Eastbound and Down

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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This story contains adult situations and explicit sexual content. No one under the age of 18 should be viewing this.



"T'was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June, in a Kenworth pulling logs,

A cab over Pete with a refeer on and a Jimmy hauling hogs.

We was headin' for Bear on I one-oh, 'bout a mile outta Shakey-town,

I says 'Pig Pen this here's Rubber Duck and I'm about to put the hammer down!'"

The ebon void stretched endlessly beyond the headlights as Jake wailed along with the pre-evolutionary ballad. The big-rig glided smoothly along, rising and falling with the road ahead. He clicked the throttle up a knock and the speedometer crawled upward from eighty-five to ninety. The rig climbed another two inches from the pavement and the hum of the lifters rose in pitch.

Five more hours would see him into Emporia, then he could sleep while the warehouse personnel unloaded his cargo. He'd deadhead to Kay Cee and continue east to Portland, Maine with a new load. Between rest stops and meals he routinely covered eighteen cities in twenty-five days. This would be followed by a five or six day break, then he'd be on the road again by the first of each month.

The rabbit morph loved making this particular part of the run. The seemingly eternal night, the speed, the lack of traffic, it all combined to create a feeling of complete and total freedom. No cares, no responsibilities... nothing of the real world penetrated this sheltering darkness. Deep down he knew it was an illusion, but what the heck. It still felt great.

A set of red taillights appeared a mile ahead of him, rising slowly out of a dip in the road. A quick glance at the maneuvering screen confirmed it was moving at about half his speed and there was no traffic ahead on either side of the road. Jake tapped the air-horn twice, signaling his intention to pass on the left. He slid over one lane and smoothly roared by, leaving the slower vehicle trembling slightly in his slipstream. In minutes it had vanished.

"Down seventy-five or eighty-five or I-twenty the other way,

Turn your squelch to the right and in the night you'll hear some good buddy say,

'Breaker, breaker, got a picture taker, old Smokey's on forty-three,'

It's that Japanese toy, that trucker's joy that everybody calls cee-bee...."

Another song gone, another eight miles behind him. The rabbit checked his log display and smiled. He was two hours ahead of schedule. He took a relaxed sip from his travel mug and almost spat out the coffee. A pair of headlights had suddenly appeared in his right side-view mirror and pulled onto the road from behind a clump of trees.

"Aw Shit!" Jake muttered, knowing full well what it had to be, yet denying the reality of it. The reality became inescapable when a set of blue and red strobes began blinking along the top of the other vehicle. He throttled down, slowing the rig and edging over to the right side of the road. The lights hung in tight, sheparding the truck over until its wheels had deployed and it was stopped and resting solidly along the shoulder.

The county sheriff's cruiser glided passed the cab and came to rest a few feet in front of the tractor. Safety lights snapped on, bathing the whole area in a white glow. A small roof mounted turret swiveled in the direction of the truck, a single machine gun barrel protruding from it. The vehicle's PA system crackled to life. From it came the metallic voice of the cop. "Shut-off your engine and step down from the cab!"

Jake complied, moving slowly and deliberately out of the truck.

"Hands behind your head... Lace your fingers!"

"Huh?" the rabbit replied in disbelief. "What's going..."

"DO IT!" the voice commanded, rising in intensity. The gun turret tracked him as Jake did as instructed.

"On your knees... cross your ankles!"

Jake followed the directions, puzzled. He had been pulled over before, but this was the first time he'd ever been subjected to such intense treatment. He wondered if they thought he was a hijacker.

A figure stepped out of the patrol car. Silhouetted in the light, the rabbit could just make out the form of a tall vixen as she approached, her service weapon pointed at his head. She stood about five foot, ten inches tall and looked as if she'd been poured into her uniform. Every fold of cloth hugged her body like a second skin. Firm, well-rounded breasts were complimented by a slim waist and wide hips that tapered into a pair of shapely legs. Despite the nervousness he felt having a gun leveled at him Jake could feel his sheath swell and strain against the confines of his jeans.

"Excuse me deputy, could you please tell me..." He stopped when he heard the sharp 'click' of the gun's hammer as it was pulled back.

"QUIET! Not one word, dirt bag!" Circling behind him the cop holstered her service weapon and drew a pair of handcuffs from her belt. She expertly pulled Jake's hands together and snapped them on his wrists. Grabbing the back of his shirt collar she forced him into a standing position and propelled the rabbit forward until he was jammed against the trunk of the sheriff's cruiser.

"Hey... Hey... HEY!!! Could you at least tell me what I did?"

The vixen didn't respond. Instead she pushed the trucker forward until his torso rested atop the trunk and his legs were spread on the ground. She quickly began to pat him down. She pulled a wallet from his back pocket and a boswain's knife from the belt pouch at his side. "For one thing, you're carrying a concealed weapon."

