Godzilla - 2019 (Second After-Party)
Will second time be the charm for the stateside resurgence of the King of Monsters? Some are just happy to be seen again, whilst others are more excited to see their fellow kaiju again in a much more intimate detail...
SO, bad news for all you Oddclaw fans, I've been a little swamped under with commissions that I've been now taking from people. As a result, I may occasionally end up delaying new Oddclaw chapters for an extra week or so, and I would rather want to keep you all enjoying a new arc uninterrupted, rather than have to wait an extra week randomly between chapters 2 or 3 or 4. So next Saturday I'll be starting the next arc.
Good news however, I do have a separate story you all can enjoy and one some of you may remember, one that was also requested by my BF! A sequel at long last to the Godzilla 2014 After-Party story I wrote back in 2015!
So I hope this helps stave your appetite a bit for a new story X3 I had a lot of fun spinning a different sort of relationship between two kaiju that a lot of people started shipping...including myself.
Godzilla and the Kaiju are all copyrighted to Toho Studios.
"He's awful cheery," said Godzilla leaning in, "considering he wasn't in the film."
"That's why he's a good friend," said Mothra beside him, "that and he's pushing to be in the next."
"IS there going to be a next?"
"Let's not jinx it," she slipped a long curled tongue into her pina colada, "I know you don't but I like to keep people happy."
"Fair enough," he drank down his sake as he stared across the throng of beasts between tables. "Pretty good turnout."
"Mmhmm indeed!" She gently fingered along the sleeve of his suit. "Never thought I'd see you at one of these."
"They had to," he pulled at the collar, "god I hate these things."
"Oh just let me."
The robed madame slipped two of her four slender insectoid arms to his neck, unfastening his collar whilst holding her colada in a third limb. He stared at her dress, a wondrous angelic blend of yellow and white that graced her steps like moonlight on the sea.
"There, better?"
"Yeah, thanks."
"I feel like your mother at this rate."
"You did keep me out of trouble enough times," he smirked raising his glass to her.
"Not that I wanted to," she patted his cheek, "I'm really glad we're working together again."
"Same here, I thought we'd be rusty."
"You never get rusty you know that, now come on let's see our friends."
The party had come out swinging as a great banner proclaimed "WELCOME BACK!" to all kaijus currently attending, a semi-large gathering of beasts between tables where meat and vegetables were served on plates with different elements represented by the cloths showing firey landscapes or lush ocean tropics. The dance hall had seats all round as insectoid beasts chittered beside long-necked plesiosaurs and hulking furry creatures with arms that could sculpt the earth, a luxurious carpet in the style of cities to charmingly fill out the space where thick-soled feet trampled over the elaborate visage of homes and buildings.
The moth and the saurian wove their way through the crowds, getting backpats and thumbs up from kaiju they vaguely recognised and handshakes from those they knew, Mothra moreso for the three hands she had available to meet and greet with her flowing gown behind her that covered her already-beautiful wings which kept tucked underneath. Godzilla felt larger than usual by the white suit he wore with a red carnation in its pocket, something he despised for how marked he looked in the room. He thought Mothra had picked it because of a moth's natural affinity to the light so she could always find him, but he would never tell her this.
"Heyyyyyy there's my fave kaijus!" a horned lizard with spikes coming out his suited back came waddling up. "Howsit going?!"
"Good," Godzilla shrugged, "I hate this suit."
"Yeah you look like a freaking lamp, you pick this one Mothy?"
"DON'T call me that," she put a limb within an inch of his eye, "it helps to accentuate his body."
"Zat what we're calling it now?" the horn-beast snorted. "Any words on making a trilogy?"
"We JUST got this film out in theatres Anguirus calm down."
"I am calm, this is GREAT just look at everyone all back together!"
"I'm sorry you didn't get in the film," said Godzilla patting him.
"Oh come on dude I'm good, Rodan needed more of it anyway he barely got a look in back in Showa years."
"That is true," Mothra smiled with her mandibles clicking, "you've been very helpful setting up this occasion."
"Heyyyy yanno me, always movin' and cruisin'. OH, shit hold up I gotta greet-HEY BARAGON FLAP OVER HERE WOULDYA?!"
The spiked armalizard swept past them with a shake to both as he became lost in the sea of beasts. Godzilla walked further towards one exit of the room where a familiar beast stood talking to a small throng of reporters, a faceless mountain of cameras and microphones that spoke to three heads that sprouted from one body in a large black suit, wings of golden ire splayed from their back as the heads of golden dragons spoke to three different microphones of differing logos with two gesturing arms.
"The casting was very particular, they wanted to invoke the early days of the kaiju mythos of the battle between the heavens and the earth-"
"Ryosoku ga issho ni chokumen dekiru tokuina teki o motsu koto ga juyodeshita-"
"Parce que NOUS sommes un plus gros problème que même les monstres, quelque chose qui pourrait tout effacer!"
"They seem happy," said Mothra nudging Godzilla with two elbows.
"They're back on stage," he smirked swirling his glass, "of course they are."
"Dorian moreso, you know he secretly loves the limelight."
"Secretly's not the word I would use for him."
The press soon left them be as the creature turned their heads, looming over the duo by a solid foot from their necks alone. The hydra spread his arms and embraced Godzilla in a gentle pat as the middle head spoke.
