The Benefits of Therapy

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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A young wolf married to an even younger fox decides to reach out for therapy in order to save his crumbling eager marriage. With the help of an experienced professional, or rather, two experienced professionals, the wolf soon finds that his marriage might be saved, but not exactly in the way he thought.

Alright, well, I can't take credit for this one. This beautiful story right here was written in its great majority by the always amazing Blackstone . He came up with the awesome concept, the characters and wrote all of the kinky bits while I just provided some aid with writing up the initial setup that leads to it. He asked and allowed me to post it here for the posterity and therefore, here it is!

An extra note from Blackstone left for the story, too:Note from Author: The doctor's species is never described as this story is written from his perspective. This means you are free to imagine him as any species you choose! I more than welcome you to project your preferred stern daddy-figure for Dr. Glave.Disclaimers:

  • As mentioned, this story is a bit of a collaboration written by both me and Blackstone , though mostly by Blackstone .

  • This story contains elements of non-consensual sex as well as a myriad of other kinky themes. It's a little rough, too! Check the tags before reading and read at your own risk.

From the Private Journal of Dr. Glave

In Regards to:

Patient Dean Smith

Wolf, Male, 19 Years of Age

Week 1

This journal's purpose is to document the case and progress of Dean Smith, a wolf of gray fur, nineteen years old, that has come to me for marital aid. The notes in this journal are private and meant for research and study purposes.

Dean said he has found me by indication of an acquaintance of his that is another patient I have treated, a tiger whose marriage was greatly improved by my methods that often deviate from the regular therapy standards. I was proud to hear that the successful case of mister Granger served as inspiration for this wolf to come and find me, as well as to hear that mister Granger has evolved to such a state of happiness that he would go as far as recommending my methods to another. I shall take note of this successful achievement in his personal journal as well.

The wolf was insecure at first when talking about the private matters of his marriage, but through careful treading I managed to get him to open up, especially by pointing out that we are doctor and patient and therefore our relationship is a special one. I reassured him that I would not judge any of his actions no matter what he told me.

As the session progressed, the wolf was more willing to discuss his problems. Being only 19 years old, Dean is afraid he might have rushed into his marriage. His wife, Julie Smith, is a fox with a beautiful white coloring and quite the slender build. I had Dean show me a picture of her that he had in his phone. According to the wolf, she is even younger at him being only 18 years old.

Dean's brief description of their history struck me as quite the obvious one. They were dating since high school, prom king and queen (as evidenced by the fact that Dean is very good looking himself), decided to skip college and get married thinking all would work out.

The wolf had a more somber demeanor when detailing their fallouts, however. Julie works full-time but Dean is having trouble finding a steady job. He described how they end up arguing almost every night and there are days when they barely speak to each other. Through more careful prodding, I managed to get Dean to admit that he thinks she might leave him.

I asked Dean what he would do to save his marriage. His answers was, after some consideration, "anything". I sensed a mix of determination in him that made me accept him as my patient. I think he is just the right type of person that will thrive under my methods. He was excited about that.

Week 2

Dean was reluctant to talk after a week without seeing me but getting him to open up was easier this time. I had him recount more recent events of the last week between him and Julie and, as expected, all of the instances he brought up were negative. How they fought over dinner because she wanted healthy food and he wanted things that 'tasted good'. How she threw the fact that she was the 'home provider' in his face yet again. How she complained that he was 'boring' in bed. How she made him sleep on the apartment's couch four times that week.

None of that surprised me, of course. With Dean growing more comfortable with talking to me, I decided to ask him about their sexual life. This troubled the wolf greatly. He was under some silly impression that such subjects would not come up in our sessions. He described their sex as 'fine', which has me suspecting that they have not had it in a while.

As per usual in our second session, I also introduced Dean to the concept of hypnosis and how it could help him. The wolf went as far as thinking I was joking at first, which I find amusing, but I assured him that hypnosis was a real thing that could help him in many ways. He was skeptical, but said he was willing to give it a shot to 'humour me'. It was enough.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Despite his lack of belief, Dean was remarkably easy to get into hypnotic trance. This confirms my suspicions about his more submissive nature
  • The first session of hypnosis was spent getting the patient's mind familiar with the stages of hypnotic trance and the sound of my voice

Week 3

According to Dean, things get worse between him and Julie every week. The wolf seems very bothered that our sessions together are costly but have not yielded any sorts of results yet. I reassured him by telling him I would present his solution to him.

And I did.

As every other patient of this nature, the wolf did not like my description of how hiring a 'marital aid' would work. As I slid the folder of the company I associate with, Love & Happiness Co., to him over the table, I saw the wolf's ears drop down as he read it.

"Is this for real?" Dean asked. I could hear derision in his voice, but that was expected.

"Very real," I reassured him.

"Are you saying I'm supposed to pay someone to come over and stay at my place with us? Full time? To make us 'happy'? As in some type of counselor or something?"

I could not, and it was not my place to, explain to Dean all the nuances of how it would work. This was better left to the professional that would work with him, but I assured him that I have gone through many, many successful cases using such methods. I also told him that the first weeks were free since the agent that would work with him and Julie would need to approve of them as well. It is delicate work to repair a damaged relationship. I told Dean that he was to call them, set up a meeting with one of their agents, himself and Julie, and then I would aid him in making sure that everything worked out as it was supposed to.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • More trance exercises practiced on patient
  • Made the usual initial tests of conscience and obedience. Dean did not hesitate to obey spoken commands, but did hesitate towards things he did not consider natural such as stripping out of his clothing
  • The trance was fine tuned until he obeyed despite the hesitation
  • Preparatory work towards acceptance of the concepts that would be given to him in the near future was made as well

Week 4

Dean seemed bothered at the start of this week's session. He did, however, also seem eager to open up about it so I consider that progress. He went straight to the source of his troubled mind, which had been the encounter he had with the marital aid agent just a few days ago.

