Cooperative Management (8/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Cooperative Management

The two find themselves at a roadblock in the form of a loan officer that isn't willing to work with them for any amount of money. But luckily for them they were in a place where they had alternative means to coerce something. When they find that he has a rather unusual request both Dobrica and Calvech volunteer to fulfill it.

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"Hey, this isn't an Italian restaurant," Falco said as they got out of the cab they had taken and stepped up in front of the Loan Wolf Mortgage and Auto, the place that Santer found out was the holder of the note for Lazarus' casino. "I was promised cannoli."

"We will get you all the cannoli you can stuff your beak with after we run this little errand for Santer," Dobrica said, the female orca-jay patting the metal falcon on the shoulder. "All we have to do first is find out if there's a way we can buy out the loan and become the note holder to possibly hold over the head of a corrupt casino owner and help out a few leather stallions. Should be in and out."

The avian synth frowned, then sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Fine," he said before pointing to the both of them, his digital eyes narrowing slightly. "I'm going to order the Feast of Italy though and I'm not... sharing... at all..."

Calvech and Dobrica nodded, shrugging their shoulders at each other after the bird had passed by them since it was going to be Falco that paid for their dinner anyway. They followed the snyth into the store and found it to be a rather small operation; in fact the only one there was a lupine that sat at a desk behind the counter. They went up and rang the small bell on it, prompting the wolf to look up at them.

"Oh, welcome to Loan Wolf," the wolf said as he got up, straightening his tie while heading towards them. "Since I don't have an appointment for the next hour you must be walk-ins. I'm Fredrick, owner and operator of this establishment, what can I do you for? Coming to take advantage of the low fixed rate before the fed announcement?"

"Actually we've come to talk to you about a loan that you already have on the books," Calvech replied. "It concerns a Mr. Lazarus Simms, the owner of the casino a couple miles southwest of the downtown area. We understand that he's taken out a sizable amount in order to renovate and expand his business."

"Yes, we do have a loan on file for that establishment," Fredrick replied. "Are you representatives of Mr. Simms?"

The three looked at one another, then Dobrica coughed and straightened her shirt. "We're here because we wish to buy out that loan from you," the orca-jay explained. "In exchange for transfer of the note to us we are prepared to offer you the full sum of the amount in addition to whatever Mr. Simms has paid you for the commission, as well as the future accrued interest of a new venture and a small but considerable bonus for doing business with us."

"Well... that certainly is quite the offer, isn't it?" the wolf said as he leaned on the counter, moving back and forth for a second before tapping the surface with his fingers. "But I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your offer, I won't be selling off that, or any other, loan to any third party."

"Why not?" Calvech somewhat blurted out before reining it back in. "I mean, this is a completely legal avenue and you are getting quite the payout on an already sizable loan. Plus you wouldn't be taking on the risk anymore if Mr. Simms can't pay it off."

"Look, it's not that I can't sell off the loan if I wanted to, and I certainly understand that a note of that size and backing could have quite influence on someone," Fredrick explained as he sat back down at his desk. "It's also the reason why I'm not going to do it. The reason why people like Mr. Simms come to a place like this is because they know that unlike banks or other big firms I'm not just going to dump the debt at the first sign of trouble. It's also why I require such large amounts of collateral; as long as the note is with me, they can be assured it'll stay with me until it's paid off or I have to default them on it."

Both Dobrica and Calvech tried not to frown as they asked the wolf if they wouldn't mind them stepping away to converse privately, the lupine nodding and telling them to take all the time they need and to help themselves to a cup of coffee if they wanted. The three moved over to a corner of the office and huddled up, discussing what their next plan of attack was. It was clear that they probably couldn't offer any monetary incentive, which was the main reason why the avian with the capacity to produce unlimited funds was there, to get the wolf to cough up the note. It meant they were going to have to offer something so extraordinary that he would be willing to risk his reputation just to experience it... fortunately for them they had a place where all they did was fulfill people's desires.

"Hey Falco," Calvech said. "I saw Santer do something with Lazarus where he knew that the guy really liked plushies and turned him into one, can you do anything like that?"

