Joining the Club

Story by Lapsa on SoFurry

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A commission for Keynari I finished back in December. A bit of a humiliation heavy story with some minor sissification themes, enjoy!

Story by me.

Characters to Keynari Also, if you like this story, be sure to check out my others. And don't be afraid to donate if you want! You can donate via paypal (ask) or on my Patreon: > Here!< or my ko-fi: > Here <

Joining the Club

By: Lapsa

For: Keynari

"What a fucking loser, are you crying already!?" The wolf cooed out in a mocking voice as he knocked the books from the white furred fox once again, glasses tinging against the hard tiles below with the force of the hit.

"S-stop it! J-just leave me the fuck alone!"

"What're you going to do about it, nerd?" The wolf found himself pushed to the ground now, a hand slamming him onto the pile of papers and books already scattered in front of him as the cackles rang in his ears.

"You can't do shit!" The other wolf spoke, kicking at the scattered pile.

"Boys! Take five..." A voice came from behind as the canine felt the firm painful grip on the back of his neck give way - his body dropping to the ground as he slowly began to pull himself up once more.

"Huh?!" The two wolves turned around to face the black furred tiger, iconic red stripes running like flames down his body. "Hmph, you got it boss."

"Mavvy Mavvy Mavvy...still as pathetic as ever." The tiger chuckled as he straightened his leather jacket, a smirk across his face as he listened to the soft sniffles come from the canine as he continued to gather up his books - black tail between his legs.

"M-my name is Maveryk...I-I've told you that before." The words came out shaky and unsteady as the fox turned around slowly to face the much taller feline.

"Now now...don't be like that Mavvy - I just wanted to talk." The tiger's grin widened, his piercing eyes making a knot form in the fox's throat as memories of years past flashed before his eyes.

"W-what do you want, Sliefer?" The fox spit out the words, doing his best to steady his shaking body and mind. "Why did you stop your little thugs?"

"A little birdie told me you were looking to join a group on campus...just so happens that me and my boys were thinking of making one since Erik's been here long enough to." The tiger's expression became even more smug, tail swishing behind him as he moved up to the fox. "Only thing is, we need one more person to be recognized."

"So what? You want me to join your l-little gang or whatever? Forget it. J-just leave me alone..." Maveryk went to turn only to feel an arm wrap around his shoulder to hold him steady, the hot breath of the tiger soon on his ear as it flicked.

"Oh, but I think you might want to reconsider. You see, we'll all be very unhappy if we can't find another person." The tiger's teeth glimmered as the words pierced like claws into Maveryk's mind, the firm grip around his shoulder almost becoming painful for a brief moment. "And think of it this's a way to become more popular, be part of our cool little club. Whatda' say?"

"S-w-what?" The fox held back a growl as he mulled over the words, tail only just now starting to go limb from between his legs. "I-if I j-join your little frat or whatever...y-you'll leave me alone?"

"Well...we'd have to make sure you have what it takes to be a full member...but if you pass..." The tiger grinned wide, sharp teeth just inches from the fox's face.

"F-fine...I-I'll do it...j-just...let me get to class..." The tiger chuckled as he pushed the fox forward a little, watching as Maveryk stumbled a bit before briskly walking off.

"Good man...just stop by the little club next the dorms tomorrow and we'll start things off." The fox didn't respond as he disappeared down the hall, sunlight from outside peeking in from around the corner just seconds later. "Such easy prey~"


"W-what? I-I thought...b-but no, I'm part of your frat now, y-you said if I ag--" The fox stopped as the feline held up a hand, his gaze hardening somewhat.

"I said you'd be part of the club, but you still aren't fully a member yet..." Sliefer's gaze softened as he grinned again. "Think of this initiation..."

" if I let you-you all do this...that's it, I'm a full member or whatever?" The fox felt his face burning hot now as he struggled to speak.

"It's a step towards that...but it won't be so easy..." Sliefer chuckled. "This frat isn't supposed to be for sissy little wimps. We have to make sure you are tough enough to handle things first...don't worry though - it'll come soon enough...and 'sides - you'll get to say you are one of us."

"F-fine...s-so...w-what do I have to do exactly?"

"Well..." Sliefer's eyes glimmered with malice, a hand reaching out to firmly grip the fox's shoulder.


