"Alpha" Wolf - Chapter 2

Story by IgnaviaVulpes on SoFurry

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#2 of "Alpha" Wolf

**\ **WARNING: This chapter involves the forceful taking of virginity of a teenage male by an unknown adult. It will involve heavy humiliation, violence, minor hints of blood, and overall rough sex. Future chapters will maintain similar themes.****

Mindy looked down at the unconscious wolf at the floor, her heart throbbing in her chest as she watched him to make sure he was really out. Once she was sure of that she pulled out her phone, biting her lip as she dialed the number she had been texting. "H-hey, he's out. Whatever you gave me worked really well."

"I knew it would." the masculine voice on the other line said, "Just leave the door open and you can go Mindy, good job."

Mindy smiled and gave her tail a slow flick as she looked at the unconscious wolf, rolling him over onto his back and looking down at him. "Fuck you ass hole," she said angrily, "If you think what you did last night was anything less than rape you're dumber than you look." she knew he couldn't hear anything she was saying but... it still felt good. The rough way she stomped right on his crotch as she walked out was even more satisfying.


The first thing he noticed as he started to wake up was an overwhelming sense of nausea and lingering pain in his crotch. The next thing he noticed was that his head was pounding. Everything else kind of crashed in on him at the same time after that. He tried to reach up to rub his head and realized that his paws were tied tightly behind his back, so snug that he was amazed the circulation wasn't cut off. He whimpered, his paws struggling to get themselves free. Next he realized that he couldn't move his head, and when he opened his eyes he saw a strange silver object... it only took him a moment to realize that it was the flushing mechanism of a public toilet and that his head was tied to it by a leash attached to what he assumed was a collar around his neck. To top it all off, he tried to move his legs and found that they were tied to the bottom of the toilet, able to be moved up and down but not outwards at all.

"W-what the fuck is going on?" he growled out, his voice slightly slurred as he shifted, making him wonder if he had gotten drunk again and blacked out, but then he remembered the last thing he had done.. which was bring home that Mindy girl. Then he remember the sharp jab, almost like a needle... that bitch had drugged him! The realization made him growl and then he started to kick, grunting angrily as he tried to break the bindings. "I'd stop wasting your energy pup," he heard behind him, a deep voice that he definitely didn't recognize. "You're gonna need it."

He grunted and tried to turn his head so that he could see who it was but the way he was tied kept his head straight forward. He clenched his paws and let out a growl, "Where the fuck am I? What's going on?" he asked, still struggling futilely against the bindings. That's when he felt the paw on his rump, and realized with a growing sense of dread that not only was he tied to a public toilet, but he was naked. He let out a soft, nervous whimper as he struggled, "T-the fuck is going on?" he demanded angrily.

"Ah, I see you're starting to get a sense for the situation." the voice said, the sentence followed by a chuckle. "Can't turn your head, can you pup?" that voice added. A moment later a brown furred paw came into view by the leash and it was being loosened. Marlvur let out a sigh of relief only to gasp as another paw forced his head to turn and then his cheek was pressed against the mechanism, the leash once more being retied in the way it had been before, keeping his head so still he couldn't even shake it. But now he could see.. and he didn't like what he saw.

Standing behind him was a rather large wolf, a smirk on his stupid face and his phone in one of his paws. "Smile for the camera," he said, the words met with a growl from Marlvur before he heard the sound of the phone's shutter effect as the picture was taken. "Guys online are really going to appreciate that when I post it." he said with a chortle of delight before messing around with his phone some more than propping it on the toilet paper dispenser so that the camera was facing them. Then, to Marlvur's horror, the big wolf started to unzip his fly, reaching in to fish around before pulling his cock out...

"W-what the fuck man? Put that shit away, what are you doing?" he asked, a slow sense of dread starting to fill him as he struggled more desperately, practically bashing his face against the mechanism as he yanked at the collar, doing more to choke himself than actually get himself loose.