"I'm not going to be turning anyone into a plushie anytime soon," Falco replied with a smirk. "But if you're talking about his ability to know what people desire deep down inside I can kind of do it to a lesser extent, mostly detecting really big kinks they might have or ones that lurk on the surface. I'm not as good as any of the nexus creatures but I can give it a try."

"See what you can do," Dobrica replied. "You find something out that can help us pull the rug out from that crocodile and I'll make sure you get a whole ice cream cake."

The falcon's eyes lit up and told them to go wait outside while he did his magic, not wanting to distract the wolf with their presence. The two nodded and went outside, looking through the window as the synthetic avian went over and began to talk with Fredrick once more. "You're going to have him buy his own ice cream cake," Calvech stated. "Aren't you?"

"Of course," Dobrica replied. "But I would settle for chipping in if he can get us a way to snag that note."

The two continued to wait outside for almost an hour before Falco came back out, telling them that he may have a solution to their problem. "It wasn't easy," he stated as they started to walk down the street towards the Italian restaurant that he had been promised. "But I finally managed to get the guy to open up a little and see what sort of things he might desire that he would only be able to get from someone like us."

"And?" Dobrica said. "What sort of strange thing is he into?" The Falcon looked at her, then laughed and shook his head as he continued to walk, prompting the other two to look at one another at what it could be.


A few hours later Dobrica and Calvech sat in one of the changing rooms in the fitness center, one of them holding a black zentai suit while the other had one that was a dazzling white. "So, you remember when I said the identical cheetahs was the strangest thing that could have happened to me while I was here?" Dobrica stated as she held up the lupine-shaped stretchy fabric. "I was wrong, what we're about to do is definitely the strangest thing."

"If it makes you feel better we're only supposed to be stand-ins," Calvech replied as he carefully slid his hoof into the leg hole, already feeling it start to shift and split into separate digits. "Once he sort of takes over then we get shunted out, he gives us the loan note, and then Santer can implement his part of the plan. Plus it's kind of like the cheetah thing if you think about it, just... a little bit more intimate when it comes to personal space."

"A lot more intimate," Dobrica said, his own orca-jay lower body starting to shift as he slid the slinky black material up his body and felt his muscles shifting. "I'm definitely going to ask Modino or Santer how something like this works once we're done. I'd go now, but our new client is here and I would hate to keep him waiting for his... experience."

Calvech nodded and finished sliding on the white zentai suit, his body shivering slightly as he felt his equine features get smoothed over into lupine ones. As Dobrica finished doing the same he looked himself over in the nearby mirror, running his hands along his body in order to get out the wrinkles. Even though he could see perfectly through the spandex his eyes were completely covered and it was so flat against the rest of his head that it looked like never had them to begin with. The same was for his ears, nose, and mouth, to the point he almost looked like some sort of artificial doll.

About a minute later Dobrica had undergone the same treatment, looking almost identical to Calvech as his beak gave way to the muzzle of the wolf costume. They didn't have any identifying features on their forms, which was the entire point as they gave one another a thumbs up before heading out the door. Both were unsure of what was about to happen after this, all they knew was that it wouldn't be long before Lazarus would manage to get out of his plushified state and take his four charges with him.

The area they had walked into was a virtual reality area similar to the place that Dobrica had taken his first client, but instead of being part of a running simulator this was a place for yoga, tai chi, and general meditation. Santer and Modino had invited Fredrick to participate in a new stress-release class that they promised would change his life, and with a little convincing they managed to get him to come in on short notice. While it would have been easier to get him in by saying they were about to make one of his dreams come true he probably wouldn't have believed them. Modino told them not to worry though, saying that sometimes it was better if they left things like this as a surprise.

When the two walked into the meditation room they were greeted with a cool breeze and the illusion of being surrounded by a sandy desert at night. Even knowing it was a simulation they couldn't help but stare at the scenery and feel like it was a clear, cool night with an endless sea of stars around them. The only illumination in the entire area was a virtual campfire about twenty feet ahead of them, not only marking the middle of the room but also where their target was. After a quick round of rock-paper-scissors to determine their introduction order Calvech found himself going up first.