"Hahahahaaaaa, ohhh it is good to see you like this old friend."
"Hmhmhm, same for you," the saurian squeezed him back, "not seen you in a suit since the millennium."
"Yes it was quite the trip down memory lane to go back into the suitors and ask for three separate neck-holes."
"I'd rather be in a windbreaker," said the right head, "seriously the flight was so fucking cold-"
"Gil you promised to be nice."
"I'm just saying this thing's not good for keeping heat in."
"Well let's just move into the crowd and warm up, how are you madame Mothra?"
"Ohhh bearing well," she smiled as they hugged and kissed cheeks, "love your suit is it Harryhausen's?"
"But of course," he draped his claws down the V-neck lithely, "they have our measurements on standby, they have to after all-"
"YO THEY GOT CRAB PUFFS!" The left head thrust towards the table. "C'mon c'mon I'm starving!"
"You had lunch already!" shouted Gil on the right.
"Yeah but, that was two hours ago!"
"ONLY two hours you're yammering like a damn kid."
"Gil, calm down," Middle patted Gil's head as they walked to the table, "a small aperitif will do us wonders."
"This suit is somehow worse than the green screen sleeves they make us wear, seriously why they gotta have us with no arms?!"
"Firstly because you're playing an alien," said Mothra shuffling beside, "much more terrifying to see something operate without visible limbs, it raises questions to the audience about your existence."
"Yuh," the left head scarfed half a plate, "un' it mayksh ush luk shkerry."
"Kevin don't talk with your mouth full," said the middle head, "we're not at a Pizza Hut."
"Thut wuzh WUN TIME Dorian!"
"First impressions mean everything Kevin and you lost considerably."
"Secondly," Mothra tapped Gil's neck, "you have no right to complain, I had to wear green on my legs and fly everywhere around the set, you know how exhausting flight is!"
"Ugh, alright you win," Gil rolled his eyes, "still wish we took our windbreaker."
"I will buy one if it upsets you so much," said Dorian taking a second plate in his other hand, "how are you Goji-san?"
"Not bad Ghi-san," Godzilla smirked taking some hors d'oeuvres for himself, "heard a lot of buzz about you on the net, your comeback turned out great."
"Ohhh, I did not know you surfed the web."
"Ugh," Gil chewed his food with a cringe, "It's 2019 no one says that anymore."
"Anguirus told me," said Godzilla, "he's the net freak not me, tells me everything going on whether I want to or not."
"Hmhmhah, I know the feeling," Dorian motioned to Kevin gulping crab puffs like a duck, "but you were the one to open the door for us old friend, none of us would be here without you."
"That is true," Mothra patted the saurian's arm, "you've done so much for the kaiju community, we're all proud of you-"
"Stop, please." Godzilla winced with a hand slightly raised. "I'm not taking everyone's credit."
"No one said you were!"
"I'm just trying to keep things moving, Gamera does his best too with his people, he actually sent us a basket over there."
He pointed towards one table filled with offerings of good luck and plentiful food signed from the turtle, complete with cheerful tusked face. Beside this basket was a pterodactyl with long hard beak and a flashy vest that never left the March of 1986, flashing monochrome with enough space for his arm-wings to breathe whilst matching a snappy pair of mauve pants as he spoke on his phone.
"How's the latest figures? ...yeah? Hmmm...well, I wouldn't worry too much, you can always get an upshot in the next month or so. ...hey I like to be an optimist, you know there's a reasonable field of error when talking about the box-......well, there's always gonna be an appetite for us, we're legends. Literally! ...alright, keep me posted, I'll see ya after this."
Clicking off his phone he took a deep sigh before noticing the small group of three bodies and five heads come over to him.
"Heheyyyy my queen," he hugged Mothra and nuzzled her cheek, "doing good?"
"Much better now that I can walk again thanks," she chuckled rubbing her antennae across his scalp, "and you?"
"Better without your stinger through my back haha...damn that scene was great."
"Oh it was, I never had the chance to have a scene with you before."
"Really?" He cocked his head. "Never?"
"Not that I recall at least, but it has been years."
"Far too long in any case," Dorian stepped forwards and spread his plate-holding arms for a hug, "you look wonderful Rodan, love the vest."
"Hahaaa thanks," he wrapped his wings round the three-headed beast, "last time I wore this big G was still thin."
"Hey, shut up," Godzilla snapped his fingers, "I've been going to cardio alright?"
"I know dude I'm teasing you look a lot better since the last film, I mean that whole swimming scene, like damn."
"Quite a bit of monster candy that," Mothra tittered, "almost worried we had to up the rating."
"Mmhmmm," Rodan winked and gave a little slap to Godzilla's belly, "think you got more fans from that alone."
"I would like to think we all did," said Dorian as Gil and Kevin kept eating from their plates, "certainly good for you, I daresay a better comeback for you than I."
"You think so?"
"Absolutely." He gestured forwards like a hand would pat a shoulder. "I exceptionally enjoyed our scenes together."
"Yeah I uh," Rodan rubbed his neck, "I don't think I ever done a scene with you proper in a film, least I don't remember."
"Not often enough, certainly."
"Hhhhm, hmhmhmhmhm."
They looked towards Godzilla at his odd chuckle before he cleared his throat.
"Sorry I was, thinking of something."
