Outbreak to the Sky

Story by Jubatian on SoFurry

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#5 of Dragons & Wyverns


The wyverns stirred my imagination further resulting in another writing, this time using a conventional medieval setting. Nothing exceptional, just practicing forming stories and some English language grammar, but I hope nothing short of pleasant entertainment either. Except lots of interesting interactions with wyverns in this one!

The wyvern of the story: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1540573

A goal of the world design was trying to set up something plausible, how these large beasts of the sky could coexist with mankind if they were present. There is nothing much beyond: I concentrated on the wyverns, with little effort put in sketching the medieval environment itself which may show. I hope it is passable as entertainment, though!

This story (again) is licensed under either Creative Commons BY-SA (Share Alike) or GNU General Public License version 3 (these are roughly equivalent by intentions, but incompatible), so you can spread it however you wish!

Outbreak to the sky ============================================================================== To know your friends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weightless elation, the soothing cold breeze catching in my hair under a flawless blue sphere, the sky, the world being so small, so distant! Flying, soaring, higher and higher without constraints! Direction losing its meaning, no up, no down anymore in my serene solitude on the edge of eternity where the universe ends, to meet the stars, and keep going towards... A sudden grasp, gasping, falling, I kick out wild, pain, excruciating pain! Blast it, cramp! Again! I hastily gather loose fragments of my mind lost in the dream, concentrate, stretch. My calf is shooting, the bed sheets are nowhere to be seen. So vivid, so real... and waking up again. Tikira, this modest port town of the Mera, a trading hub, is a bare, probably outright boring place to be where nothing seems to ever happen. Our events are the tales of merchants, gossips telling about a world far far away, desperately out of our commonfolk reach. A prospect of eternal plodding on the fields, some small guilds serving the locals, the port, and about that's all. Rumors fly, tales keep teasing, traveling, trading, places called universities of impressive knowledge, sky-high palaces of the extravagant nobility, balls, tournaments, unfathomable riches, knights and... Dragons. Here everything is utilitarian. Even our nobility is straight utilitarian, calculating, carefully planning the purpose for every penny. There is not a single ornament in the rich quarters. You could walk down the main street and feel a slight uneasiness, almost foreboding even under daylight which only gets worse with time. Most don't even live here, just have a parlor, a trading post established in town. The only somewhat welcoming district is the center, the City Hall and the establishments of the council and bureaucracy. There, on the town square, lies the market and the post office. That's the place of our dreams. There is hardly any boy and even girl in the entire city who wouldn't ever dream of becoming a Messenger. That's the place where the dragons land. I still remember the first time my mother brought me there, to dictate a telegraph, that uncommon expensive type of mail when one writes a response at the office to be delivered by nightfall. Those were hard times, that was when she finally divorced my father who left her. Her confused sorrow seeped in me. I didn't understand that then as a young kid, only the mood, that something was not all right since long. We were walking in silence through the gloomy streets towards the Center district. To step out from the alleys, into the open square lined with the Hall and other communal buildings, with the bustling market in the farther end was always relieving, like ascending from a moldy cellar into the sunlight. But that time, that day there was something more there. It was huge. It was alive, a glimmering brass monument, a giant which was laying there. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It wasn't scary, no, it was mesmerizing, magic, a fairy tale which seemed to descend from the sky, an unnatural wonder to blossom from the grounds of dusty reality! The place was bustling with people, something new. There were horses there, packages passed forth and back, officers working, scribes scribing, everyone busy doing something, and I was lost in that swirl, gazing. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Slowly, I stumbled forward, step by step, lumbering, barely standing until suddenly I felt a harsh grip on my shoulder. "Loony brat, stand back!". Then a crass jolt abruptly ended my hazed experience. I wanted to see it again, the live giant. I kept persuading Mother to talk about them, the "brass wyvern" as I could learn, the Messengers, who deliver mail and packages between cities many weeks of land travel apart in a mere day. I clung on her, making her promise to always let me to tag along when she had to send a "telegraph". In retrospect that was a rude thing from my young boy self. I couldn't understand it back then, I hardly had any memory of Father. Maybe I wouldn't even be able to imagine what is it like to have one. He was torturing Mother with that telegraphing. She cried, she wept sometimes even when leaving the Center square, which I failed to notice mesmerized by the dragon. I was terrible. When we were there, I always wanted to get closer, to shut off the swirl of people around, to see him, but I couldn't. Most times, Mother held my hand, worrying about me, knowing how my mind was hazed by the giant's presence. When I could slip out, I was still always blocked, sometimes grabbed by rude hands, once even kicked in the butt which I swear felt for days, but I didn't care. My want to be there overrode every rule of sanity. Sometime later I had to start school. Mother insisted, to be someone, I must learn. Today, I appreciate, however that day, I dreaded it. It meant spending weekdays there, being all pedant, and the weekends out in the fields, helping in tending the crops, and even when there was neither to do, it was homework. It wasn't something to joke about. Those teachers were mean, flogging was the penalty for not having everything done. Among other severe things, it pretty much felt like it was over for watching dragons on the town square. A few months in school however got me some friends, of whom the most important was Jacob for he was also obsessed with Messengers. He knew their schedule, revealing that there are three cities, Drino, Jala and Ursus with which we had regular weekly air mail connection, each on a different day. Mother was dictating telegraphs to Jala, the wyvern from this city and Ursus came with their riders who didn't let people near them. That from Drino however flew without anyone on his back, and so, nobody was there to zealously cut off every attempt of interaction! This information was exhilarating! The only problem was that it was Wednesday, school. Jacob however had that also planned out. So on a nice Wednesday we ended up on the town square near noon obviously with our school stuff as we should have been there. People were already gathering, some horses tied to the posts, bags of mail from nearby towns were passed from officer to officer in preparation for delivery to Drino. Soon, Jacob noticed the wyvern's form on the sky, pointed me towards that to let me see him flying the first time! I was awestruck, couldn't stop watching until with sweeping flaps swirling up a huge cloud of dust he landed. He had a large bag of mail harnessed in front of his chest which was shortly detached, and really nothing else. He came alone. It didn't look unusual to me then since I couldn't recognize the Messengers even before, but it was reassuring to know, at least as Jacob insisted, that nobody would kick my sorry butt then. It was different from before. The magnificent giant helped himself with some water from a barrel, then padded a bit away from the officers who got busy working, and after a gargantuan stretch, laid down on his chest watching people, and as I noticed, even some other kids gathering. First was a man with a boy - oh, wish I had a father! - the man gave a package to his child who shredded it with glee, it was meat, some real meat, my mouth watered! The boy however held it up high with a smile, the gigantic glimmering head coming down over him, barely opening the jaws, taking the gift with utmost care. The father patted the cheeks, before with a delighted motion the giant sprung his neck back to let the tiny offer slide away with a few ceremonial tongue flicks. The ritual continued, many brought similar small pieces of food, and he took every one of those showing his appreciation in various manners, not so grand like the first was, but still very much pleased, letting people to touch, to pat him. My mind gone numb to all this impression. All that food, and all this huge dragon, just out of reach! I grabbed my friend's hand, and demanded whether we could get nearer, whether he would let us without a gift! To my abashment, Jacob pulled out a package from his school bag. He could get meat somehow! It was amazing. I was shivering to the thought what this meant, that we now could... That we now could walk over there, towards, under that towering brass head, and he would accept! I could barely place my feet, to force myself walk, shaken. I still vividly remember how Jacob held out his offer there, to the giant, coming down over us, those yellow slit-eyes of the size of mugs, the jaw wider than our chest which barely opened to clench on the meat which could have been a meal for me, but a morsel for him! Then the tips of the forked tongue jutted out, and it vanished like if never were. Then, as he tasted and swallowed with eyelids narrowed, pleased, he licked me! It was maybe accidental, but there it was too much for my weak, shaken overimpulsed mind. The last thing I remember his arm-thick slimy warm tongue pressing tight to my face before everything went dark. Jacob told me later that I passed out flat, and he had some trouble explaining what happened while the poor wyvern was carefully nudging me in confusion. So, I didn't manage to touch a dragon then. Rather, I was touched by one, for real. Of course, reprehension had to came, manifesting itself in excruciatingly throbbing red streaks lining my hopelessly stiffened back, which even if I could have any hope that my instructors wouldn't report, would give me away anywhere for I could barely even walk. It wasn't the worst of all. The worst came at home. I realized how terribly I wronged Mother with this little adventure of mine. I couldn't know then what the harshness of life meant, growing up being some hazy distant prospect still shrouded with dreams of traveling, exploring unknown worlds meeting knights and dragons, but then, I could feel something terrible, something very wrong forming a lump in my throat. My uneasiness was only stirred further when I came to realize that Jacob didn't get the same enlightening treatment like me, while he was just there the same way. It wasn't right, not like I wished him to suffer that, but my sense of justice yelled out its protests somewhere deep down. I came to realize the world is maybe not that simple I thought until then. I resolved to be right, to study hard, and kept that resolution despite how the memory of the Drino Messenger kept returning, despite how my friend kept teasing me in hopes for another such adventure. I didn't sway. It was hard. We used every holiday which happened to fall on Wednesday to visit the wyvern, Jacob always having a treat to offer. A few years later school got a bit less stringent, giving a few allowances in every semester which we could use as long as we could demonstrate later that we learned the missed lessons. Of course with us, those all happened to be taken out at Wednesday noons. It always went in the same way. Usually when we arrived, he already rested, the initial rush over, only some people watching him in silence, a few grooming him, and children playing by his huge wings. Jacob approached first with his gift which he always took with the same pleasant delight ceremonially expressing it with a few tongue flicks licking his chops, then we stayed, just enjoying his magnificence, dreaming of a future flying. As time passed, however, our friendship seemed to erode. Jacob came to have a slightly haughty attitude which I got to feel even among us. Then, one day, about time for an allowance, he told me he wants to go alone. He refused to explain why, but promised he would give me a treat for my time, which he kept. So the first time came when I was alone, the packaged meat in my bag, it even crossed my mind whether I should take it home, whether it would be the right thing to do instead of pursuing my dream. I dismissed that, I simply felt I couldn't bear canceling the opportunity. The giant's head so descended upon me then, my hands, carefully pulling away the offer. I was astounded to feel no yanking, not even the slightest force, just a very gentle pull as I let it slide away. He meticulously tasted with nearly closed eyes, the tongue jutting out for a few licks. I watched him in revered silence, slowly letting my arms descend, an undulating of his dewlap telling he swallowed. Then, all of sudden, I felt the warm slimy tongue pressing against my face! It was over in strange short moment leaving me bewildered, his muzzle now hovering very close. Unsure, I carefully raised my hands, placing a palm between his nostrils, gently stroking him. It was something unusual. Before it was like he appreciated my grooming just like everyone else's who approached him, but now he turned his attention specifically to me! I felt my very essence melting, a dragon acknowledging my very presence, for a moment lifting me from the crowd! I felt the smooth surface, the softness under his jaws, the texture of the scales while he slowly allowed his head to descend, straightening the arch of his neck, raising the three rows of ornamental spikes over the spine. I found myself standing just behind his jaws, my hands just sliding in the recess where they ended. He however twisted to turn the top of his head towards me, shaking a bit. I understood he wishes me to find a spot. I reached for his ridge, pushing my hands in, under the three spikes wider than my palm each adorning his head, trying to feel, thinking he probably can't even reach there by himself. My thought was right, as I started massaging him there, content, he laid flat on the ground, eyes shut in pleasure. It felt so rewarding, warmth engulfing my being to realize I can make this connection, how he likes it! I was barely aware of where I was, the bustling town square with all the people. A pat on my shoulder shook me up. It came from a slender, tall man I didn't recognize, startling me, and also the Messenger. With a gesture, he reached out for the wyvern's muzzle, gently resting his palm on the side, slowly stroking down to the dewlap, working his fingers behind the jaws, until the delighted giant finally came to rest between us. He started to talk, in a silent, maybe even a bit hazed voice. "There is... something I hadn't seen since... You will... Let me tell you some...". He grabbed my hand, carefully leading it back under a spike, while he meticulously gave brief massages one by one for each. "This is the most important for she can't access here. Feel, cure if necessary and she will be grateful". With a sudden move, he rolled himself across the thick neck to my side, to my surprise, not even causing the dragon twitch. One hand still under the ridge, he slid the other down to stroke gently, but firmly pressing in the flesh, the underside. "Most like it, and it helps if you need to give her something uneasy". I could notice the motions of a swallow. "Start at the dewlap, helping it slide down, careful". Then, he turned towards the shoulders raising almost higher than his chest, feeling the enormous muscles. "You can only scratch the surface, do it with strength, but with care to soothe". He continued to the upper arm under the cover of the wing. "Massage, relieve her after a hard flight which she will appreciate". He kept working down the lower arm, reaching the hand, where he grabbed the black striped needle to expand the front web. "She likes to rest on her back, sprawled out, then be careful to never step on her wings". He drew his finger over a dark vein slightly bulging out from the surface. "Much stronger than a sail, yet they are sensitive. Treat them with a soft brush, but don't forget ticks". He led me back by the wings folding to the sides of the body, keeping a hand sliding on the wyvern's features. "When turned over, she likes long belly rubs, but be careful... going too much down may be embarrassing... dangerous. Check those areas with caution only as necessary". We passed the hind legs, his hand still stroking, now over the tail's spine until hitting the limp fin's first spike. "She is very mild, but usually, be cautious here. Let her be aware of your presence or you may be hurt badly". He grabbed the spike near its top, pulling it to form a wall of almost a man's height. "Clean with the same soft brush in need, all three. Don't do it more than necessary unless she shows appreciation". With that, he gently lowered it, finishing with a few firm pats above the base. I indulged his words and motions in awe, how he knew all that! We returned to the front, the Messenger already occupied with two young kids patting and stroking his snout, so we politely rather sat a bit away, just watching. The man's face was pale, featureless, gazing in the distance, out of this world. I couldn't read his feelings. It occurred me how he referred the Messenger as a "she", yet we knew he was male, another mystery of this bizarre outlandish man. Soon, the Drino mail was assembled, the wyvern, knowing his duty, cautiously to not hurt anyone around him, raised, and with slow, careful motions returned to his bag with a brief stop at the water barrel. It was always amazing to see him, a giant dragon, cooperating this way, like if it was all natural. The harness secured, he aimed for the take-off run, a peculiar sight as all the people fled away from his line, pulling away and grabbing little children for their safety. The Messenger always waited patiently showing his intention until every motion ceased, his path was clear. Then, with a few massive strides kicking dusty clouds in the air, he leaped for it, spreading his expansive wings for a powerful sweeping flap to leave us. He flew, we stood there in awe, dreaming... Tears were running down the man's cheeks. I had never seen him anymore. A month later Jacob agreed to take his allowance with me, so we visited the Messenger together. I didn't mention the bizarre man to him, still feeling betrayed by his act, even though that all likely wouldn't have happened if he didn't insist on parting. It went all like before, Jacob offered the treat which the wyvern accepted with delightful tasting, then we both stroked his muzzle, and continued as usual with grooming for a few minutes. Then, however, likely remembering me, he twisted his head to push his ridge against my chest. Understanding, I gladly tucked my palms under the bases of the adornments to give him a good massage. I only realized Jacob's presence a few seconds later who was on the other side, and called for him, so I could show, explaining how we should ease him on these spots he can't treat for himself. He stayed silent about it, but that was the last time we went there together. Next, he simply requested me to stay back a week, again promising a treat. I couldn't get to know why, but when my time came, he demanded me to pay for it. It was rude. He acknowledged that he did, but reasoned he didn't say that it was for free. Obviously I didn't have the money, so finally I had to bargain it in exchange for some homeworks. I was betrayed, it felt like he trampled my dignity with this despicable act, persuading me to do this! Homeworks, even! But I needed it! He managed to ruin it for me, filling my mind with all this. He could at least have told about it a day before, but no, he had to shove it in my face on that very Wednesday just before my leave! I felt crippled, mauled when I got there, standing before the Messenger with that tainted offer! He took it from my hands with the same care, but shown nothing, just looking down on me, slowly swallowing without any gleeful tongue flick. He descended close, barely, gently stroking my face with his cheek, sympathy I felt, raising a bit my sullen mood. Laying flat, he raised his ridge in anticipation. It was good, reaching under the spikes, feeling the warmth of his body as my fingers pushed in his flesh, it could let my thoughts drift away, to soothe the pain. I was relieved. Begrudgingly I did the excess homework, late into weekend nights for I was also needed for cropping, consuming a lot of candle wax, worrying Mother whether I did anything wrong in school. I really didn't want to tell, but I was also felt much revulsion about bending the truth, especially for her, especially about this loathsome situation. I settled for admitting I needed practicing maths, which probably wasn't even untrue. Next occasion I asked Jacob in advance. With that homework affair, he managed to achieve that now even I didn't want to get my allowance with him. He insisted that the same deal may still stand, good enough for me, at least the school work was something I could do and so could bargain with. He however betrayed me again. Again on Wednesday, over the package, he turned haughty, demanding money in addition to the previous term. It was enough. I threw the desk over him so he can screw it all. So went my allowance, revoked for the fight I caused. My sense of justice was in revolt. A month passed in foul silence as two severe things dawned on me. For one, it was pretty clear everything was over with that supercilious bastard. Honestly, it didn't touch me all that much. The other was the worse, the realization that he had access to meat while now I was hopeless. No treat. No dragon. I felt my world, my dreams shattering. The very first Wednesday when I could finally use an allowance however still found me on the town square despite my empty bag. The landing, the swirl of the officers tending the mail, the welcome of the Messenger felt so distant. I was there, but I felt like a thick wall hopelessly separating me from that world. A lump formed in my throat to the sight of those people, all having something to offer, while I could only stand there watching hopeless. After a quarter hour the bustling abated, just a few people lingering around the pleased resting giant now out of my reach. I so wished to approach, but there was nothing I could offer. It crushed my mind, so it was really over. I thought to return school before my despair just got even worse. However, suddenly I noticed the Messenger looking right at me! He shook his head slightly, emphasizing, as I felt, calling me! I suddenly got scared, first time in the presence of a wyvern, realizing that then I definitely couldn't leave, but neither had anything fitting for him as a gift! Nothing I could do but approach, head low, slow, my palms open. I wished to humble myself before him, the majestic dragon, to show how sorry I am for my incapability, but even then I couldn't imagine normal etiquette being of any use there. He looked down on me, tongue slightly jutting out for my empty hands, then a bit sideways, he spotted my school bag, poking his muzzle towards it. What else I could do, I politely removed it, and shook its contents out. My ruler, a few quills, a bottle of ink, two folders of exercise sheets plopped in the dirt along with a pitiful piece of bread and a few thin streaks of dried bacon wrapped in a cloth, my would-be lunch. The large head descended, observant, tongue flicking over my stuff until he seemingly found that lousy package. Worried, I crouched down to lift and unwrap it. His interest raised as he lashed at it, but didn't attempt to take. I discarded the cloth, squeezing together the loaf and the morsels of meat, to hold it up. Only then he opened his jaws to a narrow slit to advance. He was very gentle, he didn't even pull or bite, just waited for me to push my miserable little gift in the silt, only pulling back and closing it when my hands were away. Then, with a huge spring, he threw his head back to let it slide down in such a ceremony of delightful licks of his chops and swallowing like it was an entire modest gazelle! My spirit raised, I felt so touched by his display of affection, how he purposefully found a way to accept me! It elated me, a gust of freedom engulfing my mind, I lingered in a hazy mist of happiness as I gave his entire ridge a good throughout massage. I so felt seeing not just a magnificent dragon, but a true friend in him on that day! The benefits of knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My final year in school passed without memorable events, the days sailed away always the same, the boring trudge of life in gloomy old Tikira, only to be flavored with the occasional celebrations, and for me, of course, the occasional meets with the Drino Messenger who kept accepting and appreciating my presence despite those miserable tasteless morsels I could offer him. He was a beacon for me, something to live for, a living manifestation of my dreams of distances only falling farther and farther out of my reach as discovering the merciless moor of reality bogging down the commonfolk opened my eyes. Flying, dragons were for the nobility and the chosen. It wasn't exactly impossible to just acquire a brass chick from an open market, however the lowest rumored price of a hundred thousands was far far beyond our wildest dreams. Not even a lifetime of plodding could earn that much money! If you already had a dragon, you were a hero practically with free pass into Messenger, the Army, and even some of the richest palaces and beds. But how could one ever get there! Worse, the realization that I might not even get as far as leaving Tikira without committing myself to a duty and contract tortured my mind. I had no connections, so my chances to get something acceptable were bleak. One could travel free if only he was a proficient hunter and Protector who were frequently welcomed by small caravans. I didn't have such qualities. I dreaded of my future, locked up in one of those somber featureless trade buildings of the main street to spend my years as an accountant. Better than plodding on the fields, I guessed, but still a gloomy perspective. Graduation came over me lost in these hapless thought of my future. It couldn't elate me that my marks were perfect, nearly the best in class. I took the compliments with feigned pleasure, for the formalities, wearing me tired. There was to be a celebration, a trip through the taverns into the hazy land of intoxication of which I sneaked away as soon as most grew too woozy to care about anything. I dropped in my bed in disbelief, barely fathoming that an important chapter of my life ended that day. For a week nothing much happened, I helped Mother with her work while pondering on what I could do for my living, looking around a bit in the city as well for possibilities. Then, one evening a postman rode to our home bringing a short notice. We welcomed him with worries as usually such weren't of any good, however this case it turned out rather interesting. It was for me, from Arne Murai's small forestry and sawmill at the very outskirts, in the woods, requesting specifically my attendance for a discussion. Mother