Chronicles of Blood – (And Lust) Volume 1

Story by Niro_Razorfen on SoFurry

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#1 of Chronicles of Blood (And Lust)

This is the first of side stories charting some of the more NSFW escapades of Niro and his friends.

(This one was a warm up to get back into the swing of writing NSFW content, so it's not exactly my best work, but I had fun writing it none the less.)

Picking up where Reunited left off, Niro and Cederic can barely keep their hands off eachother after Blaine leaves, letting the lovers get hot and heavy after their two years apart.

Chronicles of Blood - (And Lust)

Volume 1

The door had barely shut behind Blaine when Niro and his lover Cederic gave each other that look. It had been two years since the pair had felt each others touch, two years since they had been able to hold one another.

Niro smiled softly at the Silver fox in his arms, his large frame almost double the size of his lover, when they had previously been around the same build since they last saw one another.

Cederic looked up, catching the studly huskies gaze, a returning the smile as he slowly beckoned his lover down to lower his head, the foxes lips meeting Niro's in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

Niro slowly walked through to his bedroom, still cradling his partner in his arms as they kissed, a few soft moans coming from the vulpine as the husky sat down on his large bed. Cederic moved as Niro sat, changing positions so that he was straddling the large male, still kissing him, as he raised his arms to remove the huskies now too small hoodie that he had been wearing, breaking their making out for just a moment to take it off, leaving him in just his shorts and socks.

The lovers kissed a while more, before they paused, their lips separating, as they both panted softly. They didn't need to say a word to each other, as their bodies were doing all the speaking for them. They had missed each other so, and two years for Cederic was a long time to go without any intimacy, barring his fooling around with toys.

Niro, yes, had been playing the role of a pup for the past few months, getting his share of sexual fun, but that all meant nothing to him or Cederic, as it was just the canine doing what he had to in order to complete the mission that had kept him away from his other half for so long.

"I bet you must of looked so sexy in that pup hood" Cederic said in a buttery tone. "Might have to get you another one" He grinned, as he ran his fingers through the short fur on his partners chest, his digits tracing the outline of the huskies abdominal muscles. "As much a surprise as your new body look amazing" He huffed, still panting softly.

Niro's paws were gently rubbing up and down his lovers back, occasionally cupping and groping the foxes rear. "I'm glad you like it hon" he said with a happy tone to his voice. His paws moved further down, feeling the cotton material of his foxes thigh high socks. "And these look good on you too!" He grinned. He remembered buying them for Cederic, who at the time had wanted to see how he looked in them, and when his fox had worn them in public around the HQ for the first time. He had many a Vampire that day practically begging him to let them have some private time with the fox.

Cederic chuckled softly as his paws moved down now too, shamelessly groping the large huskies sizeable package. Niro was still only wearing the short shorts that he had on when he had been picked up from his mission, currently the only clothing he had in his possession that actually fit him.

The Vampire gave a playful growl as his bulge was already nearly at full mast, his lovers never failing in being able to turn him on quickly. He didn't make any objections as the foxes hands began fiddling with the small clasp on the front, his wolven tail swishing behind him as the front pouch of the shorts popped open, Niro giving a small gasp as his hard member was suddenly exposed to the air, his canine shaft throbbing gently.

Cederic wasted no time in wrapping a paw around Niro's cock, stroking it slowly as he moved himself from his partners lap, getting to his knees at the edge of the bed, his head between the huskies thighs. The beefy canines legs were probably thick enough to smush his lovers head between them, not that had any inclination to do so.

"I'm pretty sure this has gotten bigger too..." Cederic said seductively, his soft vulpine tongue gently starting to lap at the member in front of him, making Niro give out a needy whine, unbecoming of the seemingly macho persona his frame would lead one to believe he possessed.

A few spurts of pre escaped his member, only to be greedily lapped up by the fox. Niro had spent the last few months having to pleasure his target and any he was told to, it had been so long since he got to enjoy being on the receiving end of such attention.

Niro lay back flat on his back as his lover wrapped their muzzle around his member, sucking on it slowly at first, but steadily picking up a pace, their hands massaging his knot, which had already ballooned to its full size.

The Vampiric Canine didn't make a sound as his tongue rolled from his mouth as an effect of the pleasure, the fox seizing the moment to slip the huskies shorts off, leaving the beefy husky nude in front of him, as he slowly removed his own pants, the foxes erection springing free and throbbing in front of him as he slowly got on top of his partner, who had looked up hearing his lover undress.

"I've only been back like...five minutes..." Niro huffed with a grin, not that he had any problem with how fast he and his lover had jumped on each other.

Cederic meanwhile had not been paying attention, the fox producing a small bottle of lube, which he eagerly applied to himself. "My toys never compare to you...but just let me do my thing alright? Don't want you to crush me under your least, not yet" He smirked, moaning softly as his lube drenched fingers teased and slipped in and out of his hole, his tail upright behind him.

