Cooperative Management (6/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Cooperative Management

Calvech and Dobrica reach their last objective and finds out that its a group of indebted people whom are being transformed into horse men to entertain to pay it back. When the two met the one calling the shots however they found there was a potential major problem. Would they meet someone that might give the two nexus creatures a run for their money?

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A few minutes later Calvech and Dobrica were in one of the locker rooms, the smell of salt water in the air as Dobrica put the finishing touches on her swim gear. As she had guessed the material of the shiny suit, swim gloves, and socks spread over her body, and though she retained almost all of her orca-jay characteristics, being an aquatic creature already, what was very notable was the lack of bulge between her legs as she adjusted her boobs once more. While it was strange for her to be a female while still in the facility, she knew there must be a reason for it. What she was more interested in was Calvech, who sat naked on the bench while still staring at the similar swim outfit.

"Come on now," Dobrica teased, giggling slightly. "Embrace your femininity."

"Hey, I don't have any problems being a girl," Calvech quickly retorted. "Just trying to get into the headspace is all. You've already had your gender changed a few times, this is going to be a first for me."

"Well hurry up with it then," Dobrica replied, glancing over a mirror and looking at her streamlined body as she posed her shiny form in the reflection. "But if you're still unsure we could wrestle again, and then I'll make you put it on. Maybe I can even ask Modino if I can take it with me so you can be my girl whenever I want."

"Man, I lose one time to you when you're a guy and I never hear the end of it," Calvech stated as he put the top on as best he could.

"You lose to me when I'm not a guy too," Dobrica replied with a wink. "I was just able to capitalize on your position right away. Plus you never know, maybe you're just going to have boobs, or possibly have both sexes."

The stallion rolled his eyes and put on the swimsuit, feeling the fabric pressing against his junk and rubbing lewdly against it while he adjusted the top. When he looked at himself in the mirror it looked kind of silly on his male form, though he could already see whatever magic in the clothes had started to take hold as his musculature began to shift. As the shiny spandex began to assimilate his purple horsehair the first thing he noticed was his pectorals bulging out, but this definitely wasn't muscle as he could feel his nipples start to rub against the fabric while it became the synthetic material as well. He felt Dobrica come up behind him and give his growing tits a squeeze as the rest of his musculature shrank slightly, keeping him toned but giving him more of a swimmer's build like Dobrica usually had.

The orca-jay off-handedly suggested that maybe they were going to be like the two cheetahs, but that didn't seem to be the case as the spandex quickly stretched over his head and he found himself maintaining his equine muzzle. But his body also showed him he wasn't going to be all horse either as he felt his spine stretching, like he was bending downwards without doing so. When he managed to twist his body in the mirror he saw that a purple spandex dorsal fin had grown out from the middle of his back with another smaller one appearing just beneath it. Calvech let out a slight grunt of pleasure as his tail exploded with growth, thick muscle cascading down it as the stands merged into it before starting to flare out at the tip of his new appendage.

"Hey, you're becoming an orca-horse!" Dobrica said with a smile as the spandex on his hands and feet had already merged to give him webbed digits while more smaller fins pushed their way out on his arms and legs to cement the aquatic creature appearance. "Oh, you're a sea horse!" Calvech was about to respond with a snarky remark before his webbed hands went straight to his groin, a gasp escaping his shiny lips as he felt the material around his crotch tightening. He let out a huff and sat down on one of the benches with his legs splayed out as they watched the impressive bulge shrink before their very eyes.

"So much... for keeping it..." Calvech said between huffs as he felt the flesh grow increasingly sensitive with each inch that he lost until finally it was almost completely gone, while at the same time the spandex of the suit began to push in between his legs to create a new hole there. With the reflection in the mirror both he and Dobrica could watch his new pussy forming, his hands gripping the bench as the new organ was created while also incorporating the old. When she was finally finished the new hybrid was panting, her new breasts heaving up and down as she stared at the purple spandex orca-mare in the mirror looking back at her.

"You are looking absolutely sexy," Dobrica said as she gave the new girl a smack on her spandex-covered butt. "I'm definitely tempted to get Modino to have us keep that swimsuit for you. Maybe if we do good with these guys coming in they'll give us these as a bonus?"