knew about the family, they had a reputation of being strange, but honest people, entrepreneurs, above the common class as the righteous owners of their home and elaborate machinery, with contracts for many hectares of forest by the Mera. I came to wonder what it is all alike for I had never seen them. The note thankfully also set the date, and the lumber wagon which was to carry me. I wouldn't have thought it will be so far, we rattled along for an hour before the teamster pointed me towards a very peculiar sight. We were approaching a dense forest, and deeper in, almost with an impression of hovering on thin air, a towering windmill stood, the blades slowly turning. It almost felt like a residence of a wizard coming right out from a fairy tale! The sight elated me, I had never seen something so unusual, so intriguing in architecture before, grown up accustomed to the gloomy streets of the city. It was sure something eccentric! The growing trees however soon concealed this sight, covering above us as the massive draft horses steadily pulled our wagon deeper in. For a half hour we could enjoy the soothing shades until the road cleared again to reveal the residence. A small hill dominated the clearing, on which the tall windmill stood surrounded by a few sheds, large piles of logs and processed wood, people busy working, clearly the sawmill. The road forked, one path leading up there, another winding away, around. We stopped and soon a rider trotted down to meet us. "Welcome on my ranch! You are Daniel Thorton, I presume?" I bowed, "I am, at your service". He told a few instructions to the teamster, then gestured me to follow him, taking the path around the mill. On the way we just exchanged a few formalities, weather, family, then drifting a bit towards city politics, seemingly testing a bit my knowledge of history. Our path ended at a modest mansion, mostly constructed of wood with a few other buildings around, notably a stable. After passing the horse to a groom, he invited me in, to the hall, where, after acquainting me to his wife, he revealed the purpose of this attendance. He explained a few bits on the sawmill, how the cutting operations worked, how the wood is managed, prepared and processed, the products, and how they are sold on the market, how tax is managed, even mentioning the port, cargo departing for other cities. He also noted hunting permits, how they are accounted and what happens to the meat and skins. I felt a bit swamped by all the information, wouldn't have thought that there are this many things to consider. "You see, it is a fairly elaborate operation. I am doing most of the accounting myself, and it bogs me down. Sometimes my cutters even cut and deliver the wrong trees for I have no time to investigate everything. I could really use a good scribe and accountant who could also help me on the field in need, the more proficient the better." I politely asked why he selected especially me for this offer. "This is not a place for feeble city folk, and they neither would go out here. It is a rarity someone from your class gets in school and finishes it, you should be grateful for your mother's effort. You know what physical work is, and I hope you aren't afraid of the few dangers of the forest. Don't worry, I have men to tutor you in your tasks, so you will come to know them in time." It began to really interest me, all those years coming to be useful, and not in that dreaded city as I imagined! Expressing my appreciation for selecting me, I asked for the contract, which he promptly provided on paper, presumably worded by his own meticulously tidy writing. It was concise and comprehensive, listing my tasks which varied, noting tutoring, my responsibilities, then going on to living quarters, allowances, provisions and salary, a real salary of hard cash among the foodstuff and other articles. I asked about a few elements, of which two were notable: a monthly hunting permit for fowl, and a four years time. "You should better learn archery, it is a useful skill on the field. There is a small training ground behind the stables and a few spare bows and practice arrows within, you will also meet people who can help with that. You will appreciate the permits later. I require four years so your tutoring will pay off. No more for this is not slavery, of course if you serve well and like, you are free to stay then." I came to like this man, he was straight and fair with his terms, so after the discussion, I agreed without hesitation, signing the contract which he sealed, passing me a copy as proof for my part. The oncoming months proved to be really though, always busy working, always necessitating many things to learn, to be accustomed to. I was passed back and forth between the mill and the mansion, the morning could find me tallying logs and products of various types of wood, occasionally jumping in at the saw, the afternoon in the stables sorting out hay, tending for the horses while accounting every little detail, even such mundane things like manure. After all, that was also a product which could be sold. It was hard, but interesting, and with time, I came to understand. Wind was a key, it determined how well the mill could perform, and so every task was scheduled to utilize it as best as possible. When it was strong, everyone capable was at the saw, the largest logs being cut up in planks to get as much of this done as possible until it lasted. On calm days, most people were directed out to the woods for cutting, lumber wagons went and came, stocking up unprocessed wood by the mill. Those days occasionally there was time for some slacking, which of course could also be put to good uses, my case learning archery. The forester, Caron came to my help in that, explaining the basics, selecting me a bow suitable for practicing. It put me a bit off that even this proved to be not so simple I imagined, as he described how I need to work my muscles to become able to handle a real hunting bow with ease. More so when my first arrow landed flat on the ground right before the target affixed to a bale of hay. Soon however I got the hang of it, learning to anticipate the fall of the arrow, the effect of wind, how I needed to adjust my aim. It was fun, even more so when we set out for small archery competitions with some of the workers who enjoyed this pastime. I had monthly one day and night allowance which I could use to visit the city, my mother. Of course I tried to organize those to be on Wednesday even if it demanded me to walk, a good three hours, so I could also keep on meeting the Drino Messenger. It was also the first time I could go in the market with some real own money in my pouch. It wasn't much, but I felt rich, just for the thought that it was solely myself who was to decide what to spend it on. There was nothing pressing, I even had a good streak of bacon saved from my salary to have for the wyvern as gift. So I plunged in the small town of tents and stands eager to observe, to discover, to see what they could offer at last! To my dismay it didn't last for my pouch was thin and the wares were expensive. I noted a blade merchant's stand with fine steel knives for later, acknowledged that quality hunting bows and quivers demand saving up for a few months, and finally resorted to rather buy some fruits and salami for Mother which were rare on our table. Wandering around I eventually ran into something which filled me with slight revulsion. It was a stand offering lousy cheap ground meat packages, with the lofty title "Wyvern treats", nearing noon, it experienced some traffic. I felt something shattering in me. How those people could buy this crap as an offer to him! I gulped my feelings down, and thought about my streak of bacon which I meticulously saved up by cutting little bits of my own meals. Eventually he also came, the glimmering brass giant descending from the sky as always during the past countless years. The officers removed his mailbag to start their work, he briefly visited the barrel for a drink, then after a stretch, laid down on his chest, to meet the townsfolk. I would have been so elated to finally greet him with some real gift of mine unless that "Wyvern treats" stand wouldn't ruin it for me. I couldn't stop thinking about how probably most of those lining up for him offered that rinky-dink crap. Where the hell they put their dignity? Waiting for the initial rush to abate, I came forth with my own offer, my first earned with my hands, my work. I could have been so proud then, however I rather felt sad. He again, as almost always, seemed to sympathize with my mental state, accepting my gift without making a huge ceremony about it, just watching with those big yellow eyes of his. After some strokes on the muzzle, he offered his ridge to relax stretched out under my massaging treatment. As I grew older, the miracles of the world seemed to vanish, trampled over by the rudeness of reality. I was schooled, I understood language while he, no matter how magnificent gigantic dragon he was, didn't have these qualities. He might well taste the difference, and I believe he did, however these people were still tricking him. Someone was making foul money over his tolerance, and the rest just assisted in this by falling for it, being easy cheap, buying that crap to offer him. They didn't care, they probably didn't respect the Messenger, his very being, just wanting to have a spiffy dragon encounter without many sacrifices. I felt sorry for him. As I got familiar with life at the sawmill, my duties, possibilities started to unfold. Arne suggested me learning to ride so I could follow Caron into the woods, helping him with selecting trees for cutting and supervising operations. Caron didn't have schooling, and while he coarsely learned to read and write, his skills were shaky. So a few months later, after being acquainted to a mellow mare, occasional trips into the forest were also added to my profile. With that came many things. For the most important, the dangers, to be wary of predators: lions and even more so leopards in thicker regions, but even those were a mere fraction along with elephants and rhinos, and by the Mera, hippopotamus and crocodiles, not to mention the many species of venomous snakes and, crazy it may sound but true, bees. Unknowingly disturbing hives during cutting caused a few serious cases of stings and even a death in the past decade. We, however weren't that exposed to those on horseback with our bows, so also could have more freedom in indulging the splendor, the wonders of the forest, occasionally seeing the animals, mostly species of antelopes, warthogs, hare, francolins and guineafowl. Caron noted that the hunting permit in my contract was good for the latter, so I could put my archery skill to use, then the chef could tutor me how to prepare it proper. I liked how my duties diversified, it was interesting and educating: I could see in the operation of the sawmill, getting coarse image on even the machinery's construction, while I occasionally tended for horses, practiced archery, got to understand some principles of forestry, types of wood, and with being out, even gaining knowledge on the species of animals living in this region and some of their uses. An interesting discovery in this regard was the case of the two large nile monitors roaming free around the mansion: I thought them being simply pets of Arne, fitting his eccentric style, however they had a very important purpose: they killed venomous snakes. Later as I got confident with riding, Arne also started to add some delivery tasks, things which couldn't be done by people not familiar with numbers, accounting, reasonable bargaining. One of the firsts were bringing two circular saws to the smith for sharpening, agreeing on the price, however later mostly it was mail. The postal service only collected within the city, so someone had to bring it in from here. He noticed how I prefer to meet the Messenger and, a quite generous deed from him, he later always asked me to deliver the Drino mail, occasionally even suggesting me to take something from his stock for the wyvern as gift, once, when a wagon just made the trip the right time, also passing his four year old son under my supervision for the meet. Probably those big monitor lizards weren't just insurances against snakes after all. All that gold does not glitter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For some three years I felt somewhat settled, my will for adventure more or less at rest, probably for the diversity of my tasks in Arne's sawmill, what remained probably channeled in the Messenger who I kept meeting regularly, at least once every month. The work was good, my salary wasn't much, but passable since I neither needed a lot of money out there. I actually sent a good share of it home, to Mother, who reluctantly, but accepted. Not like I didn't have a few wishes deep within even then, but ration could override them, to not strive for something prohibitively expensive or unnecessary in my situation. One day visiting the city, however, I got to feel something strange in the air, something off the usual routine. Before I could decide to inquire someone or to just settle in a tavern for a few drinks catching gossip, I noticed a flier. It announced the visit of the Chancellor of Ursus two weeks from then, requesting citizen to prepare for showing their respect. Surprised over what this could mean, I visited the post office even though it wasn't delivery day. There a clerk shortly explained that the Chancellor's staff and guards were going to arrive by a caravan some ten to twelve days from then, while he would fly on dragonback, three dragons, the exact date would be sent by the Ursus Messenger. A grand parade would be held to commemorate this event. His two guards would be billeted in Cerva and Rhode, our air force station being too small to accommodate them all, however his personal gold wyvern would stay, anticipating offers as he pleases. That was sure some grand event! Tikira during my entire life hadn't seen any other dragon than its two guardians which never landed within the city and those brass wyverns of the Messengers! Why the Ursus Chancellor suddenly had to pay a visit was extraordinary, although I doubt any of the townsfolk thought about this shaded by the prospect of having this huge parade. It barely occurred to me either then. To see a gold wyvern, the magnificent creature I only heard about from traveler's tales was something I couldn't miss, hazing my mind! Work however intervened, and honestly neither did I press it much. I didn't really like the idea of crowding on the town square just to catch a glimpse of them landing, thinking about organizing a longer visit during the Chancellor's stay hoping for some better opportunity. Thankfully it coincided with a mail Arne wanted to send to Drino along with a few minor things to obtain from the market, so he let me go by a lumber cart late Monday afternoon to return with another Wednesday. I met Mother, then on Tuesday morning I set out for the city in anticipation. In my bag, as usual, there was a streak of bacon intended for the Drino Messenger which I left there along with everything else even though this wasn't the day. As I was walking towards the town square, through the rather empty winding streets and alleyways a bit lost in my thoughts, suddenly I almost ran into him! By no doubt, that was the Chancellor's gold wyvern which padded down towards me! The magnificence, the pure beauty of that slender dragon was simply impossible to describe. His entire skin sparkled reflecting the sunlight, motion sent rainbows down his features, barely showing the supposed green and gold colors! His head and neck was adorned by some impressive ridge of what appeared to be a mixture of long needles, even laid back flat it suggested something of unfathomable splendor, something regal! I was mesmerized by his movements, the ripples of the glazing skin shifting his tones, confusing, almost hypnotizing me! A dream, magic came alive right down from the skies! Before I could notice, he was already towering over me, examining. I could barely recover myself from the overwhelming impression to realize the situation, to realize that it was all reality, that a huge, live flesh being was indeed there, investigating me! I didn't really have anything to offer to him, at least I couldn't yet inquire what I should since I was just on the way there to do so. I tried to politely back away, making sure to give him ample space to continue wherever he was going, however he kept turning towards me, flicking tongue. I realized I probably couldn't get away without improvising something, so, knowing the bacon was in my bag, I unwrapped and held up that hoping he would appreciate. He yanked it off of my hands, gulping it down in a moment, apparently ceasing to pay any further attention to me, continuing his walk further down. I looked after him in confusion as he passed. Then, unexpectedly, he twisted his head back a bit. I could meet an eye for a moment before a terrible jolt crushed my lungs, a hit on the head hurled me past the border of the darkness of eternal pain. Pats on my face woke me up. A passer-by, thankfully someone who cared, and not one who would turn my condition to his advantage. I managed to sit up, my chest shooting pain in objection. He asked whether I was all right. I felt for the back of my skull, numb pain, but at least seemed intact. "I will live". Looking through my belongings I acknowledged that to my luck he was the first to find me. He helped me to my legs, then somehow I limped home with my throbbing chest. Mother was appalled by my condition, I admitted I had an incident with the Chancellor's wyvern despite knowing she might assume I tried to touch him. I really wasn't in the state to reason or think. By morning I could assess my situation not being so severe we thought. The pain concentrated on two ribs which didn't feel dislodged or broken, likely only cracked. Mother offered to go to the town square to do my duties for Arne, however I insisted I need to go since she didn't have the proficiencies for those. I agreed and appreciated her helping me though. So later we got to the market successful. We choose a longer route through more populated streets to avoid encountering the wyvern. Despite the pain, I went through bargaining all the stuff Arne needed, then bought a gift for the Drino Messenger from a real butcher. These being done, we settled at the post office, waiting for his arrival. Timely before noon, his shape appeared on the sky, descending with a graceful glide. However, soon, something else launched over the rooftops, rising with powerful wingflaps towards him! What was that?! I could see the bewildered faces around us, everyone staring dumbfounded! Sparkling rainbows ran down the rising shape, the shape of a gold wyvern, the Chancellor's dragon! He gained height over the Messenger, and struck down, hard. The Messenger couldn't do anything but dodge, banking, so the attacker missed only scraping each other's bodies. He didn't stop. With a narrow circle, he again raised over to swoop down. There was no chance, the mail bag's weight bogged down the brass who could only try to avoid, biting in a very short, useless range. The Chancellor's wyvern continued the storm, the brass dodged, barely saving himself from crushing, snapping his jaws in despair. It went on for minutes above all the scared people who were waiting for the Messenger, and all the others who were just happened to witness the unfair battle! The brass couldn't keep this on after his long flight, he had to land, it was beyond hope for him to break even. Finally, the inevitable happened, while his dodge didn't fail, the gold's slam crushed on the mail bag, tearing it off of his neck! A few post officers woke up from their bewildered stupor for the falling equipment, two jumped on their horses and stormed off, a few more continuing. The struggle in the air however continued! The gold wyvern didn't feel that enough, and attempted another storm, however now the brass also gathered his strength! He tricked his adversary by a bank, sending him down hardly scraping his side, then, folding up his wings, he took the dive! The gold didn't seem to realize the massive danger behind, leading himself out in the same smooth curve like before, so the brass managed to land his entire crushing mass on his shoulders! For a moment both were falling, the Messenger concealed by the gold's glimmering contorted wings, however he promptly led himself off from the dive into a smooth glide. It seemed like the Chancellor's wyvern would plunge to his death, however he also managed to recover just before he would disappear from our sight. More so, he again started to flap hard for a rise! After a circle, the brass turned away from us, soaring without much effort to raise, seemingly not caring about the gold. Soon, the latter was above him, we could see him making notions for a swoop, but he didn't try for real anymore. They almost flew out of sight before the Chancellor's wyvern gave up, and glided back, descending somewhere in the outskirts. It crushed me. I felt I could cry. Why this had to happen?! Looking up I could see sorrow, some even removed their straw hats, to place over the chest, mourning. Something, a certainty to hold on, the Messenger's everlasting dedication to perform his duty week after week, always on time, always here, broke today. It was unfair. I still couldn't fathom it was Wednesday, and he wouldn't be here as always, forever. I dreaded of the future, next week. Life however had to go on. Late afternoon I caught the lumber wagon which was supposed to take me back to the sawmill, still with my mother, and I told the teamster I am simply not in a condition to go back. However I passed the wares bought for Arne along with the remnants of the money he trusted me with, also writing a short note on my cracked ribs hoping he would understand. For a few days my world got mostly constrained to my bed, alone at home as Mother kept on doing her work, plodding on the fields. One evening hearing a knock, I stumbled to open the door, and to my surprise, I met Caron. He shortly assured me that Arne is not angry at me, and the news of the disaster with the Drino Messenger arrived even there. He passed me a cloth concealing a moderate streak of bacon, "let's hope he will return", also noting I shouldn't forget about the mail if possible, and if I feel able, should take a cart only then. Finally, he suggested me to stay low about anything concerning the Chancellor and his dragon, for there are "strange things going on", but at least he was going to leave by Sunday. These weren't exactly reassuring with all this haziness, but at least my position didn't suffer. I determined I will take that cart no matter what state I was in. I didn't go to the city until Wednesday, I simply couldn't care less for the Chancellor or anything, until Sunday I didn't even poke my face out of the door lest I happened to stumble upon that foul wyvern again. I felt my injury getting better, so when the day came, by my resolution, I bid farewell to Mother, hoping things will just get back to normal. The town square around the post office was way more crowded than usual. The thought warmed me that all these people are waiting for the Drino Messenger, that so many are missing him, dreading of the thought he would never come again. I wasn't unlike them. I expected to have everything happening just as always, my mind shutting out the grim possibility of seeing no wyvern. Then a hand pointed towards the sky. There was it, something approaching! The shape grew larger, gracefully soaring, descending until we could make out the features, until we could see clear he is coming alone without a rider. Someone shouted in elation, then the crowd let out a massive cheer! The Messenger was back! This welcome startled him, causing him breaking his descend to rise a bit. Everyone suddenly grew silent realizing they might have scared him away right then. However, as they calmed down, after doing a low circle he finally touched down, just somewhat away from the usual position. Finally, things were really back to how they were supposed to be. The mail officers starting their usual work, the Messenger relieved from his bag drinking from the barrel, then padding away to settle down to welcome his attendants of whom there were a lot this day. I waited for a half hour, or probably even more until things calmed down a bit, then approached. He seemed to recognize me. I unwrapped the bacon got from Caron to offer him, however he pulled away otherwise not showing rejection. Wondering, I turned the meat around, smelled it, but it didn't feel like having any problem, just fine, something I would eat without hesitation. Suddenly I felt his muzzle pushing to my head, down in my face. I understood, he just didn't want to eat, probably just being full for the previous rush. I put it away to stroke him, allowing him to lick my hands meanwhile, still appreciating the taste. Then, as usual, he presented his ridge for me to groom. I was relieved to find his adornments intact, although one of the spikes slightly bent out from the line. I examined, but didn't press, knowing the state of my own chest, it was sore enough without teasing. A few scratches disturbed the scales of his neck and shoulders, but all appeared to be superficial, not even cutting in the skin. He fought well, I thought, to get out with so few injuries from that horrible unfair battle! Sure that foul gold got something more substantial in its back! Two small kids caught my attention, waiting a bit away, a little boy and a girl, the latter weeping. I approached them, crouching down, asking what was the matter. The girl could barely tell me she was scared. It made me wonder a bit, then why visit the Messenger, but then with a sudden thought reflecting the past week's events, I rather tried to comfort her, then holding her little hand, slowly leading to the resting wyvern's muzzle. To my surprise, a few moments after I carefully placed her palm between the nostrils, she hugged the entire face and started weeping again. I sat by the side of the Messenger's head, with one hand caressing behind his ornaments, seeing this all the boy also got a bit of courage, and told me what happened. "We were on the street and suddenly there was a huge sparkly dragon! Father said this was the surprise he wanted to show. He gave it meat, it ate it, and walked away..." the boy started crying as he finished "his tail scared us... threw Father to the ground..." I asked if he is all right. "He is home, Mother cares him". I responded him, reassuring he will get better. The girl meanwhile got off of the wyvern's face to sit by it, tears still running down her cheeks, her little hand stroking the muzzle. With a sudden thought, removing my hand from under the ridge to place on the top of his head, I spoke. "You know, Messenger spanked that sparkly dragon good". They both looked at me in awe, "Really?". "Really really good!". At last their lips pulled to a small grin, both stroking their new hero's cheeks. The time to leave eventually came. We got up, I lead the two children away following the other people clearing out from the wyvern's path after he got his mail bag reattached. He made the run, three strides, then started flapping, but couldn't take off! Embarrassed by his failure, he padded back, and tried again only to meet the same fate. He lumbered back with faltering movement, I so wanted to rush to him to see what happened not unlike a few other people. Suddenly he started to retch, a man ran away just before he threw up. A lot, an impressive amount of barely digested meat. He turned away in apparent disgust, still dizzy, but made his run once again, which he