"Whaaaat?" Rodan squinted his eyes. "Come on I know that laugh, you know something don't you?"
"I don't no, but Anguirus does, he was telling me something about uhhh...internet reactions to you guys."
"What like, good, bad?"
"Nah it's all good, just pretty funny."
"Could you stop being so damn coy?" said Gil licking clean his plate. "Are we getting panned or not?"
"I'll let him tell you, HEY ANGY! ANGY!"
He waved his thick hand above the crowd as his booming voice alerted the armadillo-lizard to come hoofing over quick, barging past long-dogs and long-necks to catch fur on his sleeves before giving the fingerguns to Rodan.
"What's cookin' good lookin'."
"Heheh what's up Ange," Rodan high-fived and pulled him in a hug, "so uh G here was telling me that we had some reactions on the net?"
"Oh yeah yeah, hell yeah, you two especially, movie's going great!"
"I can't wait to see it!" shouted Kevin after a big gulp. "I loved the first movie!"
"Uh, you were in it Kev."
"Woah...I didn't know I could act!"
"You can't," snorted Gil, "but you're the designated flyer so we have to bring you."
"I thought it was cuz my head's attached to this body."
"YES, Kevin, that is why, thank you for your brilliant wit through my sarcasm."
"Heeheh, yer welcome!" The left head gave a toothy grin and poked his tongue much to the annoyance of the right head.
"So what exactly is the buzz going out on the world wide web?" asked Dorian putting his plates down.
"Firstly," Angy raised a finger, "nobody says world wide web anymore and second, well it's uhhh pretty interesting."
He pulled out his phone from his suit pocket and quickly scrolled through several posts, tittering as Mothra glanced brief before turning away with eyes getting wider than she wanted them to.
"I cannot handle these things I swear," she murmured.
"I remember," Godzilla smirked tapping his chin, "s'why we can't go to concerts."
"The classier ones yes, not the mosh pit ones."
"When did YOU guys ever go to a mosh pit?" snickered Rodan.
"I misread what it meant, let's leave it at that."
"AH here we are!" Anguirus pulled up a browser. "I knew I had to show you guys so yeah check it out!"
"...oh. Oh my."
Mothra couldn't resist getting a look as her eyes became pincers next to the curious reptilian looks upon the screen. Edits, art, theoretical musings all relating towards the three heads and Rodan in some very compromising positions. Nothing too raunchy thanks to the safe search but it left plenty to the imagination from a tender embrace, to spousal shouting matches and lurid off-screen implications.
"EYYYY that's GOOD!" Kevin clapped his hands. "They got my winning smile!"
"And a lot more of that it seems," said Dorian straightening his collar, "ahem well uh...I am...hmm."
"The fuck is this shit?!" snarled Gil pushing the phone away. "God people on the internet got way too much time, can you believe this?!"
"Hahah yeah yer right," Rodan grinned with hands behind his neck, "just cuz we had like a whole scene together they all gotta throw their fan theories out there."
"Pfft yeah, there's probably a few out there for big G an' the humans when he showed off that thicc bod."
"And why not, I mean he's good looking who wouldn't?!"
"Nice save," Godzilla nodded, "I'm gonna need more sake."
"Oh yes I'll join you too," said Mothra taking his arm, "I'm dying for another pina."
"Woah careful what you say."
"OH!" She smacked him lightly with a grin of her mandibles. "You are an absolute CHILD!"
"Soooo you want me to send a couple of these?" Anguirus waggled the screen towards Rodan and the three heads.
"Naaaah I'm good," the pterokaiju brushed him off, "I got a mirror back home if I need that."
"HAH, hahahahow droll," said Dorian patting his shoulder.
"Alright well you know where to find me," the spiked beast put his phone away, "I gotta drain my lizard so uhhh you guys keep it cool, great to see ya back!"
"Take care Anguirus."
His hulking form trundled away into the crowd as the three heads turned slowly to Rodan who caught all their looks. They motioned gently towards the corridor at the back of the room which was normally reserved for performers connecting to the stage as they slinked away quietly from the bustling crowd. It was surprisingly easy for a three-headed dragon to be lost within, much more than one would think as soon they were gone from the room and snuck past the curtains of the stage into the dressing room hallway.
No one was near, that they knew, the entertainment had all but gone and the party was going to wrap up in an hour once the alcohol had been bled dry from the premises. The dull-lit hall with its red-and-brown carpet in a series of isometric cubes gave a vibe of the 1970s that neither really liked, finding an unoccupied dressing room to shutter themselves in.
"We should be safe here," said Dorian closing the door, "no one comes down here at this hour and the troupe have all left with their belongings."
"Not that it matters," scoffed Gil crossing his arms, "the whole damn world seemed to figure it out."
"So you admit it," Rodan spread his wings, "that...there's something going on? Between us?"
"I mean, yeah, I guess, it's kinda hard to say-"
"What Gil is trying to say," inferred Dorian.
"Nah nah lemme say it." He looked to the middle head then back to Rodan. "Yeah. I felt...something when we were shooting that scene."
"Ohhh..." the pterosaur sat himself on a plush seat clutching his head, "god it's not just me."
"Wait what, you felt it too?"
"I mean yeah, couldn't have just been me and I'm real glad it wasn't or else it'd be awkward."
"I dunno!" Kevin yapped with shrug. "Still feels awkward to me!"