Meanwhile out of the other locker room six guys came out in their swim caps and speedos; two of them human with a tiger, a bull, a cobra, and a wolf as well. They were all part of the same team and, well, they usually came in last place. Most of the time in any competition they were racing against actual aquatic creatures, but even in leagues where they weren't allowed they still got their collective butts kicked. When they had gotten a call that offered a free trial for swimming lessons that would guarantee increase their speed and endurance, they were more than a little tempted. Despite their initial reservations they agreed to do the free trial as long as they didn't have to sign anything when they came in.

"I don't know about this..." one of the humans said as he looked around. "I'm still expecting them to come out at any time to tell us that because we walked in here we have to pay like a hundred dollars just for using the changing room."

"Look, I got it on tape that they weren't going to charge us a dime," the tiger retorted. "Now they might not actually be able to do all the things they promised but at the very least we got to spend some time at this really fancy fitness center instead of trying to avoid getting kicked in the head by kids in the public pool."

"Do you think they're going to let us use that smoothie bar?" the cobra hissed, rubbing his scaled hands together. "I could really go for one, I don't even mind paying."

"Tell you what," the bull said. "You shave two seconds off your time by the end of this and I'll buy everyone a round, alright?" Though all the others cheered they secretly knew the only reason he made the offer was because it was highly unlikely they were going to come close. After nearly a year of training together they had hardly shaved a second off their collective times, much less two.

Suddenly there was the loud blast of a whistle that caused them all to jump slightly, looking over at the source of the noise to see the two hybrids standing there in their swim suits with the orca-jay holding a whistle. "Alright, thank you for coming in to try out our new pool program!" Dobrica said. "My name is Dobrica and the fine filly next to me is Calvech, we're going to be helping you become the leanest, meanest swim team that this city has ever seen. All you have to do is listen to what we say and we're going to cut at least ten seconds off your collective times! Any questions before we start?"

"Uh... yeah..." the wolf said as he stepped forward, practically drooling at the mouth. "Can I have your phone number?" The next sound the lupine made was a loud gasp as he was elbowed in the stomach by the human standing next to him.

"What he meant to ask I'm sure is how long will it take before we would get the results you're offering?" the same human asked. "Because we've been training for a quite a while and we've been having... less then optimal results. We just don't want to get excited and then find out it's going to take five years of coming here, and paying, to shave off a few seconds."

Both Dobrica and Calvech grinned at one another before they turned back and folded their arms across their chest. "Who said anything about multiple sessions?" Calvech asked. "You jump in our waters and we're going to have that time off your personal bests by the end of the lesson."

The entire group broke out into a fit of chuckles and laughter, though they quickly died off when they looked and saw that the two the two were serious. More than one of their group expressed that was impossible but before they could say much Dobrica blew on the whistle again and told them all to jump in the pool. They found themselves immediately doing so, Dobrica telling them to get ready to do laps as she took charge of the group. Though she had an idea of what to put them through in reality she was just looking for an opening to implement the next part of her plan.

Dobrica's target was the wolf that had been ogling both her and Calvech, watching as he attempted to keep up with the others while they swam back and forth. She could quickly see why this group wasn't getting anywhere in their training; not only was their form terrible but they couldn't even breathe properly or do a full stroke. The lupine was the worst of them all and she thought for a second that she might had to dive in and save him when he took a particularly bad push off a wall and choked for a few seconds on the water that flooded his mouth. Eventually she told the others to follow Calvech in some drills and directed the wolf to swim over to the other side of the pool for some personal lessons.

That seemed more than enough to motivate the male to swim on over, the orca-jay jumping in just as he managed to cross over to the other side of the rather large pool. "So why don't you swim with me and I'll help you figure out what's wrong with your form," she said with a grin, watching him nod eagerly before turning on his side. "So we're going to take you all the way to the other end of the pool and then you can show me how you mount the wall."

She swam up behind him, noting that his speedo was quite stretched in front, and began to show him the proper way of how to do a side stroke. Even though this was mostly just a way for her to press up against him she did find some serious flaws in his form that she wanted to correct, pressing her webbed hand up against his stomach while the other moved his outstretched arm. They continued to do that until they reached the shallow end of the pool, taking far longer than it should have before they both touched the wall. When he got there he stood up on the bottom of the pool just in time to get pushed back into the wall and kissed by his instructor.