The wolf said he had contacted the agency as instructed. He filled up the online forms with all sorts of personal data about him and Julie and found it strange that he had to send several pictures of both in as well. When they got back to him, Dean said he found it very weird that the assigned agent asked to meet with them over dinner at their house.

He then explained how hard it had been to get Julie on board with it. They had argued over it, but in the end he himself had cooked dinner for their guest. I noticed how Dean looked more upset when he described the agent. His name is Roland, an agent I'm not familiar with, and Dean's initial description of him was 'none of the quarterbacks I ever played football with can even compare to him'. He said Roland is a horse, considerably taller, slightly older and more muscular than him, and showed some outrage when describing how unprofessionally the horse was dressed for the occasion.

"Who wears a tank top and jeans for a business dinner?!" Dean asked, visibly upset.

I reassured him through the whole process. Dean did say that Roland explained how things would work between them. How the horse would visit them every day at first to make sure they were getting along well and advise them on how to keep a happy marriage going. What Dean had not liked, apparently, was how the horse was, in his words, 'was obviously flirting' with Julie. The wolf recounted how he had been sitting right there in the dinner table while they talked and connected. Dean said that the horse had taken her hand right in front of him, even.

I had to guide him through his feelings. I asked how that made him feel and how he reacted. The wolf said he didn't say anything as to not be rude. With a nod, I told him he had done the right thing. This is proof that both the hypnotic work and his submissive nature work well for the arrangement.

As expected, Dean also said that Julie had liked Roland and wanted to go through with the process. While before he wanted to do it and she didn't, now she wanted it and he wasn't so sure he did anymore. I comforted Dean and told him that Julie being happy about it was a formidable first step. He seemed to understand that making her happy was the key to making them both happy.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Patient was encouraged to put his wife's happiness and wishes before his in the matters of their marriage
  • In order to aid with the changes that would be coming to his life, Dean was shown several increasingly intimate pictures of horses in order to aid in his familiarity with the marital aid agent

Week 5

This week's session was solely focused on helping Dean adapt to the big changes happening in his marriage. Roland had taken upon visiting them every night and the wolf says that this is not at all what he expected when 'daily visits' was brought up by the big marital aid agent. I pointed out that the night was the only time both he and Julie were home together.

Dean's description of Roland were initially focused on the very negative. He describes the horse as 'crude', 'rough' and 'pushy'. Dean expressed doubt as to whether Roland has any kind of study or degree in the first place to be able to serve as marital aid to anyone. When I encouraged Dean to try to focus and tell me about some of the positive things about Roland, the wolf had to take some time to think. He seemed embarrassed, even. After much thought, what he came up with was that Roland was good looking. I find it interesting that Dean cannot come up with a different compliment to give the horse.

After more encouragement, I also managed to get Dean to admit that Julie is very happy with his visits.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • More intimacy with horses was built on over the patient
  • Patient admitted to not being familiar with equine anatomy so I instructed his subconscious as to how it worked
  • Preparation to the patient's incoming first real week of marital aid was built as well

Week 6

Dean was less open to talking this time. It took some effort to dig in as to why he was upset and feeling embarrassed to talk about it. I got him to open up slowly. Dean recounted how Roland had come to him and Julie and talked about concepts of open sexuality and things he didn't quite understand. I pointed out that he did understand, he just didn't like it very much, but opinions change.

The wolf said he still wasn't sure about how effective it would really be for Roland to sleep with him and Julie as the horse had suggested. He said that even Julie had been a little reluctant at first. The wolf asked my opinion on it and I pointed out that it was part of the treatment and he and Julie would be better off because of it just as many couples are. That did not seem to reassure him very much, but it did get him to open up more.

I finally got Dean to admit that, even though he hadn't quite approved of it, it had already happened. The wolf went on and on about how Roland had gotten Julie worked up through his flirting and touching before he suggested it to convince her to take his side on whether they should have a 'threesome' or not.

The recollection of the act was thoroughly unsatisfactory. The wolf spent the whole time complaining about how into his wife the horse was and how into the horse she was. I suspect that, while he was on the bed as well, he did not get much out of it. I could see how the wolf's ears folded back when he mentioned the horse's girth, but the topic in general seemed to be very disconcerting for Dean.

I asked how many times had they all slept together and finally got the wolf to admit that it had already happened three times. Before he could find excuses to criticize Roland further, I asked one simple question.

"Has Julie been feeling happier in the last few days?"

To that, Dean had to think for a while. "I guess," was his response, "but-"

"Then there we have it. Progress."

The wolf didn't seem to appreciate my gentle smile too much himself, but he nodded. I pointed out how I doubted she was considering leaving him anymore. Again, he was forced to reluctantly agree despite his complaints.

"There's one more thing, doctor," Dean finally said. The wolf's ears were glued to his head and his tail curled around his waist so that he could fiddle with it while his eyes remained lowered.

"Yes, Dean?" I politely asked.

"Roland is moving in with us starting tomorrow. He says we're ready for the next step and it'll be better that way..."

I gave him another approving smile.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • A few helpful adjustments and suggestions were made to decrease the patient's stress over sharing his love
  • Had the patient watch a few clips of porn that included male horses on female foxes to add familiarity to his environment
  • Patient showed clear arousal while watching it which I praised as a very good reaction
  • Patient was encouraged to revel and enjoy his arousal with his hands when he felt it. He obeyed.