"I felt it best to discuss with you directly," Dorian spread his hands with a gentle clap, "since we are working together and everything, we had little time during the post-production and it took us a great deal of time to process these...thoughts, we've had about you."
"It's...kinda weird, yeah?" Rodan bent forwards clasping his hands. "LIke, I never had those...kinda feelings before about you but when we were tussling an' fighting an' really getting all in there I just-"
"I know," said Dorian bending his neck to him, "there was a...passion that I'm sure all on the set had felt, but we brushed it off as being actors. Then I saw all those posts and well it just seems too much a coincidence if the world figured it out and saw through our ruse."
"I mean hey, like, I don't MIND, that's not the issue!" He smirked waving his wings. "I just wasn't sure if you felt like...that, I didn't wanna make this awkward."
"STILL AWKWARD!" Kevin yelped.
"GOD, sh-shut UP Kev!" Gil slapped the left head back. "Lemme open the door I think there's three parties going on that didn't hear that!"
"Uhhh, why you wanna tell them, it's PRIVATE Gil!"
"Regardless," Dorian patted both the heads, "we felt the same way too. We just were not certain until this moment as to how exactly to progress."
"Well how DO you wanna progress?" Rodan asked tenting his wings. "Do you...want to do something cuz, I'd be totally up for it, I mean I done it before with friends."
"I would not be against such an arrangement." The middle head smiled sweetly. "I would if anything wish to see if those feelings were just our professional courtesy or something deeper."
"I'm pretty sure it went past professional, I felt your breath against my beak dude."
"Yes? Like this?"
He stepped closer with his head bent low and his mouth kept open, breathing a soft wind that traced across Rodan's face and slipped past his cheek. He shuddered with a clack of his beak as something lunged in his heart to push forth and turn his head to lock their lips together in a sudden tryst, Dorian gasping as he tasted Rodan's breath much to the shock of Gil and Kevin. They looked nervously upon the two as tongues would meet, sounds of a gentle sucking moan as they felt their hearts beat faster all at once from Dorian's rising excitement that in turn incensed them to start kissing along Rodan's head with languishing licks.
The pterosaur shivered at the feel of their lips, wrapping his wings around their body as they in turn pulled him up into an embrace, slipping his claws up towards the neck and stroking the back of Rodan's head as Dorian pulled away for Kevin to slip in and smooch him deep with a hot suckle. Gil waited until he was done to offer the same, much to the bird-beast's lustful amusement as he tasted each of their mouths with only-slightly different flavours.
"H-hhhhh...g-god...damn I wasn't expecting this."
"I wasn't either," murmured Gil looking away, "but...y-yeah, just how it is."
"So...you wanna keep going?"
"Yeah. Yeah I want to."
"I as well," said Dorian leaning close, "and I can tell you without looking that Kevin does too."
"But like, here?!" the third head looked around the room.
"No that would be foolish. We best not sully the movie opening with more lurid rumours to fuel embarrassments."
"Yeah I was gonna say," Rodan patted their heads and moved back, "where you wanna...do, something?"
"My room," said the central drake fishing a card from his pocket, "room 407, come up in half an hour, I had a spare made for...reasons."
"He thought we were gonna get lucky," Gil snickered patting Dorian's cheek.
"But uhhh we kinda did?!" Kevin cocked his head to Rodan who laughed.
"Hhhahaha, alright," the bird pocketed his card, "I'll uhh, see you guys in a bit."
They departed from the dressing room, Gil/Dorian/Kevin first then Rodan a few minutes after as the dragon made their way up to their hotel room, a warm room with cream-coloured sheets and walls with dark floor and panelling. Dorian slipped off his suit, taking the shirt and waistcoat off but keeping the pants on as he splayed out on the bed busied himself reading "House of Leaves" in one hand whilst Gil scrolled on his phone with the other. Kevin fell asleep snuffling on the pillow until the next half hour hit and they heard footsteps outside the door.
"Nooo Kevin," Dorian slipped a bookmark on his page, "everyone ready?"
"Yes, dad," scoffed Gil putting his phone aside as the door opened.
"Hey," Rodan whispered slipping into the room, "hope I'm not bothering."
"Nah yer good," the drake sat up with Rodan closing the door, "so we doing it yeah?"
"I mean, I'm here yeah?" The pterodactyl stepped to the bed with a growing grin. "Soooo uh, what you guys wanna do first?"
"Why you, of course," Dorian chuckled putting his book away and offering a hand to pull him close, "now, let's see you out of that vest once more."
"Just like rehearsal huh?" said Rodan slipping off his vest to reveal his lean slenderous chest. "Honestly glad just to get out these damn clothes."
"You picked them didntcha?" asked Kevin leaning over.
"Yeaaah but AGH!" He sat on the bed peeling off his pants with a deep sigh. "God I been in this for like hours this party really dragged on."
"I thought you liked these kinda things!"
"Yeaaaah but...nah, it's fine."
"Something wrong?" Dorian slipped his head over Rodan's shoulder.
"Nah just tired."
"We don't have to do this if you are not-"
"No, no I want to. I think it'll help me unwind."
"Alright then."