"Whoa..." the wolf said, licking his lips as his muzzle curled up into a grin. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"

"Let's just say I like a swimmer with a nice... speedo," she said as she slid her hand down his chest, her spandex-webbed fingers curling around what she found inside as the wolf practically squirmed in her grasp. "So what do you say? Want to practice those wall-mounting skills?"

It was clear the wolf was no longer thinking straight, though as she continued to tease and stroke his throbbing member his eyes glanced over at the other members of the swim team. "But about the others..." he said, biting his lip slightly to prevent himself from making any sort of lustful sound. "They're going to see us."

"I'm pretty sure my coaching partner is going to be having some fun with them soon," Dobrica said breathily as she took her other hand and slid the speedo off of him, leaving him completely naked in the pool as she took her foot and kicked it away. "Plus you're already naked and hard as a rock, I'm pretty sure an erection like this is going to increase your drag and make you even slower in the pool."

The orca-jaw had completely pushed him over the edge as her hand reached further down and rubbed between his thighs, hearing the other male whimpering before nodding and switching positions so she was against the wall. It had been a while since she had done something as a female, the hybrid thought to herself as he pushed his muzzle against her breasts while undoing her top. The primary thought that she had in her mind was what was going to happen to the wolf; already she could see the matted fur of his face starting to blend together a little two well with the grey strands coalescing together. She and Calvech had a bet on what was going to happen to the team, Calvech thought they would all turn into a pod of orca hybrids like them while she believed they were going to turn into various sea spandex sea creatures.

The lupine wasted little time after he had gotten the rest of her swimsuit off, still clearly not realizing that her body was made of the same material, before pressing slightly tighter against her. With his feet able to touch the bottom he didn't have to worry about kicking to keep them afloat as he leaned in and kissed the hybrid, their tongues playing around one other as she felt his hard length starting to press up against her stomach. They continued to make out for a little bit and when they separated she could see his muzzle had already started to flatten slightly while his nose was completely covered with shiny grey spandex. At that point Dobrica had a few guesses on what he might be turning into, but she would have to wait until more of him changed as he began to slide that hard length along her inner thigh.

"I have to admit," the wolf said with a grin, which seemed to stretch before her eyes as the male remained oblivious to the transformation happening to him even as his teeth began to sharpen slightly. "This is the first time that I've ever done it in the water before."

"You're doing fine so far," Dobrica replied with a wink. "Just don't keep me treading water here for too long, you know what I want." To help emphasize the point she let her legs float up until they were at his waist and wrapped them around it, helping push them closer together. As the tip of his maleness touched her sensitive folds she could feel that he had already started to transform down there too, her calves rubbing up against familiar bumps on the side of his chest as he could feel him shudder slightly from the contact.

As he began to slide his cock into her synthetic pussy she shuddered from the unreal sensation, literally able to feel the fleshy rod transform to spandex while inside of her. She shuddered from the blissful sensations as the water began to form small waves around them while the changing lupine began to get into it, pushing up into her as his body continued to change. It was quickly becoming clear what the wolf was changing into, the grey spandex stretching over his body as his entire head mutated into a very shark-like configuration. She could feel his hips beginning to sway back and forth from the motion of his expanding tail as his excitement caused the waters around them to churn even more.

"Have I mentioned that you are a very handsome shark?" Dobrica said as the growing shark man took a second from plowing into her in order to accommodate his growing muscles pressing against her.

"You know it," the growing male said with a wink, his confidence level also far higher than it was before as he resumed plowing into her. Their spandex bodies continued to rub up against one another as she let the more dominant male take the lead, wondering idly how well Calvech was doing before letting out a loud moan.

Meanwhile on the other side of the pool Calvech had gotten the others to continue to do various swimming exercises and such, jumping in and helping them with their form. While swimming wasn't exactly her forte, the sport more up Dobrica's alley, she did know a thing or two to help. In reality though she was just stalling, making sure to touch and rub up against their bodies as much as possible. It was already starting to work quite well, more than one of them had a growing bulge in their speedos while patches of spandex had begun to appear on their bodies from the exposure to his own.

As Calvech told the others to tread water and try to hold their heads above water using only their feet the orca-mare saw that Dobrica was on the far end of a pool with a grey spandex shark thrusting into her. She couldn't believe that she accepted the job of taking care of the majority of the team and suspected that the orca-jay just wanted her to have more fun with her female form. The way that everyone on the team was getting riled up she figured that this was going to happen sooner rather than later, especially when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her spandex body and began to play with her breasts.

