Lukas Werewolf Journey

Story by ArkTheWoff on SoFurry

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#2 of The Werewolf Journey

Lukas Werewolf Journey

June 2010

By ArkTheWoff

Many nights past since that faithful day, my lover Lukas, brought me from a life of despair and hopelessness to what I am today, a werewolf. He was my protector, my guardian angel if you would, always looking out for me, teaching me the ways of the hunt, the techniques that ensure that I would not go hungry, oh what would I have done without his guidance. Lukas was a tall dark grey werewolf, just taller than me about a paws height and being large than me. His fur is always shinning under the pale moonlight, at many times during the hunt, the last thing our pray would see was the grey outline Lukas had before its death. His ears were always pointed upwards, constantly looking out for danger, but the danger of what I always pondered. His eyes were of bright yellow, always reflecting the shine of the moon, I feel safe at night, seeing those eyes gazed upon me while I slept in his lap, and it made me feel like a pup secure from all others. His body was all so perfect, muscular, firm and I swore even a silver bullet would bounce right off him. Light growth of fur only covered his chest and abdomen, instead of his natural dark grey fur which grew from majority of his back, light grey fur covered what was one of my turn-ons for him. His tail was this large bush of fur, longer than mine by only a few centimeters, in many times during our lovemaking his tail would always be brought near me, I often find myself pressed against it, my feelings touched as I knew he did not want me lying on the snow covered floor of the ground.

Lukas was quiet and introverted, only talking when what has to be said was of importance. His muzzle would always be kept closed, breathing though his nose, breathing in the scents of our surroundings, keeping a close eye of where I was and my safety. We were the total opposites, I was playful, always teasing him and playing tricks on him, longing for his acknowledgement. I know he is wonderful were deep in his heart, caring and looking out for me because he truly loves me. Every time I try to bring up his past, he would just brush off the topic or keep silent, ever once I tried to bring up his past with some assertion, he nipped my neck! Apologizing after, saying he was sorry, and was just not in the mood to talk about his previous life. I believed something went terribly wrong before I met him, my mind keeps wondering what has happened to this strong hearted werewolf in the past that he ended like this, so cold and drawn back? Then I decided to finally break though my fear of asking him, and just do it.

I knew I had to plan a way to bring up his past without getting too suspicious. When would be the best time to talk about it, when would be a good time where both of us would feel at the apex of togetherness..., then it hit me, why have I been blind all these time? I made up my mind, tonight when the moon is up, ill ask him, when we were about to mate.

It was our ritual to mate after the night's meal together. Being the dominant were of our pack, it was expected of him take the lions share and the best parts of the kill, but my beliefs has always been wrong, he has never once done that to me, always leaving the best parts of the kill for me. I feel most of the time compelled to thank him in anyway possible, but all attempts were made avail. We then cuddled together for awhile, in the silence of the forest. He starts fondling with my fur covered sack, as I knew he was slowly gaining the mood to mate. I knew it was time to talk, I started with some light conversation about the food, the weather, you know all that kind of crappy nonsense one would say to beat around the bush before the main question. And then it arrived. I asked him what happened in his dark past that made him like how he was today...

Lukas just looked at me; his paw previously fondling me was kept to himself. Starring at with his yellow gem eyes, his look slow pierced though my soul... and then I saw it! His brows started to turn downwards, his maw started lift to show with his teeth, growling at me. I knew I had insulted him for the last time, my thought flashed. 'Oh my god what have I done? He was about to have sex with me and I turn him down to just to hear about his past!!!' I closed my eye hoping for a light nip on the back of my neck, I cowered in fear, bringing my paws close to me and tail in-between my hind legs, I knew I had done it. As I felt his breath grow deeper and his growl made louder...he rose above me, I peeked and all I saw, was what I believed was the last thing our prey saw too. I immediately whimper as much as I could, having to hope that it would do any good. I then clenched my eyes, and got ready for a good biting, thoughts ran though my head, wondering if I could only turn back time and not say what I did...admits all of my thoughts I did not notice Lukas had just disappeared.

I lifted up my head, turned around and he was no where to be seen. My only thought was...he had left me. I looked high and low searching for him frantically, like a child who had lost his parents. My heart was pounding harder each moment past, racing ever so fast. My mind spinning with thoughts on where he could be, why did I do it and then abruptly, stopped suddenly, 'What would I do without him'? My eyes started to water and backtracked to everywhere we went together in the woods, I lifted my nose in an attempt to find his scent or his musk, but it was useless as I have yet to be taught how to differentiate and tract smells. Oh I was doomed...I thought, I dropped down onto my sides, howling to the moon in sadness, longing for my companion to come back to my sides, in hopes he would hear my cry. Tears flowed down my eyes and fur and dripped onto the snowy clearing where we lived together. My heart ached from the loss of my love, as I cried myself to sleep, believing he would return to my side in the morning.

