
Story by Malifa on SoFurry

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We need more 1st person hypnosis, so I commissioned a story by Amethyst-Mare of everyone's favorite encounter.

Written by Amethyst Mare

"You must go, Mowgli, you are a man now."

And I was: that much could never have been denied. I was taller than I had been as a boy, arriving into Bagheera's care, my skin dark after tanning in so much sun, though the shade of the jungle canopy protected me well enough most of the time. As a man, however, I liked climbing right up to the very tops of the trees, enjoying my muscle and my strength, all that had developed over the many years of me becoming a man. I was a man now, truly, through and through.

I frowned though. Why did becoming a man mean that I had to go? I dug in my heels, a loincloth covering my privates but otherwise leaving the rest of my young, proud body bare.

"No, there's no reason for me to go!"

Ah, I was stubborn but that was something that would only be revealed later, breath catching in my throat, the black panther's soft, yellow eyes boring into me. I knew too well just what his claws could do, how they could rip and tear, his teeth slicing through the flesh of prey as if they offered up no resistance at all to him. He could eat his catch as quick as anyone could like and I didn't want to get in his way either. But he couldn't make me go!

"Now, Mowgli," he growled, head lowering as if he was about to lunge for the kill, something that had seen time after time again. "You must go. The jungle is no place for men."

I swung my legs, sitting on a thick branch, the ground far below. If he wanted me to go, he would have to push me, force me - I would not be dragged about by a panther if I was a man! Yet I did not yet know what being a man meant, huffing and leaning back against the thick, gnarly trunk, the wisdom of the ages layered into the lines of bark, dappled shade cast down over my legs.

If Bagheera could have rolled his eyes he would have done so but, as it was, a rush of triumph (ill-advised, at best) flooded through me. I'd done it! I didn't have to go! Who would have wanted to live with other men anyway? I didn't know their lives or their ways and it was just too much for a man who had lived his entire life out in the wild. I had no reason to join them and, well, nothing in me at all suggested that that was about to change as I took a deep breath, allowing my chest to push up, puffing out proudly.

The feline stretched out, claws straining, pricking out as if he was trying to show them off. I ignored him completely. I already had what I wanted, though maybe Bagheera was coming to respect me, at least a little more, as an equal. That would have been nice. Kind of.

"Have it your way, boy," he said, although I was far from a boy. "There's time enough for me and it's been a while since I had a good nap. I can wait. You will join the man-village as one of them either way."

True to his word, the sly cat stretched out along the branch, tail curled and twitching, slipping near enough instantly into a light sleep from which he could spring up from at a moment's notice. I'd made the mistake when I was much younger of playing with his tail when asleep and, well...that one hadn't turned out all that well for me.

What was I going to do if the panther was going to wait me out there? Licking my lips, I leaned back against the trunk a little more firmly, the lines of the bark digging into my back. He thought he could push me out but he was wrong. I'd show him that I was useful, that I was more of a wild creature than he was. Gritting my teeth, my nails dug into my palm, a ragged edge on one biting deep. He'd have to see, yes, he would... But I still didn't know how to make that so as my chest tightened, the prospect of leaving everything that I'd known slipping through my fingers like water.

"I underssstand where you are coming from, young man." An unfamiliar voice spoke out from above.

Stiffening, I looked up but the snake that lurked there was hardly trying to hide himself. Truly, it was surprising that I had not even noticed the large serpent there to begin with, mottled in shades of brown that surely lent him a shade of camouflage when hunting. It was admirable how he held himself, the snake's eyes shimmering lightly - they were so shimmery, in fact, that I could not stop myself from looking into them.

He slithered down to my level, dangling from the branch above as if the normal laws of the jungle, which should have pulled his weight to the ground, did not apply to him. He was light and he was fluid and I couldn't take my eyes off him, something pulling in my chest as if he was physically drawing me towards him. Yet that could not be right as there was, very clearly, open air between the two of us, a forked tongue slithering out darkly to taste the essence of the air itself. Without thinking (thinking seemed harder than ever before), I shivered luxuriously.