"Thought I would show you how well I've been practicing my technique," the snake whispered into her ear, her spandex body pressing against his bare scales as she felt something long and hard throb against her backside. "What do you think, do I need to work more on my floating or on my upward thrusting?"

"Well," Calvech replied as she took a second to steady her breath, remaining seductive while the pleasure of their bodies rubbing together was causing her to grow both aroused and flustered. "I'm not seeing a whole lot of upward thrusting technique. Maybe if you actually showed me some perhaps I could get a better idea."

"I actually could use some pointers as well," the tiger replied as he swam up to the two of them, his speedo already clearly off. "Think you could fit in one more?" As Calvech glanced over to the others they were all looking at them, one of the humans rubbing the bulge in their speedo as they watched while the other human and the bull had stripped their swimsuits off completely and had started to stroke one another. The magic of Modino was definitely working, the purple hybrid thought to herself as the two males pressed in between her, which meant she just had to lean back and reap the lustful benefits.

While Calvech wasn't exactly sure what the two males were planning they continued to keep the three of them afloat, their feet already stretching into webbed spandex versions as they angled their cocks against her. The tiger was keen on taking her from the front while the cobra was ready go in through the back, the orca-jay just holding on to the tiger while the other male pressed in behind her. Even though it was clear their lusts were ramped up to eleven they were surprisingly slow and gentle about it, both kissing tenderly along her neck and chest while they rubbed up against her. The two also definitely knew what they were doing, using their tongues and fingers to tease sensitive spots not only from her breasts and between her legs but other places as well.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Calvech said breathily. "Have you done something like this before? With a girl between you two? You seem awfully... practiced."

"This isn't the first time we've had someone between us," the cobra admitted, the tiger smirking slightly before going down and sucking on one of Calvech's nipples to cause her entire body to tremble. "Admittedly before it's been in one of our bedrooms instead of in the pool with the team watching, but one time we were both hitting on this same girl and she surprised us by asking if we both wanted to double-team her."

"We couldn't say no to that," the tiger added. "Ever since then it's kind of been our thing, if a girl is up for it we give one another a call and go in together."

It was getting hard for the two to talk and Calvech could feel why, the heads of their members rubbing against one another and her slick spandex holes. With her augmented body she believed she probably could have taken them both in her pussy, but it appeared that the two knew where they wanted to go. They all sank briefly under the water as the orca mare stopped kicking, as well as the tiger briefly, when the feline's hard cock pushed into her pussy, followed by the cobra doing the same underneath her tail. The three didn't seem to mind all that much about being underwater, their bodies quickly adapting to it as the spandex that had been creeping along their skin was fueled by their lusts to cover their chest and necks. They eventually did kick up and break the surface once more, but the transforming tiger and cobra made sure that their cocks stayed firmly inside the hybrid's holes.

As the two males began to thrust into her body, almost spreading her open in unison, Calvech still managed to take a look around and see what the other three were doing. The lone human had sat up on the wall and had his dick completely in his hand, which had grown webbed as he rubbed the shiny spandex shaft to stimulate himself. His chest and arms had also turned into a dark grey collar with white on his underbelly while his face swelled out into an angular muzzle. As a dorsal fin began to push out from his spine he seemed to realize that his increasingly spandex body had grown more flexible, and with the inclusion of his new maw and the extended length of his member he got the bright idea to push himself forward and start sucking on his own member.

For the bull and human the bigger bull had already started to hump into the human beneath him, both waving their shiny finned tails around as they thrashed about in the water. Calvech had seen them just as they sank down into the water as well, the bull's horns melting into his head as his bovine snout stretched and became more triangular in nature. "Sharks," the purple orca mare said with a smirk as he put all the pieces together with their various states of transformation. "They're all spandex sharks."

"Hell yeah we are," the tiger shark in front of her said, holding onto the cobra's shoulders behind her and pushing upwards to get even more of his spandex cock into her pussy. "You just entered into the middle of our feeding frenzy."

"More like breeding frenzy," the cobra shark replied, his increasingly lengthening muzzle pressing against her neck as they went in for a three-way kiss. It dawned on Calvech this was why at least one of them had to be female, these two clearly into having someone between them while still teasing and stimulating one another's male forms as well. As they sank once more underneath the water the two had refocused their efforts on sliding into her from both ends, practically feeling their cocks touching each other inside her own body at they made her quiver every time they pushed into her together. The purple mare-orca wasn't sure how long they went at it under the water but she felt herself orgasm several times from it, her pussy tightening around the striped shark cock inside her folds as the water became increasingly disturbed around them.