"Oh poor pup," the wolf said playfully, placing a paw on his rump and rubbing slowly, "You have no idea what's going on, do you?" he asked as he shook his head. "Let me enlighten you..." he said casually as he reached down to his pants pocket, pulling out another phone that Marlvur recognized as his. Then, he was being shown pictures, pictures of every girl who he'd fucked... and dozens of his girlfriend. "You see, my sister is too stupid to be angry at you for cheating on her." he said with a casual grin, "But I know better, and today, we put a stop to your cheating.. and, well, you having sex with women in general."

The words made Marlvur's sense of dread deepen even farther, his heart thudding in his chest as he squirmed more desperately. He recognized the wolf now of course, though he had only ever seen pictures of him. His girlfriend had always told him about her older brother who had joined the military and was supposedly doing really well for himself... and now he was standing behind a very bound up Marlvur with a very intimidating cock that was standing quite proudly at attention. "H-hey come on, this isn't necessary." Marlvur said, his ears going flat to his head, "I-i'll stop being such a prick." he said, trying to sound as honest as he could, "I-i'll break up with Julie and..." he said then let out a loud yelp of pain as the brown wolf's paw came down on his ass hard, hard enough to drive his face forward into the mechanism of the toilet once more.

"No talking your way out of this one pup," he said as he put Marlvur's phone back into his pocket, his paw coming out with something else.. a small square which he tore open, pulling a condom free from it. "The only thing you're going to talk your way out of is getting fucked dry." he said as he rolled the condom out onto his cock, grinning at Marlvur's terrified expression as he did so. "Look straight at the camera and say that you're going to be a good boy for your fucking, and I'll lube up my cock before you take it. Otherwise," he said, slapping the now condom clad cock onto Marlvur's tight, virgin rump, "We're going to see how you like getting fucked with no lube."

Marlvur let out a soft, humiliated whine that quickly turned to a growl as he stared at the camera... so the fucker wasn't only going to rape him, but he was going to record raping him? And he expected him to beg? Fuck that! "Go fuck yourself!" he growled out angrily as he struggled again, "No way in hell and I'm going to be a good boy for fucking anything you say!"

The brown wolf gave him an amused smirk as he gripped the base of Marlvur's tail, not being gentle as he yanked it up and out of the way, pulling so hard that Marlvur's feet came up off the ground and eliciting quite the yelp from the tied up wolf. "I was actually really hoping you'd say that." the brown wolf said as he lined his cock up with Marlvur's virgin pink tail star. "After all, I really wanted this to hurt." he added with a rather malicious sounding growl.

Marlvur watched in horror as he took a step forward, then began to push that cock against his dry entrance, his hips trying to wiggle and shake the cock off of his hole but he was being held firmly by the paw on his tail and one on his hip, his ears going flat to his head as he whimpered at the pressure of that cock pushing on his hole alone... so it wasn't hard to imagine the squeal he let out as the dry, condom clad cock forced its tapered tip into his tail hole. "Fuck yea.." the brown wolf said with a happy growl as his cock head popped into the virgin pup beneath him. "Nice and tight.." he said, not giving him any time to adjust as he kept pushing, his rump flexing as his hips pushed forward, driving each and every inch of his cock into Marlvur's very tight tail hole.

Marlvur, meanwhile, whimpered and gasped constantly, his body trembling and his paws clenching hard as he shook and struggled even more. The pain was intense, his tail hole on fire as he was essentially ripped open by that cock, tears springing to his eyes that he struggled to hold back. "T-take it the fuck out you faggot!" he shouted angrily, his back arching as he tried desperately to kick back, his feet stopping less than an inch away from the base of the toilet, "G-god damn, take it out!" he said, his words turning to a whine as the brown wolf's hips found their way to his ass, Marlvur being forced to acknowledge that another man was now hilted balls deep inside of his ass as the brown wolf's larger balls slapped against his own.

Then, he felt the warmth of the older male over his back, his breathing in his ear as a soft chuckle escaped the brown wolf's maw. "You've got a cock balls deep in your bitch ass and you're calling ME the faggot?" he asked with a soft growl. The brown wolf didn't wait for Marlvur to get used to the sensation, he pulled out slowly, the condom he wore dragging along Marlvur's insides, the dry texture causing the burning Marlvur felt to become even more intense as his ass desperately squeezed and clenched, trying to push that object out while making it all the more painful for the once virgin wolf.