"Who are you?" I managed to say, though even getting out those words was difficult, my eyes locked onto his. "Where did you come from?"

The snake smiled faintly, lips parting, though I did not see the gleam of fangs there at that time.

"Kaa," he said, simply, letting my second question go unanswered - it didn't seem all that important anymore anyway. "I sssaw you here, with Bagheera."

The cat slept on, paw twitching, but did not wake, which was just as well since I did want to hear what the snake had to say. I wanted to hear it all rather a lot, in fact.

"I can help you ssstay," he hissed, head swaying back and forth lightly, my eyes following the motion. "It'sss okay. You don't have to go if you don't want to."

I nodded without thinking about it. Yes, that was a sensible thing, a very good thing. He was right - I didn't have to leave and there was no reason that I had to leave, even if Bagheera thought he could pick me up and drop me off at the man-village just like that.

"You mussst lisssten," he hissed. "Obey... Obey only me...and I will help you ssstay."

His hiss wrapped itself around me and drew me in and there was nowhere else that I wanted to be than before the might of the snake, the powerful, rippling muscle that layered his coils far more than a man like me could ever boast. Just what had I been thinking, saying that I was wilder at heart than Bagheera? While that may have been so, there was nothing and no one more feral than the beast of the snake, my jaw hanging slack as I nodded along weakly with everything he said. He made it easy to agree with him.

"Doing what you're told," he said, slithering in closer, head right before mine. "Thisss... This will make you feel good, Mowgli, do you underssstand me?"

I nodded quickly, the snake moving over me, wrapping me up, the touch of scales on my bare skin purely exciting. I wanted nothing more than to lean into him, to feel more of his coils, even as he teased me into his binding, murmuring words to me than blurred into one, everything feeling more real and exotic than it ever had before. I wanted to be there, yes, and I wanted to obey him, to stay in the jungle and to stay with him. Was that really too much to ask and really too much to take on? No, no... No, Kaa knew best and I could stay with him, I just had to...

"Trussst in me."

And I did. I had to. There was no other option in the matter for me and I had to trust him, so very badly wanted to trust him. His eyes gleamed from blue to yellow, flashing through so many shades that my active mind could not keep up with him, chest tight with withheld emotion, the rings spiralling, twisting, turning...calling me in. I could not have looked away even if I'd wanted to, spellbound by him, Kaa's handsomeness, the serpent of the jungle that I should have paid due attention to before. The snake's coils slid warmly over me, clearly warmed from the heat of the sunshine as he was, otherwise, a cool-bodied creature, teasing all the way up to my neck. And they felt right too in a way that nothing had ever felt right before.

Maybe that was it! I groaned, letting my head roll back, the snake balancing and supporting himself against the tree while my feet dangled, wrapped up from neck to ankles in his muscled coils. Maybe I had to obey him and everything would come right, everything would be well again then, something that would make me feel good, be right, please him...

I didn't question where the thoughts were coming from, although all would be revealed in time on that count, breathing heavily in short, shallow breaths than came with a frantic air to them, the snake nuzzling me,]his dark tongue flickering out over my cheek as he tasted me. I knew he could do anything he wanted to me and I loved it, the releasing of control, knowing and trusting that Kaa, wherever he had come from, would do everything and anything for me too.

"Sssuck my ssshaft," Kaa hissed, nose pressed to mine, though he must have known that I couldn't do that in such a position. "Nice and deep now, sssmall one."

That was a strange question but I could not say no: I wanted it too. In that moment, it seemed like the best thing in the whole wide world that I could possibly do, licking my lips and parting them obediently. Kaa's coils tightened around me, a shade of rough scales where, perhaps, he would shortly be due to shed, catching my skin, though it was not going to stop me as he readjusted himself, the massive bulk and length of him easily allowing him to bring the slit that held his shaft to my lips. For he would watch closely as I obeyed and I shivered to be so on display, panting lightly, eyes intent.

I would please him!