Week 7

Overall, Dean seems pleased with the new living arrangement. That said, he did express some concern in regards to Roland taking on too large a role in the household. He thinks that the horse is seizing the initiative too often.

Outwardly I made thoughtful noises of consideration. But inwardly, I admit to rolling my eyes.

Dean will need to adjust his expectations and accept that he is no longer the dominant voice in the house. Considering the track he's on, being asked to sleep on the couch while his wife and her lover explore each other's bodies should barely register as odd.

I recommended that Dean be patient and reminded him that this is a transition for everyone, Julie and Roland included.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Patient was encouraged him to keep an open mind on the nature of sex and relationships
  • Emphasised the importance of prioritizing his wife's pleasure over his own
  • Explained that listening to the couple's lovemaking through the bedroom wall was perfectly normal
  • Had Dean masturbate while being shown pictures of erect horse cocks

Week 8

Dean started this week's session visibly upset.

Apparently he'd woken up to find Roland in his and Julie's bed, his wife giving the equine a morning blowjob just a couple feet from him.

The good news is, Dean was too caught off-guard to protest. By the wolf's own accounting, he stayed and watched the whole encounter, with neither of the lovers paying him any attention.

He recounted the blowjob with great detail, describing moans, wet slurps, and sucking noises. I asked Dean if part of him enjoyed the show taking place in his marital bed. The wolf thought on this a while and said he wasn't sure.

I then proceeded to ask him if he had considered joining in. He scoffed at this, saying there was no way he'd settle for a handjob when the horse was getting a blowjob.

I considered clarifying my question. To let him know that I meant to ask whether he'd considered helping his wife suck off her lover. But I stayed silent on this point as Dean did not appear ready to accept the inevitable outcome of his new role.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Explained to the patient that he needed to think of it as his wife's bed -- Not his bed
  • Encouraged actively contributing to his wife's pleasure over being a passive observer
  • Had Dean masturbate while being shown pictures of male equines being orally serviced by male wolves
  • Gave Dean some initial practice blowjob practice using modest sized dildo**

** -- See timestamped video and pictures included in encrypted medical records

Week 9

Tensions between Dean and Roland have come to a head and the wolf said that he asked the live-in lover to leave.

But Dean doesn't consider the matter closed because evidently Roland's response to the demand was that he would "think about it".

I advised the wolf not to make any rash decisions, especially without consulting his wife first. At which point Dean proceeded to ask me what I thought he should do should the horse refuse to vacate the premises.

I pretended to think about the situation for a moment before telling him that I thought he might be being a bit selfish. Clearly this situation seemed to be working out for the majority of the participants -- his wife included. And that based on his recounting, it was not immediately clear to me that their recent disagreements were actually the horse's fault.

My advice was to continue to try out the arrangement for another month or two. If he still found it untenable, at least he would be able to stake the high ground and tell his wife that he'd tried his best.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Patient received his first over-the-knee spanking as behavioral correction for his selfishness**
  • Began a thorough conditioning regimen on becoming uncontrollably aroused when being talked down to or put in his place
  • Had Dean practice apologizing to an equine dildo we referred to as Roland
  • Apology practice was followed up by blowjob practice using same dildo**

Week 10

Dean seemed very subdued during our discussion this week. But at the same time, extremely hesitant to answer questions.

It was like pulling teeth to get the wolf to volunteer that Roland and he had managed to come to an "arrangement". Once Dean had confirmed that he and his wife's live-in lover were more or less on the same page, it was somewhat easier to get the husband to confess the details.

As I understand the deal, Dean would no longer be kicked out of the bedroom by Roland. At least, not by the horse himself. This seems to leave open the possibility that Julie could dismiss him herself, though I did not follow up on this point.

In return, he had agreed to stay silent unless asked to speak. Similarly, he had agreed to stay seated on the wooden stool they had got him in the room to watch unless asked to participate.

I asked Dean if he was really comfortable with this arrangement, pressing him on the matter. In response, he mumbled something along the lines of "as long as Julie is happy, I'm happy."

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Early on in hypnosis treatment, discovered patient's sheath had been secured in durable, metal chastity device
  • Patient appeared intensely ashamed at loss of access to genitals. This explains why he did not mention it during talk therapy.
  • Patient received his second over-the-knee spanking as behavioral correction for keeping secrets from his therapist**
  • Patient was permitted to apologize to me during blowjob practice. No dildo was required for this session.**

Week 11

In a twist of fate, Roland dropped Dean off at this week's appointment. Spotting them in the parking lot, I took the opportunity to invite Roland in to participate, jokingly referring to it as "couple's therapy" which made the wolf blush furiously.

The horse seemed ready to dismiss the idea but observing how embarrassed the suggestion made Dean, the lover decided that he would in fact join in.

As the three of us entered my office, I realized I had only set up the two chairs in anticipation for our usual private chat. Roland waved off my apology and explained that it would be "no problem" because Dean could simply sit in his lap.

The husband looked ready to protest at this point but a hard look from Roland made him think better of it. Ultimately, he did end up sitting down in the much large equine's lap. Not long after, I noticed so less than subtle movements as the grinning horse shifted the wolf's weight back and forth on his lap. I strongly suspected Dean had a long, hard horse cock pressed against his ass.

Out of courtesy to my guests and wishing to focus on other matters, I ignored the fully clothed dry humping.