The three-headed beast started to slip his pants off, pulling the felt down with his claws and slipping his tail out from the back hole to expose himself fully. Like Rodan he had a slit hidden neatly within the scales as the pterosaur climbed over on top of the larger body. All three craned their necks forwards to give a tender kiss along the beak as Rodan stroked his claws along the gold muscular chest. Gil was an unsteady kisser, his smooches odd but growing eager with each peck he gave. Dorian was sensual, slipping his snout against the beak and suckling the tongue with the softness of chocolate. Kevin drooled slightly, never quite closing his mouth properly but what he lacked in style he made up for with eagerness in hot smooching gasps.
Moaning in threes they grasped Rodan's waist and stroked him gently, feeling his sturdy acrobatic muscles before slipping their claws down to his rump with a tender squeeze that made him gsap. Rodan wasn't sure which head or neck to caress, not wanting to leave the other two out so he kept stroking the chest, feeling their heat come between them as both their arousals grew asymmetric of each other. Rodan's length swelled from his slit to grind against the drake's midriff, whilst their own erection thickened to touch the bottom of Rodan's taint.
"H-hhhhh...mmmhhhh, damn you feel big."
"I daresay you offer me plenty," said Dorian between a kiss.
"Been ages since I got to call you guys by your names and not Ghidorah."
"Humans have problems with multi-heads, we needed a singular screen name."
"Fair enough." The bird-beast smooched the middle head. "What you wanna do first?"
"I would like to taste you," said Dorian licking his beak, "since our brief egress I couldn't...get your scent out of my head, such a fiery smoulder."
"Wow, really?"
"...wanna just 69 then?"
"Nice," Gil nodded with growing smile, "sounds great."
"I wanna eat that ass," Kevin licked his lips, "been teasin' me like crazy with it."
"I'm all yours guys." Rodan pushed himself round to face the burgeoning cock. "Your majesty."
"Ohhh let's not start roleplaying yet," Dorian smirked seeing his red rump present itself, "need to make sure you are worthy as a subject."
"Hhhahaha...alright, see how things go."
Ghidorah's length was thick, at least half the width of a fist and reaching full to 9 inches once it peaked to a pointed tip. Rodan shivered from the heat of his clean musk, nuzzling his beak along the side before tasting with a sweet drag of his tongue from the swollen base, grasping the shaft to feel its throb as he gave a few passing licks before turning his head to the side and opening his beak to clasp between. His hard jaws stroked Ghidorah off as he moved up and down, pleasuring one side with his tongue that sawed back and forth to make the beast shudder.
Dorian slipped his head towards Rodan's cock, lapping the bottom of his 7-inch meat to pull the tip in his mouth and suck lightly on the shaft with a gasp at the sweet taste. Gil decided to help by licking along the base, curling his tongue around it whilst holding Rodan's legs steady against their shoulders. Kevin didn't waste time in rimming the bird, slickly dragging his tongue along the curve of the taint to flick over the puckered ring as shudders came from Rodan at such triple oral pleasuring. The left head pressed his snout against the hole, smooching with a deep tongue that wormed its way in and began to flick all over the walls with a swirling vestment, creaking ridges suckling against his invading tongue.
"M-mmmhhhh! H-hohhhh jeez."
"That feel good?" said Gil between licks.
"F-fuck...you guys really coordinate that shit."
"Yeah, s'what happens when you share a body."
"Mmmlgrrk," Dorian gasped pulling off the tip, "we also learned to share, that helps too."
"Speaking of which, my turn."
The right head bent down to gulp the cock down his serpentine throat, pulling the shaft back to almost be horizontal as he sucked greedily with drooling pre down his chin. Dorian slid himself up towards the waiting pucker that Kevin drooled upon plentifully.
"Mind if I join you brother?"
"MmmmGLUK, y-yeah, yeah damn his ass tastes good."
"Ohhh I believe it."
The two heads joined with slurping sucks across his rear, smooching and lapping between the cheeks with alternating tongues as they shared the hot pucker with plunging tongues that squirmed and flicked over the muscular ridges. Rodan shuddered with a tight clench that milked their tongues as both heads stuffed themselves in, twisting serpentine tongues that wrapped around each other in a heated kiss of incestuous bliss as they closed their eyes and savoured the thick rippling walls of the kaiju-bird.
"M-mmmmhhhh, mmmhhh-"
"H-HAAAAH, a-aaaah f-fuck g-guys that-HHHHH!"
Rodan felt outmatched, trying to do all he could to pleasure with one beak whilst the triple assault continued on his body. Dragging his head up and down the side of the cock in a tender stroke, he flicked his tongue with constant breaths at the taste of Ghidorah's length. He pulled back and opened his maw to swallow as deep as he could, gently guiding the tips of his beak apart to take half his length, the slightly-acidic tang intriguing him as he gulped further with his hand on the base to steady it. All whilst Gil managed to deepthroat him fully with a choking gasp as his shaft throbbed inside the slender serpent neck.
"How does it taste brother?" Dorian murmured between dragging licks across the rump. "Hungrier than I thought you were."
"I don't blame him," Kevin gasped, "fuck I wanna fill this ass good."
"In due time...let's get him extra wet."
They kept their deep rimming ongoing as their tongues twisted into a drill-like length, synchronising their slenderous oral muscles to dive into the depths and taste every thickening ridge they could. Rodan's gasps and whimpers were their reward as he pre'd thicker into Gil's throat, the sounds of a heavy gulp as his neck bulged with the throb of thick kaiju cock whilst Rodan bobbed carefully on the beastly length.
