Little brother's camping fun part 1

Story by Miaru on SoFurry

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#2 of bro


As I woke I thought about the wonderful dream I had just woken from I had first yiffed my brother while he was asleep, then I had accidently woken him, and to top it off I came out to him in a way I almost wanted to laugh. Right about then I noticed that my head was lying on a very soft furry pillow. No there is no way in hell that actually happened. He would hate me if I did that. I felt something and realized someone was scratching between my ears, which had unconsciously splayed back on my skull. I slowly peeked through my eyelids to see my brother's face smiling down at me as his claw tips scratched that one spot on the back of my head right bellow my left ear making me moan.

"Well I see someone is awake" Mark commented as he rubbed my ears. Oh it felt so good I had to still be asleep. I moved up farther so the top of my head was under his chin as I wrapped my arms around him. When I did this I noticed two things that made me blush madly. First as it rubs through his soft belly fur the fact that my cock is painfully hard is brought to my attention. Second as I moved up I could also feel a very hard something at the small of my back run down to rest on my balls. The only reasonable thing to be down there would be mark's cock. "Alex I don't want you to do anything you don't want to but would you mind helping me get rid of this morning wood" Mark whispered in my ear.

I squeezed him harder and said "Of course I will" I turned my body so my legs were on either side of his head and looked at his throbbing prick. Now that I am not in a sex induced frenzy I can see it properly holy shit that thing is huge how the hell did it ever fit in me. Even as I thought that I let my long tongue snake out to touch his tip. His pre oozed onto my tongue as it went across it. It was a salty slightly sweet taste and suddenly the most pleasurable feeling of my young life bloomed within me as mark drug his long candid tongue across my sensitive member making a spurt of pre splash onto his tongue. I decided that after all the caring and love mark had shown that I loved Mark and I wanted to please him better than he had ever had been before so I sucked his tip in wrapping my tongue around it as I pushed forward taking half his length in. I had to stop and relax as hit tip banged the back of my throat but finally it slipped into my throat and down. Soon I was bobbing up and down my nose banging against his knot and making him grunt. I felt him doing the same to me but my small member was only barely filling his muzzle.

Mark grabbed behind my knot and tugged up while squeezing it making me howl around his cock as my wolf seed spurted into his muzzle in great gushes. As my howl vibrated his length he whimpered and thrust his hips hard sending his knot into my mouth and he started spraying his virile seed down my throat.

After we had calmed down and cleaned up he said "alright get up and get dressed we got a camping trip to go on" as I remembered the trip I grinned up at him.

He laughed hard and I asked him "what are you laughing at"

"Well unless you want John to know we are gay and together" those words made my heart swell "you might not want to go around with my cum on your muzzle" he said as he leaned forward and licked my muzzle clean as I blushed deeply. I found my boxers and slipped them on stuck my head out the door a crack looking for John when I didn't see him so I crept to my room to get ready.

About an hour later packed and ready to go on their weekend trip John and Mark climbed into the RZR and I hopped onto the Brute Force and we rode into the woods. Riding all day we finally reach our favorite camping spot on the edge of a cliff overlooking a clear blue lake. As we unpacked and started pitching tents mark yelled "damn I forgot your tent Alex do you mind sharing with me" he turned his back to John so he is facing me and winks.

"Of course not" I said and began blowing up our air mattress.

After dinner and some playing around the three wolves headed to bed as they settled down in the bed I grinned and pinched Mark's butt "hey" he yelped as I grinned at him seductively he asked "are you sure you want to do this is. I don't want to take advantage of you or make you do anything you don't want to".

"Um mark if you remember I was Yiffing you last night... well until you woke up anyway. Plus I want this. No that's not right I want you". Grinning I pull off mark's boxers to stare at his beautiful cock. "You know I could look at this monster all night it so..." for a lack of words I wrapped my muzzle around the tip suckling.

I woke up hearing someone moan what the hell I thought I got up and walked over to mark and Alex's tent unzipping it and peered in. all traces of sleep rushed out of my body as I watched my slim little brother on his hands and knees beneath Mark from my point of view I could clearly see Marks cock disappearing into Alex's tailhole. I saw mark thrust forward and tie Alex and as they both came. It registered that I was watching my brother yiff our innocent little brother and I finally regained the use of my mouth "OH MY GOD!" I said as two very frightened faces spun to stare at me.


There may be more there may not depends on if people like it.