panting and the sheer contented exhaustion of the festivities' aftermath, Corsi noticed that the glass display to the outside water had a crowd building just outside.

Namely, a very familiar collection of pinnipeds were lined up, floating in perpendicular parade order with that bulbous walrus bringing the rear. As the otter arose with a slight wobble, a messy Portia joined her, with O'Grael bringing up the rear.

"Is that the bunch who barged in on your swimming lesson?" the sow asked with a puzzled undertone.

"Yes, but don't ask me what they are doing now." Corsi answered with a half-shrug. "I don't mind them watching with the others on that side of the glass, but they are being really formal right now."

The newly buxom sow smiled and said, "How about you ask them?"

Corsi blushed throughout her body at the obvious answer, glowing through her fur as she strode to a special magic communicator on the side of the glass, feeling the troops' collective pensive gaze follow her there.

As Corsi took the receiver, she coughed and asked, "Okay you bunch, why are you lined up like that?"

"Because I ordered them there!" sounded a booming authoritative voice through the communicator as an enormous elephant seal suddenly emerged out of the corner of the viewing glass as Coris reflexively jumped at the arrival.

"Sergeant Pugwash, at your service Madame!" the seal proclaimed as he positioned himself for Corsi's view. The otter couldn't help but agree with his rank; that seal had a firm authoritative air about him with those watery rascals behind him stiffening at his mere presence. The fact that he had his rank chevrons proudly decorating his bulbous nose rather than his harness confirmed that comportment.

Calming her heart rate down, Corsi gathered herself for an appropriate poise. "Sergeant, will you work on your introductions? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"My apologies Madame," answered Pugwash with a flipper's salute, "but I thought a disciplinary measure was necessary and your festivities offered something appropriate."

With a raised eyebrow, Corsi had to ask, "And what would that be?"

With a flick of a flipper, the hung seal pivoted to his troops like a screw, his cock strong-arming itself through the water.

"Is that why male seals are more stable swimmers?" asked Jacka.

"Hush," said O'Grael, resting a sticky paw on her shoulder.

"Men, what do you have to say to the Lady Corsi and her fellows?"

The troop stiffened even more as they spoke together in a diction as obviously rehearsed as it was compelled:

"We humbly apologize for the earlier incident in the lagoon during your swimming instruction," they said in unison, "We recognize that we were being grossly inappropriate and were a disruption in your proceedings. We now offer to compensate you for our misdeeds in any way we can."

Corsi could hear a rising murmuring behind her with his display, but she had her own reaction. She said, "I could accept that apology, but why should I be inclined to accept it?"

At a subtle signal from Pugwash, the troop suddenly focused their eyes in a most compelling display of pleading liquid expression. To Corsi, it was like a troupe of forlorn kittens looking up their mothers, hoping for forgiveness she is undecided upon.

Before she could answer, the receiver was snatched from her hands by Captain O'Grael. "Come now, Sailfish; you've gone soft," she said, standing in full authority despite the fact her muscular, buxom body dripped with the remnants of their recent escapades. Rather, she was emboldened by it.

"You're all terribly cute as squishy-skull infants," the Captain said, "but it doesn't mean anything in practicality. Can you provide us an objective offering?"

Pugwash smiled in a side glance and barked, "Company, Dive!"

With that, the troop descended in formation beyond the view of the transparency.

There was a short pause.

"Company, Ascend!" Pugwash ordered.

With that, the troop reemerged with their backs to the Jahaliyans in perfect formation.

"Present implements!" barked Pugwash while Corsi noted the slight changing of position of the troop as they did something in formation.

"About Face!"

At that, the entire company rotated as one, with each holding a bath brush in their front flippers for maximum cuteness even as they resumed their forlorn stares.

The resulting collective cooing from the females in the auditorium was almost deafening. Rising to her feet, Baltica smiled eagerly. "That'll do it!" the Third Mate stoat yelled as she ascended the staircase to the doors outside.

With such a prompt, the pirates cheerfully joined in a charge for the exit while Corsi and Captain O'Grael watched with a bemused mood.

"They're an eager bunch, aren't they?" quipped Corsi as she observed her Harem mates herd the newly Blessed into something resembling an orderly departure outside.

O'Grael shrugged at the spectacle, saying with a grin, "Aye, but do you deny those slippery fellows sold it right?"

"No! And why should we miss an opportunity of contrition?" Corsi answered with a wry expectant side glance.

"Why not indeed? Race you there!" answered the foxy Captain as she bolted for the exit.