Once they felt ready, they slipped from each other mutually as the bird turned himself back round with a popping suck of twin tongues from his rump to leave a drooling sliver down his rear that dripped on Ghidorah's shaft. Their eyes met three to one, gasping needs as Rodan shifted with his wings on their chest and his pucker kissing their tip.
"When you are ready," said Dorian.
"Yeah just...heh, alright......a-AAH!"
They all gasped in sync as the ptero sunk himself upon the swelling meat, pushing through his slickened ring as he cried with a muted wince and gritted his beak to take in more. Two inches pushed in, the body heat surging through his thighs as he took a moment to let his ass stretch and pulsate eager from the invading length before sinking deeper onto it.
"F-f-fuck...f-fuck yes a-a-aah!"
"Ohhhh...that's it," Dorian kissed his head, "such a good boy."
"I-I...guh, b-been acting as long as you dammit."
"Yeah but," Kevin gasped, "we got three birthdays, th-that makes us three times as old!"
"Th-that's not how it works!"
"You don't got three heads," Gil tightened his lip, "f-fuck your ass feels good already."
"You like that?" Rodan smirked at him.
"I'm not leaving it tonight, that's for sure."
"Mmmmph best news I've heard all night."
He pushed himself further down as he felt his walls stretch, creaking softly as he rocked against the shaft to to sink it deeper as Rodan watched the faces of Ghidorah contort with bliss. The bird shivered with a twitch of his wings, stroking his claws against the great golden chest to brace himself with a tender breath and ease his walls to slide further. The sounds of traffic could be faintly heard outside the window, a brief quiet distilled from their breaths that mixed with a clouded heat before Rodan managed to hilt himself with a shiver from all four of them.
"H-HAAAH! Nnngh!"
"Mmmmph...goodness you are a snug little thing," whispered Dorian.
"I-i like to keep...supple," gasped Rodan.
"Supple as fuck," Gil slipped his hands towards the rump and slapped both cheeks, "couldn't keep my eyes off this thing all the time we were filming."
"Hah, really?!"
"Well SOMEBODY has opened up," Dorian teased his right brother with a smooch.
"Hey I can appreciate a good ass," Gil sniffed heavily, "not like the way Kevin does but yanno."
"Can we get pizza after this?" the left head mused licking his lips. "I'm really in the mood for pizza."
"Dude we haven't even fucked come on."
"Well no time like the present!"
Dorian smirked as he pulled back a few inches to thrust straight back inside Rodan with a shivering grunt, squirting a good dollop of pre onto Ghidorah's chest as the bird followed suit into a subconscious rhythm. Each time Ghidorah pulled back so did Rodan before they met once again in a slapping of hips that rippled through the room, tensing his fingers across the pale chest as they formed a steady pace.
Bending forwards Rodan nuzzled against Dorian's face, wordlessly kissing him with little nips of the beak as Gil and Kevin joined to smooch either side of his face. Their passion grew stronger than the first kiss, Dorian's snout locking deep against Rodan as his hands trailed up towards the other two heads to stroke and fondle their necks amongst Gil and Kevin's kisses, smothering his beak with tender smooches and longful licks as they pumped him harder with growing lust, smacking his hips as the bed creaked underneath.
"H-haaah, aaah, f-fuck, guys-"
"D-don't stop, please don't stop fuck I wanna go deep."
"Ohhh you'll go deep alright little birdy."
Gil grinned with an evil smirk as he suddenly thrust to make Rodan shriek, stifling the kaiju's voice which rattled down his throat from the deep kiss that Dorian gave constant. Swallowing breaths from each other the two pulled in closer, Rodan feeling the other heads suck his fingers with teasing sensual licks as Ghidorah thrust harder into the wanting rear with increasing speed, his long golden claws stroking down the back and caressing the wings that draped against his sides.
"F-fuck, gimme sum o' that."
"M-mmmhhhGLKH, mmmhhhh!"
Gil slid his mouth in front of Rodan to pull from Dorian, tasting the trail of spit from his brother-head whilst the middle and left kept licking and kissing. Then it was Kevin who whimpered next, panting at the beak to plunge his tongue as deep as he could when he had the chance, Rodan feeling the saliva from all three trickle down his chest. He discovered much to his surprise that all three heads did not even kiss the same.
Dorian was sensual and experienced, languishing his tongue and caressing the walls of his palate with slow deliberate pace, a painter with a brush. Gil was almost possessive, hunting, searching, pressing against the cheeks and sucking the saliva from Rodan with a fierce energy of snarling bestial growls that signalled desperation. Kevin slobbered, like a dog, friendly but clumsy that slurped in every direction. But all of them had passion at a constant heat, gripping Rodan tighter round his waist to pull him closer with stronger thrusts hilting inside him, bucking their hips to keep Rodan close and slightly push him upwards along their chest.
Drooling with pre from his rump, the smaller kaiju tried to push back with a pumping slap of his sturdy cheeks turning wetter with each smack. Ghidorah never left his mouth, the brothers sharing his tongue back and forth in a constant stream of heated lust and breathless pants as Rodan waxed the golden chest with his pre, trickling a thick puddle that ran down onto the bed. The thicker it turned the more excited they became as the pumping of their hips turned intense, hammering his rear onto the thick regal meat with tightening jaws and a groaning clench in their muscles towards their fateful climax.