The two males continued to stretch open her holes as they began to swish their tails back and forth, using their new fins to propel the three of them around the pool while they had sex. It was rather intense being underwater, feeling it all around as they continued to rut into one another. After their second lap in the pool all three let out a torrent of bubbles as they came, the orca-mare in particular crying out under the waves as she was suddenly filled from both ends. The two males had gone in deep before they came and triggered yet another orgasm from her, and as they continued to spasm and jerk against one another they slowly sank to the bottom of the pool.

As they continued to rest against one another, the tiger and cobra shark with their arms still wrapped around Calvech and one another, they saw the spandex bull shark was also sitting at the bottom with the former human wiggling on the cock embedded deep in his spandex hole. It appeared everyone was finishing up their transformations, the three looking up to see their wolf shark companion swimming naked along the surface while holding the hand of the orca-jay. It didn't take long for the other two to pull out of the orca-mare, causing her entire body to spasm from feeling the silken walls of her pussy and tailhole squeeze around the exiting members as they swam up.

Once they had gotten finished with their fun, which included the two orca-hybrids having a bit more time swimming with the sharks playing both normal and more erotic pool games, they finally said they had to leave. The whole group of six spandex creatures let out a collective groan and told them not to go, but Calvech and Dobrica insisted and left them to play with one another while they went into the locker room. "Well I think that was a resounding success," Dobrica said as the two went to the showers to wash the salt water off of their shiny spandex bodies. "Looks like Modino has six more clients or minions or whatever he wants to call them."

"At the very least a few of them will probably exchange working in their aquatics program for free memberships," Calvech said with a grin.

"And how did you enjoy your time as a girl?" Dobrica asked, coming up from behind the orca-mare and giving her breasts a squeeze. "Think you would do it again?"

The purple hybrid shuddered as she turned around their breasts pressing together as they let their hands roam over their synthetic forms. "I think that you could probably convince me to do it again," Calvech said as they let their muzzles brush up against one another before returning to cleaning themselves off. "Who knows, maybe we're going to have to be girls again for whatever Santer has planned."

"That's right, we still have a group thing to do with him," Dobrica replied. "And then... that's actually it, at least according to them. Hard to believe that our time here is coming to a close, feels like we got abducted and coerced to wrestle one another while changing into leather and spandex versions of ourselves yesterday."

Calvech chuckled at that, then looked down at the soap bubbles swirling around towards the bottom of the drain. "I suppose it's for the best," the orca-mare stated as she rinsed herself off. "In the end we're just here to help, we're not like those who join these two for the long haul. It's best if we take this one last mission and then part ways with them... plus, I mean, just because we don't work for them doesn't mean we can't visit every once in a while."

"Hey, that's true," Dobrica quickly collaborated. "They've already said that there's going to be a general area for those who aren't interested in all the special programs that they have to offer, who's to say that we can't be a part of that? Maybe they'll even offer us a discount for pulling their feet from the fire like we did so they didn't have to talk to their brothers about it."

The moods of the two considerably brightened as they continued to discuss the potential on making this their new workout spot while they dried off, then realized sheepishly that they had left the swim trunks in the pool. Being spandex creatures, it was hard to remember that they weren't wearing a zentai suit and that they were actually naked, the two taking a number of towels and wrapping them around one another. It was only until they got to the employee area did they remember they would probably have to change into something else anyway, in this case quite literally as they went up the stairs. Inside the employee lounge they found a leather moose and spandex bull trainer watching something on the television while sucking each other off, but when they saw the two come in they finished off and let the two have their privacy.

"Not sure I could ever get used to seeing that every day either," Calvech commented with a smirk as she took both her and Dobrica's towels to put in the bin. "By the end of the first week this whole room is probably going to smell like musk and spunk."

She heard a chuckle from the other hybrid, then after putting the towels away turned back to see the orca jay holding up a pair of harnesses and leather jockstraps. "So about that last task we have to do," Dobrica said as she tossed the purple one to her while keeping the blue one for herself. "Something tells me we aren't going to be staying girls for this one."