The white spandex wolf moved into position and saw that Fredrick was sitting there in a typical meditation pose, staying remarkably still as the flames crackled next to him. With the wolf's eyes closed it made it easy for him to sneak over until he was directly in front of him, and once he was in position he raised his hand up and gave a signal. A few seconds later the entire desert started to shimmer and shift with a psychedelic hue, followed by a strong wind that blew through the simulated desert that caused the wolf to open his eyes and look around instinctively. It didn't take long for him to see Calvech standing in front of him, gasping and standing up to face the muscular lupine.

"I... didn't think it was possible," Fredrick said as he slowly reached up, pressing against the chest of the male standing in front of him while looking around as the swirling colors. "Am I... actually in the spirit world?"

Calvech found himself nodding his head, still in slight disbelief that something like this is what a loan officer desired most of all... but he could see the pure joy on his face. "Are you the one that brought me here?" the wolf asked, still touching against his body as he circled around it. "I'm not sure spirits get flattered or offended but I have to say, I didn't expect my pathfinder to be so... handsome."

Well, that was fast, Calvech thought to himself as he went into the next phase of the process. He went over and began to undress the other male, whom was more than eager to engage with the spandex spirit as he began to get more amorous with his form. More than once he heard the other male start to touch lower before quickly retreating his hands, blushing and apologizing before asking if that was alright. Calvech decided to give the other wolf all the permission that he would need by ripping off the shirt of the wolf wore before pressing their bare chests together and bringing him in for a kiss.

While it was a bit tough for Calvech to use his mouthless muzzle to simulate such an act it appeared Fredrick was more than willing to make up for the effort, feeling the other lupine practically melting in his arms even after they broke their kiss. "I... didn't think that it would be like this..." he said breathily as he looked up at the bigger male. "But I like it."

Calvech just turned the wolf around and slid his hands downwards, partially to take off his pants but also so that Fredrick could see the other creature that had just walked into the light of the fire. He could hear the lupine gasp as the black zentai wolf started to slink his way up to him. "A dark spirit..." Fredrick whispered, pressing up against Calvech and not even realizing that he had gotten his pants and underwear pulled down in the process. "What... what do I do?"

When it felt like the actual wolf was about to bolt Calvech quickly held him there, tightening his arms around the other male in the most reassuring way possible and nuzzling against his head. For Dobrica's part the black zentai wolf was making sure not to approach too fast or act in a threatening manner. Together the two managed to keep the wolf from freaking out, hearing him muttering something about the duality of nature or something like that. They could also see that he was very much enjoying this as, despite the initial shock... or possibly because of, his cock was already halfway hard and still growing.

Dobrica was more than happy to take care of that part, continuing to move up to Fredrick until he was close enough to touch him and wrapped his spandex hand against the hardening member. This caused the wolf to pretty much stop all the talking he was doing, the only thing coming out of his mouth was a moan as Calvech rubbed his hands up and down the furry throat and chest of the male in front of him. He could feel the male in his grasp practically shivering against him and they hadn't even gotten to the final phase of their little show.

Dobrica nuzzled and rubbed against the member of the wolf for a few more seconds to get him all properly riled up, then rubbed his muscular body up against him as well so that he was between the two zentai creatures he thought were spirits. Even without their eyes Dobrica and Calvech could tell they were looking at one another, as though wondering if they were really going to do this, before Dobrica turned around and rubbed his butt against the groin of the surprised wolf. "I wonder if this is what they meant by conquering the darkness," the lustful creature said as he licked his lips, finding a completely formed tailhole that was pressing against the head of his cock. "But if I got to do it."

While Fredrick was infatuated with the spandex hole being presented to him Calvech took the opportunity to take his own synthetic cock and start to do the same. It was similar to what happened to him in the pool, except he wasn't going to be in the middle and he wasn't a girl. As soon as he began to push the head of his cock into the other male he could feel the wolf jump slightly, though he and Dobrica maintained a sturdy grip on him the entire time. As Fredrick's member began to slide into the hole in front of him he was trembling in pleasure so much that Calvech had to grab Dobrica by his hips and push them together, which caused all three males to get a surge of pleasure.