"Weapon?" the rabbit protested. "That's not a weapon. I use it in my work."

"The blade's too long," she replied matter-of-factly. "In this state it's illegal to carry a knife with a blade longer than three inches."

The deputy continued to pat Jake down. Reaching around to the front, her fingers danced across his crotch, lingering there much longer than what would be considered appropriate. She smiled wickedly and licked her lips. "Looks like you're carrying more than one weapon on you." She hauled him back to his feet and walked him over to the right rear door of the cruiser. Opening it, she pushed the rabbit inside.

Jake found himself lying on his back, diagonally across the floor of the car. The interior was much roomier in the rear than he'd expected, almost like some of the luxury cabs found in New York or Chicago. Several folded up jump seats lined the front of the compartment. The trucker figured the car probably doubled as a prisoner transport. Steel mesh covered the windows and separated the driver's compartment from the rest of the car.

The vixen climbed in after him and closed the door. "Now let's have a look at this weapon your hiding." She undid his belt buckle and slowly opened his fly. Jake thought the sound of the zipper opening was much louder within the confines of the sheriff's cruiser. She pulled both his jeans and briefs down in one, fluid movement, freeing his shaft. It responded almost like a coiled spring, standing stiffly at attention.

"Oh my," the vixen cooed. "That can't possibly be legal around here. I'm just going to have to measure it to be sure. " She grasped the base of his penis and slowly ran her hand, very slowly, up and down its length several times. Each time she reached its tip she flicked her thumb across it, spreading the pre-cum that bubbled there. The tips of her claws very gently raked his rabbit-hood, causing the trucker to shudder in both fear and excitement.

Jake closed his eyes and inhaled. Within the confines of the police cruiser he could smell the vixen's excitement growing, moment-by-moment. It was like an aphrodisiac, thickening the air while heightening his own lust. He watched as she undid her shirt and slid her bra down beneath her ample breasts, rubbing her nipples until were like points. Jake thought they looked stiff enough to take someone's eye out.

"Could you use a hand with that?" he offered, pulling gently at the cuffs.

She stopped long enough to firmly squeeze his muzzle shut. "No talking," she hissed.

The vixen removed her hand. Jake opened his mouth intending to register an objection but stopped when she growled softly and bared her teeth. The rabbit noticed a small stain spreading along the crotch of her trousers.

She must have felt it too because she stopped and unhooked her service belt, laying it across the back seat. The vixen then pulled off her shoes and trousers. Her scent exploded throughout the cruiser. She hastily removed her now thoroughly soaked panties and straddled the trucker, shivering with lust as her sex was exposed to the open air. With one hand she grasped Jake's shaft, brushing the tip against the lips of her mound, as she guided him against her.

She gently lowered herself onto him and the two furs shuttered in anticipation. Slowly, ever so slowly she pushed downward until he was completely sheathed within her. She rose again, then fell, repeating each delicious stroke with precision, squeezing his shaft with the walls of her sex each time he was fully in her. Moaning, the vixen continued to massage her own breasts. For his part, Jake began raising his hips to meet each of her downward thrusts.

On and on, the two furs coupled, both desperate for release, yet neither wanting the sensations to end. Slowly they built to an inevitable climax, faster and faster, deeper and deeper until nothing else existed but their own need, their own passion. At last, the vixen's whole body shook in violent release, a high-pitched howl escaping her throat. This in turn caused Jake to explode within her, sending ropey jets of hot seed shooting deep into her sex. His body shook and his eyes glazed over as his whole mind became one with his orgasm.

The vixen fell against the rabbit, both panting heavily from their exertion. She lay quietly for several minutes, then gently kissed Jake full on the lips. She pulled herself free from his shaft then gently licked it clean. Using a special key on her belt, she unlocked the back door and opened it. She quickly retrieved a small box of handiwipes and some terrycloth towels from the trunk. She cleaned herself off, replacing her panties with a fresh pair tucked in amongst the towels. She dressed then used both the wipes and a second towel on the rabbit. She stood him up outside the cruiser and pulled his pants back up, tucking his shirt in as she straightened his collar. Throughout it all she gently kissed him and nibbled at the fur around his neck.

Turning him around, she undid the handcuffs. Jake turned back toward the vixen and wrapped his arms as tightly around her as she did him. "I swear Lily. If your boss ever catches on to what we're doing out here, you won't stay a deputy for very long."

"That's what make it so exciting," the vixen purred. They kissed for several long, passionate moments. When they broke, she looked him deeply in the eyes. "When are you coming through again?"

"Two weeks," Jake replied. "I've got a load going from St. Louis to Oklahoma City."

"Can you spend the night?" she asked. The trucker nodded. "Good! Then next time you can be the bank robber and I'll be the helpless hostage."

"Why am I always the bad guy?" Jake laughed.

"That's..." Lily said with a wide grin, " 'cause when you're bad, you're soooo good!"