The dawn broke, with bright magnificent sunrays shining though the canopy of the snowy forest, light glistened off the morning dew of recently melted snow during the night. I awoke, my head turning behind me...but he was not there, he was still no where in sight, not even tracks were seen. I knew he had left me.

I spent the next few days alone in the wilderness, if you could only imagine, a new cub trying to hunt for prey, tracking, waiting and attacking. He had previously taught me lessons on how to perform these basic survival skills. I kept reminding myself of his teachings, but I was just a novice as compared to him. Oh how I missed him so very much, waiting for his return, if he would ever come back. I spent most time of the day trying to catch prey and walking around the forest aimlessly, looking for him. At night I would return to the clearing, sleeping on the grounds where we made love, alone, I howled for the moon every night, praying and made wishes he would return. I would cry for hours on end, saying if only I had the courage to tell him I had loved him. Fear always blinded me to the fact he ignore me sometimes, even though he cared truly and deeply for me. I said to myself, 'I love you.... I love you... I love you!!!' but no matter how many times I chanted the phrase and how many night I did, I never did feel his warm body being near, me his paws holding me close again.

The nights were cold and the days were long, mother-nature was fierce and uncaring and father time was slowly creeping. The nights became weeks and eventually a month past, since Lukas last left me. I became more independent, now having more success hunting pray, unlike weeks before.

Then one night as I lay on my usual side, I felt a familiar breath exhaled on my neck. The much missed warmth of a chest on my back, bring the cold away, the all too familiar paws holding me closer..., 'Its Lukas!' My mind immediately thought! I turned around and there he was, just as I remembered when I first became a were, and even on the day he left me. The buildup of tears in my eyes ran down my fur and onto his arms. Without any hesitation, I said, "I missed you so very much and I love you with all my hearts desire." What he said next brought me so much love to me, "I know that you love me, as I have also loved you." My heart sank deeply, my muzzle and face hid itself on his chest and brushing my face onto his fur, it really feels good to have you back, I whispered to him then whimpering after to show my endless affection.

I have something to tell you, he said. Something which I owe you for so many months now, it is regarding my past. I listened attentively as I laid next to him using his arm as a pillow and looking into his eyes as he spoke about his previous life.

Many centuries ago, when the world was not as modern as now, when life was simple, men life revolved around farming and livestock, a time which humans hated werewolves and did not forget about them. The place was here, when the city used horses instead of automobiles and the small towns were just farming villages. I was a notorious werewolf at his prime, wrecking havoc onto the lives of these simple folk, with no intention, killing and slaughtering of farm animals and men, were just pleasure for me. It made me feel feral, wild and alive; it made me feel all powerful and feared by these little creatures that cower in their homes because of me.

Life was always grand, the pray was aplenty and the 'entertainment' was always there. What was lacking was my other half, life was always quiet and lonely, I have no one to talk to, and no one share my spoils of the day, my feelings or emotions with. Then one day, I was venturing into deeper parts of the forest, an awkward smell caught my nose, it was not a smell of pray or human, but it was another werewolf. I tracked the were down, noticing that he left his tracks very obviously like a newbie. I hid behind some bushes observing him; he himself was waiting patiently behind some shrubs, attempting to stock a rabbit. Without much thought, the were jumped though the plant, the shrub being thick, causes the were to lose his footing and tripping over himself. Not surprisingly the rabbit got away. As the were picked himself up, I thought to myself, how can this young were maybe only a few years younger than me hunt and survive like this? Have his parents not taught him the ways to hunt for prey? I wondered. While the young were smelled the airs for his next prey, he caught the smell of me. He looked to my direction and questioned who was I? And I should come out of my hiding.

I did as he said and rose on my hind legs, walking towards him, nearing him he started to realize I was not just some young punk, but a feel grown alpha male werewolf. My height was clearly taller than him and shorter than you by a little, Ron. He then started to shiver in fright as I was larger and older then he was, cowering in fear, his ears fell flat and his tail went between his legs. 'Please don't hurt me' he whimpered like a puppy and closed his eyes when I looked directly into them. His eyes were of blue, like the sea. I then bent down near his ear and nuzzled him. He slowly opens his eyes and looked at me and asked if I was going to hurt him. No, I replied.