succeeded with terrible struggle. It was bizarre, I just hoped he was all right and could make his journey back to Drino. All the people here welcoming him back, they likely overfed the poor wyvern with their gifts, nobody thinking about he would have to fly shortly after! It was even more bizarre how he tried, how he didn't care of his state until his body revolted! Harsh reality one again mercilessly trampled in my ideals, the majestic being of the sky bogged down in the swamp of mundane shattering his dignity. I could only feel very sorry for him. I staggered towards the market with my ribs again in pain, hazing my sullen mind, until my eyes caught two fliers on the side of a deserted stand. An older, torn one stated that the postal service is sorry for not being able to deliver the Drino mail due to an incident caused by "material fatigue" of the Messenger's bag. Someone underlined the words of "material fatigue" twice. The newer one partly affixed over it declared that anyone spreading disrespecting foul gossip and lies of the Chancellor or his dragon was going to be penalized by public flogging. Someone again underlined a word, the word "dragon". So those were the "strange things going on". I suddenly felt worried for the two little kids who I cheered up telling that tale, hoping that maybe they simply didn't believe it after seeing Messenger's struggle, lest they got in trouble for that. Wandering aimlessly in the market to toss my time until I should catch my ride back to the sawmill, finally I could witness something what lifted my mood a bit. It was the "Wyvern treats" stand, which was now running under the more elaborate title "Brass wyvern treats", and as I could see, the owner had a quite stiff back as he was laboriously packing up his crap. Arne was abashed witnessing my state for real, and asked what exactly I did to get this. I shortly, without consideration, replied that if I told my sorry butt would also get quite sore. In other circumstances this might have been quite weird, but apparently news reached the sawmill too, Arne reflecting whether I had some unintended situation with the Chancellor's wyvern, which I admitted I had. We exchanged a few words over the events, him worrying that this all might not end with these. He didn't have too many connections with Drino or the lands around, however those were important, so the regular mail exchange. The most critical parts of the sawmill's machinery were only manufactured there including the characteristic circular saws. Drino was ruled by the Antarans, part of the kingdom, but always quite autonomous. They were the Dragon Lords who opposed attempts for centralization since many hundred years having firm grasp of their lands, at times even unsettling other regions. They didn't hesitate to ally with the neighboring Ugaros in need, so every struggle ending in a stalemate. The past fifty years however there was peace. Our history studies demanded reciting their lineage along with the royal family's. Their coat of arms displayed two intertwined dragons, a brass and a gold, I assumed that was why they were known as "Dragon Lords", or maybe their relentless opposition in the past. We could only speculate. Arne told he heard that the Chancellor had to fly away on one of the brass wyverns since his gold's back was mauled bad. It was an outrageous humiliation which wouldn't probably pass without reprehension, but it was quite hazy how it would work out, how the Antarans related. Normally the Messenger could be punished making a clearer situation, however here there wasn't even a rider. This uncertainty took its toll on me. As my ribs got better I started to pick up my regular duties, however I kept listening to the news, whether anything was going on. Nothing, I heard the Drino Messenger arrived next week as normal without complications, and after a few weeks everything seemed to be silent again. Dragonbane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The events however stirred a bit up my adventurous side. I found myself catching gossip when I was in town, to hear about the Dragon Lords of Drino or anything concerning politics. The latter was mostly an eerie muffled silence, people worried to express anything related. Even if so, they were only low-toned useless rumors, a few twists on the air battle, some accidents and a missing child supposedly eaten in an alleyway. There were but a few travelers who actually visited Drino: it was far. By land on a decent horse it was said someone could do it in seven days, by cart it could take some three weeks. It wasn't any shorter on water either, and it even went out of country, so only large barges used that route. It was hard to filter out reality from fantasy. It was depicted to be a hilly region, Drino itself sprawling between the Lena and the Antaran citadel built over a steep mountaintop, some describing it as an impressive fortification, some a sky-high magical tower concealed in a swirl of dragons. Dragons! Almost every story involved them in some manner! Dragons walking on the streets, dragons overlooking the port, magnificent royal golden dragons guarding the gates of the citadel like eternal glimmering statues! Some even rumored blasphemy, supposing they secretively worshiped the ancient god of Quetzalcoatl, the giant golden dragon of Heaven! It was mesmerizing even if only half of it was truth. For the sake of completeness, some wild tales were even floating around from the royal city of Ursus, Jala and other settlements, the farther the more eccentric, but neither reaching the grandeur of those of Drino. I realized I simply have to see it one day, it hammered my urges, my dreams, my want to experience dragons! Reality however again crushed hard on my shoulders. I again had to realize I will either have to buy my way there, or become Protector so I could travel free. Having my job, however, these possibilities now felt being in my reach, distant, but something I had means to grasp on. The latter needed the more investments, but I believed only that to be the wise solution, enriching my skills, ensuring my freedom of travel so I could easier get a job in need. Truly I even had good proficiencies for that prospect, the knowledge of the forest, how to handle the potential dangers of wildlife. I felt both lucky and grateful for those who helped me to get here, most importantly Mother, and of course Arne with his sawmill. It was also uneasy, thinking that I might eventually leave, but I simply couldn't resolve the conflict in myself, my respect of those who helped me against the desolateness of gloomy old Tikira, the wish for dragons urging me to see the world. So I meticulously started saving up, assessing what I might need if I wanted to travel, even if I was to be alone on the road. An archery set of fine craftsmanship was the worst item on my checklist. The woods had their own dangers, and unarguably, those were probably the most perilous places. However walking in the open was neither something without deadly hazards. The worst of those was that without the safe cover of trees, travelers were exposed to wild wyverns, and so the need for Protectors. With my profession I never had to be concerned, so I only started to learn about this then. Meanwhile, my fourth year passed in Arne's service, but I decided to stay for I had nowhere else to go, and for they truly appreciated my decision. I kept performing my duties with dedication while planning my escape from this city, meticulously saving up money. Then, a nice day one of the most unexpected surprises happened to me. It was my mother, the poor agricultural worker plodding on the fields never having as much as a penny. On that morning, she woke me up, reminding me that was my seventeenth birthday, adulthood, which I completely forgot about just as any other damn birthday! She led me to the table, and on it was... A perfect, quality craftsmanship Dragonbane recurve bow with a fitting quiver and a set of broadhead hunting arrows! A fragment of my very dream! I was awestruck unable to imagine how this could happen! Such an archery set cost many months of my salary! We had a long talk that day of many things. First, to reassure me that there isn't any enslaving credit deal involved, she explained she put away all that money I sent home forming quite a nice stockpile, so I should just take it as she was my secret little bank. Moreover, there was still a little left behind from Father... Father! She drifted towards those old memories, my childhood, those telegraphs to Jala when I had first seen a dragon up close. Father had a never settling soul, some of which I likely inherited. He couldn't stay put for more than a few years, so the inevitable happened, they divorced. He, however, understood that he can't bring me with him plunging into the hazards of a traveling factotum's life never having a permanent job, and left almost all his belongings and money here, to Mother, so she could raise and school me into a proper man. I never knew these, suddenly casting a different light over those memories. It seems I was to continue Father's fate, to be a never settling wanderer, and Mother understood, she understood that she can't hold me here in Tikira for my insatiable urge for taking wings will devour me. It was overwhelming, touching. She helped me towards these goals, and here it was, lain on the table, probably one of the last components for me to embark on my quest to see the world. We were to part ways, but she understood. We cuddled over the deep revelations, weeping. Back at the sawmill Caron helped me with my new acquisition, explaining the mechanics of recurve bows which I didn't use before, praising their power for their smaller size. He showed how to string it proper, then suggested me to try shooting. It was strange, it required similar effort to draw like that large unwieldy bow we only rarely took into the woods for hunting antelopes. Perfect, I thought, an awesome thing to have in the forest! He however could only help me to recognize the Dragonbane's value for hunting and fending off predators in dire need, not having experience wandering in the open. He suggested me there should be some guilt in the city where I could start off. So next occasion I looked a bit around until I found out there indeed is a Protectors' Training Ground in the outskirts. It wasn't too far, just remote enough so it eluded the attention of those not seeking out for it, and even then, it wasn't much more than an open field, an archery range, with a single odd feature of a quite tall pole with a target on it's top. When I first visited, it was completely empty. I wandered around for a short while with a little desolate feeling, until I heard someone calling out. It was from the door of a small house, recognizing that, I promptly hurried there to meet whoever he was. The place turned out to have a janitor, an old geezer with all white hair and bread, however a stiff build suggesting the venerable remnants of a once strong man. He introduced himself as Carl, telling he was a wandering Protector, now for his old days employed in common service here to tutor the new generation. He called me in for a talk, noticing my shiny new Dragonbane, presuming I was new in this field. I admitted I was, and asked for his kind guidance. "The First Law of Protector. You don't shoot at a dragon". What? I was stunned, asking then what I was to do if I was attacked by one. "Of course you shoot". What?! I was outright confused, asking him to elaborate. "You asked what you had to do if you were attacked. Of course you shoot then. The First Law only suggests you to avoid being attacked". He explained shortly that wyverns avoid cities, ships, and large groups of people since those, even if they don't have guardians, are more likely to have several archers to shoot at them, so I should prefer these in the open. Otherwise, I should use cover, trees, forests if possible. If not, the morning was the better since the wyverns prefer to warm themselves up by the Sun before taking off for a hunt. Only then would the bow come in play, if all else failed, and I was there in the wide open with the large winged shape descending from the sky. Then, he continued that even then it is way more important if I could startle the wyvern into leaving than what kind of bow I actually had or whether I could even use it, so the first was to learn to take and draw it fast from any position. He insisted that they actually rarely attack, and even if so, most times the sight of an armed bow is enough to persuade them trying something else. Only then the bow and arrows would matter, but he rather suggested us to go out to see how I perform in the aforementioned task. I was surprised to see him equipping himself as well. He asked to string my bow, then positioned me and pointed behind, towards the sky "There's a wyvern swooping down, now!". I reached for my quiver, feeling for the bow and an arrow the best I could, pulling them out, turning and drawing. My performance was acknowledged with a disappointed scowl. "Terrible. Four hundred yards for the wyvern. You are dead". He then showed the same with his own equipment at an amazing swiftness for such an old man. "One hundred and fifty. You have chance". Then he pointed out a few key elements of the technique, such as how I should prepare my quiver, in a few tries bringing me down to two hundred and fifty yards, suggesting I should just keep practicing later. Returning inside, he continued his tutoring. He pulled out an arrow from my quiver. "These hunting broadheads are useless against a wyvern. They punch superficial holes in the skin unable to cut through, only teasing them". He drew two arrows of his, placing them next to mine. They looked like cheap disposable military bodkin points, which I expressed aloud. "Indeed, one of them is such, used for target practicing here. This one however is a stinger". He aligned the two points to show the difference. "It is a hardened bodkin point, you can recognize them for their fine shape and the recesses. Only this can punch through their skin from a reasonable distance, only if shot by a Dragonbane or something more powerful". I examined the arrows thoughtfully, then asked about the purpose of the recesses. "Yes, they don't contribute to piercing. The stinger is used with a salty grease, delivered into the wound by those". This astounded me, making me ask whether it kills. "No, it doesn't from a range you would survive. It is to cause pain, to make them regret their attack, to turn them away". Wondering, I asked about that range which I would survive. "Farther than two hundred yards, it deflects. Closer than a hundred, the wyvern crushes you". It wasn't exactly reassuring. Maybe next occasion I visited town I noticed a recruitment station set up by the market for the royal army, prospecting good salaries and career possibilities. For a moment it passed through my mind whether it would be a good opportunity, but I rather dismissed it when the prospect of traveling on my own, free of encumbering restrictions was this close. Taxes the same time increased, also bugging me since by that Arne had to cut on everyone's pay to break even. Out of curiosity I checked my old contract, which turned out to contain such a clause. Apart from these, there was silence, not even rumors floating around, the Chancellor's visit largely forgotten while the Drino Messenger faithfully performed his duty week after week along with the other two connecting Ursus and Jala. There was a certain something in the air, some tension rising, but nobody knew what exactly. Rumors told our country's relations with the neighbors were peaceful and lucrative, but there could be anything under the surface. Meanwhile, I kept practicing, visiting the Protector's training ground when possible, accepting Carl's suggestions to improve myself, occasionally also snatching techniques from other people there. It only turned even more formidable when Carl demonstrated what I should expect. It was late afternoon. He led me to a spot noting that the tall pole is somewhere behind me about one hundred yards away, and that will be the attacking wyvern I supposedly notice when he says so. He counted down from three, then "Now!". I jumped grabbing my bow and arrow to turn around just to get totally blinded by the Sun as I desperately tried to find my target! The arrow flew off, of course nobody ever found where it landed! He admitted this exact scenario is not very likely, but only for that a real Protector should be always keeping an eye on the sky especially around the Sun lest a wyvern could sneak on him this way! I felt I started to really understand the First Law. Trial of courage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the months passing, my handling of my Dragonbane getting more steady, and also for seeing several people joining the Army, leaving town, my adventurous side started to grow restless. I was planning, assembling my gear anticipating the long trek, the journey to Drino. I wanted to see that city. Not only for the hazy rumors, the tales, but also for the Messenger. It grew personal, feeling like I am preparing to visit a distant relative. I so much wished to see where he lives, his home, how he is treated there, secretly dreaming of being with him in peace, undisturbed, not pressed by his duty. I just couldn't settle for leaving yet, to say farewell to Mother, and my friends in the sawmill since they were truly more than merely work colleagues. I stroked Messenger, massaging his ridge with a distant, clouded mind. He felt so sad, enervated, just like me in my struggle to make my decision. I didn't notice until his time came. I hurried aside from him, he raised his head, but was slow. He staggered to stand up, lumbering to the mail officers trying to stand firm. They hesitated to harness him seeing his condition, but he just stood there anticipating with hazed eyes. Then, all of sudden he swayed, but managed to not tumble over, and vomited. With faltering motions he approached the barrel, started to drink, but finally his body gave up and he collapsed, plunging, tipping over the container. Bewildered terrified we rushed to remove the round barrel in which his head was still partly submerged to save him from suffocating. He just laid there, wings contorted, gasping, unable to stand up. The realization struck me he could be dying right before my eyes! People gathered, unable to fathom what was happening. His eyes twitched, scared, looking up us with widening pupils, his strength gone, incapable to even align his head. Horrified by the sight I yelled at the people around to come help me, attempting to fold his left wing up to get him rolled on his side, to give his chest freedom for breathing. It was barely of use with everyone completely lost their capability to reason, but eventually with combined effort we got him laid out in some tolerable manner. It was dread. I feared, feared every moment, every breath when he would give up to pass away, only made worse by the crowd, the Council, everyone yelling, running around like mice on a sinking boat. There was nothing, the guardians dispatched to Ursus for military training, their veterinary having holiday away in Rhodes, leaving not even a single person in this whole damned city who knew the slightest fart about wyvern healthcare! They came, one hour shouting down each other for rolling him on his back, next hour to roll over his stomach, one self-appointed charlatan wanting to stuff him with emetic, the next proposing to feed! Probably the only useful result of the panic was the delivery of a new barrel of water, and to my insisting, a vat, but even that only happened to late afternoon. I filled it with water, placed it next to his head, and asking someone I felt capable, we lifted his head over it. He lashed his tongue in, so we cautiously submerged the lower jaw so he could drink which he did, so much that the vat had to be refilled. Later night thankfully the crowd abated, and by the passing of dusk, I asked some of the remaining people to help rolling him to his other side. Thankfully we could perform this without too many arguments. We were sitting under the dark starry veil of night, a few determined people surrounded by lit candles. A bizarre ghastly catafalque for a moribund dragon. I could hardly grasp this was reality, that the Messenger could die, that his everlasting consistence, his steady weekly visits could end one day, yet I was there. I looked in the mug-sized yellow eyes, the wide silt-pupils, remembering their joyful appreciation of many years, now staring bleak, barely showing life. I listened the inconsistent breaths, fearing the hour when they ended, when his soul passed away leaving us behind to trudge through our mortal lives in this harsh reality. I was falling, falling deep, plunging into the darkness, a swirl of dragons up in the sky, rays of light, soaring up and away, far, far away. Golden eyes watching me, I reached out, but couldn't grasp. Someone shook me up. It was early dawn, another person was just collecting remaining candles. Realizing where I was, I turned to the Messenger's body fearing the worst. I thought he died, eyes shut, motionless. Who woke me up however held my shoulder, and noted he was sleeping, with very slow, steady breaths. We so did nothing more than guarding him as with the sunrise people started to linger in. To my worries, soon the same confusing hell started to brew like the day before. At first they were just inquiring about his state which we couldn't answer, just trying to hush them, to let him sleep. However, as the more people arrived, the worse it became. Then the Messenger awoke. He could barely lift his head, and his body was twitching while steadily breathing which I hoped was a good sign. I could get some to help me to clean up around his groin, then we rolled him to his other side again which he now assisted with very weak motions, and helped him drink. I hoped whatever happened to him wasn't fatal and he could actually recover, however I realized that this awful mess on the town square certainly wouldn't do any good to him. Just about then, Arne himself trotted in to greet me. He was shocked by the sight of a wyvern here in such a state, asking me what the bloody hell happened here. I told him, also that he seemed to be a little better now, but this place was just terrible for him. He parked his horse, and offered me he could get a lumber cart arriving this morning to carry the Messenger to the sawmill, hoping that would be a more peaceful place for his recovery. I could only agree. He immediately set out for organizing this, first consulting the post officers then the Council taking almost an hour. Being done with that, he immediately rode off to hurry the unloading of the cart. I felt it a long time. The poor wyvern's eyes twitched to the motions, the swirl of crazed people unsettling him, failing to understand he needed peace and solitude. Townsfolk came asking about his condition, I assured them that he might be okay if they just left him alone. I didn't entirely believe this, but that was the best to put them off. It didn't help since others came with the occasional hopeless stubborn ones who believed they knew the best his necessities. I was so relieved when Arne's cart finally pulled in! Crouching down to his head I tried to shake him a bit up, showing him the cart, hoping I could get him understand, to get him cooperating. He could barely hold. Consulting Arne we gathered a bunch of willing strong men. Two of us placed the head on the deck, then all the eight of us including Arne and the teamster crouched under the chest to lift. We, at least those from the mill, prepared to experience the weight of a large log, doubting it was even possible, so were surprised that he wasn't even so terribly heavy after all! As we pushed overboard, he seemingly realized our intention, and weakly tried to pull himself forward, so eventually with combined effort we got him up in a rather orderly manner, resting his head on the box, the tail left to limply drag on the ground. The teamster jumped up on the right, me the left, tucking my palms under his head ornaments to comfort him, then Arne rode by our side, giving the command to go! We could barely start when shouts from the crowd notified us that a wyvern was approaching the city! Glimmering, tones shifting, all the colors of a rainbow! It was a gold! I was both mesmerized by the sight and scared terribly, in my mind the Chancellor's wyvern returning, him looking back over his shoulder before the pain, the darkness! He however landed orderly on a clear spot of the town square, very close to us, without harming anyone. A young man jumped off his back, then the gold just raised his head as he laid down on his chest, and erected his entire ridge! I hadn't seen anything so wonderful before, the delicate long green - gold needles growing from sparkly frills of every color shifting by his motions could only leave me staring in awe. The entire square was struck, frozen staring at the living manifestation of pure regal majesty. I could only notice the man he carried by that the wyvern kept turning his head towards him! He approached with a confident gait, wore some light chainmail armor partly concealed with white garments, a large bow laid on his back, a sheathed sword on the side, and over the chest, on the white base, two intertwining dragons were prominently displayed, the coat of arms of the Antaran family! Reaching the cart, with a single harsh command he demanded our teamster to get off which he did promptly. The man jumped up, I could see his face, clean however rigid features, but before I could truly realize his presence, he was kneeling, pulling off the glove of his right hand. Silent, he put his palm on the Messenger's muzzle, looking down in sorrow over him. It only lasted a few moments, then as sudden as it happened, he sprung to stand, his authoritative attitude returning "Who is responsible for this?!". Nobody responded everyone being dumbfounded over the events. With a sudden turn, he grabbed my collar with an impressive grip, pulling me up, yelling in my scared complexion "Which of you scum did this to a free dragon of Drino?!". Arne came to my help, "My liege, please let him go. If anyone, he is the least responsible of your dragon's sorrowful state". He let me go, turning to Arne, "Then who?!". "Nobody is. He suffered a rash illness. The boy before you could explain for he nursed him in his direst hours". He responded on normal voice "Dragons don't get sick out of the blue. Where's your council?". He dropped off of the cart, then Arne led him towards the city hall until they met the confused authorities by his wyvern. Collecting myself, I could catch his name and title from their upraised arguments: Dave Khorton, representative of the ministry of foreign dragon affairs or something like that. The returning voices of the crowd muffled their further discussion, all what I could make out was some "death penalty" in some variations, somehow related to the dragons. When it was over, Arne told me he will follow us to the sawmill to supervise our handling of the Messenger. Just great, I thought, from the demented crowd of the town square into the clutches of an eminent maniac equipped with a whole damn wyvern. We settled on the box, Arne rode a circle to recheck the cart, then yelled out the command, "March!". However, we barely sprung in motion when from behind a harsh voice shouted "Halt!". It was the maniac. "Give that dragon some water!". Oh, okay, I thought, he couldn't have known we let him drink before we heaved him on the deck. So picking up a man we filled the vat to raise it on the box helping him with water again of which he only used a little. Relieved, we settled again preparing to go, but a harsh "Stop!" cut an end to it again. "The dragon's tail won't drag on the ground!". I stumbled down in disappointed confusion thinking what the heck we were supposed to do about that. "Clothes! I demand clothes to be brought here!". A few people did so. "Wrap that tail up. Start at the tip!". So we did, tying various garments on to cover the underside until several of us had their upper torso naked, even Arne, dignity set aside, turning in a muscular barbaric horseman. Only then he mounted his gold wyvern to command "March!" at last. Our little group ambled slow through the streets, slowly leaving bystanders behind casting long gazes over the rare sight of the majestic gold wyvern. Awe mixed with fear, the memories of the Chancellor's visit still vivid, and while the wyvern himself didn't do much to earn any kind of reputation except for just being magnificent by nature, his rider's authoritative outbursts quite shaken up even those who didn't already lose their normal composure by the Messenger's terrible malady. We did our best to turn back followers until farther out of the city we shook off the last. Finally, peaceful silence. I rested my palm under Messenger's ridge, caressing the back of his head with my fingers, and first since the disaster, I could see appreciation as he narrowed his eyelids. It filled me with warmth and hopes, my thoughts getting lost in the pleasant rattle of the wheels. A powerful voice put an abrupt end to my daydreaming. "Halt!". Not again... "Unwrap the tail!". Confused, we did so while he got off of his dragon. Examining the pile of clothes he fished out ours rudely tossing each of the garments to their respective owners, then scooped up the rest to discard them by the side of the road. Arne followed on instant, picking them up rather throwing on the deck, noting that two days from now a wagon may return those to the city. He acknowledged, then turned to his gold, briefly gesturing something. The ridge completely flattened as he walked forth, head low, pushing it below the Messenger's tail, to lift it settling across his shoulders. It was peculiar. Dave then demanded my place on the box, so I was expelled to the deck to settle myself between the rails and the wyvern's neck. We continued in this configuration, the majestic gold dragon peacefully ambling behind like a foal, just on the rope of the other's tail. By a thought I asked "Pardon sir, shouldn't I ask Arne to ride forth to arrange the preparation of some meal?". I realized suddenly that it could have been quite ambiguous while I intended to ask this for the Messenger. He however responded "Did he vomit?". "He did yesterday noon. He is empty since then". Dave fell silent for some long moments. "... Maybe better once we arrive." During our travel I noticed Dave caressing the wyvern's ridge just like I did with his glove off, looking at him almost all the way. His gold didn't seem to be concerned following us in peace, looking almost sad with his completely limp ornaments and slightly downwards facing muzzle. It felt so bizarre, so surreal, to be stranded on a cart by a who knows how sick brass wyvern barely able to move, some important Antaran lord on the deck of the same lowly vehicle with a regal majestic golden dragon servicing as a mere carrier for a tail! Fairy tales soaring the skies, I beg for your forgiveness! Eventually we rolled into Arne's domain, under the high wizard's tower, the windmill, a fitting eccentric palace for our strange group. Arne quickly rode up to gather some strong men while directed us to the stables, suggesting the clearing of the archery range a good place for Messenger, concealed from the hill and with that the turbulence of the woodwork operation. Being done with that, in agreement with Dave, he saw for arranging the preparation of some meal for the wyverns. I assisted with that and oddly Dave kept sticking around, carefully observing. Messenger was very weak, but to our relief, he ate with some help to hold his head, assisting him swallow, which he appreciated. I recited memories of the bizarre man of my childhood, and noticed how Dave knew the same technique, seemingly pleased with my usefulness in the task. He only removed some of his equipment from his wyvern after the feeding was over. Consulting Arne, he wrote some reports, then returned, putting the sealed parchment in a container of the gold's harness. Then, once again, he started gesturing, this time briefly I even felt noticing responses, small motions of the head, tiny tongue flicks. What were those?! I couldn't determine since soon the wyvern turned away to check for a suitable runway and took off. Dumbfounded, I asked where he went. "I sent her off to Drino to deliver my report, of course. She will return tomorrow noon. And by the way, Xipa, she". It hit me like a wagon of bricks. "Did... you just... talk to her?!". He was startled, then just left "I need a bit of rest. Don't let me find you here when I return, understood?!". With that, I rather left to look after my regular tasks in the mill leaving Messenger to the attention of a groom, confused about this man's attitude while the unanswered question kept poking at my curiosity. Never heard of anything like this. I couldn't believe it was possible to tell a wyvern to go all the way back to Drino and return. True Messenger did that since I breathed air, but I always thought he simply did it by routine, his rider abandoning him for some reason in the past. Yet I couldn't know how I could approach him to ask. I ran into Arne, and while discussing some accounting details over some furniture wood, it occurred me I missed what was that ruckus with the Council. He explained, and it struck me bad. Dave suspected that someone attempted to kill Messenger by poison that day, feeding him a tainted offer! Why anyone could have done that! What a rotten mind such a despicable deed demanded, to seek out for destroying such a peaceful gentle giant like him! Now I understood what the "death penalty" I heard was about, killing a dragon belonging someone indeed was penalized as such, and that's was just the law as it read, not even considering who the dragon belonged. But could this even apply to Messenger? Anyway, it gave an explanation for his harshness. As the afternoon faded, my ability to rule over my worries waned, eventually persuading me to visit the archery range no matter the Antaran lord's explicit orders. I found him there, in simple working garments, grooming, cleaning Messenger all by himself. Before I could approach, he sprung dropping his brush, exclaiming "Wasn't I clear?! Get off of here!". Startled, humbling myself, I apologized "Please Sir. I am worried. Is he all right?". "No! He isn't all right! After what you despicable scum did to him!". "Sir, I beg for your forgiveness... He didn't even take my offer. You can talk to dragons, here, try me, ask him!". Suddenly, it occurred me that my gift was still in my bag "Here, this was what I meant to offer him! See!". Before he could respond, I tore its wrapping, and took a large bite, gulping it down as promptly as my gorge permitted. He stared me bewildered. I raised the meat to continue, but he held up his hand, "Stop". Messenger behind turned his head, finally of his own strength, to nudge Dave's shoulder, looking at me with expecting tongue flicks. He motioned me to come forth, into the wyvern's range, who started tasting for my morsel. "Give". So did I, letting it disappear in the thin silt between the jaws. He straightened his neck low forth, however didn't swallow, rather twitched, with an eye on me. Understanding, I followed to crouch under his throat, and started gently stroking, feeling his dewlap, He tilted his muzzle a little up, anticipating in delight how I caressed him, pushing my fingers in his flesh for massaging his tiny meal's way down, seemingly enjoying reciting how we fed him at noon. - Can he stand up? - No. He is still very weak, barely able to comfort himself in his rest... Good his little sparks returned... Stay. A distant, strange world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We sat there silent, the Messenger's neck serving for our back-rest, watching the darkening tones of the dusk. I broke this peaceful serenity asking on a hushed voice whether he had any suspect. "Everyone... The Council, the townspeople, Arne, you, especially you until now... The outworld is growing strange... Not safe anymore". He gazed still for some long moments into the purples of the sky. "A year ago the Ursus Chancellor's dragon attacked Kipso here in Tikira... Oh, of course you can't know that". So that was the Messenger's name. I however didn't say a word, letting him continue. "Material fatigue... Those heartless bastards who concocted that idea! If it passed, several innocent people would rot in our jails for the oncoming decade. It is not something to be taken lightly! We however knew it long before the official verdict arrived. Kipso recited us what happened. We let it pass, we let you stay with your belief that our office flawed, even paying out a few compensations for lost mail. It is outrageous if his state now is the consequence of the Chancellor's personal vendetta! He should be grateful for he didn't have to scoop up the remnants of his imbecile animal from a crushed attic!" "I tell you. When a heavy brass grips a slender gold by the shoulder firm, that's called a death dive for a reason! Kipso is wise, he didn't use his advantage to kill, just to warn, even though by dragon norms he could have well finished him for his outrageous act of humiliating him!" I indulged his words in terrified awe as the events, the unfair aerial battle played out in my mind again. It was true! I could see the Messenger taking the dive, crashing in the gold hard, the fall! Then, he spread his wings to let go. I imagined what if he didn't, what if the bodies plunged deeper, how the Chancellor's wyvern could barely recover even then! A few silent moments later I came to ask what will he do then about Kipso. - Let's hope in a few days he will regain enough strength to fly home with us. - Will he ever come back? - No. This place is no longer safe for his timid innocent mind. He will spend his elderly days with our people away from the dangers of this betraying world. So the days of the Drino Messenger was over. A few more, and maybe that was the last I ever saw him. I just stared down in front of me in the darkness lost in my sad thoughts, until I spoke to ask "How old is he, anyway?". "Turned eighty-four this year. He should still have a good thirty to live". Next morning we fed him again. He kept teasing us to massage his throat and neck for every gulp even though he wouldn't have trouble swallowing anymore, but we gladly helped him seeing his recovery. He still couldn't stand, but could use his limbs to roll, to comfort himself sprawling out, so no longer demanding our assistance, however enjoyed when we did, seemingly appreciating much how we caressed him. Work however called for me, and I jumped in without worries over him having any trouble, knowing Dave will be there anyway, probably still frantic about someone trying to poison him. After noon, to my surprise, the gold wyvern really returned, descending straight behind the stables onto the archery range. Some of the workers sprung in awe, however Arne hushed them, promising he will try to coax Dave, or as he referred there, the Antaran Lord, into arranging a demonstration. I was dismissed so I could meet them if I pleased, with the task of trying to get this done. I found them all there, to my astonishment, the majestic regal golden dragon nuzzling with the brass while Dave was removing her harness. That done, he caught me promptly to deliver the riding gear to his room, which I did even feeling honored that I could set my hands on real dragon equipment. It wasn't exactly a saddle, at least it was something very different from the ones used on horses. I could only see riders on flying dragons for very brief moments when they descended or took off, and I always wondered why they laid flat on their back, anyway at least now I could observe how this worked out with their saddle. A strong harness went around the neck to support an elongated padded surface with a distinct wide recess across the entire length of its underside presumably for the spine, ending in a strap which forked to form a cinch around the tailbase. On the riding surface I could identify grips around the shoulders, and also several dents, at the front presumably serving as a seat, lower for the knees, then at it's end, sturdy stops jutted out, likely serving as stirrups. The harness provided anchorage points for additional gear and sacks. It was quite large, however lighter than I anticipated. I laid it out in his room with cautious devotion, exploring, admiring its features for a while, grateful for the opportunity. When I returned I found both wyverns sprawled out, Messenger on his side, Xipa on her chest, the wings extended wide on her sides sparkling in a myriad of colors cast over her natural grassy green, with Dave working on those with a brush who she watched over with a flat ridge. I went to check the Messenger, who welcomed me, then started to roll on his back which he kept failing until he managed to get his right arm across his torso. He just remained in the position he ended up, then started nudging me. Dave shouted down "Help him straighten his wings!", which I did with some effort. Returning, he kept poking at me with his upside-down head, a bit confused since I had never seen such a turned over dragon before, I reached out for his jowls, stroking, which he appreciated, the more so as I started massaging the underside of his neck. A bit later I recalled Arne's request, and politely asked Dave whether he could arrange something. He agreed, just requesting me to wait until he changed into his uniform. Leaving, he suddenly turned back exclaiming "And don't attempt approaching Xipa!". I wondered why. Here was I, alone with the two wyverns, who would know? She just rested sprawled out as Dave left her, calmly watching us with a raised head. Such an opportunity! I patted Messenger's dewlap hoping he wouldn't mind it, and slowly started approaching anyway with open palms. She just looked down on me without any apparent motion, just following until I arrived almost under her nose. Then, all of sudden her ridge shot erect as she stared me down with a firm gaze! I tried to raise my hand, but a brief snap of the jaw halted me! I wanted to kneel down, but she again expressed her disagreement! Slowly, I tried to back away, but again she snapped in the air, firmly holding me in the grip of her gaze! I just stood there dumbfounded until I noticed her ridge falling, her eyes drifting away. When she felt calm, I again tried to just humbly slink away, however as soon as I made the slightest motion, she again went all stiff and irate! She left me without choice but to wait for Dave's return. - Can't I leave you with such a simple request?! - Please Sir, her magnificence mesmerizes me! I just wanted to... - Nobody touches her! Struck in confusion, I tried to retreat, but again I met her stern gaze for my attempt. Scared, I begged for him "Please, could I...". He stepped forth, patting the gold's neck who at last turned her attention to him. He then walked and crouched down to Messenger to pat his jowls as well, letting his palm rest on his dewlap. "Don't take it harsh... Let's visit the mill then". He stood, again gestured something to his wyvern who seemingly acknowledged, stretching to stand, then following us behind as we started. On the hill we found a larger clean area to gather the workers who soon collected to watch her in silent awe, first time for most to see one of these wonderful beings this close. When everyone was here, Xipa resting on her chest in the center, Dave motioned some brief signal to her. She slowly raised her ridge letting the Sun sparkle her features as she meticulously observed each of the small bunch of her admirers. Without hurry, she got on her wings and feet, to tiptoe a circle, sometimes briefly shaking her neck sending wonderful swirls of rainbows down her gorgeous skin. Facing us, she lowered her head, the frills and needles spread out on her fully erect ridge, and started to unfold her fingers to show us the full glory of the wings glimmering a myriad of colors. It was a living wonder, an unfathomable miracle sending shivers down us, everyone, something which we couldn't imagine existed unless we seen for real! The sturdy workers of the mill stood and gazed speechless at her majestic perfection, feeling lucky to be chosen to witness this manifestation of pure beauty! Then, with a sudden move, she sprung, spreading her wings wide towering on her slender hind legs, the head raised high for a moment mesmerizing us with this sudden outburst of glimmering majesty only to promptly bend in an arch as she let go, falling down forth with jaws open wide, to storm over us! I jumped and fell on my back, noticing people rushing away screaming in terror, but a moment later everything went silent. I collected my shaken composure to sit up pulling myself across a log. She was just resting in the center calmly, the wings neatly folded up by her sides, the ridge again laying flat on her head. Such a scary trick! At the evening we cleaned and groomed Messenger again which he appreciated in delight, for me even seeming like pretending himself to be weaker than he really was, nevertheless I did my tasks gladly seeing him being pleased. Meanwhile, I pondered over how I could ask Dave how he can talk to the wyverns. Finally, I brought up the performance at the hill, praising its awesomeness, querying whether he taught Xipa to do it. - They aren't lowly menagerie animals! She did that by her own will! - I apologize. I may be very wrong, but it seemed like you motioned her to start. - Yes, I did so she knew everyone is there! She likes to impress, to be adored, but she is frustrated out here away from home, with people she doesn't trust! - What is she like at home, does she trust people there? - Not everyone, but there are a lot she does. - Do you let them touch her? - What?! Who am I to tell her that! - Aren't you her owner? - Listen, boy. She is a free dragon of Drino, just like Kipso and all the rest. Nobody owns her! They are entitled to nobility by birth or by becoming part of our dragon society. She is actually my superior since am of nobility by her will, her trust in me, her friendship and allowance to ride her, all my ranks are tied to this bond with her! Show her more respect or we shall finish this talk! - I'm sorry, forgive for my rudeness, how could I... I didn't know, I apologize, here I understood they were owned like animals. - Because they are! It is outrageous! Your people tear the young away from their parents to raise them in custody, never even giving them a chance to learn their language! They are raised into dumb miserable shells, a disgrace of dragonkind, unable to survive without man! Drino's free dragons can fly far out in the world, know the ways of wild dragons, even the golds, the royal magnificent golds of the distant lands whose chicks are imported for millions, who breed in our city! I see you all think me a lord, a nobility of the higher class just because I ride the sparkly wonderful Xipa! In our city, she is just the same noble dragon like any of the brass, no more, no less! It was dense, words stuck in me, I felt my world shattering. With apologies I concluded our talk with Dave to allow me some solitude to think these over. The ways of Drino felt overwhelming, how it was possible to have dragons as free citizen? As nobility even? If it weren't for Messenger, I wouldn't believe it all. Dave felt very devoted, not like someone who bent the truth, and I really couldn't decide over Xipa. There were sure wild rumors from Drino, stirring my interest, but they felt so much like fairy tales, and now it seemed reality was even more insane than the wildest of those. Would I have to learn the dragon's language if I was to go there? Would I have to serve one as my lord? Would I have to scribe letters for them? Suddenly a mental image of a forger formed in my mind, hammering over a circular saw, looked over by a huge muscular brass wyvern who just dictated a reply for Arne. My lips stretched to a smile, dismissing it as something maybe a bit overly eccentric. Next day when we were about to feed the wyverns, Xipa halted Dave before he could carry his load in front of Messenger. He also motioned me to stop. I thought she was impatient and would like to eat her fill right away, however when she got assured in that we wouldn't move, she padded over to the sprawled brass. She started nudging him, but he only responded with reluctant swipes with his open mouth, occasionally extending his neck forth, looking at us anticipating. She didn't stop, tucking her muzzle under his arms, trying to lift, yet he only rolled away grudgingly. She even tried to push her entire head under his chest to get him stand up, making me really worried about the needles of her ridge, but to my astounding, they weren't brittle like I thought, simply bending when she pulled off to spring straight as soon as they were free. Finally, she walked behind him, over the lazily splayed out legs, and bit down on his tail real bad, filling her entire jaw. Messenger's head sprung, but just irately swiping towards her as she, after firmly settling her wing-paws, started to lift! He had no choice, but to stand his hindpart up, which, greatly unwilling, he followed with his front. His muscles rippling, shaking by the effort, but he at last stood! Xipa, still with firm grasp on his sorry butt, pushed him fort, which he abode, staggering towards us. As soon as he got in range, however, he gave up with such a sudden collapse which got Xipa tumbled over him as well. Not even caring about the apparently piqued gold who kept resting where she fell, on his back, he started flicking for the meat, and again very much demanded us to massage his throat for every swallow. When his meal was over, he spread out in delight for a nap, slowly dozing off. Just then, Xipa decided it was her turn, and as she woke from her rest, with one wing-paw, she stepped on Messenger's back making him jolt! I had to work, but occasionally I checked in to see what they were doing. They kept teasing each other, the Messenger seemingly just wanting to sprawl out, to rest, while Xipa poked him, sometimes just rolling him around, gently chewing on his arms or neck which he enjoyed in delight, then attempting to heave him to stand, to move, which he didn't. So bizarre, I thought as they played with each other, a gold wyvern with a brass, different castes by my old assumptions, seemingly coming together in Drino. I barely remembered the dread of just two days ago when I was so sure he could die. To talk with dragons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the evening, being done with my duties, I tried to catch Dave again, to get him talk about his home, the dragons, hoping I could better understand now. I again apologized for my disrespect insisting that it wouldn't happen anymore which he acknowledged. Then I asked how he actually talks with Xipa which bugged me the most. - You could see that, it is nothing magical, just motions. They use their head, the mouth, the tongue to express themselves while we respond using a language of the arms and the palms. - They? You mean all dragons can speak this way? - Yes, they do, it is in them, even the wild dragons have a rudimentary language, we just build on that knowledge. - How could this be? I thought they had to be taught even to understand commands. - Again!... I sure told you to forget those flawed assumptions! Your people capture dragons young, giving them no chance to learn their natural language! They are always broken beyond healing, failing to understand the fundamental concepts of "me" or "you", the past and the future which only another dragon can teach! Your people's ignorance destines them to the deprived life of mindless animals! - Sorry. Please... Couldn't your people do something about this? To spread the word to stop abusing them? - Wish if we could! But those who own them are the military officers, the nobility, the higher class up to the King himself! Do you think anyone could convince, say, the Ursus Chancellor that maybe the way they raised that imbecile gold wyvern of his wasn't right? Do you think they would prefer to have them having their own will? - Guess not. - Yes... It demanded our old traditions so we got here, alone. - The Trial of Dragon? - Yes, that. So at least they teach this in your schools. - They do, along with the history of Drino as part of our nation. The Trial was bizarre. Your people really went out in the wild all alone, to wander, sometimes for years until they could somehow earn a dragon's trust to return on his back? - Indeed, they did. Of course only a few with the courage, but they did. - Sorry, I don't mean to offend you, but our instructor said most probably just shot one, to heal him making the bond. - Then your instructor was flawed. I see you have a nice Dragonbane recurve, you should know that well then. It is plain suicide! True that some used arrows hoping it would be less dangerous that way, but those were stingers of love, dipped in drug concoctions to make the dragon woozy and merry. It was rather just one of the strategies to get near one, not any less risky than others. Only a fairly good archer could achieve it, aiming well and with proper draw so he could deliver the drug without causing him lasting pain. Fail either, and he flees or rips you apart! You would have to do this, always tracking and finding the dragon again at least a dozen times just to get him recognize you. Gaining his trust and friendship was still a very long way from then! - And how this Trial of Dragon got you to your today's dragons? - The Trial was a way to earn nobility, to earn respect. But that was on the dragon's part. You were recognized for your capability to earn a dragon's friendship, that you could conceive one to serve the Antaran Lords through your bond with him, so it also only lasted until you held that friendship. Just like today. However, those dragons, unlike yours, grew up wild. They so knew the language of the wilds. - Did that have anything to do with how dreaded your dragon forces were in battle? - Of course! Even before our ancestors understood their language, they signaled to each other in the air, encouraging, coordinating movements, so the riders could concentrate on the field barely having to tell them what to do! A wise captain could do the lead on a dragon respected by the rest, and they followed without intervention! - Then how you came to understand them at last? - It isn't known. Maybe it came with the bonds. Dragons like to play mimicry, their wild language even shows lots of that, they confirm and confirm again what they said to each other. Our ancestors likely taught them things, just like everywhere else in the world, but also tuned for their diverse visual expressions, eventually understanding. It is fun to watch communication with a wild dragon. It is very theatrical, entertaining as they use most of their body to convey their intentions, then acknowledging and repeating. They can get simple things like "follow", "glide", or directions with minimal motions, used in the air, but they struggle with complex things like "meet at cliff tomorrow dusk". - Wish I could see that! But as I perceive then their language is not too expressive, or is it? - No, the wilds have only things like that. They can understand "me", "you" and "he" or "she", the concept of time, several verbs related to flight and other motions, nouns for landmarks and prey animals, some related