Starting at a high level seemed like a good approach so I asked the two how they were getting along. Dean opened his mouth to answer but his words were immediately interrupted by Roland who exclaimed, "Great! We're one big happy family at the Smith house."

The wolf appeared ready to caveat this and opened his mouth to do so, only to shut his muzzle abruptly as Roland's equine hand came to rest on the front of the youth's shorts. Right about where his chastity cage would be, I projected.

The horse did not appear to apply any pressure to Dean's crotch but the wolf nodded in submissive agreement anyway, opting on saying nothing rather than whatever it was he had been about to contribute to the conversation.

Very interesting, I thought.

Sensing that Roland was already getting bored by the vanilla conversation, I decided to spice things up to see how the live-in lover might reaction. Painting a neutral expression on my face, I directed my question at Dean.

"How goes the chastity training, Dean? Have you been permitted any orgasms since last we spoke?"

The wolf looked like he was ready to expire from a heart attack, right then and there, his mouth hanging open in shock. Roland's expression was more complicated. A blend between genuine surprise and sudden keen interest.

Then the horse laughed.

"I see Dean-boy here doesn't believe in keeping any secrets from his therapist! Well, since everything is out in the open here, I can answer that for you, doc. No, not yet. Which means our wolfy here is a very need boy indeed right now. But Julie's coming back from her business trip tonight, so maybe today's his lucky day, aye?"

The husband looked mortified. Roland was now openly massaging the other man's crotch through his clothes, his touch neither gentle nor too rough.

"So Julie is the key holder?" I inquired. I admit, I had expected the horse to be the active agent in keeping Dean in line.

"For now, yep," the equine explained, now very much engaged in the dialogue. "The whole thing was her idea. Can't say that I personally spend much time thinking or caring about what Dean does with that teenage dick of his, as long as he keeps it out of my face. But that fox is one kinky bitch, isn't she, boy? Not like Dean here. The tiniest bit of dirty talk makes him blush like a church boy."

Roland spent the rest of the session's hour dominating the conversation, sharing story after embarasing story about Dean's once private sex life. The entire time the perpetually silent, blushing wolf said nothing even as he continued to squirm in the horse's lap. Presumably this provided the equine with a nice sexual buzz as the boy's rump was humped.

When the two returned to Roland's truck I moved over to my computer and brought up the security system. As luck would have it, one of the cameras had an ideal angle to see inside the vehicle's front cabin. And so I was treated to quite the show as the big horse enthusiastically pressed the wolf's head down towards his lap, evidently too eager to wait until they got back home to spend his pent up seed.

I contemplated conjuring some excuse to venture outside and "accidently" catch them in the act, which would likely thrill the horse and deeply shame the wolf. But in the end I decided the more professional approach would be to let nature takes its course as Roland took the opportunity to further cemented his power over the husband. Though, naturally I did move a copy of the security camera's recording into Dean's encrypted patient file.

I especially appreciated the ending of the video where Roland made the husband clean the truck's cabin of his copious output. Seats, dashboard, cock, balls, and pants included. The horse was very patient as he used his thick finger to point out spots the wolf had missed. All told, according to the video's timestamps the wolf must have spent fifteen minutes blowing the equine and another ten minutes lapping up the mess.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Hypnosis treatment skipped this week

Week 12

My first question to Dean during this week's session was, "Was your little boy cock allowed to squirt upon your wife's return?"

Earlier I had decided to take a more assertive tone with the wolf for our talk therapy sessions. The young man, who was about to turn twenty, needed the key older men in his life to treat him in a consistent manner. Otherwise, the wolf was likely to get confused by the conflicting signals.

The husband stammered and stuttered his way through his response but managed to convey that, yes, he had been allowed to orgasm upon his wife's return. But only after an extended evening of watching the two lovers passionately go at each other on his marital bed as he sat and watched from the nearby stool.

The two had made it clear that should he so much as sneezed that it would be another full week before he so much as laid eyes on the cage's key again. Julie wasn't entirely unreasonable, however. She permitted her husband's cock out of its cage while she and her lover went at each other. The fox had also recommended that he "stay hard" while she and her lover played so the wolf could "prove to her that he truly wanted to cum."

Dean did as he was told but he confessed to me that he doubted it mattered much in the end. Neither his wife nor her lover had bothered to so much as glance over at him while they went at each other.

Seeing that the boy wasn't going to volunteer details, I instructed him to tell me of his delayed climax, including as much detail as he could remember.

Blushing, Dean said there wasn't really much to tell. In silence he watched the lovers go at it for over two hours, breaks included. But when he finally got to squirt, Julie was no longer even in the room. Apparently she'd retired to take a long soak in the bathroom tub.

That left just Roland and Dean there in the bedroom. At first, the wolf assumed that he wouldn't get to shoot after all. This suspicion was given credence because when the horse approached him as he had the teenager's sturdy sheathe cage and ice pack with him.

But then, to his surprise, the horse reached down, took the wolf's member, and began half heartedly pumping it. "Okay, let's get this over with," Dean recalled the man saying, sounding bored and sleepy. "Hurry up and shoot, pup."

"But, Julie!" Dean had protested.

"What about her?" the equine snorted, derision clear in his voice. "You think this pitiful cock is getting anywhere near her pussy? Or her mouth. Dream on, boy. Julie will let you know when she's in the mood to be disappointed. Until then, shoot your load so we can lock you up and get to bed. You're sleeping on the couch tonight, by the way."