The tip peeked out, soft and fleshy, and I hungrily took that tapered shaft into my mouth even as it pushed out. It was not as if I had any choice in the matter either as Kaa thrust and ground, rolling and undulating his coils lightly to complete the motion, relishing in it as a groan rose from my lips. Of course, he muffled any further cries that I may or may not have made with a particularly well-timed jab of his cock, cramming it demandingly up into the back of my throat, letting me taste his wonderful pre-cum for only an instant as it slithered down the back of my throat just as the snake slithered through the jungle.

"Yesss..." Kaa hissed, eyes dancing, shimmering, coaxing me in, making me look deeper, the rings growing more and more aggressive. "Give in to it... Take my ssshaft deep!"

And, oh, how I would, suckling it hard even though I did not remember taking another cock into my mouth before Kaa, the ways of the jungle familiar and yet foreign to me. Past memories lingered and slipped away, faded as if I could remember them if only I tried hard enough, even though the snake made me want to forget them entirely. It was better to press my lips tightly around his cock, keeping my teeth, however blunt they were in the nature of the jungle, away from his vulnerable length, my saliva lubricating the way. I liked it there, warm and comfortable, toes flexing and curling as if to contain a rising pleasure that, right then, I could not have understood.

My tongue pressed up eagerly to the underside of his cock, swirling around the tip when I pulled back, but it was so very tempting to bob my head down again, needing that cock more than I understood. Nothing made sense but it did not have to make sense as I moaned, the snake's coils tensing as I pleased him, letting me know just what felt good even without telling me explicitly. And I needed that too, needed to know just how to better please him, to be good for him. After all, it felt good to do what I was told and doing a better job surely would mean that I'd feel even better too. It was the only logic that my lust-addled mind wanted to follow in the passion of the moment and I groaned desperately around his cock, sucking him deep and long.

His coils tightened and pulsed around me, muscles working, squeezing me so tightly that, at times, I could barely breathe, but I knew he would not hurt me. It was a play on control and, oh, it was so much better for me to not be the one in control, to be obedient, wanting him, drooling for him, my saliva coating his slick shaft so that it slid more easily into my mouth. Kaa was even good enough to me to grind into my mouth, helping me take his huge dick to the base, slurping and suckling on it as if it was nothing less than the finest, most succulent fruit.

I must have done something right as the snake stiffened as much as was possible, squeezing down around me hard as he shot his load into my mouth, my gag reflex overworked, trying to swallow and swallow and take everything he had to offer. Most of it slipped down my throat but creamy trickles oozed out the corners of my lips, marking me as his, my heart pounding, skin flushed, ears roaring with a din that I could not, even then, recognised. But I was right where I needed to be.

"Hmmm..." Kaa shuddered and released his tight grip on me with a shudder, though he did not let me out from his coils entirely, which was just what I wanted. "Isss it not ssso good to do what you're told, Mowgli?"

I grinned widely, showing off the cum left on my face, his cock slipping free as he allowed me to speak.

"Yes!" I practically shouted, heart pounding even after the deed was done, my arousal up and cock hard. "It's so good... I didn't know, I really didn't know how good it would feel!"

Kaa smiled softly, dipping his head.

"Good... Now, take off your loincloth."

I did so immediately, Kaa releasing my lower half so that I could do so, though I did not want to be that far from him, safe in his coils. My shaft was exposed in all its hardness and the serpent surveyed it with a cursory nudge, seeming interested in my balls too, the sack of flesh that cradled them lightly, keeping them safe from harm.

"Your ssshaft isssn't anything ssspecial but thisss..."

He slithered around, nudging my arse, tongue flickering out in a wet slap across my flesh that had me moaning instantly, grinding and humping the air even though I had nothing to push into.

Ohhh... Why did that feel so good?

"Thisss looksss like it could take a good pounding though," Kaa mused, eyes shimmering, dancing, drawing me in once more, back where I belonged. "Do you think it could, Mowgli? Are you going to be good for me?"

The answer was on my lips before he'd even finished speaking, the one word that I wanted to give him over and over again.