adjectives, and are capable to name each other and locations, but about that's all. - And what about that you use when talking with Xipa? - It is the Draconic our people stated to develop some fifteen decades ago, with the intention to realize a common language between people and dragons so any dragon could talk with any person. - Wouldn't it have been easier to realize a spoken language? - No. We don't understand why, but it seems impossible. They only use voice to convey some emotions, purring, growling, roaring, maybe they can't even get anything more complex out of their throats. There is also something with their hearing. Today, there are a few dragons who understand some of our spoken words, but even they seem to be doing that by reading our lips. So if we want to talk with them, we have to use motions. - Oh, sorry, so how it went with Draconic? Was that really some coordinated effort like you told? - Likely not, rather fusing several of the already common practices. The University of Drino however eventually recognized those, and established the basic grammar of the language, both the dragon and the human side. New revisions keep coming out about every decade as it evolves. It is a mandatory subject in elementary school, actually a condition for gaining citizenship on the Antaran lands. - But how you teach it to the dragons? Do they also have some kind of school? - No and yes. It is one of the strangest development of the past century. The dragons of Drino not only learn their own wild language, but also pass down and over their knowledge of Draconic. They teach each other! More than that, they even expand their side of the language on their own! - How's that? - We think that maybe it is caused by how our dragons form a society, how they no longer depend on scarce food sources, rather on filling roles. Interaction along them on our land became more important, probably also driven by us. A few even went that far that they feel neglected if they only hear us talking, a foreign language to them. - So I guess your today's Draconic got something quite complex! - It is hard to answer. It is still something very simple to our human languages. It is sure important, but only a part of the essence of our dragons. They are changing fast, pulling our entire world along with them, but they retain their qualities for we adore and respect them. It was very convincing, making me want to see this land even more, a different world with dragons who talk! Talk? Maybe not really, something more intricate than mere talking even if the language itself was simple. The way Dave interacted with Xipa had some slight impression of arcane ancient magic, the silence, the small motions of conjuring. Wish I could talk with her! Wish I could exchange some words with Messenger after all the years! Morning I found Xipa serenely caressing Messenger, laying partly on his back, the paws of the extended wings grabbing his, while she massaged his shoulders with her jaws. How much I could envy him, laying there stretched out in pleasant delight, enjoying the treatment of that wonderful gentle female! I so didn't want to disturb them that I just stood there indulging the sight dreaming for a long while! Maybe it would have been even longer if Caron hadn't stalked up on me blowing away the haze shrouding my mind! So we rode out into the forest to do our regular duties also involving a bit of hunting to serve the increased needs until about noon when I returned to help Dave feeding the wyverns. When we were done with the preparations, carrying our heavy loads of meat to them, Xipa again came forth to stop us. This time however she selected a large chunk, but to my surprise, didn't swallow it. She padded back to Messenger, making me think she would feed him herself, but it neither happened! She just hung the lump of food before his jaws, just out of his reach, shaking her head a bit, teasing him with the smell, just allowing him to lick it with his long tongue. He extended his neck anticipating, almost snapping, looking up on her, the treat which he could only taste, but she didn't give in, keeping on wriggling the delicious piece! Finally, he mustered his strength, dug his claws in the ground to push his body forth with his wings, fixated on the meat. Xipa, however, was wary, and just jumped back enough so again Messenger was a tongue's length away from his goal, which tongue he kept lashing out eager. But he wouldn't even want to try to stand. He again pushed forth, Xipa again backed a bit. Then again. She kept shaking the piece wild, just out of his reach, until making him wading after it! I really started to worry whether Messenger was truly that weak he couldn't stand, that his sickness still clenched on him, that maybe Xipa's actions weren't right, probably torturing him. Then, all of sudden, Messenger sprung, and started to run after the elfin female! I was bewildered, so this damn wyvern kept playing it on us, serves him right! Xipa, the slender, agile gold gleefully trotted keeping her prize just out of his reach, he followed, all stretched taut, jaws open, only seeing that piece of meat always evading him! I almost burst out laughing! A short while later he came to a dust-blowing halt, raising his head, seemingly thinking hard. Then, slowly he turned towards us, apparently dawning on him that we were here with all the rest of the food all the time he tried to chase down Xipa! He casually padded to us, just letting himself collapse upon his arrival, pretending to be so terribly tired and sick he couldn't even move, eager for our attention and the meal prepared for him. Xipa when she noticed she isn't followed anymore, pretty much piqued, trotted near us to slump down on her chest, and was chewing on that piece of meat irritated for the whole time we treated Messenger, who again only wanted to swallow with our massaging of his throat. Sunset found us again at the archery range, watching the peaceful play of the two wyverns, a brass and a gold, just like the crest of the Antarans. The magnificent glimmering wings of Xipa sprung taut as she impressed Messenger, then she fell, took a few strides mimicking a take-off, jumping in a twist, to spread them again, the sparkly rainbows against the colors of the dusk. He lazily followed, walking, barely making an effort, but eventually broke, let the wizardry of motions take him, to run for a wildly flapping relishment. He was free! Dave caught my attention for a talk. - He is ready for the journey home. After a good sleep, tomorrow, we will go. - So it will be... He really won't return? - No. I told you, this place is not safe anymore for his innocent mind. - But if he wants to return? - He won't. We will tell him how some wretched soul fed him tainted gift. It will crush poor old Kipso's world, but has to be done for him. He will stay with us. A long silence fell over us, just watching them, joyful, playing, unaware of the harshness of reality coming to crush, to bog down dreams. I came to break it. - Could I visit him later? - Well, if you plan to be moving to our lands, then likely. - Yes, I wish to see Drino. - Honestly, you don't look like one who could afford such trips... Unless... - True. I planned to do it serving as Protector, going down through Cerva, to Kort, there taking the northern road. - Indeed, that's the shortest route by land, but it also goes a long way in the Seehal, the no man's land. I hear it is loosely traveled, and wild dragons are also more common there. It may take awhile to find a group you could go along with. - How long the way through Seehal is? - Maybe a week or more by cart. Shar is the borderline settlement of our land on that road, you may access air mail every day once you reach there. - Is that such a large city? - No, just a village, but it is important due to the road. Thanks to dragons, the mail service is very good across our whole land, if you have any relative living anywhere at us, you will likely be able to access him in at most four days turnaround time. - You really have so many dragons? - Yes, actually once you arrive to Shar, you no longer really have to worry about wilds since there is barely any expect on some very remote areas! Our dragons fly everywhere and they take care to keep things in order along their kin. - How come you could achieve that? What happened to the wilds? - Just what we talked about yesterday. The dragons of Drino always knew the ways of the wilds, they even bred on our lands since centuries unlike anywhere else in the world where they capture them young. They eventually assimilated them, and maybe even spread their side of Draconic out of our lands. - That's amazing! But for the road, do you know about anything I could use on the other side of Seehal? - Sorry, not really. Anyway, at Kort, you could still decide whether you rather take the slower water route by finding some ships to serve. You go down the Mera, into Ugaros, then at the port of Yerkas, you find another up the Lena, into Drino. You might have trouble though with the language. - Thanks. By the way, if I ever get there, could I send mail to a dragon? - Once you know Draconic, sure! You want to meet Kipso so much? - Yes, I do! He inspired me from my youth! But I don't know Draconic. - Don't worry about that. But then, first I should name you for him, so he will know you want to meet him. He so woke up to approach Messenger, who meanwhile settled down with Xipa to enjoy the later hours. With some motions, he caught his attention, making him raise his head observant. Looking at Dave he did some small tongue flicks, then turned towards me. I asked whether I should do anything, but was just hushed down. He continued his gestures, exchanging a few glimpses with the wyvern, who occasionally turned to me. I noticed they repeat the same figures a few times before they went on, finally finishing. Messenger pushed his muzzle towards me, Dave telling I can stroke him, that he is glad he knows my name now. He then left us together for a short while before returning. - What did you tell him? - Wait a bit. Here, I wrote some instructions and the gestures of your name, you can give it to a mail officer to scribe a letter for him. You should send it to Drino then, he will likely live there. - Thank you very much! Sorry if it may sound silly, but he can really read it? - Of course not. There are personnel for these types of mails who will deliver them to the dragon, reading out their contents. Normally these are expensive unless you are a dragon yourself or you send to one who trusts you. See, I sealed it with my name, insuring that you and Kipso trust each other, so you can send him a mail free. - You... I am in your debt, Sir, this is amazing! - Don't thank me, its Kipso's will. I just served him. - How so? What did you talk about? - Not much actually. But I talked with him about you today, seeing he healed. He thinks about you almost as a friend, truly the only one in Tikira, and I am sure he will miss you dearly later. You should honor this gift of his! - I do... I very much do, and will miss him... - He also told you have a good hand. I hope this hadn't got any hidden meaning! - What's on your mind! I would never... - Of course, just kidding. He just meant you know well how to touch him the right way to soothe his itches, to massage him, understanding his gestures even without language. Kipso is like this, he loves caressing, and actually enjoys much even the ploys of Xipa! In the darkening evening, Xipa was again mellow, laying by the side of Messenger with a wing lazily spread across his back, nuzzling him serenely, which he appreciated almost dreaming in his sprawling posture, his eyes barely open to reveal two small sparkles in the night. I could so so much envy him, his mild innocence, the gentle giant of my childhood, how many of us, small kids, encountered dragon in him! And it was to be over tomorrow, maybe forever, the long lasting permanence, the ceremony of the arrival of the Drino Messenger never to happen anymore. The world was cruel. Farewells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So the day came. Dave exchanged a few gestures with Xipa, calling for me to bring her equipment, which I did with mixed feelings. I felt honored for being allowed to carry a true dragon saddle, to observe it, to feel it's intricate features dreaming of flight, however it also meant their visit was over, and with that, Messenger would be gone. I approached silent, to meticulously arrange the gear for Dave to check and prepare, which, crouched down, I kept watching. Suddenly I felt something wet and soft against my neck above the shoulders! I jolted to turn, just to look in Xipa's eyes up close, her nose hanging just inches away from mine! On a hushed voice Dave told I could touch her then. It felt so amazing that she, before her leave, came to express her acceptance! I slowly reached up in revered silence to carefully settle my palms on her jaws, gently stroking. She hovered over me, mildly resting the tip of her muzzle in my hair, allowing me access to her soft spots at the base of her head which I massaged in delight, mesmerized by the myriad of colors sparkling under my fingers as the green-gold scales shifted. She was real, a real gold wyvern! I never thought this could come true! I got lost in my hazed dreams, my hands caressing those wonderful scales, precious emeralds full with life! Time however, the unforgiving, marched forth, waking me again. She moved away to see for Dave, who already prepared the riding gear. He called me, to help him with it, which, eager, I accepted, just so I could keep touching her. He showed how to align the saddle proper on her back, checking for having her features properly, conveniently fitting under, then fastened the harness and the cinch around her tailbase, carefully arranging it so it wouldn't interfere with her sensitive areas. When it was done, it still took some turns into the mansion to have every of his belongings reaffixed on her, finishing with him returning to change into his uniform. Meanwhile, before everyone would come for the farewell, I walked up to Messenger, resting sprawled out, enjoying the warmth of the morning Sun. He nuzzled me, offering his ridge for my caressing which I gladly did for him, trying to be really good and gentle for I knew this might be the last time I see him for a long while. He closed his eyes pleased with my treatment, probably even dozing off, dreaming. I could so wish it lasting! However, soon Dave returned with Arne and his family, Caron, and a few of the more established members of the sawmill. I carefully backed away from the wyvern by habit, not wanting to wake him even though he would have had to very soon. Dave thanked Arne's hospitality, seemingly getting over his fears of someone here wanting to harm the wyverns, and caught Xipa's attention, likely telling her that they should prepare to fly. She so padded up to Messenger, gently stroking him awake, then demonstrating her huge wings like the evening before, calling him for flight. He, however, balked, not even willing to stand up, just looking at Xipa eager, demanding, almost begging her to let him rest, to caress him just a little more. She gave in, starting to groom him. She gently worked her jaws on his neck, up to his shoulders, then carefully moving over his back to continue rubbing. She worked meticulously, throughout with some impressive care, massaging him into a delighted slumber. We could only adore her dedication if only we weren't gathering for a farewell! But neither of us had the will to intervene, to break this admirable scene of the two. She so continued, almost resting over him, but gently caressing until we could see his breathing going steady as he finally really dozed off. With utmost attention, she tiptoed off of him without a touch, turning to one of his arms, gently stroking its entire length for a while. He didn't move, completely lost in the world of his dreams. She cautiously backed, to silently move around, coming to a stop standing over his sprawled hind legs, head raised high with sparkling eyes. That was evil, just plain pure evil! A sudden swoop with open jaws, she bit down hard, right on the base of his tail! Messenger sprung like his butt was on fire, which wasn't far from the truth! He jolted forth, wings flapping in scared horror, unaware of the disaster which struck him! Then he noticed Xipa and her elfin countenance, realizing what ploy she planned on him! He rushed her down hard, but she wasn't such a devil who wouldn't know how to play her pranks proper! With a few strides just short of his reach, she took into the air! Messenger, eager to spank her, followed, spreading his wings to take off! He did a small circle trying to catch up with her before he realized just where he was, and finally came to land. He was tricked. She won, everything, it was over, tricking him into flying. I could so feel sorry for him, however sure Xipa was right with her methods, after all, she managed to stir him up, eager to move! Xipa soon landed, and head held low, almost submissively approached Messenger. He just looked stiff and stern, standing, wing folded to his sides, accepting her without a twitch. She raised her muzzle to gently groom his neck bulging with taut muscles. He could only last for a short while before giving in, his ridge falling back, the body going limp, forgiving, turning on her to return her caress. Dave approached her with a few gestures, then turned back to us, firmly shaking hands with Arne as the noble owner of the mill, then also with me, for a moment raising from my class in front of these people with this formality, calling me a friend of dragons. I felt so honored by this gesture. He then waved farewell before hopping on the waiting Xipa, soon aiming for the run. Then came Messenger. He, a little stiff once again probably to recover some of his demolished pride, marched in front of us with a short parade to demonstrate his perfect features, then, loosening, he offered his muzzle to everyone of us including the two Arne kids letting everyone to stroke or pat him. He left me to the last. So it was over. I reached out for him, feeling his cheeks under my palms for maybe the last time, digging my fingers into his soft jowls one final occasion, leaning my forehead between his nostrils. Then, I let him go, a thread snapping, something seeming as permanent as mountains finally crumbling apart. My mind hazed, only to be jolted by a sudden warm wet touch on my face as his thick tongue slid across my features! When I came back, I could only see two passing shapes in the distance. He remembered me. There was a friend waiting for me somewhere far. That afternoon I discussed my notice with Arne. He was sad to hear it, but knew I will want to go one day. He only suggested me to wait for a week, to think it over which I accepted, admitting I needed to consider whether I was ready for my planned journey at all. He even organized my duties at the mill so I could visit the city twice that week which I used to visit the Protector's Training Ground to discuss with Carl about my skills, how I would hold in real situations, suggesting me further practices of certain aspects. Of course I also spent a good time with Mother, discussing her about my intentions. It was hard for her to see the time coming, but anticipated it even long before she bought my Dragonbane, so at least it wasn't a harsh surprise. Next Wednesday, out of curiosity with some hidden hopes I lingered on the town square waiting for the Drino mail. A messenger came at noon, a brass wyvern with a rider, but it seemed like they put some insane effort to round up the grumpiest pair of the entire Antaran land. People scattered in disappointment when realizing there wouldn't be any chance to interact with this one. It was really over. When the week passed, I reinforced my decision to Arne, agreeing to serve for two further months before my leave, which was fine for I could plan and assemble my travel gear during that, also selling some articles which wouldn't be useful anymore. Along other things, I acquired a large sac for water, whetstone for my knives, flintstone, a sturdy metal pot for stew, more arrows, both broadheads and stingers. Visiting the pharmacy, I also purchased alcohol to treat wounds along with some vials of antidotes for the more common snakes, hoping I will never need those. Then, with all the gear I had and packed up, I went to the training ground to see how it affected my capabilities. Carl suggested me this, that it could be a lifesaver if I were to march by foot. He even filled up my water sac before letting me try to aim. It was enlightening, bleak prospects! Again I struggled to get below two hundred and fifty yards, which meant my chances to survive a wyvern attack suddenly plunged from perfect to a mere probable! I accepted his assistance planning out my packaging, his advises on how I should balance myself to be able to demonstrate my attacker fast that I could shoot at him. Soon I could get down to two hundreds, then to the end of the months, I usually got it at one hundred fifty. I also took my chances to visit traveler's inns and taverns, to catch some gossip, also inquiring some knowledgeable-looking men about the way to Drino. Most suggested me to rather go up the Mera, into the heart of the country, so I could avoid the Seehal on a safer route, but that was also a much longer trip. Others proposed the port, to go by water through Ugaros, although they usually weren't much fond of those lands, some even describing those people as underdeveloped blasphemers, still worshiping wyverns as guardians. I also noticed a genre of Protectors who were rather silent, barely sharing travel gossip. Somehow their composure had an effect over me, making me wish to get to know them, to see into their secrets, however they never opened up in the places I had access. For the short route I could collect that there were a few small settlements north of Kort, maybe a day's ride on a good horse until Zarvo, which was the last. Then anyone traveling further was at the mercy of the Seehal, and the few water holes and wells spaced out by the road until reaching Shar. Who knew those described them as dangerous places to live where everyone carried bows which didn't necessarily help them to avoid wyverns. The months passed, one day finding me hugging Caron for farewell pats, with Arne calling me in to hand over the terminal notice. To my great surprise, he didn't simply terminate my contract, but also handed over a commendatory sealed with his name, even suggesting that if nothing else, I could visit the smith in Drino from who he ordered the special blades and saws for the mill. He was a good man even then. I looked over my now empty sleeping quarter, hauling the last pieces of my belongings, not forgetting to pat the heads of the two nile monitors, the little dragons of Arne before catching the loaded wagon departing for the port. The forest soon shrouded the clearing, then later, when we were out, I kept watching the peculiar sight, the windmill hovering over the green woods, the eccentric wizard's tower with its inhabitants with whom I spent my last five years. A chapter of my life faded away as it disappeared behind the sparse trees and houses of the outskirts. I settled for deciding for the route I would take by opportunity, looking out for favorable possibilities in either direction. A merchant wagon came first with one of those rather silent Protectors, by name, Mark, telling me they are going all the way down to Kort and even further by the Mera. He told he would prefer to have someone to share his duties with, however the merchant wouldn't pay a further man aboard despite his objections for the threats. I said it is fine with me since I just planned to get to Drino. He also suggested me to buy a traveler's hunting permit all the way to Zarvo since such an investment might well repay. He also noted I should skip the rest since truly the Seehal is a free region where nobody cared, so purchasing a permit there is honestly a blatant rip off. I took his words, in the office insisting that I only plan to go there until they finally gave in. So it eventually happened, I was in our old home, indulging the familiar smell, the features of the clay walls, the sight of our few old and worn furniture, my last moments with Mother. I was eager to go, but farewells were never easy. It seems I was to follow my father's heritage, good or bad, my blood called for it, to embark on an adventure, to see the world, to chase my dreams of dragons. - I will come back. I swear I will come back flying, to take you with me one day! - Sure you will, my Son, you will... We so hugged, one last time, crying, before I hauled my belongings which would be my home on my back for a long time. We parted, I kept looking back, on our small house, Mother just standing there in the door waving, smaller and smaller every occasion until losing behind a curve of the street. Would I ever see her again? Prospects, perils and dirty politics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It suddenly dawned on me how alone I was on my way to the town square where I was supposed to catch up with my wagon, two barely known people who I will have to trust into the lands unknown, leaving everything behind. My other side, my adventurous blood was however boiling, eager to see what is beyond the borders of Tikira which I only knew from stories before! The merchant was a grumpy geezer who couldn't even meet me without bursting out in complaints about what this will cost. I reassured him that I won't take money, just wanting to get to Kort in exchange for my service as Protector. At least that made him allowing me to get on. We discussed a bit with Mark, who suggested me to take the first turn guarding, just until leaving Tikira's area, so I could get a feel of it, then I could wake him. He directed me to the top of the wagon, noting I should just sit there, observing. With that settled, the journey finally begun. I watched the buildings of gloomy old Tikira passing from my high ground, occasionally looking up the sky remembering the instructions of Carl from the Protectors' training ground, however I could only see one of the guardian wyverns floating up there. For a while there wasn't any danger maybe expect for probable wild animals. Slowly the last houses of the city passed behind, the wagon rattling down the road, bringing me away like the flow of the river, hard to swim back once being in the drift. Dryer lands came with a few trees scattered, the forests by the Mera lining the horizon on the south. A small caravan rolled towards us, with a person, another Protector sitting on the top of a carriage, we exchanged greets as we passed by. It was about time, so, not even stopping our ride, I climbed down to wake Mark, who, putting on a hat, came up to share guard with me. - So you are new to traveling. Are you worried a bit? - Honestly, maybe so. - Good. It keeps you alert, watching the sky. The sooner you spot them, the better. - Should I prepare my bow then, or only when they attack? - You should, but you don't need to strain yourself. Just lay it by your side prominently in a convenient reach, even that's enough for most to ignore you, to see you are prepared. - What about other animals? - Most will stay out of the road, or will back away. The teamster will know when to rather give them way. If it proves necessary, you should use broadheads from point blank range preferably on the skull. The Dragonbane is powerful enough to punch through killing most swiftly. Thankfully it wasn't necessary as we only saw some giraffes in the distance until early afternoon when we rolled in a settlement overlooked by a tall wooden tower. I asked Mark about it, he enlightened me that such towers served as