From then on our closeness grew, at times teaching him how to survive and hunt, so that if the time needed to be, he was able to feed and protect himself. Time pasts fast, as our teacher and student relationship is grew, I soon found myself growing fond of him, his playful character and cheerful attitude, he was always submissive to my previous self, and as being alpha male I knew I had to show him what dominance was like. When I was with him, I was naturally very rough, when we mated, finding myself thrusting into him with force and speed wanting to show this pup who was boss and he better respect me. Not long after, I found the reason he was struggling to survive, his parents died because they were shot by silver bullets, by the towns people. He was still very young then and even though years passed, no one taught him the basics, he had to learn it from scratch or come up with his own ways, which were not to useful.

Time past so very fast, soon I was introducing him to life beyond the forest and prey found there. The larger hunts were found in the towns, large milking cows. It was his first time into the town; when he first heard about it, he was jumping all over like a puppy with a getting thrown a bone at. He was excited as he have never tasted cow and it would be a better change than all the small prey he has been having before. That night, we made our way though to the edge of the forest, the town was an eighteenth century build, sleepy looking of the outside. The place littered with brothels, and prostitutes, as men took their fancy on women on the street, the city was a horrible place for werewolves; the choking fumes from the factories always cause chaos with our olfactory systems and leaving a grime stain on the fur. This city was recently attacked by a pack of werewolves not too long ago, so I informed my younger partner to be weary of his surrounding.

We move silently though the night and headed for the barn coated in typical red, it was old and rickety; we went inside though the large window on the second floor, jumping to those heights as a werewolf was no problem at all. We stayed at the top of the barn discussing which cow was larger and meatier than the last one. Not long, I sensed someone coming; guessing it was the farmer coming to check his herd. He entered the barn and I instructed my companion to stay low, informing him ill make the kill as my taste for blood was starting to rise again. Without hesitation after hearing this, my companion said he would do it, and without any consent, he jumped down onto the farmer, supposedly delivering a killing blow to prevent him from screaming to alert others, he did the total opposite, only injuring him. The man yelled at the top of his lungs, I quickly informed my partner to run for it and jump out the window we entered sensing and hearing the townsfolk were already alarmed to the barn with their weapons.

We quickly made it out of the building, assuming no one saw us and it being so dark we headed for the fields leading back to the forest. A man holding a flaming torch shouted and pointed out onto the field, "There it is, kill it!" We rushed for our lives, into the forest, seeing as the thick trees would cover our tracks and hide us from our pursers. I was wrong; they followed us into the forest, tracking us down with dogs, as they wielded their pitch forks and flaming torches. We scrambled deeper into the forest, running as fast as we could. I turned back to check on my mate and was shocked to find him missing, I backtracked as fast as I could praying no harm was done to him and he maybe escaped towards another direction. As I followed his scent, rushing towards it, I came upon what I saw was a stand-off, a human holding a gun and my young were, waiting to jump him. Before I could attack the human, a shot was fired. My young were was about to jump when the shot was made...anger, hate and revenge raced though my mind, I leaped onto the human who was desperately trying to reload his pistol. All I remember was my blind frenzied rage, ripping and tearing the man into pieces.

Not long after, my mind returned to normal and below me was just a badly mutilated corpse with no human features left. I then turned my attention to my mate, who was lying on the ground, motionless. I sprinted to him believing it might not be too late, as I held him in my arms and all I could do was howl deeply to the moon, he was gone.

I had lost my love, my special other half. I regretted bring him to the town or ever instructing him how to fight. I was so heartbroken that I cried. I cried so much, my eyes went blurry, my feelings and emotions all became mixed with sorrowful regret. I had lost the love of my life, my one true partner, companion and lover. The time begging him to come back to me was cut short, I knew I had to go fast, at the edge of the horizon, I saw lights flickering from the torches and hounds howling dangerously close. I kissed his furry muzzle goodbyes for the last time and an 'I love you', and left.

I ran and ran so far as I could, not wanting to look back. Not believing that my love was taken away from me because of me, all because of my rash act and teaching him about attacking and the city. Why did I do this? It's my entire fault, I said. As I reached the clearing which we lived together, I sat down onto the ground, and cried. Tears from my eyes dripped from my fur past my cheeks and onto the dirt. My heart pained at the lost of my love, I could not describe the hurt I felt, as if I lost part of me. And I said to myself, I wished I told him when he was still alive... I loved you...

Oh, Timothy I missed you so much...

He said regarding that night he left me, he was angry that I wanted to bring up his past which was something he wanted to keep to himself so badly. He needed sometime to think though about his actions which lead to Timothy's death. Explaining that I reminded him of Timothy, not wanting to repeat what happened before and when he heard my howls and cries in the night, he was reminded of himself when he had lost his love as well. He felt if he told me about his past of how he treated others, I would think ill of him and leave him. I just replied, "Your past actions does not define who you are now, the present does."