For I wanted it, wanted that cock, my hole empty and wanting more. I hadn't been fucked before and, oh, I needed it, needed that cock, my eyes on Kaa's shaft where it had not yet receded, perhaps the snake holding it out there for my attention. Was there more I could do for him? I squirmed in his coils, suddenly desperate. Oh, I had to do something, I had to please him!

Kaa chuckled throatily, though it came out as a rasping, roiling hiss that made my heart leap seductively.

"Easssy now... You'll have your fill, but it won't be pounded by me, no... No, not for your firssst. You need sssomething even bigger, 'little man of the village', don't you?"

What did that mean? I didn't know, only saw his cock, whimpering and fighting, desperate though I could not have honestly said quite why. But the voice that followed would explain all of that to me quite easily.

"Well done, Kaa. But don't forget our deal..." A familiar voice rumbled.

"Of coursssse not, Baggy. Lisssten well, manling. I'm not the only one you sssshould lisssten're going to give Bagheera everything he wantsss tonight."

Bagheera scowled and yet still could not resist a feline stretch, though his eyes strictly conveyed his displeasure. I flinched, heat rushing to my cheeks, but I still wanted to obey, something lingering in me even as Kaa released me from his coils, though I wanted to stay there, with him. Yet the snake had to be obeyed as he nodded to me and I knew it was alright, that he was letting me go, that I could do as Bagheera wanted, if only for the moment.

"Come to the base of the tree, boy. It's time you repaid all the trouble I've had with you..."

Grinning, I nodded eagerly.

The base of the tree beckoned and I scampered down it with my cock out, softening only a little from the physical activity, my blood up and pumping through my veins like it never had before. Leaves scattered around me and I laughed as I leapt recklessly for the jungle floor, a leap of faith that should only have been undertaken in the years of my youth for how daring it was.

Bagheera, however, was far from impressed as he waited impatiently, the flick and curl of his tail denoting that far more clearly than even his furiously quivering whiskers. Yet not even I could have anticipated just what that finicky feline had in mind as he leaned all the way back, completely abruptly, against the trunk with my cock still bobbing there, his own rising from his sheath as if he had merely been waiting all along for my very particular kind of attention.

I caught my breath, eyes locked onto that cock. It was all I could see and, just like with Kaa, I was drawn for it as if, all of a sudden, there was nothing else for me in the whole world, a spire of hungry meat that I had to take for my own. But Bagheera's tail lashed as if in annoyance, his stance rigid and out of character with his spear jutting up, as he growled, lips rippling with the sound.

"From now on, you ride me the way I want you to ride me. Now come here."

I moved without thinking - it was right, it had to be right. Kaa had said, after all, that I looked like my arse could take a good pounding and maybe that was what Bagheera wanted to test out now? I was not thinking straight, lust ruling my mind, my cock throbbing back up to full attention even as my eyes locked onto that tantalising spire of feline shaft. I'd seen it before, of course, but I was not destined to admire it for long that time as I sank down, his shaft finding my anal ring and pushing in.

"You feel good..." Bagheera purred, almost as if he'd caught himself by surprise. "So tight... Mm... I've never had a hole like yours."

Kaa's eyes gleamed from higher up in the tree, watching and waiting.

"He'll take plenty..."

The panther grunted, eyeing me up.

"I'm sure... Who knew a man could be a good hole to fill?"

It was exquisite, more so than I ever could have imagined. With a loud moan, I rose and fell on his cock, working at grinding every last bit of inside me, fat and meaty, desperate to cum. My own shaft bobbed before me but I was barely even thinking about that as Kaa watched on from higher up in the tree, the panther before me hissing and twisting his head, claws out and ready to be used.

"Harder!" He snarled ferociously, jaws parted so close to my face that I could smell his hot breath. "Do it!"

He was not eloquent and that should have been a warning sign to me as he made me do the work, work that I was, of course, happy to do. It felt right to fuck him, to do the work of him fucking me, bouncing on his cock, taking it deep.