"H-hah, AAAH, N-NNNGH g-guys, guys I feel it c-coming!"
The three heads did their best to hold back, but their climax overwhelmed them as they thrust once again to fill up Rodan to the hilt, pumping his seed deep with a gush that came dripping down his thighs and gummed up with white between their bodies. Rodan stuttered feeling himself almost peak as the heat of Ghidorah's cum thickened in his gut, gurgling twitches from the hydra's cock that flexed with creaking groans against Rodan's tensing walls that sucked his flesh harder with a milking rhythm. Groaning as they squeezed the bird tight, Ghidorah shuddered in triptet as three panting mouths swept thick breaths over the kaiju's beak.
"Haaah...aaaaah...R-rodan?" Dorian licked his face.
"Did you finish?"
"I...n-nah," he smirked bashful, "just got a bit too much stamina yeah?"
"Well then." He moved his hands to grip the bird's wings. "That just simply won't do."
He was suddenly rolled onto his back as Ghidorah loomed over him, his smile a triple threat and his body a great shadow of darkness.
"I always make certain that my partners are left satisfied, that is simply the making of a good actor. Every scene I do I never leave unfulfilled."
"Yeah," said Gil, "Dori's a real stickler for perfection."
"He's gonna fuck ya GOOOOD," hissed Kevin with a tiger's grin, "so am I cuz we're the same body, also Gil is the same body too!"
"H-heh, damn," Rodan snickered at the three and lifted his ass, "I mean if you wanna make me cum then go right ahead, you know I can take it...your Majesty."
"Ohhhh really?" the central head leaned over fully to grind against Rodan's beak. "So you finally accept your place."
"And what place is that, exactly?"
"Mmmmm well, I was rather in the need for a breeding hole."
"Oh...I can't, I must resist, I'm so weak but," he pushed against him with the least effort before slumping back, "I protected my home for hundreds of years only for you to-"
"Save it," said Gil pressing a finger to his lips, "you were just keeping my seat warm little bird."
"Just submit. Just be thankful you're not a pet but my loyal soldier, and you know what soldiers do?"
He leaned in close before Kevin slipped up unseen to his ear.
"They obey me."
With one brutal thrust Ghidorah pumped to the hilt, pounding with a savage strength that shook the bed as Rodan shrieked with panting squawks and grunting gasps, cum dripping out of his hole each time the ruthless hydra went full-depth to leave a stream drooling past the bird's tail. Shining claws gripped Rodan's arms with a painful squeeze, whapping his hips of golden gleam that shone in the light of the room with each buck, tail whistling like a morning star above the beasts as Ghidorah drooled with increasing lust upon Rodan's beak.
The pterosaur shuddered from the strength of his drilling thrusts, feeling their muscles tense like cello strings that sang as he gripped him tight against his body, wiry slender avian beneath the grand dragon that licked their three lips with a rapacious thirst. Thicker the sounds of their seed came from within Rodan's rear with each thrust, slapping their hips with unceasing fury of lust as their arms twitched with a tension growing to hold his upper body above.
"S-such, a beautiful bird I found," gasped Dorian, "one I will enjoy greatly in its cage."
"G-gah, AGH!" Rodan winced at the growing heat from grinding flesh. "M-mah...mah-"
"Yes, that's it...tell me what I am, what I will become."
"M-mah, jesty...y-your majesty yes...yes, h-harder, m-make me yours."
"Mmmmph!" Kevin clamped his jaws upon his neck.
"Such adorable sounds you earthlings make," the central head hissed.
"And an even better taste," murmured Gil, "your planet's so delicious I don't even know where to start my conquest."
"But you will do...you, one of Earth's own, made to serve your own home to me on a silver platter."
"I-i-i will, yes," whimpered Rodan as Kevin sucked his throat, "I-i'll be your, y-your soldier M-majesty!"
"I don't NEED you to tell me, little bird. I know it."
The smile he gave was exactly the one on set, making the bird quiver with a fright put-upon as he shrieked with desire, his cock drooling plentifully on himself to smother his chest as Ghidorah pulled him up enough to bend him against himself, grinding Rodan's cockhead against his own midriff as he mewled from the increased sensitivity. The gold-scaled beast lifted Rodan's legs to further press him in half, plunging his shaft deep as the bed lurched with crunching sounds amongst their snarls and cries of bestial lust.
Thicker and thicker his pre turned until it dribbled down his neck, lapped by Kevin who kept sucking and biting Rodan's throat with a posssessive force as his growling roar sent shivers through the ptero's ribs. Every punching thrust that Ghidorah made would hit his prostate fierce, causing Rodan to squirt even harder as he felt his length twitch with spasms, coating his body like a broken faucet as his taloned feet clenched above Ghidorah's heads, the room filled with the monstrous sounds of breeding beasts and grinding teeth, flexing muscles beneath silken leather wings and hard scales that shone with sweat. He broke beneath the king's reign as he felt the flooding of zeal and his limbs become weak.