guard post against wyverns where they had none to patrol the sky. We didn't travel forth that day anymore for the increasing threat of the later hours, so I got some time to look around. It was a dusty small village, if Tikira was gloomy, then this was something even below that. An inn, a tavern, a small woodwork shop, and about that was all this place had to offer. We didn't even take the inn, sleeping in our wagon with one of us staying on guard. We departed before dawn, as soon as the sky started to brighten. The road wound down by the Mera, occasionally approaching the forest, offering a few stray trees to provide some shade, then leaning far again into the dry open lands. We passed two similar small settlements, the second guarded by two such towers, occasionally meeting other caravans, and a few more horsemen including mail officers. Then, all of sudden, I noticed a large shape up in the sky! A shiver ran down my spine, with shaking hand I felt for my bow, not even really scared, rather excited. A wild wyvern! I kept staring at the black silhouette as it glided, far above, past us, without paying any attention. I followed him until his contours disappeared no matter how I strained my eyes. Before noon I exchanged with Mark, telling him the story. He just shook his head, noting that it was nothing that uncommon, farther down there would be more, and I should get accustomed to picking that which poses a danger. We ended the day's voyage in Cerva, a larger town with five towers which even had a small market and a post office. No messenger wyverns, though. I walked down to the port, just to watch the preparations of a ship's leave, then at the evening we had a proper dinner at an inn. The day after was spent rather uneventful. I had seen a wyvern again, but it was just like the first, gliding away in a pleasant distance. What bothered us more was a group of elephants marching across the road which made us stop to wait their passing from a safe distance. Later Mark woke me up for some gazelles he spotted, which we stalked down together to get something for a good stew. It turned out we really needed that since we happened to stop in the most miserable little village of our trip this far. There wasn't even an inn or tavern there, just a smaller guard tower. We bartered some meat for spices to get a proper dinner. After our meal, with the merchant and his teamster returning into the wagon, curious, I asked Mark whether he could tell me some of his travels. - If you want to hear of the Ursus nobility, balls and nice dames of distant lands, you are out of luck. Being Protector brings you to places, but its not a clean and tidy profession for most. You neither seem someone who enjoyed spicy tavern stories. - Rather tell me about wyverns. - So you want me to brag over my skills shooting at them then? - No. I just wish to understand them better. Do they simply attack out of hunger, hunting? - Honestly? - Yes, honestly. Is there anything else? - There is. - What? - You are going to Drino, yes? - Yes, I am. Why? - So you are going to leave this region of the country soon. - What it has to do with wyverns? Mark let out a sigh, to start telling a story. "It has a lot to do. It was maybe a decade ago, a caravan of three wagons of two families, three of us, Protectors, guarding. We were heading to some small settlements somewhere near Jala, can't recall where exactly. Two of us were on the rooftops when the other guy noticed a wyvern diving for an attack. We both aimed at him, but he kept descending just until coming in range, then halted for a low glide. We followed as he made a turn to make a second attempt. Just before we could release our arrows, my companion let out a horrible wail!" "I could barely notice the second attacker just impaling the poor man on his claws, sweeping forth towards me! I rolled, losing my bow, to fall on the ground, saving myself by mere inches. I yelled out our situation, just to see the third of us stumbling out of a wagon, also failing to realize we had two wyverns! He aimed for the first he saw while the other swooped down from behind. I kept shouting at him, but it was too late, he turned, only to have his face ripped off first!" "Alone, without a bow I was useless, and those beasts kept attacking in perfect cooperation, bringing down every man who had any chance to hurt them. Maybe three or four hunting arrows from weak bows, but they failed even to hit before all of them laid incapacitated or dead on the ground." "Honestly I panicked, fleeing like a coward, under a carriage, climbing up its supports to hide pressing against the bottom. It was terrible. Those wyverns landed and systematically killed every remaining person including the children, breaking down the wagons to access them! They didn't even care for the horses sprinting away in terror! Luck spared me again shivering under the rampage!" "Why I am telling this?... It was not like how normal wyverns behave. They are mild, and usually only attack to sate their hunger, alone. While those two destroyed the caravan, I could notice several fresh stinger wounds on one of them. They were a pair, likely victims of a capture." - I never even thought of that such terrible things could happen. Is this any common? - I don't know, but certainly more than a century ago. I heard Nadar, where the gold wyverns are imported from, is almost destroyed by now, people unable to grow crops due to the relentless storm. Most of the brass chicks come from Labion, a country by the sea, the land of fish-eaters which title they earned since that's their only way to feed themselves. Prices keep increasing, and, while reluctant, our King gives out more capture permits than before to expand his air force. - You mean the King's orders are flawed? - Condemn me for it, but yes, I believe he is driving our nation to its doom in the long run! It is a slow spiral into the depths! Capture a few, and sure, you have an air force you can command. But you also agitate the wilds. They are neutral to us, but it won't stay that way if we continue this practice! Then you will need more wyverns to protect the cities, and the circle is closed! - I heard they breed in Drino. Why they don't here? - Honestly I don't know. There are rumors that they do, but certainly not enough to cover the losses even by aging. Something is severely flawed in our methods. - Then why don't we adapt Drino's ways? - Those are different. Our people want dragons which they can control. Those of Drino, however, are independent. Despite the probable will of the Antaran lords, they simply won't rally for a war away from their lands. - Why would they want that? There was barely a conflict since decades! - You weren't away from Tikira before I guess. It's time to open your eyes and see. Something is on the move since the past year, and I feel it came near to eruption. You better not linger around if you want to get to Drino at all. - What? You think the Antaran lords plan to rebel against their King? - It might be, but the situation is quite shrouded. The King is filling up our armies, but I doubt it has anything to do with the Antarans. Maybe more likely preparing a war against one of our neighbors, maybe even hoping to went the wrath of the Lords in a cooperative effort. Either way, there is a risk of the border closing down. It was dense, overpowering, suddenly gloomy old Tikira felt like an island of calm peace which I left to jump headfirst into a storm. The prospect of wyverns seeking out for revenge, the menacing dark clouds of a war against the unknown were stirring. So Drino probably was neither such a fairy land I imagined by Dave, or maybe Mark was flawed by his assumptions? There was no-one to answer. We continued down by the Mera, passing dusty worn settlements almost tainting the beauty of the savanna. They made my home feel rich and vivid, I never thought the world being such a sullen place like this road suggested. Then I had my first wyvern attack which strangely didn't even touch me too deep. I noticed him far, just under the Sun, descending. By routine I reached out for my Dragonbane and a stinger, aimed, and soon with a bank he gave up. For a moment Mark's story seeped in my mind, but he was alone, just a hunter. Maybe my mood was just too low even to be scared. I wondered how the Seehal could be any worse. We approached Kort four days later. From the distance I spotted a wyvern above the city which only unraveled then: to my surprise it was walled, massive stone formed even the base of the towers embedded in it. So that was how a fortification looked like! I woke Mark as we approached the gate. He also noticed the dark shape above us, and remarked it being odd. The city was smaller than Tikira, but at last, it showed signs of life. The streets were very narrow, but we met people, even some dogs barked after us. After a turn, we suddenly found ourselves in the open, a town square with a bustling market! Mark thanked my support during the trip allowing him to have some sleep at last, and noted they will stay for a day or two before moving on if I wanted to visit. So we bid farewell, and taking my gear I plunged in this new world to explore it. The market offered a few oddities I didn't see or notice at home, even some strange fruits presumably from Ugaros or even farther down the river. Regular food prices like that of bread were steeper than at us, however the rest was about the same. I took my time to check out some guilds which interested me, such as the knife makers, comparing my equipment to their offers. I noticed how this place has considerably wider selection of military gear like swords, armor and various related articles than my home, however I didn't quite want to spend any of my valuable money on those, finally only purchasing a few additional broadheads to see whether they are better than what I already had. Wandering around I found the post office, noticing they also have air mail, from Drino and Ursus, weekly. I wondered about their messengers, however it looked like I just missed that from Drino. Then I ran in a recruitment station with several flier for those who could read. One in particular caught my attention announcing the arrival of the Leopard Air Squadron with four brass wyverns and a gold, asking citizen to get accustomed to their sight, suggesting not to approach either of them. It made me wonder why they are here when Tikira in my life never saw any of the air forces except for our guardians. My explorative walk ended down at the Mera, the port, where a large grain barge was just being unloaded with several carts waiting for their cargo. Realizing the opportunity, I hurriedly inquired about the destinations and whether they had any vacancy in Protectors. To my relief that going up to Zarvo had, so I negotiated a contract right on the site, to leave the next day before dawn. Having my immediate tasks accomplished, I wandered back to the town square hoping for finding some cheap room, and maybe even Mark if they also decided to stay for the night. I had luck with both at an inn with a zany but perfectly intimating name "Pigsty", especially targeting travelers with thin purses. To my surprise, soon after dinner Mark pulled me away from the crowd for a private discussion. - What happened? - Nothing right now, but something might very soon. I guess you saw the wyvern squadron's presence. - Yes, I did, but what about them? Is this anything unusual? - It is. The aerial forces don't leave the plains without good reason. Military training, maybe, but nobody saw them doing anything excessive apart from a few demonstrative formation performances, rather for reassurement than any training. - Do you have any idea? - They might be preparing some action. People even saw members flying off, maybe to nearby towns carrying messages or orders, but all goes in strict secrecy. - What purpose? Is there any uprising or conflict here? - I couldn't hear of any. Honestly, I can't make out what they are up to. Five wyverns aren't many, but they are clearly here on purpose. Anyway, I feel we should better leave before it turns out. Found anything for your destination? - A cart to Zarvo tomorrow, yes. - Good. Don't miss it! Onward to Drino ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We rolled out the north gate still in the dark. The crew of the cart was small, just a teamster and a merchant apart from me sitting on the top looking out for hostile wyverns. A second one however followed us, but only going up half the way, with an older Protector. Leaving the proximity of the Mera, the environment turned rather dry, only a few trees for an occasional shade, from my vantage point I could see far, after the Sun went up, behind us, the fortifications of Kort were still visible for a long while. Straining my eyes, I could spot several of the larger animals in the distance, mostly small herds of zebras and antelopes, at least in regions where the grass didn't grow too high. The more unsettling were the presence of wyverns, from now, after noon, there was barely any moment when there wasn't at least one of those ominous shapes gliding somewhere high. The second day I even witnessed a real hunt, very far, but it was possible to make out as the large mass swooped down crushing its unknown prey. To my surprise, the other cart's Protector let out a small cheer to the sight. Villages were even more scarce and desolate, some were barely a few clay huts around a makeshift tower. They were hunting colonies with very few guilds if any, only offering low quality common wares. Almost everyone, even woman and older children we could see carried bows, instruments which were barely fit for hunting, much less for doing any harm to a wyvern. I wondered how they survive out here. The third day we met a larger caravan traveling down, about a hundred men with a few horses, and two carts carrying their belongings. We only exchanged greets, however the sight was certainly unusual. In the evening we got to know from the locals that they received an urgent call by air to rejoin the military at Kort. This seemingly was common practice in the poor regions. Able men enrolled to receive military training, so they could gain a small yearly fund for being available to the Army, and now they were needed. I wondered what was going on, however there was no way to receive any answer. The cart following us emptied by Tura where they were to turn back, to collect skins and other wares on their way back. We continued north, towards Zarvo, now our turn being to distribute our load on the way. My job got more tiresome as I had to look out alone, it being my sole responsibility whether we arrived or not. One day I met a peculiar sight which despite my duty kept teasing me to follow. We trundled through a region with taller grass, leaving the privilege of distance to me. Somewhere farther west I noticed some strange gray mounds, rocks I thought. However, as we advanced, their configuration shifted, but I wasn't certain whether it was just an illusion by our movement. They kept my attention fixed for long until I realized what they were: Elephants submerged in the tall yellow grass to their shoulders! I almost exclaimed in amazement for this discovery when, shocked, I noticed the dark shape up the sky just on the edge of my vision! Frantic, I grabbed my bow and stinger, jumping to aim, but it was already up on us, the wings spreading wide under the Sun! Late! I let it fly! A spasm ran down the creature causing it flap, which was our luck, I still barely escaped the impact by throwing myself on my back as our horses pranced in terror! Gathering my strength, I sprung grabbing another stinger to aim while yelling down to the teamster to steady the carriage! The wyvern crashed down almost in front of us, I hoped dead for a moment, but to my dismay, proper on its wing-arms and legs, now arching up in pain, the arrow jutting out from the chest. With a sudden bow, it yanked it off, throwing away, then gazed back snarling! I held stiff, ready to shoot on the wobbling cart! The beast with a death glare fixated upon me turned around, facing us with his entire body, with merely a thin streak of blood on his breast! Then, with a frightening pop, the wings snapped open as he sprung on the hind legs, releasing a horrid roar! I barely saw our horses fleeing, but I held on the now stable ground, the arrow still on my taut bow! The wyvern collapsed, apparently ailing again, growling before with a sudden turn strode to jump into the air, fleeing. I let out a huge sigh. It took us hours to collect the scared horses and fix the harness before we could continue. The teamster saved our lives by cutting them off just before the threat display! I didn't admit my attention lingered away, but memorized it deep that they might use every distraction to their advantage. The rest of the travel thankfully spent rather uneventful, maybe for my more keen watch still shaken by the events, keeping the occasional wyverns gliding above from trying. There was only a ground affair with a pair of lions, but they rather avoided us in the end. Zarvo wasn't a big town either, but at least it had a proper guard tower, and a small market under it. I even noticed a post sign, announcing the delivery of mail by air to Kort, Shar and Drino every Thursday, but again I just missed it by a day. I found a family who would settle me until some group arrived with whom I could continue my travel with, through the Seehal. They also suggested me a merchant by the name Marco who specialized especially in Drino related items and exchanged money. Next morning so I was visiting him to see what he had both in material and information. He displayed many interesting but useless trinkets, small elaborate wyvern sculptures including one bringing the Antaran crest to life of delicate glazed porcelain, but also ones of use like knives, even two swords decorated with dragons. I spotted some cutlery, clothing articles of unusual style, a small casket, a curious gourd shaped as a curled up brass wyvern with the plug in the open jaws. Since I had my own quite utilitarian but well-serving gear, while they were nice, I didn't need anything of these. Meanwhile, I asked about the Seehal road, how often it is traveled, how well it is established, what perils it could offer and likes. To my dismay in person he never saw it, only making trips to Kort occasionally to sell out his merchandise. However, he told on average groups get on or come off more often than weekly, and offered me a sturdy compass and a sketchy hand-drawn map indicating landmarks, wells and water holes which, although a bit reluctant for its credibility, I bought. Then I noticed a small silk-lined box of books, something I realized I missed since leaving Tikira. With his permission, I emptied it to check out the titles. Two novels, "By the Wings of Thunderstorm" and "Green Gold Scales", a history study on the fifteen years war, then something on astronomy, and one reading "Principles of Machinery". This latter I snapped open, rolling through I found a section apparently on windmill design. Searching further I settled with two which particularly caught my attention. One apparently covered wyvern anatomy, full with images depicting everything from the muscular system to the intestines, the skeleton, the individual limbs, even showing some intricate threads through the wings which I couldn't figure out by watching. It was likely for physicians, upon closer look full with words of some indecipherable script, so I rather set it aside doubting whether it could help me in any manner. The second was simply titled "The Draconic Language". By my first impression it was just as indecipherable as the anatomy book showing several strange drawings, symbols. Upon closer look in the first chapters however I noticed explanatory figures, wyvern postures being linked to some of those, so I thought maybe I could manage. It had a release date printed on its cover at the bottom, telling it is four decades old. I recalled Dave, that he described the language as changing fast, however this was still something better than nothing. I asked Marco whether there were newer editions of this. "No, these rarely even get out of the country. Figures are complex to print, expensive, they are only used in education. That one might have been discarded due to its obsolescence." I asked how much it was, anyway, and got a small shock to the price. Half of a month's salary at Arne! Again I rolled through the book, with more attention to see whether it was of any real use. More memories popped in, including that this knowledge is even a condition for citizenship, and really, I wished to be able to talk with dragons once there, and here was a chance! Finding that it contained a good section on the language of wild wyverns, which I thought was likely still valid, settled it: I needed the book. I did a bargain with Marco on it, also including a hunt to scrape some off of the hefty price. For days there was no activity on the Seehal road. Then a small caravan rolled in from across. I pounced on the opportunity to inquire them, and they were glad to offer help, maybe even simply to meet people after the long trek. They were a traveling merchant and his family, specializing in carpets and tapestries, now bringing fresh wares from the Antaran land to sell them out for the higher classes of the larger towns, beginning with Kort. A single Protector was escorting them for added safety since the head and his son were also both proficient archers equipped with Dragonbanes. First they helped me with my map, correcting some locations especially concerning those of wells. They described the road as traversable, however not necessarily discernible, pointing out regions where I might have to rely on navigating by compass and after landmarks. We exchanged a few words on wyverns concerning the threats, and, to my dismay, they noted that a particularly aggressive one, a young brown female, might have set up territory halfway in, described even by previous travelers, attempting to swoop down on them three times during their pass. The son suggested that if I was to go alone, I should certainly climb up trees for the night at least in that region. I dismissed it in astonishment exclaiming that I didn't lose my mind to go in there all by myself. However, for the next days I neither got any opportunity to join anyone, the road being dead empty. I spent the time attempting to pick up some Draconic from the book I acquired. It was strange. As it suggested learning the language of the wilds first, I started there, spending an entire day just observing the coupling of symbols to various motions which were ample. Tilts, twists, circles, shakes and bobs of the head, tongue flicks, its touches on the chops, then entire complex neck motions, a few even using the wing-arm, seemingly mostly the left one, and their combinations. Despite the good descriptive figures, they were hard to connect, sometimes even to imagine what the motion actually looked like in real life. Worse, as I read forth, I had to realize these mostly would only produce a meaning by blending together, and the grammar itself was also odd. An example was the short sentence "Me take-off", and its several interpretations. Normally the wyvern would bob his head deep for "me", then jerk his fingers slightly wobbling the wing webs for "take-off", motioning a farewell, suggesting the other not to follow. The polite response indicating the acceptance would be "You take-off", the "you" expressed with a long, straight tongue flick from a horizontally held muzzle. Raising the head with erect ridge during this conversation indicated a friendly undertone, raised head with flat ridge a sad undertone, while it could also be expressed in a low, crouching, threatening posture with stiff ridge for anger. This, using "you" from the initiating wyvern could be a very offensive territorial or protective display, chasing the other off. Seemingly their entire communication could have emotional undertones, but adjectives also modified their signaling rather than adding new words like in our language. Flipping pages I could see other examples beyond, but without graphical explanations, using the symbols only I could barely imagine how the motions should look like. One morning I realized it was Tuesday, six days since I was sitting in this dusty town, air mail delivery. At least something happens I thought. Having nothing much to do I just waited by the post sign until a local, who turned out to be serving as mail officer this day, asked me whether I had anything to send. Of course I didn't have. He so rolled out a flag to wave it sideways overhead towards the approaching messenger, who so soared past low without landing. So much for any close encounter, even that frightening attack offered more, let's get over another gloomy day waiting then, I thought. The afternoon again found me there, just hoping to see the messenger again on its way back, dreaming, how easy they pass the vastness of the Seehal within less than a half day bogging down men and horse for more than a week. The mail officer again waved the flag sideways signaling no mail, however now the wyvern continued to descend, landing. He had a rider who exclaimed "Is there anyone by the name Daniel Thorton here?". Confused I stepped forth. He slid down from his saddle, patting his partner's neck, offering him a short gesture, who eased himself a bit for it, to lay flat with spread out wings. The rider called me a bit away for some isolation from the mail officer. - I was requested to send you a message over the dire situation emerging between our country and Ugaros, and its consequences on your situation. - You mean between Drino and Ugaros? Why? - Absolutely not. Five days ago a large dispatchment of the King's Army, supported by the Navy and at least the Leopard Squadron assembled in Kort and started their descent on the Mera. They could be plundering the eastern defenseless settlements of Ugaros by now without any declaration of war. - What? Are you sure? - Certainly. Maybe they didn't cross the border, but there is hardly any reason to send such a large army down the river other than to threaten Ugaros directly. I hope at least our Lords were notified of this act already. - But how? And why tell me? - A Protector by the name Mark Voron informed me a few miles north of Kort. He had some friend with the knowledge of Draconic who silently signaled the meeting point for Pipin. He also told me about you, that I shall notify you should I still find you here, to haste your travel into our lands. I have all reason to trust him since last week the Drino Messenger already brought unsettling news, observing large military carriers descending from the port while I myself saw the presence of an aerial squadron in Kort, and an odd group of men marching down the Zarvo road. - So his instincts were right... What will you do then? I believe you had good relations with Ugaros. - Yes we did. If this is all true, it is an open affront from the King, starting a war without our consent against our friends, trampling in our autonomy in such a despicable manner! With all honesty I don't know what will happen, but the King shall be aware of our dragons' powers! If you so wanted to be with us, better pack up and march right away before this hideous situation escalates any worse! Alone through the no man's land ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was dreadfully clear, suddenly probably all diplomatic relations taking such a plummeting dive. I couldn't fathom the reason, why this had to happen, but it was here with all its menacing horrors. I stared bewildered after the passing shape of the messenger, barely able to comprehend the gravity of what he carried and was about to carry forth to his homeland. Unsettling thoughts stormed