"Good to see you're finally listening," Bagheera rasped. "All the way down..."

I had to obey, need taking over. That cock spread me open and powered in hard and fast, my thighs burning as I worked and worked to please him, lips parted for a long, low moan. This time, there was nothing to silence me like Kaa's cock and they would have to bear through my cries of pleasure, chest lifting as I leaned back, an arch in the small of my back even as I clung to the panther, his soft fur fresh and tongue-bathed, tickling my fingers and palms.

"Harder, little man," Bagheera hissed, eyes intent. "Maybe this is why you didn't want to go to the village..."

Maybe that was true but it didn't seem to matter anymore, Kaa's hissing laugh slithering down from above.

"He can take more than that, promissse..."

Bagheera chuffed a laugh, my rising and falling stuttering, muscles screaming for rest.

"Yes... Maybe so. He is eager for it now."

They talked about me as if I was not there as I sagged, too weak to go again after spending time with Kaa, and moaned as those coils slipped around me once more, at the very least steadying my balance, letting me focus on rising and falling, bouncing on that cock as if it was the only thing left that matter. And those scales felt too good to lean into too, slipping and sliding around me as if they were always in some state of constant motion, the snake's head on my shoulder, keenly watching the show while Bagheera twisted and growled, tongue lashing his lips in a pink swipe.

"You enjoy being fucked," Kaa rumbled in my ear, his throat twitching as the sound carried itself up. "Ssso much... You can get fucked a lot more out there... In the man-village, you know, Mowgli. Ssso many of my friendsss there?"

What was that? It was hard to focus, sweating and grunting with the physical exertion, my cock hard and wanting - and yet it was them that I had to concentrate on, them that I had to please as Kaa's eyes swirled and swirled and swirled, drawing me down into his sweet coils.

"You want it, don't you?" He coaxed and wheedled, a cock teasing against my buttocks in such a way that my heart turned over in the best of ways. "You will want to be fucked, to have sssex with ssso many. You don't want to misss out now, do you, Mowgli?"


I couldn't believe it - was I really saying that? But it sounds so good to keep on getting fucked with a cock in my arse already, bouncing and grinding, Bagheera snarling as even he struggled to contain himself. He needed to cum and I needed to make so many others cum too, pleasing them, making them feel as good as they made me feel. Wasn't that the right thing to do?

Kaa's shaft ground into my backside and I groaned open-mouthed, leaning back into him even as he helped me grind down on the panther's cock for my first time, panting heavily.

"You'll be a ssslut for them, Mowgli," he hissed soothingly, the tip of his tail tickling the vulnerable curve of my throat. "You'll want it all, sssooo very much. Doesn't that sssound good, Mowgli!"


Yes, yes, yes! I wanted it all, to go there, to the man-village, no thought of turning back away from my destiny even crossing my mind. I needed to go, needed to meet the men, needed to do all they needed, even if I did not understand, in all honesty, where the urge had come from. That did not matter, nothing at all mattered any more, all I cared about being whose cock I got to suck or fuck next, a willing hole... A slut just like Kaa said I was.

The snake's eyes glowed as if he was proud, perhaps even pleased, and I howled wantonly as Bagheera's cock throbbed inside me, wanting more, on the edge even as I rode him all the more fervently, Kaa's coils tightening around me.

"You're my ssslave now," he hissed, eyes glimmering tantalisingly, pools that I wanted to dive into even then. "Alwaysss. The men will want you, you'll be so proud of what your arssse can take, everything they'll ssshove into you. You'll be a ssslut for them and a ssslave for me... And ssso it ssshall alwaysss be."

I didn't know it then but I was in Kaa's hold well and truly, groaning as Bagheera yowled and, finally, climaxed inside me, pumping me full of his load as his furry nuts twitched and quivered. The softness of his small sheath pressed up to the bud of my furiously stretched and strained hole and I flushed hot through with pride, thinking of the size of that cock, all that I had taken, all the men that would fuck me too, their little slut while the snake, as always and forever, was the master I was devoted to. Lost...but in the very best of ways.

