the cruise part 1:on my way

Story by cobalt fox on SoFurry

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Ok i'm typing this at 12:50 am i'm tired and i have school yes i still have school shh i will make this as well spelled as i can and fix it when i can so go on read it now.....why you still reading this read the story...............GO!

It was one a day were you knew something was going to happen wether it be something small to a pitty theft to something big like mudder you just knew something will happen. I try not to pay days like this mind i get them offten and i get told alot that i need to loosen up and that is what i planed to do loosen up. I took the week off to get go on a cruse not my style but i was sorta forc....


"David you beater be cleaning your fur good in there. I mean realy who goes and jumps in a mud puddle"

"Yes mom i am now will you go away" i yelled at my mom throw the bathroom door.

"William David G____ dont you give me that tone your lucky we are not leaving you here" (sorry not going to give my last name) she yelled back sound vary angry.

"Sorry mom i love you" she gave a fake Mmhm as she walked away and i rub the mud out of my fur. I always enjoyed how my fur could go from being a crusty brown to a shiny blue or white like at the end of my feet paws and end of my tail.

After a few more minents of vary painful scrubing and a yell from my mom agien i turn off the water and got out to dry off when i seen i forgot my towl and my cloths where out in the hallway picked up by my mom by now. I went to the door and yelled out " hey can someone get me a towl i forgot one."

"No come down to your room and get dressed now we have to go in an hour" came a mean deep voice reply from my mean father. Times like this i hate haveing the only bathroom in my house being one floor away from my room.

I sighed and slowly open the door and looked both ways my bad luck both of my younger sisters room doors would be open and both of them would be in there rooms. I coverd my self with my hands and started to run walk down the hall to the stares.

"Oh David come here i need your help with something" I stoped just a step away from the stares when i heard my mom voice comeing from my sister room.

"mom i'm naked and wet cant it wait" I beged hopeing it could.

"No and you should of though of th when you jump in mud with your little friends now come in here and help me get your little sister packed" She yelled back sound more annoyed then mad.

I sighed and walked in to my sister room with my head down and my hands uncovering my sheath and balls there was little point now. As soon as i walked in i heard the normal giggles of my little sister mixed with giggles with a more fimilery voice.

When i looked up i seen the face of my mud coverd famale friend covering her mouth giggleing ligtly and giveing me a little wave. A deep red blush came over my entier face and as i quicly ran out of the room covering my self with my hands agien.

"david get that blue little but right back in here and help me" my mom yelled at me.

"Mom why is Violet here" I yelled being vary embaressed

"I will tell you later now get in here and help me"She yelled back with a few giggles in it.

"No i'm geting dressed"i ran down to my room and shut the door well slamed is a more beater word for it. I walked back up to my sister room still blusheing but i knew Violet was no longer in there when i heard the shower runing,

Violet dispent her name does not have a violet fur. Infact she as blound fur and golden eyes. She is a wolf and total oppist of ,me when it comes to how she acts. She is not affride to hurt you if you make fun of her likey you will die if you try. she the same age as me and tough as she may act around every one when its just me and her she realy kind and she likes to have me sit in between her legs as she plays with my hair. I would even go as far as to say she is a realy sweet hart but if i called her that she will brake my neck.

"good now sit on this suitcase i need to zip it up" my mom said pating the suitcase with her paw. I walked over rooling my eyes and sat on the suit case.

"So why is Violet here" I asked still annoyed and a little angry at her for her crule joke.

"She is comeing with us on the crus her mom asked asked me and your father and we figerd you needed a friend there she is alrady packed and radey to go we need to hurry now go and take your sleeping pill so you can sleep throw the car trip" i agien rolled my eyes went down to the kitchen took my sleeping pill sat on my couch and went right to sleep.

The cruise part 2:i'm still on my way

I felt myself laying down yet moveing i figerd i must be in the car. Stragley the rough car set i was used to wakeing up on when i go on a long car trip was soft and warm and insted of the contry music my parents would always have on i heard a humming...

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The fox and the pound part 2: old love and fear a new

We where comeing back from a failed hunt with are tummy's still empty and no hunt left we went ahead and left the woods to go and see if there is anything outsied of are land that we been in all are life.We where at the vary eage of the woods and we...


the fox and the pound

Ok i will give this one more shot small warning 1.No yiff 2.spelling earros (btw i dont know how to spell error so yea but still read) has humans and a non antro fox and what ever eals i put in here 4 and last. you may need to re-read a few things...

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