Caught off guard, Corsi hesitated but for a few seconds. Yep, I'd call this a successful induction, she thought with a smile she before she took off herself.

When the she-otter reached the harbor water's edge, it was a teeming mass of playful foamy chaos as the Pirates splashed about with abandon. Even with the giggling madness, the pinniped troopers dutifully scrubbed and cleaned their lovely charges, albeit with a touch of stiffness as they fought to keep their erections down.


As The Coming Storm saw the last of its refit completed, O'Grael and her crew found themselves falling into a comfortable routine with the education and training.

However, there was a new element added to the mix. Namely, with the Blessing bestowed, Captain O'Grael openly allowed, no... encouraged, the crew to get its novelty out of their systems. As they ran around naked and fucked around, the pirates had only one condition from their Captain even as she enjoyed a line of lovers queued at her bed: that they were not to interfere with basic productivity or safety at their new port of call.

The result was a most enjoyable recreational period that Amazons and Jahaliyans alike savoured for some time afterward as they accommodated their new fellows' appetites. Whether it was by actively jumping on the natives, or lying about passively moaning to be serviced, the crew got their fill of sexual gratification in a myriad of ways.

That's not to mention the more artistic erotic thrills indulged in like when Lupietta revealed to be a fine soprano with her musical howls as she was plastered with pastries on stage to her delight. Ryoga told her as much when he invited her to a love pile on Cyndra's fuck-balcony where he coaxed a wonderous high note from her for the occasion.

Jacka was a particular highlight in this frenzy, as she gleefully hopped from one cock or cunt to another with insatiable energy complemented by her delightfully innocent poise and refined manners considering the frolics. Her indulgence climaxed with a set of engineers that gang-banged her while discussing their design specifications to her, while she responded with intrigued questions between her orgasmic squeals. The newly-blessed cabin girl gulped down the sensual and intellectual cocktail of delights they provided.

Finally, the refit was finally completed as O'Grael called the sated crew together in proper order for departure.


As the Crew assembled at the docks, they all stood at attention except for two. Portia the Quartermaster looked over the ship's manifest with Tina and Lady Sylvia while the Captain was busy exploring the Prince's mouth with her tongue.

"Perfect, they didn't stint on anything for supplies! But was replacing all the ship's roping necessary?"

The lioness shrugged, saying, "We thought we'd do the complete job and give you everything you could need."

"I can see that, but I noticed some odd new fixtures in the hold. What are they for?"

"Oh, that's to accommodate any prize crews you'll take in case you'd like to move upon the Poacher's Queen fleet," piped up Tina.

"Prize crews? What makes you think we'd ever have enough people to do that?"

Sylvia smiled. "That's part of why we gave you this treatment along with the Blessing. We need more privateers in our marine campaign against our enemies, and what could sell it better than an invincible pirate ship of sexy blessed female pirates being our shining example?"

Portia rolled her eyes at a suspicion confirmed. "Well, there's the ulterior motive we've been expecting; you know we want to make our reputation as the slyest and toughest on the seas. Big pair of tits might fog up the message."

"And their spectacles, certainly," said the Lioness, placing a reassuring paw on the sow's arm, "We know that already and your reputation is well earned. We just hoped we could furnish it with what Jahaliya could provide. What does that Captain think?"

Portia turned her head to her Captain, still in liplock with the studly Prince. "We'll ask when they come up for air."

Sure enough, they separated at that comment and looked to the Quartermaster.

"My Prince, Captain, have you two ever considered pearl diving?" the porcine Quartermaster inquired with a raised eyebrow

"Hilarious. Yes, we've discussed the basic point of all the favors and I would say it seems a fair trade to me. That's more than what I can say of all this getup here." commented the Captain as she casually waved an arm at the festive bunting and decorations around her. "We are a fighting ship, you sexy puppy, not some luxury liner!"

"My Captain, we just wanted you to have the right send off!" Ryoga answered. He clasped his paws behind his cape and arched his back with a reverse step for a more innocent pose. "Your crew has made such a good impression that there are more than a few here who want to send their best wishes."

"Very well," Captain O'Grael answered with a shrug. "You have given us a ship that can match any on the seas; I suppose we should give it some kind of christening."

"With all due respect," Ryoga said, stepping forward with stiffening manhood, "our real confidence is in its Captain and crew, and that's what I want to honor."

"By the Goddess, you are as insatiable as you are eloquent!" O'Grael joyfully barked at the obvious insinuation, "May I take a guess as to how?"

At that, Tina artfully placed a small portable step between the canine leaders with the ascending platforms facing Ryoga.