Niro could only open his mouth in a silent moan as Cederic gently moved the canines member to his entrance, wincing softly for a moment as Niro's sizeable cock head slipped inside of him, the sock clad vulpine slowly moving further down the huskies dick, taking inch after inch, until finally, he came to rest at the top of his lovers knot.

He had no plans to stop there though, as he slowly pulled forward, Niro's cock slipping back out almost all the way, before Cederic shoved himself back down onto it, his ass making a loud wet slapping sound as he sat back down, causing Niro to gasp and moan loudly.

Niro's hands gently grabbed and rubbed Cederic's thighs as his fox slowly bounced on his member, the canines tongue rolling from his mouth again as his lover began picking up speed, idly stroking his own cock as he did so.

His Vampiric eyes shifted to their Icy blue as a familiar heat began building in Niro loins, each downward thrust of his partner slowly bringing him closer to that sweet release. Niro couldn't stop his fangs from extending as he reached up, unhooking the collar round his lovers neck as the fox fucked himself on his cock.

Cederic always knew what was coming when his collar came off, the fox gently laying down on the huskies chest, suddenly leaning in to shove his tongue inside the canines mouth, his own avoiding being pricked by the canines sharp fangs. He and Niro french kissed for a while, as Niro groped his lovers rear, starting to hump upwards, as his partner presented their neck to him.

Niro humped upwards for a minute or two, the canine knowing he wouldn't last much longer, and, with a snarl, shoved upwards with a small amount of force, his sizeable knot slipping inside the fox.

Cederic made a gasping moan, his eyes rolling back as the sudden slam against his prostate tipped him over the edge, a few spurts of his cum wetting the huskies chest. Niro was practically there himself, and his head lunged in, his fangs piercing the flesh of his lovers neck, the Vampire growling softly as he drank, tasting the sweet red nectar of his other half, which he gulped down hungrily.

Just as Niro bit down, he came, hard. Ropes of his hot canine seed fired from his cock, flooding his lovers insides. Cederic would have moaned out louder than before, if not for the Vampires fangs in his neck.

Niro held the fox tight, slowly loosening his grip as he released his lover from his maw. He reared back, two dribbling puncture wounds visible through the foxes fur. The vampire didn't mess around with biting, as he quickly pressed one of his fingers against one of his extended fangs and gave a little wince, drawing blood from it.

He slipped his digit inside Cederic's mouth, who moaned around it, suckling the huskies finger softly. Previously, the fox hated the taste of the canines Vampiric blood, but knew that it was necessary to stop him from becoming one himself.

The effect of Niro's blood worked quickly, the wounds on Cederic's neck healing over in a few seconds, leaving no trace.

Gently, Niro pulled his finger free, his own bite wound healing, as his fangs retracted, his eyes returning to their usual deep blue. Cederic relaxed his tensed up muscles as he lay atop the husky, still stuck on his lovers knot.

"Two years...and the sex only gets better" The fox laughed, a little out of breath.

Niro gave a nod in agreement, hugging the silver fox tight. He wished he could find the words to tell Cederic how much he loved him, but he had a good feeling that Cederic knew.

The pair laid there, Niro holding his lover in their afterglow as he began recounting the full tale of his mission, and Cederic telling him about all the things he'd missed while he'd been away, the pair chatting like a couple who had barely been apart.

The topic of Niro kissing Blaine did come up, Cederic not minding at all, agreeing with Niro that is was simply part of his mission.

"He always struck me as rather lonely." Cederic commenting. "Like, when I spoke to him before he went to get you, he just had this...sad aura around him. He tried to deflect it with humour, and flirting, but I think he wishes he has what we have."

Niro nodded slowly. "Yeah...I got that from him too."

"You know...a session like this would probably put a big smile on his face. He did help you get back to me, and I don't mind, you come home to me every night, and we've talked about this kinda stuff before." Cederic pondered aloud.

"Me and Blaine? I uh...don't think he's a bottom." Niro laughed. "I hadn't really thought about it much, but he did really enjoy it when I made out with him."

Niro snuggled his fox, wondering if Blaine would be up for a little casual fun. He knew the golden furred husky swung both ways, but hadn't considered the possibility of sleeping with him.

"I'm heading out tomorrow so you'll be on your don't have to fuck him but...I think he could at least be reassured you're his friend, yeah? Go hang out with him!" Cederic said with a nod, before huffing softly as he pulled forward, Niro's knot slipping free of his rear with a pop.

Niro gasped as his knot was freed, nodding in agreement. "Alright, I think I'll do just that, but tomorrow night, I think we could both use a shower...and I need to get some new clothes."