Dean wanted to protest. To argue the point and stand up for himself. But Roland chose that moment to grip the wolf's knot tightly with his other hand. The teenager was too worked up and too pent up to hold back. He blew his backed up load all over the floor and the horse's hand. Instead of hearing his wife's soft sighs of pleasure, the only sound he was treated to was Roland's grunt of disgust.

He'd barely finished cumming when the ice pack was slapped against his crotch. A few uncomfortable minutes later and he'd been shoved out of the couple's bedroom, his member once more locked in unforgiving steel.

The orgasm had been short and intense but ultimately unsatisfying. The wolf had entertained notions of getting to fuck his wife which he hadn't been allowed to do for weeks at this point. And not only was the horse a male but his touch has been cold, rough, and indifferent. Dean's climax had come and gone before he'd had the chance to appreciate it. And only minutes back into the cage and his need was already rising again, his member straining against its strict confinement.

The young husband told me how unfair it all was as he unconsciously tugged at the front of his shorts. I had already shifted my own seated position to hide my otherwise quite noticeable erection. While the wolf wasn't the best story teller, the content of his story and the need in his voice as he relayed it had quite the effect on me.

At this point, I decided we should move onto the hypnosis treatment.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • We discussed keeping an open mind to the idea that getting hard wasn't a strict requirement for sexual fulfillment
  • I encouraged Dean to spend some time in front of the bathroom mirror, admiring how good he looked with that chastity cage locked around his sheath
  • I expressed disappointment that the wolf wasn't taking a more active role in satisfying his wife's lover. I recommended approaching the horse while his wife was out of the house as a way to break the ice. A hand gently placed on Roland's thigh should get his intent across.
  • Dean and I practiced how he would approach the lover. I gave him tips and corrections provided the wolf with practical experience on how to comport himself should the horse take control of the blowjob.**

Week 13

Early on in the week's session I noticed Dean was shifting uncomfortably in his chair. I stated this observation aloud and wondered if he'd been plugged or perhaps even fucked?

Looking down at his feet, the wolf said he said his wife and him had been given matching plugs by Roland. But when Dean had protested, he'd been spanked. Much to his wife's delight as she cupped and kiss his face while he was paddled by the huge horse.

Dean sounded resentful of Roland and said, "It's not fair, he was trying to get me to cry! He was hitting me way too hard."

I nodded sympathetically for Dean's benefit but in truth I appreciated the lover taking a more active role in maintaining household discipline.

"And did you? Cry in front of your wife, that is," I asked.

"...Only a little," Dean said, defensively.

Moving onto to other topics, I inquired if he'd been allowed to cum since the handjob from Roland he spoke of last session.

This topic must have been a sore spot for the wolf because it set him off on somewhat of a rant.

He said he hadn't even gotten hard since that handjob, much less gotten the opportunity to get relief. Which wasn't fair he said, because he was now helping out so much in the bedroom.

I asked him to define what "helping out" meant.

He had complained to Roland about how much he hated having to just sit on his stool and quietly watch as the man and his wife played, day after day. The horse thought about this for a day and later got back to him with an offer.

Roland would find things for Dean to do if -- and this was described as a non-negotiable point -- the wolf would follow directions, not talk back, and understand that his cock would not be let out of its cage while Roland and Julie achieved mutual satisfaction.

Dean didn't love these terms but agreed to them since they were a better deal than he was currently getting.

The following evening, before his wife entered the bedroom the stallion tied a ring gag in Dean's mouth and locked a thick leather hood around his head. Inside the hood, not even the wolf's eyes could be seen as they were hidden behind dark plastic.

Roland then explained how things would be.

"While you're wearing this hood, you are not Julie's husband. You're not Dean. You're not even a person. You're a sex toy for our mutual use and pleasure. A sex toy that obeys orders eagerly and promptly. If you fuck this up, it's back to the couch with you, with your little ear pressed against the wall, trying to count how many orgasms I'm giving your wife. Do we understand each other?"

Unable to speak with the ring gag in place, Dean could only grunt and nod. This response had been encouraged because the entire time Roland had been speaking, he'd had the wolf's balls tightly gripped in his slowly squeezing hand.

A few minutes later, Julie entered the room, as beautiful and resplendent as ever. At least, as described by Dean.

Then the two lovers kissed for a good long while, the hooded wolf squirming awkwardly on the corner of the bed as the two moaned and pressed their tongues into each other's hungry mouths. The chastity cage had felt so awfully tight on his boy bits and he had fought the urge to tug at it.

Then the horse snapped at him and said, "Toy, get the lady ready. And keep your hands behind your back. She doesn't need your grubby paws all over her. Just use your tongue."

By this point, Dean hadn't touched his wife in weeks. Almost desperate to feel and taste her, he shuffled into position between the coyly smiling woman's shapely legs. Then he got his first look at her cunt in a good long while.

It was... looser than he remembered it being. But still gorgeous. He blushed under his hood as he thought about the equine cock which had pistoned in and out of her body for weeks now. Sure enough, his sensitive nose detected the unmistakable musk of male horse.

"Hurry up, Toy. Get her nice and wet for me. She's gonna need it because I'm gonna fuck her extra hard today."

As Dean pressed his head between her thighs and got to licking their dirty talk continued.

"Promises, promises," Julie had said, her voice light and tight as she gasped with pleasure. "And yet I distinctly remember having to take matters into my own hands last night when I rode my thick pony to the big finish."

"Little lady has a sassy mouth, does she? Let's see if it's good for more than giving your man a hard time."

That's when Dean's ears picked up the lewd, wet sounds of a fox-on-horse blowjob just above his head. She continued to moan and the wolf hated that he couldn't tell if she was moaning because of how good of a job he was doing between her legs or because of how good her lover's cock tasted as she took it deep into her muzzle.