As the vixen glanced down with bemusement, Ryoga mounted the device. "So you can receive the accolade on your feet!"

"Aren't you the accommodating chap," muttered the vixen captain with a grin, leaning forward and cupping her breasts to envelop Ryoga's prodigious cock.

In position, Ryoga began to stroke with a bit of self-restraint, savouring the sensations. However, the delights of that ritual began to overwhelm him, as expected, and the wolf began to thrust his hips faster and faster.

At this salacious, pleasurable display, O'Grael's tongue lustfully lolled in a most adorable way, her eyes fixed at the shaft pulsing in her cleavage. Soon, however, an essential practicality forced itself into her mind. "Mmm, my Prince, are you going to do this all day? We do have to get going."

Ryoga failed to answer, locked in his gyrations as he surrendered himself to the joyful lust flooding his mind. Noting O'Grael's tone, Sylvia strode behind the wolf and leaned sideways to look the Captain in the eye over Ryoga's shoulder. Without a word, Sylvia slyly licked her chops.

Why didn't I think of that? It was on the tip of my tongue! thought the Captain as she rolled her eyes. Regardless, Captain O'Grael opened her lips, then flicked her own tongue at the tip of Ryoga's thrusting phallus as it reached for her face. That proved sufficient with the Prince erupting with passionate release over the vixen's face, cum springing from his cock in ropes that layered themselves over her muzzle, nose, and breasts.

With the ritual accomplished, the lovers separated as they savoured their respective sensations in the afterglow. As the wolf's spunk dripped off her face, a most satiated pirate licked her bounty. Ryoga staggered back, tongue lolling as he dripped blissfully.

Sylvia caught him, and the wolf welcomed the sure grasp of his harem matron supporting him from behind as his cock drooled its last few dregs. He cleared his throat, and with a slightly wobbly voice said to O'Grael, "My apologies, but you inspire deep passions with more than just the Blessing; Goddess be praised."

Sampling a dose of his essence, the Captain smiled and said, "Apology accepted, but next time you're doing that on a timer. Somewhere between egg and pot roast."

"Oh Goddess, not pot roast!" stammered Ryoga. "My meat would roast so long, it'd fall off the bone!"

"Ha!" laughed O'Grael. "As if my own could survive hours of constant, intense heat."

"Oh, you two. Save the foreplay for next time," said Sylvia, then with a smirk of feminine solidarity winked at the vixen. "But a timer, that I do approve of," she said as she flicked her tongue in the Prince's ear.

As he shored up his strength to regain his footing, Prince Ryoga straightened his harness with newly regained dignity, "Duly noted."

Meanwhile, the rest of the harem, along with John and Tina's companions, were congregating with the crew of the Storm as their endeavours to remain in something resembling order disintegrated into raucous camaraderie.

"Thank you for all you've given us," enthused Baltica to Lisa. "This has been the most mind-blowingly awesome port of call we've ever had!" Numerous heads eagerly nodded in agreement with an enthusiasm that carried through their entire bodies, sending them and their features jiggling in the most delightful and delectable ways.

"You're welcome," answered the raccoon as she drank in the host of newfound lovers she gained, "but I've been told you earned it in spirit some time ago."

"Maybe, but it still didn't prepare us for becoming so strong, slutty, and making it all feel so good!" the black rabbit Hyka confessed as she caressed herself, gyrating while wearing a tight harness and boots that framed her most blessedly athletic body, "I didn't think I could earn it after being such an asshole coming here."

With a temptation too much to resist, Jacka couldn't help but bound up to the black doe like a most innocent schoolgirl, even she was deliciously nude but for an artfully chosen mix of ribbons, belt and boots to frame her buxom, healthy body. "Well, this place seems to bring out the best of us; I'm glad it did for you!!"

"Well, the body change was nice," the doe conceded even as her body enflamed at the happy memories, "but being surrounded by nice males who wanted me to cum again and again like a girl in heat, themselves doing it with their big long cocks does tend to give one a new perspective ... at least for this place."

"Glad to hear that," announced Corsi as she marched in, "considering that the ship modifications come with a caveat. Namely, you're going to have to have one of our engineers with you for at least this voyage."

Baltica started. "Would that have anything to do with that stranger behind you?"

"Yep," answered Corsi as she neatly sidestepped to give the full view of her companion. This was a slim but well-toned Ila Pika with the endearingly awkward poise of a scholar despite having the physique of an athlete. "Meet Apprentice Colm."

"Greetings, my ladies..." the engineer began until he realized his audience was paying more attention to him than he expected. He said, shivering with excitement, "Is something of concern?"