"Here it is, been working on this little baby just for you." Sliefer pulled a can from behind the old garage - slamming it down before pulling off the lid and turning to the fox. "Now strip down to your undies and get inside."

"S-strip, b-but I can't just get n-naked out here!"

"You won't be naked, but we ain't gonna put you in with all your clothes on." One of the wolves spoke up as he pushed the fox forward.

"Stop being such a wuss and do it. Come on, you want to pass the test don't you?"

"F-fine...j-just...g-give me a minute." The three watched as the fox slowly undressed, faint blush across his face as layer after layer of clothes was removed to fully expose his white coat beneath; black markings fully visible - only his white tight boxers concealing his crotch and ass.

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it?" The wolves chuckled as Sliefer spoke, a yelp coming from the fox as one smacked his ass - forcing him forward yet again as his arms gripped at the side of the trashcan.

"L-let's just get this over w--aaahhh!" The fox felt himself lifted up and tossed head first into the trash-can, the smell immediately suffocating him as he gagged, wet rotting food already mashing against his nose and fur as he heard the now muffled sound of the lid slamming shut.

"Alright,!" He'd struggle to try to right himself, the can held steady even as he wriggled and struggled within it - muffled voices coming in to barely reach his ears as his mind and heart both raced.

"W-wait n--!" The fox wouldn't be able to finish his sentence before the can started to roll - his body pushed and tossed around in that rotten mix. He'd try even more desperately to keep himself steady, mouth and eyes closed tightly as he could feel more bits of wet grip along his face.

"Look at him go!" The sound of metal clanks and rolling trash would drown out nearly everything except for the fox's thoughts as regret quickly set in even deeper among them - trying to fight hard against the lack of air and the dizziness slowly starting to overtake him as seconds painfully drew out.

"Hahah, 10 bucks says he blows!"

Even as the can came to a stop at the bottom of the hill the world kept spinning around the fox within, his white fur soiled and greasy - thoughts swimming in the hazy fog of dizziness and that overpowering foul odor. Nearly a minute would fully pass before he finally managed to drag himself out of the can, mind too overwhelmed to pay much attention to the laughter in the distance as he struggled to keep himself from gagging.

"That was great!"

"Fucking classic!"

The fox's eyes finally opened as he felt light hit them - the reality of just how coated in trash and gunk he was hitting him as he saw bits of food and plastic dangling from his darkened fur. He'd almost struggle not to heave a bit as he looked over himself, only just barely managing to make it to his feed as he looked over to the crowd now slowly making their way down the hill towards him.

"Ooof, I can smell 'em from here!"

"Look at that, coat is completely soaked, what did you shove in there?"

"Just threw a bunch of shit from the other cans in, no idea what all was in there but man did it do the job..." Sliefer came in behind the two wolves, hands at his side as he held a small bundle of cloth in one hand. "You did great on your first 'test', Mavvy."

"S-so...c-can...can we go now? Y-you said you'd dr--"

"Yeah, not a chance. You smell pretty rancid." Sliefer held up a hand to stop the fox, grinning as he kept a good distance. "You'll have to walk...come on - it's not that far."

"Yeah, don't be a fucking chicken." One of the wolves chirped in amid a giggle.

"B-but I-I--m-my clothes, I-I c--" The fox felt the knot in his throat return as he looked at all the grinning faces around him, tail tucking between his legs again.

"Nah - your clothes are right here." Sliefer laughed as he tossed a ball of wadded clothing towards the fox, Maveryk just barely managing to catch the bundle as wet soggy bits of trash soaked into the fabric. "Better hurry though - almost four, plenty of people'll be out then. Wouldn't want too many people to see you covered in trash."

"Y-yeah...t-thanks..." Maveryk quickly pulled the clothes from the messily wadded bundle before putting them on - only hesitating for a brief moment as the sickening feeling of the dirty fabric across his wet fur make him wince and cringe. It wouldn't be long though before he had his old clothes on once again, unable to stop himself from trying to pick the worst of the trash from his black hair and white fur before finally heading off - walking by the parking lot just in time to see Sliefer speed away in his corvette.