I was waiting for the next lurid detail when the wolf seemed to catch himself.

"Sorry, doctor. I think I've said too much. You get the idea."

I was very disappointed that the story had been interrupted part way through but didn't allow these emotions to register on my face. Instead, in my most professional voice I said, "I understand, Dean. This is, after all, very personal subject matter."

The chastised cuck then proceeded to waste the remainder of our session whining about how horny he was and how unfair it was that he was the only one kept sexually frustrated.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • We corrected the patient's earlier trust issue with some spanking and ball squeezing. I believe Dean now understands the importance of not keeping secrets from his therapist.**
  • Under hypnotism, I had the wolf finish the rest of the story. I especially appreciated how the horse had made "Toy" hand-guide his equine pole into his lover. Having Toy lick her clean after he'd finished making a mess of her cunt was also a nice touch.
  • I spent a good while reinforcing the idea that while he was wearing the hood, he was no longer Julie's husband. Instead he was Toy, an obedient and eager to please sex toy who found pleasure is being useful, following directions, and staying out of the way.
  • If I had more time, we would have worked on the wolf's sense of entitlement regarding getting off. Unfortunately, Dean took too long sucking me to completion to leave time for this item. I made a TODO note to consider tackling this during a future session.**

Week 14

Life at the Smith home had continued to evolve in ways that were unpredictable and uncomfortable for Dean.

Roland and Julie were apparently so happy with the wolf's new role in the bedroom that they had started keeping him hooded and gagged full time. Furthermore, Dean reported that he was no longer allowed to sit on furniture or wear clothes.

I asked Dean if he thought it was appropriate that he was dressed here in my office, and outside of his hood. Is that what Roland and Julie would want?

The wolf confessed that he hadn't really thought about it. And that he didn't have his hood with him anyway.

I explained that we'd forgo the hood this time but I expected him to be wearing it during our next session. Though he could leave the ring gag at home. But I did insist that Dean strip out of his clothes for the current session because I didn't want him getting into trouble by breaking any house rules.

Dean seemed to wait a beat to see if I was serious and, seeing in my face that I most certainly was, he stripped as instructed. I placed his clothes into a bag, placed the bag out of the way behind my desk, and bid him to continue.

The husband, compact chastity cage now on full display, went on to explain how much life had changed for him in the last week. How he now helped both Julie and Roland shower, scrubbing their body and shampooing their fur.

How he cooked and cleaned in the nude, unable to even participate in conversation. He talked about how quickly the lovers had adapted to taking advantage of his presence during their bedroom play.

"Toy" was always there, silent and ready. Able to provide lubricant with a moment's notice from either his tongue or the nearby bottle. Massaging Julie's feet or back as the horse and fox rocked back and forth, the rhythm of their lovemaking bumping up against Dean.

When they were thirsty, he'd fetch the athletic couple bottles of water. When they were hungry, he'd hurry downstairs to prepare snacks for them. And when they were finished, the gagged wolf would run his long tongue up and down and over foxy pussy and horse cock alike.

I asked Dean how this made him feel.

The naked wolf shuffled uncomfortably in his seat and after a long pause confessed, "Conflicted, I suppose. I like feeling useful and my wife has never been happier. She still kisses me good morning and good night and tells me she loves me. But..."

"Yes?" I encouraged.

"She also tells Roland she loves him. Though, usually she says it when he's making her cum."

"And does she also tell you that when you bring her to climax?"

"I'm... not allowed to do that," Dean said, blushing.

"I see," I replied, pretending to take a note with my paper pad. "What are you allowed to do, in terms of satisfying your wife?"

"I... get her ready. You know, for Roland. And then I massage her while they... you know."

"Fuck?" I offered.

"...Yeah. That. And then afterwards, I lick her clean. I think she may have cum once or twice from that, but I can't be sure."

"And Roland? Do you massage him too?"

"Umm, no. Why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you?" I countered. "Next time they're making love, I'd like you to rub his shoulders gently. And, if he's receptive to that, try rubbing his thigh. Or licking his muscles through your ring gag. Play with his balls. Try to enhance his pleasure as well as your wife's. I think you might be surprised by the results."

"But! But... he's the one that has been keeping me..."

"Yes, Dean?"

"...Locked up."

"Ahh, you mean keeping you chaste? And you feel this is a bad thing? Something to resent him for?"

Shouting now, the wolf yelled, "It's been almost three weeks!"

"And look at how much progress you've made in those three weeks. I think Roland has discovered a truth about you that you've yet to learn about yourself."

"And that would be?" Dean said, tone unacceptably sarcastic.

"Simply that you're a more willing, competent, eager contributor when you're kept needy. I'm sure both he and your wife have noticed it."

"But, I need to cum! My balls feel like they're about to explode, doctor!"

"And yet they haven't. And they won't. This pressure you're feeling is all in your head, Dean. It's entirely natural and there's no lasting damage, I assure you. Isn't your wife's happiness worth a small case of blue balls?"

"You're twisting things! You don't understand! And call this is a small case of blue balls is like calling the Hoover Dam a small river blockage!"

"You came to me because your marriage was weeks away from falling apart. Now, just a couple months later, you and your wife are closer than you've ever been. At the same time, your penis has been more or less taken out of the equation. Coincidence? I think not."

"But, Roland--!"

"Is performing his function as advertised. He's a marital aid and just that. He is there to make Julie and you happy. Both of you. And if you'd stop and think about it for a moment, I think you'd find that he's done exactly that."