"No!" answered a radiant Hyka. Her voice had a forced composure as stiff as her ears. "Please continue, cutie... er, Sir."

Confused at the doe's reaction, he said, "Yes, I'm coming with you to oversee the ship's modifications' status and help you with any potential problems with them. Please know that I have served a term with my nation's navy and I can pull my weight on board."

"That's good," answered Baltica, "because any defects come up with the modifications, you will have to answer for."

"Of course, Madam, I was wondering about sleeping arrangements as well; I can always sleep in the hold..."

"That won't be necessary!" interjected Jacka as she darted forward to take his paw. "I promise you, you will have no lack of accommodation and I'll work up the schedule!"

"Schedule for what?" the pika asked with latent excitement at the answer he suspected.

"For fucking us all, Silly!" said Jacka with a giggle as she grabbed for his package. It responded quickly and vigorously, rewarding the calico with an impressive erection from such an adorable figure all to the cheers of the pirates.

However, Jacka's eye became a pleading liquid nature, "Please, just one thing."

"Yes?" Colm answered, his composure fading in the face of such collective lust.

"When you have time, can you tell me what you know about ship engineering?"

"Of course my Lady! If the Captain is open to it, I could also use an assistant for the mission!"

"Oh thank you!" barked the cat, then with similar sudden vigor she dropped to her knees and sucked him with abandon. The motion was so fast and daft, the pika nearly jumped into the air.

As the crew watched with pleased warmth, seeing the cute male buck into the cabin girl's practiced mouth, Plixie took the initiative and stepped up beside him to caress his chest. "I do believe she likes you!"

Fighting to keep the enthralling sensation enjoyable to the fullest, Colm could just grunt out, "So I gathered!"

Just then, Captain O'Grael, Prince Ryoga, and company arrived for the final boarding and took pause at the sexy antics before them. While Jacka was occupied, the others, including Colm, turned their heads to Captain O'Grael, half dreading her reaction at this display.

Savouring the spectacle for the few seconds that decorum could allow, Captain O'Grael relaxed, and took a jaunty poise even as a free hand grasped Ryoga's wolfhood to his silent pleasure. "Well, I'm glad to see that our engineering liaison has made a good first impression."

Seeing Colm struggling to compose himself, Baltica gave him a break as she stepped forward, "Yes Captain, he seems acceptable." the stoat said with a wry smile, "He mentioned he could use an assistant. Do you think Jacka will do?"

"Don't see why not; she has the brains and definitely the energy for it, as long as he has the strength to service the lot of us on his off-time," pronounced the vixen with a salacious purr.

That did it for Colm, who came like a geyser, forcing Jacka to cheerfully release him as he gushed with an ecstasy, joyful in his discovery of a comprehensive kindred spirit.

As for Jacka, she accepted his cum with breathlessly joyful anticipation for the thrilling intellectual feast to accompany it. "Hooray! I won't let either of you down!" she howled, even she dripped with his viscous, pearly-white seed. The sight was alluring enough that many of the males had to remember the occasion's priority to keep from jumping her.

Regardless, Captain O'Grael enforced it at that moment. "Alright, now that we have that staffing matter settled, everyone aboard for cast off!"

With that, the crew merrily filed on board with Colm pausing only momentarily to accept a washbasin and towel to deal with Jacka. "Your first duty on board!" quipped Portia.

With warm hearts and bittersweet regret, the mooring ropes of The Coming Storm were released, the sails bellowed with eager energy as the ship cast off to follow Cpl. Scotia and escorts to the open sea. All along the docks, throngs of Mycindryans and Jahaliyans alike cheered their farewells and good wishes.

As the ship finally departed out of sight in the curving passage, Tina wrapped her arms around Ryoga from behind while Sylvia and company granted her that moment for a diplomatic endeavour well done.

"My Prince, congratulations on the new allies; it's so amazing how our country continues to grow with love and diligence. However, with The Coming Storm on its way, with the Blessing bestowed, I hope we're not a come-down after them." she whispered with a bit more sincerity than she intended.

Ryoga turned his head and gave the muscular and buxom skunk an affectionate long lick in answer. "Nay, my mighty lass, you and your fellows are my Blessing and I'll demonstrate that presently."

With that, Ryoga turned toward the away from them, reflecting on his Harem and Majordomo as he marvelled at the Goddess' generosity. "It's all so much to take in, but more importantly, it's crucial that we do: know how blessed we are, and how we must work every day to maintain the Blessing, to love the Blessing, and to use the Blessing. Let's go home."