"Oh yes..." Fredrick hissed as he was sandwiched between the two, feeling the cock inside him throb while his did the same to the one in front of him. "Spirits, take me, use my body..." If Dobrica and Calvech had mouths they would have laughed at that statement, knowing that was exactly what was going to happen. The white spandex wolf took the lead on thrusting forward to stimulate the other two males in front of him, and he began to see both his and Dobrica's synthetic skin starting to crawl over the bare fur of the one between him.

Normally this would be where the person would get covered and their transformation into whatever creature they felt like being would start, but as they began to get into a rhythm of Dobrica pushing back while Calvech pushing forward it was also causing their bodies to start to sink into the one in the middle. Fredrick was so lost in the haze of pleasure he didn't notice that Calvech's thrusts had become far shallower as his groin merged into the rear of the other wolf. For Dobrica it was in reverse, his sculpted spandex glutes began to deform and get pulled further into the male between them as the black and white spandex began to mix together where they touched. For the white spandex wolf it felt like his cock was going deeper into the other male until it was like he was plowing through Fredrick and into Dobrica as they pressed their feet together.

The sudden pressure against his toes finally caused Fredrick to look down just in time to see the spandex legs of the other two creatures merging into his own, the black and white mixing together to become grey spandex. Both Dobrica and Calvech could feel a spike of pleasure coming from the wolf in the middle at that realization, especially seeing how incredibly thick his new powerful paws were. The mass underneath the spreading spandex continued to ripple out to fill in the rifts and valleys between the six separate appendages until it was one single powerful pair of muscular legs that stood there in the simulated desert. As the two felt the toes curling experimentally they realized that their feet were no longer under their control, but since this wasn't going to be their body for long anyway it didn't matter as Calvech could feel his own tail starting to wag against his will.

The other two tails, the one belonging to Fredrick and the one that was Dobrica's, were pressed together and absorbed into their shared body as they found themselves no longer able to thrust into one another anymore. For the middle male that didn't seem to matter anymore, he was so lost in the ecstasy of believing that two spirits were possessing and changing him they could have tickled him and gotten him off. They were still only halfway done though and to speed up the process Calvech took his muscular arms and wrapped them around the other two males before pulling them tight. As soon as the white and black spandex touched it spread out, the white spandex wolf's arms melting into the chest of the black spandex wolf while being pulled into the body in the middle.

Dobrica decided to help as well and all three of them let out moans of pure bliss as he reached up and grabbed the wolf's arms before pulling them downward to their shared chest. They didn't merge into it like Calvech's appendages did but the front spandex wolf did feel his arms coating the other set as their combined musculature grew, their grey spandex-covered pectorals grew huge and his stomach became an eight-pack abs. Their shoulders popped and expanded as the last bastion of their merging, their heads, were the only things that hadn't come together yet. With their frame growing larger however and the mixing spandex creeping up Fredrick's neck their lupine faces didn't seem to get only closer, merely get drawn towards one another's sides until the three heads were sitting next to one another on the thick shoulders of the spandex beast.

While the shiny grey material continued to slide its way up Fredrick's head the spandex was doing the same to Dobrica and Calvech, feeling foreign thoughts entering their mind along with the pleasure coming from their merging. Their muzzles began to shift and the material on them split apart where their lips would be, matching the lupine muzzle of the one in the middle. One of their hands had already gone down to their very thick spandex cock and had started to stroke it as Fredrick grunted and snarled, becoming overwhelmed by the sensations being fed to him from all three of their shifting forms. Dobrica and Calvech could also sense one another's thoughts and they got an idea that as long as they still had control over their own heads they may as well give the wolf a taste of his new body.