He looked at me, I looked back at him, we both gazed into each others eyes, and he started to have a tingle in his eyes. With his hearts heaviest weights lifted and with his breathe, he hugged me, repeating what was said to many times but never enough...'I love you...' This was the first time I saw my lover cry his heart out onto me...he cried with such love and happiness, as knew he although he had learnt to move on with Timothy death, the emotional scars that were on him, never healed. Lukas cried with his might, all the years of emotions bottled up inside him poured out onto my shoulders, what held him back for so many years and preventing to be what he really was, a caring gentle giant. He released so tears onto me, I held him close with my arms and he did the same, I could feel the pressure as he held onto me his heart beating of warmth and love, and for the first time, he looked at me without lust, our eyes met, and we kissed, a passionate and loving kiss.

With the pain I have put him though I felt really sorry for him. to have to go though so many past memories that hurt him. I wanted to make it up to him, to feel that I am still here for him, am ill never leave his side, till ends of time. I told him how sorry I felt for doing this to him, and said ill make it all better. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and started to make my move. I went on all fours, bending forwards from where we were lying together, and wiggled my tail and then lifted it, revealing my tail hole. He said while brushing off the tears from his facial fur. Thank you, you mean everything to me in the world.

Lukas then also went on all fours, slowly mounting me from his lying position, with his paws he position himself behind me. His left paw he held onto my sides and with his right paw he started to fondle with my sheath. The already growing member slowly slipped out from his sheath, as I remembered the long hard-on shaft was what I was used to, unlike the first time during my transformation. It did not take long for my canine member to come out from its hiding. He positioned his member, as the tip of his canine phallus prodded the ring of my hole, teasing me. When he was in position and ready, he grasped my member, I yelped in anticipation at the feeling, as I knew that was first trust was about to begun. With his hips trusted forwards, I felt his member pierce into my ass, as the sensation of a member move in and out of my tail hole, my sphincter contracted, but with the constant movement of his hips gliding though my anus, it relaxed, sensing insurmountable pleasure around my body. At the mean time I joined along with his motion, trusting my member against his paw.

As time went by the act continued both of us started to leak pre-cum from our throbbing members. But suddenly he told me to relax, as he turned me round, as my front faced him and my back lay on my tail of the forest ground. I gazed into his eyes, which now reflect yellow amber of the moon and he looked into mine the blue bright gem. I stretched out my legs and paws holding onto him closer to my body as he continued to speedup his trusting, his hands never left my member which continued pumping it. We both looked at each other with passion, love and lust. I felt the touch of lust in me and so did he, I said to him, 'Show me true your dominant side', he replied with just a grin. Before I knew it he starts to thrust hard and faster, with each thrust the deeper it went into my anus and I could feel his knot touching my hole. I did the same, grinning at him and started to thrust in the opposite direction, when he went forwards, I went backwards, wanting more of him in me. His paws continued to pump my solid member without any stopping in sight as he nipped my neck without pain and he held onto me.

We neared the climax as he and I both saw each others faces, he would show a face of anger and I would a face of anticipation. The time has come, with a final feral thrust, his knot was inserted into my anus, and I yelled to him, fill me with your werewolf seed! And we both ejaculated, howling to the bright glow of the moon at the same time, like wolves normally do. His wave of seed filled my bowels, the hot and sticky liquid which I desired in me, spread all around my insides. Some leaking out of my backside and dripping on the ground, as my member throbbed uncontrollably to release my load onto my chest, I felt the my hot semen spread all over my chest. He starts to fondle with my knot pumping it at the base to get the some extra shots of my cream onto my chest. As I stay there enjoying the glorious sensation of getting filled, Lukas started to lick the thick wolf cream off my chest, tickling me and making me snicker and smile. He enjoyed every taste of my sweet flavor which I saw on his face.

Not long after, our eyes met again, our muzzles slowly drifting closer onto each others, we closed out eyes and kissed. Both our tongues met together in his muzzle, as I tasted my brand of cream in his mouth mixed together with his warm saliva. Our tongues licked each other and then we explored each others maw. I felt a real connection with Lukas when we kissed, I felt his true self, no fear, no worries and sadness, just pure affection nothing less. He laid on me kissing me for another hour or so, even after our knots slid back into our sheaths. We then stopped, I looking at him and him doing the same, we both knew it has been a long day; I turned to my favorite side and felt that familiar chest on my back preventing the cold, and the paws which held onto me bringing me closer to his chest. And lastly the warm musky exhaled breath on my neck, reminding me of his presence, and keeping me safe always. With his husky voice, Lukas said, "I love you Ron..."

Then we drifted onto deep sleep, Lukas holding on me and me holding onto his tail.

This is my second part of the story, hope you enjoyed it! :3