"F-fuck fuck fuck!" Maveryk cursed under his breath was he heard the bell ringing in the distance - each toll piercing into his thoughts. He could already feel his breath shorten, his face burn, the knot in his throat starting to form even before the first person exited out through the numerous doors on either side of him. "W-why...why...."

The fox would briefly think about turning back and going around the long way - but by the time his feet turned it was too late. Over the course of just a few seconds he'd be locked in with the crowd. The emptied hall would fill with students and professors hurriedly leaving for home, lunch, or another class as they brushed past him.

"Are you okay? What happened to you?" He could already feel the eyes on him, already see the stares out of the corner of his eyes. It'd be even worse when he saw someone he knew, friends with confused shocked looks on their faces as he quickly went to brush past as many as he could.

"What is that smell?"

"Ewww...what the fuck is wrong with that guy?"

"Dude, you've, trash everywhere."

Maveryk felt the words burn at him as he passed through the crowd - trying his best to cut through as quickly as he could, keeping his eyes down the entire way towards the door as his heart pounded in his chest.

By the time the fox finally reached his house he could feel the hot tears burning at the corners of his eyes. His clothes would be completely ruined, fur stinking and itching for days from whatever foul mix had soaked into it. Even worse was the next classes he took; those that hadn't seen him in the halls the day before found out quickly why murmurs would echo out whenever he entered a room, why a wide birth was left around wherever he sat. He'd only be left to bare it as the days drew by - all the while hounded in the halls by the two wolves and Sliefer with loud laughter and 'praise' for the 'trash stunt'. Even still it'd be far too late to back out, far too late to try to go back on his word to the three who he knew would only worsen their abuse if he spoke out.


"S-so...w-what is the next test...?"

"Hmmmmm...well...since you did so well on the last one." Sliefer moved over to pick up a back on his way to the fox, throwing it into Maveryk's lap as the two wolves cackled behind him. "I figured we'd step things up a bit."

"W-what is this?" The fox could already see the label on what was inside the bag - the bright pink instantly catching his eye, the familiar look of a model in a pink and black pair of underwear staring at him from within. "W-women's underwear?"

"Yeah, you're going to put them on, and then meet us in the back room. We've got a little...surprise."


Flash after flash of camera would light up the darkened room for a few seconds at a time as the fox went from pose to pose - trying hard to hide the blush on his face as he mimicked the poses shown to him. He'd find himself whimpering softly at the vulnerable positions he moved from, the bulge in the fabric from his cock all too visible as he constantly tried to adjust the fabric along his ass and crotch.

"W-what exactly are you doing with all these pictures?" The fox asked as the worries nagged at his mind with each flash, biting his lip as he waited for an answer.

"We're sending them in to 'Sissies-4-Life' magazine's amateur submission section." Sliefer spoke as he motioned for the next pose, the fox reluctantly taking it as he felt the nagging voice in his mind scream out even louder at the thought of his image in those clothes being published.


"Why not? Makes some money, plus - the look suits you pretty well in that girly little body you have." The tiger chuckled as he motioned for another picture - the flash making the knot in the fox's throat thicken even more. "Why, you want copies?"

"N-nnghh..." Maveryk felt an odd sensation at hearing the words, 'girly little body' echoing through his mind as yet another pose came and went - thoughts still turning to each image that was already taken; each picture of him being sent out for everyone to see.

"N-no...h-how many more of these are there?" The fox moved onto the next pose as the book's pages flipped in front of him, laying out on his back with his legs spread - tongue lolled out of his maw as he struggled to keep his composure.

"This is the last one. It's already over~"

"G-good...I-I'm going to change back now..."

"Not so fast - those are staying on you for the rest of the day." Sliefer spoke up as the fox nodded, dropping his boxers aside as he picked up the rest of his clothes, putting them on before heading over to the door as the two wolves worked to clean up the makeshift photo-shoot they had set up.

"One more thing, actually - now that I'm thinking about it." Sliefer pushed himself in front of Maveryk before the fox could even reach out a hand to the door - an arm blocking his path as the tiger continued. "From now on...these are your clothes. You'll be wearing them every day instead of boxers."

"W-what? I-y-you can't...I-I can't wear w-wome--" The fox could hear the growls from behind him as his mind started to race, still feeling the snug grip of the bra and panties against his fur as some small tingle of sickening pleasure passed across his mind. "F-fine...I-I'll wear them."