As I slid off the panther's cock, the world around me seemed to clear and lift and I felt lighter again, even though I didn't know that I had been heavy at all. Had I been asleep? Oh, what was that Bagheera like letting me doze off when there were things to be done?

Of course, my cock was still out and I closed my hand around it, giving it a slow, languid pump as my head fell back, a moan drifting from my lips as if it had only been waiting to be released. The snake slithered free, the two of them watching me as if waiting for something, Bagheera's head ever so slightly lowered. But I wasn't about to ask why that was.

"Now, be awake," Kaa hissed.

"Awake? I am awake!"

Laughing, I turned in a circle, arms out, my anal passage aching from the cock, though I could not have been prouder. How had I even taken a cock that large? I needed to go there, needed to show everything what I could take! What about Kaa too?

"You must be exhausted, man-cub..." Bagheera sneered.

"I'm not a cub!" I protested, standing up tall and proud to demonstrate. "And I am not tired! I can still take more tonight!"

I had to do it and I had bent over before my mind actively caught up with what my body was doing, showing off my drooling hole to the serpent as Kaa hissed out a laugh, head bobbing back and forth, eyes dancing.

"You can have me too," I boasted loudly, not caring who else was there to hear me. "My arse can take anyone - anyone at all! You can have me any time you want me!"

Bagheera's tail flicked but I could not read his expression. "You'll be much happier in the village, man-ling... I'll look forward to...visiting you."

"Ohhh... I will too," Kaa murmured in answer, tail slithering up between my legs to brush my sack, around to the curve of my arse with a sharp, heat-inducing spank. "But there is much to be done tonight firssst of all."

Indeed, the day had grown old and there was little light left as the afternoon slipped into twilight, dimmer light filtering down from the canopy so very high above. But I could do not go, could not do anything without the snake, practically begging him on my knees, the dirt cool against them, wanting him, craving him, those coils...

Those coils wrapped around me again and I screamed in ecstasy, cock spurting madly, the snake's tail driving up into my anal ring, a tail-fuck like nothing I'd ever experienced before. And, oh, how I needed it, the short, savage thrusts that drove into me, claiming more and more of my tight passage with every stroke, crude and desperate, the passion of a beast that only knew how to take without truly giving in return. Maybe, all along, that was what I'd needed but the answer to that question was not one that was ever going to be of all that important to me.

"You'll visssit Bagheera and me often, we'll come to the village to fetch you," he hissed. "I assssssure you!"

That was good... That was very good. Though my head was too dim to delve into it more, my body hot with need. All I needed was Kaa's tail ramming into me, his coils shifting and grinding, tightening around me to the point that there didn't seem to be any part of my body apart from my head that was not encased in his coils. My arms were pinned to my sides and I moaned out long and low, cum spilling over his tail in a lewd stain, panting heavily as he used me as nothing more than a toy in which to spend his load, a quick fuck that he would so very swiftly forget about, I was quite sure of that. But I was his slave and that was all there was for me as the snake dominated me, putting me back in my place well and truly.

Yet all things had to come to an end as he nestled in closer to the base of the tree between the huge, gnarled roots, Bagheera keeping a watchful eye over the both of us, though I could not discern the look in his eye. With darkness closing in around us, the nightlife of the jungle chirped and cooed and called, though it was a soft cacophony that I was used to slipping into slumber with, eyelids growing heavy, Kaa's coils soft around me, like a blanket from the man-village that I'd never ever, not even once, have wanted to cast off.

"Come now, Mowgli," Kaa hissed. "You mussst ressst now, for you go to the man-village in the morning. And, from now on, there ssshall be no touching yourssself while you're there. That'sss only for usss and thossse you'll meet in the village. Do you understand?"

I was nodding without thinking - why would I not? At last, that sounded like the best idea in the world to me. I knew too without anyone saying it that they would be there too, keeping watch over me, using me, and there was nothing else in the jungle I could have wanted more for myself either. Everything had come right in the end.

I'd only had to trust in Kaa.