Once more the hydra claimed his victory over the terran, the kaiju bird spraying himself in his jizz that painted Kevin's face alongside his own to also coat his body with submissive seed, languishing cum that drooled down his sides to smear the bed sheets. Dorian gave a deep lick across his face, his cock twitching from the base to bury full into Rodan's rump which sucked on his meat, milking him plentiful for his rich dragon seed that filled evermore the depths of his body til it overrunneth with supreme semen.
"HAH-AAAAH! A-AAAAH, g-god, fuck that's good."
"Mmmmph...ohhhh..." the heads leaned forward with their arms taut to keep their body held, "that...was exquisite."
"Yeah," Gil gasped, "f-fuck...fuck you got a good ass for using."
"Th-thanks," Rodan licked his beak tasting their spit and his jizz, "my friends say the same too hah."
"I mean we're your friends too!" Kevin nuzzled him with a slurp.
"Hmhmhahyeah, yeaaaah I mean, we sure are now."
"Definitely." Dorian grinned as he pulled himself back. "But now I fear we should perhaps clean before our bedding arrangements are made."
"Wait, our?" Rodan watched his cock pop from his rear with a drooling line of seed. "You mean like, sleep, together?"
"Oh shit we didn't tell ya that?" Gil rubbed his head. "Cuz, I thought...you wanted to make this a thing."
"OH, RIGHT like u-u-uh a thing!" He briefly gestured between him and them. "I mean uh...well, not like I'm gonna do anything else in my room I don't mind if you wanna...go, to bed, together."
"Well not like THIS!" Kevin pulled the stained sheets off causing Rodan to roll off suddenly. "We have spares dontcha worry!"
"KEVIN god dammit!" Gil slapped his head. "Wait 'til he's got off the bed at least."
"M'fine!" Rodan lifted himself up as the cum drooled from his chest. "I should get a shower, you wanna go in first?"
"After you," said Dorian with a curtsy to the restroom, "I shall replace these sheets and then we can discuss our arrangements if you wish."
The next thirty minutes were spent by Ghidorah bundling the used sheets into a designated basket and taking the fresh ones out of the wardrobe, keeping his cock swinging hefty from touching the cloth as it dripped with little spots across the floor whilst Rodan cleaned himself up. The dragon joined him after, the four realising that there was little point in modesty as the great beast slipped under the hot waters running across the ptero's body to help him wash down his back.
Steam filtered from the room and fogged the mirrors as Ghidorah cleaned Rodan as much as he wished, soaping him down with scale-friendly solutions as he returned the favour, his foot-shorter body giving him a slight disadvantage when aiming to reach to the back of their necks, but Ghidorah helped themselves to that whilst Rodan lathered across the golden back of rippling muscle down to the tail that stayed still, twisting its large maced tip gently to itself to as they cleaned the sweat and cum from each other. Sliding into bed first, Ghidorah offered the space next to him in the king-sized bed as Rodan slipped up beside him. Kevin grinned constantly, almost bouncing with amusement as he smooched Rodan's cheek.
"Aw duuude this is like a sleepover!"
"What are you like, five?!" Gil snorted.
"No I'm three, see one, two, three!"
"Hmhmhahaha!" Dorian patted their heads and laid against the pillow facing Rodan. "May I ask you something?"
"Ohhh gee I dunno," the bird shrugged exaggerated, "I mean you just fucked my ass twice that was fine but to ASK me something oooh yeesh-yeah it's fine dude of course what?"
"Hmhm, well...is this but a tryst or is it something more?"
"I mean, I'm okay with either!"
"But what do YOU think it is? Truthfully."
"...something kinda more, like, " he flexed his fingers, " maybe not...I dunno if we could be like, together unless you want to as well but I also would be cool if we just were like, friends with benefits?"
"That sounds great!" Kevin cried. "I love having friends with stuff!"
"I mean I really don't mind if you're my boyfriend or," Gil shrugged, "we did it, we fucked, if you wanna fuck again or just hang out that's cool too just don't, make it like a big thing."
"Right yeah that's what I was thinking," said Rodan nodding, "alright cool, yeah that's fine by me if we just do stuff and hang out more, it's great!"
"I look very forward to it," Dorian leaned over to smooch his beak, "I greatly enjoyed our time together on set."
"Oh yeah totally!" he smirked with a hint of blush. "Like...I feel my character represents the ancient world when faced against an oppressive modern influence, the clash of ideals you know?"
"Mmmm yes I see that, and I am the modern oppressor?"
"Well more like the unknown threat, sorta like aaaa physical form of the destruction that awaits in the future because of like, ignorance and stuff."
"Aw shit," Gil pondered scratching his chin, "that sounds cool as hell actually."
"I just like being a monster!" Kevin giggled. "Means I get to smash shit and throw things about!"
"Yeah we remember kindergarten," the other two rolled their eyes, "alright I'm bushed, night Rodan."
"Good night dear friend," said Dorian laying back, "thank you for being here."
"Heh, same, you too guys."
The heads laid down with Kevin draped across the belly, taking half the bed with their body as Rodan sighed and clasped his arm-wings together like a bat would as Dorian clicked out the lights from the switch nearby. The pterosaur smiled with a strange relief, feeling the warmth of Ghidorah beside him as three levels of snoring started to fill the room with a gentle murmur that lulled him to sleep in turn. All he had to wonder now was whether this counted as three boyfriends or one, smiling to himself with a little high-five as he decided the former. It would be more fun to tease his friends about after if he said such.