When the brown wolf only had his tip inside the smaller wolf, he gripped his hips firmly and bit his ear, "This is gonna hurt bitch." he said, then slammed his hips forward with a grunt, his cock sliding back into Marlvur's tail hole with a very painful mixture of stretching and friction that caused Marlvur to let out the most humiliating squeal he'd ever let out, the tears that had sprung into his eyes from the initial penetration now leaking down his cheeks as his tail hole burned with the fiercest pain he'd ever felt in his life.

"S-stop please." he sobbed out as his ass tried to squeeze that invader out even as it began to move backwards once more. "I'll do anything, please stop." he begged, his shoulders starting to shake until yet another squeal was drawn from his muzzle, this time sounding rather wet as he sobbed along with it. Of course, the brown wolf had no intention of stopping as his hips started up a steady pace, pulling out to his tip and then slamming his way back in, each thrust coming easier as he continued to rip Marlvur's tail open.

"You know," the brown wolf grunted as he held Marlvur around the chest, his hips slapping into his ass at a steady pace now, each hard thrust bringing yet another squeal of pain from the bound wolf. "Since I didn't use any lube... the condom might break from the friction." he whispered into Marlvur's ear before nibbling on it teasingly, "Man.. I'd hate to be the one left tied up like you with a load of cum in his ass..."

Marlvur's eyes widened at his words, his wet eyes trying desperately to make contact with the other's face. "L-left?" he asked weakly, his throat raw from his squeals as he squirmed desperately, "W-what do you mean left?" he asked, his words coming out cut up between a mixture of squeaks, squeals, and whines.

"What do you think I mean bitch?" the brown wolf asked, his breathing heavy as his pace picked up once more, shortening his thrusts so he can pound harder as his knot steadily started to grow. "I'm leaving you here.." he growled out happily, "And taking the keys with me..." he added, smirking at the back of the bound up wolf's head. "Of course, I might come back for you tomorrow morning.. but for the rest of the night you're gonna be trapped here with this tight little ass," the brown wolf said, emphasizing his words with a hard slap that made Marlvur cry out, "on display for any man who wants it."

Marlvur tried to shake his head only to have his cheek hit the flushing mechanism hard each time he tried, his tears dripping down ever faster now as he felt the brown wolf's knot growing and starting to slap at his ass, "N-no please! I'll do anything, don't leave me here! Not like this!" he sobbed out softly, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably now as he desperately tried to gain some sort of purchase to fight the other wolf off.

That made the brown wolf chuckle, his hips grinding forward and his thrusting stopping as his knot applied pressure to Marlvur's tail. "Anything huh? Why don't you beg me to knot you? And make me think you want it.." he added with a growl.

That made Marlvur tremble and whimper.. the older wolf's knot was easily double the width of the rest of his cock, and that already hurt like hell. He wasn't sure if he could take the knot and even if he could... it would ruin his ass, not to mention it would be the ultimate form of submission to the other male... on the other hand, if he didn't, he'd be left there, unable to move as any number of men came in to use his hole.

He trembled as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and whimpering, "P-please knot my ass!" he whined out, trying to make it sound convincing though obviously he failed.

His attempt just made the older wolf laugh. "That's making me believe it?" he asked, his face sneering as he pulled out and thrust back in hard, growling out, "Come on bitch! What do you like hearing women say?"

Marlvur closed his eyes and whined out in humiliation, that extra thrust driving the breath from him as he sobbed out again. He took a deep breath.. he knew exactly what he liked hearing from women. "P-please sir.." he whined out, trying to make his voice sound as needy as possible, "P-please stuff m-my tight ass with your knot.." he said, "M-make me your bitch!" he pleaded.

That made the brown wolf laugh and he gave Marlvur's ass a slap, then he started to hammer his knot against the smaller wolf's hole, grunting right into his ear as he abused Marlvur's rump. Marlvur didn't know if it was his imagination or not, but he thought that the other's cock was starting to slide in more easily each time, almost like it was wetter. His body trembled from the assault, his tail desperately trying to lower as if it would keep the cock out each time it shoved forward and his paws were clenched behind his back.