"But... the way he talks to me when Julie isn't around. The way he leads me around with that damn leash on my balls. He makes me jerk him off in the shower, for fuck's sake!"

"And you love every minute of it, don't you? That's what you're struggling to admit to yourself.'

"What? No!" Dean stammered, sounding suddenly uncertain. "That's... that's not true."

That's when the wolf felt the familiar grip on his shoulder.

"Sure it is, little buddy," Roland said, standing behind the wide-eyed, stunned husband.

"R-roland! W-what are you doing here?"

"I've been here the whole time. In that little side room over there. Your doctor-friend here invited me to listen in. He thought you and I should talk. But first..."

The horse pulled out the leather hood and began tugging it over Dean's face. But the wolf was resisting.

"Wait, stop!" he called, sounding a touch afraid.

Somewhat surprisingly, Roland did stop.

"Why? This is what you want, isn't it? To be put in your place. To please your wife. Not with your sad little cock but through service. Just like you want me to enforce the self discipline you're too weak willed to embrace by yourself."


"But what?" the horse asked, his voice patient. Confident. Self assured. I watched, saying nothing.

"But what if Julie leaves me? ...For you."

Roland snorted at this.

"You kidding me? First, she and I don't have that kind of relationship. Second, she's already madly in love with you. She only agreed to this whole thing because you suggested it. And more than that -- she only agreed because she thought it would make you happy. When she saw how secretly thrilled you were with the whole thing, that allowed her to relax and find her own happiness too. That said, a regular dose of horse cock didn't hurt things in that department. But if she even suspected you wanted to call this whole thing off, she'd be the first to kick my ass right out the door."

"...Really?" Dean asked, not noticing that Roland had begun slipping the hood back down his no longer resisting muzzle.

"Yep, really. But you don't want to call this off, do you? Not really. If anything, we haven't gone near far enough for your tastes, have we? Well, you're in luck pal. Because I have such plans for you. Plans that will make you blush, and squirm, and drip precum through that tight little cage of yours. This is only the beginning."

I looked on, amazed at the change in demeanor that overcame Dean as the thick hood got strapped into place. His shoulders relaxed and his mouth parted. It almost appeared as though he were panting in desire.

"Now, what's your name?" the stallion demanded, his voice now stern and demanding.

"Toy," the wolf replied. He no longer sounded troubled or unsure. Instead, he sounded relieved.

"That's right, pup. And is this your doctor?" Roland asked, gesturing to me.

"No. It's Dean's doctor," he answered, his eyes hidden behind dark plastic panes. And there was something different about his voice. He didn't even sound like Dean anymore. Had I not seen the transformation for myself, I could easily have assumed this was a totally different wolf.

"Precisely. And guess what, Toy? You're gonna help our good friend Dean start to pay off his debt to the nice doctor. So crawl over there, pull out his cock, and give Dean's therapist a nice enthusiastic blowjob. Just like we've practiced. And Toy?"

"Yes, sir?"

"You tell Dean that I hope he enjoys the taste of his doctor's thick cock over his tongue. I know he's hiding in there, just under the surface. Looking out from behind your eyes. Good thing he enjoys being humiliated because this is just about the most pathetic thing I could imagine him doing. You'll tell him, won't you Toy?"

Looking a bit uncomfortable, the nude wolf mumbled, "Yes sir. I'll tell him."

Due to reasons dealing with professionalism, I won't describe the remainder of this session. But, suffice to say, if Dean truly did enjoy being humiliated then I gave him quite the memorable day.

End-of-session Hypnosis Treatment Notes:

  • Hypnosis treatment skipped this week

Week 15

This week made for quite the departure from our usual session. Roland dropped Dean off on his motorcycle, the wolf sitting in the "bitch" seat as I believed it's referred.

When the young husband arrived, he was fully clothed in motorcycle gear including a helmet. I bid him to take off the helmet and take his seat at which point he mumbled something incomprehensible to me. That's when I spotted the letter taped to his chest.

On its front it read, To Doc.

Curious, I retrieved the letter from its resting spot and tugged out its contents, reading quickly. I'll quote the full contents of this letter here, for my records.

Heya Doc,

Roland here. You may have noticed that Dean-boy here isn't in too talkative of a mood. That's because he's got a ring gag locked around his snout and a nice fat dildo shoved down his muzzle. Likewise, his hands are locked into leather mitts.

You see, me and the misses are heading out for a fun weekend and wanted to leave Deany with someone we can trust. I hate to surprise you like this, but could you look after him for a few days? If you can do us this favor, as way of a "thank you" please feel free to make use of our puppy however you like. Besides, it's past time our boy here showed his appreciation of you, for all the hard work you've put into him.

I'll plan on picking him up Monday morning. Oh, and btw, the mitts and chastity device are locked in place and Dean doesn't have the key. He knows what I expect of him and that I better hear a glowing review of his behavior when I come back.

PS: I left the leather hood at home. We wouldn't want our favorite wolf to try and hide behind Toy while he services you, would we?

Enjoy, Doc!

Upon reading it, I sized him up and then took off his helmet. Sure enough, he was gagged underneath. The flat base of a large purple dildo could be seen just in front of his lips.

"Is this true, Dean?" I asked, keeping my voice neutral but stern. "You know, I'm not in the habit of taking in puppies dropped off on my doorstep."

The wolf blushed, hesitated, and finally nodded.

"Show me," I said, changing my stance so that my legs were somewhat spread and my hips pushed forward. "I'm not going along with this until you prove it's what you want. So... does puppy see something he needs?"