Their shared body practically came right there as the two side ends went to the one on the middle and began to make out with it, their flexible necks allowing them to turn and both shove their tongues into their central head. Mentally they could feel Fredrick losing his mind, his fantasy coming true before his eyes as the hand on their shaft stroked harder and faster. For Dobrica and Calvech their senses were becoming more muted as he could sense Fredrick being able to see through their eyes, hear through their ears, and eventually started to think their thoughts for them as three heads suddenly became linked as one singular creature.

The new spandex Cerberus came hard and as the second after it orgasmed all three sets of eyes practically went cross before the huge creature fell onto his back as two forms apparated out of the body on climax. "That's got to be the most blissful look I've ever seen," Dobrica said as he and Calvech looked over the lupine, all three heads snoring loudly with a blissed-out expression on their face. "Do you think he's still going to call his business Loan Wolf now that he's got three heads?"

Calvech just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, then flexed his equine arms as the desert simulation around them ended. In those last moments before the climax of the Cerberus the two found themselves shunted out of the shared body, neither of them lupines nor spandex as everything went dark for a second before the lights flickered to life. "It appears that our dear Fredrick had a very good time," Santer said as he and Modino walked in. "While he's not going to remember us doing this to him the effect is still going to be the same, he's going to be very grateful to us for setting up this appointment for him and will likely sell us the note now."

"That's great news Santer," Dobrica said with a nod. "I do have some questions though about this particular case. Do you know why he wanted to become a Cerberus in the first place, since Falco wasn't able to glean that information out of him, and how the three heads going to function if he thinks that two spirits are controlling them? Also is he going to keep those heads when he leaves or will he only be a Cerberus while in here, and if he does retain that form how is reality going to suddenly explain a three-headed creature walking around?"

"Wow, that was a lot of questions," Modino said before looking to Santer. "Do you think you could bring him into your office so that when he wakes up you can make whatever deal needs to be made while I sort out our inquisitive friend?"

"You got it," Santer said with a chuckle, hoisting up the three-headed spandex creature on his back and walking out the door while Modino turned to the other two.

"Now I didn't speak with him too much personally, but from the look of it he was someone who, while enjoying his independence, always wished he had someone to bounce ideas off of and double-check his work," Modino explained, clapping his hands to bring back the desert camp scene and gesturing for the two to sit down around the fire while he did so himself. "That, combined with an attraction to mythological creatures such as the Cerberus, is what developed the fantasy you just helped him play out. Now when he wakes up it's going to be like he always had three heads, my guess based on other times I've seen this is that the two side heads will be the more extreme aspects of his personality while the one in the middle is his main self... sort of like an angel and a devil on your shoulder. Also, strangely one side is usually quite lusty... the left one if I remember correctly, though who really knows."

"That's fascinating," Calvech explained. "And what about his fitting in with the rest of the world?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if we suddenly see a few more cerberi floating around the city," Modino said with a small chuckle. "Reality has a funny way of compensating for an anomaly, and for us if we've made a new species it tends to react with the world turning more people who would be interested in such things into that species. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we get a dozen more people wandering in here wanting to be spandex cerberi as well, though outside of the center they'll just be cerberi... probably."

The two discussed for a little while more before Dobrica and Calvech got up, expressing their desire to be there with Santer so they could see if their planned worked. A few minutes later the three of them were all in the black leather stallion's office watching as the creature suddenly snapped to attention, all the lupine spandex heads looking around before fixating on Santer himself. To all their surprise not only did Fredrick remember his transformation but eagerly wanted to be a minion of the spandex bull, whom he easily called Master Modino when the nexus creature walked into his field of vision. That turned out to be quite the lucky break, not only because it got them the note but it turned out that one of the three lupine heads of the creature was a certified public accountant while the other one was a notary.

"Who would have thought that banking would be so much fun?" Santer said to Dobrica and Calvech after the cerberus wolf walked out of the door, the three heads discussing where they wanted to go as they left. "It appears that we have our leverage, which means that next we need to have a little talk with Mr. Simms." The eyes of all three looked up at the shelf on the office, watching as the leather crocodile plushie had begun to shift and bulge before falling to the floor. "And it looks like it's not a moment too soon, our next appointment is going to be arriving very, very shortly."