"Good, knew you wouldn't say no~" Sliefer moved out of the way of the door as it opened. " sure to not mess up - because we'll be checking."


"Arrrrph!" Maveryk's dull expression suddenly turned to one of shock as his eyes went wide - tears forming in the corner as a sudden sting of pain shot up his spine. It'd be a few seconds before he realized the source - the sound of fabric being pulled to its limits as he looked behind him at the strong grey-furred hands gripping at the pink fabric of his panties.

"Look at this everyone, little Mavvy 's wearin' pink panties!"

"Wow, get a load of this, a bra too!" The wolf yelled out even louder as he pulled the fox closer to him - easily overpowering the weak arms pushing against him to pull up the fox's shirt and hoodie to reveal the pink and black bra he'd been ordered to wear just days earlier.

"Wow...what a fucking sissy."

"Hey! Don't judge!"

"I-is that a bra?"

"Wow, I never even knew Maveryk was that type of fox."

Even with the hoodie pulled over his face he could still feel the eyes on him - still hear the murmurs and yells. He'd even see a few camera flashes through the thick fabric as his breathing quickened more and more. The fox was just about to pass out when he finally felt the warm muscled wolf pull away from him; shirt and hoodie quickly pushed back into place before the fox hastily and nervously tried to adjust his panties that now rode up between his cheeks.

"Good boy, nerd."


"I think you are finally ready...just one more test." Sliefer stopped the fox before he could head out onto the deck - the sound of booming music and yells barely muffled by the thin glass.

"W-what? R-right now...b-but..."

"Why do you think I'd invite a little wimp to this party otherwise?" The tiger chuckled as he let out a soft growl. "Come over here, I'll explain everything to you."


Maveryk's tongue hung from his now dry mouth as he exited the house - collar around his neck; formal clothes now replaced with a skirt and pink shirt as the tiger led him by a leash out into the crowd. There was barely a lull in the music, but Maveryk could still feel the atmosphere change, everything blurring and spinning as more and more eyes fell upon him. It'd only be a few seconds before he'd hear the laughter, the murmurs, the shocked gasps that range out.

"Wow, look at Slief's new pet."

"Cute little vixen you got there!"

"Is that Maveryk under that makeup?"

It'd all prove to be too much as the fox was led along through the crowd - tail falling from between his legs as he felt something in his mind start to bend and give way. The heavy makeup he wore could barely obscure the blush, but even still something in the back of his mind would slowly push forward - a voice different from before as the knot in his throat slowly began to fade away.

"Hey! We got other girls out here showing off - why not have your vixen show us what she can do!?"

"Yeah, let's see how well you trained that bitch!"

"You all really want to see it?" The crowd roared as beer cans and glow-sticks raised into the air, the tiger's free hand moving to his pants as he turned to the vulpine once again. "Alright then, open wide little Mavvy - daddy has a treat for you."


The motions would be almost mindlessly followed as the fox's mind seemed to melt away under the weight of the fear, anxiety, and nervous apprehension pushing down on it. All he'd be able to do is follow whatever words leaked into his emptying mind as his tongue pushed along that barbed cock over and over again. It'd only be a few minutes before he'd feel the balls slapping against his chin start to pulse - the tiger above him purring and growling even louder as the leash was pulled tighter and tighter into each buck of his hips.

"I-I'm about to cum~ Drink it all down you little slut!"

"Mpphmm" The fox felt a thick load of creamy salty seed flooding down his mouth - what little remained of his thoughts swept away in the flood that followed. He'd give in completely in that moment as waves of white entered into the spinning swirling thoughts; the humiliation finally taking its toll as everything came together in that one moment. It'd only be when the cock was pulled from his maw that any bit of coherence would return to him, his now soft doey gaze meeting the feline's own confident eyes.

"Th-that was amazing~ Now, swallow and clean me off~"

"Y-yes daddy!" The fox happily obeyed, the words leaving his lips with barely a second of hesitation as he felt the rest of the thick creamy load in his mouth flow down his throat - filling out his stomach that much more before that cock once again pushed into his muzzle, the taste sending him into mindless bliss once again.

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