Little brother's late night fun

Story by Miaru on SoFurry

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#1 of bro


This a repost on my new Sofurry acount

I walked home after school bouncing on my paws it was finally summer no more boring school or demanding teachers. Better yet in a month I would turn 12. I walked through the door of my house and into the kitchen seeing one of my two older brothers unloading the dish washer. "Hey, John guess what" I asked as I bounced to the fridge to get a soda.

"What's up Alex" John asked?

"No more school for four months "I said my long bushy tail waving behind me in my excitement over the long awaited break.

"That's great bud. Hey do you want to go camping tomorrow since its Saturday I don't have work and mark only has classes Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday?" As I nodded vigorously John chuckled "Well go see if it's ok with Mark If he says yes go get the camping gear and put it beside the Atvs. With a nod and a grin I walked off to find Mark. I went up stairs to Mark's room and knocked.

I opened the door and excitedly asked "John wants to know if we can go camping can we please Mark please?"

"Whoa, calm down there pup of course we can go camping."

"Yay you are the best brothers a wolf could ask for." and with that I walked down to the basement and grabbed the tents coolers and other camping supplies and sat them beside John's RZR and Mark's Brute Force 750. When I was done I skipped up to my room and proceeded to waste away the night playing World of Warcraft.

Later that night when I knew my brothers were asleep I went downstairs to the computer room and logged onto my account pulling up a hidden folder. See I have a secret I am gay and I didn't want John or Mark to find out because then they wouldn't like me anymore or want to be around me. I would not risk that since Mom and Dad had died two years before I had been in my brothers' care and without them I had nothing I didn't have many friends at school always to shy thinking I would be found out about liking other males. As these thoughts were flying around in my skull my paws had pulled up my small cache of gay porn and my other paw had pulled down my shorts exposing my 11 year old sheath to the air. As the screen turns black to load I see myself sitting in the computer chair I am a black wolf standing 5'3 I weigh about 185 pounds and have deep amber eyes. I reach down and touch the short soft fur on my sheath and whimper as pleasure runs through me I use one paw to roll my furry nuts and the other to continue to rub from my balls to the tip of my sheath where I am starting to show pink. Slowly but surely my cock slide free of its soft furry shelter. When four of my five and a half inches are showing I have to pull my sheath down fairly hard to stretch it over my forming knot. There is a moment were it nears pain then my knot pops out and I sigh as emince relief and pleasure run through me. I look up at the screen to see a pic of one male wolf balls deep in another's ass both moaning in bliss and in my mind unbidden I conjure the same picture only its Mark tieing to me. I stop the slow stroking of my cock then as it throbs in my paw give into my dirty fantasy. Slowly stroking from tip to knot as with one paw as the other tugs upward behind my knot lightly and I start to pant, whimper, and moan as in my mind I am rocking back and forth on Marks hard bone. I stroke myself faster as copious amounts of pre lube my cock and cover my paw. As we reach climax in my mind I speed up my pawing and squeeze my knot. That's all it took and I was pushed off a cliff into a sea of pleasure each wave that hit shore was a shot of cum the shot from my tip to land on my stomach. Afterword I sat there panting then leaned forward showing more dexterity than anyone would thing possible and licked the cum out of my fur then moving farther down I used my long tongue to clean my very sensitive penis. Once there was no trace of cum left on my cock I leaned back letting out a long satisfied sigh. I closed my eyes for the long wait for my knot to go down and allow my pink member to slip back into my sheath I turned the computer off. As I was walking by Mark's room on my way to bed I couldn't help but look in and my jaw dropped at the site I couldn't help but let the fantasy from earlier run through my head as I saw Mark asleep moon light showing his naked form and plump sheath with two furry orbs sitting directly below. I knew I was sticking my head in a bear trap but I couldn't help going in and standing by his side. My eyes glued to his sheath my mouth watering and my sheath starting to feel rather constrained in my shorts I couldn't move. I stood there for what felt like an eternity before while my mind was screaming don't do it don't be that stupid your ending your own life my paw slowly crept forward and a finger ran across his sheath. Mark let out a pleasured sound and my paw jumped back as I feared he had woken up. As my heart slowed from its insane pace my paw drifted back to his sheath. I slowly let my hand run up and down his fuzzy fur as just a hint of pink started to show. As my brother's musk hit me there was no going back the intoxicating smell overriding any thoughts of getting caught. I kept stroking Mark now wrapping my hand around his sheath squeezing the small bulb were his not would form as more and more hard reddish pink flesh slipped out. After about 3 minutes my paw was sliding over 10inches of slick male meat as cup after cup of precum poured from the tip. I tugged hard on his sheath I could see an uncomforting look cross his face before his sheath fully retracted with an audible pop and mark's face was stricken with obvious pleasure and relief. I could feel an itch to lick and suck my brother's godly member into my muzzle rising in me so I gave in. I licked up from his sheath to the tip and sucked until I had a muzzle full of pre I let my tongue swim in the wonderful juice before swallowing. I continued to lick as Mark moaned thrashed around in his sleep. "Man you could sleep through an earthquake couldn't you" I whisper to mark. After much thought I finally realized there was something I wanted to do and this might be the only chance I ever get. I was going to yiff him. I slowly got on the bed trying to make as little noise or movement as I straddled his thighs and leaned down to kiss him on the nose before reaching behind me and pulling his cock up till it touched my virgin ring. I rubbed his tip on my tail hole his pre acting as lube. Very slowly I lowered myself onto his cock. I tried to concentrate on the fact that my brother looked like he was in heaven even if he was asleep because it felt like my tail hole was ripping and on fire. I would go down an inch wait then pull up and go down two inches. Soon I was sitting on his knot all ten inches inside me. I was crossed between so much pain I wanted to cry and the pleasure of my wonderful brother's huge pole inside me and throbbing against my prostate deliciously. After a few minutes the pain was being melted away by the white hot member in me, so I started to pull off and then slowly go back down on the wonderful piece of wolf flesh bellow me I had my hand buried in Mark's snow white chest fur to steady myself. As the pleasure began to increase I started to slam myself onto mark as hard as I could one paw now stroking my own hard flesh. All too soon for me I felt my orgasm rushing up. As my orgasm hit slammed down and let my cum spurt onto mine and mark's stomachs. As my orgasm ended and I slipped into afterglow I fell forward only to catch myself on mark's chest. With a huff of breath his eyes snapped open and landed right on me. I sat stunned as mark woke up.

"Alex what the hell are you doing!" I could see that it had just clicked in his mind were hid cock was currently lodged. "Are you... is my..." he trailed off as I regained use of my body and proceeded to freak slap the hell out. I tried to jump up off hid cock but slipped falling back down all my body weight driving me down on his knot and it slipped in. as it did it stretched me so much I yelped in pain and with all the stimulation mark was pushed into orgasm white hot wolf cum rushing up his cock to paint my insides white. I began to cry not out of pain but because I had been caught I should have known I would be caught.

"I'm s... so s-sorry Mark" I managed to sob out. "I just wanted to know what it felt like and I couldn't stop" again I tried to pull myself free tugging painfully on my tail hole.

"Ssshhh, it's ok Alex I have always loved you more than a brother should and I'm glad you did what you did it felt so great. Just stay still." I felt disbelief then relief rush through me as mark wrapped his arms around me still locked by his knot and rolled onto his side tucking my head under his chin. He started to Mur and I fell asleep with the comforting vibrations from his chest like a lullaby.