Suddenly, the brown wolf pushed everything in, growling out in delight as he applied pressure with his knot... but he never quite sank it in. Instead, he massaged his knot firmly with his paw until he let out a howl, his head getting thrown back as his cock started to throb inside Marlvur as he came. "Fuck yea.." he growled out happily as he grinded forward. "Take it all.." he panted out softly as he licked Marlvur's neck. "Think the condom broke pup." he said with a chuckle.

"W-what how do you know?" he asked with a desperate whine, though he knew it too. He could feel it as the wolf's cock throbbed inside him, each hot gush of cum painting his insides that should have been stopped by the condom. "A-and why didn't you knot me?" he asked, not that he was regretting it really.

"Aww did you want it bitch?" the brown wolf asked teasingly as he grinded his knot against that hole, waiting for his orgasm to finish. "I know the condom broke because I don't feel it ballooning around my dick..." he said with a chuckle, "And I didn't knot you because an alpha doesn't break his word, and if I had I'd have to untie you and take you out of here... which I never intended on doing."

That made Marlvur's eyes widen as he shifted, "W-wait you're gonna leave me here? But I asked! I begged!" he whined out anxiously, trembling. "Y-you said you'd take me out of here!" he said, his chest heaving as he squirmed anxiously.

"I lied." the brown wolf said with a laugh as he slowly pulled his cock out, revealing the condom had torn right at the tip, pulling back over his cock. He walked up so Marlvur could see it, a smirk on his face as he slowly peeled it off. "See what a mess you made pup?" he asked teasingly as he dropped the slimy, cum and blood covered condom onto Marlvur's snout, making sure it was draped perfectly so it wouldn't fall.

That made Marlvur want to gag, the scent of his own ass strong on the broken condom, mixed in with the undeniable, pungent aroma of an alpha's cum. "G-get it off! Get that off my nose!" he said, trying desperately to buck his head only to run into the same issue as before, his head held so tightly to the toilet he couldn't even budge the condom. "Please," he whined, "take it off!"

That made the brown wolf smirk again as he held his still hard cock behind his knot. "You want me to take it off?" he asked, pointing his cock tip at Marlvur's face. "Then open your mouth and clean my cock. After all, you made this mess." he said with a smirk, wiggling the throbbing length in front of Marlvur's eyes.

Now that it was in front of him, he could see just how huge that cock was and he could hardly believe it. He had never expected to take anything in his own ass... but the brown wolf's cock was at least twice the size of his.. in length and girth. And it was dangling in front of his face, the length of it all the way down to the knot covered in frothy, pink tinted cum... and it had been in his ass. "F-fuck you! I'm not doing that." he said, clenching his shut, "E-especially not after you lied last time."

"Good choice slut," the brown wolf said with a laugh, placing one paw on Marlvur's head and then casually wiping his cock off on one cheek, then moved it to wipe the other side on Marlvur's other cheek, leaving his face matted with cum and reeking of his own tail. "I wasn't going to take it off anyways." he said with a smirk then tucked himself back into his pants and grabbed his phone, stopping his recording and looking at the time. "Well, it's five PM now bitch." he said with a grin, smacking Marlvur's ass. "I'll be back tomorrow around noon."

That made Marlvur's eyes widen, "T-tomorrow around noon? That's a long ass time!" he shouted, but the other wolf was already walking out. He heard echoing footsteps, "W-wait you can't seriously leave me here!" he shouted, hearing a door open and his tail tucking down over his ruined, gaping tail hole, immediately getting damp with the cum that was leaking from it. "Please come back!" he squealed out, his shoulders shaking as he heard the door shut, sealing his fate for the next nineteen hours.

*** I got this chapter out a lot faster than I expected to and it's still a decent length! As before, I appreciate constructive criticism and enjoy comments of any kind. So please, if you enjoyed it say something nice below! I intend on starting chapter 3 tomorrow and I expect there will be at least two chapters after that.***