my mind all night as I tried to order myself, to reason. I was here in Zarvo, more than three weeks since I left home, unsure of what to do. There was nowhere else to go than back all the way I came if it was even possible, the adventurer sulking home to beg for a job after wasting heaps of money in a fruitless endeavor. Or join the Army at Kort, enrolling to support this despicable offensive against Ugaros throwing us in disrespect by the Antaran Lords, and maybe all their dragons whom I so much wished to meet. Memories of Xipa gently caressing and playing with Messenger emerged, her elfin tricks now so adorable, to be swamped by the whole cause, the lifeless poisoned agony on the town square. I had no choice but to go on, if alone, then shall it be. Early dawn next morning I so set out with my heavy packsack on my back, determined to march through this vast land of desolation no matter what it took. At first it didn't even seem too hard. The road was rough, but present, I even had the companion of a small hunting party who only forked off a few hours before noon. They gave me last advice on utilizing the results of my hunt and avoiding threats of the natural wildlife, also suggesting that being alone I shouldn't even worry that much about wyverns who rather seek for larger prey than a single man, but agreeing that I indeed should still rather spend my nights on trees in darkness than relying on fire, better chances not only against them, but also against lions. They reassured me that leopards are uncommon in these dry regions, so at least I shouldn't really worry of gentle clawed paws stroking me awake up there. By noon I was alone, the tower of the city long disappeared behind the scarce trees and grassy regions, with the road now rather resembling an unkempt path, with grooves of old cart tracks occasionally visible here and there. It was the wilderness, miles and miles down as I trudged forth, keeping half an eye on my surroundings, other on the sky, prepared to use my bow in need. I pressed on long into the dusk, without any remarkable event, stopping only at a battered well to refill my water sack. That was about the only sign of civilization I met the entire afternoon. I found a nice large acacia for the night, however soon I could very much envy a leopard I saw once napping pleasantly sprawled out on a branch which convenience seemed to be impossible to adapt for myself. The day after didn't offer much interest either. The path lead out into a dryer region with scarce shrubbery and barely any trees, neither any too tall grass to hinder vision. It was good for I could see farther, not having to fear that much of any surprise from the ground, however it also exposed me more to wyverns. I had only seen a few of them though, neither attempted to make a dive. Third day, spotting some gazelles I attempted a hunt, but gave up for having no reasonable way to stalk them without cover. I packed enough food, so it wasn't really urgent anyway, so I rather pressed on without really trying it hard. Maybe the fourth night, to my relief I met a nice stubby baobab which offered quite pleasant accommodation after padded with some of my gear and the water sac, almost making me feel like finally having a proper bed. I also realized however that according to my map I was approaching to the region where that particular aggressive wyvern was sighted. While I didn't have any real accident this far, I could see elephants and lions to look out for, so this another threat added to the bunch was really nothing I needed. I tried to estimate distances, how long it would take to get through, and no matter how I reasoned, it seemed like I would have to spend two nights with that hazard looming over me. Anyway, it had to be done to get across, and even though Mark's story kept agitating me, I reasoned that it shouldn't be that dangerous. After all at least a few carriages passed through unharmed, and none told about any indication of her succeeding. With my mind settled, I continued calm into the region, remembering to be more wary than usual. These were rather open lands again relieving me from the necessity of being too concerned about the ground, but the sky remained devoid of any large shape. I stopped at a well, but it was dry contrary to my map, although not a great trouble since I had plenty of water to last. I just checked my quiver instead, to be certain I had it all right once necessary. By late afternoon I started to hope to end the day without any sight, however my luck didn't hold. Something approached from under the Sun, and took the dive. I pulled my bow and stinger by routine to aim, hoping for the usual retreat, which indeed happened, however allowing me a good view on her features. A plain brass color with none of the black stripes of Messenger or other wyverns I had seen up close, clearly she was that of the reports! The attack repelled I continued my march keeping an eye on her. To my dismay she didn't leave like the others! She soared without wingflaps, gliding above in circles, sometimes breaking them for a straight line, but never leaving my field of vision, although neither attempting another dive. As the evening approached, it became even more unsettling. The sinking Sun lit up her features as she patrolled above relentlessly, and I had to find some place to spend the night. I was reluctant to climb up a tree with her presence, fearing I could be trapped, but on the ground I was also exposed to other animals. There was nothing to be done except waiting alert, waiting, hoping for the situation to resolve in some manner. I settled down near a few scattered acacias, still in the open under the darkening sky, watching her as she kept on without a single wingflap, going and going around in circles. It was no good for in the dark I feared I would lose sight, just enough for her to attack. I already strained my eyes sore, alert by the danger, the storm on the horizon which I couldn't hope to avoid. Scared, without any better idea to save myself, I retreated under one of the trees, then finally gave in to climb it. It was as good as sitting down there in the dark where maybe I could spot her, but much less any other animal more adept in stalking. The night fell upon me like a terrible bogging down mass, an eerie silence without a single sound of any animal, unlike anything before. I knew she was somewhere near, but I couldn't imagine where. I strained my eyes, the sky was clear, the ground as far as I could see in the darkness, empty, without a single movement. Sleep evaded me, my head full with ideas of her stalking under the tree to silently rip me off like a fruit if only my attention drifted away. The worst was the crawl of time, the waiting for the dawn to sweep the blinding blackness away. Morning finally came, but what a grim prospect! As the shapes unfolded, I noticed her body, already awake looking at me up on the tree, just about two hundred yards away, just so far so I couldn't hope to hurt her with my stingers! And I had to get off, to continue, or hope her natural needs, maybe thirst could eventually make her retreat! I couldn't afford to wait, there was just no reason in it. I tried to start my descent, however as soon as I did, she sprung to run towards me! I hasted, letting myself almost drop scraping my hands bad, jumping to aim with her halting a mere fifty yards away, sending me a deep gaze of cold death! We stared down each other for long, she crouched down, ridge high, wings expanded threatening facing me with my Dragonbane strung, the well-salted stinger ready. I slowly started to back away which she didn't follow, only turning aside once I made about a hundred yards, to run for a take-off. It was a dreadful tiring trudge forth. The wyvern kept circling above straining my already weary eyes long until noon when approaching a more grassy region she left. Having the sky clear for an hour I let out a relieved sigh, hoping I was alone once again. At a crumbling apart well which thankfully had water I consulted the map, resolving to push on despite my tiredness to get out of this cursed region as soon as possible, hoping that at worst the next day it would be over. Late afternoon however with a sudden swooping attack she returned again, again to continue the drill on my nerves, circling above into the dusk, not allowing me to have any rest! My numb mind shrieked in pain as I tried to find a tree, to prepare for a second night under this assault! I was stranded between branches again, weary, desolate and terrified, fighting my urge to fall asleep, to survive this rotten evil! I ran into this, my dignity and my wish to see dragons pushing me in, and now, one of them would be my demise! I couldn't let it happen! If the previous night was horrible, this was outright sheer terror. I dozed off to be shaken for the sight of that devil stalking towards the tree, to make me jump, draw my bow, stare in her deadly gaze as she scowled before she would retreat back into the hell of darkness. There was nothing I could do, only hoping that somehow this would be over, at worst the Seehal had an end somewhere on the other side, also putting an end to this nightmare. Again my concentration waned, and again I woke to fend off her, that stare of cold death! Morning again cast its first lights over her shape laying some two hundred yards away, forcing me to slide down, to jump for aiming, to meet her wrath, to stare in those eyes backing away until she took off! I had to march, thinking that I could maybe leave her territory, putting an end to this torment, watching her moves. But today, she didn't just fly up there. With a turn, she descended in front of me, out of range yet, blocking the road, staring me down! There was no choice, but approach if I ever wanted to get across, bow taut, arrows ready! She stood firm, chest deep, wings fanned out, glaring me snarling without a single voice in a horrid silence entombing the entire land. I felt myself deaf, only hearing my pounding heart and my own steps, one after another as I got nearer. Two hundred yards. A hundred yards. She didn't move. "Die you wretched evil bitch, die!" I let out my stinger, hitting her on the shoulder, she pranced, roaring, to end in a stride towards me, attacking! Another arrow in the exposed breast, and another, I shot wild until she fell on her side in agony! I collapsed panting, weariness taking me down. It was over. It took me a while to realize that the wyvern was still there, alive. She was curling up in pain, as far as I could see the arrows either fell off on their own or removed, without too much blood. I hesitated whether I should try to kill her, knowing that this state wouldn't last, and she may continue her assault, or rather shouldn't risk it. Suddenly she sprung her neck to face me, to flick her tongue bobbing and shaking her head, then repeating the same figure again. Her ridge laid limp, and I could see fear and sorrow in her eyes. I couldn't know what, but she was talking to me, in Draconic. The she-wyvern of the Seehal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bewildered, I wished to understand what she was telling, but the situation didn't even allow me to try to consult my book. Although I lowered the bow, I was still wary, unsure about what the change meant, however a little relieved to cease the fight. I couldn't even know whether I caused her a fatal injury, maybe piercing the lungs, however in my hopelessly drained state after the days of terrorizing, it was beyond my capabilities to care about seeing her agony no matter how pitiful she might have looked like. She curled up again, trying to treat her wounds, as I could see licking, removing the salt easing the pain. Some blood stained her breast, forming small puddles on the ground, but her breath remained steady, not like struggling for her life. Realizing this was probably a chance for me to silently slink away at least hoping she would stay and won't bother anymore, I moved on to get around her by a wide arch. However, as soon as I started, she rolled on her chest to stare me down agitated! It wasn't an enraged expression, but still alarming, detaining, and I felt too weak to counter with my bow. I stopped. It was clear by now that the injuries I caused were minuscule at least as for then, leaving her perfectly capable to lunge and tear me apart no matter if I defended myself or not. I knew I could probably kill her by a fatal shot slowly depriving her of air, but I would be dead sooner. The Sun traveled a good deal up, and we just sat there, still the same spots about eighty yards away. She continued to lick her wounds curled up, but whenever I attempted to move, she sprung to halt me. I was tired, my numb mind barely forming thoughts, mostly wild about the dreaded prospect of being eaten, however somewhat lulled by the apparent armistice. There was nothing I could do, eventually I was to fall asleep and be done with it. I could no longer fight, maybe not only for my weariness, but also for the sight of her gestures, the thought that she talked, maybe a faint sense of hope, a hope she probably didn't want to destroy me after all. "Follow". After she walked around me keeping distance, looking back over her shoulder she gestured. I recognized it, the same simple signal wilds were described to be using in the air by the linguistic book, directional commands, clear enough so I could remember. I didn't object. Leading the way so she marched me back to the last well by noon, cautiously keeping distance, occasionally snarling back if she felt I was too close, repeating the "follow" signal when too far. "Stay". I could make out this much as she repeated, then once again. Finally, she gestured something like "Stay. Me take-off", the latter using the language of the wilds, with low head and flat ridge, and leaped for the air. For a short while she soared, gliding in circles, then straightened to fly off westwards, the effect of my morning arrows apparently all worn off by then. I could barely believe I was taken prisoner by a damn wyvern! I shouldn't have stopped firing at her then! However, I could neither concentrate. For a while I staggered north until finding a group of acacias, one of which I somehow climbed to make my resting place on its branches. Darkness greeted me when I awoke, with a slight tint of morning blue on the East after a long, dreamless sleep. Slowly, recollecting the past days' events I brought myself to my feet, preparing to continue, waiting for the world to brighten up just enough so I could venture upon descending, to march further. Soon I had to realize I wasn't alone. To my horror, a brown mound discerned about three hundred yards away, the brown scaly mound of a coiled wyvern, who just raised her head to watch my movements! I almost fainted boggled by her frightful presence, just managing to strengthen myself to get down, prepared to fire! She, however, remained calm, just observing with a neutral expression, laying curled up northeast of me, right on my way if I wanted to continue further towards Drino. Nothing happened for a while, we watched each other, I was weary of fighting, another futile attempt shooting her into retreat, but couldn't figure out anything which could end this stalemate. Finally, she heaved herself to stand, to slowly approach me with a complexion I could only interpret as sad, alarming me, but stopping at about a hundred yards away. She gestured something, repeating and repeating again, drooping. Then, all of sudden, she sprung to let out a hasty "follow", and started to march west for a few paces, waiting. I hesitated. I should have been going north, and now here was this bizarre situation with this strange wyvern attempting to call me away. Her ridge raised showing anger as she exclaimed the signal again, expressing she wouldn't tolerate my diversion. There was no choice but to obey her will. It amazed me how she could keep on, walking on all four, the wing-arms and legs for hours, keeping check of me, making sure I followed. It passed me a few times when we marched through higher grass whether I could simply disappear, but dismissed it knowing she could also use her flight to find me. Sure I could fight her, but the chances were grim, and my curiosity also held me from it. With this dedication I felt there was some other reason for her actions than simply killing me for food. Her sullen expressions kept returning, puzzling me. We passed a large termite tower before noon which I remembered as a landmark, however soon she came to a halt under the shadows of a smaller group of acacias. With a queer contortion raising a wing, she scraped her neck with a leg, then again signalled me "Stay. Me take-off" before abruptly leaving. I pondered whether I could try to escape again, but dismissed knowing that I wouldn't likely be able to leave her probable territory. It was dangerous either way. Besides, my food supply was dwindling, necessitating a hunt. So I rather climbed up one of the trees to see what this region had to offer. Further west I was glad to spot a water hole likely having both animals and some fruit to gather, so only with sufficient equipment I set off. The area was good for stalking, so by late afternoon I succeed in getting a modest gazelle, a bit large for my necessities, but I had ill luck with hare. I got back to the acacias before dusk, the wyvern nowhere to be seen, so I started a fire to make a dinner out of my acquisition, a decent fresh roast at last using some of the spices I had packaged. However, I couldn't get to enjoy it. Just when I thought it done, with a rustling swoop-down she arrived, startling me fearing of conflict. She rather stayed where she landed, some distance away, and again I noticed her contorting herself to scratch under her ridge. Then she just crouched down, neck extended forth, with occasional long tongue flicks, but otherwise didn't move. I tried to calm down, ignoring her to finish preparing my meal on the fire, an awkward situation. Suddenly in terror I realized she could be hungry with me blatantly agitating her! Struck by this possibility I heaved the remnants of the gazelle which were the major share of it, and advanced her until I could without raising her objections. I carefully set it down, then slowly backed away to return to my roast. As I returned, she cautiously advanced to my offer, but apart from a few tongue flicks she didn't pay much attention, just settling by it, continuing to look at me as I spread my dinner on my metal platter to let it cool off a bit. Her anticipating gaze perplexed me so much I simply couldn't get to eat, just hoping she didn't suddenly came to have a sudden insatiable appetite for human flesh. Finally, despite the conditions, I forced myself to start my meal. However just as soon as I got the first bite, she started to lash out her tongue wild, barely restraining herself from jumping! I suddenly understood, the smell of my roast was stirring her so much! By this sudden impulse, the decision formed, the hope raised that I could probably make some connection with her. So I picked up my platter, and slowly started to advance. My motions had their effect calling her to her feet, to advance cautiously anticipating with taut neck, tasting the air frequently. Closing on her I noticed her belly hanging low, clearly as a result of a successful hunt in the afternoon. No wonder she didn't need that meat, however it astonished me how she came to be interested in my dinner. She became reluctant getting nearer than a few dozen feet to me, so I stopped just holding my hands with the still warm platter out far, waiting for her to advance. I was determined to meet her this way, to get her come if she so much wanted my dinner. She didn't. After a while unable to decide, she suddenly turned to a hasty retreat, back to where she landed, coiling up. Disappointed, I started walking back to my diminishing fire, then with a sudden change of mind, I rather set my platter down by the gazelle before cleaning up and climbing a tree to rather have some shoddy dinner from my remaining supplies. At morning I found myself alone, with just my empty platter glimmering in the rays of the rising sun. The kill of the day before disappeared too without any trace, not even bones, only her paws marking the ground. If I wanted meat, I had to prepare for another hunt. Just as I got my gear together, she returned flying low, descending farther away, but didn't pay much attention even as I was leaving. This time, after cautiously evading a bunch of elephants marching for a drink, I managed to shoot a hare, and could return with it by noon. She was still there, resting sprawled out on her back, just raising her head for my arrival. I could roast the rabbit without much trouble, then, noticing her stirring again for the smell, I set away a portion of it which I served her on the same platter where the gazelle was the day before. After I returned to extinguish my fire, she followed, and with eager tongue flicks, slowly, piece by piece, laboriously tasting, ate my offer. Then, after again performing that curious contortion to scratch her ridge, she set down on her chest, gesturing towards me. She waited, then again, and a short while after, again, her head drooping until resting on the ground with a sullen expression. I consulted my book on Draconic for it for a long while until I managed to translate it as "Me myself", another while until I could refine it as the more meaningful "Me alone". It fitted her expression, but I wondered what it meant. How she could be alone here with all the wild wyverns of the region? Was she exiled from them? I didn't think that reasonable having her this near to a water hole with lots of animals to prey upon, certainly a good territory. Or was she special in some manner? Maybe... Then all of sudden it snapped in: Maybe she was alone with the knowledge of Draconic. Frantic I dove deep in the book to find something which could help to make some connection, to tell her she was not alone. Soon I found out how to gesture "Me friend", however to my dismay, the "friend" symbol wasn't appropriate my case. Reading further I could learn that between man and dragon, this refers to a very intimate relationship, almost like mates, and that it was quite impolite to say it without the other party's consent. But then what I could tell to reassure her? The intricate web of dragon customs seeping through the apparently simple sign language described in fragments by the book bogged me down until almost nightfall when I found the probable solution for this hidden elaborate knot. One could say "You friend" to offer friendship implying that he accepts the other party treating him as such, and may be rewarded with him replying "You friend" as well. This, however, seemed to require an already very strong relationship. There was another statement though, translating "Me trust", meaning trusting the other party having good intentions, his faith, an invitation for good will. With this knowledge, I approached her as soon as I felt appropriate, however I couldn't get much of a response. She pulled her head back, still keeping a body length's of distance, to my repeat, I felt her exclaiming as she gestured with erect ridge, with a more bewildered expression than furious, but I couldn't make it out, and only got lost in the book trying to interpret it from memory. This went on for a few days. I kept finding her exclaiming her loneliness, and I even composed a response of "You not alone. Me trust", but it didn't seem to help a lot. She however kept behaving calm, not wanting to really do anything about me expect not letting me back to the road as I found out once I tried. She discovered my attempt, and gently but firmly, commanded me back under the acacias. Curiously I found her understanding my relation with my equipment: if I had my things on the tree, she didn't care that much about my going around. Even though I felt somewhat like a prisoner in a hardly convincing situation, her state made me curious, and while I definitely still didn't arrive to Drino while I already could have, after all, at least my warden was a dragon. Maybe if I turned back, I would already lie somewhere down in Ugaros with spilled guts if that war really started, dead for a dubious cause. I wasn't really sure about my current situation either, but with that other prospect I didn't mind that much. It even started to worry me how she kept scraping at her ridge, bringing back memories of Messenger, the bizarre man of my childhood telling me they can't really access there. She however didn't let me any near her like him, to ease her with some good massaging, still insisting to keep a body's length between us while sadly exclaiming how lonely she was. Maybe the fourth day, after she returned from a hunt gorging herself heavy, making it almost comedic how she expressed her solitude again with her sorrowful gestures, some terrible rush of itching engulfed her, forcing to contort herself, trying to ease it by scraping at her ridge with a leg for a while until exhausted she fell down, muscles still twitching visibly under the skin of the neck as she tried to align her head in agony to get it more bearable. I advanced slow, hoping I could help her, gesturing "You not alone. Me trust". She just kept looking at me meekly, occasionally jolting, more from the itching than by reluctance until I got to crouch down before her muzzle. I expressed "Me trust" again before cautiously reaching out with my right hand, to gently set my palm on the upper jaw, below the nostril, to stroke the line of her mouth. It was an insane idea, to put my hand voluntarily almost in her most potent weapon hoping she would understand the degree of my trust, but I had faith in her strange intentions, which was proven right. Se laid still apart from the occasional twitch from then as I cautiously continued crouched, next to her head, out of her field of vision, never removing my palm from her skin until I could turn to tuck my fingers under the ornaments of the head. I almost yelled out in horror. Filth was a serious understatement to describe that ugly grime my fingers got entangled in there! I believed the dragons were all clean and tidy by Messenger's example, only then realizing in astonishment that he was likely kept that way by attentive laborious care in Drino! I almost forgot about her very real presence looking in disgust at the various pieces of discernible moult embedded in the gunk stuck on my hands! However, I hadn't been working in the stables of Arne to get so easily scared by a little of dirt. After my first abashment I realized that the grime was most likely simply damp silt, strange as it was, the probable explanation being her taking a bath in the water hole. So I continued, gently massaging her as one by one I spooned out the oozy residue from under the spikes, which, still twitching occasionally, she apparently appreciated. Then as I reached nearer the shoulder, suddenly she jolted, turning her head sideways to get a frowned look on me with an eye. I kept stroking her neck to comfort her, feeling occasional trembles of the tense muscles until, after shifting her body slightly by the arms, she came to rest again. I returned to the ridge with caution, pulling off the fragments of grass and worn scales entangled in wet dirt with very gentle movements to uncover a hideous fist-sized swollen gash deep under a spike. This was quite unsettling. I cleaned up the rest the best I could then, however truly that very ill located injury was stirring her. I tried to keep comforting her until she calmed down with a yielding expression, occasional twitches still visible under her skin. I had suitable medical equipment in my package, most importantly alcohol for cleaning and disinfecting wounds proper, but first I would have had to reassure the still