Dean could not have looked more humiliated. The married man almost certainly hadn't asked to be bound up and left as a gift for his therapist. Which meant that this was all Roland's doing and the wolf felt compelled to play along. Just what had the horse threatened him with, I wondered.

It took him the better part of a minute to decide that he had no better option. Dean fell to his knees on the carpet and shuffled forward, his dildo-gagged muzzle inches from my crotch. The wolf looked up at me, making a gurgled inquiring sound.

I looked down at him and crossed my arms.

"You won't be getting any direction from me, boy. You're the one who showed up in my office in this deplorable state. If you're unwilling to provide a demonstration to show me what you're prepared to do, then you can get up, get out of my office, and return once you're suitably dressed."

Dean mewled pathetically, looked at his mitted hands, and then used them to paw and rub at my crotch. Normally I would not find this much of a turn on. But the bound boy was so pathetic, looking up at me from on his knees, that I couldn't help but stiffen up under his clumsy ministrations.

I decided I would help him out. I pulled the purple dildo out of his mouth and unzipped my trousers.

"Having trouble? Very well. Here's a hint on where you can start. Put your tongue to work and fish me out, Dean."

Using his impressive canine tongue, the teenager did just that. Though, it took him several tries as he fought against the confining fabric of my pants and underwear. At one point my aroused member got caught and the wolf had to use his tongue to literally tug my cock free.

When my pole was finally out in the open, Dean stared at it like it was the first time he'd ever seen it. Which, from his perspective, was true. The patient's conscious mind was totally unaware of the going-ons of our intimate hypnotism sessions.

But now, thanks to Roland, our relationship had changed. No longer were we merely doctor and patient. In addition to whatever else we were, we were now also daddy and boy. And I planned on taking full advantage of this opportunity.

"Too much for you?" I inquired, rubbing my member up and down and across his face.

Dean shook his head 'no' but he didn't seem too confident about it. His expression was that of a man who couldn't believe this was actually happening. A man who had no idea how things had spiralled so far out of his control.

"Show me," I again insisted.

The wolf paused and then actually did attempt to talk, his voice garbled gibberish. But he spoke so earnestly. Was he asking for my help? Perhaps trying to explain himself?

I can't be sure and I suppose I'll never know. Because what happened next was I shushed him, patted his head, gave him a moment to look up at me, his eyes shining with hope and relief. And then I pulled him halfway down onto my shaft.

This must have not been what he'd been hoping for because the wolf's eyes shot wide in shock. He brought both of his arms up and pushed at my waist, presumably hoping to slow down the invasion of his tender throat. I easily batted his arms away and used my other arm to pull him in closer. Roughly two-thirds of my tool was wedged down his muzzle.

"Listen Dean," I said, my voice hard and commanding. "You have two options. You can either continue to fight me and eventually pass out on my cock. Or, you can show me you're capable of learning and put your arms down at your side. Do so and I'll let you take a nice deep breath. Which is it going to be?"

He fought me for a few more seconds as he struggled to rein in his panicked instincts. But eventually took his mitted hands off my body and waited, his cock-stuffed face looking up at me expectantly.

Pulling him back far enough to gasp some much needed air, I encouraged him by saying, "Much better, boy." But we were only getting started so I followed this up with, "When you're ready to continue, blink three times. I'll bring you back down and we'll see if we can't get another inch or two into you."

Dean whined and I felt his tongue slither and move around my pole as he tried to say something.

"No, boy," I chided. "You had your chance to leave. Now daddy is in charge. So be a good boy and blink three times. Don't make me wait too long or I'll get annoyed."

His face full of worry and concern (and my cock), Dean took several deep breaths and then blinked three times. I smiled at him encouragingly, stroked his face kindly, and rubbed him softly behind his ear. Then I shoved my endowment right back down his throat, much to his intense consternation.

He immediately reverted back to fighting me. I sighed. This was going to take a lot of training and repetition to replace instinct with discipline. Thankfully, we had all weekend. Yet, even three days wouldn't be enough time to bring Dean as far down the path of submission as I wanted to take him.

As he gagged, red-faced and thrashing, I said, "Breaking you of these bad habits might take longer than I thought. Do you think Roland would be open to the idea of letting me borrow you for a week or two?"

This possibility must have struck Dean as highly plausible because he tried to shake his head "no!" even as I held him firmly in place.

"Excellent. Because I don't plan on returning you until you can deepthroat a horse. Which will be a useful skill for you, given your living arrangement. Now, let's try this again. You must be getting light headed, yes? Would puppy like to earn some air?"

Apparently he did, because Dean once again diligently followed my instructions. For the rest of the hour I restricted his breathing over and over again, only to give him little tasks to perform to earn his oxygen.

Through mitted gloves Dean played with my balls. Massaged my ass. Rubbed my belly. Licked my cock. Hummed show tunes. Learned to blink short Morse-coded messages with his eyes. And that was just in the first hour.

We began the slow process reinforcing key lessons, taking regular breaks so that the wolf could lick up the saliva he getting all over me. Occasionally I would ask him if he'd like to stop. Should I call Roland? Have him cancel his trip and pick Dean up? Or, perhaps Julie? Dean's answer was always the same. A mumbled, "No, sir."

When we took a break to get some water, I took his gag off and repeated the question. With my balls resting on his nose and my cock draped over his face, he answered, "No, sir. Please use this chastized cuck-toy as you see fit. Also, sir..."

"Yes, puppy?"

"My wife requests that you take lots of pictures."

And so, I did.