reluctant wyvern that I was doing her good. I was baffled by this task, unsure whether I should approach it like handling an animal spelling out disaster or like an intelligent reasonable being. My hopes went in the linguistic book once again, which, probably thanks to its age, just a decade older than the last war, turned out to have a good section on military related concepts including the medical treatment of wounded dragons. I learned how to form a simple question rolling back to the grammars, to understand the example asking the dragon where he was hurt, translating as "Do you ache?", to which normally he would reply like "Me ache right shin" or point at the problematic area. I couldn't entirely understand the grammar of questioning, describing some "query symbol" which was usually conveniently translated to "do" to form a more natural result. Then there was the distinction between the verbs "pain" and "maul", the latter referring to the action of causing physical pain to someone, with a notion that the gesture translating as "hurt" is used for mental pain. The verb "pain" was however again used for causing physical pain, but with the intention of helping. By example a medic would prepare the dragon telling "Me pain you" before attending a wound, and he would also indicate the expected severity of the pain by superimposing an appropriate adjective. The book emphasized that as always, dragons must be handled with utmost honesty, so that a severe pain must be communicated as severe even if in the end it demands calling for another dragon to help holding the patient down. The evening, confident in my ability to communicate, I prepared for attempting to remedy her situation, hoping she would tolerate. I built a fire to boil water, also disinfecting a ragged piece of cloth to have something to clean the wound before applying alcohol. Then I approached her which she accepted since the first occasion the day before. "Do you itch?" I asked. She sat to contort herself, reaching with her left leg to her ridge, the spot where the gash laid under the spike, without scratching at it, then returned. "Me help. Follow". A little startled, but she followed me to my fire where the water put aside was already cooling off by the bottle of alcohol. For a few moments she attentively observed those few utilities I had, then before I could signal, she asked with a slightly raised ridge "Do you pain me?". I looked at her bewildered, something I didn't expect, and I neither had any idea what she exactly meant and how I should respond properly. Finally, mustering some confidence I gestured "Me pain you. Me trust". I was amazed to see her cooperation as she laid down promptly to her chest, head resting on the ground ahead of me, letting me slip out of her vision, then raising the spikes in apparent anticipation. I prepared, and saw her muscles twitching even before I approached, but she kept still as I progressed through cleaning the wound, jolting occasionally, but restraining herself with an admirable determination, making me feel rather performing the duty of a doctor than a veterinary. When finished, I continued with the warm water to thoroughly clean her ridge which I saw her finally enjoying much, the first time I felt I made a connection. Next evening when I again prepared for attending her, she came just when the water was put aside for cooling, gesturing "You pain me" before dropping down to her chest, offering herself for my medical attention. This puzzled me even more, how she seemingly understood the course of her care at least from her point, that her injury needs attention until healing up well. Sometimes she would attempt to communicate with me, but I could barely make her gestures out with my miserable progress with the language, and maybe even for the age of my book. It saddened me to see her occasionally still exclaiming how lonely she was which I felt I was coming to understand. Maybe a week later when her wound's swell abated to leave a properly healing scar, she came as usual, but gestured something different, ending with "Me trust". It startled me, leaving me unsure whether I understood well, neither certain on whether I could ask or even if it was appropriate, but still, I finally did, composing the sequence "Do you trust?". She replied with slightly raised ridge, "Me trust". I felt a border crumbling apart that day. More than a month before, I set out to see the world, to reach Drino to meet dragons. As I marched forth, without my knowledge maybe everything collapsed behind, who knows who was at war with whom by now. I got stranded in the Seehal, feeling my death upon myself, then of all things, I gain her trust. After all, I felt I still reached somewhere, here, with a dragon. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue into Drino at all anymore. The outcast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weeks passed as we became familiar with each other. She kept preferring to have her ridge tended with warm water in the evening even after her healing, which I continued as I usually preferred to have a fire anyway to make myself a dinner. She demanded me to stay with her for longer even when I wasn't caressing her until one day I fell asleep by her side, waking up abashed in the dark night realizing I was on the ground with the sleeping wyvern. I made an attempt to stalk away to a tree, however briefly looking back I met her gaze, the sparkling gems of her eyes in the blackness, calling me. From then I spent the nights with her rather than alone uncomfortably lodged between branches. She carried some unworldly silence with her as seemingly most large animals avoided her. I felt safe even out in this wilderness by her side, and she also showed care towards me, never leaving me alone asleep on the ground. It was strange how sometimes she didn't even attempt to use language to express herself, rather coming to nudge me if she wanted something, frequently just my touch, to groom her. Having plenty of time I kept studying Draconic, straining myself to understand both the book and her gestures when she tried. It came slow, despite the apparent crudeness, the structure was odd, with a logic unfamiliar to me. I wondered how it came to be, why it wasn't crafted to something easier to grasp, ending with recalling how Dave told that the dragons formed their side. Maybe their mind worked differently to ours. After a while I even figured out the chapter on the connection between the human and the dragon side of the language, how our hand gestures corresponded to their motions. It was about then where I realized that she probably understands my deficiency, noticing how she occasionally even attempted to name me things hoping I would pick them up. She appreciated every new idiom I used or understood with glee, sometimes repeating them several times enjoying how I kept reacting proper the same way. Repetitions were common in their talk, however these were more than that, a lot more! She taught me to speak! As our communication improved, certain things however started to bother me. Why she attacked me the first place? Couldn't I ask her to come in Drino with me? Was she even really alone here with her capability to speak Draconic? At occasions it also bugged me whether there were people traversing the road, whether she still attacked, although I couldn't see any mark of stingers on her apart from a few well-healing old ones and those I caused. One day I decided to venture east, back to the trail, to check for any sign of people traversing it. I set out for it with just my hunting equipment partly to avoid stirring her, but also for it was much easier to walk without everything if I wanted to return anyway. I passed the termite tower, marching maybe about half the distance when suddenly she appeared to swoop down right before me! "Do you trust?", she asked, anger mixed with sorrow, "Me trust", I responded. She passed me with a "Follow" gesture, and I had to return with her to the acacias. She didn't leave our camp the entire remaining day sitting there with a sullen expression, not even letting me near. Her sadness bogged my mood down, even worse as the evening came, she still avoiding me, forcing me to sulk away, up a tree for a long uneasy night with little sleep. I couldn't know she would feel so much betrayed by my action. Next morning I sunk deep in linguistic, trying to figure out whether I could apologize to her, but there was nothing even remotely fitting for this purpose. Absolutely nothing as I realized in bewilderment. Not like it wasn't impossible to make myself look pitiful, but whatever I remembered fitting by our human logic didn't seem to work in Draconic. Treat dragons with utmost honesty, the book kept pressing. So did I, starting a conversation with her. - Me want see people's trail past. - Why you want see people's trail past? Do you not trust? - Me want meet people. Me trust. - Me trust. Do you not happy, me trust? - Me happy, you trust! Me sad, you want maul people past. - Me want maul people past. Me not want maul people. - Why you not want maul people? - You trust. Me trust. Her confession touched me even through the crude language degraded by my inferior skill. She accepted me again for which I felt very relieved, although she left me puzzled still with everything unanswered. I resolved to keep on studying the language, to be honest with her, to ask if I wanted to go away from my usual hunting courses hoping I could eventually discover her deeper. Two days later it popped in my mind that maybe I could ask her to bring back the arrows I shot at her about a month before by then, thinking they could have been collected if anyone traveled the road. - You know location, me maul you past? - Me know location, you maul me past. - Do you bring arrows from location then? - Me bring arrows from location then. It felt strange how simply she accepted my request, and indeed, she returned with three stingers in her mouth from her flight next day. Those were all my arrows bought in Tikira, every one I shot at her that day, almost completely intact save for a bite mark on the shaft of one. This outcome was odd. I didn't expect her to find all these thin needles for her size, they still must have been laying clear on the ground or lodged in the foliage by the trail for an entire month. Marco in Zarvo told there were people traveling the road, at least one stepping on or popping out every week, someone should have noticed these useful items left behind. Did the conflict really turn this bad since I was away? Laying by her side in the darkness my mind kept drifting down a dismal slow river, the arrows, and all what their return could mean. Was there a war somewhere out there? Did the King really march his army down the Mera to attack Ugaros? How the relations went with the Antaran Lords? What was about Tikira, Mother? Was she well? By the rumors I knew Ugaros being a country where wyverns were still treated as guardians, no aerial corps, no riding, would they even stand a chance against the King's forces? Why it started, why we couldn't live in peace? If I were to return, what would I find? I was unsure whether I even wanted to return. I felt the calmness, the slow, deep breaths of her, the peaceful darkness of the night shrouding my vision, my senses dwindling, yet her presence providing me safety. Time lost its meaning living out here, weeks passed by the same routine in a sort of everlasting serenity, our only real duty being hunting or for me, gathering fruits occasionally. We sometimes spent entire days together, she developing a taste for apparent laziness, appreciating grooming in delight, but even just sprawling out on her back calling me to lay on her chest. I used the time to learn Draconic, to understand the little nuances, how they handled adjectives to express emotion, her logic. Despite our mutual effort, I felt her having some grief, while not expressing herself being alone anymore, her sullen mood occasionally returning. I tried to talk with her about it, but it kept sinking in a convoluted mess of symbols which I couldn't decipher. She lived in Drino in the past, and as I could put together the fragments of her expressions, she was exiled for being a man-eater. It shocked me how it could have happened. When I asked her "Why you eat person past?" she denied, telling she killed them. Yet then she talked about eating with some gestures I didn't understand, eating people who trusted her, eating her friend. These stressed her asking me scared "Do you trust?", sometimes repeatedly, only calming as I reassured her, "Me trust", stroking her jaws, showing I didn't afraid of her, that I didn't think her being a monster. These were very unsettling, to learn she might have at least killed people who trusted her, people probably like me, but she sunk so deep telling those I could only feel sorrow. Confusion strangled me. Part of me wanted to stay away from her, yet other part wanted to understand, to share her burden. Sometimes I drifted away stroking and comforting her, to imagine myself being eaten, a limp body not even belonging me anymore, seeing her wandering in a sullen solitude, exclaiming and exclaiming "Me alone" again and again for no one to see in her eternal vast desolation. One night I suddenly woke up almost squalling in horror as something pressed hard on my back to realize I was still there by her side. She moved in her sleep, I felt the two claws of her wing-paw pressing in my shoulders firm, my body wrapped in the folds of the membrane, a bony finger against my side. Her grip almost crushed me! I felt, and as the moon reflected her scales, I could see the muscles twitching up her neck, a nightmare, maybe. But there was no way for me to escape, fearing she might squash me as I felt her grasp tensing, the claws sinking in my shoulders! Laboriously I wriggled out my arms, and started stroking her chest, the neck as far as I could reach to soothe her, afraid of that by doing anything else attempting to wake her might leave me crushed dead. Slowly she went limp, but still trembling occasionally which continued until morning. To my astonishment she didn't let me go even then. Waking up she wrapped her other wing around me, coiling up, sinking me in the warmth of her body, hopelessly out of her field of vision. I had to go, I terribly had to until my bladder miserably gave up to produce an another source of unpleasant soggy warmth by my crotch. I tried to push and wriggle myself out, but it was such an unusual situation that I was simply afraid of stirring her. She didn't release me. She heaved herself to her feet holding me firm against her breast by a wing and started limping around, then down all the long way to the water hole for a drink and back. Finally, she rolled on her back, and while she rested both of her wing-paws on me, her grip loosened and I could carefully slip out, stroking her to calm her down. I left her despite how she looked after me to get some water myself and to clean the mess somewhat up. For the entire day she kept having a sullen expression, nudging me almost apologetically without a word, so much I simply couldn't do anything but forgive. Her state however had some severe impact on mine. I had to realize that maybe I couldn't continue to Drino even later if she was really exiled from there, although I wasn't even sure what the word meant. The book described it with an example of being chased off of another wyvern's territory, without any hint of permanence or what it could imply in her case. Neither I knew the Drino law, what they would do with dragons like her, who might have even fled from jurisdiction. Would I just bring her back to face a sentence of death? I thought I could probably still return home with her, as the rumors went, it wasn't hard to convince the authorities of the ownership of an adult wyvern, especially if the owner joined the aerial forces or any other service in demand. Of course there was Ugaros as well, further west in the Seehal. Neither possibility comforted me. Bring her to her death, join a despicable war serving our King's Army, or serve the enemy? I couldn't spend my life out in the wilderness, despite how occasionally I so much wished to stay, to just be with her enjoying this strange relationship of ours, not caring about the entire foul world. Outbreak to the sky ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The mystery man. Weeks of talking I started to recognize names, gestures unknown to me which by their context could only imply such, some she even explained. There was one along those which was shrouded by the most convoluted combinations, expressions of confusion, which I so referred as such, feeling him being the central point of her story. I realized she was scared. After a few talk sessions, even after reassuring each other of our trust, in the evening she hugged me, almost like clinging on me for comfort, for safety, which was bewilderingly odd by how her mere presence protected me from the perils of the wilderness. She wasn't shy. She wasn't a coward. If she had to, she even chased off elephants, maybe five times her weight each or more, by repeatedly snapping out her wings, towering on her hind legs hissing down, even leaping in the air to rake their backs! They could trample her fragile wings, maybe even crush her body. Her memories however filled her with dreadful confusion hurting her spirit. It took me a while to understand that she had some concept on lying, even gestures. The book had absolutely nothing on these, she had to laboriously explain everything. Dragons apparently despised lies and dishonesty deeply. "Dragons talk help. Dragon talk trust. Dragon talk friend", she kept on insisting in agitated confusion along these sessions. There were a group of people in her stories, at least some individuals who she killed and probably ate. She referred to them as "bad people" at one time, another time, "good people", which took me a while to figure out, to understand how the language could express conveying sentences told in the past by someone else, which again wasn't described in my linguistic book. I got that the "mystery man" told her those people being bad. - Why you trust mystery man past? - My friend tell past, me trust mystery man. - Why he tell past? - He tell past, he friend mystery man. He tell past then, mystery man nonexistent. - Do you meet mystery man past? - Me meet mystery man past. Me lie. Mystery man nonexistent. Me lie. Me lie. Do you trust? Me lie. She sunk deep, again, every time. I didn't initiate all of these conversations. She brought those painful memories of her up, seemingly wanting to seek comfort in me, my understanding, but I couldn't decipher what was behind. I could only stroke her muzzle to reassure her, unable to really help. It was something reaching very deep, seemingly some intricate method of horrid mass murder executed by her, but I couldn't be sure. Once she told it one way, then she denied those happening. She not only killed those people who she even told she trusted, but also his friend. She denied eating them, but then condemned herself for lying. When I asked, she was clear on not killing, neither eating the mystery man, but I wasn't sure whether for that he didn't even exist. All the while she kept expressing how dragons use speech for their mutual benefit, almost condemning herself for lying, sinking deep in her misery. There was nothing I could do except watching her, trying to untangle the mess, hoping I could at least get her out of it. She cared for me, sometimes to the degree of annoyance, and I got very attached to her, stopping me even caring for what the bloody hell she did those people. I just wanted to end it for her benefit. She needed support, serious mental help. It was a small victory when I realized I can isolate two different periods of that convoluted past, and could steer her that way. It felt like she was put to a trial after her murders. Before that, the mystery man existed and she only killed those people, after, the man was gone, and she also ate them. She mauled his friend dead then. She seemed to believe the verdict as truth, but doubts let me feel that she wasn't confident in that. It bothered me to sway in the direction of accepting that maybe the judgment was bogus, but her innocence and the directness of her explanations tempted me hard. Then, one day, all of sudden, it dawned on me that she referred most of the people she killed as ones who she trusted! If she trusted them, she had to know them personally, making me hope there was something, some clue in those connections which could answer why these happened! I was careful to not stir her up, just when she wished to talk. One by one I asked about those, but to my dismay it turned out she got to know them by her friend rather recently to the murders, but all before the mystery man came in play. Then the fourth appeared to be someone who she knew since longer. - Do you trust fourth man past? - Me trust fourth man past. He trust lots-of dragons past. Some dragons friend him past. - Why you kill him past? - Mystery man tell past, he bad, he lie dragons past. - Why you trust him? Why you not trust fourth man? - My friend tell past, me trust mystery man. He tell past, Drino friend mystery man. I cut her off as hastily as I could without stirring her, almost fainting for the realization! "Drino friend mystery man", meaning likely that the Antaran lords themselves had this man! I felt my heartbeat, shivering, so even there, they even dared to use dragons for such foul schemes! Such an innocent dragon like her who doesn't even understand well enough the concept of lies, how we keep tricking each other day to day with our language! Calm down, I urged myself. While it was an explanation, I felt I couldn't accept it right away without more proof. So I kept talking with her on the subsequent days as she wished, exploring further the relation between that man and her friend. I couldn't make it out clear, but it felt like he was persuaded in this, to pass her over to that man's commands. I even made out that her friend didn't even knew what she was doing under his supervision. Then if the situation wasn't enough, they confused her in such a manner so she mauled his friend dead in a severe argument, cleaning up the last evidence which could unravel the nature of her murders. I was furious. So such things were going on there! Land of wonders? All the same! Months ago Mark, the Protector with whom I traveled to Kort dropped a few words on the Antaran lords, that the dragons wouldn't likely want to go away from their land to wage a war against some other country or probably even our King. It didn't exactly connect, but maybe there were people siding with the dragons in this. Someone who knew lots of them might preferred their way. Maybe then the Lords themselves wanted to launch a war? Dave neither seemed someone who would have liked that. Maybe she killed him, too? It didn't really matter then. The world was bad enough as it seemingly was. I wanted to help her, so I accepted this explanation to be able to untangle her past, just hers, without caring about whatever terrible things happened there. For days when we talked, I tried to straighten the threads the best I understood, honest and direct, telling her those she killed were the good people, but the same time insisting that the mystery man existed. She was relieved by these, relieved to have an explanation even though she did things which she shouldn't have done. The case of her friend was the worst which I tried to avoid, suggesting that he was also tricked. If what I made out was right, it could have happened, he could have been a victim probably blackmailed into the act. She even seemed to accept how other dragons pounced on her for her actions, exiling her from Drino, although the details for me were uncertain. She might have been saved by them if by law she was sentenced to death. Was I right to absolve her? Did I even absolve her? She seemed to be absolutely conscious of what she had done, expressing with deep sorrow that she shouldn't have killed them. Was I guilty for easing the life of a murderer? Could she even be judged like a human being? It was an insane situation. Likely someone planned out the murder, to be executed by her, and she did all the killing. Was she aware of what she was doing? She was. She never denied she killed those men only that she ate them. She was clearly not an animal, not even a wild wyvern. I only saw a wrecked, confused, innocent being in her who was used without remorse to accomplish such a horrible deed ruining her life. Then the disconcerted soul, her muzzle hanging low before my face, silently gestured "You friend", the "You" almost licking my nose as it was expressed by a long tongue flick. I just stared astounded for a moment until I realized what it meant, to release an elated reply "You friend!" before almost falling to hug her! We were bonded! The thumps of her heart as I laid by her side in the night, wrapped in her wings got a different meaning, I felt we were one, the deep breaths, the twitches could be mine. I was hers, just as hers as she was mine, as she gently cuddled me to her warm scaly body. I was home. Next morning after our routines, a long grooming as she let the rising sun heat her spread out magnificence, she got truly eager to move, marching up and down in front of me, shaking and spreading her wings, showing their entire splendor! Just like Xipa did for Messenger, calling him for flight! She crouched down in her walk, almost nudging me with her shoulder, arching her head over me with a raised ridge of glee. With some worry, I clambered up, feeling her nudging me to help, then by my memories of the saddle, laid flat, gripping on the powerful deltoids. She turned back, and with the tip of her tongue, licked my face before straightening for the run. I felt shivers running down myself, or maybe it was her, twitching her muscles in preparation for the launch. Then, suddenly my arms tensed taut as her powerful legs kicked forth, almost pressing me to her back before falling, meeting her spine with a thud as she jumped from a second stride, then snapping the huge wings open far forth, to extort a mighty flap down and behind to leave the ground! My chest was a bit sore from the hit, but who cared as she was pushing higher, her entire body in motion, my palms feeling the massaging of the muscles as they pulled forth and forth again the arms, to work us even higher! Then it went all silent, the wings spread taut for serene soaring, the stark movements abating to nuances, tiny jolts and twitches under the skin as she effortlessly floated on the blue ocean of the endless sky. I pulled a bit forth to look down by her shoulder, to see the scary amazing sight of the savanna deep below! If I weren't with her, I would have been terrified, but her presence, her confidence calmed me, it was her world to which she invited me. She was home, the magnificent queen of the heights, where nobody reached her! People, countries, armies marching into wars, gruesome killing, foul politics and scheming all left behind, those were the ground, far, far away below! What were borders in the sky? She could soar over them with an effortless grace, forward and forth, leaving the entire rotten world to drown in itself! The Trial of Dragon... We did it! We could fly and fly, forever and beyond, everywhere and anywhere until the wars end, the people at last come to peace, together, understanding. We were free!

A BRCF Volunteer's Log

Brass wyvern First encounter The history of our relations with nature, the wonderful, unique phenomenon we call life is sometimes truly grieving. The Tasmanian wolf, the passer pigeon, and many others are now nothing but past memories for our...

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